AMR AGV Questionnaire

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AGV/AMR Planner/ Customer Need Chechlist

Sno. Question/ Prompt Customer Statement Interpreted Need

1 General

2 Likes- Current Mechanism

3 Dislikes-Current Mechanism

4 Suggested Improvements

5 What Issue(s) are Driving the Project?

6 What Product Features are Most Important?

7 What are the Customer’s Goals?

8 Why AGV/AMR over other technologies?

9 AGV/AMR Application Questionaire

Do you plan to operate, or are you currently operating

10 on multiple shifts?

11 Is your production steady and frequent?

12 Are you planning to increase production?

13 Are the load pickup points predetermined?

14 Are the loads consistent in configuration and size?

Is the load transported to a 'common' location for i.e.

15 testing, quality control, wrapping?
Do you require dynamic tracking of material and
16 production?

17 Do you have recurring damage or injury by forktrucks?


Are you operating on multiple shifts. Shifts/ Day, Days/

19 Week

AGV/AMR System Areas- Production/ Assembly/

20 Storage

Production : Transporting finished goods to

21 storage/shipping

Production : Transporting material to & from


Production : Transporting material and goods to/from

22 production lines

23 Assembly Line : Multi-Loops/Paths

24 Assembly Line : Single Loop

25 Warehousing : Shipping

26 Warehousing : Receiving

27 Job Shop : Flexible Machining Systems (FMS)

Job Shop : Routing products in process between

28 departments
29 Nature of AGV/AMR- Indoor/ Outdoor, Combination.


31 Estimated average Loads/hr. Entring

Estimated average Loads/hr. Exiting

32 Normal/ Peak Process Rate : Loads/hour

33 Normal/ Peak Process Rate : Moves/hour

34 Any planned production Increase?

35 Loads/hr, Moves/hr to increase in near future?


To/From Conveyor, Deep Lane, Floor, Rack, Stand,

37 etc.

38 Height(s) of conveyor, rack, or stand

39 Are the load pickup & drop points predetermined?

Number of locations for both pick-up and drop-off

40 Stations.

41 Number of locations for pick-up Stations only

42 Number of locations for drop-off Stations only

44 What is your End Product

What is type of Products/Material to be transported

45 via AGVs/AMRs

Are the loads consistent in configuration and size?

46 Stable/ Non Stable.

Load Type or Containment Media: Bin, Cart, Fixture,

47 Pallet, Rack, Roll, etc.

48 Load Size L x W x H

49 Maximum Weight of Load , Kgs.

50 Sketch of Load. All three views (FV, TV, SV)

51 Plant Information

52 Facility: New, Existing, Expansion

53 Minimum Clearance Height in Operating Area

54 Minimum Clearance Height in Doorways

55 Narrowest Aisle Width/ Tightest Passage

Floor Surface Material- Concrete/ Epoxy etc

56 Floor Condition- Rough/ Cracks/ Oily/ Chips etc

57 Are Floor Repair Needed Frequently?

Any Floor Discontinuities/ Obstructions present in
58 Path?

High Current Wiring or Strong Magnetic Fields near

59 Path?

60 Are there any Ramps to be negotiated?

61 Maximum gradient and length of Ramp

62 Does the facility layout changes frequently

63 Length of Path to be covered

64 Will AGV/AMR path be shared by other Equipments?

Special Regulations: Safety, Factory Standard,

65 Equipment and Facilities

Special Environmental Conditions: Temperature,

66 Humidity, Dust etc.

67 AGV/AMR Control Room Location

68 AGV/AMR Maintenance Area Location

69 Battery Charging / Maintenance Area



Is the product to be loaded/ unloaded manually on

72 the AGV/AMR or by automated interface?
Are you looking for On board Dispatch / Manually
73 Specified Destination on AGV/AMR.

74 Are you looking for Off board Dispatch of AGV/AMR?

Call Button/ Terminal at Vehicle Stopping Point?

75 Manually Initiated

76 Call Button at Vehicle Stopping Point? PLC Initiated

77 Automatically Based on Input Signal?

From a Host Computer available for AGV/AMR System

78 Management?

79 Central Computer Controlled?

80 Inventory Management Required

81 Control Interface to Other Equipment / Computers?

82 Tow Type AGV/AMR Specific

83 Number of Trailers to be Towed:

84 Number of Loads Per Trailer:

85 Total Towed Weight Including Trailers:

86 Trailer Size and Capacity

87 Trailer Steering

88 Load Overhang on Trailer? Dimensions

89 Unit Load Type AGV/AMR Specific

90 Single Load Position?

91 Multiple Load Position?

92 Type of Pick or Drop Station

93 Load Transfer Interface Height

Transfering: Load Rail Stand, Powered Conveyor, Belt,

94 Chain, Roller, Lift Deck

95 Material Transport AGC Type AGV/AMR Specific

96 Type of Pick or Drop Station

Operator load/unload, Non-powered conveyor,

97 Pwered conveyor

99 Load Transfer Interface Height

100 Assembly AGC Type AGV/AMR Specific

Type of Assembly stations : No of Manual Process

101 Stations

Type of Assembly stations : No of Automaticl Process

102 Stations

103 Work piece rotation required?

104 Work piece elevation required?

105 Battery Charging: Manual Swap/ Auto Charging
S. NO. Customer''s Interpreted Need Importance
Estimation of Number of AGV/AMR Required
P/D Station Name/ No. 1 2 3 4 5 Sub Total Remarks
1 Trips per 8hr shift 0
Dist. X Trips 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Trips per 8hr shift 0
Dist. X Trips 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Trips per 8hr shift 0
Dist. X Trips 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Trips per 8hr shift 0
Dist. X Trips 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Trips per 8hr shift 0
Dist. X Trips 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Trips (NT) 0
Distance = Length of travel between stations Total Distance (DT) 0

Instructions :
1. Add all 'Trips per 8hr shift' rows
2. Add all 'Trips per 8hr shift' subtotals for Total Trips (NT)
3. Add all 'Dist. X Trips' rows
4. Add all 'Dist x Trips' subtotals for Total Distance (DT)
5. Note following additional Parameters
6. PDT: Pick & Drop Time The time it takes for a vehicle to slow down, stop, deliver or pick
up the load and leave.
7. HRS/Shift: Hours per Shift For the example below, 8 hours per shift is used.
This is the average speed of the vehicle. The number will vary
8. MPM: Meters per Min depending on the AGV layout. Take 75% of Max Speed.
The efficiency factor is used to compensate for battery
9. EF: Efficiency Factor change/charging, waiting times, traffic stops, human intervention,
Total vehicles required = (NT X PDT/ Hrs per Shift X 60 min.) +( DT/Hrs per Shift X 60 min. X MPM X EF)

Example: AGV System

Running an H hour shift(Hrs/Shift)
Total trips(NT)
Meters of total distance(DT)
Minute of pick and drop time(PDT)
Average speed S meters per minute(MPM)
Efficiency factor(EF)

Total AGV needed PD-Time Distance

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