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(An Autonomous Institution)

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203





EC 8701 – Antenna and Microwave Engineering


Regulation – 2017
Academic Year 2021 – 2022

Prepared by

Microwave frequency bands, Physical concept of radiation, Near- and far-field regions, Fields
and Power Radiated by an Antenna, Antenna Pattern Characteristics, Antenna Gain and
Efficiency, Aperture Efficiency and Effective Area, Antenna Noise Temperature and G/T,
Impedance matching, Friis transmission equation, Link budget and link margin, Noise
Characterization of a microwave receiver

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Define Radio Antenna BTL 1 Remembering
2. Identify the parameter that refers to the direction of the radiated BTL 1 Remembering
power and define it.
3. Quote the expression for the radiation resistance and define the BTL 1 Remembering
4. List out the microwave frequency bands in Electromagnetic BTL 1 Remembering
5. Define the term antenna gain BTL 1 Remembering
6. Outline the types of antennas. BTL 1 Remembering
7. Give the basic antenna radiation equation BTL 2 Understanding
8. Relate the Gain and Directivity of an antenna through proper BTL 2 Understanding
9. A radio link has a 15-W Transmitter connected to an antenna of BTL 2 Understanding
2.5m2 effective aperture at 5 GHz. The receiving antenna has an
effective aperture of 0.5 m2 and is located at a 15-Km Line-of-
sight distance from the transmitting antenna. Assuming lossless,
matched antennas, find the power delivered to the receiver.
10. Explain the near field and far field concept of antennas. BTL 2 Understanding
11. Derive the equation for “directivity from pattern”. Modify the BTL 3 Applying
above equation to get the equation for “directivity from
12. Sketch the two dimensional field pattern of an antenna and BTL 3 Applying
explain the bandwidth.
13. Identify the equation for the effective aperture of the antenna. BTL 3 Applying
14. Find the equation for antenna noise temperature with it’s BTL 4 Analyzing
15. Compare absolute gain and realized gain. BTL 4 Analyzing
16. Explore the need for impedance matching in antennas. BTL 4 Analyzing
17. Recommend an equation that relates the received and BTL 5 Evaluating
transmitted power W.R.T distance between the antennas.
18. Compare link budget and link margin in the field of antenna BTL 5 Evaluating
19. Write the Friis equation and explain each of it’s parameters BTL 6 Creating
20. Mention the need for noise characterization of a microwave BTL 6 Creating
1. Explain the antenna parameters. (a) Gain (b) Bandwidth (13) BTL 1 Remembering
(c) Input Impedance (d) Effective aperture
2. Select a proper method to match the impedance of the (13) BTL 1 Remembering
antenna and explain in detail.
3. (i)List out the concept of (7) BTL 1 Remembering
(a) Radiation pattern (b) Gain (c) Directivity
(ii)Show the condition under which the fields are classified (6)
as near field and far field and explain the same
4. Classify the antennas based on applications. (13) BTL 1 Remembering
5. Summarize radiation pattern with a three dimension model. (13) BTL 2 Understanding
Also explain HPBW , FNBW and the other lobes.
6. (i) Illustrate the concept of (7) BTL 2 Understanding
(a) Bandwidth (b) Beam efficiency (c) Antenna Temperature
(ii) Explain matching baluns with suitable diagram. (6)
7. Find the number of square degrees in the solid angle Ω on a (13) BTL 2 Understanding
spherical surface that is between θ=20˚ & θ=40˚ and φ=30˚
& φ =70˚
8. (i) Show the radiation resistance of antenna of length λ/8 m. (7) BTL 3 Applying
(ii) Solve : An antenna has a field pattern given by (6)
E(θ)=Cos2θ for 0˚≤ θ ≤90˚. Find HPBW
9. (i) Solve the maximum effective aperture of an antenna (7) Applying
which is operating at a wavelength of 2 meters and has a BTL 3
directivity of 100.
(ii) Find the radiation resistance of the antenna which is (6)
drawing 15 A current and radiating 5 kW.
10. A radiating element of 1 cm carries an effective current of (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
0.5A at 3 GHz. Calculate the power radiated by it.
11. (i) Investigate the need of impedance matching in antennas. (7) BTL 4 Analyzing
(ii) Solve : An antenna has a field pattern given by (6)
E(θ)=CosθCos2θ for 0˚≤ θ ≤90˚. Find (a) HPBW (b) FNBW

12. Calculate the radiation resistance of antenna of length λ/25 (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
m and λ/50 m.

13. Summarize the Friis equation of an antenna with diagram. (13) BTL 5 Evaluating
Also explain the individual parametes in the equation in
14. Describe the concept of Link budget and Link Margin with (13)
BTL 6 Creating
equation and suitable examples.

1. (i) The radiation resistance of an antenna is 72 Ω and loss (8) BTL 5 Evaluating
resistance is 8 Ω . What is the directivity in dB if the power gain
is 16.
(ii) An antenna has a loss resistance of 10 Ω , power gain of 20 (7)
and directivity 22 . Calculate the radiation resistance.
2. An antenna receives a maximum power of 2 µW from a radio (15) BTL 5 Evaluating
station. Estimate the maximum effective area if the antenna is
located in the far field region of the station where |E|=50mV/m
3. (i) If the noise figure of the antenna at room temperature is (8) BTL 6 Creating
1.1dB, What is the effective noise temperature?
(ii) What is the maximum effective aperture of the antenna with (7)
directivity of 900 operating at a frequency of 10 GHz.
4. Elaborate the fundamental parameters of antenna with equations (15) BTL 6 Creating
and diagrams.


Radiation Mechanisms of Linear Wire and Loop antennas, Aperture antennas, Reflector
antennas, Microstrip antennas and Frequency independent antennas, Design considerations and


Q.No Questions BT Level Competence

1. State the reasons for the preference of aperture antennas for BTL 1 Remembering
space applications

2. How would you explain the concept of Huygen’s principle for BTL 1 Remembering
Aperture antennas?

3. What is the main idea of Frequency Independent Antenna? BTL 1 Remembering

4. Why the dielectric resonators become the efficient radiators? BTL 1 Remembering
Define FNBW and HPBW of aperture antenna.

5. Mention the types of feeding structures used for a micro strip BTL 1 Remembering

6. List out the disadvantages of loop antenna. BTL 1 Remembering

7. Write down the merits and applications of offset feed reflector BTL 2 Understanding

8. List out the applications of micro strip antenna BTL 2 Understanding

9. Draw the structure of LPDA with main regions of operation. BTL 2 Understanding

10. Describe the features of the pyramidal horn antenna. BTL 2 Understanding

11. Interpret the relation between Gain and Aperture of an antenna. BTL 3 Applying

12. Illustrate the basic concept of reflector antenna. BTL 3 Applying

13. What are the limitations of reflector antenna? Apply the BTL 3 Applying
methods to overcome them.

14. Explain how the aperture blockage can be prevented in BTL 4 Analyzing
reflector antenna.
15. Solve for the diameter of an aperture for the parabolic antenna BTL 4 Analyzing
to produce a null beam width of 10o at 3GHz.

16. State the expressions for design ratio, spacing factor of log BTL 4 Applying
periodic antenna.

17. Why log periodic antenna is called so? BTL 5 Evaluating

18. At 2.7GHz, the increase in antenna temperature from Cygnus A BTL 5 Evaluating
with a 20m dish antenna is 51k. Solve the aperture efficiency
of the antenna?

19. Interpret the design considerations for an aperture antenna? BTL 6 Creating

20. Estimate the beam width and directivity of the pyramidal horn BTL 6 Creating
with the aperture dimension of 12 X 6 cm. Its operating
frequency is given as 6 GHz.


1. Describe the radiation pattern and fields on the axis of an E- (13) BTL 1 Remembering
plane and H-plane sectoral horns.

2. A pyramidal horn antenna having aperture dimensions of a = (13) BTL 1 Remembering

5.2 cm and b = 3.8 cm is used at a frequency of 10GHz.Find
its gain and HPBW.

3. What are the different types of horn structures? Draw the (13) BTL 1 Remembering
radiation pattern of horn antenna and hence describe the
radiation mechanism with neat diagram.

4. Find the radiation resistance of a single turn and an eight- (13) BTL 1 Remembering
turn small circular loop when the radius of the loop is λ/20
and the medium is free space.

5. Describe rectangular apertures and derive expressions for its (13) BTL 2 Understanding
uniform distribution on an infinite ground plane and space.

6. With necessary sketches, explain in detail about the radiation (13) BTL 2 Understanding
mechanism of a microstrip patch antenna.

7. Explain the feeding techniques for the rectangular patch (13) BTL 2 Understanding
antenna with neat diagrams.

8. (i) Compare the flat reflector and corner reflector antennas. (7) Applying
(ii) Calculate the diameter of the reflector antenna that has a (6)
0.5 deg HPBW at a frequency of 8.2 GHz. Assume an
efficiency constant = 0.6. Calculate the antenna gain and
effective aperture.

9. Examine the rectangular apertures and derive expressions for (13) BTL 3 Applying
its uniform distribution on an infinite ground plane and

10. Using field equivalence principle, explain radiation (13) BTL 4 Analyzing

11. Can you identify the principle of parabolic reflector antenna (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
with the neat diagram and explain the types of feed used.

12. Design the LPDA having a directivity of 8.5 dB over a (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
frequency range of 10 MHz to 30 MHz. Assume τ =0.895,
ϭ =0.166

13. A Square loop antenna has 200 turns and each arm of length (13) BTL 5 Evaluating
1m. This is connected to receiver tuned to 10 MHz. Estimate
the field strength so that the input to the receiver is 10 mV,
while the loop is oriented at 60 degrees from the direction of
the transmitter

14. Describe the condition for frequency independence, (13) BTL 6 Creating
construction, analysis and characteristics features of
frequency independent antennas.

1. Find the axial length, aperture width A and half-flare angles in (15) BTL 5 Evaluating
E and H planes of a pyramidal horn for which the aperture
height B=10 λ. Horn is fed by a rectangular waveguide with
TE10 mode. The Edge illumination phase deviation is given by
path difference ᵟ= 0.2 λ in both the planes.
2. It is desired to design an aperture antenna, with uniform (15) BTL 5 Evaluating
illumination, so that the directivity is maximized at an angle 30o
from the normal to the aperture. Calculate the optimum
dimension and its associated directivity when the aperture is
3. Estimate the angular aperture for a Paraboloid reflector antenna (15) BTL 6 Creating
for which aperture number is (i) 0.25, (ii) 0.50. Given that the
diameter of reflector mouth is 10 m. Prepare the position of
focal point with reference to the reflector mouth in each case.
4. Derive the parabola geometry that makes it a suitable for (15) BTL 6 Creating
antenna reflectors. Design an antenna employing a parabolic
reflector that is likely to be a highly directive receiving antenna.
Two-element array, Array factor, Pattern multiplication, uniformly spaced arrays with uniform and
non-uniform excitation amplitudes, Smart antennas.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. What is meant by uniform linear array? BTL 1 Remembering
2. Define phased array. BTL 1 Remembering
3. Write about pattern multiplication and its advantages. BTL 1 Remembering
4. Recall the features of smart antennas and where it is employed? BTL 1 Remembering
5. Draw the radiation pattern of isotropic point sources of same BTL 1 Remembering
amplitude and opposite phase that are λ/2 apart along X-axis
symmetric with respect to the origin.
6. How to eliminate minor lobes? BTL 1 Remembering
7. Write down the industrial applications of active antennas. BTL 2 Understanding
8. List out the advantages and disadvantages of binomial array. BTL 2 Understanding
9. Draw the radiation pattern for broad side and end fire array. BTL 2 Understanding
10. Enumerate the basic principle of reconfigurable antennas. BTL 2 Understanding
11. Show the conditions to obtain end fire array antenna. BTL 3 Applying
12. Identify the feed networks used in a phased array antenna. BTL 3 Applying
13. Illustrate the meaning and need for the binomial array. BTL 3 Applying
14. Find the directivity of broadside forms of arrays when a uniform BTL 4 Analyzing
linear array contains 50 isotropic radiation with an inter element
spacing of λ/2.
15. Mention the types of smart antennas. BTL 4 Analyzing
16. Explore the need for phase shifter in phased array antennas. BTL 4 Analyzing
17. Differentiate Binomial and Chebyshev distributions. BTL 5 Evaluating
18. Compare beam steering and beamforming. BTL 5 Evaluating
19. A linear end fire, uniform array of 10 elements has a separation BTL 6 Creating
of λ/4 between elements. Calculate the directivity of an array.
20. Interpret the meaning of array factor. BTL 6 Creating

1. Derive the expression for steering vector of phased array (13) BTL 1 Remembering
antenna. Give account of beam forming networks for phased
array antenna.
2. Find the expression for the field and the radiation pattern (13) BTL 1 Remembering
produced by a N element array of infinitesimal with distance
of separation λ/ 2 and currents of unequal magnitude and
phase shift 1800.
3. (i) Explain the expression for field pattern of broad side (7) BTL 1 Remembering
array of N point sources.
(ii)A linear broadside array consists of 4 equal isotropic in- (6)
phase point sources with λ/3 spacing. Identify the directivity
and beamwidth.
4. For a 2 element linear antenna array separated by a distance (13) BTL 1 Remembering
d = 3λ/4, derive the field quantities and draw its radiation
pattern for the phase difference of 45o.
5. Deduce the expression for the array factor of a linear array of (13) BTL 2 Understanding
four isotropic element spaced λ/2 apart fed with signals of
equal amplitude and phase. Obtain the directions of maxima
and minima.

6. (i) Illustrate the radiation mechanisms of broad side antenna (7) BTL 2 Understanding
array and end fire antenna array with neat sketches.
(ii) What is binomial array? Draw the pattern of 10 elements (6)
binomial array with spacing between the elements of 3λ/4
and λ/2.
7. Compare adaptive arrays and smart antennas. (13) BTL 2 Understanding
8. (i) Show the expression for the field produced by linear array (7) BTL 3 Applying
and deduces it for an end fire array.
(ii) Express the properties of linear broadside array. (6)
9. (i) Illustrate about the method of pattern multiplication. (7) BTL 3 Applying
(ii) Solve the expression for directions of pattern minima, (6)
pattern maxima, BWFN due to broad side array.
10. Examine how analog and digital beam forming is achieved (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
with an antenna array with a neat diagram.
11. (i)Outline the working principle of phased array antenna (7) BTL 4 Analyzing
with neat diagram.
(ii)Describe the radiation mechanisms of binomial array with (6)
neat sketches and derive the expression for array factor.
12. Identify the direction of maximum and minimum radiation (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
from the resultant radiation of two identical radiators which
are spaced d = 3 λ/4 meters apart and fed with currents of
equal magnitude but with 180o phase difference.
13. Outline the maxima, minima and half power directions if (13) BTL 5 Evaluating
two point sources are fed with currents equal in magnitude
but opposite in phase.
14. Explain in detail about the resultant radiation pattern of two (13)
BTL 6 Creating
element array.
1. (i) Deduce the directivity of a given linear broadside, uniform (8) BTL 5 Evaluating
array of 10 isotropic elements with a separation of λ/4 between
the elements.
(ii) A linear broadside array consists of four equal isotropic in- (7)
phase point sources with λ/3 spacing. Construct the directivity
and beamwidth if the total length of the array is λ.
2. A uniform linear array consists of 16 isotropic point sources (15) BTL 5 Evaluating
with a spacing of λ/4. If the phase difference is -90 , Determine

the directivity, HPBW, beam solid angle and effective

3. For an end fire consisting of several half wave length isotropic (15) BTL 6 Creating
radiator is to have a directive gain of 30 . Calculate the array
length and width of the major lobe. What will be these values
for a broadside array?
4. Explain in detail about the conditions for two point sources with (15) BTL 6 Creating
currents unequal in magnitude and with any phase.


Microwave Passive components: Directional Coupler, Power Divider, Magic Tee, attenuator,
resonator, Principles of Microwave Semiconductor Devices: Gunn Diodes, IMPATT diodes, Schottky
Barrier diodes, PIN diodes, Microwave tubes: Klystron, TWT, Magnetron.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Outline the features of power divider and write its properties. BTL 1 Remembering
Give some examples of power dividers.
2. Identify the use of matched termination in microwave BTL 1 Remembering
communication setup.
3. Draw the equivalent circuit of a Gunn diode. BTL 1 Remembering
4. Write the effect of transit time. BTL 1 Remembering
5. What are the differences between TWTA and klystron BTL 1 Remembering
6. List the basic parameters to measure the performance of a BTL 1 Remembering
directional coupler?
7. Sketch the sum and difference arm of magic Tee. BTL 2 Understanding
8. Differentiate attenuator and resonator. BTL 2 Understanding
9. Mention the condition for oscillation in reflex klystron. BTL 2 Understanding
10. State the principle of Faraday’s rotation. BTL 2 Understanding
11. Explain Gunn diode and list the modes. BTL 3 Applying
12. Exhibit the negative resistance property in Gunn diode. BTL 3 Applying
13. Interpret about the Schottky barrier diodes. BTL 3 Applying
14. Identify the factors reducing the efficiency of IMPATT diode. BTL 4 Analyzing
15. Categorize the applications of magic-Tee. BTL 4 Analyzing
16. Compare PIN and PN diode. BTL 4 Analyzing
17. Why magnetron is called as cross field device? BTL 5 Evaluating
18. Determine the purpose of slow wave structures in TWT. BTL 5 Evaluating
19. Compare the frequency pulling and frequency pushing in BTL 6 Creating
20. Organize the different types of Tee used in microwave. BTL 6 Creating

1. With neat diagram explain the operation of attenuators in (13) BTL 1 Remembering
2. Show the operation and properties of power divider. Derive (13) BTL 1 Remembering
their S parameters.
3. (i) With the help of a neat diagram describe the magic Tee (7) BTL 1 Remembering
working principle.
(ii) Find scattering matrix and applications of magic Tee. (6)
4. (i) Write notes on high frequency limitations of conventional (7) BTL 1 Remembering
vacuum devices.
(ii) What are the characteristics of travelling wave tube? (6)
5. (i) From the first principles derive the scattering matrix of a (7) BTL 2 Understanding
multi hole directional coupler.
(ii) Infer the characteristics of directional coupler in terms of (6)
S parameters and explain in detail two hole directional
6. (i) Explain the working principle of reflex klystron oscillator (7) BTL 2 Understanding
with necessary diagrams.
(ii) Derive velocity modulation, transit time of reflex (6)
klystron oscillator.
7. (i) Describe the power output mode curve/frequency (7) BTL 2 Understanding
characteristics of reflex klystron.
(ii) Draw the equivalent circuit and obtain the electronic (6)
spiral curve of reflex klystron.
8. With neat diagrams, explain the operation of transmission (13) BTL 3 Applying
line resonators and its application.
9. Explain Schottky barrier diodes and its application in (13) BTL 3 Applying
microwave communication.
10. Illustrate with interaction region diagram the mechanism of (13) BTL 3 Applying
operation of TWT amplifier, its applications and the
expression for the gain of a TWT.
11. Explain in detail about PIN diodes, control circuits and its (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
12. Write down the working principle of Gunn diode as a (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
transferred electron device with two valley model, Also draw
the structure, equivalent circuit and V-I characteristics of
Gunn diode.
13. (i) What are avalanche transit time devices? Explain the (7) BTL 5 Evaluating
operation and construction of IMPATT diode.
(ii) Explain the mechanism of oscillation of IMPATT and as (6)
power amplifier.
14. Elaborate the following : BTL 6 Creating
(i) T-junction power divider. (7)
(ii) Cylindrical Magnetron. (6)

1. Detect the working principle, operation of dielectric resonators (15) BTL 5 Evaluating
and excitation of resonators.
2. What is Circulator? With neat diagram, explain the working (15) BTL 5 Evaluating
principle, construction, operation of four port circulator using
magic-tee. Verify the circulator theory with necessary S-
parameter equations.
3. With neat diagram, explain the characteristics of series Tee and (15) BTL 6 Creating
shunt Tee and derive the S matrix.
4. Describe the cross sectional view of magnetron tube and explain (15) BTL 6 Creating
how bunching occurs with equations of electron trajectory and
derive the expression for Hull cut-off voltage.


Impedance transformation, Impedance Matching, Microwave Filter Design, RF and

Microwave Amplifier Design, Microwave Power amplifier Design, Low Noise Amplifier
Design, Microwave Mixer Design, Microwave Oscillator Design


Q.No Questions BT Competence

1. Define Impedance matching. BTL 1 Remembering

2. Name the factors used for selecting a matching network. BTL 1 Remembering

3. Write the significance of RF and Microwave filter BTL 1 Remembering

4. State the principles used in the insertion loss method. BTL 1 Remembering

5. What is Rollet factor (K)? Write its expressions. BTL 1 Remembering

6. Mention how the reactance of the input and output of a Quarter BTL 1 Remembering
wave line can be neutralized.

7. Identify the basic idea of coupled line filters. BTL 2 Understanding

8. Explain the concept of mixers with neat diagram BTL 2 Understanding

9. List the major components used in the mixer design. BTL 2 Understanding

10. Draw typical output stability circle and input stability circle. BTL 2 Understanding

11. Calculate the VSWR of an amplifier if the amplifier has the BTL 3 Applying
reflection co-efficient 0.2533

12. Construct the filter realization steps in RF filter design BTL 3 Applying

13. Mention the expression that relates the nodal quality factor (Qn) BTL 3 Applying
with loaded quality factor (QL)

14. Outline the VSWR circle for the reflection coefficient equal to BTL 4 Analyzing

15. Compare single stub matching and double stub matching BTL 4 Analyzing

16. Why dielectric resonator oscillators are needed? BTL 4 Analyzing

17. Which type of RF oscillators is currently being used in the BTL 5 Evaluating
amplifier design?

18. Compare the diode and FET mixer design with neat diagram. BTL 5 Evaluating

19. Write down the formula for noise voltage and noise figure BTL 6 Creating

20. Explain the stability requirements in RF amplifier design BTL 6 Creating

1. Describe the characteristics of amplifier and Examine the (13) BTL 1 Remembering
transducer power gain, unilateral power gain, available
power gain and operating power gain of a microwave
amplifier using S parameters
2. Derive the expression for unilateral power gain with (13) BTL 1 Remembering
necessary signal flow diagram.
3. Deduce the expression for input stability circle equation and (13) BTL 1 Remembering
output stability equation.
4. Elaborate in detail about the concept of single ended, (13) BTL 1 Remembering
double-balanced and triple balanced mixer.
5. Classify the methods to design the filter for microwave (13) BTL 2 Understanding
6. Explain the concepts of T and Pi matching networks and (13) BTL 2 Understanding
comment the design issues for the same.
7. (i) Interpret the steps involved to design a low noise (7) BTL 2 Understanding
(ii) Distinguish power match and noise match in a Low (6)
Noise Amplifier.
8. (i) Compare the different types of mixers with its principle (6) BTL 3 Applying
of operation
(ii) Show the distinction between the following parameters (7)
of Conversion gain, Linearity and isolation of a mixer.
9. Solve a single section quarter wave matching transformer to (13) BTL 3 Applying
match a 10 Ω load to a 50 Ω line at f0 = 3 GHz. Determine
the percent bandwidth for which SWR <= 1.5
10. Sketch the input and output stability circles in the complex (13) BTL 3 Applying
ГL and ГS planes, also relate the condition for Unconditional
11. A MESFET operated at 5.7GHz ha the following S (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
parameters: S11=0.5∟-60°, S12=0.02∟0°, S21=6.5∟115°
and S22=0.6∟-35°. Verify the circuit, whether it is
unconditionally stable or not?
12. Show that noise figure of three stage amplifier is F=F1+ (F2- (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
F1)/(GA1) + (F3-F1)/GA2 where F1, F2 and F3 are noise
figures and GA1, GA2 are power gains.
13. For a λg/4 transformer a load of 100 Ω and an air- filled line (13) BTL 5 Evaluating
of 50 Ω is connected. The signal frequency is 10 GHz.
a) Length and impedance matching transformer for
rectangular waveguide
b) Length and impedance matching transformer for co-axial
c) Fractional Bandwidth for ℾm = 0.1.
14. Write down the procedure for designing a two component (13) BTL 6 Creating
matching networks and explain about forbidden regions,
frequency response and quality factor.

1. An RF amplifier has the following S parameters: S11=0.3∟- (15) BTL 5 Evaluating
70°, S21=3.5∟85°, S12=0.2∟-10°, S22=0.4∟-45°. Further
Vs=5V∟0°, Zs=40Ω and ZL=73Ω. Assuming Zo=50Ω.
Evaluate GT, GTU, GA and G.

2. Detect a low pass filter with cut off frequency of 200 MHz and (15) BTL 5 Evaluating
attenuation of 50 dB at 250 MHz. The flatness of the filter
response is not a design consideration. Design a filter that
requires the least number of components.
3. Predict all the possible configurations of discrete two element (15) BTL 6 Creating
matching network that match the source impedance Zs=
(50+j25) Ω to the load ZL = (25 – j 15) Ω. Assume the
characteristic impedance of 75 Ω at the operating frequency of 2
4. Design a 50 MHz Colpitts oscillator using a bipolar junction (15) BTL 6 Creating
transistor in a common emitter configuration with β = gm/Gi
= 30, and a transistor input resistance of Ri = 1/Gi = 1200. Use
an inductor with L3 = 0.10 µH and an unloaded Q of 100. What
is the minimum Q of the inductor for which oscillation will be

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