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CSE310 Tutorial and Assignment #1

Q1. A singly reinforced concrete beam has the cross-section shown in Figure 1. Determine if the
beam section is under-reinforced, over-reinforced or balanced. Given fcu=27.6 MPa.

Q2. For the beam cross section shown in Figure 2, calculate the nominal moment of resistance if
fy=413.3 Mpa and fcu = (a) 20.7 MPa; (b) 34.5 MPa; (c) 62.1 Mpa.

Q3. Calculate the nominal moment resistance of the doubly reinforced section shown in Figure 3.
Given: fcu = 34.5 MPa; fy = 413.3 Mpa; d’ = 64mm; As = 3278 mm2; As’ = 129 mm2

Q4. Calculate the nominal moment of resistance and the design ultimate moment of the precast
Tee-beam shown in Figure 4 if the beam span is 9.14 m. Given: fcu = 27.6 Mpa and fy = 413.4

Q5. A four-span rectangular beam of span length 8 m is to carry a total ULS factored gravity load of
57 kN/m. A typical section of the beam is shown in Figure 5. A preliminary depth, h, of 500 mm
and a preliminary breadth, b, of 325 mm have been selected. Determine the quantity of
longitudinal reinforcement required to resist the applied loads. For this quantity of steel, check
that the beam breadth is sufficient to allow adequate bar spacing. Given: fcu = 35 Mpa and fy =
500 MPa. Fire resistance rating is 2 hours.

Q6. Suggest preliminary depths for the beam spans shown in Figure 6 if there are no constraints on
the structural depth and the fire rating is two hours.

Q7. For the beam shown in Figure 6, the total factored ultimate loading is 43 kN/m and an
approximate analysis has indicated a maximum moment of 220 kNm (sagging) at point E.
Preliminary calculation has indicated that, for a selected depth of 800mm, an area of tensile
reinforcement of 950mm2 is required at E. At this section: (a) select a preliminary web breadth
and (b) determine the effective flange breadth to form a Tee-beam section assuming a
characteristic cube strength fcu = 30 MPa and fy = 500 MPa.

Q8. A multi-storey structure is to be constructed using a continuous one-way spanning floor system.
The layout of a typical floor is shown in Figure 8. (a) If the floor carries a characteristic gravity
load of 5 kN/m2 and the required fire resistance rating is 2 hour, determine a preliminary depth
for the slabs. (b) Comment on the results obtained.

Q9. A reinforced concrete simply supported beam has a span of 9.14m and is subjected to a
service uniform live load W = 24.1 kN/m as shown in Figure 9. Design a beam section to resist
the factored external bending load. Given fcu = 27.6 Mpa and fy = 414 MPa. Fire resistance
rating is 2 hours.

Q10. A one-way single-span continuous reinforced concrete slab, as shown in Figure 10, has a
simple span of 3.05m and carries a live load of 5.75 kPa and a dead load of 0.96 kPa in addition
to its self-weight. Design the slab and the size and spacing of the reinforcement at midspan
assuming a simple support moment. Given fcu = 27.5 MPa, normal-weight concrete and fy =
413.4 Mpa. Fire resistance rating is 1 hours.

Q11. A doubly reinforced concrete beam section has a maximum effective depth d = 635 mm and is
subjected to a total factored moment Mu = 1062 kN-m, including its self-weight. Design the
section and select the appropriate reinforcement at the tension and the compression faces to
carry the required load. Given: fcu = 27.6 Mpa and fy = 413.4 MPa.

Q12. A roof-garden floor is composed of a monolithic one-way slab system on beams as shown in
Figure 12. The effective beam span is 10.67 m and all beams are spaced at 2.29 m clear span.
The floor supports a 1.52 m depth of soil in addition to its self-weight. Assume also that the slab
edges support a 300 mm wide wall weighing 12.5 kN/m. Design the midspan section of the
edge spandrel L beam AB assuming that the moist soil weights 2.56 tonnes/m3. Given: fcu =
20.7 Mpa and fy = 413.7 MPa. Fire resistance rating is 2 hours.

Q13. Design a rectangular interior beam having a clear span of 7.62 m and carrying a working live
load Ww of 131.2 kN/m in addition to its self-weight and slab weight, as shown in Figure 13.
Assume the beam to have a 100 mm slab cast monolithically with it. Given: fcu = 27.6 Mpa and
fy = 413.4 MPa. Fire resistance rating is 2 hours.

Q14. The four-span Tee-beam shown in Figure 14 is subjected to unfactored permanent and
gravity loading of 25 kN/m (excluding self weight) and 20 kN/m respectively. Determine
preliminary values for the areas of top and bottom reinforcement given a fire rating of 2 hour.
This beam is supported integrally by 300 x 300 columns.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Figure 4 Figure 5

Figure 6 Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 12

Figure 13

Figure 14

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