Freelance Contract

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Freelance Contract

This Freelance Contract ("Contract") is entered into and shall stand effective as on [Effective
Date] ("Effective Date")

By and Between

[Client Name] ("Client"), having its principal place of business at [Client Address], and;

[Freelancer Name] ("Freelancer"), having its principal place of business at [Freelancer


The Client and the Freelancer shall be collectively referred to as "Parties" and individually as

WHEREAS the Client wishes to hire the Freelancer for [Mention the purpose];

AND WHEREAS the Freelancer agrees to provide the Freelance Services to the Client as per
the terms and conditions of this Contract.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants between the
Parties hereto, they agree as follows:

Terms and Conditions

1. Scope of Work
The Client has hired the Freelancer for rendering the services ("Services") as mentioned below:

 [Description of Services]

2. Deliverables
The Freelancer agrees upon the following deliverables for the Client:

 [Content Creation]

 [Blogging/Articles]

 [Website Content]

 [Social media content]

 [Add more such list of Deliverables]

3. Schedule
This Contract shall start on the effective date and shall continue for a period of [Time Period]
unless extended upon the mutual consent of both Parties or until the termination of this Contract.
The Freelancer agrees to provide a total of [Number of Hours] every [Day/week/month] for the
Client's work.
4. Pricing and Payment
The [Daily/weekly/monthly] fee for freelance services shall be charged as per the following table:

Services Pricing

[Social Media Content] $[0.00]

[Blogging/Articles] $[0.00]

[Content Creation] $[0.00]

[Add more such services] $[0.00]

Total $[0.00]
All fees shall be invoiced [Weekly/bi-weekly/monthly] to the Client. The Client shall make the
payment against these invoices to the Freelancer within [Time Period] upon receiving such
invoices. The mode of payment shall be [Cash/cheque/credit card] or any other payment mode
as mutually agreed by the Parties.
5. Client's Obligations

 The Client shall provide the necessary information, materials, and any such
documents that are required for the Freelancer to conduct the services.

 The Client shall address the queries of the Freelancer without delay;

 The Client shall authorize the Freelancer to use the relevant information, content,
logos and other data that will be needed to render the services under this Contract.

 [Add more such responsibilities];

6. Freelancer's Obligations
The Freelancer agrees to render the following responsibilities:

 Create content for all the social media posts regularly;

 Provide articles as requested by the Client;

 [Add more such responsibilities];

7. Representations and Warranties

 The Freelancer represents and warrants that it has the right to enter into this Contract
and perform the services.

 The Freelancer agrees and further represents that the freelance services conducted
are not owned by anyone else without the Freelancers’ knowledge.

 The Freelancer hereby represents to have the expertise, knowledge, experience, and
all the mandatory certificates, and permits needed to render the said services.

 In addition, the Freelancer shall conform to moral, ethical, and relevant professional
standards pertaining to the delivery of services in course of executing all the
obligations and services under this Contract.

 The Client acknowledges that the Freelancer shall not be held responsible for any
hindrance which is out of the scope and responsibility of the Freelancer to control or

8. Termination
This Contract may be terminated by either Party as follows:

 Upon [Number of Days] days prior written notice to the other Party, from the last date
of this Contract as stipulated in the Schedule mentioned above, with or without cause

 Upon the breach of any terms and conditions mentioned herein the Contract

 Upon completion of the Services by the Freelancer and full payment by the Client.

9. Confidentiality
During the term of this Contract, the Client shall share information that includes trade secrets,
industry knowledge, and other confidential information to the Freelancer in order to complete the
freelance services. The Freelancer will not disclose any of the shared information at any time to
any third party(s) or for any personal or other benefits.
This Confidentiality clause shall survive even after the termination of the Contract.
10. Ownership Rights

 All intellectual property rights arising out of the services rendered to the Client
exclusively shall become the property of the Client upon completion of the services
and full payment to the Freelancer.

 All rights, title, and interest that the Parties owned prior to the Effective Date, that is
created, developed or used in the performance of this Contract, shall at all times
remain owned by the respective Parties.

11. Non-Compete
The Freelancer undertakes to refrain from participating in competition with the Client's Company,
including and not limited to, as an employee, agent, partner, consultant, during the term of this
Contract and for [Time Period] after the termination of this Contract.

12. Indemnification
Both the Parties agree to indemnify and hold each other harmless for any losses, damages, or
liabilities, without limitation.
13. Relationship of Parties
Both Parties understand and agree that the Freelancer is an independent contractor and shall
not establish any partnership or employer-employee relationship.
14. Limitation of Liabilty
The Freelancer's liability, whether in Contract, tort, or otherwise, for any loss or damage suffered
by the Client shall be limited to direct damages only and limited to the amount paid by the Client.
15. Arbitration
In the event of any dispute arising in and out of this Contract between the Parties, it shall be
resolved by Arbitration. There shall be [Number of Arbitrators] which shall be appointed by
[Party(s) Name]. The place of Arbitration shall be [Place of Arbitration] and Seat shall be [State].
The arbitrators’ decision shall be final and will be binding upon both Parties.
16. Miscellaneous

1. Assignment: Neither Party shall assign this Contract or the rights and obligations
thereunder to any third party without the prior express written approval of the other
Party, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.


2. Governing Law: The Contract herein shall be governed by and construed in

accordance with the laws of the state of [State].


3. Legal and Binding Contract: This Contract is legal and binding between the Parties
as stated above. This Contract may be entered into and is legal and binding in the
[State/Court/Region]. The Parties each represent that they have the authority to enter
into this Contract.

4. Amendments: The terms mentioned herein the Contract shall not be reformed,
modified, or changed without the prior written consent of the respective parties.


5. Counterparts: This Contract is subject to be executed in counterparts, singly or as a

whole, all of which shall constitute the meaning of a single Contract.


6. Inclination: The Parties must acknowledge that this Contract hereinafter is solely for
the benefit of the parties undersigned and serves no inclination to any party, nor is
intended to confer any rights or remedies in favor of any person, party, or affiliate,
other than the parties duly undersigned and their members.


7. Notices: Any all notices to the Parties, physical or digital, shall be made to the
respective parties through their certified mailing address or email as is mentioned in
the Contract herein strictly in [Language].


8. Entirety: This Contract and other annexures, therefore, constitute the Entire Contract
between the Parties concerning the matter of subject hereof and thus, supersedes all
prior Agreements, purchases, understandings, and negotiations, written or phonated,
between the Parties.


9. Force Majeure: Neither Party shall be liable for any failure in performance of the
obligation under this Contract due to cause beyond that party's reasonable control
(including and not limited to any pandemic, fire, strike, act or order of public authority,
and other acts of God) during the pendency of such event.

Acceptance and Signature

IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Parties agree to the terms and conditions set forth above as
demonstrated by their signatures as follows:
[Freelancer Name]

[Client Name]
Assign signer 1
Assign signer 1
Assign signer 1
Assign signer 2
Assign signer 2
Assign signer 2

DISCLAIMER: Revvsales, Inc is not a law firm. The content provided herein is for general
information purposes only, and does not constitute legal advice. Revvsales, Inc and its partners
make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy,
adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information mentioned
hereunder. The use or reliance of any information contained herein is for your personal use and
solely at your own risk. You agree to fully release and indemnify Revvsales, Inc from any liability
associated with the use of this content. You are advised to obtain independent legal advice
before taking or refraining from any action on the basis of the content provided here.

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