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Sample Essay for PT3

Recount / story
A Holiday in Cameron Highlands
During last weekend, my parents decided to take us to Cameron Highlands. In the
morning, we packed our clothes and loaded them into my father's car. We hit the road at 7
a.m. in my father's Suzuki Swift.

The road to Cameron Highlands was crooked and my mother was a bit lightheaded. The
road was filled with fog. The scenery along the road was eye pleasing. We chatted along the
way. After a five hours drive, we arrived at our destination. Cameron Highland has cool
mountain air. Although our country is facing haze problem now, the air there was still free
from pollution. It is a form escapism from all the hustle and bustle of the city life -
translating into another dimension of peace and serenity.

First, we visited to the bee farm. We could see bees flying freely and pollinating. We
could purchase some pure honey and honey products. At first, I was scared to see the bees
flying freely as I thought it would sting us but soon, I realised that they wouldn't sting us if
we didn't disturb them. Then, we moved to our second location.

Our second location was the Boh Tea Plantation. The teas were planted on terraced hill
slopes. We also did not miss the chance to take some pictures. We also saw a mesmerizing
waterfall. The sound of water cascading from the top of the mountain was soothing to our
ears and nerves. We were fascinated by the crystal-clear water. Our warm bodies chilled
when the cold mountain water caressed our body. As we were enjoying the waterfall, it
started to rain and we dashed to find a spot to take shelter.

After the heavy downpour, we decided to stop at a strawberry park in Cameron

Highlands. Before leaving the tea plantation, we made sure to buy some fresh tea. We
decided to visit the Big Red Strawberry Farm. A lot of strawberries were cultivated there.
Salad and lettuce plants are also planted. We had our tea time there. We bought some
strawberries and souvenirs to take back home.

As the sun slowly set under the horizon, we knew it was time to say goodbye to this
awesome place. We had a whale of a time in Cameron Highlands and we truly enjoyed

Sample Essay for PT3

Picnic at Seaside
During the last school holidays, my parents decided to bring us for a picnic at the
seaside. We hit the road at 8 a.m. Before leaving, we prepared all the things that was
needed for the picnic. After an hour drive, we arrived at Chempedak Bay. We could smell
the salty water as we stepped onto the beach. There were many people when we arrived.

Soon, we decided to look for a suitable picnic spot and spread our mat under a shady
tree. My brother and I lost our patience and had changed into our swimming trunks. My
brother who was still a beginner in swimming swam with the help of a float. We jumped
into the crystal-clear seawater. The sea water was salty! We enjoyed ourselves splashing
each other. We were on a cloud nine at that moment.

Feeling exhausted, we returned to the seashore. We enjoyed the panoramic scenery

of the blue water. The sight of the white foam on the shore was eye pleasing. I took out a
can of carbonated drink to quench my thirst. After that, my mother took out the food and
we made our own sandwiches from the sardine cans and sliced the bread.

Later, my sister and brother decided to build sandcastles while my parents and I
were enjoying the sea breeze. Soon enough, we decided to play beach volleyball. My
brother, sister and I were in a team while my parents were in another team. The match was
exciting because the loser would be punished. Sadly, we lost to our parents. Luckily, they
only punished us to pack the things before leaving.

We left the exciting place at dusk. Before leaving, we made sure to take some
pictures as memories. I had a whale of a time on that day. I was so grateful for the time we

Sample Essay for PT3


You and your neighbours live near a stream. Several factories have been built along the
stream. The factories have been polluting the stream especially a chemical factory.
Write a letter to the manager of that particular factory complaining about the pollution.
Address your letter to:
The Manager,
New Chemical Factory
Jalan Landasan,
41300 Klang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

• General complaints – creating pollution problems
• Highlight New Chemical Factory’s contribution to the problem
• Toxic
• Kill – plants and birds
• No more – fish – animals
• Advise – look into matter
• To complain – authority

Sathya Gananaathaa

Sample Essay for PT3

No. 13,
Jalan Landasan,
41300 Klang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

______________________The Manager,
New Chemical Factory,
Jalan Landasan,
41300 Klang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan. 20 September 2023


River Pollution

On behalf of Jalan Landasan residents, I would like to lodge a complaint about your
company for creating pollution problems. It has been two weeks since New Chemical
Factory was built in our neighbourhood and it brings a lot of environmental problems to us.

2. We were living harmoniously at Jalan Landasan before the New Chemical Factory
was built. Many youngsters in our neighbourhood often go to the stream which is a stone's
throw away from our housing area to swim and fish. Some of our residents rely on fishing
as their side income and now they are suffering from economic hardship.

3. The problems started since the New Chemical Factory was built. The mud and silt from
the construction area flowed into the river when it was raining. This slowed down the swift
of the river water and turn the river into muddy and shallower.

4. The New Chemical Factory released toxic into the stream and polluted it. The toxic
killed the fish and other animals that drinks the river water. This causes unbalancing to the
ecosystem.As a result,we cannot fish and swim anymore in the river. The decaying of the
dead matter also emit a foul odour.

We greatly hope you can take severe actions on your irresponsible workers. The stream
still can be saved if you can cooperate with us and we hope this problem could be solved as
soon as possible so that it does not affect tranquility and harmony of our neighbourhood.
We will have to complain to the authority if this problem persists.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,


Sample Essay for PT3


Last Monday,Rahim went to school on foot as usual but he woke up late that morning.He
walked fast to school otherwise he would be late.He used another lane to school instead of
the normal lane he used to.On that deserted road,a bag caught his attention.He thought that
someone has left the bag and he decided to ignore it.

Rahim couldn't make head nor tail of the bag.He also knew that curiosity killed the
cat.However,he decided to check the bag.He was quite shocked to see the bag full of
money.The money could be very useful for him but he decided not to take money as
honesty is the best policy.He looked around and there was nobody.He thought that
something smells fishy.

Rahim quickly went to police station which is a stone's throw away from the spot.The
policeman asked him for the information of the bag and he narrated honestly.The
policeman praised him for his honesty.Without spending too much in the police station,he
excused and paced up quickly to school.His watch showed 8 o' clock.He knew that it was
too late.

When he had arrived at the school gate,the gate was locked.He had butterflies in his
stomach.Luckily,the security guard allowed him to enter the school after noting his
name.He went to his classroom quickly.Everyone had their eyes glued on him.He explained
to his teacher the reason why he was late to school.

During recess,the policeman came to the school to explain the reason why Rahim was
late to school.Rahim was called by the principal to his room.The policeman and the
principal praised Rahim for his brave and quick thinking action.The policeman also added

Sample Essay for PT3

that the money in the bag was robbed from the bank and it was returned to bank owner.He
had just breathed a sigh of relief.

Question:You are the best student.You have been asked to share your study methods
with the Form 3 students who are about to sit for PMR examinations.You made the
following notes to help you write your speech:
-Prepare early for exams don't do last minute studying
-Plan answers by doing outline of mind map
-Leave some time at the end for checking answers
Based on the notes,write out your talk.
Good morning to the teachers,principal and fellow students.I'm honored to stand here to
give a talk.As the best student in our school,I have been asked to give a speech on Smart
Study Methods.
The PMR examination is just around the corner.You will be stressed when the time
flies quickly.Actually,you can study smartly.
First and foremost,you must prepare a timetable.You must balance your time wisely
because time is gold.You can also get help from teachers and parents to
do timetable.Make sure that your have enough time for study and recreation.
Secondly, prepare early for exams.Do revision after your teacher had taught
you something.Don't burn the midnight oil because it can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. Try
to avoid studying overnight. Next,you can plan answers by doing outline of mind
maps. A mind map can help you in writing an essay.You can expandyour idea by doing
outline and mind maps.
Sleep before exam day.Don't get stressed and tired, always try to keep your mind clear
for exams.Don't rush to answer questions.Use the time provided wisely to
answer them.Leave some time for checking your answers.Make sure you don't make
any careless mistakes.
In conclusion,I hope these study methods will be of a great help to you in preparation for
your PMR examination. .I hope all of you will get flying colours in your
PMR examination.Thank you for your kind attention.
Question:You are a policeman.There has been an increase in the number of road
accidents involving motorcyclists especially among students.You have been invited
by the school to give a speech entitled ‘Road Safety among Motorcyclist’.
-Greet the audience-introduce yourself-the topic
-Have a valid driving license-under age-lack sound judgement
-Take precaution-wear helmets-safety gear
-Do not speed-dangerous-easily lose control

Good morning to the respectful principal,teachers and fellow students.I would like to
thank the school for giving me this opportunity to give a speech on ‘Road Safety among
A motorcyclist should have a valid driving license before he or

Sample Essay for PT3

she starts riding a motorcycle.Nowadays, many underage students have been caught
riding motorcycles without a valid driving license.It's very dangerous to ride a motorcycle
without a driving license because it can lead to death,n
Besides that,a motorcyclist should take precaution.A motorcyclist must make sure his
motorcycle is in perfect condition to prevent unnecessary problems such as break down
of the motorbike.A motorcyclist should wear a helmet.Some of the motorcyclist wear
helmet but didn't buckle it.
Don't speed at the road.Most accidents are caused by
over speeding.Ride carefully on the road.It's dangerous to ride aggressively on the road
especially at the bent and the junction of the road .Lastly,you must follow the
traffic rules.Don't overtake heavy vehicles like lorries and buses.Give way to any heavy
In conclusion,unnecessary death can be avoided by following these steps.I hope you will
follow my steps towards reducing accidents in Malaysia.Thank you for the kind attention.

Formal letter
Question:You are the secretary of the Art Club in your school.One of the activities planned
is visiting places of interest.Write a letter to the manager of a batik factory seeking
permission to visit the premises.
Haryati Batik Factory-44 members-3 teachers
Proposed date and time
Transport-by bus
Proposed activities-learn skill
Buy some pieces-souvenirs

The Secretary,
Art Club,
SMK Taman Selesa Jaya 2,
Jalan Silat Harimau 33,
Bandar Selesa Jaya,
81300 Skudai,

The Manager,
Haryati Batik Factory,
Jalan Kilang,
81300 Skudai,
Johor. 26 JULY 2018

Dear Sir,

Sample Essay for PT3

Request for Permission to Visit the Haryati Batik Factory

I am Sathya Gananaathaa as the secretary of the Art Club of SMK Taman Selesa Jaya 2
would like to request for permission to visit the Haryati Batik Factory.It is in our hope that
we are able to visit your factory.The visit to your factory is relevant to our aim in getting
know how a batik is produced.

2. We hope to be able to make the to visit your factory on 3 of October 2018 which is on
Saturday.We normally have our club meetings on Saturdays and so the date would be
suitable to get all the members together for the visit.We hope to leave the school at
8.00 p.m.and estimated arrival time would be at 11.00 a.m.

3. The number of students involved in the visit would be 44 students,20 girls and
24 boys.We would be accompanied by three teachers,Mr. Lim,Mr.Syafizan and
Madam Suriati who are our club advisors.We would be traveling on our school bus.

4. Once there we would like to request to be shown the process of how a batik is produced
and understand the process from the beginning to the end.In that sense,we would like to be
able to buy some pieces of batik as souvenirs.

I sincerely hope that we would be able to make the visit at the stated date
and time.I really look forward to getting a favourable reply from you.Thank you.

Yours sincerely,



Sample Essay for PT3

The picture below shows a snatch theft incident which you witnessed while walking
to school. Based on the picture given, write about the incident for your school

When writing about the incident, you should:

· describe what happened

· express what you felt
· suggest ways to prevent snatch theft
· write between 120 to 150 words.

A Snatch Theft
Last Friday,I went to school early because I had my co-curricular activities
that day.I was in a rush because the road was silent and there were no soul at sight.When I
arrived at a junction,I saw my neighbour,Ms. Lee waitingfor bus at the bus station.
She was looking for something on her handphone. She was so engrossed with her
phone till she did not noticea motorcycle was coming towards her. As for me, I did not
suspect anything amiss. Suddenly, out of nowhere the pillion rider snatched
her handbag.The motorcyclist rode the motorcycle as fast as he could. Ms. Lee fell to the
road when she tried to get back her handbag.Her knee was injured and bled.
The whole incident happened so fast- I was too stunned to act. I gave chase after
them - threw a stone towards them but they managed to get away.On the other hand, Ms.
Lee managed to call police.
The police arrived after a while.They managed to catch the thieves.The policemen
returned Ms.Lee’s handbag to her.Ms. Lee thanked me and the policemen.The policemen
also praised me for my braveness.They said that snatch theft is increasing every year.I felt
disappointed at the snatch thieves' laziness.They are keen to do anything for money.
Snatch thefts must be reduced as soon as possible before
it reaches a critical situation.Ladies who wear handbags become the thieves'
main target.There are some ways to prevent snatch theft.First,don't bring a big handbag
while going outside.Put your purse or wallet into your pocket.Next,learn some martial arts
to protect yourself.Don't walk in a silent pace.Try to walk in a group.

The Night Market

Sample Essay for PT3

Night market is a very unique place in our country.Most of the locals and foreigners agree
that night market is a wonderful feature in Malaysia because people from all walks of life
could be seen there .Usually,night markets open once a week and during weekends.Many
people goes there to experience the night market by themselves.

The night market starts at 4 p.m. when vendors are arriving and setting up their
stalls.More and more goods laden vans arrive to start their brisk day of business.Once they
have set up their stalls,they wait patiently for their customers.

The excitement of the night market starts in the late evening.The people who live within a
stone's away and far away start arriving at the night market.They glimpse every single stall
in looking for the best deals.The vendors shout to attract their customers.

The night market is also known as a haven or food heritage where people can taste many
mouth-watering delicacies.There are also fruits,clothes,beverages,accessories and many
more sold at their stalls respectively.The customers also haggle with the vendors to buy the
goods with the best deal.This further enhances the exciting atmosphere.

The rainbow-coloured parasols also colour up the night market.The number of people at
the night market keep increasing when the dark sky starts to roll in.The people walked in
an endless stream.Children who tag along with their parents will be glued to the toys sold
there.There are different race,people and colours.

By 10 pm,the number of the people keeps reducing and the vendors decide to call it a
day.The litter and food waste will be left on the road.The road will be deserted except for
the stray dogs and cats.

A Flash Flood
The annual monsoon season has arrived.This causes heavy downpours in many
areas.Last Friday night,there was a heavy downpour in Kampung Jeram.It rained
continuously that night.Everyone was sound asleep and no one imagined what would

Sample Essay for PT3

happen the next morning.

As soon as the villagers woke up in the early morning,they were shocked to see the rising
water surrounding them.The flood has submerged the whole village.The villagers had
butterflies in their stomach when they could not find the way out.They were trapped in the
flood water.The villagers had saved the important documents and some saved their

The villagers quickly climbed up the roof and waited to be rescued.They were afraid
because the water was still rising.The swift flood water swept away their belongings just in
front of their eyes.Some caring villagers lent a helping hand to the other families and
helped them to climb up the roofs.All of them waited until the arrival of the rescue teams.

Soon enough,a rescue boat arrived at the scene.The villagers who saw the boat screamed
for help.The boat can only accommodate limited villagers.Some of the villagers were saved
and brought into the boat.Soon,another boat arrived and picked up the remaining
villagers.All of them were brought to the community hall and stayed there for temporarily.

Flash flood has been happening during monsoon season at low lying areas like Kampung
Jeram.To prevent fatalities during flash flood,precaution and early alerts should be
given.The flood relief centre have to give early warning siren so that residents can prepare
to be evacuated earlier.The news should also provide regular weather updates during this
season.The flood relief centre should also give information on flood evacuation plans to
these residents.As the saying goes,prevention is better than cure.

The picture below shows a fire accident in Kampung Hulu.
Based on the pictures given,write a report for Straits Time newspaper.

When writing your report:

-describe what happened
-state the possible cause of this accident
-suggests ways to prevent such incident from happening

KAMPUNG HULU-9 Nov, A wooden house in KampungHulu has catcher caught fire in
the yesterday early morning. At about , the fire brigade received a call from a 30-year-old
lady.She was panicked as she couldn'tcould not find locate ways to exit out from the
house.After 10 minutes, the fire engine arrived at the scene.The They quickly took out the
hose and put out the fire.
After putting extinguishing out the fire, the firemen break broke into the house to save
the lady.The firemen found out that one of the lady's children were burnt had perished in
the fire. The lady who called the fire brigade was found fainted due to the lack of

Sample Essay for PT3

oxygen. Luckily,she was returned regained to consciousness after receiving treatment

at the hospital. She was quite shocked and cried after hearing that one of her children had
Based on her statement, the fire is was due to her carelessness. She had put the match box
at a reachable place to that her children were able to reach. Her five-year-old son who got
curios when seeing the match box and started to play with it the
matches. He lighted lit up the a match stick and throw threw it on the floor. The flame from
the match stick which hadn't extinguishedthat had been quickly spread out. His mother
who was cooking in kitchen also didn't did not think something was amiss.
Out of nowhere,she heard the screams of her child and ran towards the room. The fire
spread quickly and the whole house was caught on fire. As the saying goes,curiosity killed
the cat. During his naivety, he the boy’s action costs his own life. She stopped crying after
hearing that her another other child was alive as there iswas no use to cry over spilt milk.
As the saying goes, fire is a good servant but a bad master. The fire
brigade officers advised the public to be more careful in the future.We should place the
match box at place which is could not be reachable to by children. We should also place a
fire extinguisher in our house.We should also always put an eye on the children.Last but
not least, put child-lock on the stove (note :not logical to put child-lock on the stove,
perhaps install child’s safety gate at the kitchen doorway).
Informal letter
Questions: You celebrated Deepavali with your family.Your pen pal from London asked you
to describe the entire celebration.Write a letter to your friend to describe how you
celebrated Deepavali.

When writing your letter,you should:

- write between 120-150
- describe the entire celebration
- describe briefly another celebration celebrated in Malaysia

8,Jalan Hang Jebat 23,

Taman Skudai Baru,
81300 Skudai,

Sample Essay for PT3

Dear Andrew,

How are you getting on?I am in the pink of health. It has been ages since I last sent the
last time I sent you letter. In your previous letter,you asked me to describe how my family
celebrated Deepavali. My family and I celebrated Deepavali last Sunday.
We were as busy as bees before Deepavali to prepare for Deepavali.We cooperated to
and decorate our house. My sister volunteered to decorate our house with 'rangoli'.A night
before Deepavali,we lighted our house with oil lamps.That is why Deepavali is known as
Festival of Light.
We woke up early in the morning and we had oil bath.Then,we wore our Indian cultural
father and I wore dhoti while my mother and sisters wore saree.My parents blessed us on
that morning.We went to temple. After that,my mother cooked 'thosai' for us.We ate
our breakfast together.
Then,we visited my grandparents.We brought along some traditional food to them.We
had our lunch
there.My grandmother cooked a lot of mouth-watering delicacies.The meal was served on
banana leaf.At night,my parents held open-house.We invited our neighbours. My mother
cooked briyani for them.They also tried our traditional food.At night,we also played
firecrackers and fireworks.
Malaysia is well-known as a multicultural country.There are three main ethnics in
Malaysia which are Malay, Chinese and Indian. Another festival celebrated in Malaysia is
Chinese New Year.Chinese
New Year is celebrated by all Chinese.On that day,elderly people give angpau or red packet
to their children.There is also lion dance performed on that day.
I will pen off now.Hope to hear from you soon. Goodbye.

Your friend,

The Importance of Eating More Fruits and Vegetables

Sample Essay for PT3

Malaysia is one of the tropical countries which receives enough sunlight and rain
throughout the year.This unique property enables many vegetables and fruits to be
cultivated in Malaysia.Fruits and vegetables are also acknowledged as beneficial
universally.They are also several vegetarians who only eat vegetables and fruits.Why we
should include fruits and vegetables in our diet?

First and foremost,fruits and vegetables makes you healthy.Fruits and vegetables are rich
in vitamins and minerals which are essential for good health.For example,guavas and
grapes are a good source of Vitamin C while carrots are rich in Vitamin A.Vitamin C is
needed for healthy teeth and gums while Vitamin A is vital for good vision.Thus,there is no
need to wear spectacles if you eat vegetables that are rich in Vitamin A.

Secondly,eating fruits and vegetables will provide a clear complexion and reduces
pimples on your face.This is because fruits and vegetables are also rich in Vitamin B which
is essential for healthy skin.Usually,girls always worry about their skin tone and pimples on
their face.By eating vegetables and fruits,you might get a better appearance among your
friends and boost your confidence when conversing with them.

Apart from that,fruits and vegetables are cheaper than junk and fast food.Junk and fast
food are not only detrimental for our health but also are very expensive .Nowadays,many
youngsters loves eating fast and junk food although they are aware of the detrimental.This
a kind of parasitism because this only benefits the manufacturers and this leads to many
chronic diseases among the consumers especially children.You can also save up more
money by eating fruits and vegetables.

In addition to this,including fruits and vegetables in our daily diet will make you feel
energetic and active.You will feel more energetic the whole day.This will make you more
active in sports and keep you away from a sedentary lifestyle which will lead to many

Sample Essay for PT3

diseases.In other words,eating fruits and vegetables reduces your chances of getting
diseases and make you more healthy.

In a nutshell,fruits and vegetables play a significant role in our daily diet.As a

consumer,we should consume more greens and fruits by prioritizing their nutrition not
their taste.Parents should also make sure their children eat enough fruits and
vegetables.This will make the entire family healthy.

Should do's and should not do's to keep the school clean,hygienic and safe
As the president of Cleanliness, Health and Safety Club, you are asked to write an
article for the school magazine about what students should do and should not do at
school in order to keep the school clean, hygienic and safe.

Should do
1.Clean the classroom
2.Throw rubbish into the bins
3.Use the school’s facilities with care
4.Wash hands before and after going to the toilets
5.Walk in line during changes of classrooms
6.Follow all the safety precaution when enter the science laboratory or any other

Should not do
1.Dirty the classroom –never sweep the floor or clean the board
2.Throw rubbish into the drains /out of the windows
3.Damage school facilities –break the chair etc
4.Climb the balcony
5.Run up and down the stairs - run along the corridor
6.Disobey school’s rules- bring sharp object, miss lesson on physical education

Sample Essay for PT3

School is the place where we learn and gain a great deal of knowledge.A clean,hygienic
and safe environment is necessary for the learning activities.Many students and teachers
were questioning themselves how to keep the school clean,hygienic and safe.Actually,they
are several steps that should be followed to keep the school clean,hygienic and safe.

First and foremost,students should clean the classroom.Teachers should make sure the
classroom is clean before starting the lesson.Keeping the classroom clean is every student's
responsibilities.Every student should play their role by cleaning the classroom according to
the roster.One should not dirty the classroom by never sweeping the floor or cleaning the

Secondly,we should throw the rubbish into the prepared bins instead of throwing them
high and low.One should not throw rubbish into the drains or out of the windows.This not
only ruins the image of the school but also attract many pests.Clogged drains and the
stagnant water due to the rubbish could be the reason for breeding of spots of Aedes

Apart from that,every student should use the school's facilities with care.Don't damage
the facilities given like breaking the chair,table and blackboard.This is a dangerous action
that can hurt yourself.Besides that,the damaged facilities will also be harmful to other
fellow students.So,there is no need to vandalising at school as it is dangerous and
unbeneficial action.

In addition to this,you should be hygienic in order to study effectively.Wash your hands

before and after going to the toilets.You should know that toilet is the most unhygienic
place and you can easily get diseases from this place.

Last but not least,students should walk in line during changes of classrooms.Don't run up
and down the stairs or run along the stairs.This is because you may knock the other
students and fall down.This can lead to serious injuries and even can lead to
fatalities.Students should follow all the rules and precaution steps at laboratories or life
skills workshops.You should avoid disobeying the rules like bringing sharp
objects,climbing the balcony and playing truant from lessons.

In a nutshell,a clean,hygienic and safe study environment is vital for efficient

lessons.Every school members includes teachers,students and other school staffs should
play their role in keeping the school clean,hygienic and safe.

Sample Essay for PT3

Making use of empty bottles as decorative items (Speech)

A very good morning to our respected principal,teachers and my fellow friends.I am very
honoured to be given this opportunity to stand before you to give a speech on this
wonderful morning.Today,I am going to give a speech on making use of empty bottles as
decorative items.

First and foremost,the benefits of employing empty bottles is that it lives up to the 3Rs
concept which includes recycle,reuse and reduce.These 3Rs is very important as it can
reduce the rubbish besides save us some money.You can either sell the recyclables to the
recycling centre or utilise them to make other things.This is very important to reduce the
rubbish and helps the government to save money for dealing with the rubbish.It is like
killing two birds with one stone.

Through making use of empty bottles,one can be very creative and make use of the used
items into useful works of art.This will improve one's creativity and sharpen the right side
of the brain.This is what we usually do during our every meeting.One can show off his or
her creativity by doing so.

Besides that,you can employ the empty bottles by painting and designing them into
useful things.This will be more attractive than plain empty bottles.You can make the empty
bottles into useful households like candle holder,paperweight and flower holder.You can
save some money by crafting the empty bottles into these things instead of buying
them.Indirectly,this will make you be thrifty.

In addition to this,you can make use of the empty bottles as gifts for your family and
pals.Your family and friends will definitely love to see your own handicrafts.We can
present your friends and family with your own handmade things during their birthday,any
celebration or family gathering.They will never refuse to receive your handicrafts or say
you are a penny-pinching person.This will show your affection to them besides benefits

Last but not least,these reused empty bottles can be sold for charity.You might know that
our school is holding a school building fund recently and this will be useful for the fund.We
had gathered all the handicrafts that are made from empty bottles by the Art Society's
members.We can play our role in helping the school to rebuild our school.

Sample Essay for PT3

Before ending my speech,I would like to request your cooperation to succeed the school
building fund.Thank you for lending me your ears.


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