Gutter Capacity-24.08.2023

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For Banglore As per IDF curve max rainfa

Level Surface Area of flow

NODE Length Slope Mannings "n"
difference Material sqm (Af)

X1-X2 1.814 22 21 steel 0.013 0.070

X2-X3 0.849 7.5 10 steel 0.013 0.070

X3-X4 0.669 12 14 steel 0.013 0.070

X4-X5 0.862 8 18 steel 0.013 0.070

X5-X6 0.949 11 45 steel 0.013 0.070

X7-X6 1.929 10 66 steel 0.013 0.070

X8-X7 1.929 10 22 steel 0.013 0.070

X9-X8 1.929 10 24 steel 0.013 0.070

X10-X9 1.929 14 32 steel 0.013 0.070

X10-X11 1.929 24 28 steel 0.013 0.070

X13-X12 1.929 38 26 steel 0.013 0.070

X1-X13 1.929 18 38 steel 0.013 0.070

200mm rainfall in 100

Level Surface Area of flow

NODE Length Slope Mannings "n"
difference Material sqm (Af)

X1-X2 1.814 22 21 steel 0.013 0.060

X2-X3 0.849 7.5 10 steel 0.013 0.060

X3-X4 0.669 12 14 steel 0.013 0.060

X4-X5 0.862 8 18 steel 0.013 0.060

X5-X6 0.949 11 45 steel 0.013 0.060

X7-X6 1.929 10 66 steel 0.013 0.060

X8-X7 1.929 10 22 steel 0.013 0.060

X9-X8 1.929 10 24 steel 0.013 0.060

X10-X9 1.929 14 32 steel 0.013 0.060

X10-X11 1.929 24 28 steel 0.013 0.060

X13-X12 1.929 38 26 steel 0.013 0.060

X1-X13 1.929 18 38 steel 0.013 0.060

r IDF curve max rainfall in 100 years for 1 hour is 110 mm

Wetted Discharge
Perimeter m Velocity Capacity of Rainfall
c Radius
(Wp)=A+B+C+D m/s, v Drain (AD)

Gutter Qg M/Hour
1.200 0.058 2.525 0.177 A2 1100 0.1

1.200 0.058 3.659 0.256 A3 106 0.11

1.200 0.058 3.092 0.216 A4 135 0.11

1.200 0.058 2.727 0.191 A5 135 0.11

1.200 0.058 1.725 0.121 A6 80 0.11

1.200 0.058 1.424 0.100 A7 60 0.11

1.200 0.058 2.467 0.173 A8 109 0.11

1.200 0.058 2.362 0.165 A9 128 0.11

1.200 0.058 2.045 0.143 A10 100 0.11

1.200 0.058 2.187 0.153 A11 100 0.11

1.200 0.058 2.269 0.159 A12 80 0.11

1.200 0.058 1.877 0.131 A1 220 0.11


200mm rainfall in 100 years for 1 hour

Wetted Discharge
Perimeter m Velocity Capacity of Rainfall
c Radius
(Wp)=A+B+C+D m/s, v Drain (AD)

Gutter Qg M/Hour
1.150 0.052 2.344 0.141 A2 1100 0.1

1.150 0.052 3.396 0.204 A3 1100 0.1

1.150 0.052 2.871 0.172 A4 135 0.2

1.150 0.052 2.532 0.152 A5 135 0.2

1.150 0.052 1.601 0.096 A6 80 0.2

1.150 0.052 1.322 0.079 A7 60 0.2

1.150 0.052 2.290 0.137 A8 109 0.2

1.150 0.052 2.192 0.132 A9 128 0.2

1.150 0.052 1.899 0.114 A10 100 0.2

1.150 0.052 2.030 0.122 A11 100 0.2

1.150 0.052 2.106 0.126 A12 80 0.2

1.150 0.052 1.742 0.105 A1 220 0.2


Discharge To the
M3/Hour LPS Cummalivte M3/Minut Drain cum/s (m3/s), Qg/Qr
0.95 104.50 29.03 29.03 1.74 0.0290 6.09

0.95 11.08 3.08 3.08 0.18 0.0031 83.24

0.95 14.11 3.92 3.92 0.24 0.0039 55.24

0.95 14.11 3.92 3.92 0.24 0.0039 48.71

0.95 8.36 2.32 2.32 0.14 0.0023 51.99

0.95 6.27 1.74 1.74 0.10 0.0017 57.24

0.95 11.39 3.16 3.16 0.19 0.0032 54.57

0.95 13.38 3.72 3.72 0.22 0.0037 44.49

0.95 10.45 2.90 2.90 0.17 0.0029 49.32

0.95 10.45 2.90 2.90 0.17 0.0029 52.73

0.95 8.36 2.32 2.32 0.14 0.0023 68.40

0.95 22.99 6.39 6.39 0.38 0.0064 20.57

Q2=c*a*sqrt(2gh) 0.01867 m3/s 18.67 l/s
rwdp-dia, 0.15 m
c-flow factor 0.60
a-rwdp area 0.01767 m2
g-gravity 9.81 m/s2
h-gutter depth 0.16
Discharge To the
M3/Hour LPS Cummalivte M3/Minut Drain cum/s (m3/s), Qg/Qr

0.95 104.50 29.03 29.03 1.74 0.0290 4.84

0.95 104.50 29.03 29.03 1.74 0.0290 7.02

0.95 25.65 7.13 7.13 0.43 0.0071 24.17

0.95 25.65 7.13 7.13 0.43 0.0071 21.32

0.95 15.20 4.22 4.22 0.25 0.0042 22.75

0.95 11.40 3.17 3.17 0.19 0.0032 25.05

0.95 20.71 5.75 5.75 0.35 0.0058 23.88

0.95 24.32 6.76 6.76 0.41 0.0068 19.47

0.95 19.00 5.28 5.28 0.32 0.0053 21.58

0.95 19.00 5.28 5.28 0.32 0.0053 23.08

0.95 15.20 4.22 4.22 0.25 0.0042 29.93

0.95 41.80 11.61 11.61 0.70 0.0116 9.00

Q2=c*a*sqrt(2gh) 0.03363 m3/s 33.63 l/s
rwdp-dia, 0.16 m
c-flow factor 0.95
a-rwdp area 0.02011 m2
g-gravity 9.81 m/s2
h-gutter depth 0.16
No. of spouts, No. of spouts,
100 dia 100 dia
(rounded up) (rounded up)
2 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

13.00 12.00
No. of spouts, No. of spouts,
150 dia 150 dia
(rounded up) (rounded up)

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

12.00 12.00
Co- efficient of
Type of pipes Roughness
Concrete 0.015
Plastic(smooth) 0.011
FRP 0.01
Abestos cement 0.011
cast iron/Ductile iron 0.011
Earth 0.035
stoneware 0.012
Masonary 0.018
STEEL 0.013


Where: Q = Flow rate (volume of water passing throu

or cubic meters per second)

A = Cross-sectional area of the gutter (measured in sq
V = Velocity of the water in the gutter (measured in m

The cross-sectional area (A) of the gutter can be calcu

For a rectangular gutter: A = width * depth

For a trapezoidal gutter: A = (width_top + width_bo
For a semicircular gutter: A = π * (radius^2) / 2

cross-sectional area (A), the hydraulic radius (R), and

Q = (1/n) * A * R^(2/3) * S^(1/2)

where: V= (1/n) * R^(2/3) * S^(1/2)

n is the Manning's roughness coefficient (dimension

R is the hydraulic radius (meters) of the flow, which
S is the slope of the channel (dimensionless) defined
me of water passing through the gutter per unit time, usually measured in liters per second

the gutter (measured in square meters)

the gutter (measured in meters per second)

of the gutter can be calculated based on the shape of the gutter. For example:

A = width * depth
A = (width_top + width_bottom) * depth / 2
A = π * (radius^2) / 2

he hydraulic radius (R), and the Manning's roughness coefficient (n). The formula is as follows:

) * S^(1/2)

ness coefficient (dimensionless) representing the roughness of the channel's surface. It varies depending on the mate
meters) of the flow, which is the ratio of the cross-sectional area (A) to the wetted perimeter (P) of the channel. R = A
nel (dimensionless) defined as the change in elevation over the channel length.
m3/hr m3/min m3/min
1442.88 24.05 0.40

epending on the material and condition of the channel.

) of the channel. R = A / P.
Dining Roof Area

Area In Sq. Meter. M/Hour Composite Runoff M3/Hour

1400 0.11 0.95 146.30

M/Hour Composite Runoff M3/Hour

220 0.2 0.95 41.80

220 X1-X2 1.04300000000001 22

150 X2-X3 0.711000000000013 7.5
106 X3-X4 0.849000000000046 12
135 X4-X5 0.427000000000021 8
135 X5-X6 0.241999999999962 11
80 X7-X6 0.149999999999977 10
60 X8-X7 0.305000000000064 10
109 X9-X8 0.406999999999925 10
128 X10-X9 0.646000000000072 14
100 X10-X11 0.845000000000027 24
100 X13-X12 1.44399999999996 38
80 X1-X13 0.469000000000051 18
e To the Flow Dia of
Slope Surface Manning No Of
LPS Cummalivte M3/Minut Drain Depth m Pipe
(1:X) Material s "n" Pipes
cum/s (80%) m

40.64 40.64 2.44 0.0406 50 Steel 0.011 0.225 0.45 1

e To the
LPS Cummalivte M3/Minut Drain

11.61 11.61 0.70 0.0116 14

Area of Velocity
Value of Wetted Hydrauli Discharg
Radius R Value Of Area of flow for Velocity Check
H Perimete c Radius e from
m Theta flow sqm no Of m/s V>0.6 &
m rm m the drain
Pipes V<3

0.225 0.225 3.142 0.080 0.080 0.707 0.113 2.997 0.238 1.000
Status AD
> RD


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