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Assignment No: 1

Subject : Systematic Zoology

Topic: F test,T test & Chi test

Department: Zoology

Semester : 2nd

Submitted To : Dr. Ahmed Ali

Submitted By : Group 7

Members: Urva-Til-Wusqa , KhaDija Ramzan ,Romaisa ,Amna Saeed, Amina

Javaid, Shams ur Rahman, Abdul Basit, Fouzia Manzoor, Sobia Manzoor, Komal


T Test:

 It is a parametric test of hypothesis testing based on Student’s

 It is developed by William Sealy Gosset.
 It is essentially, testing the significance of difference of the mean values
when the sample size is small and when population standard deviation is
not given.

It assumes:

 Population distribution is normal

 Samples are random & independent
 Sample size is small
 Population standard deviation is not known.

A T test can be a:

 One sample T-Test

 Two sample T-Test

One sample T-Test:

Used to compare sample mean with that of population mean.

Two sample T-Test:

To compare means of two different samples
F Test:

 It is a parametric test of hypothesis testing based on Snedecor F-

 F test is named after its test statistic,F,which was named in the honour of
Sir Ronald Fisher.
 It is a test for null hypothesis that two normal populations have the same
 An F-test is regarded as a comparison of equality of sample variances
 F-test is simply a ratio of two variances

It is calculated as:
 By changing the variance in the ratio, F-test becomes a very flexible test.

It can be used to:

 Test the overall significance for a regression model

 To compare the fits of different models
 To test the equality of means

It assumes;

 Population distribution is normal

 Samples are drawn randomly & independently

Chi-square test :

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