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• All elements present - a perfected

By the contract of sale one of the contracting
contract of sale arises
parties obligates himself to transfer the ownership
of and to deliver a determinate thing, and the • Any of the elements not present - no
other to pay therefor a price certain in money or perfected sale
its equivalent. • Defect or illegality in any of the elements
- contract is either voidable or void


• Consensual
a. For the seller, to: - the parties may reciprocally demand
1. transfer the ownership; and - the contract has the force of law
2. deliver the possession, of the subject between the contracting parties
matter - delivery and taking possession
would not bring about the perfection
b. For the buyer, to: and binding effect of the sale
1. pay the price • Onerous
• Nominate
• Commutative
• Consent - manifested by the meeting of • Delivery transfers ownership
the offer and the acceptance upon the - Sale is merely a title that creates the
thing and the cause which are to obligation to transfer ownership
constitute the contract - Delivery is the mode to transfer
ownership and possession to the
Effect of offer and counter offer: Manila Metal buyer
Container Corporation vs. PNB - A qualified
acceptance or one that involves a new proposal SALE VS. OTHER CONTRACTS
constitutes a counter-offer and a rejection of the • Agency to sell – the essence of an
original offer. agency to sell is the delivery to an agent,
not as his property, but as the property of
• Determinate subject matter - includes the principal, who remains the owner and
objects which are, at least, determinable has the right to control sale, fix the price
and terms, demand and receive the
Test: proceeds less the agents commission

If at the time the contract is entered into, the thing - Quiroga vs. Parsons Hardware
is capable of being made determinate without the
necessity of a new further agreement between • Lease of service or piece of work
the parties. - Massachusetts Rule - if the thing is
manufactured for the general market, it is
• Price certain in money a sale; if it is manufactured on special
order, it is a contract for a piece of work
Toyota Shaw, Inc. vs. CA:
No obligation on the part of Toyota to transfer Del Monte Phils. Inc. vs. Aragones: Aragones
ownership of a determinate thing to Sosa and no having specially fabricated three casting
correlative obligation on the part of the latter to machines and furnished some materials for the
pay therefore a price certain in money appears. production of the concrete blocks specially
ordered and specified by MEGA-WAFF which
were to be and indeed they were for the exclusive
use of MEGA-WAFF, he has a cause of action
upon petitioner up to the amount it owed MEGA- paragraph of Article 1479 of the Civil Code
WAFF at the time Aragones made his claim to ensues and the parties' respective obligations
petitioner. become reciprocally demandable.

• Barter Option vs. Right of First Refusal

- Statute of Frauds does not apply to - A promise to the part of the owner that if they
barter decide to sell the property in the future, they
- legal redemption not available in would first negotiate its sale to the promise
barter - Not a perfected sale under 1458 nor an option
• Donation under 1319 or 1479 because there is no
- tax consequences are different agreement as to price or the terms of payment
- to determine the validity and/or - Form for enforceability: must be in writing (e.g.,
enforceability of the contra in a lease contract)
- Remedy of grantee- rescission if buyer was
PROMISE TO SELL aware of the right
- damages
• Bilateral
- Promise to sell a determinate thing ABSOLUTE SALE
coupled with a correlative promise to - When sale is considered absolute:
buy at a specified price. o Ramos vs. Heruela
o Hrs. of Mascuñana vs. CA
Ang Yu Asuncion vs. CA:
“An unconditional mutual promise to buy and sell, CONDITIONAL SALE
as long as the object is made determinate and • Kinds of conditional sales:
price is fixed, can be obligatory on the parties, o Executed contract – nonpayment
and compliance therewith may accordingly be of price is negative resolutory
exacted.” condition
o Executory contract – payment of
• Unilateral the price is positive suspensive
- Promise to sell with the promise at condition
liberty to buy or not at his option; or
- It must have a separate
consideration, independent of the Coronel vs .CA
price - A bilateral contract whereby the prospective
seller... binds himself to sell the property
OPTION CONTRACT exclusively to the prospective buyer upon
fulfillment of the condition agreed upon, that
- An option is a contract by which the owner of is, full payment of the purchase price
the property agrees with another person that the
latter shall have the right to buy the former’s Reyes vs. Salvador
property at a fixed price within a certain time. - An agreement is also considered a contract to
- Remedy of optionee in case of refusal to sell if there is a stipulation therein giving the
comply by the offeror - specific performance vendor the rights to unilaterally rescind the
contract the moment the vendee fails to pay
PNOC vs. Keppel Phils Holdings: within a fixed period and to consequently open
the subject property anew to purchase offers. In
When an option to buy or to sell is not supported the same vein, where the seller promises to
by a consideration separate from the purchase execute a deed of absolute sale upon the
price, the option constitutes as an offer to buy or completion by the buyer of the payment of the
to sell, which may be withdrawn by the offeror at price, the contract is only a contract to sell.
any time prior to the communication of the
offeree's acceptance

When the offer is duly accepted, a mutual

promise to buy and to sell under the first
Contract of Sale Contract to Sell
Can the owner sell Ownership is reserved
property which was despite delivery
previously the subject of Title passes upon delivery
a contract to sell? Payment is positive
suspensive condition
In both contracts to sell and both contracts are subject
to the positive suspensive
contracts of conditional sale, condition of the buyer's full
title to payment of the purchase
Similarities the property remains with the price
until the buyer fully pays the
purchase price
The buyer automatically Transfer of title to the
acquires title to the property prospective buyer is not
upon full payment of the automatic.
purchase price*
Distinction "The prospective seller
This transfer of title is "by must convey title to the
operation of law without any property through a deed of
further act having to be conditional sale”
performed by the seller"


Qualities of object - The sum stipulated as the equivalent of the thing

a. Lawful – the thing must be licit and the sold taken into consideration for the fixing of the
vendor must have a right to transfer price put to the debit of the buyer and agreed to
ownership at the time it is delivered by him
- Examples: future inheritance, under - Ideally, it is sum certain in money or its
CARL equivalent
b. Determinate or determinability
- Test of determinability Requisites for price
i. Capacity to segregate; and • Real
ii. No further agreement a. When price is considered real
b. Effect if price is simulated- Cruzado vs.
- Sale of undivided interest Bustos
i. Before partition c. Effect if there is no consideration –
ii. Undivided share in mass of Doles vs. Angeles
fungibles d. Effect if price in covering instrument is
c. Existing, future or contingent – Effect of false
sale of expected inheritance- Tañedo vs. • In money or its equivalent
CA a. Ideally, price is a sum of money or its
- Effect of non-fulfillment of condition equivalent
contract to sell: Heirs of Arturo Reyes b. Example of consideration other than
vs. Beltran sum of money or its equivalent- Torres
d. Transferability of ownership – required at vs. CA
the time of delivery – Cavite • Certain or ascertainable
Development bank vs. Lim a. How determined
- Subsequent acquisition of title by - By a third person
vendor without title validates the sale - By the courts
– Vaglidad vs. Vaglidad - By reference to a definite day
- Effect of non-acquisition of title – - By reference to a particular
Heirs of Arturo Reyes vs. Beltran exchange
- By reference to invoices
b. Effect of indeterminability
- Contract is ineffacious
c. Inadequacy of price- does not affect • Expenses
the contract – Askay vs. Cosalan, Aguilar a. Of execution and registration of
vs. Rubiato sale- seller
d. Failure of consideration – b. Of putting the goods in a
Buenaventura vs. CA deliverable state- seller
• Ernest Money - -something of value to
show that the buyer was really in earnest, RULES IN SPECIAL SALES
and given to the seller to bind the bargain • Sales at auction
- considered part of the price and a proof 1. For separate lots, separate sales
of the perfection of the contract of sale 2. Upon fall of hammer, sale is
• Ernest money vs. option money perfected
a. earnest money is part of the purchase 3. Seller may bid if the right is
price, while option money is the money expressly reserved
given as a distinct consideration for an 4. The auctioneer may withdraw
option contract; the goods unless the auction has
b. earnest money is given only where there announced to be without reserve
is already a sale, while option money • Sale by sample or description
applies to a sale not yet perfected; - in sale by sample, the bulk must
c. when earnest money is given, the buyer correspond to the sample.
is bound to pay the balance, while when - In sale by description, the thing
the would-be buyer gives option money, must correspond to the
he is not required to buy, but may even description.
forfeit it depending on the terms of the • Sale of personal property payable on
option. installments (Recto Law)

RULES IN ORDINARY SALES - Alternatives remedies of the

• Form seller
a. absence of formal deed of sale – Caoili 1. To exact fulfillment
vs. CA 2. To cancel the sale if the
b. failure to specify the technical buyer fails to pay two or
description – Naranja vs. CA more installments
c. effect of unsigned and unnotarized 3. To foreclose the chattel
deed of sale – Limketkai Sons Milling, mortgage on the thing
Inc. vs. CA sold if the buyer fails to
d. when form is required pay two or more
• Perfection - Sale is perfected when there installments
is consent upon the subject matter and - Effect of waiver - the waiver is
the price, even if neither is delivered. void
- Effect of stipulation of forfeiture
Coronel vs. CA: of installments made - the
- Although the document drawn by the Coronels stipulation is valid unless
was unconscionable
denominated “Receipt of Down Payment”, from - Leases of personal property with
that moment on, there was a perfected contract option to buy:
of sale, albeit conditional (i.e., transfer of title to 1. Rules in 1484 are
heirs and payment of balance of purchase price) applicable where the
since there was no express reservation of title. lessor deprives the
lessee of possession or
• Place of Perfection enjoyment of the thing
a. Place where the meeting of the 2. Agreement on retention
minds took place of payments applicable
b. In case of acceptance through
letter or telegram, in the place
where the offer was made
Elisco Tools Manufacturing Corp. vs. CAPCI cancellation or the demand
Leasing and Finance Inc. vs. Giraffe-X Imaging, for rescission of the contract
Inc. by a notarial act and upon
full payment of the cash
• RA 6552 (Maceda Law) – Realty surrender value to the buyer.
Installment Buyer Protective Decree
- Applicability - Rights of buyer who has paid
sale or financing of real estate on less than two years of
installment payments, including installments - to pay without
residential condominium apartments interest the unpaid installment
within a grace period of not less
- Non-applicability than 60 days from the date the
1. Industrial lots installment became due
2. Commercial buildings - Cases on the effect where there
3. Sales to tenants under RA was no valid rescission of
3844 contract
• Maceda Law (RA 6552) o Ramos vs. Heruela
- Rights of buyer o Active Realty &
1. To update payment without Development
additional interest Corporation vs. Daroya
2. To assign/reinstate contract
3. To advance payment without • PD 957 – The Subdivision and
interest Condominium Buyers’ Protective Decree
- Rights of buyer who has paid at o Cases:
least two years of installments: - Far East Bank and Trust
1. To pay without interest Co. vs. Marquez
the unpaid installments (mortgage without
within the grace period approval from HLURB,
(one month for every now DHSUD)
year of installments) - Tamayo vs. Huang
2. To be refunded of the (options of the buyer)
cash surrender value of - Cantemprate vs. CRS
his payments if the Realty Development
contract is cancelled Corporation (failure of
o actual cancellation takes developer to obtain a
place after 30 days from license to sell)
receipt of the notice of
cancellation and full CAPACITY TO BUY OR SELL
payment of the cash • Capacity in general
surrender a. Persons capacitated to contract are
o Pagtalunan vs. generally capacitated to buy or sell
Manzano (when b. The seller's incapacity to alienate may
cancellation takes effect: prevent performance
- The cancellation of the c. An incapacitated person is not obliged to
contract by the seller must make restitution, except insofar as they
be in accordance with Sec. 3 are benefited
(b) of R.A. No. 6552, which • Special Disqualifications
requires a notarial act of a. Between spouses (common law
rescission and the refund to relationships)
the buyer of the full payment o Ching vs. Goyanko
of the cash surrender value b. By spouse without the consent of the
of the payments on the other
property. Actual cancellation o Under the civil code
of the contract takes place o Under the family code
after 30 days from receipt by c. Persons in trust relations
the buyer of the notice of o Sale to agent
o Sale to guardian (Phil. Trust Co. DOCUMENTS OF TITLE
vs. Roldan)
o Sale to public officer (Maharlika Negotiable document of title – ways of negotiation
Broadcasting vs. Tagle) a. By Delivery
o Sale to attorney (Gurrea vs. i. Form
Suplico; Fornilda vs. RTC; ii. Right of holder
Ramos vs. Ngaseo) b. Right of holder
• Effects i. Form
a. When an incompetent buys: ii. Kinds of endorsement
- He must pay a reasonable price for iii. Liability of endorser
necessaries delivered to him. The
resulting sale is valid and not merely Warranties of a person negotiating
voidable. • Document is genuine;
b. Effects of forbidden sales: • Legal right to negotiate or transfer it
1. Between husband and wife - void • Knowledge of no fact which would impair
2. Between persons in public trust the validity or worth of the document
relations - void • Right to transfer the title to the goods
3. Between persons in private trust
relations - voidable Rights acquired by a transferee of a duly
negotiated document of title:
• Such title to the goods as against the
• Roman Law Principles: From the person negotiating
moment of perfection, risk of loss of a • Such title to the goods as the person to
determinate subject matter passes to the whose order the goods were deliverable
buyer without need of delivery • The direct obligation of the bailee to hold
- Ownership is transferred to the buyer only upon possession of the goods for him
• Common law principles: The owner Rights acquired by a transferee of a "transferred"
bears the risk of loss (res perit domino) (not duly negotiated) document of title:
- Ownership is transferred to the buyer from the
moment the contract is entered into and the • Title to the goods as against the
goods are available, to be delivered to the buyer transferor
• Under the civil code: Adopted the Roman • To compel the transferor to indorse the
law principle that ownership can only be document
transferred by delivery
- Adopted the common law principle of res perit Rights acquired by a transferee of a non-
domino negotiable document of title:
• Effect of loss of the things sold
a. Before perfection - borne by the purported • Title to the goods as against the
seller transferor
b. At the time of perfection • To notify the bailee of the transfer
i. total loss - contract is inoperative (Thereafter) to hold the bailee liable for
ii. partial loss - buyer's option the possession of the goods for him
iii. deterioration causing material or
substantial change - equivalent RULES ON ATTACHMENT, LEVY OR
c. After perfection but before delivery • When covered by a negotiable document
i. by fault of one party - party at of title:
fault is liable o General rule
ii. by fortuitous event: o Exceptions
a. According to Paras o Right of the bailee
b. According to Padilla
• When covered by non-negotiable
c. According to Tolentino
document of title:
o Conditions
1. To preserve the thing 1. Right to retain the goods (possessory
2. To deliver the thing lien)
3. To transfer ownership 2. Right to stop the goods in transit
(stoppage in transitu)
3. Right of resale (or right to resell)
OBLIGATION TO DELIVER 4. Right to rescind the sale
1. Form and manner of delivery

FORM AND MANNER OF DELIVERY General rule: All that is mentioned in the contract,
• Actual delivery - placing the thing sold in including accessions and accessories, must be
the control and possession of the buyer placed in the control of the buyer.
- mere transfer of possession is not
• Legal/Constructive delivery a. Real Estate
1. Execution of public document a. if sold per unit of measure
(Asset Privatization Trust vs. T.J. b. if sold for a sump sum or a single
Enterprises) price
2. Symbolical tradition c. prescription of action (Cebu Winland
3. Traditio longa manu Development Corp.vs. Ong Siao
4. Traditio brevi manu Hua)
5. Traditio constitutum b. Movables; rules
possessorium a. if buyer accepts knowing that the
seller is not going to perform the
TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP contract in full
b. if buyer has used or disposed of the
General rule: ownership is transferred upon goods before knowing that the seller
delivery is not going to perform his contract in
Exceptions (title passes sans delivery):
1. When buyer refuses to accept without DOUBLE SALES
2. Delivery to the carrier is delivery to the Rules in sale of immovables:
buyer • Ownership belongs to:
1. The person who fist registers the sale in
Instances when "delivery" does not transfer good faith
title: 2. The person who first takes possession in
1. Delivery on approval or trial good faith
2. In case of (express)reservation of title 3. The person who presents the oldest title
3. In case of implied reservation of title
(1503) Rules in sale of movables:
4. Double sales (1544 applies) • Ownership is transferred the person who
5. When the seller is not the owner has first taken possession in good faith

Buyer in good faith

TIME AND PLACE OF DELIVERY 1. without notice of another person's claim;
• Time and
a. As stipulated 2. pays a full and fair price
b. If no stipulation, at a reasonable time
and hour
• Place of Delivery
1. As stipulated or established by usage
2. Rules if no stipulation or usage
CONDITIONS AND WARRANTIES 2. When vice is presumed
Condition 3. Presumption of redhibitory vice
1. Concept 4. Prescriptive period
2. Consequence of non-fulfilment of
(suspensive) condition
3. Condition in the nature of a promise R.A. 10642 PHILIPPINE LEMON LAW

Warranty LEMON LAW

• Concept – A statement or representation • Coverage - brand new motor vehicles
made by the seller of goods, purchased in the Philippines reported by
contemporaneously and as part of the a consumer to be in non- conformity with
contract of sale, having reference to the the vehicle manufacturer or distributor's
character, quality or title of the goods, standards or specifications
and by which he promises or undertakes • Motor vehicles covered - sedans,
to insure that certain facts are or shall be coupes, station wagons, convertibles,
as he then represents them. pick-up trucks, vans, SUVs, AUVs
• Kinds • Motor vehicles excluded - motorcycles,
delivery trucks, dump trucks, buses, road
1. Express Warranty rollers, trolley cars, street sweepers,
• Statement of seller's opinion sprinklers, lawn mowers; heavy
• Statement that taxes and duties were equipment such as bulldozers,
already paid payloaders, graders, forklifts, amphibian
• Statement that the property is free from trucks, cranes, vehicles that run only on
all liens and encumbrances (where there rails or tracks, tractors, trailers
are tenants) • Non-conformity
• Statement that the property is free from • Excluded causes of non-conformity
claims of any tenant or agricultural • Lemon rights period
workers 1. 12 months from date or original
• Prescriptive period delivery; OR
2. Up to 20,000 kilometers of
2. Implied Warranties operation, whichever comes first
1. Concept of eviction • Repair attempts
2. Requisites (judicial) • What repair includes
3. Effect of warranty • When to avail of lemon law rights
4. Waiver of warranty • Reasonable transportation allowance
• Consumer’s remedy if issue remains
Warranty against hidden encumbrance unresolved
on an immovable: • Resolution mechanisms:
1. Requisites 1. Mediation
2. Effects 2. Arbitration
3. Adjudication
Warranty against hidden defects of or • Remedies granted to consumer in case
encumbrance upon the thing (movable) of finding of non-conformity
sold • Reasonable allowance for use-
1. Requisites whichever is lower of:
2. Specific thing sold as second 1. twenty percent (20%) per annum
hand (pre-loved) deduction from the purchase
3. Effects price, or
4. Prescriptive period 2. the product of the distance
traveled in kilometers and the
Warranty against redhibitory defect in purchase price divided by one
animals hundred thousand (100,000)
1. When no warranty exists kilometers
• In case a non-conformity is not found by o Reasonable opportunity to
DTI examine
• Appeal o Effect of acceptance upon the
• Resale of returned vehicle seller
o Effect of unjustifiable refusal to
SALE OF GOODS o Effect of justifiable refusal to
Seller's action for price • To pay the price
Grounds: o Time and place of payment
1. After ownership has passed and price is o When buyer is justified in
not paid suspending payment after
2. Failure to pay, if stipulated to be payable delivery
on a certain day de Guzman vs. Triangle o When buyer has no right to
Ace Corp. suspend payment
o Arra Realty Corp. vs. Guaranty
Seller’s action for damages Dev't. Corp. and Insurance
Grounds: • Payment of interest
1. Buyer's wrongful failure to accept and o Before default - if stipulated
pay o After default - from time of
2. Buyer's repudiation or countermand judicial or extrajudicial demand
o Legal rate of interest - 6% per
Measure of damages: annum
1. Generally, the loss naturally resulting
from the breach Legal guarantees for payment of price
2. Where there is available market - 1. Suspension of delivery
difference between contract price and 2. Seller’s lien on goods in their possession
market price 3. Stoppage in transit
3. When repudiation is made before 4. Resale of goods
completion - expenses (materials and 5. Rescission
labor) incurred and expected profit
Seller’s action for recission
General causes of extinguishment:
Requisites: 1. Payment
1. Goods are not delivered 2. Loss
2. Buyer either (i) repudiates, or (ii) 3. Condonation or remission
manifests an inability to perform, or (iii) 4. Confusion or merger
commits a breach of contract 5. Compensation
3. Seller gives notice of election to rescind 6. Novation
7. Annulment
PERFORMANCE 9. Fulfillment of resolutory condition
10. Prescription
Buyer's action for breach of warranty
• Buyer's choice (1599) Harrison Motors
Corp. vs. Navarro
• Supercars Mgmt. & Dev't. Corp vs. Flores
• When buyer cannot rescind
• Effect of buyer's election to rescind


• To accept delivery
o Caballero vs. Ong Tiao Bok
Special causes of extinguishment of sale: o Ramos vs. Sarao
• Conventional redemption - One which o Diño vs. Jardines
takes place when the vendor reserves
the right to repurchase the thing sold, Cases -absolute sale deemed equitable
with the obligation to comply with the mortgage
provisions of Article1616 and other o Quinga vs. CA
stipulations which may have been agreed o Misena vs. Rongavilla
upon. o Romulo vs. Layug
• Period of redemption: o Bacungan vs .CA
- When no period is agreed upon
- When period is agreed upon Rule: when a "contract of sale with right to
- When period may be extended purchase" is of doubtful interpretation -it shall be
• Who may exercise redemption? construed as an equitable mortgage
- Vendor
- Heirs of vendor Remedy of the "vendor a retro" when transaction
- Creditors of vendor is deemed an equitable mortgage
• Against whom redemption is exercised o Govs.Bacaron
- Vendee
- Heirs of vendee • Legal redemption
- Possessor whose right is derived - Defined
from the vendee - Vs. Pre-emption
• It is predicated on good faith on the part - Instances of legal redemption
of the vendor a retro. • Redemption by co-owners
- Obligations of a vendor a retro: - Purpose
1. return the price - Requisites
2. return the expenses of the - Who may be exercise
contract redemption
3. reimburse the necessary and • Legal redemption by adjoining owners of
useful expenses rural owners of rural lands
- (Some) Rights of a vendee a - Purpose
retro: - Requisites
1. compel the vendor of a part of an - Who may be exercise
undivided immovable to redeem the redemption
whole property upon the vendee • Legal redemption by adjoining owners of
acquiring the entire immovable in urban lands
partition proceedings - Requisites
2. subrogated to the vendor's rights - Who may exercise redemption

Nature: When to exercise redemption- within 30 days

1. an accidental element from notice in writing by the vendor(1623)
2. an express condition
3. a potestative resolutory condition • Verdad vs. CA (1996)
4. a real right - Notwithstanding actual
knowledge by co-owner, the
o Equitable Mortgage – One which, latter is still entitled to written
although lacking in some formality, or notice by selling co-owner.
from or words, or other requisite • Francisco vs. Boiser (2000)
demanded by a statute, nevertheless - Receipt of summons by a co-
reveals the intention of the parties to owner is tantamount to actual
charge real property as security for a knowledge of the sale from
debt, and contains nothing which the 30-day period of
impossible or contrary to law. redemption commence to run.
• Cabales vs. CA (2007)
Cases- pacto de retro sale deemed equitable
- The 30-day redemption period • Extent of liability for breach of warranty
commenced after the co-owner
sought the barangay conciliation
process to redeem his property.
• Pascual vs. Ballesteros (2012)
- Despite actual knowledge of the
sale, a written notice is still
mandatory and indispensable.
• Bayan vs. Bayan (2019)
- Citing Francisco, right of legal
redemption accrued from notice
of the foreclosure sale or receipt
of any written notice of the fact of


• An agreement by virtue of which the owner of

a credit (known as the assignor), by a legal
cause and without need of the debtor's
consent, transfers that credit and its
accessory rights to another (known as the
assignee), who acquires the power to enforce
it, to the same extent as the assignor could
have enforced it against the debtor.
• The process of transferring the right of the
assignor to the assignee, who would then be
allowed to proceed against the debtor. It may
be done either gratuitously or onerously, in
which case, the assignment has the effect
similar to that of a sale.

Requisites and formalities

• To bind the parties: must comply with

• To bind third persons: must be in a public
instrument, or the instrument is recorded
in the ROD if real property is involved

Effects of valid assignment

• Transfer title of assigned credit to
assignee (see Ledonio vs. Capitol
Development Corp.)
• Assignee takes the credit subject to all
defenses acquired by debtor prior to
notice or knowledge

Warranties of assignor
• Existence and legality of credit (see Lo
vs. KJS ECO-Formwork System Phil.
• When assignor is liable for solvency of
the debtor
• Period of liablity for solvency

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