Mini-Case Study Singapore As A Smart Nation

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Mini-Case study: Singapore a Smart Nation


1. What are the factors driving the smart nation initiative?

A smart nation can be described to as businesses and people who are commissioned

through increment of data access, more participation towards innovative activities, and a

government which is anticipatory and that creates tech-enabled solutions for the citizens.

The nation of Singapore is working towards achieving a smart nation with an aim of

making the country more sustainable and better for its citizens. There three factors

driving the smart nation initiative and they are discussed below.

 Digital society –Education and digital inclusion are crucial driving force toward

formulating a digital society. Equal access to the technology and confidentiality

are some of the other factors that ensure achievement of a digital society. It is

evident that Singapore is able to achieve a digital society where patients can

obtain medical advice from the medical professional through smart video

consultation system without having to leave their homes. Rehabilitation exercises

can also be performed online using Tfele Rehab Kit. The technology is equally

accessed by the citizens of Singapore and it has also been made easy to use.

 Digital economy –The world is undergoing rapid changes due to digitalization.

We are past the era of the big beating the small; we are in the era of the fast

beating the slow. Companies and the employees should be prepared for these

rapid changes. For example we can see that for housing planning, the country

must consider humid, hot and sunny climate. Virtual Singapore formulates

simulations which creates comfortable surrounding that balances the needs of a

large population within a limited space, hence future housing plan can be


 Digital government –Digital government is a critical driving factor for smart

nation initiative. Digital government is achieved when companies, citizens and

public sectors transform to be served by computing, significant focus on data and

connectivity. The government of Singapore plans to use information technology,

big data and networks so as to formulate tech-enables solution for its citizens.

2. Descried the smart city initiative of an urban center in your country or region?

 Health Hubs -In my country, individual can access their health information and

even their personal health records through health online portals. This initiative

was formulated to greatly motivate individuals to have awareness and to take

responsibility of their personal health.

 Smart parking –In my country, there are mobile applications which allow driver

to locate the nearest available park, make payment and receive refund and

receive parking notification online and remotely.

 Parents Gateway –In my country, there are mobile applications which allow a

parent to connect with the school when their child studies. The parent can access

the child’s academic performance, give consent toward participation towards

extra-curriculum activities and also get notifications from the school.

 Smart street lights –The smart street lights have sensors which detect people.

They are usually dim but light up when they detect a person hence saving power.

3. What are the possible downsides to the smart nation project?

 High cost –Smart nation project is costly to a country since it requires huge

capital investment on the technology that is needed.

 Technology gap –It is already established that we are past the era of the big

beating the small; we are in the era of the fast beating the slow. A huge

technology gap is created between the smart nations and other nations.

 Increased Unemployment –with dependency on technology, many people

occupying certain job will lose their jobs when everything is computerized hence

increased unemployment.

Chang, F., & Das, D. (2020). Smart nation Singapore: Developing policies for a citizen-

oriented smart city initiative. In Developing national urban policies (pp. 425-

440). Springer, Singapore.

FOO, S. L., & PAN, G. (2016). Singapore's vision of a smart nation.

Hoe, S. L. (2016). Defining a smart nation: The case of Singapore. Journal of

information, Communication and Ethics in Society.

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