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Contemporary Nutrition 9th Edition

Wardlaw Test Bank

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Chapter 08 - Vitamins

Chapter 08

Fill in the Blank Questions

1. ____________ are the form of vitamin A found in animal foods.


Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

2. ____________ are the form of vitamin A found in plant foods.


Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

3. A reversible condition caused by a deficiency of vitamin A affecting the visual cycle is

night blindness

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

4. With a deficiency of vitamin A, cells that line the cornea of the eye lose their ability to
produce mucus. The eye becomes dry and susceptible to infection. This infection eventually
leads to blindness. This disease process is called _______________, which means "dry eye."

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

5. The richest food source of preformed vitamin A is _______________.

liver or
polar bear liver

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

6. The vitamin that also is considered a hormone is _______________.

vitamin D or

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.04 Vitamin D
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

7. Vitamin ______ can be produced in the skin in response to ultraviolet light.


Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.04 Vitamin D
Topic: Vitamins

8. In North America, the major dietary source of vitamin ______ is fortified dairy products.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.04 Vitamin D
Topic: Vitamins

9. The childhood deficiency disease for vitamin D is called _______________.


Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.04 Vitamin D
Topic: Vitamins

10. Vitamin D deficiency in adulthood leads to ____________.


Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.04 Vitamin D
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

11. The vitamin that poses the greatest risk for toxicity is _______________.
vitamin A or

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.05 Describe toxicity symptoms for excess consumption of certain
Section: 08.01 Vitamins: Vital Dietary Components
Topic: Vitamins

12. The fat-soluble vitamin that can lead to calcification of soft tissue, such as the kidney,
when consumed in large quantities, is _______________.
vitamin D or

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.05 Describe toxicity symptoms for excess consumption of certain
Section: 08.04 Vitamin D
Topic: Vitamins

13. _______________ is a fat-soluble, antioxidant vitamin that protects cell membranes,

especially of red blood cells, from damage.
Vitamin E or
E or
tocopherol or

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.05 Vitamin E
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

14. In general, the richest sources of vitamin E are _______________.

vegetable oils or
vegetable oil or
plant oil or
plant oils or
oil or

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.05 Vitamin E
Topic: Vitamins

15. The vitamin required specifically in carbohydrate metabolism is _______________.

thiamin or
vitamin B-1 or

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.08 Thiamin
Topic: Vitamins

16. Beriberi is caused by a _______________ deficiency.

thiamin or
vitamin B-1 or

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.08 Thiamin
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

17. Symptoms of ____________ deficiency include glossitis, dermatitis, cheilosis, eye

disorders, sun sensitivity, and confusion.
riboflavin or
vitamin B-2 or

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.09 Riboflavin
Topic: Vitamins

18. A niacin deficiency causes the disease _______________.


Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.10 Niacin
Topic: Vitamins

19. The body can produce niacin from the amino acid _______________.
tryptophan or

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.10 Niacin
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

20. The vitamin that plays an essential role in amino acid metabolism is _______________.
vitamin B-6 or
B-6 or

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.13 Vitamin B-6
Topic: Vitamins

21. The vitamin that can mask B-12 deficiency is _______________.

folate or
folic acid or

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Learning Outcome: 08.05 Describe toxicity symptoms for excess consumption of certain
Section: 08.14 Folate
Section: 08.15 Vitamin B-12
Topic: Vitamins

22. Adequate intake of _______________ can help prevent neural tube defects like spina
folate or
folacin or
folic acid

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.14 Folate
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

23. Pernicious anemia is due to an impaired absorption of _______________.

vitamin B-12 or
cobalamin or

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.15 Vitamin B-12
Topic: Vitamins

24. _______________ is a water-soluble vitamin that enhances iron absorption.

Vitamin C or

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.16 Vitamin C
Topic: Vitamins

Multiple Choice Questions

25. Which statement about vitamins is true?

A. Cannot be stored by the body
B. Are inorganic
C. Help regulate chemical reactions in the body
D. Directly supply energy

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.01 Define the term vitamin and list three characteristics of vitamins as
a group.
Section: 08.01 Vitamins: Vital Dietary Components
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

26. Which of the following is true about the intake of vitamins?

A. Supplemental vitamins are better than those from food.
B. Occasional lapses in vitamin intake should cause no harm.
C. It is hard to get all of the vitamins we need from food.
D. Vitamins consumed in excess are excreted.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.01 Define the term vitamin and list three characteristics of vitamins as
a group.
Section: 08.01 Vitamins: Vital Dietary Components
Topic: Vitamins

27. Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins differ in which way?

A. Water-soluble vitamins are stored, whereas fat-soluble vitamins are excreted readily.
B. Water-soluble vitamins are less likely to be toxic.
C. Fat-soluble vitamins have much less potential for toxicity.
D. Water-soluble vitamins are best absorbed in the presence of dietary fat.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.02 Classify the vitamins according to whether they are fat soluble or
water soluble.
Section: 08.01 Vitamins: Vital Dietary Components
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

28. Which of the following is true about our current knowledge about vitamins?
A. We are sure there are more vitamins to be discovered for humans.
B. We cannot effectively feed individuals intravenously for long periods of time because we
do not know about all the vitamins that must be included.
C. Most scientists believe we have discovered all vitamins relevant to humans.
D. We know that there are more fat-soluble vitamins to discover.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.01 Define the term vitamin and list three characteristics of vitamins as
a group.
Section: 08.01 Vitamins: Vital Dietary Components
Topic: Vitamins

29. If you wanted to add significant quantities of vitamins and minerals to your diet from the
food you eat, a good choice would be
A. a doughnut made with enriched white flour.
B. apple juice.
C. a fortified breakfast cereal such as Total Raisin Bran.
D. a banana.

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.01 Vitamins: Vital Dietary Components
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

30. Megadoses are defined as vitamin intake ________ times the estimated human need to
prevent a deficiency.
A. 1 to 3
B. 3 to 5
C. 2 to 10
D. 50

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.05 Describe toxicity symptoms for excess consumption of certain
Section: 08.01 Vitamins: Vital Dietary Components
Topic: Vitamins

31. Which of the following is true about the regulation of the production and sale of vitamin
and mineral supplements?
A. There is no federal legislation regulating supplements.
B. The FDA does not regulate all vitamin and mineral supplements closely.
C. Americans can rest assured that the federal government will protect them from vitamin and
mineral supplement overuse.
D. Supplement companies are free to market their products with invalid and illegal claims.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.06 Evaluate the use of vitamin supplements with respect to their
potential benefits and hazards to the body.
Section: Nutrition and Your Health
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

32. Which of the following is true about the absorption, transport, and storage of fat-soluble
A. They enter the bloodstream directly after absorption.
B. Fat in the digestive contents is not important for their absorption.
C. They are not stored to any great extent.
D. After absorption, they are transported in the bloodstream to body cells and/or stored in the
liver and fatty tissue.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.02 Classify the vitamins according to whether they are fat soluble or
water soluble.
Section: 08.02 The Fat-Soluble Vitamins - A, D, E, and K
Topic: Vitamins

33. Which fat-soluble vitamins are most toxic if consumed in excess amounts over long
periods of time?
A. Vitamins D and K
B. Vitamins A and E
C. Vitamins A and D
D. Vitamins E and K

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.05 Describe toxicity symptoms for excess consumption of certain
Section: 08.01 Vitamins: Vital Dietary Components
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

34. Overconsumption of vitamins A and E can do all the following except

A. lead to accumulation in the liver.
B. result in toxicity.
C. cure colds and prevent cancer.
D. lead to debilitating side effects.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.05 Describe toxicity symptoms for excess consumption of certain
Section: 08.01 Vitamins: Vital Dietary Components
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Section: 08.05 Vitamin E
Topic: Vitamins

35. Which of the following does not describe fat-soluble vitamins?

A. They are stored in the body.
B. Excesses are excreted in the urine.
C. They are transported via the bloodstream.
D. They tend to exist in several biologically active forms.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.02 Classify the vitamins according to whether they are fat soluble or
water soluble.
Section: 08.02 The Fat-Soluble Vitamins - A, D, E, and K
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

36. All of the following are true statements regarding fat malabsorption except
A. results in decreased absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
B. increases the risk of fat-soluble vitamin deficiency.
C. increases the risk of developing pellagra or beriberi.
D. increases the risk of developing hypovitaminosis A, rickets, or osteomalacia.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.02 The Fat-Soluble Vitamins - A, D, E, and K
Topic: Vitamins

37. Which of the following is true about the forms of vitamin A?

A. Retinoids are found in plant foods.
B. Carotenoids are found in animal foods.
C. Carotenoids can be converted to retinoids.
D. Retinoids are converted to carotenoids.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

38. Most vitamin A is stored in the

A. kidneys.
B. small intestine.
C. liver.
D. adipose tissue.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

39. Drying of the cornea due to vitamin A deficiency is called

A. apnea.
B. dysphagia.
C. xerophthalmia.
D. cachexia.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

40. Which fat-soluble vitamin is important for the health of epithelial cells because it
promotes mucus production?
A. A
B. E
C. C
D. D

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

41. Which of the following vitamins has been helpful in large doses as a treatment for acne?
A. C
B. D
C. A
D. E

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

42. Which of the following is the best source of preformed vitamin A?

A. Broccoli
B. Pork chop
C. Chicken breast
D. Liver

Bloom's Level: 4. Analyze

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

43. Which of the following is a good source of provitamin A?

A. Orange
B. Apricot
C. Cauliflower
D. Potatoes

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

44. George wants to increase his consumption of vitamin A for the possible cancer risk-
reducing effects. Which of the following foods should he choose?
A. Spinach
B. Salmon
C. Pears
D. Potato

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

45. Which of the following is converted to vitamin A in the body?

A. Retinol
B. Carotenoids
C. Cholesterol
D. Phenylalanine

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

46. This vitamin, when consumed during pregnancy, can help prevent neural tube defects like
spina bifida.
A. Niacin
B. Folate/folic acid
C. Riboflavin
D. B-6

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.14 Folate
Topic: Vitamins

47. Dark green or orange vegetables and/or fruits are recommended at least every other day to
provide a source of vitamin
A. E.
B. C.
C. A.
D. D.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

48. A typical serving of which food provides the most vitamin A?

A. Yellow squash
B. Egg
C. Liver
D. Apricot

Bloom's Level: 4. Analyze

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

49. All of the following are true about the toxicity of vitamin A except
A. one can experience toxic effects from consuming too much beta-carotene.
B. fetal malformation can occur.
C. one is unlikely to get toxic doses from eating food.
D. most adverse effects disappear after megadoses stop.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.05 Describe toxicity symptoms for excess consumption of certain
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Topic: Vitamins

50. The nutrient that can be considered both a vitamin and a hormone is
A. vitamin E.
B. vitamin D.
C. vitamin A.
D. niacin.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.04 Vitamin D
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

51. Vitamin D is unique among the vitamins because

A. it is absorbed and transported via the lymphatic system.
B. its absorption requires bile and fat.
C. it can be formed in the body by skin exposure to the sun.
D. it can be stored.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.04 Vitamin D
Topic: Vitamins

52. All of the following are characteristic of vitamin D except

A. facilitates calcium absorption from the small intestine.
B. is activated by the liver and kidney.
C. prevents osteomalacia.
D. causes rickets.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.04 Vitamin D
Topic: Vitamins

53. Efficient deposition of calcium and phosphorus in bones is the net effect of
A. vitamin A.
B. riboflavin.
C. vitamin D.
D. niacin.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.04 Vitamin D
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

54. The childhood disease rickets is due to a _______ deficiency.

A. vitamin D
B. vitamin A
C. vitamin C
D. vitamin K

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.04 Vitamin D
Topic: Vitamins

55. The most reliable source of vitamin D in the diet is

A. poultry.
B. whole-grain cereals.
C. yellow squash.
D. fortified milk.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.04 Vitamin D
Topic: Vitamins

56. The major effect of taking high doses of vitamin D is

A. excessive acne.
B. calcium deposits in the kidneys and other organs.
C. limb paralysis.
D. a flaky skin rash.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.05 Describe toxicity symptoms for excess consumption of certain
Section: 08.04 Vitamin D
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

57. Vitamin E functions as a(n)

A. coenzyme.
B. antioxidant.
C. hormone.
D. enzyme.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.05 Vitamin E
Topic: Vitamins

58. Which of the following serves as an antioxidant in cell membranes, protecting them and
DNA inside cells, from damage?
A. Vitamin K
B. Vitamin D
C. Niacin
D. Vitamin E

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.05 Vitamin E
Topic: Vitamins

59. The main form of vitamin E in the body is

A. alpha-tocopherol.
B. gamma-tocopherol.
C. beta-tocopherol.
D. delta-tocopherol.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.05 Vitamin E
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

60. A rich source of vitamin E is

A. an orange.
B. a chicken breast.
C. corn oil.
D. prime rib.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.05 Vitamin E
Topic: Vitamins

61. An important role of vitamin K is the synthesis of

A. alpha-tocopherol.
B. rhodopsin.
C. retinol.
D. prothrombin.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.06 Vitamin K
Topic: Vitamins

62. The nutrient essential for synthesis of several blood clotting factors is vitamin
A. A.
B. C.
C. K.
D. E.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.06 Vitamin K
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

63. In general, excess amounts of water-soluble vitamins are excreted via the
A. kidneys.
B. intestine.
C. lungs.
D. liver.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.02 Classify the vitamins according to whether they are fat soluble or
water soluble.
Section: 08.07 The Water-Soluble Vitamins and Choline
Topic: Vitamins

64. All of the following are true of B vitamins except they

A. are water soluble.
B. serve as coenzymes.
C. can be lost during food processing and preparation.
D. are stored in the liver.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.02 Classify the vitamins according to whether they are fat soluble or
water soluble.
Section: 08.07 The Water-Soluble Vitamins and Choline
Topic: Vitamins

65. The B vitamins generally function as

A. antioxidants.
B. coenzymes.
C. emulsifiers.
D. reducing agents.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.07 The Water-Soluble Vitamins and Choline
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

66. The vitamin that mainly functions as a coenzyme in carbohydrate metabolism is

A. thiamin.
B. pyridoxine.
C. niacin.
D. riboflavin.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.08 Thiamin
Topic: Vitamins

67. Thiamin is distributed in small amounts in many foods. A nutrient-dense source of

thiamin is
A. milk.
B. pork.
C. whole grain cereals.
D. dark green vegetables.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.08 Thiamin
Topic: Vitamins

68. Which of the following are the best thiamin sources?

A. Pork, whole grains, enriched cereals, legumes
B. Root vegetables, cheddar-type cheese, deep yellow/orange fruits and vegetables
C. Ham, vegetables of the cabbage family, whole grains
D. Milk, beef, deep yellow/orange fruits and vegetables

Bloom's Level: 4. Analyze

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.08 Thiamin
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

69. The vitamin that prevents beriberi is

A. B-12.
B. niacin.
C. riboflavin.
D. thiamin.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.08 Thiamin
Topic: Vitamins

70. What disease is caused by a thiamin deficiency?

A. Pellagra
B. Scurvy
C. Kwashiorkor
D. Beriberi

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.08 Thiamin
Topic: Vitamins

71. The foods that provide the largest source of riboflavin in the American diet are
A. meats.
B. whole grain cereals.
C. milk and dairy products.
D. dark green leafy vegetables.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.09 Riboflavin
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

72. Niacin is necessary to prevent the disease

A. pernicious anemia.
B. beriberi.
C. scurvy.
D. pellagra.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.10 Niacin
Topic: Vitamins

73. Pellagra is characterized by all the following except

A. dysphagia.
B. diarrhea.
C. dementia.
D. dermatitis.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.10 Niacin
Topic: Vitamins

74. Some niacin is formed in the body from

A. phenylalanine.
B. tyrosine.
C. tryptophan.
D. lysine.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.10 Niacin
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

75. Bill's physician has prescribed an intake of 200 milligrams nicotinic acid (a form of
niacin) to attempt to preserve his health. Which of the following is true about nicotinic acid
A. It provides no health benefits.
B. It has no toxic effects when consumed in high doses.
C. It can elevate serum triglycerides.
D. It can lower elevated serum cholesterol.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.10 Niacin
Topic: Vitamins

76. The vitamin that aids in activating fatty acids so they can yield energy is
A. pantothenic acid.
B. biotin.
C. vitamin B-6.
D. thiamin.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.11 Pantothenic Acid
Topic: Vitamins

77. A pantothenic acid deficiency

A. is very unlikely because of its widespread availability.
B. is very likely.
C. occurs commonly in children.
D. occurs commonly in the elderly.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.11 Pantothenic Acid
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

78. Intestinal bacteria can make this B vitamin in adequate amounts to meet human needs.
A. Folate
B. Vitamin B-6
C. Pantothenic acid
D. Biotin

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.12 Biotin
Topic: Vitamins

79. What vitamin plays an essential role in amino acid metabolism?

A. Thiamin
B. Pyridoxine
C. Riboflavin
D. Niacin

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.13 Vitamin B-6
Topic: Vitamins

80. A deficiency of vitamin B-6 can result in depression, headaches, and confusion. These
occur because of impaired
A. hemoglobin synthesis.
B. glucose metabolism.
C. neurotransmitter synthesis.
D. myelin synthesis.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.13 Vitamin B-6
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

81. Which B vitamin is required for amino acid metabolism?

A. Thiamin
B. Niacin
C. Vitamin B-6
D. Pantothenic acid

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.13 Vitamin B-6
Topic: Vitamins

82. The best vitamin B-6 food sources include

A. enriched breads and cereals.
B. milk and dairy products.
C. meat, fish, and poultry.
D. deep yellow/orange fruits and vegetables.

Bloom's Level: 4. Analyze

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.13 Vitamin B-6
Topic: Vitamins

83. Vitamins involved in red blood cell synthesis are

A. folate and thiamin.
B. thiamin and niacin.
C. vitamin B-12 and folate.
D. folate and pantothenic acid.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.14 Folate
Section: 08.15 Vitamin B-12
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

84. A rich folate food source would be

A. skim milk.
B. roast beef.
C. asparagus.
D. peanuts.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.14 Folate
Topic: Vitamins

85. Generally, good folate sources are

A. fruits.
B. green leafy vegetables.
C. milk and dairy products.
D. poultry.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.14 Folate
Topic: Vitamins

86. Acquiring sufficient vitamin B-12 from the diet may be a problem for vegans because
A. phytic acid in vegetable proteins may inhibit its absorption.
B. they lack the R-protein in the stomach.
C. it is only found in animal products.
D. deficiency may result from high intakes of legumes.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.15 Vitamin B-12
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

87. Vitamin B-12 is supplied almost entirely by

A. animal products.
B. vegetables and fruits.
C. intestinal bacteria.
D. whole grain cereals and legumes.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.04 List three important food sources for each vitamin.
Section: 08.15 Vitamin B-12
Topic: Vitamins

88. Formation and maintenance of collagen require

A. thiamin.
B. vitamin C.
C. pantothenic acid.
D. folate.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.16 Vitamin C
Topic: Vitamins

89. Scurvy can be prevented with adequate intakes of

A. niacin.
B. riboflavin.
C. vitamin C.
D. thiamin.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.16 Vitamin C
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

90. Vitamin C intake over 2 grams per day may cause which of the following symptoms?
A. Diarrhea
B. Oxalate kidney stones
C. Beriberi
D. Rebound scurvy

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 08.05 Describe toxicity symptoms for excess consumption of certain
Section: 08.16 Vitamin C
Topic: Vitamins

91. Which of the following is an antioxidant?

A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin B-6
C. Biotin
D. Niacin

Bloom's Level: 4. Analyze

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.16 Vitamin C
Topic: Vitamins

92. The first step in ensuring an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals is
A. a diet that matches MyPlate's Daily Food Plan.
B. fortified foods.
C. a multivitamin and mineral supplement.
D. individual nutrient supplements.

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 08.06 Evaluate the use of vitamin supplements with respect to their
potential benefits and hazards to the body.
Section: Nutrition and Your Health
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

93. If a supplement label includes a structure/function claim, it also must include

A. an illustration of the supplement's chemical structure.
B. the FDA warning that these claims have not been evaluated by the agency.
C. a reference to a scientific study that supports this claim.
D. a description of the supplement's biological function.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.06 Evaluate the use of vitamin supplements with respect to their
potential benefits and hazards to the body.
Section: Nutrition and Your Health
Topic: Vitamins

Chapter 08 - Vitamins

Matching Questions

94. Match the following with the descriptions below

Skin condition commonly associated with niacin

1. Dermatitis deficiency symptoms 1
2. Osteomalacia General loss or decrease in mental function 6
3. Erythrocytes Mature red blood cells 3
4. Macrocytic Protein-like compound produced by the stomach that
anemia enhances vitamin B-12 absorption 13
5. Night Anemia that results from lack of vitamin B-12
blindness absorption 8
Anemia characterized by the presence of abnormally
6. Dementia large red blood cells 4
Pigment materials in fruits and vegetables that can be
7. Beriberi turned into vitamin A in the body 9
8. Pernicious Vitamin A deficiency disease in which the retina cannot
anemia adjust to low amounts of light 5
Disease process due to vitamin A deficiency, which can
9. Carotenoids cause blindness 12
Disease characterized by poor mineralization of newly
synthesized bones due to low calcium content and caused
10. Hemolysis by vitamin D deficiency 11
11. Rickets Adult form of rickets 2
Xerophthalmia Destruction of red blood cells 10
13. Intrinsic Thiamin deficiency disorder characterized by muscle
factor weakness, loss of appetite, and nerve degeneration 7

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 08.03 List the major functions and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin.
Section: 08.03 Vitamin A
Section: 08.04 Vitamin D
Section: 08.05 Vitamin E
Section: 08.08 Thiamin
Section: 08.15 Vitamin B-12
Topic: Vitamins


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