HomeWork Period 2

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Student´S Name: Jose Eduardo Peraza Rivas GROUP: ELEC 22

Tell me about past situations. Finish each sentence starter with your
information. Using Present Continuous Tense.

EX. The last time my mother punished me; I was coming late from a party.

1. The last time there was a tremor, I was eating my dinner.

2. The last time there was an earthquake, I was have trhee years old.

3. The last time there was a big storm, I was watching news 4 vision.

4. The last time there was a blackout, I was playing videogames.

5. The last time I lost my cell phone, I was at a party.

6. The last time I felt stressed, I was doing the homework.

7. The last time I had an accident, I was talking on the phone .

8. The last time I was sad, I was watch my engine note .

9. The last time I saw the sunset, I was at the beach.

10 The last time I tripped and fell, I was running

Tell me about past habits in your childhood. Complete the sentence starter

with past habits in your childhood using “used to”.

EXAMPLE: When I was a child, I used to play trompo and yoyo.

I remember I didn´t use to go to the beach.

1. When I was a child, I used to eat a lot of sweets.

2. I also used to run without shoes on the street.

3. As a kid, I used to play thief freed.

4. And I remember I didn’t use to like football.

5. I also used to Sleep late.

6. And I used to play with my friend at night.

7. Also on vacation, I used to go to the beach.

8. But I didn’t use to To swim in the ocean.

9. Or I didn’t use to Go out without my parents.

10. And I remember that I didn’t use to Have a favorite food.

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