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December 2022 Examination

Q1. India’s vision of self-reliance is not only on its technological prowess but the
conscious exploitation its flora and fauna. Explain and highlight the important
provisions and features of the law that conserves biological diversity in India along with
regulating the access to Indian Biological Resources (10 Marks)

Ans 1.

Like sustaining all life on Earth, biodiversity is the platform that supports the connection of
all sorts of living microorganisms from several sources across terrestrial, aquatic, and all
aquatic environments. Biodiversity is likewise a center for contemporary and conventional
medications, a food source, and gives natural substances for exchange and business. As one
of the most influential countries in the world and holding the global document for the
environment of one of the unique species, India is dealing with biodiversity dangers because
of population explosion due to change, overexploitation, and replication of assets and the
environment. and face partial termination, natural environmental catastrophes brought on by
artificial events, climbing pollution levels, and so on. Misfortunes in biodiversity thus
detrimentally influence all species on Earth, bringing about imbalances in biological systems
that inevitably result in the termination of typical environments.

Concept and Applications

Since 1990, India has transformed from a shut economy to an open one. Since biopiracy has
been vulnerable, there were no strict guidelines to safeguard against over-exploitation or
possession theft. This was not identified, and the general public announced a reputable
strategy and draft called the Biodiversity Bill of 2000. Considering this, your house of
Representatives passed the legislation on December 2, 2002, and it went by the House of
Representatives in December. February 11, 2002, Formally accepted on February 5, 2003.
Biodiversity as government policy is an essential campaign by India to preserve the
objectives established by the Consolidated National Program on Biodiversity (CBD) in 1992,
and the state's prerogatives over its properties have been considerably decreased. It was
considered significant.

This regulation consistently aims to protect biodiversity, stay up to date with and take care of
the correct use of its parts, and ensure the equitable dissemination of benefits from such
service. The regulation's objectives include protecting general information, protecting against
biopiracy, and refuting licenses to individuals without government approval.
Report and secure biodiversity locations and, with the assistance of many governments,
determine precariously endangered, jeopardized, damaged, and habitat-denied species. The
attributes of targets that anticipate moderate biodiversity are laid out partly IX of this Act,
especially Sections 36, 37, and 38 associated with preparing public strategies and biodiversity
conservation projects licensed by the state government. Allow us to recognize what varieties
you have. Regulate and not exhaust properties.

Section 21 of the Act attends to earnings sharing. It requires equitable circulation of gain
from physical possessions, their side effects, information, and relevant practices, by
agreements between persons getting such benefits and neighboring authorities. I indicate

Key Arrangements
The Biodiversity Act promotes definitions, requirements, commissioned experts, policies,
defense systems, and access advantages pertaining to biodiversity. We also refer to the
institutional layout produced for comparable factors—segment 36 Conversation of the
government's function in establishing public systems and plans for safekeeping. Central
governments have obligations. Example:

It is an honor to develop public innovations, schemes, and projects to protect and preserve the
practical use of biodiversity.

Encourage and motivate pertinent state governments to locate ideal methods to avoid this,
considering that biodiversity or areas rich in such properties reportedly deal with threats. It is
the responsibility of the central government.
We are establishing the discussed climate-viable sectoral and cross-sectoral strategies and
concepts to sustain the preservation of mixtures and the manageable use of biodiversity.

National governments should assess the unpredictable influences of future difficulties on

biodiversity and seek to anticipate them or devise strategies to alleviate such impacts.

States should look to secure traditional information owners and their understandings with
strategies that consist of various crucial procedures, such as acquiring information at the
regional, state, or public level and insurance policy.


Freely Accessible methods any home or standard information not related to an identified
entity or aspect of any kind through a license or government grant. Also, we have
encountered many years of distress after such an arrangement. Even though the law has few
modest stipulations, India is far from its track record of groundbreaking efforts to secure
biodiversity. The focus should be paid to this biodiversity legislation in neighborhood
networks. India's biodiversity certainly requires excellent security in its natural systems and
plans. From 2014 to 2017, the number of endangered types increased by 7.8%. The
motivation behind the Biodiversity Act has been the topic of debate. Timely enforcement of
regulations can avoid circumstances that justify conflicts.

Q2. Please give two (2) instances where investigations and/or punishments are
initiated/enforced by the authorities set up under the Competition Act, 2002. (10

Ans 2.

Competition is the Act of sellers trying to win the favor of customers to get an edge or a slice
of the pie. The Competition Act 2002 was enacted by the Indian Parliament to change the
Restrictive Infrastructure and Illegal Trade Practices Act 1969. The Indian Competition Law
Administration is active. After the implementation of the Competition Law 2002 (the "Law"),
it was changed two times by him, the Competition Law 2007 (Modification) and the
Competition Law 2009 (Amendment). It makes it possible to establish competition
compensations and actions to forestall profound practices and advertise aggressive
competition in the Indian market.

Concept and Applications

Section 26

Section 26 of the Competition Act 2002 permits the Competition Compensation of India
(CCI) to request an investigation by the Commissioner in case of a "major" violation of the
Act. The DG evaluation is essential to examining and discovering the facts and problems of
the matter. Therefore, under no circumstances will the effects of such evaluation affect the
decision by CCI.

Which standards of the IHK are nonetheless considered to be in violation "prima facie" for a
series of validations, although such testimonial may appear to be step-by-step in nature? is
vital to comprehend. In the case of a testimonial, since CCI has limited funds and operates
with minimal assets, CCI is required to conduct a financial savings advantage conduct

As such, audits conducted by the CCI have a direct function in establishing the calculated
policies gone after by Congress. Congress has guided clear of legal examination following
this setting.

In summary, the Draft Competition Act 2002 does not allow the CCI to spot extreme
rejections until the Chancellor requests an investigation. The above legal strategy enables
other councils associated with the change to shield themselves in 2 phases, for instance, at the
testimonial stage and after submitting the report to the General Supervisor.

Since the 2002 Competition Law was validated, about 750 cases have been pending before
the Payment for collusion (Segment 3) and misuse of a leading position (Segment 4). And
despite such frustrating numbers, it ends up being critical to allot possessions to achieve the
spirit and objective of the law.

OYO Rooms Case

For Organization of Inns and Eatery Relationships of India vs. Ashok Kumar Gupta, RKG
Ventures Pvt. Ltd (witness) has verified that OYO manipulates prevailing problems in
pertinent markets by enforcing inappropriate problems on inn owners to boost their income
and buyer base. The Competition Commission of India (CCI) did not see a violation of the
Competition Act 2002 at first glance. CCI defined the appropriate market as the "Market for
Diversity of Investing Plan Accommodation Management in India". However, matchings
came back later on. Considering the currently substantial market, the last placement was
taken on the contrary side.

Section 27

Section 27 of the Competition Act 2002 has offered the Indian Competition Compensation a
wide range of capacities. This sector asks the CCI to carry out charges for components
associated with counter-cutthroat execution. This charge shall not exceed 10% of the average
turnover for the last three long-haul monetary periods preceding the product. If any, this
policy likewise mentions that the Chamber regards it as proper to punish compounds.
Regarding the concern of punishment under Section 27 of the Act, the High Court's decision
in the Succeed Partnership case might be helpful. In any event, the compound might be using
this High Court decision to assert a case against CCI's request to sell adjustments or
adjustments to the charges that troubled it. The announced amendments to Section 29 of the
Competition Act 2002 permit the Council to use solutions to notify because competition
might be adversely affected. This facilitates fast elimination of the mixing storage tank. In
this way, the blended setting could fix the shortages without dealing with a counter-argument
by the Indian Competition Compensation.
Q3. Samanyu wants to start a business along with his elder sister Samaira. Both have
decided to start food truck chains across India and have decided to name it as
“SamSam”. They are going to introduce a range of food products under the name of
SamSam. For ex: SamSam Fries, SamSam Pizza, SamSam Tacos etc. Each of these
products would have a special recipe designed by both Samira and Samanyu. However,
they are skeptical that the word SamSam and these recipes would be copied/plagiarized
by other food truck owners. They have approached you with following queries for them
to understand what steps then can take to protect their rights:

a. What types intellectual property rights they could claim in relation to the SamSam
and the recipes. Please explain with reason on why the type of intellectual property
would apply? (5 Marks)

Ans 3a.

Develop legit building rights and prevent the illegal use of the building. The granting of
intellectual residential or commercial property civil liberties assists in rejuvenating the
economy and promoting further development. Ideally, companies or individuals seek legal
defense for their intellectual property when they feel they need to protect it from being used
by others without their permission. We collaborate with knowledgeable IP attorneys to dive
deep into the actions to ensure the vital security of your intellectual property. There are four
significant kinds of copyright representations, which are defined and listed below.

Concept and Applications


Copyright and certificate are not precisely the same, but they are usually confused. Copyright
is a kind of intellectual property insurance policy that protects unique beginning jobs,
including academic works, music, and crafts, and the world takes place from there. Today,
copyright additionally protects PC programming and design. Copyright insurance policy is
programmed. If you make something, it's yours. Nevertheless, if your flexibilities under the
copyright insurance policy have been violated and you wish to make an insurance claim, you
must register your copyright.
The copyright legislation expands north of the three rates of India. This regulation was
presented under British rule in 1911. The 2nd term of this ordinance was filed in 1914. It
resembled the English Copyright Act of 1911. The significant adjustment because regulation
is that crooks are permitted to infringe. Ultimately, during that time, this regulation was
frequently amended, and the third period of this regulation was presented by the Autonomous
Indians with Laws for the Berne Presentation in 1957. India has followed this copyright
regulation from 1957 to the present.


Copyright protects the civil liberties of the makers to their very own abstract and imaginative
jobs. The term copyright describes a "reproduction right" available just to the creator or
manufacturer. As a result, any individual else who replicates the original work is dealt with as
conflicting under copyright regulation. Copyright protects declarations of suggestions, not the
material or the point of view themselves. Pictures are protected by patent legislation, not
copyright regulation.

b. Explain civil and criminal remedies under various intellectual property laws for
enforcement of intellectual property rights? (5 Marks)

Ans 3b.

Collectively, copyright is referred to as the privilege associated with the spirit's production
and is restricted to the creator or persons authorized by the creator. The famous adage "Ubi
jus, ibiremedium" implies that where the law conferred rights, violations of them required
related services. For copyright, benefit offenses are frequently described as intellectual
property interference and inevitably impact freeholders' track record, character, and
generosity. Prohibition Directives are the most extensively identified and typical critical
solution for intellectual property rights owners.

Concept and Applications

IPR Intrusion

They believe that the intellectual job, secured by each IP guideline, could be copied, shared,
or used publicly without approval, so your IP An opportunity attack may have occurred.
Apart from the specific replica of a masthead, intellectual building infringement likewise
gives the benefit of confusing or misleading comparison mastheads.

IPR duplicating
Duplication is the unauthorized imitation of something. For example, a brand name can be
copied by anyone by using something similar to a significantly equivalent or specific product
to show it from the initial resource. Counterfeiting includes exact imitation that considerably
undefines credibility and reproduction. Blacksmithing is naturally more extreme. This is an
identifiable offense found guilty under the Indian Adjustments Act. Perhaps the most widely
known instances of counterfeit products are counterfeit wallets, garments, jewelry, flavors,
and hardware.

IPR Robbery
As a result of its intangible nature, copyright is not purely subject to robbery. Robbery is the
robbery of someone's building without their permission. Intellectual building robbery can be
actual estate related to intellectual residential property infringement. By this, the infringer
robs someone of intangible academic sources essential to him: thought, development, original
expression, ownership, etc. Although theft undergoes prosecution, copyright burglary can be
helped through illegal and familiar means. Criminal preparation is mandatory when it comes
to TM duplication or copyright theft on a commercial and permanent range.

Digital Intrusion
In today's world, cybercrime is a necessary examination of intellectual property scams due to
its ever-evolving facets. Cybercrime includes exchanging ideas, initial innovations, pc,
copyright, and internet licenses. Among numerous IPs, notable developments and copyrights
are IPs that predators frequently manipulate.

The requirement to strengthen the IP system has become even more noticeable due to the
promotion of Atmanirbhar Bharat by the Government of India. To change itself into a
financially solid and positive nation, a strict requirements part of IP advantage is essential to
accomplishing the goals behind needed IP regulations.

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