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Snob (n) - a person with an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth who seeks

to associate with social superiors and looks down on those regarded as socially inferior.
Dispatcher (n)- a person whose job is to receive messages and organize the movement of
people or vehicles, especially in the emergency services.
Centerfolds (n) - the two middle pages of a magazine, often taken up by a single illustration or
Tacked up (v) - nailed, plastered, posted
Leer at (v) - look or gaze in a “lascivious” (feeling or revealing an overt sexual interest or
desire) or unpleasant way.
Rear (n) - a person's bottom/back.
Incredulously - in a manner indicating disbelief.
Give runaround (v) - to fail to give (someone) information or help that he or she needs by not
answering questions or by not dealing with the problem directly.
Inevitable (adj) - certain to happen; unavoidable.
Dignify (v) - make (something) seem worthy and impressive
Fume (v) - feel, show, or express great anger.
Dragging feet (v)- to move or act slowly, failure to act with the necessary promptness or vigor.
Triumphantly (adv) /trʌɪˈʌmf(ə)ntli/ - in a way that shows great happiness or joy at a victory
or achievement.
Chattel - a personal possession
Wacko /ˈwakəʊ/ - mad; insane, crazy person
Abduction - the action of taking someone away by force or deception.
Extraterrestrial /ˌɛkstrətɪˈrɛstrɪəl/ - a hypothetical or fictional being from outer space/alien
Smugly - in a way that shows excessive satisfaction or pride in oneself.
Blackout - a temporary loss of consciousness.
Recollection - the action of remembering or recollecting something/ a memory of something,
or the ability to remember past events
Sickie - a sick person/ a mentally ill or perverted person, especially one who is sadistic.
Prejudiced - showing an unreasonable dislike for something or someone
Unaccounted-for - not accounted for; not understood; unexplained
Infiltrate - to secretly enter or join (something, such as a group or an organization) in order to
get information or do harm.
Prevail - to be widespread or current; exist everywhere
In mock horror - mock surprise/horror that you pretend to feel, especially as a joke
Agnostic - a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or
nature of God/ having the belief that it is not possible to know whether god exists.
Halfheartedly - without enthusiasm or energy.
Cockamamie /ˌkɒkəˈmeɪmi/ - ridiculous; implausible/ If you describe something as
cockamamie, you mean that it is ridiculous or silly.
Gullible - easily persuaded to believe something
Gawk - stare openly and stupidly/ to look at something or someone in a foolish way without
You’re a nut - means you are crazy
Patronizing tone - speaking or behaving towards someone as if they are stupid or not
Aberration - a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one.
Lunatic - crazy/insane
Baton ˈbat(ə)n - short stick carried for use as a weapon, as by a policeman;
Righteously - a way that is morally correct
Warped view /wɔːpt/ - having ideas that most people think are strange or unpleasant
Borne out - proven/ to support the truth of something
Courteous - polite, respectful, or considerate in manner
Naivete |naˌɪvəˈteɪ|- lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement; naivety.
Dumbfounded - extremely surprised
Concocted |kənˈkɑːktəd| - create or devise (a story or plan)/to invent an excuse,
explanation, or story in order to deceive someone
Concessions /kənˈseʃn/ - something that you allow or do, or allow someone to have, in order
to end an argument or to make a situation less difficult (уступки)
Combat (crime) - to try to stop something unpleasant or harmful from happening or
increasing/to fight against
Grudgingly - unwillingly/ in a reluctant or resentful manner
To get their heads bashed in - to hit someone on the head in a way that causes serious
injury or death
Apprehend - arrest (someone) for a crime.
Right-to-lifer - an opponent of legalized abortion
Contraption - a device that appears strange or unnecessarily complicated
Nunchucks - a weapon of Japanese origin that consists of two sticks joined at their ends by a
short length of cord or chain
Hurled epithets at - throw/utter an offensive word or name that is used as a way of abusing
or insulting someone.
Muse (v) - to consider something thoughtfully

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