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The Role of The Younger Generation as Agents of Change in The Era of Society 5.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Hamdan wa syukran lillah shalatan wa salaman ‘ala rasulillah wa ‘ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma’in amma
The honorable ladies and gentlemen of the jury
And all my friends who are happy today

There are no words that are the most beautiful that I can convey other than praise and gratitude to the
presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed his grace and gift on us. So that, we are still given the
opportunity to gather in this competition. Don’t forget shalawat and greetings, are also always
bestowed on our lord the great prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the darkness era
to this era.
Before I start my speech, let me introduce myself. My name is Rakhimi Aulia Shyfa from SMA
Negeri 1 Karanganyar. On this occasion let me deliver a speech entitled “The role of the younger
generation as agents of change in the era of society 5.0”

Ladies and gentlemen

As we know, young generation is the forerunner of the nation’s future. Now a days, young generation
is a creative people, they can always make something interesting and also applying a creative solution
to solve problem. The younger generation is needed in the era of society 5.0, why?
Because the younger generation has creative, inspiring, behavior, and tends to like to make something
new with the skills they have. The younger generation especially all of us who are here, must be ready
to face the 5.0 era of society.
Ladies and gentlemen
Do you know what era 5.0 society was? Society 5.0 is where humans are the main component in
creating new values in current technological developments. Facing the change and developments of
this era that are getting faster, of course there are lots of changes that cannot be avoided. Indonesian
youth are the forefront in the process of national struggle renewal and development. All the potential
that today’s young generation has must be able to take advantage of the enormous potential of it’s
youth, both in terms of quantity and in terms of quality. Innovation’s owned by Indonesia’s young
generation can be important capital to face society in the 5.0 era.
So, what is the role as the younger generation as agents of change in facing society in the 5.0 era?
The first, has a high critical power. That is, the younger generation must be careful in viewing or
reading news, nowadays there are so many hoaxes. So, we as the younger generation must be able to
sort out which of them is the truth.
Second, having a collaborative, emancipative, creative, innovative, and inclusive character. With
these values we are taught to work together, respect each other’s opinions, enrich perspectives dealing
with every problem. So as to be able to solve problems with ideas and various alternative solutions. It
also teaches us to increase tolerance, respect, appreciate and embrace differences.
Third, we as the younger generation are also digital talents, digital entrepreneurs and potential from
domestic product. This means that we have to love and develop the culture that belongs to Indonesia,
so that our children and grandchildren always remember it.
The strategy or things that youth can do to be successful in facing society 5.0 era is to keep up with
the times well, leadership, foreign language skills, IT technology and writing skills are needed.
One of the roles of domestic youth who have been able to adapt in facing society 5.0 era is Japan.
Because of the rapid development technology. The role of Japanese youth is very influential in
changing society in the 5.0 era, namely using technology as well as possible so that there are able to
integrate rich space and physical space into one.
Therefore, come on the younger generation, especially all of us who are here, believe that you can do
it. We as the next generation of young people must be ready to face society in the 5.0 era. To support
Indonesia to become a nation that is no less advanced that other countries. If not us, who else? The
next generation of young people must be aware of how important they are. Come on, we are young
people are the front line. Don’t be careless don’t be weak. Together, we will create a developed

Maybe that all I can say, sorry if there I have many lacks
Jazakumullah khair
Wabillahi taufik wal hidayah
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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