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HS 4212-01 Genetics - AY2024-T1

25TH OCTOBER, 2032

Written Assignment Unit 7


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has gained much attention. The mental and emotional trauma an
individual goes through that affects them long-term does not apply only to military personnel. The
disorder is controversial for multiple reasons, including some believing it does not truly exist. There is
growing evidence it has a strong VGXE component to it. Your assignment is thus:

Research the VGXE component of PTSD. Discuss the interactions (at least three) seen thus far between
the genome and the environment, be specific. Discuss the implications of the interactions (how they
contribute to PTSD). What are the implications of VGXE when it comes to treatment? Is there a way to
potentially lessen the impacts of PTSD utilizing knowledge of VGXE interactions? Is there a way to
potentially prevent PTSD from occurring? What other research needs to be done with this disorder?

For this paper, gather multiple journal articles, read them, and formulate your ideas relating to the
questions posed above. You, of course, may interject your own thoughts and opinions, but make sure
you back them up with evidence from the journal articles you find. You need to have all elements of a
research paper – introduction, main body, and conclusion.

Post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) is a complex intellectual fitness circumstance that may have an
effect on individuals uncovered to demanding activities. whilst it is generally related to army employees,
it may have an effect on all people. recent studies has explored the function of the VGXE aspect, which
stands for Gene x surroundings interactions, within the improvement and control of PTSD. This paper
delves into the interactions between an man or woman's genome and environmental elements, their
implications, and ability avenues for treatment and prevention.

Main Body:

Interactions between Genome and environment:

Candidate Genes: research has recognized unique genes associated with an expanded vulnerability to
PTSD. as an example, variations inside the FKBP5 gene have been linked to an extended hazard of
growing PTSD when exposed to trauma.

Epigenetic modification: Environmental factors, consisting of youth adversity or extreme strain, can
result in epigenetic changes that affect gene expression. Methylation of genes concerned inside the
strain reaction, just like the NR3C1 gene, can regulate an character's susceptibility to PTSD.

Neurotransmitter structures: variations in genes answerable for regulating neurotransmitters like

serotonin and dopamine can affect an man or woman's response to traumatic events.

Implications of VGXE Interactions:

Those interactions can assist provide an explanation for why some individuals expand PTSD after trauma
exposure while others do now not.

It contributes to the heterogeneity of PTSD symptomatology and severity.

expertise VGXE can inform customized treatment procedures and expect an individual's responsiveness
to interventions.

treatment Implications:

personalized treatment: knowledge of VGXE interactions can guide personalized treatment plans. for
instance, individuals with precise gene variations may additionally reply better to certain medications or
Pharmacogenomics: by way of knowledge an individual's genetic make-up, healthcare providers can pick
medications with a better probability of efficacy and less aspect effects.

Behavioral Interventions: Tailoring therapy strategies based on genetic and environmental factors can
decorate treatment consequences.

Prevention of PTSD:

Early Intervention: figuring out individuals at higher threat because of their genetic and environmental
elements can allow for early interventions, together with resilience-building applications.

Environmental change: reducing exposure to annoying occasions and implementing trauma-

knowledgeable policies can assist save you the improvement of PTSD.


The VGXE component of PTSD represents a promising place of studies. It highlights the complicated
interplay between genetics and the surroundings in the improvement and management of PTSD.
utilizing this knowledge, we can enhance treatment techniques, customize interventions, and potentially
prevent PTSD in at-chance individuals. however, further research is wanted to completely recognize the
tricky mechanisms of those interactions, become aware of greater candidate genes, and refine
prevention and treatment strategies


Kilpatrick, D. G., Resnick, H. S., Milanak, M. E., Miller, M. W., Keyes, K. M., & Friedman, M. J. (2013).
National estimates of exposure to traumatic events and PTSD prevalence using DSM-IV and DSM-5
criteria. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 26(5), 537–547.
US Department of Veterans Affairs. (2016). How Common is PTSD? Retrieved from

US Department of Veterans Affairs. (2016). PTSD: National Center for PTSD. Retrieved from

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