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Step-by-Step Guide for Configuring and

Using Fax on Windows Small Business

Server 2003
Microsoft Corporation

Published: December 2005

Version: 1

This guide helps you configure and use the Fax service on a Microsoft® Windows® Small
Business Server 2003 (Windows SBS) network. It guides you through the processes of
configuring the server, configuring the client computers, and sending a fax.
For the most up-to-date product documentation, see the Microsoft Web site at
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Step-by-Step Guide for Configuring and Using Fax on Windows Small Business Server
2003........................................................................................................................... .....1
Abstract.................................................................................................... ...................1

Contents........................................................................................................................ .....3

Step-by-Step Guide for Configuring and Using Fax on Windows Small Business Server
2003 ........................................................................................................... ........4
Before You Begin............................................................................................. ...............4
Process Steps........................................................................................ .....................5
Step 1: Install the Fax Hardware.................................................................................. ...6
Step 2: Complete the Fax Configuration Worksheets................................... ..................6
Step 3: Configure Fax on a Windows SBS Server................................................ ..........7
Configure Fax (Local) Properties...................................................... .......................7
Define a Dialing Rule (Optional)......................................................................... ......9
Define a Fax Routing Location (Optional)......................................... .....................13
Run the Fax Configuration Wizard...................................................... ...................17
Designate a User as a Fax Administrator (Optional)..............................................18
Step 4: Receive a Test Fax............................................................................ ...............18
Step 5: Configure Fax on Client Computers......................................... ........................18
Install Shared Fax Client on Client Computers....................................................... 19
Step 6: Send a Test Fax............................................................................................. ...20
Send a Fax as E-mail.................................................................................... .........20
Send a Fax Using the Send Fax Wizard........................................... .....................20
Send a Fax from a Windows-based Program........................................................21
Related Links.................................................................................................. ..............22
Optional Steps.......................................................................................... ....................22
Optional Step 1: Create a Fax Contact in Outlook 2003..................................... .......22
Optional Step 2: Create a Fax Cover Page using the Fax Cover Page Editor...........23
Troubleshooting......................................................................................... ...................23
Worksheets for Configuring Fax.................................................................................... 26
Instruction Sheets for Sending Faxes from a Client Computer.....................................30

Step-by-Step Guide for Configuring and

Using Fax on Windows Small Business
Server 2003
This guide helps you configure and use the Fax service on a Microsoft® Windows® Small
Business Server 2003 (Windows SBS) network. It provides you with step-by-step
instructions for configuring the server, configuring the client computers, and sending
faxes. You can also complete optional steps that enhance the Fax process, such as
creating a fax cover page and defining fax contacts in the Microsoft Office Outlook® 2003
messaging and collaboration client. After you complete the steps outlined in this
document, you can send faxes from a client computer and receive and route faxes on a

Before You Begin

Before you start, assess whether your installation meets the following recommendations:

• Ensure that you have a backup of your server running Windows SBS. Always
back up the server before you add hardware to your network or make changes to
Windows SBS. For more information about backing up your server, see "Backing
Up and Restoring Windows Small Business Server 2003" at the Microsoft Web
site (

• Consider using more than one fax modem and phone line if your business
relies heavily on faxes. When you are assessing your hardware needs, keep in
mind that Windows SBS supports a maximum of four fax modems.

Problems may occur if you use the same modem for the Fax service and the
Routing and Remote Access service. The Fax service might respond to a
user dialing in for remote access before the Routing and Remote Access
service can respond, which results in the user not being able to remotely
access the Windows SBS network.

• To prepare for installing the fax hardware, ensure that the hardware that you
have chosen is listed in the Windows Server Catalog at the Microsoft Web site

• Microsoft Windows SharePoint® Services is installed on the server as part of

the Windows SBS installation. If you open http://companyweb and you do not see
the default home page, you might need to install Windows SharePoint Services.
To install Windows SharePoint Services, use the installation procedures listed in
Microsoft Knowledge Base article 829114, "How to remove and how to install the
Windows Small Business Server 2003 SharePoint Services companyweb Web
site," at the Microsoft Web site ( ).

• The Intranet and Fax Services components are needed for configuring Fax,
and they are also installed on the server as part of the Windows SBS installation.
If Fax Services is not installed, you cannot run the Fax Configuration Wizard. To
verify that the components are installed, click Start, point to Control Panel, click
Add or Remove Programs, click Windows Small Business Server 2003, and
then click Change/Remove. Click Next until you see the Component Selection
screen. You should see check marks in the Action column next to the Intranet
and Fax Services component names. If you do not see check marks, select
Install in the Action column, and then run the Setup Wizard for Windows SBS. If
you do see check marks, click Cancel.

• If you have enabled strong passwords that require a minimum password

length of 14 characters or more, either by using Configure Password Policies or
by manually configuring a Group Policy setting, faxes are not routed to a
Windows SharePoint Services document library. If you use the Configure
Password Policies tool to enable strong passwords, the default minimum
password length is 7 characters. If you need to change the minimum password
length, click Start, click Server Management, click Users, and then click
Configure Password Policies.

• To complete the steps in this document, you must have a general knowledge
of how to install, configure, and update Windows SBS, and a basic
understanding of the concepts of e-mail accounts, shared folders, document
libraries, and peripheral hardware.

Process Steps
To install the Fax service on a Windows SBS network, complete the following steps:

1. Install the Fax hardware. Obtain and install the hardware that your business
requires and that is compatible with Windows SBS.

Ensure that you follow the manufacturer's guidelines when you install the
new hardware.

2. Complete the Fax configuration worksheets. Use the worksheets to

record information that you will need to configure fax properties, to configure
phone and modem options, and to run the Fax Configuration Wizard.

3. Configure Fax on a Windows SBS server. Configure the server by setting

fax properties, defining dialing rules, defining document routing locations, and
running the Fax Configuration Wizard.

4. Receive a test fax. Send a test fax from outside of your Windows SBS
network to your Windows SBS server, to ensure that the routing method and
server configuration that you selected is working properly.

5. Configure Fax on client computers. Configure client computers by

installing Shared Fax Client.
6. Send a test fax. Send a fax by using e-mail, by using the Send Fax Wizard,
and by using a Windows-based program.

7. Print and distribute the instruction sheets for sending faxes. Print and
distribute the instruction sheets to anyone who will be sending faxes from client
computers. (See "Instruction Sheets for Sending Faxes from a Client Computer"
at the end of this document.)

Step 1: Install the Fax Hardware

Fax users can send, receive, and manage faxes by using a modem that is installed on a
server or by using a fax printer that is attached to a server. Use the following guidelines to
install a modem or fax printer:

• To install a modem, see "Installing and Configuring Modems" at the Microsoft

Web site (

• To install a printer, see "Printing" at the Microsoft Web site


Step 2: Complete the Fax Configuration

Before you configure the Fax service, complete the "Worksheets for Configuring Fax"
later in this document, to ensure a smooth configuration process. The worksheets request
the following information:

• Worksheet 1: Fax Devices. Record the fax devices that you want to use for
incoming and outgoing faxes.

• Worksheet 2: Fax Properties. Record the location of the folders that you
want to use for logging fax activity and archiving sent faxes.

• Worksheet 3: Dialing Rule Settings. Record information that is needed for

dialing, such as area codes and prefixes, numbers used for outside lines, and
calling-card information.

• Worksheet 4: Fax Routing. Record the locations where you want to route
incoming faxes, such as a shared folder, an e-mail address, or a document

Step 3: Configure Fax on a Windows SBS

Configure the server to support Fax by completing the following tasks:

• Configure Fax (Local) properties.

• Define a dialing rule (optional).

• Define a fax routing location (optional).

• Run the Fax Configuration Wizard.

Configure Fax (Local) Properties

You can configure Fax properties, such as Security, Receipts, Activity Logging, Sent
Items, and Outbox, to ensure a successful fax process.

To configure the Fax (Local) properties

1. On the server, click Start, and then click Server Management.

2. In the console tree, right-click Fax (Local), and then click Properties.

While the Fax (Local) Properties dialog box is open, complete the following actions
for each of the Fax properties listed:

Fax Properties



Verify that Fax

permissions are correct

Click the Security tab.

It is recommended that
you allow Everyone to fax
and that you allow
Administrators to Manage
Fax Configuration and
Manage Fax Documents.

Select delivery
notification options

Click the Receipts tab.

If you want to be notified

of fax deliveries, select
the options for how you
would like to be notified.

Configure activity

Click the Activity

Logging tab.

If you want to log fax

activity, select the Log
incoming fax activity
check box and the Log
outgoing fax activity
check box. You can also
define the Activity log
folder location.

Define a Dialing Rule (Optional)

A Dialing Rule stores dialing parameters, such as area-code rules and calling-card
information. When you send a fax, a Dialing Rule can also determine the correct
sequence of numbers that should be dialed for a specific location.

For more information about Dialing Rules, see "Dialing rules overview" at the Microsoft
Web site (

To create a new Dialing Rule

1. On the server, click Start, and then click Server Management.

2. On the console tree, click Fax (Local).

3. In the details pane, click Configure Phone and Modem Options.

4. On the Dialing Rules tab, click New.

5. On the General tab, enter the name of the new dialing location in the
Location name text box.

6. Specify the characteristics of your telephone line by providing additional

information on the General tab, the Area Code Rules tab (see "To create a
new Area Code Rule" later in this document), and the Calling Card tab (see
"To create a new Calling Card" later in this document).

7. Click OK to close the Phone and Modem Options dialog box.

While you have a Dialing Rule open, you can create an Area Code Rule (see To create a
new Dialing Rule). Using an Area Code Rule is optional; you can send faxes without one.

To create a new Area Code Rule (Optional)

1. Click the Area Code Rules tab in the New Location dialog box.

2. To add a new Area Code Rule, click New. To edit an existing rule, click
the rule and then click Edit.

3. In Area code, enter the area or city code.

4. In Prefixes, select one of the following:

• To apply the rule to all prefixes in the area code, select the
Include all the prefixes within this area code check box.

• To apply the rule to specific prefixes, select the Include only the
prefixes in the list below check box, click Add, enter one or more
prefixes, and then click OK.

5. In Rules, select one or both of the following:

• To dial a number before the phone numbers that contain these

prefixes, select the Dial check box, and then type the digits to dial.

• To dial the area code before the phone number, select the
Include the area code check box.

6. Click OK to close the Area Code Rule dialog box.

While you have a Dialing Rule open, you can also create a new Calling Card. Using a
calling card is optional; you can send faxes without a calling card.

To create a new calling Card (Optional)

1. Click the Calling Card tab in the New Location dialog box.

2. To add a new calling card, click New.

To edit an existing calling card, select the Card Type, and then click Edit.

3. On the General tab, enter the following:

• Calling card name. The name you use to identify the card.

• Account number. The account number provided by the calling-

card company. For some calling cards, this is the home or business
phone number that is associated with the account.

• Personal Identification Number (PIN). Any personal number

required to secure your account against unauthorized use. This is
often a four-digit number that is dialed after the account number
when you place a call. Some calling cards do not use a PIN.

4. On the Long Distance tab, the International tab, and the Local Calls
tab, type the phone number that is required to access the corresponding
service. Include all the digits that are dialed after you access an outside line.

• On the Long Distance tab, the Access number for long

distance calls is the phone number that is required to access the
calling-card service for domestic long-distance calls.

• On the International tab, the Access number for international

calls is the phone number that is required to access the calling-card
service for international long-distance calls.

• On the Local Calls tab, Access number for local calls is the
phone number that is required to access the calling-card service for
local calls. Leave this blank if you want to dial local numbers without

using the calling card.

5. On the Long Distance tab, the International tab, and the Local Calls tab,
click the following buttons to add the steps that are required to complete a

Dialing Step


Access Number

The number to access the calling card


Account Number
The number that identifies your
account, which you entered on the
General tab.


Your personal identification number,

which you entered on the General tab
and which is usually dialed
immediately after the account

Destination Number

The country/region code, area code,

and phone number.

Wait for Prompt

Pauses dialing for a dial tone, voice

message, or time interval.

Specify Digits

Any sequence of the digits 0-9, *, and


You can edit existing Dialing Rules to change General Settings, Area Code Rules, or
Calling Cards.

To edit an existing Dialing Rule

1. On the server, click Start, and then click Server Management.

2. On the console tree, click Fax (Local).

3. In the details pane, click Configure Phone and Modem Options.

4. On the Dialing Rules tab, click the Location that you want to edit, and
then click Edit.

5. Click a tab to make changes to the General Settings, Area Code Rules,
or Calling Card for that dialing location.

After you complete these procedures, the Dialing Rules that you create will be used to
dial the correct sequence of numbers for a specified fax number.

Define a Fax Routing Location (Optional)

If you do not specify an alternate routing location for incoming faxes, the incoming faxes
are routed to the Incoming Faxes document library. Based on your business needs, you
can specify alternate routing locations when you run the Fax Configuration Wizard.
Before you define where to route faxes, you need to create the routing locations. You can
route faxes to the following locations:

• The default Incoming Faxes document library.

• A custom Windows SharePoint Services fax document library.

• A shared folder.
• An e-mail account.

To create a Windows SharePoint Services Fax document library, Windows
SharePoint Services 2.0 must be installed on the server. It is installed by default
when you install Windows SBS. If you have uninstalled it, you must reinstall it
before you proceed.

Use the Incoming Faxes Document Library for Fax Routing (Default Setting)
Faxes are routed to the Incoming Faxes document library if you do not assign another
routing location by using the Fax Configuration Wizard. The Incoming Faxes document

library is created for you when you install Windows SharePoint Services, if Fax Services
is installed.

Create a Windows SharePoint Services Fax Library for Fax Routing

If you want to use a fax library with a specific name or permissions, you can create a
custom Windows SharePoint Services fax library on the internal http://companyweb Web

To create a Windows SharePoint Services fax library

1. On the server, open your internal http://companyweb Web site by using
Internet Explorer. If the site does not appear, click My Company's internal
Web site on the Favorites menu.

2. Click Create on the navigation bar at the top of the page.

3. Click Fax Library in the Document Libraries section.

4. In the Name text box, enter the name of the new fax library.

5. In the Description text box, enter a description for the new fax library.

6. Select Yes or No to specify whether you want a link to the new fax library
to appear in the Quick Launch bar on the home page.

7. Click Create at the bottom of the page.

After completing this procedure, the new fax library appears on the Documents and Lists
page of your company's Web site.

You can restrict access to the fax library that you created by modifying the permissions of
the fax library.

To modify fax-library permissions

1. On the server, open your company's internal Web site using Internet
Explorer. If the site does not appear, click My Company's internal Web site
on the Favorites menu.

2. Click Documents and Lists on the navigation bar at the top of the page.

3. In the Document Libraries section, click the fax library that you want to

4. Click Modify settings and columns on the Quick Launch bar.

5. Click Change permissions for this document library in the General

Settings section.

• To add users who are allowed access to this library, click Add
Users, and then complete the following steps:

Steps for Adding Users


Step 1: Choose Users

You can enter e-mail addresses, user

names (e.g., DOMAIN\name), cross-
site group names, and site group

Step 2: Choose Permissions

Select the permissions that you want

the users to have.

Step 3: Confirm Users

If the users who you added are not

members of the site, they are added
with the information that you provide.

Step 4: Send E-mail

You can have e-mail sent to the users

who you have added.

• To edit permissions of the users who you have allowed to access


this library, select the check box for each user, click Edit
Permissions of Selected Users, change permissions in the
Choose Permissions section, and then click OK.

• To remove users from the access list for this library, select the
check box for each user who you want to remove, and then click
Remove Selected Users.

You have now set permissions for accessing the new fax library.

Create a Shared Folder for Fax Routing

Faxes can be routed to shared folders that exist on the server.

To create a shared folder

1. On the server, click Start, and then click Server Management.

2. On the console tree, click Shares (Local).

3. In the details pane, click Add a Shared Folder.

4. In the Share a Folder Wizard, click Browse to navigate to the folder that
you want to share.

If the folder that you want to share does not exist, you can make a new folder by
clicking Make New Folder in the Browse For Folder dialog box.

5. Click OK, and then click Next.

6. Enter the Name, Description, and Offline Setting for the shared folder,
and then click Next.

7. Select the appropriate permissions for the shared folder, and then click
The shared folder now appears on the Manage Shared Folders details pane of Shares
(Local) in Server Management.

Create an E-Mail Address for Fax Routing

You can also route faxes to an e-mail address on the server. To create a mailbox for
faxes, you need to create a user in Server Management.

To create a fax mailbox on the server

1. On the server, click Start, and then click Server Management.

2. On the console tree, click Users.


3. In the details pane, click Add a User, and then click Next.

4. Type an easy-to-remember name and a logon name for the user, such as
Fax, and then click Next.

5. Type a password for the new user, and then click Next.

6. Select a template for the new user, and then click Next.

7. Select Do not set up a computer, and then click Next.

8. Click Finish, and then click Close.

The user that you will route faxes to now appears on the Manage Users details pane of
Users in Server Management.

Run the Fax Configuration Wizard

The Fax Configuration Wizard enables you to define company information, outbound fax
devices, inbound fax devices, and fax routing locations.

The Fax Services component of Windows must be installed before you run the
Fax Configuration Wizard. If you try to run the Fax Configuration Wizard when
the Fax Services Windows component is not installed, you receive the message,
"Fax service is not installed. In order to run the Fax Configuration Wizard, Fax
service must be installed."

If you want to use routing locations such as an e-mail address, a shared folder, or
a custom fax library, you need to create them before you run the Fax
Configuration Wizard (see "Define a Routing Location" earlier in this document).

To run the Fax Configuration Wizard

1. On the server, click Start, and then click Server Management.

2. On the console tree, click Fax (Local).

3. In the details pane, click Configure Fax Services to start the wizard.
Follow the instructions to complete it.

If you have only one modem installed and you are using the same modem for
Remote Access Server and Fax Server, a message box warns you that this is

not a recommended setup because the two services might conflict.

Designate a User as a Fax Administrator (Optional)

If you want to let a user have rights to all functionalities of the Fax service, but you do not
want to grant that user full Administrator permissions on the domain, you can add that
user to the Fax Operators group.

To add a user to the Fax Operators group

1. On the server, click Start, and then click Server Management.

2. In the console tree, expand Active Directory Users and Computers,

expand YourDomainName, expand MyBusiness, and then click Groups.

3. Double-click the Fax Operators group.

4. On the Members tab, click Add to add the users who you want to have
full rights to the Fax service without having full Administrator rights on the

The users who are members of the Fax Operators group now have permission to
manage faxes on the server.

Step 4: Receive a Test Fax

Ensure that the routing locations and server configuration settings are correct by sending
a fax from a computer outside of your Windows SBS network to your server.

To view the status of incoming faxes

1. On the server, click Start, and then click Server Management.

2. In the console tree, click Fax (Local).

3. In the details pane, click Manage Fax Jobs.

4. In the Fax console tree, click Incoming.

If the fax was received without errors, verify that the fax was routed to the destinations
that you defined in "Step 3: Configure Fax on a Windows SBS Server."

Step 5: Configure Fax on Client Computers

To enable client computers to send faxes, install Shared Fax Client.

Install Shared Fax Client on Client Computers

Shared Fax Client enables users to send faxes directly from their desktop computers.
Users can view the status of faxes, and they can pause and cancel their own faxes. The
Shared Fax Client installs the Fax Services Windows component, the Fax Console, the
Fax Cover Page Editor, and the Send Fax Wizard.

To assign Shared Fax Client to be installed on client computers from the server
1. On the server, click Start, and then click Server Management.

2. On the console tree, click Client Computers.

3. In the details pane, click Assign Applications to Client Computers,

and then click Next.

4. In All client computers, click the client computers that you want to
install Shared Fax Client on, click Add, and then click Next.

5. Select the Shared Fax Client check box.

6. Click Next, click Next again, and then click Finish.

After you assign Shared Fax Client to be installed on the client computers from the
server, log on to each of the client computers and complete the installation process.

To install Shared Fax Client on a client computer

1. Log on to the client computer.

If you have run the Assign Applications Wizard on the server, the Client
Setup Wizard appears when you log on to the client computer.

2. In the Client Setup Wizard, click Start Now.

You can click Postpone in the Client Setup Wizard, and the next time you log
on to the client computer the Client Setup Wizard restarts.

3. Click Next, and then click Finish.

You can now access the Fax Console, the Fax Cover Page Editor, and the Send Fax
Wizard through the Start menu on the client computers.

Step 6: Send a Test Fax

You can send a fax from a client computer by using any of the following methods:

• Send a fax as e-mail.

• Send a fax using the Send Fax Wizard.

• Send a fax from a Windows-based program.

Send a Fax as E-mail

You can send a fax from Outlook 2003. To send faxes more easily from Outlook 2003,
see "Optional Step 2: Create a Fax Contact in Outlook 2003" later in this document.

To send a fax from Outlook 2003

1. On the client computer, start Outlook 2003.

2. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Mail Message. A new
message form appears.

3. In the To line, do one of the following:

• Type a fax number, using the following format: [fax:FaxNumber]


• Enter a fax recipient from your personal contacts list, public

folder contacts, or the company's global address list.

4. Type the subject and message, and then click Send.

Send a Fax Using the Send Fax Wizard

By using the Send Fax Wizard, you can do the following:

• Define the recipient either by entering a fax number directly or by choosing a

recipient from an address book.

• Use Dialing Rules.

• Use a specific cover page.

• Define when you want to send the fax.

• Select the priority of the fax.

• Select how you want to be notified that the fax was delivered.

To send a fax using the Send Fax Wizard

1. On the client computer, click Start, point to Accessories, point to
Communications, point to Fax, and then click Send a Fax.

2. Click Next.

3. Enter a fax recipient in the To text box, or click the Address Book button
and select a recipient from an address list (see "Optional Step 1: Create a
Fax Contact in Outlook 2003" later in this document).

4. If you do not select a recipient from an address list, enter a fax number
for the recipient.

5. If you have set up dialing rules (see "Define a Dialing Rule" earlier in this
document), select Use dialing rules, and then click Next.

6. If you have set up cover page templates (see "Optional Step 2: Create a
Fax Cover Page Using the Fax Cover Page Editor" later in this document),
click Select a cover page template with the following information, and
then select a cover-page template from the Cover page template list. Type
the Subject line, Note, and Sender Information.

7. Click Next.

8. Choose when you want to send the fax. You can send the fax Now,
When discount rates apply (see "Configure Fax (Local) Properties" earlier
in this document), or at a Specific time in the next 24 hours.

9. Choose the fax priority of High, Normal, or Low, and then click Next.

10. Choose how you want to be notified of whether the fax was delivered
successsfully. If you choose to be notified by e-mail, you can choose an e-
mail address by clicking Address Book.
11. Choose whether you want to attach a copy of the sent fax to the
notification, and then click Next.

12. Click Finish.

Send a Fax from a Windows-based Program

You can send a fax from a Windows-based program, such as Microsoft Office Word 2003,
the same way that you would print a document. When you print to a fax printer from a
Windows-based program, the Send Fax Wizard is used to send a fax.

To send a fax from a Windows-based program

1. On a client computer, open or create a document in a Windows-based
program, such as Microsoft Office Word 2003.

2. On the File menu, click Print. The Print dialog box appears.

3. Select the \\ServerName\ fax printer, and then click OK. (ServerName
refers to the name of the computer running Windows Small Business
Server 2003.) The Send Fax Wizard starts (see "To send a fax using the
Send Fax Wizard" earlier in this document).

Related Links
• For the latest information about Windows SBS, see the Windows SBS Web
site (

Optional Steps
You can enhance the Fax process by completing the following optional steps:

1. Create a fax contact in Outlook 2003. In Outlook 2003, you can create
contacts to send faxes to.

2. Create a fax cover page. You can use the Fax Cover Page Editor to create
fax cover pages.

Optional Step 1: Create a Fax Contact in Outlook 2003

To create a fax contact in Outlook 2003

1. On the client computer, open Outlook 2003.

2. On the Quick Launch bar, click Contacts.

3. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Contact.

4. On the General tab, type the contact's Full Name, Job Title, and Company,
and type the format to use for filing the contact's information.

You can click the Full Name button for assistance in defining the contact's

5. In the Phone numbers section, enter the contact's business fax number. The

format for the phone number is (###) ###-####.

Some phone numbers might require a country/region code for correct dialing.
The format for a number with a country/region code is +# (###) ###-####.
The country/region code can be entered through a dialing rule (see "Defining
Dialing Rules" earlier in this document).

6. You can add optional information for the contact, such as the contact's mailing
address, e-mail address, Web page address, messenger services address, and
name that will be displayed.

7. On the top navigation bar, click Save and Close.

Optional Step 2: Create a Fax Cover Page using the Fax

Cover Page Editor
With the Fax Cover Page Editor, you can create and modify fax cover pages to attach to
outgoing faxes.

To create a fax cover page using the Fax Cover Page Editor
1. On the server, click Start, and then click Server Management.

2. On the console tree, click Fax (Local).

3. In the details pane, click Manage Cover Pages.

For more information about using the Fax Cover Page Editor, see Fax Cover
Page Editor Help.

Faxes are not being received
Cause: If no fax errors appear in the event log, you have an external modem, and the
fax service is running, then you might need to reset the modem.

Solution: To reset the modem, unplug it and then plug it back in.

No option to route faxes to the document library ("Route to Document Library") is

visible in the Fax Configuration Wizard or the Fax Admin console
Cause: You uninstalled and then reinstalled the Fax service using Add/Remove
Windows components in Control Panel.

Solution: Uninstall the Fax service by using Add/Remove Windows components in

Control Panel, and then reinstall the service by using the Install option in Windows Small
Business Server 2003 Setup.

There is no option to reinstall the Fax service in Windows Small Business
Server 2003 Setup.

To uninstall and then reinstall the Fax service

1. Click Start, point to Control Panel, click Add or Remove Programs,
and then click Add/Remove Windows Components.

2. In the Windows Components Wizard, clear the Fax Services check box.

3. Click Finish to close the wizard.

4. In the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, under Currently installed

programs, click Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003, and
then click Change/Remove.

5. Follow the instructions until you reach the Component Selection page.

6. To install Fax, under Action for the Fax service, click the drop-down list,
and then change the action to Install.

7. Click Next to continue. Follow the instructions for completing Setup.

The fax does not go through when you try to send it from a Windows XP-based
client computer through a computer running Windows SBS 2003
Cause: This issue might occur if both of the following conditions are true:

1. You have installed Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) on the client computer.

2. You used the Windows SBS client deployment tools to deploy the fax-client
software that is in Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) to your client computer
running Windows XP with SP2.

Windows SBS 2003 includes the fax client software that is in Windows XP SP1.

This issue does not occur if you already have the fax client software installed on
your client computer running Windows XP with SP1 and you then upgrade to
Windows XP with SP2.

Solution: To resolve this issue, do both of the following:

1. Upgrade Windows SBS 2003 Client Setup to deploy Windows XP SP2. For
more information about how to upgrade the Windows SBS 2003 client
deployment to Windows XP SP2, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base
article 884032 at the Microsoft Web site
2. Reinstall the fax client software on your client computer running Windows XP
with SP2 by using the Windows SBS client deployment tools.

A user cannot send faxes unless the user is a member of the Administrator Group
Cause: The user's permissions are too restrictive for sending faxes.

Solution: Change the user's permissions to enable sending of faxes.

To change user's permissions to enable sending of faxes

1. Click Start, and then click Server Management.

2. On the console tree, right-click Fax (Local), and then click Properties.

3. Click the Security tab. Ensure that Everyone is allowed to fax, and then
click Advanced.

4. On the Permissions tab, highlight Everyone, and then click Edit.

Ensure that you have selected these check boxes: Submit Low-priority
faxes, Submit Normal-priority faxes, and Read permissions.

Modem card does not answer incoming rings or send faxes

Cause: This problem can be caused by a conflict between the Routing and Remote
Access service and the Fax service. When you are installing Fax by using the Fax
Wizard, if you see the message "The card is already used for RRAS,” it is possible that
there is a conflict between the Routing and Remote Access service and the Fax service.

It is not recommended that you use the same modem for the Routing and
Remote Access service and the Fax service, because this can result in conflicts
between the two services.

Solution: If you do not need to use dial-in on your modem, reconfigure remote access by
doing the following:

1. Click Start, and then click Server Management.

2. On the console tree, click To Do List.

3. Click Configure Remote Access, and then click Next.

4. Select the Enable remote access and VPN access check boxes, and clear
the Dial-in access check box.

5. Click Next, enter the full Internet domain name or the IP address or your
virtual private network (VPN) server, and then click Next.
6. Click Finish.

7. Reconfigure Fax (see "Run the Fax Configuration Wizard" earlier in this

If you need to use one modem for the Routing and Remote Access service and
the Fax service, the modem and its driver should support adaptive answering.
Adaptive answering provides a modem with the ability to identify whether an
incoming call is a fax call or a data call. For more information, see Microsoft
Knowledge Base article 314395, "How to Enable Adaptive Answer in Windows
Server 2003" at the Microsoft Web site

Dialing Rules might not be applied to tools such as Fax

Cause: Fax numbers might not be in the canonical form.

Solution: All telephone numbers that are defined in dialing rules must be in canonical
form (the full standard form). For more information, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base
article 318575, "Dialing Rules may not be applied to tools such as Fax" at the Microsoft
Web site (

Worksheets for Configuring Fax

Worksheet 1 Fax Devices

Prepared By:

Date Prepared:

Incoming and Outgoing Fax Devices

You need to decide which fax devices that are attached to the
server can be used for incoming and outgoing faxes. You will be
asked to select the devices in the Fax Configuration Wizard. To
see the fax devices that are installed on the server, do the

1. Click Start, and then click Server Management.

2. On the console tree, click Fax (Local).

3. In the details pane, click Manage Printers, and

then choose from the fax devices that are installed on
the server in the Manage Printers taskpad.

Incoming Fax Device


Incoming Fax Device


Outgoing Fax Device


Outgoing Fax Device


Worksheet 2 Fax Properties

Prepared By:

Date Prepared:

Incoming and Outgoing Activity Log Folder

You can log incoming and outgoing fax activity. If you want
to log this activity, specify the location of the activity log

Activity log folder


Sent Items Archive

You can archive sent items in a folder. If you want to archive

sent items, specify the location of the archive folder:

Sent items archive folder


Worksheet 3 Dialing Rule Settings

Prepared By:

Date Prepared:

Dial Location General Settings

If you create a Dialing Location for a Dialing Rule, you need to provide general
information about your location and your company's dialing requirements.

Area code of your location ________________________________________________

Number required to access an outside line ____________________________________

Number required to access an outside line for long distance calls


Long distance carrier code ________________________________________________

International call carrier code ______________________________________________

Do you dial using Tone or Pulse? ___________________________________________


Area Code Rules

Using Area Code Rules is optional, but if you use them you need to record the area
codes that you will be calling. You can specify a list of prefixes to be used for a particular
area code, or you can include all prefixes in an area code. You can also specify a
number to be dialed with the specified prefixes.

Area code _____________________________________________________________

Prefixes to be included in this area code _____________________________________


Number to dial for these prefixes ___________________________________________

Area code _____________________________________________________________

Prefixes to be included in this area code _____________________________________



Number to dial for these prefixes ___________________________________________

Area code _____________________________________________________________

Prefixes to be included in this area code _____________________________________



Number to dial for these prefixes ___________________________________________

Calling Card

You can use calling cards to send faxes. When you are defining a calling card, you need
to specify the name used for the card, an account number, a Personal ID Number (PIN),
and the sequence of numbers used for the calling card.

Name used to identify the card ____________________________________________

Account number ________________________________________________________

PIN __________________________________________________________________

Sequence of numbers ____________________________________________________

Worksheet 4 Fax Routing


Prepared By:

Date Prepared:

Fax Routing Locations

If you have an existing shared folder, e-mail address, or document

library where you want to route incoming faxes, record the locations to
be entered in the Fax Configuration Wizard.

Shared folder location


E-mail address

Document library name


Instruction Sheets for Sending Faxes from a

Client Computer
Instruction Sheet 1 How to Send a Fax as E-mail

You can send a fax as e-mail by using Microsoft Office Outlook 2003.

To send a fax by using Outlook 2003

1. Click Start, and then click Microsoft Office Outlook.

2. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Mail Message. A new
message form appears.

3. In the To line, do one of the following:

• Type a fax number, using the following format: [fax:FaxNumber]


• Enter a fax recipient from your personal contacts list, public

folder contacts, or the company's global address list.

4. Type the subject and message, and then click Send.

Instruction Sheet 2 How to Send a Fax using the Send Fax Wizard

You can send a fax using the Send Fax Wizard.


To send a fax using the Send Fax Wizard

1. Click Start, point to Accessories, point to Communications, point to
Fax, and then click Send a Fax.

2. Click Next.

3. Enter a fax recipient in the To text box, or click the Address Book button
and then select a recipient from an address list.

4. If you do not select a recipient from an address list, enter a fax number
for the recipient.

5. If you have set up dialing rules, select Use dialing rules, and then click

6. If you have set up cover page templates, click Select a cover page
template with the following information, and then in the Cover page
template list select a cover page template. Type the Subject line, Note, and
Sender Information.

7. Click Next.

8. Choose when you want to send the fax. You can send the fax Now,
When discount rates apply, or at a Specific time in the next 24 hours.

9. Select the fax priority of High, Normal, or Low, and then click Next.

10. Choose how you want to be notified of whether the fax was delivered
successfully. If you choose to be notified by e-mail, you can select an e-mail
address by clicking Address Book.

11. Choose whether you want to attach a copy of the sent fax to the
notification, and then click Next.
12. Click Finish.

Instruction Sheet 3 How to Send a Fax from a Windows-based Program

You can send a fax from a Windows-based program, such as Microsoft Office Word 2003,
the same way that you would print a document. When you print to a fax printer from a
Windows-based program, the Send Fax Wizard is used to send a fax.

To send a fax from a Windows-based program:

1. Open or create a document in a Windows-based program, such as
Microsoft Office Word 2003.

2. On the File menu, click Print. The Print dialog box appears.

3. Select the \\ServerName\fax printer, and then click OK. (ServerName

refers to the name of the computer running Windows SBS 2003.) The Send
Fax Wizard starts.

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