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Nama : Iver Will Markus Siburian

Nim : 222407039


1. Describe briefly about your group assignment.

2. Write down 5 sentences .

3. Explain briefly about how to conclude a text.

The answer :
1. Discrete Mathematics is a basic science in Informatics learning,

because basically informatics is a collection of scientific disciplines and

techniques that process discrete objects. Discrete mathematics provides a

mathematical foundation for courses in algorithms, data structures,

databases, computer networks, computer security and so on.Discrete Mathematics is a

basic science in Informatics learning,

because basically informatics is a collection of scientific disciplines and

techniques that process discrete objects. Discrete mathematics provides a

mathematical foundation for courses in algorithms, data structures,

databases, computer networks, computer security and so on.

2. Past tense
The past tense is used to describe an activity or an event that has happened in the past or a
past state of being and needs to include a time marker for when the event or action took

Structural formula:

Subject + verb (2nd form) + object.


We met yesterday.
He bought a new laptop last week.

Present tense

The simple present tense or present tense is one of the most basic tenses in English. We use
present tense to talk about something that is currently going on, something that is
habitually performed, or a state that generally or currently exists.

Structural formula:

Subject + verb (s/es) + object.


She lives in Spain.

Bob drives a taxi.

Future tense
The future tense is a verb tense used to describe an event or action that has not yet
happened and is expected to happen in the future. Structural formula, Subject + shall/will+
verb (s/es) + object.


He will be here soon.

Past continuous tense

The past continuous tense is used to describe events or actions that have already occurred
in the past. It's employed to describe any action which has happened in the past.

Structural formula:

Subject + helping verb (was/were) + verb (ing) + object.


I was watching TV.

We were sleeping.
She wasn’t eating her lunch.

Past perfect tense

The past perfect tense is used to describe an event that occurred before a completed action
in the past.
Structural formula:

Subject + had + verb (ed) + object.


He had gone when she became ill.

She had not lived in New York.
They had not been married long when I was born.

3. How To Write a Conclusion

The following tips are helpful regardless of what type of paper you’re writing, but keep in
mind that several types of conclusions serve different purposes. Please use this advice to
suit your writing.

1. Avoid simply restating what you wrote throughout the text.

“Tell them what you’re going to write. Write it. And then tell them what you wrote.”

This is advice that teachers often give their grade-school students to teach them how to
write an essay. Although it’s sound advice, it’s not exactly what you want to do when
writing a high-level essay, report, or research paper.

A summary of what was written is okay, but avoid extensively recapping your entire paper,
as this will bore your readers.

2. Form a connection between your supporting arguments and the main idea.
The purpose of a conclusion is to bring everything together. Show how the supporting
arguments, evidence, or points you presented reinforce the main idea of your writing.

If you’re having trouble forming a connection, use the popular so what technique. This is
when you ask yourself, “So what?” when drafting the main points of the conclusion. It
forces you to explain why your writing matters and why the reader should care. This
technique helps you avoid simply summarizing your paper and helps add relevance.
3. Add valuable insight.
A good conclusion gives your readers something to think about. You can leave them with a
thought-provoking quote, question, or perspective that pertains to the topic you discussed.

4. Circle back to the introduction.

Circling back to the introduction helps reinforce the thesis or main idea of your writing. It
also provides your audience with a strong sense of closure.

5. Remain consistent in tone and style.

If your essay, book report, or research paper has a serious tone throughout it, don’t all of a
sudden add a touch of humor to the conclusion. This will throw off your audience. Remain
consistent in tone, style, and word choice in the introduction, body, and conclusion.

6. Don’t add new information or opinions.

Don’t squeeze in any last opinions, information, or data in the conclusion. These are
supposed to be in the body of the document. If it’s that important to mention it, find a place
for it somewhere else.

7. Refrain from using overused transition phrases.

Although transition words like in conclusion can sometimes be appropriate depending on
what you’re writing, usually, using them can make your writing sound weak. Instead, start
with a strong, thought-provoking sentence

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