Lab No1 SCD Mubashir Hussain 4979

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Software Engineering Process Infrastructure
Following are the lab objectives:

1. To identify the various elicitation techniques and their usage for

warehouse management systems.
Objectives 2.To identify the problem related to software crisis for a given

Roll No. 4979 Student Name Mubashir Hussain

Scenerio 01:

Warehouse Management System

The system will support warehouse management. The company ordering the system, ACME
warehouse Management Inc, specializes in supporting its customer with warehouses places
all over the nation. Examples of customer are companies that need space to store their
products before they are shipped or companies that need local warehouses without having
local offices. ACME is already a specialist in storing different kinds of items and in the use of
trucks to redistribute the items.
ACME plans to grow and now needs an information system with which they can grow. The
idea is to offer the customers warehouse space and redistribute services between different
warehouses with full computer support. The service includes redistribution both within a
warehouse and between warehouses, all dictated by customer needs. All kinds of items may
be stored in the warehouses., Which means that it is important to differentiate between
certain kinds of items; for example some items must not come into contact with other items
(such as industrial chemicals and foods.)
The following people will be using the system in some way or another
 Foreman responsible for one warehouse;
 Warehouse worker works in a warehouse, loading and unloading;
 Truck driver drives a truck between different warehouses;
 Forklift operator drives a forklift in one warehouse;
 Office personnel Receives orders and requests from customers
 Customers own the items in the warehouses and give instructions as to where and
when they want the items.
Task # 1
Identify the various elicitation techniques and their usage for warehouse
management systems using above Scenario 1.
These following elicitation techniques are uses in this scenario:-

1. Stakeholder Analysis:
1. Foreman of warehouse
2. Warehouse worker
3. Truck driver
4. Forklift operator
5. customers
Stakeholders can include team members, customers, any individual who is
impacted by the project or it can be a supplier. Stakeholder analysis is done to
identify the stakeholders who will be impacted by the system.
In this scenario above mentioned stakeholders are involved to analyzing to
improve business.
2. Survey/Questionnaire:
In this scenario survey/ Questionnaire elicitation technique is used to better
collaboration with customers to increase sells.

For Survey/Questionnaire, a set of questions is given to stakeholders to quantify their

thoughts. After collecting the responses from stakeholders, data is analyzed to
identify the area of interest of stakeholders.

3. Focus group:
By using a focus group, you can get information about a product, service from a
group. The Focus group includes subject matter experts. The objective of this group
is to discuss the topic and provide information. A moderator manages this session.

4. Document Analysis/Review
This technique is used to gather business information by reviewing/examining the
available materials that describe the business environment. This analysis is helpful to
validate the implementation of current solutions and is also helpful in understanding
the business need.

Document analysis includes reviewing the business plans, technical documents,

problem reports, existing requirement documents, etc. This is useful when the plan is
to update an existing system. This technique is useful for migration projects.
Lab Task 02:
Identifying the following situation is collectively termed as a software crisis. Time
Slippage, Cost Slippage, and Failure at customer Site, Intractable Error after delivery in
above scenario 2.


In the context of this background, for each of the scenarios mentioned below, identify
the most appropriate problem related to the software crisis and mention the same in the
table provided.

Scenario A
Railways reservation software was delivered to the customer and was installed in one of the
metro stations at 12.00 AM (mid-night) as per the plan. The system worked quite fine till the
next day at 12.00 PM (noon). The system crashed at 12.00 PM and the railway authorities
could not continue using software for reservation till 02.00 M. It took two hours to fix the
defect in the software.


In above scenario Time Slippage and Failure at customer Site is collectively termed as a
software crisis.
Time Slippage because the system crashed at 12.00 PM and the railway authorities could not
continue using software for reservation till 02.00 M. It took two hours to fix the defect in the
Failure at Customer Site it took two hours to fix the defect in the software it took two hours
to fix the defect in the software for that time system failure at customer site.
Scenario B
A polar satellite launch vehicle was scheduled for the launch on August 14 th. The auto-pilot
of the rocket to be delivered for integration of the rocket on May 15 th. The design and
development of the software for the auto-pilot took more effort because of which the auto-
pilot was delivered for the integration on June 15 th (delayed by a month). The rocket was
launched on Sep 15th (delayed by a month).
In above scenario Time Slippage is collectively termed as a software crisis.
Time Slippage is because the rocket was launched delay of one month, time-consuming.

Scenario C
Software for financial systems was delivered to the customer. Customer informed the
development team about a mal-function in the system. As the software was huge and
complex, the development team could not identify the defect in the software.

In above scenario Intractable Error and Failure at Customer Site is collectively termed as
a software crisis.
Intractable Error is because Customer informed the development team about a mal-function
in the system. As the software was huge and complex, the development team could not
identify the defect in the software.

Scenario D
Due to the defect in the software for the baggage handling system. There was also of & 2M
of revenues for the airport authorities.

In above scenario Cost Slippage is collectively termed as a software crisis.
Cost Slippage is because due to effect in the software for baggage handling system loss of 2
million dollars of revenues for the airport authorities.

The End

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