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 Hi, nice to meet you, mr borhan, mr Oscar and miss minie.

My name is amir imran bin mohd

radzi I would like to present you about the business registration and partnership agreement.
About the business you guys invole.
 Firstly I would like to present about the business registration. In law on Malaysia The
business is registered as a partnership under the Registration of Business Act 1956(section
5). The register of the business after one week of the date commencement of othe
business. Based on the act business owner cannot late 30 days to register business. In order
to register the business legally we need to fill form PNA and form A for the agreement=.
 Second, this is the form. The form are include the background of yourself such as name ,
identity card number, address of the business, skills also the capital that you involve in the
partnership agreement for starting the business and the signature you should sign.
 Third is the partnership agreement, this are include the the details such as the name of the
company that you guys is daily stationery.then location of business in kota kinabalu sabah
also the equity contribution total up is 15000. 5000 per person.
 Then Financial matters The profit and loss of the Daily Stationery will distributed among
the shareowner per the proportion of their capital equity. If one in every of the
shareholders is asserted bankrupt or has many liabilities or has been forestall cheating,
all the opposite shareowner has the right to get rid of the guilty shareowner. If
shareholder doesn't wish to continue his or involvement within the business, his or her
capital can pay after the profit and loss of the Daily stationery has been taken into
consideration. The financial manager keeps all the accounts and every one shareholders
are allowed to view the account
 Lastly, is Death and Dissolvement in PARTNERSHIP ACT 1961 CONSEQUENCES 35
Dissolvement relies upon at the settlement of all of the shareholders in subjects
concerning dying or lack of sanity. Then, the shareholder have to get the income or
capital till the shareholder is quit.

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