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Contemporary Business 16th Edition

Boone Test Bank

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Chapter 9—Top Performance through Empowerment, Teamwork, and


Complete the following using the terms listed.

a. low-context culture
b. Affective conflict
c. performing stage
d. cross-functional team
e. Noise
f. team norms
g. Encoding
h. self-managed team
i. grapevine
j. norming stage
k. Team diversity
l. Virtual teams
m. Cognitive conflict
n. External communication
o. listening
p. communication
q. Team cohesiveness
1. _____ refers to the emotional reactions that can occur when disagreements become personal
rather than professional.
2. A group of workers who are empowered with the authority to decide how its members complete
their daily tasks is called a(n) _____.
3. During the _____, team members resolve differences, accept each other, and reach broad
agreement about the roles of team leader and other participants.
4. _____ is some type of interference during the communication process that influences the
transmission of messages and feedback.
5. Standards of conduct shared by team members that guide their behavior are called _____.
6. A(n) _____ is a combination of workers from different functional areas; such as production,
marketing, and finance.
7. The _____ is an internal channel that informally passes information from unofficial sources.
8. _____ are groups of geographically or organizationally dispersed co-workers who use a
combination of telecommunications and information technologies to accomplish an organization-
al task.

9. During the _____, team members focus on solving problems and accomplishing tasks.
10. In a(n) ____, communication relies on explicit written and verbal messages.
11. _____ represents the variances in ability, experience, personality, or any other factor on a team.
12. The meaningful exchange of information through messages is called _____.
13. _____ a message means that the sender translates its meaning into understandable terms.

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14. _____ focuses on problem-related differences of opinion, and reconciling those differences to
improve team performance.
15. _____ is the extent to which team members are attracted to the team and motivated to remain part
of it.
16. _____ is a meaningful exchange of information through messages transmitted between an
organization and its major audiences.
17. The skill of receiving a message and interpreting its genuine meaning is _____.

1. ANS: b DIF: EASY LO: 9.5 Section: Describe team

conflict AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K
2. ANS: h DIF: EASY LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the
five types of teams AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K
3. ANS: j DIF: EASY LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team
characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K
4. ANS: e DIF: EASY LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the
importance of effective communication AACSB Analytical thinking BT:
5. ANS: f DIF: EASY LO: 9.4 Section: Evaluate team
cohesiveness and norms AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K
6. ANS: d DIF: EASY LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the
five types of teams AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K
7. ANS: i DIF: EASY LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the
basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K
8. ANS: l DIF: EASY LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the
five types of teams AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

9. ANS: c DIF: EASY LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team

characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K
10. ANS: a DIF: EASY LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the
importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

11. ANS: k DIF: EASY LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team

characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K
12. ANS: p DIF: EASY LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the
importance of effective communication AACSB Analytical thinking BT:
13. ANS: g DIF: EASY LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the
importance of effective communication AACSB Analytical thinking BT:
14. ANS: m DIF: EASY LO: 9.3 Section: Describe team
conflict AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K
15. ANS: q DIF: EASY LO: 9.4 Section: Evaluate team
cohesiveness and norms AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

16. ANS: n DIF: EASY LO: 9.8 Section: Compare the

basic forms of communication. AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

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17. ANS: o DIF: EASY LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the
basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K


18. Describe how extending decision making and activities generally handled by managers to
employees can lead to employee empowerment. Provide a brief example.

Even among non-management staff, empowerment extends to decisions and activities traditional-
ly handled by managers. Employees might be responsible for such tasks as purchasing supplies,
making hiring decisions, scheduling production or work hours, overseeing the safety program,
and granting pay increases. This can be an especially powerful tool in many health care environ-
ments. At Lebanon Valley Brethren Home, a long-term care facility in Pennsylvania, workers at
all levels are empowered to do whatever it takes to improve the quality of their elderly residents’
lives. Caregivers are responsible for the overall management of their households, including meals
and housekeeping. They make decisions for individual residents ranging from sleep schedules to
room lighting.

DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss empowering employ-

ees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: C

19. Explain the key differences between employee stock ownership plans and employee stock option

Both employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) and stock options are ways of linking rewards to
company performance. Both methods give employees a stake in the continuing prosperity of their
companies through ownership. In an ESOP, the company buys shares of stock on behalf of
employees as a retirement benefit. The accounts continue to grow in value tax-free, and when
employees leave the company, they cash in their stock shares. Stock options give employees the
right to buy shares of the company's stock at a specified price for a specified period of time.
Unlike an ESOP, employees directly own the stock if they exercise their options.

DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss empowering employ-

ees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: C

20. Define cross-functional teams and explain the emphasis on communication.

A team made up of members from different functions, such as production, marketing, and
finance, is called a cross-functional team. Most often, cross-functional teams work on specific
problems or projects, but they can also serve as permanent work team arrangements. The value of
cross-functional teams comes from their ability to bring different perspectives—as well as
different types of expertise—to a work effort. Communication is key to the success of cross-
functional teams. Chatter is a networking tool developed by that allows internal
information sharing across different business units and divisions of companies. Chatter “is an
integrated view into your entire business,” says Marc Benioff,’s co-founder.

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DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the five types of
teams AACSB Analytical thinking BT: C

21. What are the advantages and drawbacks of virtual teams?

The principal advantage of virtual teams is that they are very flexible. Employees can work with
each other regardless of physical location, time zone, or organizational affiliation. Because of
their very nature, virtual teams that are scattered across the globe can be difficult to manage.

DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the five types of

teams AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

22. What is the ideal size for a team? What challenges do smaller or larger groups pose for team

According to research, the ideal size for a team is about seven. A group of this size is big enough
to benefit from a variety of diverse skills, yet small enough to allow members to communicate
easily and feel part of a close-knit group. Groups that are smaller or larger pose different
challenges for team leaders. Small groups often show a desire to get along with one another and
tend to favor informal interactions marked by discussions of personal topics. Small groups may
place few demands on team leaders. Leaders of large teams face a different set of challenges.
Members of a large team may feel limited commitments to team goals. Disagreements, absentee-
ism, and membership turnover are more common in large teams than in small ones.

DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team characteristics

AACSB Analytical thinking BT: C

24. List the five stages of team development in the order in which they typically occur. What is the
role of the team leader in each stage?

The five stages are: forming stage, storming stage, norming stage, performing stage, and
adjourning stage. The role of the team leader in the forming stage is to facilitate social inter-
changes; in the storming stage, it is to encourage participation by all team members; in the
norming stage, it is to help clarify team roles, norms, and values; in the performing stage, the
team leader facilitates task accomplishment; and in the adjourning stage, the leader brings closure
and signifies completion.

DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team characteristics

AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

25. Explain the importance of the storming stage of team development.

During the storming stage, the personalities of team members begin to emerge as members clarify
their roles and expectations. Conflicts may arise, as people disagree over the team's mission and
attempt to gain control of the group. Subgroups may form based on common interests or

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concerns. Unless team members can resolve differences among them, accept each other, and
reach consensus about the team's role, they cannot achieve productivity.

DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team characteristics

AACSB Analytical thinking BT: C

26. Define team norm and provide an example.

A team norm is a standard of conduct shared by team members that guides their behavior. Norms
are not formal written guidelines; they are informal standards that identify key values and clarify
team members’ expectations. In highly productive teams, norms contribute to constructive work
and the accomplishment of team goals. At Texas–based retailer The Container Store, employees
come first. CEO Kip Tindell believes strongly that if his employees are paid better and given
excellent training, they will take care of their customers. Each new employee receives one week
of intensive training and more than 263 hours of formal training during his or her first year with
the company. Team norms include supportive and spontaneous ways in which employees take
time to recognize and support the efforts of co-workers.

DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.4 Section: Evaluate team cohesiveness

and norms AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

27. Distinguish between cognitive and affective conflict.

Cognitive conflict focuses on problem-related differences of opinion and, when reconciled,
strongly improves team performance. By contrast, affective conflict refers to the emotional
reactions that can occur when disagreements become personal rather than professional. These
differences strongly decrease team performance.

DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.5 Section: Describe team conflict

AACSB Analytical thinking BT: C

28. Describe the communication process. How does noise interfere with the communication process?

Every communication follows a step-by-step process that involves interactions among six
elements. They are the sender, message, channel (the communication carrier), audience (the
person or persons who receive the message), feedback, and context. Noise interferes with the
transmission of messages and feedback. Noise can result from physical factors such as poor
reception of a cell phone message or from differences in people’s attitudes and perceptions.

DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the importance of

effective communication AACSB Written and oral communication BT: C

29. What does high-context culture mean? Provide an example of how an American business person
should conduct business in a high-context culture.

Communication in high-context cultures depends not only on the message itself but also on the
conditions that surround it, including nonverbal cues, past and present experiences, and personal

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relationships among the parties. For example, a business person going to Mexico, which is a high-
context culture, for a business trip, could invite the Mexican business partners to a nice, relaxed
dinner that excludes any business discussion, before having the actual business meeting.

DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the importance of

effective communication AACSB Written and oral communication BT: AP

30. What are some of the challenges associated with e-mail?

Many workers find their valuable time being consumed with e-mail. Other e-mail issues are
security and retention.

DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the basic forms of

communication AACSB Written and oral communication BT: K

31. Explain the four types of listening behaviors.

Cynical listening is a defensive type of listening and occurs when the receiver of a message feels
that the sender is trying to gain some advantage from the communication. Offensive listening
occurs when the receiver tries to catch the speaker in a mistake or contradiction. With polite
listening, the receiver is usually inattentive and spends his or her time rehearsing a reply. Active
listening requires involvement with the information and empathy with the speaker's situation.

DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the basic forms of

communication AACSB Written and oral communication BT: C

32. Describe two tips for enhancing listening skills.

• Keeping an open mind: Hear the other person all the way through, even if one is certain
one will disagree. This not only shows respect for the speaker but also will result in one’s
own informed reply.
• Being empathetic. Laugh or be consoling where appropriate. One need not agree with the
speaker, but even in the heat of disagreement, one can show empathy.

• DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the

basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: C

33. List the basic steps in managing a public relations crisis.

To manage a public relations crisis businesses should do the following: (1) respond quickly with
a prepared statement; (2) immediately put top management in front of the press; (3) answer
reporters’ questions with facts; (4) offer to obtain answers not readily available; (5) avoid saying
“no comment”; (6) identify and speak to the audience using visual or word: (7) acknowledge
problems and explain solutions.

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DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.8 Section: Explain external communica-
tion and crisis management AACSB Written and oral communication BT: K


34. Giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions about their work is called
a. due diligence
b. teamwork
c. empowerment
d. insider trading
ANS: c DIF: EASY LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss
empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

35. Vikram’s company uses open book management, where employees can visit the company intranet
and look up financial performance, design standards, and profiles of co-workers. This sharing of
information will most likely _____ in employee empowerment and will have _____ on product
a. result; no impact
b. result; a positive impact
c. not result; no impact
d. not result; a positive impact
ANS: b DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss
empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: AP

36. Which of the following is least likely to empower employees?

a. Giving them decision-making authority about company relocation
b. Rewarding them based on company performance
c. Giving them decision-making authority about hiring decisions
d. Sharing company information
ANS: a DIF: EASY LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss
empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: C

37. In which of the following cases does shared-decision making authority NOT extend to
a. Purchasing of supplies
b. Determining the individual working hours
c. Overseeing the safety program
d. Selecting members of the board of directors
ANS: d DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss
empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

38. Which of the following statements is correct regarding stock option plans?
a. They are offered only to top-level executives and members of the board of directors.
b. Employees are likely to exercise their option to purchase the stock, if the stock price

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c. The company holds the stock for the benefit of the employees.
d. Stock options are provided as a retirement benefit.
ANS: b DIF: EASY LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss
empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: C

39. With _______, employees receive stock shares or the value of the stock upon retiring or leaving
the company.
a. treasury bills
b. stock certificates
c. ESOPs (employee stock ownership plans)
d. stock options
ANS: d DIF: EASY LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss
empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

40. A team consists of a group of people with _____ skills and _____ are responsible and accountable
for accomplishing team objectives.
a. complementary; all team members
b. complementary; team leaders
c. differing; all team members
d. differing; team leaders
ANS: a DIF: EASY LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss
empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

41. When Granitia Inc. was faced with serious quality problems and was forced to recall thousands of
vehicles, the company quickly formed a temporary group of employees to brainstorm the
problem. The team thus formed is an example of a(n) _______ team.
a. virtual
b. self-managed
c. problem-solving
d. cross-functional
ANS: c DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the
five types of teams AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

42. Deunoro is a member of a semi-permanent team that performs the day-to-day functions of the
organization. Deunoro is most likely to be a member of a(n) _____ team.
a. self-managed
b. work
c. advisory
d. cross-functional
ANS: b DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the
five types of teams AACSB Analytical thinking BT: C

43. Edita is part of a team that conducts meetings and conferences with the aid of information
technology. This is so because the other team members are dispersed across the country. Edita is
most likely to belong to a _____ team.
a. problem-solving

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b. self-managed
c. cross-functional
d. virtual
ANS: d DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the
five types of teams AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

44. Manelin works for a home electronics store and is a member of a team created to increase
communication among various departments. Manelin has networked with new people and now
has strong contacts for each department when he needs them. Manelin is most likely to be a
member of a _____ team.
a. work
b. problem-solving
c. cross-functional
d. virtual
ANS: c DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the
five types of teams AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

45. The website of Choalander Inc., a stock broking firm, is under serious threat as numerous
cyberattacks have infiltrated its system. The senior management at the firm immediately forms a
team of eight members to deal with the cyber-attack. The team was able to resolve the issue in
under two weeks and the team was later dissolved. This team is more likely to be an example of a
_____ team.
a. work
b. problem-solving
c. virtual
d. cross-functional

ANS: b DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the five

types of teams AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

46. Narges works in a bakery. As part of a _____ team, she shares in the responsibility with other
team members of managing her department’s work schedule and ordering baking supplies. Along
with other team members, she is empowered to complete her tasks at her discretion.
a. self-managed
b. problem-solving
c. virtual
d. cross-functional
ANS: a DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the
five types of teams AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

47. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding team size?
a. Small teams make the most demands on team leaders.
b. Large teams often suffer from disagreements, absenteeism, and membership turnover.
c. Small teams may lack sufficient diversity.
d. Large teams tend to work slower than small teams.

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ANS: a DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team
characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

48. According to a research on team effectiveness, to achieve best results the ideal team size is
usually _____ members.
a. fewer than five
b. between five and ten
c. between ten and twenty
d. more than twenty
ANS: b DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team
characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

49. Teams at Systek Corp. come from many different countries, with skills ranging from creativity to
communication to search engine optimization. This is an example of team _________.
a. development
b. cohesiveness
c. diversity
d. level
ANS: c DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team
characteristics AACSB Diverse and multicultural work environments

50. What is the role of the team leader during the forming stage?
a. Providing time for members to become acquainted
b. Encouraging participation
c. Clarifying team roles
d. Facilitating task accomplishment
ANS: a DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team
characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

51. Carsten is the team leader of his sales department. He acknowledges the concerted effort of his
team members and rewards them with bonuses and certificates on achieving the sales target for
the quarter. Carsten’s team is most likely at the _____ stage of team development.
a. adjourning
b. storming
c. norming
d. forming

ANS: a DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team

characteristics AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

52. Which stage of team development is marked by conflicts over the team's mission and the roles of
team members?
a. Norming stage
b. Forming stage
c. Performing stage

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d. Storming stage
ANS: d DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team
characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

53. During which stage of team development does agreement about the role of the team leader and
other participants occur?
a. Forming stage
b. Norming stage
c. Storming stage
d. Performing stage
ANS: b DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team
characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

54. During the performing stage, team members _____.

a. focus on solving problems
b. get to know one another
c. clarify their roles and expectations
d. resolve differences among them
ANS: a DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team
characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

55. Akito’s team has reached agreement about the role each member is expected to play. Akito's team
has most likely reached the _____ stage.
a. forming
b. norming
c. storming
d. performing
ANS: b DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team
characteristics AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

56. Hikari is the leader of a problem-solving team. She is encouraging every member of the team to
openly express differences and work through conflicts. Hikari's team is most likely to be in the
_____ stage.
a. norming
b. performing
c. storming
d. forming
ANS: c DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team
characteristics AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

57. Clyde’s team is engaged in problem solving and appears focused on accomplishing tasks. Clyde's
team is likely to be in which stage?
a. Forming stage
b. Norming stage
c. Storming stage

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d. Performing stage
ANS: d DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team
characteristics AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

58. At a celebratory gathering in a restaurant, Anjana presents her team members with personal
thank-you notes in appreciation for their hard work on a project. Anjana and her team are in the
_____ stage of team development.
a. adjourning
b. performing
c. norming
d. storming

ANS: a DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team

characteristics AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

59. Ceilidh’s team members feel attracted to the team and motivated to remain part of it. Ceilidh’s
team can be characterized as ____.
a. informal
b. formal
c. verbal
d. cohesive
ANS: d DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.4 Section: Evaluate team
cohesiveness and norms AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

60. Begum wants to encourage interaction among her team members and is planning to move to an
open office space without cubicle walls. Begum is trying to promote _____.
a. empowerment
b. team norm
c. team cohesiveness
d. external communication
ANS: c DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.4 Section: Evaluate team
cohesiveness and norms AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

61. Kumar is trying to promote the cohesiveness of his team. Which of the following would LEAST
likely improve his team's cohesiveness?
a. Encouraging his team members to work from home
b. Redesigning their work space
c. Increasing the interaction between team members
d. Encouraging team members to socialize during and after working hours
ANS: a DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.4 Section: Evaluate team
cohesiveness and norms AACSB Analytical thinking BT: C

62. Damond’s company has an unwritten rule that implies all managers must attend team meetings,
no matter what projects they’re working on. This informal standard of conduct is an example of
team _____.
a. roles

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b. norm
c. cohesiveness
d. conflict
ANS: b DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.4 Section: Evaluate team
cohesiveness and norms AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

63. Greg is one of the few operating room nurses at a hospital. She learns that other members of the
team are less cooperating with other members of her team when they work in different shifts.
This is also subsequently affecting the patients at the hopsitals. Which of the following is the
team lacking at the hospital?
a. Team norm
b. Team belief
c. Team cohesiveness
d. Team standard
ANS: c DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.4 Section: Evaluate team
cohesiveness and norms AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

64. Team norms are usually _____ and _____ standards of behavior.
a. formal; written
b. informal; written
c. formal; unwritten
d. informal; unwritten
ANS: d DIF: EASY LO: 9.4 Section: Evaluate team
cohesiveness and norms AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

65. Which of the following statements is correct regarding team conflict?

a. It should be avoided at all costs.
b. It often improves team performance.
c. It will be reduced if the team is diverse.
d. It rarely occurs in most teams.
ANS: b DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.5 Section: Describe team
conflict AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

66. Cosette’s marketing team disagrees on the way to advertise a product based on their past
experiences. However, all members are attempting to reconcile their differences to produce an
effective marketing strategy. Cosette’s team is experiencing _____ conflict.
a. cognitive
b. mutual
c. external
d. affective
ANS: a DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.5 Section: Describe team
conflict AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

67. Mihaly and Aneska are city council members who vehemently disagree over a new zoning
ordinance. Their arguments have become personal, and other council members are irritated and
avoiding meetings. Mihaly and Aneska need to resolve their _____ conflict.

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a. cognitive
b. mutual
c. affective
d. alternate
ANS: c DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.5 Section: Describe team
conflict AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

68. Donato and Emiliano disagree on the new promotional strategy for their new product. Donato’s
opinions are neglected by Emiliano as he believes that Donato’s inexperience in promotion and
advertising will lead to product failure, whereas Donato does not concur with Emiliano’s strategy
on the basis that Emiliano has little knowledge of the financial situation at the firm. Which of the
following types of conflict is being experienced by Donato and Emiliano?
a. physiological
b. emotional
c. cognitive
d. affective

ANS: c DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.5 Section: Describe team conflict

AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

69. _____ percent of the typical manager's day is spent engaged in communications.
a. Less than 25
b. About 50
c. About 65
d. More than 75
ANS: d DIF: EASY LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the
importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

70. In the communication process, initially the _______ composes the message.
a. sender
b. receiver
c. channel
d. interpreter
ANS: a DIF: EASY LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the
importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

71. Zoltan announced to his accounting team that the company’s financial reports should be
completed “by next week.” Subsequently, members of his team had completely different ideas
about when the reports were due. At which stage of communication are the team members?
a. providing feedback
b. message encoding
c. understanding the context
d. message decoding

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ANS: d DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the
importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: C

72. Amzie sends an e-mail to her assistant requesting information for an upcoming meeting. Since
her team is working on a variety of projects, Amzie is very specific about the materials she needs
in order to avoid confusion. As the sender, Amzie is _____.
a. providing a context for the message
b. encoding the message
c. decoding the message
d. eliminating the message's noise
ANS: b DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the
importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: AP

73. Fareeda works for an advertising agency and has presented her client with ideas for new
commercials. After the presentation, Fareeda asks for _____ to determine if the clients correctly
understood her message.
a. a decoded message
b. a channel
c. feedback
d. intervention
ANS: c DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the
importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: AP

74. In the context of communication, feedback _____.

a. helps determine whether a message was correctly interpreted
b. is only verbal in nature
c. is usually ambiguous
d. helps lower the noise level
ANS: a DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the
importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

75. Countries like the United States that tend to rely on explicit written and verbal messages are
considered _____ cultures.
a. external
b. diverse
c. high-context
d. low-context
ANS: d DIF: EASY LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the
importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

76. Sesika is a new customer service agent at a leading computer service center. She usually spends a
lot of time on her calls, trying to resolve the issues of every customer. During the course of a call

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with a customer, a technical snag caused disturbances in her audio device; thus, making it
difficult for the customer to respond to her queries. The issue however remained unresolved.
Which of the following is a primary reason for the non-resolution in this case?

a. The length of the call

b. The noise during the call
c. The inexperience of the customer service agent
d. The customer at the call

ANS: b DIF: EASY LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the importance of

effective communication AACSB Written and oral communication BT:

77. Japan is considered to be a _____ context country and therefore, Japanese businesspeople place
importance on _____ communications.
a. high; both verbal and nonverbal
b. low; both verbal and nonverbal
c. high; explicit verbal
d. low; explicit verbal
ANS: a DIF: EASY LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the
importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

78. Calder is listening to a voice message left by his manager, but he cannot understand most of it
due to his manager’s cell phone breaking up. Calder calls back his manager for the complete
message since he cannot effectively communicate with this type of _____.
a. grapevine
b. noise
c. nonverbal communication
d. conflict
ANS: b DIF: EASY LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the
importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: AP

79. Duncan is listening to Catriona at a meeting. She is one of his fellow team members, and he
believes she is just trying to get the team leader to adopt her idea. Duncan is being a(n) _____
a. offensive
b. cynical
c. polite
d. proactive
ANS: b DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the
basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: C

80. Marcos uses lots of gestures and facial expressions when communicating. These are examples of
__________ communication.

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a. informal
b. oral
c. formal
d. nonverbal
ANS: d DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the
basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: AP

81. Ekisa and Ingrid like to send e-mail back and forth discussing their families and work-related
issues. They are engaging in _____ and _____ communication.
a. informal; written
b. informal; oral
c. formal; written
d. formal; oral
ANS: a DIF: EASY LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the
basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: AP

82. Fina is listening to her superior talk about the process of performance appraisal at the firm. Fina is
always attempting to point out any mistake or errors made by her superior during the talk, even
before her superior is able to complete her points. What type of listening is Fina demonstrating in
this case?
a. Active
b. Polite
c. Cynical
d. Offensive

ANS: d DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the basic

forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communication BT: AP

83. _____ listening is the basis for effective communication.

a. Active
b. Cynical
c. Polite
d. Nonverbal
ANS: a DIF: EASY LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the
basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

84. Office e-mails are a form of _____ communication.

a. informal
b. written
c. verbal
d. nonverbal

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ANS: b DIF: EASY LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the
basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

85. Which of the following is considered to be the biggest problem with e-mail as a form of business
a. Company employees use e-mail only to send personal messages.
b. E-mails are too informal for companies to convey a professional image.
c. E-mail technology is still limited.
d. There is just too much e-mail, and hence there are security and retention issues.
ANS: d DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the
basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

86. Which of the following is NOT an example of formal communication?

The employee benefits handbook
b. A telephone call with a customer
c. The grapevine method of communication
d. A letter to a supplier
ANS: c DIF: EASY LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the
basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

87. Sandhya is a manager who regularly communicates company news with her employees via e-
mail. This is an example of a(n) _____ communication channel.
a. formal
b. informal
c. nonverbal
d. oral
ANS: a DIF: EASY LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the
basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communication BT:

88. Which of the following statement is NOT true regarding grapevine?

a. The grapevine is a frequent source of information for employees.
b. Grapevines convey information rapidly.
c. The grapevine is an informal communication channel.
d. Information on the grapevine is wrong most of the time.
ANS: d DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the
basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: C

89. Which of the following is NOT an example of nonverbal form of communication?

a. Informal speech
b. Eye contact

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c. Clothing choices
d. Tone of voice
ANS: a DIF: EASY LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the
basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: C

90. Which of the following is an example of an upward communication channel?

a. Completing an employee survey
b. Giving employees policy manuals
c. Posting notices on bulletin boards
d. Reporting news in company newsletters
ANS: a DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the
basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

91. Two people are having a conversation and are standing about six feet apart. They are most likely
to be in the _____ zone.
a. public
b. social
c. personal
d. intimate
ANS: b DIF: EASY LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the
basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

92. In the United States, most business conversations occur within which zone?
a. Intimate zone
b. Personal zone
c. Public zone
d. Social zone
ANS: d DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the
basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

93. Which of the following is NOT an example of external communication?

a. Annual reports to stockholders
b. e-mails sent to sales representatives
c. sales presentations
d. information presented on a company's Web site
ANS: b DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.8 Section: Explain
external communication and crisis management AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

94. What is the last step a company should take when responding to a crisis?
a. The executive at a press conference should speak briefly and provide positive visual

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b. The top management should appear in public immediately.
c. The management must stick to the facts while responding in an interview.
d. The executives should respond quickly with a prepared statement.
ANS: a DIF: EASY LO: 9.8 Section: Explain
external communication and crisis management AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

95. What is the first step a company should take when responding to a crisis?
a. Call or e-mail members of the press to deny the story
b. Issue a “no comment”
c. Respond quickly with a prepared statement
d. Arrange a press conference with the company’s PR representative
ANS: c DIF: EASY LO: 9.8 Section: Explain
external communication and crisis management AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K


96. An effective way of empowering employees is to share information about the organization’s
performance with them.

ANS: T DIF: EASY LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss

empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

97. Advances in information technology have had little impact on employee empowerment.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss

empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

98. One technique for increasing employee empowerment is the opportunity for shared decision
making authority.

ANS: T DIF: EASY LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss

empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

99. Employee empowerment often extends to non-management employees who are given the
authority to make decisions ranging from ordering office supplies to granting pay increases.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss

empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

100. Compared to other techniques for empowering employees, information technology has minimal

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss

empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

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101. Under a stock options plan, companies give employees the option to purchase a specified amount
of company stock at a given price within a given time period.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss

empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

102. Employee stock ownership programs are retirement plans set up for top-level executives.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss

empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

103. Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) are more common in smaller firms than in larger ones.

ANS: F DIF: EASY LO: 9.1 Section: Sec-

tion: Discuss empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT:

104. Federal labor laws allow stock options to be granted to hourly and salaried employees.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.1 Section: Discuss

empowering employees AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

105. All team members should hold themselves mutually responsible and accountable for
accomplishing their objectives.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the

five types of teams AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

106. All teams should include people with similar skills who are committed to a common purpose.

ANS: F DIF: EASY LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the

five types of teams AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

107. A problem-solving team is a temporary combination of workers who gather to solve a specific
problem and then disband.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the

five types of teams AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

108. Jose is part of a temporary team that works together to solve a specific problem and then disband.
Jose is part of a cross-functional team.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the

five types of teams AACSB Application of knowledge BT: AP

109. Flexibility is the primary advantage of virtual teams.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the

five types of teams AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

110. Communication is the key to the success of cross-functional teams..

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ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.2 Section: Distinguish the
five types of teams AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

111. Effective teams typically have two to four members.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team

characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

112. Team level represents the average level of the team whereas team diversity represents the
variance and abilities of the team members.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team

characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

113. Absenteeism is more likely to be found in smaller teams.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team

characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

114. All teams naturally complete the five stages of development.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team

characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

115. The primary role of the team leader in the forming stage is to encourage participation in the team
tasks by all members of the team.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team

characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

116. Norming is generally the longest stage of development.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team character-

istics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

117. During the norming stage, team members reach consensus about the roles of the team leader and
other participants.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team

characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

118. During the storming stage, team members focus on solving problems.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.3 Section: Identify team

characteristics AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

119. Team cohesiveness increases with frequent team member interaction.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.4 Section: Evaluate team

cohesiveness and norms AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

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120. Team cohesiveness does not often affect morale.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.4 Section: Evaluate team

cohesiveness and norms AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

121. A good way to encourage team cohesiveness is to encourage workers to socialize, but only off the

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.4 Section: Evaluate team

cohesiveness and norms AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

122. Team norms are informal standards that highlight a team’s key values.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.4 Section: Evaluate team

cohesiveness and norms AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

123. In highly productive teams, norms contribute to accomplishment of team goals.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.4 Section: Evaluate team

cohesiveness and norms AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

124. Diversity among team members often decreases the chances of conflict.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.5 Section: Describe team

conflict AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

125. An example of affective conflict is when teams reconcile differences to produce the best possible

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.5 Section: Describe team

conflict AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

126. Cognitive and affective conflicts can occur together in the same team.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.5 Section: Describe team

conflict AACSB Analytical thinking BT: K

127. Employees spend a significantly higher amount of time communicating on a daily basis than

ANS: F DIF: EASY LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the

importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

128. Most company recruiters rank job performance more important than communication skills.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the

importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

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129. Mayuri’s supervisor sends her an e-mail requesting updated financial figures as soon as possible.
When Mayuri interprets the content and meaning of the e-mail, she is decoding the message.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the

importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communication BT:

130. Feedback is crucial in determining whether a message was decoded properly.

ANS: T DIF: EASY LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the

importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

131. High-context cultures including the United States and Germany pay attention to the conditions
that surround the message, including nonverbal cues and personal relationships between the

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the

importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

132. Noise is mainly caused by physical factors like poor cell phone reception.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.6 Section: Explain the

importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

133. Senders should request feedback if it is not forthcoming.

ANS: T DIF: EASY LO: 9. 6 Section: Explain the

importance of effective communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

134. Immediately after listening to a message, the average person can recall only half of it.

ANS: T DIF: EASY LO: 9. 7 Section: Compare the

basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

135. E-mail is considered one of the most secure forms of communication.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the

basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

136. Polite listeners are attentive listeners.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the

basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

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137. Casimir is conversing with her real estate agent, whom Casimir believes is trying to sell her an
expensive property in order to receive a greater commission. Casimir is engaged in cynical

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the

basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

138. Ilona likes to send out a weekly e-mail to all her employees discussing the results and challenges
for the week. This is an example of an informal communication.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the

basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: AP

139. An employee suggestion box is an example of an informal communication channel.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the

basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

140. When managed properly, the grapevine can be a reliable source of information.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the

basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

141. “Spinning” bad news to make it look better almost always backfires.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the

basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

142. When speaking during business conversations, Americans tend to stand closer together than Latin

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the

basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

143. When verbal and nonverbal cues conflict, receivers of the communication generally tend to
believe the verbal content.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.7 Section: Compare the

basic forms of communication AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

144. Customer orders are considered to be an internal communication.

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ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.8 Section: Explain
external communication and crisis management AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

145. An annual report to shareholders is an example of external communication.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.8 Section: Explain

external communication and crisis management AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

146. When a firm is under fire for a public relations crisis, it is best for the firm to stay out of the
public eye.

ANS: F DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.8 Section: Explain

external communication and crisis management AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

147. When responding during a crisis, it is best if the executive speaks briefly, clearly and provides
positive visual images.

ANS: T DIF: MEDIUM LO: 9.8 Section: Explain

external communication and crisis management AACSB Written and oral communica-
tion BT: K

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