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• Hypertext markup language
• <doctype> describes the specific type and version of
HTML being used. Current HTML is HTML 5
• HTML 5 introduced new semantics like <header>,
<nav>, <footer> etc. There is <canvas> element
where graphics can be played right in browser rather
than plugin.
• Semantic elements are elements that carry meaning
to the structure and content of a webpage.
• <! --- Comment statement -->
• Inline and block elements dictate how elements are
displayed within layout of webpage. Block elements
take up full width or line break before and after each
element. Ex: <div>, <h1>, <p> etc. Inline elements
flow alongside existing inline elements. Ex: <a>,
<span>, etc.
• A tag is a fundamental building block used to
structure and define content within a webpage.
There is an opening and closing tag, and attributes
are additional information that is added to the
opening tag. href, src, alt, class, etc. are attributes.
• Using the format <a href = “URL”> Text </a> we can
create hyperlinks
• <img> tag is used to embed images within the
webpage, this is the syntax: <img src = “image-url”
alt= “Alternative text”>
• To create an ordered list, we will use the <ol> tag
<li> First item </li>
<li> Second item </li>
For unordered list we use <ul> instead of <ol>, li is list

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