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a Introduction

KVL requires that th, sum of the VOi ...,

Figure t.39 must equal zero. Thus, trave[i !ages ar011
have vR - v, = 0. Consequently, vR = v ng arou 11d 1~~ 1~,
. 1, and tL 11
v must have an actuaJ po anty that is Pos I't•IVe
' 1e \'oi ' tj1 t~
ta ti~
tude of IO V. at the &, ~
10 1
at the voltages · pti.' .
An alternative way of looki • · ng 1
the resistance are in pa allel 11(thisc, ·oq} .
the voltage source and . r
, and th · 1'1ie1o't~~-
sourc e and the resist ance are conn
nected.) Recall that when elements are in ParalJ e 10
bo1 P\I
polarity are the same for all elements. el, the v'll 'll~ ~
der Ohm 's law. Beca use IO v a " I
current rlPears 0 ~
Now consi
the current is iR = 10/5th= 2A. This . ows th ~ t~
ity to e nega tive polar ity. Thus _roli81) '" s.
the posit ive
through the resistance, as shown in Figure 1.39(c)
' 11::::: i llit 1
~ 8.~
According to KCL, the sum of• the currents·ent . 1
equal the sum of the currents Jeavmg. There aretwO oa ,
Th llode;i
Figure 1.39: one at the top and one at the bottom
Thus - , an equa l cur · eClJtre '°'l
node through the resistance. - rent ~t ·J
en' ,~
ge sourc e. The actua l direc tion lllus1
through the volta
(~f Curren1~~
through the voltage source, as shown in Figure 1.39
Another way to see that the curre nts i and ; ). ~i
. . f Rareeq
~al ~~
voltage source and the res1stanc~ are m senes. In a series
flows in one element must continue throu gh the other C!rct i ~~]
resist ance are• elelll~ (L
this circuit the voltage source and the
· ·t 1s · the only case for In hiParaJJel~•~
in series. A two-element crrcm
than two elements are interconnected, a pair of elem t ch tbii
. d . ) nts that are~
not also be in series, an vice versa.
Notice that in Figure I.39,'the current in the volta
It is only for resistances that the current is required
.ive po1anty . toward the posit. ive . poIanty: . It is onl gefiSOuiCe
. Curre nt may flow in either negat
flow from plus to minus l 'Poi a vJ1 or res·
current is required to flowlorn plusd"to ~inu
direction for a voltage source depending on the other ,. "th d" . d . , . , age sou,.
circuit to w.-~
fl ~r rr~ct! on: epe~ -~~g on ~e

elements in the circuit can , ow
· · • ~~~
nt. For the~ '
Now let us calculate the powe; for each ele~e
seve~~ ~ays t~ ,_o; ~~~~ ~?wer: . . · .

.. PR
= VRIR = IO X 2 = 20 W
' I I

PR = i}R =" 2 X 5 = 20 W '

· . PR = -vj = -105 = 20 W I'
. Energy ~~
Of cou~se, all the calculations yield the same result
resistance at the rate of 20 J/s.
To find the power for the voltage source, we have

direction Kl'~
where the minus sign is used because the reference
passive ref~/
enters the negative voltage reference (opposite to the 1
ration). Su~stituting values, we obtain

Ps= -vsis= - IO X 2 = - 20W

1.7 Introduction to Circuits

I Because p, is negative, we understand that energy is being delivered by the volt-
' age source.
\ As a check, if we add the powers for all the elements in the circuit, the result
should be zero, because energy is neither created nor destroyed in an electrical
•circuit. Instead, it is transported and changed in form. Thus, we can write
Ps + PR = -20 + 20 = 0

\Using Arbitrary References

1n the previous discussion, we selected references that agree with actual polari-
t ies and current directions. This is not always possible at the start of the analysis
of more complex circuits. Fortunately, it is not necessary. We can pick the refer-
1ences in an arbitrary manner. Application of circuit Jaws will tell us not only the
tnagnitudes of the currents and voltages but the true polarities and current
ijirections as well.

1-- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -
. Example 1.6 Circuit Analysis Using Arbitrary References
I Analyze the circuit of Figure 1.39 using the current and voltage Since ix assumes a positive value, the actual current direction is
Ireferences shown in Figure I .40. Verify that the results are in downward through the resistance.
1agreement with !hose found earlier. . Next, applying KCL at the bottom node of the circuit, we have
total current entering = total current leaving
JOY iy + ix= 0
Thus, iy = -ix = -2 A, and we conclude that a current of 2 A
'figure 1.40 Circuit for Example 1.6. actually flows upward through the voltage source.
The power for the voltage source is
]Solution Ps = V5 iy = 10 X (-2) = -20W
Traveling clockwise and applying KVL, we have
Finally, the power for the resistance is given by

I~his yields Yx = -v5 = - 10 V. Since vx assumes a negative

PR= -vxix

ralue, the actual polarity is opposite to the reference. Thus, as where the minus sign appears because the references for v and
before, we conclude that the voltage across the resistance is 'x
• •
are opposite to the passive reference configuration.

actually positive at the top end. Substituting, we find that PR = -(-10) X (2) = 20 W.
According to Ohm's law, Because PR has a positive value, we conclude that energy is
delivered to the resistance.
. Yx
l = --
x R
,;here the minus sign appears because vx and ix have references
,pposite to the passive reference configuration. Substituting
·alues, we get
iX = - -
= 2A

Sometimes circuits can be solved by repeated application of Kirchhoff's

rs and Ohm's law. We illustrate with an example.
tntrtu1utll on
10 Solve a Circuit
L nd Ohm's LJW
7 Using l(VL. KC ' n . solution
f iample 1, . h circuit of Figure J.41 ,n
i>ltage 1n I e... and we f' 1 we use Ohm's Law to deterrtti
Soh't for the sourcer~nl ,onuolled current s_ourc~ irs ' . 15 V Ile the i,,,
"·hkh we h•'" a cu the 5-0 rtSistance is 15 . • , "llft
kf1ow ,~1 the \'Ollagt across ..• Y = SQ : : : 3.\ ~
Next, we apply KCL at -~ e top end of the
.Ix + O,s; ,-... , eoh,
X ~ I ''I
y ~
50 1sV tituting the value found for ;
Subs Th ('\h , y and
V, t ; == 2 A. en Y m s law • . Solv·
tha x d th Yte).i i~t
A lying~ aroun e periphery 1.1s i- o. 1
PP J',.V L V. _ of the .~'\
s - Vx + 15 Ctrt\iq
Fig are 1.41 CirtUit tor Example 1.7.
. ally substituting the value found ,•or v
FJJl ,
~ >'ie1~

· 'st
Analyze the circm ownh ·~
m Figure
1 14 14
EJa,ds8 • U the values found to compute the p - i to~-,
. j and Yr se Owert 'Ille
11 2
' ' • _• -==-IA Y2 == -2sv,pR =·2sw Ps :::: ...,01 eai
AnSWfJf '1 - 12 ' .- • • '
/4 .,.. 1,15 Figure I.43 shows an independent curr is~
/ El 'tance Analyze to find the values of ; v ent-sou
" across a rests . R' R• v ,
,, and
each element. 1

· - 2A y =YR= BOV,Ps = -160W p ·

.......- IR - . , s • - - ------' R :::: 16()\v

Figure 1.43 Circuit for Exercise

Figure 1.42 Circuit for Exercise 1.14. . 1.J!

Summary · .
. . \ '
♦ Electrical and electronic features are increasingly integrated ♦ The voltage associated with a circuit elem
into the products and systems designed by engineer.§Jn~~er transferred per unit of charge that flows:
fields. Furthermore, instrumentation in all fields of engi- ment. The units of voltages are volts (V), wbi(
.neering and science is based on the use of electrical sensors, lent to joules per coulomb (J/C). If positive 1
electronics, and computers: · from the positive reference to the negativerefo
♦ Some of the main areas of electrical engineering are commu- is absorbed ~y the ci~cuit element. If the chargi
nication systems, computer systems, control systems, elec- opposite direction, energy is deliveredbythed
tromagnetics, photonics, electronics, power systems, and ♦ In the passive reference configuration, thecun
signal processing. direction enters the positive reference polaricy1
♦ So?1e_important reasons to learn basic electrical engineering ♦ If the references have the passive configuratioj
pnnc1ples are to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering circuit element is computed as the product
Examination, to have a broad enough knowledge base to through the element and the voltage across it
_ lead design ~rojects in your_own_field, to be able to identify • • I •

and correct sunple ~alfunct1ons m electrical systems, and to ·p = vi

be able to commumcate efficiently with electrical . If the references are opposite to the passive
ing consultants. engmeer- we have
♦ -Current
. is the . flow of electrical charge. Its
, time rate of p = -vi
uruts are amperes (A), which are equivalent to coul b
perseco.dd (C/s). · om s In either case, if p is positive, energy is being
element. · ,
Problems 29
A node in an electrical circuit is a point
more circuit elements are joined together. All
at which two or
♦ An ideal inde~ndeot voltage source maintains
a specified
points joined
by ideal conductors are electrically equivale voltage across its terminals independent of
nt and constitute other elemen_ts
a single node. that are connected to it and of the current flow
ing through it.
Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) states that the • For a controlled voltage source, the voltage acro
sum of the cur- ss the source
rents entering a node equals the sum of the terminals depends on other voltages or curr
currents leaving. ents in the cir-
Elements connected end to end are said to cuit. A voltage-controlled voltage source is a
be in series. For voltage source
two clements to ?e in series, no other curr having a voltage equal to a constant times the
ent path can be voltage across
connected to their common node. The curr a pair of terminals elsewhere in the network.
ent is identical A current-con-
for all clements in a series connection. trolled voltage source is a voltage source havi
ng a voltage
equal to a constant times the current through
A loop in an electrical circuit is a closed path some other
starting at a element in the circuit.
node and proceeding through circuit elem
ents eventually ♦ An ideal independent current source
returning to the starting point. forces a specified cur-
rent to flow through itself, independent of
Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) states that the other elements
algebraic sum that are connected to it and of the voltage acro
of the voltages in a loop must equal zero ss it.
. If the positive ♦ For a controlled current source, the current
polarity of a voltage is encountered first in depends on
going around the other voltages or currents in the circuit. A volta
loop, the voltage carries a plus sign in the sum ge-controlled
. On the other current source produces a current equal to a
hand, if the negative polarity is encountered constant times
first, the voltage the voltage across a pair of terminals elsewhere
carries a minus sign. in the net-
work. A current-controlled current source prod
Two elements are in parallel if both ends of uces a cur-
one element are rent equal to a constant times the current
directly connected to corresponding ends through some
of the other ele- other element in the circuit.
ment .The voltages of parallel elements are
identical. ♦ For constant resistances, voltage is proportional
fhe ·voltage between the ends of an ideal cond to current. If .
uctor is zero the current and voltage references have the pass
regardless of the current fl.owing through the ive configu-
conductor. All ration, Ohm's law states that v = Ri. For refer
points in a circuit that are connected by idea ences opposite
l conductors can to the passive configuration, v = - Ri.
be considered as a single point.

ction 1.1: Overview of Electrical Engineering P1.6 In the fluid-flow analogy for electrical circuits,
what is
analogous to (a) a conductor; (b) an open
.1 Broadly speaking, what are the two main obje switch;
ctives of (c) a resistance; (d) a battery?
electrical systems?
P1.7 The charge of an electron is -1.6 0 X 10- 19
.2 C. A cur-
List four reasons why other engineering stud rent of 1.2 A flows in a wire carried by electron
ents need s. How
to learn the fundamentals of electrical engi many electrons pass through a cross section
neering. of the
wire each second?
.3 List eight subdivisions of electrical engineer
"'P1.8 The ends of a length of wire are labeled a and
b. If the
A Write a few paragraphs describing an current in the wire is iab = - 5 A, are electron
interesting s mov-
application of electrical engineering in ing toward_a or b? How much charge passes thro
your fi~ld. ugh a
Consult engineering journals and trade cross section of the wire in 3 seconds?
such as the IEEE Spectrum, Automotive Engi
Chemical Engineering, or Civil Engineering for P1,9 The circuit element shown in Figure Pl.9 has
ideas. v = 12 V
and iba = -2 A. What is the value of vb} Be
sure to
give the correct algebraic sign. What is the valu
e of i? ls
:tlon 1.2: Circuits, Currents, and Voltages energy delivered to the element or taken from

,5 Carefully define or explain the following Figu re P1,9

ten~s in
your own words (give units where app
ropn~te): a
(a), Electrical current. (b) Voltage. (c) An open
(d) A closed switch. (e) Direct current. (f) Alte
rnating it \ V

1otes that answers can be found on the OrCA
D CD and on the website
l11frodv cl1on

adlight Pt .1 7 A circuit I
slo p cu rrr nl fro m flowing through lhe he Vab == IO Ve elller
it Ii
,r.11 To ould the switch be op
en or ds , ho w arid ib "viii
circuil of Figure 1.2, sh would
i It.8 ft.
analogy for lhe circuit, If electrons:u ch cha~
dosed? In 1he t1uid-f1ow
ng to the swi1ch be op
en or
enter? How arr y the 8e Iii\
the vah·e correspondi is anaJ - <lti~' ~I
valve, open or closed, to the ele.rne:Uch eri,;li "'i ~
d ~ r \Vhat state for a Ortaken&yft ~ 11 •
ogow 10 an open switc
ctron rn <>ri,.1~
it ele- P1.18 An ·ele
·ive poJa .oves thr 11
The net charge lhrough
a cross section of a circu posit
tL 011 8/i
rrent energy is tranrit y to 1
2 + J2 tC . Find the cu
ment is given by q( t) =

sfi • e 11 ~
erred ? D ~/~
lhrough lhe el em en t
energ y?
. ¾,~,
lar circuit element ~s
Th e cu rre nt through a particu gle JS .., 1. 19 A typica l "d
eefiP·crc1,~ ha
Pt.12 01rt) A in which the an trolling moto rs
given by i(t ) = IO sin(20 s time. . or ~ I~
h i(t ) to scale versu m g 14 V an d 4 A •1shin b,_'l)
in radians. (a) Sketc ugh the ws th for a h/
charge that passes thro charge flo roug1i r t10d~ ·
(b) Determine the net at for ad
me nt be tw ee n t = O and t = 5 ms. (c) Repe m uc h energy d . theb
is .' If
eliver ,.ijlt.•..'?·
ele ed1
to t = l Oms. f
the interval from t = 0 . vyl~
cu rre nt through a given circuit ele
ment is given by Section 1.3: Power and llergy
-Pt.13 The
_ i(t ) = 7e - A
:_: . P1.28 Define the te nn Pas· e refer,
2 ,-,0 :zv
t Y passes through the eleme
nt do we have this con,1gu flict
Find the net charge that rre nt . .
sc np t notation?
rati011 ~
Oto t = oo . (H in t: Cu
in the interval from t = we
e. Thus, to find charge,
is the rate of flow of charg
with respect to time.) ..,1.21 Co m pu te th e p 0 wer fi
must integrate current
: :- - + (o - .12.. ,1 :::. 1~ ~ --== ·c.3 •SC- p·
Jgure p 1.2 I. For ea h
ed b c
or each
elell!eii, 1
on of a certain cir- is being absorb Y the eJ,.,,_1e ~,,
.14 Th e net charge through a cross secti ·•1
cuit element is given by Fi gu re Pl .21
q( t) = 3 - 2e - C

Determine the current through· the element.

. '
d carries a
P1.15 A
20 A
ha s
a diameter of 1.71 mm an
e so
are common in residenti 19
lel y to electrons. (These va
al wiring.) Each electron
has 1
I a charge of -1 .6 0 X ·10
- C. Assume that the
electrons capable of m
V0 = - 15 V
i0 =2 A
electron (these are the co pp er is
concentration in
through the copper) c- (a) (b)
electr ons/m '. Find the average velocity of the ele

trons in the wire. den
P1.22 Th e terminals of an electrical
mu J
id sto rage battery has a mass
of 30 kg. b. If Yab = - 10 V, how
"'P1.1& A ce ~a ~ lead ac
• Startmg from a fully
charged state, it can
th a terminal voltage 12
of V
wh en a charge of 3 C
a to b? Is th e energ
y delivered lo
5 amperes for 24 hours wi stored fro m th e device?
arged. (a) If the energy
~efore it is totally disch e ba ttery
ttery is used to lift th
J~ the fully charged ba ained? ~1
n battrry
th 100- perce nt efficiency, wha~ height is att Th e terminals of a certai = 11
wJ mls2 is
ation due to gravity is 9.8 ge
lta Yab
Th e ba tte ry vo
A ss ~e that the acceler red is in the
ight. (b) If the energy sto chemical energy stored
an d JS constant with he ffi · ve throusb
us ed to acce lerate the battery with 100-percent e .
. m uc h charge must mo
to bor
electrons move from a
. lin
cJency, what veloc ity is attained?• (c) Gaso e contams
Compare this WI'th th e energy
abou t 4.5 X 10• ]/kg.
for the ful ly charged battery.
content pe r um t mass . .
Problems 31

. d~
1.24 The element shown in Figure Pl.24 has v(t) = 10 V f1Jt1.21 Repeat Problem Pl.27 with the meters connecte
and i(t) = 2e-1A. Compute the power for the circuit shown in Figure Pl.28.
element. Find the energy transferred between t = o
and t = oo, Is this energy absorbed by the element or Figure P1 .28
supplied by it?
- -- -+
- - r
Figure P1 .24 .
+ -
i(t) i. v(t) VM

P1.29 A certain type of D-cell battery that costs $0.54 is

capable of producing 1.2 V and a current of 0.1 A for
a period of 71 hours. Determine the cost of the energy
.21 The current and voltage of an electrical device are
delivered by this battery per kilowatt hour. (For com-
iab(t) = 5 A and Vab(t) = 10 sin(2001rt) V in which
parison, the approximate cost of energy purchased
the angle is in radians. (a) Find the power delivered to
from electric utilities in the United States is $0.12 per
the device and sketch it to scale versus time.
kilowatt hour.)
(b) Determine the energy deli;ered to the device for
the interval from t = 0 to t = 5 ms. (c) Repeat for the
' interval from t = 0 to t = 10 ms. P1.30 The electronics aboard a certain sailboat consume
50 W when operated from a 12.6-V source. If a certain
fully charged deep-cycle lead acid storage battery is
.26 Suppose that the cost of electrical energy is $0.14 per rated for 12.6 V and 100 ampere hours, for how many
kilowatt hour and that your electrical bill for 30 days is hours can the electronics be operated from the battery
, ~ ,$64. Assume that the power delivered is constant over without recharging? (The ampere-hour rating of the
1 • the entire 30 days. What is the power in watts? If this battery is the operating time to discharge the battery
power is supplied by a voltage of 123 V, what current multiplied by the current.) How much energy in kilo-
flows? Part of your electrical load is a 65 W ligh! that is
watt hours is initially stored in the battery? If the bat- .
on continuously. By what percentage can your energy
tery costs $75 and has a life of 300 charge-discharge
con_sumption be reduced by t_urning this light off? cycles, what is the cost of the energy in dollars per kilo-
watt hour? Neglect the cost of!echarging the battery.
Figure Pl.27 shows ari ammeter (AM) and voltmeter
(VM) connected to measure the current and voltage,
respectiv1::ly, for circuit element A. When current actu- Section 1.4:· Kirchhoff's Current Law
ally enters the + terminal of the ammeter, the reading
.· is positive, and when current leaves the + terminal, the P1.31 What is a node in a~ 'electrical circuit? Identify the
· reading is negative. If the actual voltage polarity is pos- nodes in the circuit of Figure Pl..31. Keep in mind that
itive at the+ terminal of the VM, the reading is posi- all points connected by ideal conductors are consid-
. tive; otherwise, it is negative. (Actually; for the a
ered!<> be single node in electrical circuits. . .
connection shown, the ammeter reads the sum of the
current in element A and the very small current taken Figure P1 .31
by the voltmeter. For purposes of this problem, assume
that the current taken by the voltmeter is negligible.) G
.find the power for element A and state whether energy
· · g delivered to element A or taken from it if (a)
/tire.ammeter reading is +2 A and the voltmeter reading B
~ 30 V;4,?) the ammeter reading is -2 A and th~ vol~-
reading is + 30 V; (c) the ammeter readmg 1s A C E
and the voltmeter reading is :-30 V.

P1.32 State Kirchhoff's current law.

P1.D 'Iwo electrical elements are connected in series. What

ta through the elements?
off's ~
ectrical Section 1.S: Kirchh Oltage
in th e flu id .flow analogy fo.r an el I .
se th at vo um et nc la~
Sup po electrical curr ent 1s hoff'
circuit the analog of y to P1.40 State Kirch . s Voltage I
un its of cm '/s . For a proper ana~og <1'4,o
flow rare with ss1ble ~r
us t the fluid be co~pre circ . sh ·
electrica l ci rc ui ts, m
of the pipes be elas
tic P1A1 C on si de rt he Ul t 0
wn i
m pres sib le ? M us t th,e walls . e1ernents are in p
· co (b)ll t;I>,_
your answers. araJleJ?
or inelastic? Explain between Ya and Y/ ( ) \ln°~r,
term· e thc Gi '% :~-1
circuit o f Yd - -5 V, de Ill 'fe~
el em en ts th at ar e in series in the e'faJu r~
tpt.35 Identify to solve ft
Figure P1.3 I. "'P1A2 Use KVL.42. or the .,.
Figure Pl 01 ta '1
.36. (a) Which 8
r th e ci rc ui t shown in Figure Pl
P1.3& C on side lationship
ar e in se rie s? (b) What is the re Fi gu re P1 ,4 2
elemen ts
d iJ ( c) Given that i0
=: j A an d
betw ee n id an
e values of ib ~ d id"
i, = l A, determine th , I

. . ,,,.
Figure P1.36 , +

- Ve +
+ IV

r volt
r- P1.43 Solve for the ot=he5 V ages sholVJJ,
find the valu es of ia, i,, and id for the ci given th at · y
. ' vb::::: 7 V, ~~
"P1.37 Us_e KC~
to connected in _
Which elements are
PI .37. vh - 6 V .
cw t of Figu re
__ ,• _!.-' '
series in this circuit?
• J Figu re P1 .4 3
Fi gu re P1 .3 7

ib =2 A , ~ .-, 3A ' 1• .•

D Vd

+ + v,
v~ E
"P .38 :i~
la -
the v~ue
2 A, lb
s of t
. ~e other c.~rre~ts in Figure P1
4 A, ld = - 5 A, an
= d ih = 3 A.

+ - VI f

fig ur e P1 .3 8 for the We

1 an d KCL to solve
" ' .44 ·. Use KVL gure p 1.44. Computt
· and voltages in Fi
F show that power~
each element an d )
m of the powers is uro
, the algebraic su

Figure P1 ,4 4 • I

E t.,,
H Va =

lO V A
,. "c' C
I -

rrents in Fi - ' : lo =2 A
of the other a:
P1.39 ~ind the va ic = 3 A j = 5 A d . = 1gu re 1.38 if
ta = - 1 A, ' an lh A.
' g
Problems 33

P1AI Identify elements that are in parallel (a) in '1.17 The voltage acrOSJ a 37- n resistor · · given
1s . by
Figure PI.37, (b) in Figure Pl.43, (c) in Figure Pl.44. v(t) = 4sin(21rt) V. Dttermine the energy delivered
to the resistor bctwttn I = 0 and I = 19 s.
Points a, b, c, and d appear in a certain circuit We
know that Yob = 4 V, vtb = 12 V, and Yd.a = -IS V. '1.51 A certain wire has a resistance of 0.5 0. Find the new
Determine the values of Y« and val' resistance (a) if the length of the wire is doubled, (b) if
the diameter of the wire is doubled.
\ectto■ 1.1: Introduction to Circuit Elements
Section 1.7: Introduction to Circuits
..iA7 In your own words, define (a) an ideal conductor;
(b) an ideal voltage source; (c) an ideal current source. '1.59 Plot i versus ; to scale for each of the parts of
Figure Pl.59.
Name four types of dependent sources and give the
I ~.41 units for the gain parameter for each type. Figure P1 .59

1 t1A State Ohm's law, including references. ;! - ;!

' '

~~.511 , ~raw a circuit that contains a 5-0 resis~nce, a 10-V IOV

+ \
v 2A
\ 50

~1 ' , mdepe11dent voltage source, and a 2-A mdependent - ) )

, ·current source. Connect all three elements in series.
Because th~ polarity of the voltage source and refer-
(a) - (b) (c)
ence direction for the current source are not specified,
several correct answers are possible.

'1.51 Repeat Problem Pl.SO, placing all three elements in
50 2A
'1.52 The resistance of ~ certain c·opper wire is 0.35 0 .
Determine the resistance of a nichrome wire having
the same dimensions as the copper wire.
- . . (d) (e) - .
1.53 Draw a circuit that contains a 5-0 resistor, a 10-V
voltage source, and a voltage-controlled voltage ..,1.60 _ Which of the following are self-contradictory combi-
source having a gain constant of 0.5. Assume that the ~~nations of circuit elements? (a) A 12-V voltage source
voltage across the resistor is the control voltage for the in parallel with a 2-A current source. (b) A 2-A cur-
controlled source. Place all three elements in series. rent source in series with a 3-A current source.
(c) A 2-A current source in parallel with a short cir-
.54 Draw a circuit that contains a 5-0 resistor, a 10-V .
' cuit. (d) A 2-A current source in series with an open
voltage source, and a current-controlled voltage source circuit. (e) A 5-V voltage source in parallel with a
having a gain constant of 2 0. Assume that the current short circuit.
through the resistor is the control current for the con-
trolled source. Place all three elements in series. P1.&1 Consider the circuit shown in Figure Pl.61. Find the
power for the voltage source and for the current
A power of 100 W is delivered to a certain resistor source. Which source is absorbing power?
when the applied voltage is 100 V. Find the resistance.
Suppose that the voltage is reduced by 10 percent (to Figure Pl .61
90 V). By what percentage is the power reduced?
Assume that the resistance remains constant.
The voltage across a 10-0 resistor is given by
,Ct) = Se-It V. Determine the energy delivered to the
resistor between t = 0 and t = 10 s.

tpl.lZ Consider the circuit shown in Figure PI.62. Find the

. current iR flowing through the resistor. Find the
P1.&6 Consule,- the tircu;
elements are in se .t shown '
lei? (c) ApplyOhm~es? (c) "~ ~~.
power for each element in the circuit. Which elements s and ~• l\1c1i"'' ~
are absorbing power? ' ~
Figure Pt.&&

Figure P1 .62 I

sn 6n 12Q


. F'
P1,67 The circuit shown tn
P1.83 Consider the circuit shown in Figure PI.63. Find the model for an electro . Illtgure pI 6)
. Ilic
current iR flowing through the resistor. Find the resistance models a 1oudspegaphon,, ·1
power for each element in the circuit. Which elements 5-ku resistance rep eaket tL~-
. . resent •-~
are receiving power? remammg elements mode! a Ill'tcr\l
the power delivered t an a11l\l
Figure P1 .63 determine the. currentoc1rc _the 8-n
..1 • t ·
loop of the circuit. Also, det\llattng~•
. h
m1crop one voltage Vx· etniini
Figure P1 .67
5 kil

ttt1y Cons,ider the circuit shown_~ Figure• PI.64. Use.

· Ohms law, KVL, and KCL to' find• VX.

Figure P1 .64
7A '
P1.68 Consider the ,circuit. shown.IIl Flguitfi
sn 4n eIements are m senes? (b) Which ii.:
vi ,1'
1. allel? (c) Apply Ohm's and KirchiJ
I '
• for R.X

.' 1~~ .. ~et~r~i~~ th; _~al~e .of I~ in the circuit shown in

Figure PJ .68

.. :' . , Figure Pl.65.

• •• t
I. j ., , :.. f
- ./
' ·
•I I I

Figure P1.&5

. 11 n + ..
19il 3il 24V -

• 1, • I

' 1'
Problems 35
Solve for the currents shown in Figure Pl.69.
P1.74 Consider the circuit shown in Figure Pl.74. (a) Use
Figure P1.69 KVL to write an equation relating the voltages. (b) Use

Ohm's law to write equations relating v and v to the
1 2
~ current i. (c) Substitute the equations from part
(b) into the equation from part (a) and solve
for i.
+ (d) Find the power for each element in the circuit and
1211 verify that power is conserved.
V 3A 60
Figure P1.74


The circuit shown in Figure Pl.70 c~ntains a voltage- + v, - +

controlled voltage source. (a) Use KVL to write an
equation relating the voltages and solve for v (b) Use
Ohm's law to find the current ix. (c) Find the powe
for each element in the circuit and verify that power
conserved. ·

C Vz 50

..-1.75 The circuit shown in Figure Pl.75 contains

a voltage-
Figure P1. 70 controlled current source. Solve for v .
Jn Figure P1.75
2n 1s o

1.71 Determine the value of v and i in the circuit shown

• p•
m 1gure p 1.71. X y
P1.76 For the circuit shown in Figure Pl.76, solve for
Figure P1. 71 What types of sources are present in this circuit?

+ v.. - Figure P1. 76

3Q 5n 100

87V 16 n s v..
i, 15 Q 30V

. _ _ _ _ _ - - - I __)
72 A 10-V independent voltage source is in series with
2-A independent current source. What single source P1.77 For the circuit shown in Figure Pl.77, solve for
is the
equivalent to this series combination? Give the type current ix. What types of sources are present in this
and value of the equivalent source. circuit?

t'3 A 10-V independent voltage source is in parallel with Figure P1.77

a 2-A independent curre nt source. What single sourc 100
is equivalent to this parallel combination? Give the
type and value of the equivalent source.

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