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A. Background of the Problem

Speaking is one of important skill to learn. Speaking is the skill that the

learnesrs will be judged upon most in real life situation. It is an important part

of everyday interaction, and most often, the first impression of a person is based

on his/her ability to speak fluently and comprehensibly. Thus, the teachers have

and obligation to set up the students however much as could reasonably be

expected to have the option to communicate in English in the genuine


In formal education, listening and speaking is the language skill get in

English instruction and learning. Some teachers accept that giving the

understudies composing/perusing undertakings make them more settled and

calm and appear to improve and more prosperous state of instrycting learning

measure instead of giving them talking assigments, whuch generally seems to

make the class to boisterous. Speaking is productive skill of language learning.

It involves coomunicative performance, and other important elements, such as

pronounciation, intonation, grammar, vocabulary, etc. They should be educated

in any language figuring out how to make the students ready to utilize the

objective language to convey.

Teaching material is one of the essential tools in the learning process. It

has a role in learning as the core of the curriculum, which functions as a means

of achieving goals in learning. It helps teachers in preparing subject


matter and guide students in learning. As stated by Richards that the roles

of materials in language teaching are: as a resource of activities for learners to

practice and communicative interaction.1 A reference source for the learner on

grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and soon, and as a source of stimulation

and ideas for classroom activities.

Moreover, speaking materials must facilitate effectively and

meaningfully students' needs, and target situations need in learning English

language skills, especially for speaking skills. Speaking skill, as the parameter

of someone's level of English proficiency, is a skill used to express though,

opinions, and feelings in terms of talk of conversation. For these competencies,

learning materials should have sufficient knowledge of the sound, structure,

vocabulary, and cultural system of the English language. It needs to facilitate

the students to think about the ideas they want to express, and need to be aware

of the appropriate functional expressions as well as grammatical, lexical, and

cultural features needed to express the idea. In gaining these competencies, the

material of teaching speaking skills should be in line with those features of

speaking skills.

Textbooks is one of the main things that are important for the learning

process and are supported by explanations from the teacher. According to Jana

Stara, textbooks play a prominent role in the teaching or learning process2.

Besides, one of the basic functions of textbooks is to make the existing

Jack C. Richards, “Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching,” 2006,
Jana Stará, “The Role of Textbooks in Primary Education,” E-Pedagogium 17, no. 4
(2017): 60–69,

knowledge available and apparent to the learners in a selected, easy and

organized way. The content of English language textbooks influences what

teachers teach and learners learn.

Thotapally states one of the most important thing when the teacher

teaches English at school is the English textbook.3 Montasser said the textbook

was the primary agent of conveying knowledge to learners since it played an

influential role in instructing or learning.4 As support in the learning process,

teachers certainly need literature. One of the literature needed in the learning

process, especially in English lessons, books are essential factors in achieving

students understanding. Books used during learning can help students to know

more than what the teacher has explained. According to Brian, teaching and

learning measure in classroom can be helped by textbooks that are used by

teacher and students.5 The significant media ultimately coursebook ought to be

acceptable and appropriate with the condition, levels of the understudies, and

generally simple to read and understand. When language learning, course

reading plays a critical function in the way toward educating and learning. It is

difficult for teachers to teach systematically without a textbook. A coursebook

also gives an assurance to understudies on their methodical amendment about

Thotapally Anjaneyulu, “A Critical Analysis of the English Language Textbooks in
Andhra Pradesh, India,” International Association of Research in Foreign Language Education and
Applied Linguistics ELT Research Journal 4, no. 4 (2014): 181–200,
Montasser Mohamed, “Developing an English Language Textbook Evaluative
Checklist,” IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME) 1, no. 3 (2013): 55–70,
Brian Tomlinson, Materials Development in Language Teaching, ed. Brian Tomlinson,
Cambridge University Press, Second Edi, vol. 6 (Cambridge University Press, 2016),

what they have realized and ensures them what they will recognize. When the

view from its use, current textbooks are useful to assist in the learning process.

This subject book can provide understanding in addition to the teacher's

explanation. It can be seen from the English language, which is not a language

mastered by students. Therefore textbook is a way to help in the student

learning process, especially in English subject.

In analyzing a textbook, we do not judge its good and bad but rather

investigate its users' suitability. Sulistyana explains that the government has

arranged a textbook as a reference for teachers to teach in the classroom, but

many English textbooks do not have complete skill in it. English has four skills:

listening, speaking, reading, and writing.6 All English skills are interrelated,

but sometimes in the textbooks, the subjects are not all contained so that

students do not fully understand. Many language textbooks can be found

anywhere, but sometimes students are confused in understanding their

contents. So, people need to check and analyze whether English textbooks

handle all four skills adequately and take into account the balance of levels and


Lusi explains about Indonesian educational system also requires students

to have a textbook. The government provides the textbook for all subjects.

Sulistyana, “Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbicara Dalam Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia
Materi Menyampakan Kritikan Dan Pujian Melalui Metode Diskusi Dan Media Gambar Siswa
Kelas VI SDN TANAERAH II” 21, no. 1 (2020): 1–9,

Every student gets one textbook for every subject.7 Indonesian students should

focus more on talking and discussing Indonesian culture in English rather than

the English speaking countries’ culture. The Ministry of Education and Culture

has declared that the textbook as a books for students is suitable to be used in

schools for teaching-learning. Related to the regulations, the government says

that a textbook is important in the teaching-learning process as it helps both

teachers and students to accomplish the goals of the lessons.

Alexandra stated that since textbook is very important for second and

foreign language class, selecting textbook is very crucial. She emphasizes

selecting textbook is a responsibility of a teacher.8 However, some teachers

sometimes less pays attention in choosing good and suitable English textbook

for students. Some teachers choose an English textbook because they have

good perception about certain publisher. They assume that English textbook

from certain publisher is better than other publishers. As a result, every year,

they always use English textbook from the same publisher. However, its

content may change year by year. They cannot guarantee that content English

textbook can keep the quality. Moreover, sometimes some schools also less

pay attention in selecting good and appropriate English textbook to be used at

school. Based on the writer experience when she was in Junior and Senior high

school, every year her school provided English textbook from the same

Lusi Mayangsari, “Cultural Content: An Analysis of EFL Textbook in Indonesia,”
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) 8, no. 11 (2018): 192–99,
Alexandra Kresio, “Coursebook Selection Process and Some of the Most Important
Criteria to Be Taken into Consideration in Foreign Language Teaching,” Journal of Arts and
Sciences, 2006, 19–29,

publisher. The writer assumes the schools subscribed to certain publisher every

year. As a consequence, the schools always use the textbook to be used for

teachers to teach their student. It may happen to other schools in Indonesia. To

support this condition, the writer interviewed some people. The result shows

that most of them agree. They said their school also used an English textbook

from the same publisher year by year. It may happen because the school’s

principal believes that contents of the textbooks are good and suitable to be

used by the teacher as instructional material. Either schools or teachers should

pay attention in selecting English textbook. To get the most suitable English

textbook for students, it is a must for teachers to select it well. To know deeply

the content of a textbook, teachers should evaluate it. Evaluation can be

conducted before textbook is used, during its use and after use. By evaluating

textbooks, teachers can identify particular strengths and weakness. In the

strength points teachers can use the materials maximally, while in the weaker

area, the teachers can give any addition through adaptation or by substituting

materials from other books.12 If teachers can use textbook precisely, it can

very helpful for students in reaching the objective of learning.

Based on the description above, the researcher is interest to analyze the

speaking material on students’ textbook. The researcher will do the research in

MAN 1 Padangsidimpuan because the school is relevant to this research.


B. Focus of the Problem

This research will focuses to analyze whether the speaking materials on

students’ textbook at XI students in MAN 1 Padangsidimpuan is compatible or


C. Limitation of the Problem

The researcher limit this research in analyze the quality of speaking

material on students’ XI textbook in MAN 1 Padangsidimpuan.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background above, the researcher took the formulation of

the problem below :

1. How is the quality of speaking materials on XI students’ English Textbook

in MAN 1 Padangsidimpuan.

2. Is speaking materials on students’ textbook compatible or not.

E. Objective of the Research

From the formulation above, the researcher took the objective of the

research as follow :

1. To know how is the quality of speaking materials on XI students’ English

Textbook in MAN 1 Padangsidimpuan.

2. To know the compatible of speaking materials on XI students’ textbook in

MAN 1 Padangsidimpuan.

F. Significances of the Research

1. Teacher : Researcher hope the result of this research can useful for other

teachers in knowing how compatible the students’ speaking material


2. Students : Researcher hope that students can get speaking material as it

should be compatible in their speaking material textbook

3. Other Researcher : That reads this research may improve or using this

research as references to solve the other problems of their research.

G. Outline of the Research

This research will containing in five stages or chapters as follow :

1. Chapter one : is consist of background of the problem, focus of the problem,

limitation of the problem, objective of the research, significances of the

research, definition of operational variable, and outline of the research.

2. Chapter two : includes theoretical description.

3. Chapter three : is research methodology include location, times of the

research, research design, respondent of the research, instrument technique

of collecting data, and cheking data trustworthiness.

4. Chapter four : is the result of the research that consist of data analysis nd

discussion of the research result.

5. Chapter five : is contained about conclusion of the research and the

suggestion of the research.


H. Definitions of Operational Variable

1. Speaking

Speaking is the essence of communication along with listening,

reading, and writing. Speakinng is one of four abailities that must be

learned. Speaking becomes a method for producing and gaining

knowledge in any language. It’s also important in communication

because humans being. Speaking together of the four abilities in English

is the most important skill for English learners to master. For many

people, the success of learning a language is determined by the students

ability to convers and speak in the target language.

2. Speaking Material

Learning material are knowledge, skills, and attitude that must be

mastered by learners to meet the established competency standarts. By

considering what good speakers do, what speaking task can be used in

class, and what specific needs learners report, teacher can help learners

to improve their speaking and overall oral competency.

3. English Textbook

Textbook is a media as sourch for material in teaching learning,

which is based on the curriculum used in current by single writer or

group of writers and used in schools.


I. Theorotical Description

1. Speaking

a. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is a productive skill. According to Tarigan states that

speaking referred to the production of sounds and words as a

meaningful verbal language, speaking is also a well develop tool in

communicating and sharing ideas between speakers and listeners to

fulfill their needs.9 Same with the ideas, McDonough and Shaw stated

speaking is purpose driven communicate something in order to fulfill

certain particular end, involving of ideas, negotiating or by solving

particular problem and in most common cases is to maintain social

relations or friendship.10 In addition, Kayi determined Speaking as

building and sharing process of meaning through verbal and nonverbal

symbol in variety of contexts.11 The researcher concludes speaking is

commonly used as a way to relate any information between speakers

and listeners in order to accomplish their need.

b. Goal and Function of Speaking

Speaking is a productive skill. According to Tarigan states that speaking referred to the
production of sounds and words as a meaningful verbal language, speaking is also a well develop
tool in communicating and sharing ideas between speakers and listeners to fulfill their needs.
Jo McDonough, Christopher Shaw, and Hitomi Masuhara, Materials and Methods in
ELT, a Teacher’s Guide, Third Edit (Wiley-BlackWell, 2004),
Kayi, R. (2006). Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second
Language. The Internet TESL Journal, 12.

According to Thornbury, there are two functions of speaking,

which are transactional and interpersonal. We can see the meaning

below :

a. Transactional function expresses information and facilities the

exchange of goods and service. For example phoning to book table

at restaurant.

b. Interpersonal function establisher and maintains good relation

between people. For example conversation between friends that take

place at the restaurant.12

Harmer stated that to speak fluently in English, students need to

be able to pronounce phonemes correctly, use appropriate stress and

intonation patterns and speak in connected speech.13 Richards explain

that speaking is fluency becomes the goal of learning speaking skill in

language program.14

c. Role of Teacher in Speaking Class

1. Prompter: it means that to make all students participate during the

speaking class teachers should held them in expressing their idea.

Scott Thornbury, “How to Teach Speaking,” 2005, a. Transactional function expresses
information and facilities the exchange of goods and service. For example phoning to book table at
restaurant.%0Ab. Interpersonal function establisher and maintains good relation between people.
For example conversation between friends that take place at the restaurant.
Jeremy Harmer, “How to Teach English” (england: Longman, 2001), to Teach English Harmer%2C
Jack C. Richards, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, The Canadian
Modern Language Review, vol. 44 (Australia: Cambridge University Press, 1999),

If the students forget about the word, the teachers can complete

sentences of students.

2. Participant: Teachers can be a participant during students practice

to speak. They may introduce new information to students in

improve students’ speaking. Is better for the teachers stand back of

students, so they can watch and listen to what is their talk.15

3. Feedback provider: Teachers can deliver feedback in the middle or

at the end of activity. In the middle teacher can give sufficient

feedback. And the end, the teachers can correction of grammar,

addition information or opinion.

d. Characteristic of Succesfull Speaking Ability

There are some characteristics of successful speaking activities, the

explanation as follows:

1. Learners talk a lot: All students can participate well. They can share

their idea, so that speaking class full of students’ voices.

2. Participation is event: All students get chance to speak. Either

talkative student can involve well in speaking class. The participant

of every student is an event in speaking class.

3. Motivation is high: Students are enthusiastic to speak; the always

have something new to say.16

Harmer J, “The Practice Of English Language Teaching,” The Practice Of English, 2007.
S M. Budiyanto and Sigit Haryanto, “Presentation, The Best Model for Teaching
Speaking for Adults Students,” Jurnal VARIDIKA 31, no. 1 (2019): 17–28,

4. Language is of an acceptable level: Learners express their ideas that

relevant, easily comprehensible to each other and of an accepted

level of language accuracy.

e. Problem in Speaking Activities

1. Inhibition: Most of the students are often shy about trying to say

things in a foreign language in the classroom. They worried about

mistake and afraid of criticism or losing force.

2. Nothing to say: In speaking class, students are asked to talk a lot. The

condition, make confuse for students about what they are going to


3. Low: In big group, only some students get opportunity to speak. It is

usually is dominated by talkative students, which other students have

only very little time to talk. It is also problem for teachers in manage

the class.

4. Mother-tongue use: When student face difficulty to say word or

sentences in a foreign language in speaking class, they often use their

mother tongue. It has because they feel it is easier to say in mother


f. How to Solve the Problem in Speaking

a. Use Group Work: Teacher can divide students into some group.

Students who English at same level belong to the same group. It will

make the students get more opportunity to speak.


b. Make a careful choice of topic and task to stimulate interest: It is very

important for teacher to select topic and material. Because. when the

material suitable and easy to understood by students, it make

students to speak up.17

c. Giving some Instruction or training un discussion skill: The teachers

should give clear instruction. So that, they know well what they have

to do during the process of learning.

d. Keep students speaking in The Target Language: One of some way

to control students to speak in the target language is appoint a leader

in each group as monitor, whose it is to remind participants to use

the target language and report later to the teacher how well the group

managed to keep it.

2. Speaking Material

a. Definition of Speaking Material

There are four types of English, namely reading, listening, writing, and

speaking. Speaking is one of the most important components in English

where listening is a realization of learning material. Talking is the

dynamicutulization of language to show meaning, and for youthful

students, the spoken in language is the medium through which another

dialect is encountered, comprehended, practiced, and learnt. According

to Hosni, the most requesting ability that individuals needs to impart in

Rizqi Akbarani, “Treffinger Learning Model in Teaching Speaking,” American Journal
of Psychology 7, no. 1 (2019): 18–23,

ordinary circumstances is talking.18 Generally, talking is the capacity to

communicate something in a communicated in language since it

concerns articulating a few plans to make others handle the message

that is passed on. There are many factors in determining whether the

material is good or not. According to Depdiknas, there are the criteria

of speaking material, namely :

1. It must be based on the type of skills that will be used to speak.19

2. It must provide a variation, so the students get the learning

experience variety.

3. It should develop a vocabulary so the speaking skill do not dull.

4. It should provide the examples of the accuracy of speech

pronunciation, and intonation so the students are able to speak


5. It should develop broader insight.

6. The topic of talk must be actual (public spotlight).

7. Materials are systematically organized by following the principles

of learning (from easy to challenging, close to far, known to

unknown, simple to complex).

8. Learning activities are packaged attractively, Sometimes doing

activities outside the classroom (Learning activity is not restricted

in the classroom)

Samira Al Hosni, “Speaking Difficulties Encountered by Young EFL Learners,”
International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL) 2, no. 6 (2014): 22–

9. Using methods and techniques which can fostering students’

interest in learning and interested in learning language.

10. Select the source and learning media of learning that can fostering

the critical thought and creative.

Based on the criteria above, it can be concluded that the choice of

the material should be adjusted to the grade level, student

circumstances, situation and conditions. Those criteria can make

students more easily understand the speaking material. The mastery of

speaking skills in English is a priority for many second language or

foreign-language learners.20 Consequently, learners often evaluate their

success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of their English

course on the basis of how much they feel they have improved in their

spoken language proficiency.

Penny argues that the speaking skill is the most important one since

foreign language learners are most of all interested in becoming actual

speakers of language.21 Penny writes about four characteristics for a

successful speaking activity:

1) Learners talk a lot

Lejla Basic, “Speaking Anxiety: An Obstacle to Second Language Learning,” Masters
Thesis, 2011, 1–25,
Penny Ur, “Exploring Indonesian Graduates’ English Language Skills and Companies’
English Language Skills Requirements in East Kalimantan, Indonesia,” IOSR Journal of Humanities
and Social Science, 2014,

2) Participation is even.

3) Motivation is high.

4) Language is of an acceptable level.

3. English Textbook

a. Definition of Textbook

Talking about teaching learning process, the term of textbook

always appear in the context. Brown said that textbook are clear and

tangible material used in the teaching and learning process.22 As

teaching material used in the teaching process by teachers, Textbook

are developed based on the applicable curriculum. Graves add textbook

is standard source of information for formal study of a subject as tool

and instrument for teaching and learning.23 It means that textbook

provides the material, but it cannot produce on its own. The material

produced only when learner’ need. The material on textbook are

developed must be suitable with curriculum.

Furthermore, the minister of education stated that, textbook is a

resource of principal in teaching and learning to achieve both basic

competence and core competence.24 According to Cunningsworth that

H.Douglas Brown, “Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy,” 2000,
Kathleen M. Galotti, “Perception: Recognizing Patterns and Objects,” Cognitive
Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory Electronic Version, 2013, 39–64.
Peraturan Pemerintah et al., “PP RI 32 2013 Tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan,”

textbook is the best resource to help students to get aim of learning,

because it has already set based on learner’s need.25 From explain

above, textbook is a teaching material that contains material. arranged

based on the curriculum, to achieve the objectives of basic

competencies and core competencies designed for the needs of


From those statements, the observer concludes that textbook is a

teaching material in the form of material that aims to facilitate the

teacher in the teaching and learning process.

b. Advantages of Textbook

Textbook has a lot of advantages that we can get from using it.

Cunningsworth explain some advantages of textbook, which are:

1. There is a common framework provide by the coursebook

2. Less experienced teacher can use the coursebook as heavily as they


3. There is scope for replacing weaker parts of the standard coursebook

with other books or using material.

4. There is scope for replacing weaker parts of the standard coursebook

with other books or using material.26

Alan Cunningsworth, “Choosing Your Coursebook” (Thailand: macmillan heinemann,
Alan Cunningsworth, “Choosing Your Coursebook.”

5. There is scope for teachers to develop as they become less dependent

on the book gain in confidence to experiment with alternative


6. More variety of classroom activity and teaching technique is

possible, more flexible response to individual students’ needs is


In addition, according to Graves, the advantages of using textbook


1. It provides a syllabus for the course because the authors of the

syllabus have made decisions about what will be learned and in

what order.27

2. It provides security for the students because they have a kind of a

road map of the course: they know what to expect and they know

what is expected from them.

3. It provides a set of visuals, activities, readings, etc., and so saves the

teacher time in finding or developing such materials.

4. It provides teachers with a basis for assessing students’ learning.

Some textbooks include tests or evaluation tools.

Kathleen graves, “Designing Language Course,” 1999 (Canada: Thomson Learning,

5. It may include supporting materials (teacher’s guide, cd,

worksheets, and video.)

6. It provides consistency within a program across a given level, if all

teachers use the same textbook. If textbooks follow a sequence, as

within a series, it provides consistency between levels.28

Based on the statements above concludes that some of the

advantages of a good textbook are can make students more interested

in learning, and for teachers easier to provide material in the teaching

and learning process.

c. Disadvantages of Textbook

Otherwise the disadvantages of textbook, Richards also mention the

weakness or the disadvantages of the textbook. They are:

1. Textbook may contain inauthentic language.

2. Textbook may distort contain.29

3. Textbook may not reflect students’ need

4. Textbook call deskill teachers.

5. Textbook is expensive.

According to Ur, there are five against for textbook:

Kathleen graves, “Designing Language Course.”
Kathleen graves.

a. Inadequacy Every class – in fact, every learner– has their own

learning needs: no one coursebook can possibly supply these


b. Irrelevance, lack of interest The topics dealt with in the coursebook

may not necessarily be relevan tor interesting for your class.

c. Limitation A coursebook is confining: its set structure and sequence

may in hibita teacher’s initiative and creativity, and lead to boredom

and lack of motivation on the part of the learners.

d. Homogeneity Coursebook shave their own rationale and chosen

teaching/learning approach. They do not usually cater for the variety

of levels of ability and knowledge, or of learning styles and strategies

that exist in most classes.30

e. Over-easiness Teachers find it too easy to follow the coursebook

uncritically instead of using their initiative; they may find

themselves function in gmerelyas mediators of its content in stead of

as teachers in their own right.

In order to decrease the disadvantages of the textbook, the teacher

have to be understand and creative about the material that is suitable for

students’ level. As a matter of fact, the main role in teaching and

learning process in class is the teacher but textbook as an instrument.

Ur, “Exploring Indonesian Graduates’ English Language Skills and Companies’ English
Language Skills Requirements in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.”

Hence, teachers have to be capable when they find that the textbook is

not appropriate for their students.

d. The Role of Textbook in English language Teaching

Currently, textbook play important role in English language teaching

process. According to Cunningsworth, textbook have multiple roles in

ELT and can serve as:

1. A resource for presentation material (spoken and written) .31

2. A source of activities for learner practice and communicative in


3. A reference source for learners on grammar, vocabulary,

pronunciation, etc.

4. A source of stimulation and ideas for classroom language activities.

5. A syllabus (where they reflect learning objectives which have

already been determined).

6. A resource for self-directed learning or self-access work.

7. A support for less experienced teachers who have yet to gain in


Add to both Ravitch and Valverde textbooks are vitally important,

they play a significant role in shaping teachers’, students’ and families’

views of school subjects. In addition, a textbook can be guidance for

teachers in giving systematic materials for the student.32 It is generally

Alan Cunningsworth, “Choosing Your Coursebook.”

Lisa Okeeffe, “A Framework for Textbook Analysis,” International Review of
Contemporary Learning Research 2, no. 1 (2013): 1–13,

accepted that the role of the textbook is to be at the service of the teacher

and learners but not be their master.33

From explanation mention above, the observer conclude that

textbook plays important role in English language teaching. The roles

of textbook are important for both teacher and students. Textbook as a

source and provide the material and content of the lesson to their


e. Textbook Selection

According to Ur, for selecting textbook there are any three levels

1. Deciding on criteria For this, there are several criteria to be checked

by the teacher based on the assessment provided. Additional the

teacher must be to generally compare with other ideas.

2. Applying criteria The teacher who assesses the results of the book

must be compared with the assessment of the results of others with

the same material.34

3. Summary, the teacher must compare the two columns according to

the criteria rather than just having a large number of assessments.

However, teachers have to look is important whether or not the


Rohmatillah, “Readibility Level of Reading Texts in the English Textbook Entitled
English Alive for Senior High School Grade X Published by Yudhistira,” Jurnal Penelitian
Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar 6, no. August (2016): 128.
Ur, “Exploring Indonesian Graduates’ English Language Skills and Companies’ English
Language Skills Requirements in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.”

From that explanation above, the observer know that there are two

steps for teachers to selecting textbooks for their students.First steps,

analyzing textbook, teachers can be in the form of checklist,

comparative textbook description, detailed comment from users, or

report on empirical research into effects of textbooks. Second step,

obtaining textbook information, It is means teachers can review, user

judgment, authors and publishers information, or their own global

analysis. Teachers have done the two steps, they can decide whether

they will use textbook for their students or not.

f. Criteria of a Good Textbook

There is some criteria a good textbook based on Jeremy Harmer and

BSNP. Criteria textbook based on Jeremy Harmer there are criteria of

good textbook :

1. How expensive is the textbook ? Can the students afford it ? Will

they have to buy an accompanying work book ? Can they afford

both ? what about the teacher can he or she pay for the teachers

book and tapes ?

2. If the course available ? Are all is components ( students book,

teachers book, workbook etc.) in the shops now ? What about

the next level (for the next term/semester)? Has it been

published. Is it available ? What about tapes, videos and etc ?

3. Is the book attractive ? Does the teacher feel comfortable with it

? Do the student like it ? How user friendly is the design ? Does


it yet in the way of what the book is trying to do or does it

enchance it ?

4. What kind of teaching and learning does the book promote ? Can

teachers and students build appropriate ESA sequences from it ?

Is there a good balance between study and activation?

5. Does the book cover the four kills reading, writing, speaking,

listening adequately ? Is there a decent balance between the skill

? Are there opportunities for both study and activation in the skill

work ? Is the language of the reading and listening text

appropriate ? Are the speaking and writing tasks likely to engage

the students interest?

6. Is the syllabus of the book appropriate for your students ? Does

is the cover language points you would expect ? Are they in the

right order? Do the reading and listening texts increase difficulty

as the book progresses?

7. Does the book contain a variety of topics? Are they likely to

engaged the students interest? Does the teacher respond to them

well? Are they culturally appropriate for the students ? Are they

too adult or too childish?

8. Is there a good teachers guide? Is it easy to use? Does it have all

the answers the teacher might need? Does it offer alternatives to


lesson producers? Does it contain a statement of intention which

the teacher and students feel happy with? 35

The researcher analyze English textbook based on BSNP for this

research. Textbook has an important role in national education system,

because it is one of component in teaching and learning process. With

a good textbook which the content involve all of the Competency

Standard (SK) and Base Competence (KD) appropriate guidance

content standard, attractive presentation, normative language,

interesting and appropriate illustrations. It is expected that teaching and

learning process can achieve graduate competency standard optimally.

Therefore, there is a council that organizes about textbook whether it is

proper to be published or not, it is Educational National Standard

Council (BSNP).

BSNP ( Education National Standard Council ) set out some criteria

for the quality of English textbooks who meet eligibility requirements,

which includes four components, namely : content eligibility,

presentation eligibility, language eligibility, and graph eligibility. 36

a. Content Eligibility

In content eligibility there are three indicators that must be

considered, namely (1) conformity with the description of the

material standard of competence (SK) and basic competence (KD)

Amelya Herladosari, Analyze The Textbook According to Jeremy Harmer. p.1.
BSNP, Laporan BSNP : Jakarta.2010.p.3.

contained in the relevant curriculum subjects; (2) the accuracy of

the material; and (3) learning support materials.37

1. Compliance with the material description of Competency

Standard (SK) and the Basic Competency (KD)

Textbooks are either supposed to contain material that

supports the achievement of SK (competency standards) and KD

(basic competence) of these subjects. SK and KD is benchmark

guidance in learning and the achievement of learning objectives

the material presented includes all materials contained in the

Competency Standards (SK) and the Basic Competency (KD).

The materials presented also reflect the achievement of all

descriptions which support Basic Competency (KD).

Furthermore, Indicators conformity with the description of SK

and KD material is directed to the following:

a. The completeness of the materials

b. The broadness of material

c. The deepness of the material

2. The accuracy of the material

Accuracy of the material indicators are directed at the

following target.

a. The accuracy of the concepts and definitions

Maya Arianingsih, “An Analysis Of The Appropriateness Of Junior High School
English Textbook Entitled When English Rings A Bell For VIII Grade Based on BSNP Criteria”,
(skripsi IAIN Palangkaraya,2017), p.37.

b. The accuracy of the principle

c. The accuracy of the procedure

d. The accuracy of the examples, facts, and illustration

e. The accuracy of the problem

3. Learning supporting material

Indicators of learning support materials aimed at the following

rights :

a. The compliance with technological developments

b. The accuracy of the features, examples and references

c. Reasoning

d. The problem solving

e. The linkage between the concepts

f. Communicative

g. Application

h. The attractiveness of the material

i. To encourage for seeking the further information

j. Enrichment

b. Presentation Eligibility

In terms of feasibility presentation, there are three indicators that mst

be considered, namely (1) presentation techniques; (2) the presentation

of learning; (3) the completeness of the presentation.38

Wita Nruhikmah, “The Analysis of English Textbook Used in the First Grade of Senior

High School Based On Curriculum 2013”, (Skripsi Uiversitas Negeri Medan,2016), p.7.

1. Technical of the presentation

Indicators of the textbook presentation technique directed at the


a. Systematic of the problem

b. The regularity of the presentation

c. Balance of the inter-chapter

2. Learning presentation

a. Student- centered

b. To develop process skills

3. The completeness of the presentation

a. Inductor part

b. Contents part

c. Ending part

c. Language Eligibility

In terms of feasibility indicators language there are three

factors that must be considered, namely (1) the suitability of

language usage by the level of development of students; (2) the use

of communicative language; (3) and the use of language integration

eligible chronological flow of thought.

1. Compliance with the students development of students


Indicators of using appropriate language based on the

students level are directed to the following matters.


a. Compliance with the level of students intellectual


b. Compliance with the level of students social

emotional development

2. Communicative

Indicators usage communicative language directed at the

following points :

a. Message legibility

b. The precision of language rules

3. The chronological and precision flow thought

a. The chronological and integration of each chapter

b. The chronological and integration of inter-paragraph

d. Graph Eligibility

In terms of feasibility assessment indicators of graph there

are three factors that must be considered in textbooks, namely (1)

the size of the book; (2) the design of book covers; and (3) the

design of the contents of the book.39

1. Book size

a. Conformity with ISO standard book size

b. Conformity with the size of the material contents of

the book

2. Cover design

Masnur Muslich, Text Book Writing :Jogjakarta .2016. p305.

a. Layout

b. Typography of the book covers

c. Using of the letter

3. Book content design

a. Reflection of the book contents

b. The harmony of the layout

c. The completeness of the layout

d. Understanding power of the layout

e. Typography of the book

f. Illustration of the contents

J. Review of Related Findings

There are some research that support this research. The first research is

by Nugraha and Carnando that has purpose to analyzing the suitability of

Cambridge ESL textbook for grade IX with K-13. The result of their research

is the researcher discovered that more than half of the basic competencies of

K-13 could be found in the textbook.40 Those objectives are that the students

can understand passive voice, procedure text, present perfect, past, present, and

future continuous, report and information text, and narrative text. Those

learning objectives can be found easily in the textbooks in the forms of

explanations in the grammar focus and students' assignments. Those

Hendra Nugraha and Gea Carnando, “Analyzing the Suitability of Cambridge ESL
Textbook for Grade IX with K-13,” Linguistic, English Education and Art (LEEA) Journal 5, no. 2
(2022): 272–85,

assignments are used to measure students' proficiency in specific skills.

Moreover, according to the interviewees' explanation, it can be concluded that

the learning objectives found in the Cambridge ESL textbook used for grade

IX are suitable for the basic competencies of K-13 for grade IX.

The second related research is by Masuram and Sripada that has purpose

to know the result of examinet developing speaking skills through task based

materials. The result of this research is The results of the study show significant

changes in the improvement of the students’ oral fluency. They indicate that

tasks used in the treatment aroused students' enthusiasm in the speaking classes

and increased oral communication in the classroom, which was the aim of the

treatment. This study shows that it is worth experimenting further with task-

based instruction in classrooms and exploiting the role of tasks in motivating

the learners in the classroom language learning process. It is quite evident that

from the results that there is a need to incorporate tasks and activities in

teachers' training programmes and in the development of teaching material.

The third related research is by Laurika that has purpose to examined and

analysis on speaking materials of a students’ textbook. The result of this

research where divided to two parts. The main outcome shows the inclusion of

talking material substance in “Pista Modul Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelas X

Semester 1” were in accordance with KTSP schedule.41 The subsequent

outcome shows the level of talking material substance in “Pista Modul Bahasa

David Nunan, T. D. Terrell, and H. Douglas Brown, Practical English Language
Teaching, ed. David Nunan, Language, First edit, vol. 57 (Singapore: Mc Graw Hill Companies,

Inggris SMK Kelas X Semester 1” are in accordance with KTSP schedule.

Although, most of the talkingmaterial in the coursebook for profsional school

students of grade ten is following the KTSP prospectus, the author actually

gives some recommendation that will be portrayed banned. To start with, the

talking materials clarification in Pista talks to be created by the instructor.

Second, the teacher ought to give more related jargon information that can

build up understaudies’ expertise in produce talking. Third, the educator is

recommended to change the talking assignments. Since the vast majority of the

talking assinngments in Pistais pretending, instructor can gives another talking


The fourth research is by Hidayah that has a research to know the analyze

the task to develop students' speaking and listening skills in conversation in

English textbook.42 The analyst propose that the other specialist can diarect

comparable exploration to includes topics or they can contemplate different

view point not just in bulding up the students speaking and listening uptitude

yet. In addition, different angles in the coursebook, for example, in the

composition in perusing for open skilled or and soon. Besides, the scientist

finds among of the talking and listening undertakings are not well balance

composed. In this research, the researcher also founds that not all of the aspects

in the speaking task are included in the textbook and very less listening task.

He recommend the following creator took to remember every capability for

R S HIDAYAH, “An Analysis on the Task To Develop Students’Speaking and Listening
Skills in Conversation in English Textbook: Content Analysis,” 2017, Publication

balamce all together the students are have the option to get balance information

in improving their language expertise in English.

The fifth related finding is by Yuni et al that has purpose to analysis the

proportion of language skills in English textbook grade XI published by

kemendikbud 2014.43 The result of her study is it can be concluded that: writing

skill has the highest proportion of 35%, grammar 32%, speaking 25%, reading

7%, and the lowest proportion is listening of 1%. Most of activities in the

textbook represent writing skill that integrated with other skills. In this

textbook, there are many skills that are integrated each other. This textbook has

the appropriate proportion on two skills (writing and speaking) however, it has

inappropriate proportion on other two skills (listening and reading).

K. Research Methodology

1. Time and Location of The Research

This research will be conducted in 2023 in even semester academic

year 2023/2024. The location of this research will be held at MAN 1

Padangsidimpuan that is located on Jl. Sutan Sori Pada Mulia No.29

Sadabuan, Kec. North Sumatra.

2. Research Design

This research will used descriptive qualitative method which aimed

at explaining of the analysis. Malterud define Qualitative research is, “the

systematic collection, organization, and interpretation of textual material

Yuni Wulandari, Indah Damayanti, and Alamsyah Harahap, “The Analysis of the
Proportion of Language Skills in English Textbook Grade XI Published by Kemendikbud 2014,”
Journal of English Education and Teaching (JEET) 6, no. 2 (2022): 59–77,

derived from talk or conversation. It is used in the exploration of meanings

of social phenomena as experienced by individuals themselves, in their

natural context” Which explains phenomenon in depth by means of data

collection which shows the importance of the depth and detail of the data


According to Donald states that in qualitative research document

analysis is widely applied to written visual data with the aim of identifying

the specific characteristics of the material to be analyzed in general form

from textbooks, newspapers, or other host documents. Through document

analysis are done by reading, recording, and collecting to conclude the

important points of the data, namely from written data sources.

Qualitative is the study of doing description and analysis of a

phenomenon, event, social activity, attitudes, perceptions of each individual

or particular group. This the type of research is inductive, where the data at

the location will be the main source of phenomena and problems in

observation process.

So, it can be concluded that descriptive Qualitative research tries to

describe the study of a social phenomenon in a more comprehensive form

of words. The main purpose of descriptive research is to analysis the

document and describe the object of research . Simply put, this is a fact

finding investigation. In descriptive research, definite conclusions can be

drawn accepted, but does not establish a cause-and-effect relationship.


In this research, the data will be collected naturally by analyzed the

speaking material at the XI grade students of MAN 1 Padangsidimpuan.

3. Source of Data

b. The primary source

To Use primary data which is data collected for a particular

research problems encountered, using procedures that are appropriate

to the research problem best. In this study, primary data will be obtained

by using documents related to speaking material at the XI grade

students of MAN 1 Padangsidimpuan.

Secondary data

Secondary data that has been collected through primary

sources and available to researchers that can be used for their own

research. In this study to support primary data, researcher will be

conducted by interviewing Ma’am Iriana as an English teacher in MAN

1 who especially teaches of the XI grade related to speaking material

at the XI grade students of MAN 1 Padangsidimpuan.

4. Research Instrument

In this study, researcher will be used some techniques in collecting

data. It aims to obtain valid information about speaking material at the XI

grade students of MAN 1 Padangsidimpuan. It is an instrument will be

used to collect data:


a. Document Analysis

In this research the researcher will be used document analysis to

analysis the speaking material. Corben et al cited in Glend document

analysis is a systematic procedure for reviewing or evaluating

documents both printed and electronic (computer-based and Internet-

transmitted) material. Like other analytical methods in qualitative

research, document analysis requires that data be examined and

interpreted in order to elicit meaning, gain understanding, and develop

empirical knowledge.

Documents contain text (words) and images that have been

recorded without a researcher’s intervention. For the purposes of this

discussion, other mute or trace evidence, such as cultural artifacts, is

not included. Atkinson and Coffey refer to documents as ‘social facts’,

which are produced, shared, and used in socially organized ways.44 The

document to be analyzed is the class XI English textbook.

Yudik Setiyawan, “Chapter IIII,” 2017, 1–14.

Table 1. Indicator of Document Analysis

No Indicator The description of Item Number

1. Content 1. SK
Eligibility 2. KD
3. Learning support
2. Presentation 1. Presentation
Eligibility techniques
2. Presentation of
3. Completeness of
the presentation
3. Language 1. The suitable of
Eligibility language usage
2. The use of
3. The use of
integration eligible
chronological flow
of thought
4. Graph Eligibility 1. The size of the
2. The design of book
3. The design of
contents of the

b. Interview

As establish here, Robert Wood Johnson stated an “interviewing

involves asking questions and getting answers from participants in a study.

Interviewing has a variety of forms including: individual, face-to-face

interviews and face-to-face group interviewing. The asking and answering

of questions can be mediated by the telephone or other electronic devices

(e.g. computers). Interviews can also be structured, semi-structure or


unstructured”45. And those who will be interviewed are teacher MAN 1

namely Mam. Iriana as an English teacher in XI grade.

Here the researcher will be asked how the source of the speaking

material is obtained, asking the teacher how far the material is used, what

the teacher must prepare before teaching the speaking material itself.

5. Technique of collecting Data

Data will be analyzed by using Miles & Hubermen cited in Setiawan

method. They describe technique is the process of collecting data

systematically to facilitate researchers in obtaining conclusions.

Conclusions will be easily obtained when the data analysis technique is

correct. According to Miles & Huberman. Analysis consists of three

activities that occur simultaneously; data reduction, data display,

conclusions drawing/ verification. Regarding the three lines will be

discussed further as follows :

1. Data Reduction

According to Miles & Huberman Data reduction refer to the process

selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data

that appear in written-up field notes or transcriptions. Data reduction is

done by choose and select every data entered from the result of textbook

analysis, interview, then process an focus all raw data to make it more


Roxana De Trigueros, “Qualitative and Quantitative Research Tools,” Research Gate,
no. March 2017 (2017): 1–16.

2. Data Display

Data display is an organized, compressed assembly of information that

permits conclusion drawing and action. Presentation of data is intended

to facilitate for researcher to see the overall pictures or parts of certain

part of the research. In this study the data that has been the organize

information is presented in the form of systematic description of


e. Conclusion Drawing/ Verification

According to Miles & Huberman conclusion is only half of a Gemini

configuration. Conclusion are also verified as the analyst proceed. When

in the midst of data collection, researchers had a brief conclusion.46 This

conclusion is drawn after the analysis activity. Data that takes place in

the field. In addition, this conclusion must be based on data analysis.

6. Technique of Checking Data Trustworthiness

The trustworthiness of the research is necessary to be checked in

order to reduce the researcher’s biases and prejudices. Qualitative

researcher uses several steps to check on and enhance a study’s validity.

Le Comple and Goetz stated validity in research is concerned with the

accuracy and truthfulness of scientific findings. A valid study should

demonstrate what actually exists and a valid instrument or measure should

actually measure what it is supposed to measure. There are many types of

Setiyawan, “Chapter IIII.”

validity and many names have been used to define the different types of


Campbell and Stanley have defined two major forms of validity that

encompass the many types. They refer to "internal" and "external" validity,

terms which are today used in most nursing research textbooks. Denzin

used the distinction between internal and external validity and applied it to

qualitative research. Intern validity is the term used to refer to the extent

to which research findings are a true reflection or representation of reality

rather than being the effects of extraneous variables. External validity

addresses the degree or extent to which such representations or reflections

of reality are legitim lately applicable across groups.47 Tto get the valid

data can go through several stages:

a. Credibility (extension of participation)

In order for research to have high credibility in accordance with

facts in the field, namely: extending the involvement of researchers in

the field, make continuous observations so that they can understand the

phenomenon available, triangulate, discuss, conduct studies, track the

suitability and completeness of the analysis results. The participation of

researchers in the field is very decisive for the data and data conclusions

to be drawn. The more research is carried out in the a long time, the data

obtained will be more complete and valid.

Konstantinos Sarrigeorgidis and Jan Rabaey, “Massively Parallel Wireless
Reconfigurable Processor Architecture and Programming,” Proceedings - International Parallel
and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2003 16, no. 2 (2003): 35–38,

b. Triangulation

Triangulation refers to the use of two or more data sources,

methods, investigators, theoretical perspectives and approaches to

analysis in the study of a single phenomenon and then validating the

congruence among them. Denzil stated the major goal of triangulation

is to circum vent the personal biases of investigators and overcome the

deficiencies intrinsic to single-investigator, single-theory, or single-

method study thus increasing the validity of the study48. The theory

triangulism it will be used to validated the data. Researcher collects the

data using some ways of technique of collecting the data such as reading

the listening material, noting points taking from Listening material, and

the result will be interpreted. Because it will use more theories to pick

the data in words and phrases.

Sarrigeorgidis and Rabaey.


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