Answer & Explan-WPS Office

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Answer & Explanation

Solved by verified expert

Answered by CommodoreBadgerMaster223

Socio-technical system is a approach that recognizes interaction between employees and

technology like equipment, machines and infrastructure that they use in they workplace.

Employee involvement concepts is simply the work structures or process that allows the
employee to do the decision-making by giving their inputs about the operations or products that
they manufactured.

Strengths of FAVI's Mini-Factory Concept in relation to Socio-technical system and Employee

involvement concept

Boost the morale of employees especially the operators because they have the autonomy in
their work assignment.

Every transactions between the workers and client is fast and clear because it is direct to every

Improves the response time to the client's concern, limits risks of conflicts between functions
and accelerates the decision-making process.

Every workers underwent trainings and seminars about their work assignment that's why
everyone is encouraged to monitor the quality of process and products that they manufactured.

Weaknesses of FAVI's Mini-Factory Concept in relation to Socio-technical system and Employee

involvement concept

Informal manner, the degree or expertise of employees under procurement, HR, and sales is set
aside because leaders and sales person inside the Mini-Factory do their job.

Customer relations and human contact is not a priority. Orders are not placed the same as they
were because leaders is the one who in-charge in purchasing decisions instead of purchasing
department. Leaders can't go outside to meet the suppliers because they have many things to
do inside the Mini-Factory.

The workforce is aging. Hard time to find new worker that will easily adopt that kind of system.

2. No, I think that's the best way how the changes can be done. Mr. Jean-Francois Zobrist way
of thinking how the traditional system change to new system is exceptional.

Step-by-step explanation
3. "Resistance to change" is managed by the help of every workers who step-up and leave
their comfort zones to multi-task and do different job that are not related to their degree and
level of expertise.

4. Mr. Zobrist and Mr. Verlent must focus on the following to address the following
challenges :

The first challenge is growth.

They must focus on the possibility of expansion of Mini-Factory because of the new clients that
wants their service. They must have the readiness to handle new clients. The workers that will
handle new clients must be skilled, well-trained and knowledgeable enough about the standards
that the client wants.

They must review the job description of every employee to assess the informal manner of
positioning an employee that are not based on their degree and expertise. This inly limits to
those department like procurement, HR, and sales because they play a vital and critical role in
the operation of the company that requires an experience or expertise in a particular degree.

Step-by-step explanation

3. "Resistance to change" is managed by the help of every workers who step-up and leave
their comfort zones to multi-task and do different job that are not related to their degree and
level of expertise.

4. Mr. Zobrist and Mr. Verlent must focus on the following to address the following
challenges :

The first challenge is growth.

They must focus on the possibility of expansion of Mini-Factory because of the new clients that
wants their service. They must have the readiness to handle new clients. The workers that will
handle new clients must be skilled, well-trained and knowledgeable enough about the standards
that the client wants.

They must review the job description of every employee to assess the informal manner of
positioning an employee that are not based on their degree and expertise. This inly limits to
those department like procurement, HR, and sales because they play a vital and critical role in
the operation of the company that requires an experience or expertise in a particular degree.

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