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Question 1: Discuss how politics affect policy making


Policy making is the establishment and carrying out of general principles by the government in which the
principles provide guidance in its management of public affairs. Effort are made to improve policy
making since the strength of policy making is integral to the strength of a government and it country at
large. Although policy making is an important pillor in the government it is hinered and obstructed by
any things, the major factor that hinders policy making being politices. Politices affects policy making
negatively and below are ome of the instances where politices hinder policy making.

Politics slowes down the process of making policies. Political opossition specifically hiners formulation of
policies largely, their reasons being mostly invalid. Opposition leaders may oppose a policy that may be
benefitial to the citizens for their own political agender. A big example is the two thirds gender rule that
has made a political fuss in the country for some period now. The two thirds gender rule is a gender
sensitive policy that was formulated to stop gender biasness and empower female politicians. Provision
such us Article 26(6),Article 27 (8) and Article 81 (b) which secures affirmative action aim to reduce
gender imbalances, it proposes that no more than two-thirds of the politicians shall be of the same
gender. However, politices and political propaganda has strived to suppress this policy and upto date it
has never been fully implemented. During the year 2020, there was a political uproar triggered by this
two-thirds gender rule, because of this political uproar the implemention of this policy has been slowed
down. The two-thirds gender rule is just but an example of the numerous policies that have failed to
either be implemented or formulated due to political factors.

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