World Englishes 7 Bowl of Scouse

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Watch the video Bowl of Scouse Liverpool Film, a short documentary on the

Scouse dialect. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Provide
correct versions for the false statements

1. There are cultural misconceptions surrounding the Scouts which started

towards the ending of the last century.
2. This variety is named after ‘scouse’, a stew eaten by sailors.
3. Scouse is unique to Liverpool.
4. The accent is quite homogeneous all over Liverpool.
5. Opinions about what will happen to this variety in the future are quite
similar among the interviewees.

Liverpool English
1. True.
2. True.
3. False. People from around Britain can speak it.
4. False. There seems to be clear differences between the North and the
South of the city.
5. False. The woman believes that a new immigrant flow might bring changes
into the dialect. The man believes that due to the media and globalization
languages will sound more homogeneous.

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