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Amirah Tsabit
ah H.

Our F. Khairunnisa. As

member Khaliilah Alya

a R.

aili Aufa H.
Nazwa L
Today, you'll be Did You Know?

able to know:

Moral value of the story

Action verbs
The story of the legend
of N'Daung Snake?
What is moral value
of a story?

Moral values include

the lesson that being honest, kind,
story teaches showing respect to
about how to others, helping
behave in the others, having a
world. sense of self contro.l
Moral of the story
The legend of N'Daung Snake

we must be grateful for

We must be such good what we have and
and kind kids to our should not be jealous of
mother. Even in her other people's
worst phase, we have achievements
to take care of them as
they take care of us.
What is action verbs?

An action verb is a verb Example:

that expresses something
that a person, animal,
"the youngest
object, or process in
daughter nodded in
nature (such as a storm)
can do rather than an agreement."
expressing a state of
Action verbs in this

said grabbed hissed

went put crying

reached steal begging

thank you for listeing us :D
see ya in another chance

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