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CSE310 Tutorial and Assignment #2 – Serviceability and bonding anchorage

Q1. The design ultimate moment for a rectangular beam of 11m simple span is 900 kNm. If fcu = 40
MPa and fy = 500 MPa, design the cross-section for the ultimate limit state and check that the
span/effective depth ratio is within the allowable limit in design code.

Q2. If the allowable span/depth ratio determined in accordance with the steps in Q1 above turns out to be
smaller than the actual span/depth ratios, what remedial actions may be taken ?

Q3. With reference to the detailing rules for crack control in Figure Q3, if the clear spacing ab exceeds
the value in the design code, what remedial actions can be taken ?

Q4. An L shaped edge beam continuous over many spans of 5.5m has been designed with the tension
steel as shown in Figure Q4. Check that the actual span/depth ratio is within the allowable limit.

Q5. For the continuous beam shown in Figure Q5, check the tension and compression anchorage lengths
required at support B. The bar stresses are assumed not available.

Figure 3 Figure 4 (dimensions in mm)

Figure 5 (dimensions in mm)

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