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Health information systems input consists of all the resources and structure pre-requisite

that are required to put up a health information system which is strong. Health information

system input also consists of planning, regulatory and legislative framework. For health

information system to be functional, resources such as logistic, financing, support, personnel,

communication systems and IT are required. Each country needs to design their health

information systems so as to be able to utilize the available data resources in the magnificent way

possible so as to meet the health needs of a country. In the recent pandemic, the World Health

Organization used technology to obtain information such as what countries had received the

vaccines, the different side effects observed by health care personnel across the globe and many

others. It also uses these information systems to manage the various objectives they have set in

the global health care system.

In Africa, most countries are facing the challenge of scarce human capital and technical

skills, but despite this efforts have been made to improve the technology used in the health care

system across the region. One of the many counties that have successfully introduced and

implemented the use of technology in its health care sector is Kenya. Most of the health care

facilities use an information system to register patients for consultancy, referrals, booking

surgeries, booking ante-natal appointments and administering dosage to patients. The ministry of

Health has ensured that the Health information systems in different counties have been

introduced and implemented, say in Kiambu County. This county serves a large part of this

country in the basis of area, resources and population. The rate of birth is high too. Most

expectant ladies go for antenatal clinics during their pregnancy term. The health information

system has facilitated the improvement of antenatal services in various ways. Once one goes to

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the hospital, a nurse takes tests of blood pressure, HIV/AIDS infection, height, weight and many

others. Once the results are out, the nurse sends it to a doctor and the history of the patient in the

past years. The doctor reviews the results to broaden their knowledge on the specific patient and

incase of any alerting condition the doctor is well aware and is able to work a way through it.

This cycle continues all through the 38-40 weeks until delivery. The data collected during

antenatal can be used for referral during delivery. This helps to deliver fast and effective health

care services to the new born child and the mother. This ensures deliver of quality services to the


Health information systems have improved the methods at which people can cover

health expenses. Methods of payment such as Linda Mama, NHIF, Universal Health Coverage

(UHC), are largely facilitated through technology, since they are mostly online payments.

Health information systems has proven to be of advantage to our society and globally. This

should be encouraged in many countries and facilitated to be effect to everyone.

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Berg, M. (2001). Implementing information systems in health care organizations: myths and

challenges. International journal of medical informatics, 64(2-3), 143-156.

Sligo, J., Gauld, R., Roberts, V., & Villa, L. (2017). A literature review for large-scale health

information system project planning, implementation and evaluation. International journal of

medical informatics, 97, 86-97.

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