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And the
New World Order

¡¡What they don’t want you to know!!

By José Rafael García Balcázar

Editorial: Amazon KDP

I add an index, to make reading easier: theoretical index.

This work was written, before mysteriously disappearing the very
famous, (in his neighborhood), “Researcher”, plus-postPhD, as a media diffuser
infectologist, by postal correspondence in the IGASRRU, (at the Inter-Global Anarchic,
Soroistics, Rokcefellerian and Rotschildsaldian University). “Little John”, of 78 years old,
known in the underworld of infectious diffusion and chamical-biological-pharmaceutical
conspiracies, as PEPITW SMITH PÉREZ, (PSP), from “The Pasito Cheché”, a sector VIP
close to the beaches of Tijuana, but he spent much of his eventful, “newcólogy” and
“científic” life, between low, medium and high California.

We hope that what is communicated in this document of the Covid-19

and the NWO, (New World Order), will be useful, even for unspeakable purposes, to
anyone who dares immerse themselves in this hallucinatory and maddening feverish
adventure written, which we present below and that seems to be taken from the darkest
corner of a Political Program of any misgovernment or from a free house for economic-
political-social, transgender and psychedelic-demental rehabilitation.
To carry out the auscultation work, (from PSP), discovering the
conspirators, that as in an ivy, although they seem many, all are somehow "connected" and
in the end, in the maximum dome, there are only a few, PSP managed to find sources, not
very well known and orthodox for "normal readers, whom, as a reflection of their twisted
personality, it calls" harried and gentrified, from the anonymous mass ", and therefore
accessed texts that were very difficult to read, translation and interpretation. Because of
what he had to do, from that vast information of documents and conjuring hypotheses, the
incredibly and complex, a Reverse Engineering-Social Reading Process. The results of this
media hullabaloo, we will know when readers are enriched with the information captured or
simply bored and get rid of the document, as a lover, cut off his bland or problematic
current partner and return to his "ex."

(The photographs in this work are only illustrative, and are FREE, taken from
Pixabay, Freepik, Pexels and others).

ATTE. The misconception of performance and style. (JRGB)

"This work contains words, thoughts and images that can hurt
the susceptibility of some people or institutions of" very broad
criteria. "Therefore, it is carefully recommended that readers
have discretion when reading this book, which we are sure some
will consider a true and apotheotic work and others an insane
lie. We simply expose and leave that real and valuable opinion
on the matter at your discretion”.

With respect and attention: The compiler and copyeditor.

Tijuana, BC., Mexico, October 25, 2020.

The pendemic predicts a difficult future for the “generations ALPHA nexts
You, my dear friend, ambitious or "neutral” as a part of the human
race, whether you want to or not, participate in that war declared between those considered,
the Alpha and the Omega of living organisms, that is, between beings self-appointed,
culmination of creation, if you are believers, or also the result of evolution, if you are not
very deistic.
This fight is against you, on the part of the unicellular dwarfs that
touch life and that also have characteristics that are more than animalistic, vegetable-like,
and even occasionally inert, but that have been lethal for you, that you project yourself as
an organic element of a complex and quasi-infinite system and structures in cellular
organization, vitality and conscious intelligence.
And like dinosaurs, you or your descendants will only survive
Covid-19, outbreaks or other pandemics attached and those to come, if they manage to
adapt more to these new conditions of unequal and vital struggle, where there is no
possibility of surrender or conditional surrender, but only annihilation, extinction and the
possible failure as an individual and as an Entity of the Social Collectivity, of one more of
the millions of millions of ignorance of the universe, a "terrestrial tribe, known as" Homo
sapiens "... and so on. our blue planet, a new species will emerge that will replace us as
(rational), dominant animals, and in thousands of years, only a few bones will be found,
your skull, perhaps also those of your family and friends, who will be silent witnesses and
mere vestiges of shameful defeat and extermination.

In this rugged and uncomfortable book for some, some questions

are analyzed such as: Where did SARS-CoV-2 originate, (another more "scientific" and
complex way of calling Covid-19), is it of natural origin or "manufactured in a laboratory?

What are its consequences for you as an individual? How will it affect the economic and
social activities of your community or countries? Who invented or financed it? And finally,
what future awaits the world, will everything continue the same or will the announced
"Reset"? This that is considered, the "great event" and that is sold or announced as the
beginning from scratch in all human aspects, including: The universal abolition of private
and public debts, a single religious denomination, a single currency and the world super-
government , among other mutations, this time social.

Of which, the current pandemic is only a "small trial." We

do not know, with exactitude and details, all the actions or variants of these, but we expose
all kinds of possible information, so that each reader forms their own criteria and ... "the
good or bad that comes", do not grasp it as in a tremor at midnight, with pants or panties in
hand, totally naked, not knowing what to do or where to run. The conditions, (and the
cards), are placed on the social table, we will see that "leather comes out more
straps." Well, what we do now has the overtones of eternity.

March 3, 2020. I am at my house, and my friend Juanito arrives, I was already waiting for
him, I go out and we begin to walk along the Sixth, we are going to take a taxi to go to
Ontay to the cafeteria of a mutual friendship, Paty, who is going to invite us a beer that his
dad makes at home, let's hope it's good.
- Do you think I will arrive with Paty, Don Pepito? Juan says to me. "Well, he was the one
who summoned me, if not at least we'll have some chelas," I replied.
-I hope so, so that my "Bisne" that I told you can be done. ... At that we saw a taxi, we
boarded it and on the way we talked about inconsequential things. Upon arrival, we greeted
the owner of the cafeteria, she put us at a table and brought us two jar of beer, which I
thought was excellent, when I tried it.
- Cheers! We said, when the old man appeared who seemed nice, and of whom he already
had some references, certainly not very good, that he was somewhat disheveled and had
been employed at a certain level in the United States, because he had both nationalities,
which in turn was what prevented him from climbing more positions.
-Good afternoon, I greet you politely, I mentioned you here because it was urgent for me to
talk with you about a very important job.
-I kept looking at Juanito, as if to say to him, there was already a clever plan here, since the
appointment was simply to savor Paty's father's beer and he to "bisnear" "I am the father of
Miss Patricia and I thank you for coming," Don Pepito told me.
-With good reason! (I thought) `` Well, I'm good for, '' I replied. Without further ado, he
began to tell me -I have to tell you something and I would like you to record it, review it
and formally write it for publication, it would take a month and I would pay you $ 500 per

- (Trying not to show the irrepressible enthusiasm that surrounded me, because for the
moment I had no "pull"),
- I asked him -What is it about? - Of certain data that I have been collecting for years and I
would like someone to organize it to publish it - Very I answered, I answered him, how will
we do it?
- Of certain data that I have been collecting for years and I would like someone to
organize it to publish it
- Very I answered, I answered him, how will we do it?
- You are going to go to my house daily, I live, there by the Top, I will give you a sheet
with information and you will take a recorder or your Cel, or whatever you want, to record
complementary material, you will record it first and then at home you write it well, and you
bring it to me so that I can review it every day.
-Okey!, I said -He did not let me continue, he got up from the table, and put a piece of
paper and money on the table, telling me I will leave you my address and 300 dollars for
your expenses I will wait for you tomorrow at 11 a.m. ... and he left. Juanito and I still
drank another two “chelas” and after each one went home, I asked for a didi, taking
advantage of the fact that I already had “wool”.
March 4. At 11 a.m. o'clock. Although I entertained myself a bit at Mutualismo for
breakfast, I was already playing the saguan of a house, something old but with a certain
A lady opened for me and told me that Don Pepito was already waiting for me.
The lady led me to a study where the old man was already there, she greeted me and asked
me. Did you bring your tape recorder?
-I replied that I had brought my iPOD, which for that matter was better than a tape recorder.
-He smiled and began to tell me: The work is related to the current Covid-19 pandemic, I
am going to give you some information, about that Pandemic and other matters, that I have
gathered in 23 years since I retired. He pointed me to a seat, I turned on my device and he
started talking... “It is said that in the current capitalist system...

Party at Beberly Hills.

"It is said that in the current capitalist system, the wealthy consume the
resources in drunkenness, mansions, banquets," brand "clothes, trips, anatomical operations
and other more criminal activities, resources that are obtained with the merciless
exploitation of the immense majority, reducing the income of others, be they workers and
employees, men or women, elderly or old, and eliminating or decreasing food, housing,
Public Services, such as health, education, employment, and other existential satisfiers of

Thus, with some reason, many "free thinkers" and "leftist activists" have
stated that the current economic system is the new mask of slavery of the 21st century,
which turns the muscular and intellectual strength of the workers, into the "Dolce vita ”of
the elitist classes, which have become the true“ human viruses ”of the working population
and that perhaps that group of privileged“ livers ”, which includes secret associations or
economic corporations, is not aware that like all viruses that it weakens the host to the point
of annihilating it, it also dies with it.

But the most calamitous thing is that, it is assumed that in most

countries, there is democracy, and screwed up people, whether out of ignorance, fear or
"you know," vote to be governed by "their masters" who almost always they are the same
and they keep them in conditions of misery and manipulation. Poor people in the world
correspond to 80% of the population of which 30% survive daily on only $ 0.50 of a dollar.

Little girl eating what she finds in the trash
The first thing is to know the origin and the cause of the appearance of the current
pandemic, as well as its horrendous consequences, which is the central theme of this
writing. We will mention the most famous theories, some seem "pulled by the hair" or
elucubrations worthy of a "delirium Tremens" in its last stage, from an ethyl professional,
or perhaps, as a mystery television program says: "The cruelly implausible it's true".

Also, as a justification of “rat faith”, we say that any similarity

with the coincidence is pure reality, rather “Any reality with the similarity is pure
coincidence ... or something like that more or less.
Between the absolute reality and the relative lie, there is a space full
of gray hues, lighter or darker, it is a dimension known to man, huge as space and time, an
intermediate environment between light and shadows, between knowledge real and
everything we call fantasy or hoax. Beyond what we consider obvious, there are thousands
of unknown matters that we wish to be uncovered.
Outstanding efforts are always made both to learn the truth and to
hide it. So this publication only exposes the facts, actions, words and their derivations or
consequences that are developing around Covid-19, without becoming a champion, attacker
or defender of any publicized issue, we only expose crudely and the best organized
possible, the facts, taken from globalized sources, with a certain desire to create a panorama
of information, always already published, reiterating the aforementioned, so that the reader,
in his highest, (or a little), criteria, is, he who has the last word".
When we got here, Don Pepito got up and said:

-Well, there is enough, I hope you bring me the written sheets and these things recorded,
already summarized and written up to review them
He kindly said goodbye and his assistant led me out.

“The texts that come below are continued from the summary of what is
written and recorded and already very revised good by the interviewee,
however, i acknowledge that in the end i made a few changes in the
writing, without altering in the minimum the content of the message”



- Explanatory introduction............................2

- Theory 1.- Origin by natural causes......13

- Theory 2.- Covid-19 is created in the laboratory but

accidentally got out of control.....22

- Theory 3.- “China to establish its hegemony

deliberately manufactured,
Covid-19 to infect western countries
and thus weaken them"......28

- Theory 4.- “The Chinese accuse the Americans of having

programs throughout their History for the
manufacture of “biological and chemical
weapons, thus they created the Covid-19 and
they spread that virus in China”…..34

- Theory 5.- The virus was predetermined to affect

only Asians but something went wrong
and it spread to other races………………...38

- Theory 6.- "The WHO uses in the covid-19 pandemic, protocols

health "special" to obey the objectives of an Elite
Secret, to depopulate the world, with diseases,
deadly medicine, social division, abolition of rights
civilians, ignorance, hunger, misery and to their great joy
to see his most amazing dream come true ...
mommy Euthanasia! "…………………......... 42

- Theory 7.- The Coronavirus is not only to infect China,

but the world whole, so that agencies like
KGB, OEA, S.S. of century XXI, NEWGESTAPO,
or some other agencies Security and “nosyage”
who are brave, honest and faithful, and They are
mechachisrecontra- super-secret, do not lose validity
and can continue to be maintained by the people and
subsidized with love and financial generosit...47

- Theory 8.- It is an attack by the US "Nomenklatura" to cause
you problems to Trumph with China, and créate
great voter discontent, to avoid his re-election........55

- Theory 9.- The sponsors of the reset and the NWO (New World Order)
are the secret associations, "manufacture" or seize the
coronavirus and release it in wuhan and other countries
so that it spreads and taking advantage of the confusion,
the same old dark elite, seize and conspiratorially dominate
the new change or reset .......63

- Theory 10.- “Political-economic movement of the G7 led by the USA, to

stop development unstoppable of the E7, which is led by
CHINA”, If the trend continues as now, in 2030, the E7
will produce 50% of world PIB, the current G7,
(including the USA), will not even reach 30%.......80

- Theory 11. It was not a "Secret Group" that manufactured and spread the
coronavirus, but a Hyper-recognized megagroup: The
Pharmaceutical Corporations (To help the "Kabal" to dominate
and they make money with everything related to him Coronavirus:
vaccines, tests, mouth covers, medicines)-..........90

- Theory 12.- 5G has become the computing medium most used by the elite to
make the population sick with covid-19 to easily control it.......116

- Theory 13.- The covid-19 coronavirus was created by governments that are
Slaves of the archimillionaires to implant a CHIP to all the
inhabitants of the world, to exercise total control, and know where
you are and what you do, in any time.....123

- Teoría 14.- The USA is making its last effort to maintain its Global Dominance...130.

- Theory 15.- The Covid-19, is only a matter of Exopolitics, (an alien race,
intraterrestrial, interdimensional, intratemporal or ipsodemonial
inoculate the race human, first to frighten her and then enslave her)...146

- Teoría 16.- The coronavirus COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2... DOES NOT EXIST!...177

- Theory 17.- The creator and disseminator of Coronavirus was... Bill Gates !! ......184

- Teoría 18.- The Covid-19, is only a mount, (BLUFF), to hide and prevent
of a greater danger: Reset, ecological, ozone layer, overproduction,
unknown veiled attack, lethal plastic in the seas, aerobic poisoning,
another hidden danger? ... IT'S NOT KNOWN!...................................189

- Theory 19.- A sector of the Catholic Church has joined forces with evil to impose
the NOM and the SARS-COV-2 coronavirus, is the perfect biological
instrument for your purpo......................................................................203

- Theory 20.- It is an attack from an A.1. (artificial intelligence), that political

powers and have not been able to stop, represents a sample of the
dominance of the Matrix to avoid the incipient freedom and
awakening of consciousness of humans............................................207

- Theory 21.- Huge occult struggle, by Black Mago, who are considered the true
masters of the earth against the inhabitants and positive forces to
establish the Lucifer's reign.................................................................219

- Theory 22.- Covid-19 is a social-surgical operation of dark forces of the New

World Order, to purge the world of sick, old and weak........................230

- Theory 23- This pandemic is one of the usual techniques and cyclical purges
of the breed human (by the ZIONISTS who believe they are masters
of the world), as the wars, natural catastrophes, famines, plagues,
floods, including technological blockade, use of leaders, mafias and
groups religious extremists and murderers, to terrorize nations etc.
The objective is to have dominated, without excessive progress, not to
raise awareness in many aspects and keep the masses and prominent
individuals, under control very strict"...........,........................................233

- Theory 24.- It is the form that GAIA has, (the earth) which is a living organism,
to control and limit the human being to maintain the natural and
ecological balance................................................................................242

- Theory 25.- Global 5G genocide under the pretext of Covid-19 ............................250


Fight for control of the world + vs -

“"On earth there are many animals, some irrational and others not so much"
March 5.- On this day, the topic derived from the current pandemic,
generally my interlocutor is sparing to speak, but even so, in the course of the month, he
came to “drop” some data about his life, on my second day of work I got to the room that
would be my workplace a little earlier. A few minutes Don Pepito appeared, greeted me,
settled in the chair behind his desk, examined some pages and began to speak...
considered most viable). COVID-19 or also called SARS-CoV-2, is part of the class of
Coronavirus almost always innocuous, shared by humans and animals, its existence as a
new viral disease is recognized for the first time, in the province of Wuhan, in China , in
November 2019, it is estimated that it was born, due to the genetic viral mutation of bats or
pangolins, and several more rare animal-foods for Western taste, that when used and / or
consumed by human beings infected the disease to a person, (the famous, unrecognizable,
invisible and never found "patient 0"), this to another person and thus an unstoppable chain
of stopping was formed and it became a world pandemic, which has caused a beastly
number of deaths.
This is the explanation of the Chinese government, also of other
governments and of many "wise epidemiologists", however there are some coincidental
circumstances that cause anxiety and suspicion, that there was something deeper, such as
the accusation that this epidemic has been started in Wuhan, where the single highest and
most complex center in China for bacteriological research is located. Along with that
circumstance, it is also very suspicious that the currently universal demia has started after
some games where the most select exemplary athletes-military men on the globe meet,
where it is maliciously thought that some intelligence agents may have mixed with genuine

sportsmen-soldiers, not precisely to compete, for a medal painted in gold, silver or copper,
and for some stuffed animal gang, as a souvenir; but to do what they were trained to do:
Weaken the enemy with covert sabotage actions, (in this case, a bacteriological warfare
coup, for example, going to lunch in the restaurant of the sports community center and
coughing or sneezing right and sinister, near the tables).

Sale of bats for lunch, "naked and in the mouth"

How could a coronavirus have naturally mutated to affect humans? It has
been investigated, but there are only unprovable conjectures, since it is calculated that
several conditions almost impossible to achieve had to have been combined, such as there
having been a series of "hosts "That mutated the virus in a staggered, deadly and
increasingly empathic positive way towards human beings... until with a genetic leap, it
reached them. This is said to be a work of nature, far superior to that of any laboratory. And
it is thought that it is almost impossible to achieve. However, Covid-19 has very strong
indications that it exists and it is proven that it is ill, but it is not really known how it
originated, without the conscious intervention of the human being, hence the suspicions of
a scientifically directed manipulation. And this leads us to other theories, which seem to
have been drawn from science fiction movies or conspiratorial schizophrenic attacks.
Video of the Rai3 chain with information on the coronavirus. The
report, broadcast in 2015 on the Italian television program, TG3 “Leonardo”, and on
Chilean TV, offered detailed information on the experiment of Chinese researchers that, by
connecting a protein from bats with the SARS virus, existing in mice, they had discovered
"a super virus" capable of also affecting "humans", and the process was explained right
there. The protein had been taken from the surface of a special coronavirus found in
horseshoe bats, (named for the characteristic shape of their noses). It is said, (who knows if
it is true), that Chinese scientists tried to bind it with the virus that causes acute pneumonia,
although it is said that in a non-fatal way, in mice, and thus produces "a modified
organism". The experiment further confirmed that it affected humans.
They also warn that it is criminal nonsense to investigate and put harmful
organisms into circulation (as demonstrated by the new Coronavirus), even if not
deliberately, and this, "is caused by leaks or escape from the control of the laboratory" and
the health system, of any country and even worldwide, runs an unnecessary risk of collapse,

causing an unstoppable death, as happens in fantasy, in many Science Fiction films, (for
example: 12 monkeys, the pandemic or Z WAR).

Pandemic history

The analysis of the most deadly influenza pandemic in modern

history, the so-called "Spanish Influenza", will help us understand all the efforts that must
be made to solve and overcome the difficult current conditions that Covid-19 has caused.
This pandemic was the most serious in recent history, caused by the H1N1 virus with genes
of avian-Marranistic origin. It is not known exactly where the virus originated, it spread
worldwide during 1918-1919. And already in the United States, it had been detected for the
first time during the spring of 1918, among military personnel. Although some researchers
claimed that it began in France, in the middle of World War I, in 1916, but the majority of
investigations lead us to locate the first cases at the military base of Fort Riley (USA) in
March 1918. There, the conspiracy theories would not work yet, because who in their most
delusional demands and accusations, would suppose that in that remote and low-tech, USA,
which at the same time was persecuting Villa in the north of Mexico, at "ipse time", already
"manufactured" biological weapons, it is crazy to suppose... but... not impossible to do so!

The Spanish press was the first to publish about this disease that was
decimating the population. But criminally, in the rest of Europe, and on both sides of the
allied lines at war, any information on the pandemic was censored with the death penalty so
as not to demoralize the troops before the enemy. And so, news of the disease only spread,
in neutral countries. The Spanish media named it "The 3-day flu"; 'The soldier of Naples' or
'The fashionable disease'. But the correspondent of "The Times", an American in Madrid,
used the name "The Spanish Flu" (GE) in his shipments, and with this name his sad fame
spread, from the summer of 1918.

"Neutral Spain, natural strain"

The 1918 flu virus is believed to be a hypervirulent strain. However,

other investigations bring to light that most of the deaths were caused by a bacterial
superinfection, (excuse this layman, but what is the difference?), This hypothesis of
sequential infection agrees with what is known today, regarding the interaction of influenza
viruses with bacteria that cause respiratory infection.

From various studies of materials from autopsies of the deceased in

1918, pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae) was probably involved in approximately
30% of mortality. This terrible virulence is thought to have been increased by the virus,
bacterial co-infection and other factors, such as poor care conditions for those infected
(overcrowding of large numbers of patients in large closed spaces without isolation
measures), malnutrition, lack of hygiene, poverty, ignorance, the uncompromising use of
aspirin for all kinds of symptoms, (as Paracetamol is now), and a world in the midst of
World War I, conditioned the results in millions of infected and dead.

After registering the first cases in the US and Europe, the flu passed to
Spain. Neutral country in World War I, which did not censor the news about the disease
and its devastating consequences, unlike the countries involved in the war. Because it was
the only country that took charge of the problem, the epidemic became known as the
"Spanish Flu". And despite not being the epicenter of contagion, Spain was one of the most
affected countries with 8 million infected and more than 300,000 deaths.

A great high fever, severe earache, unrelenting body fatigue, high

sensitivity to light, long-lasting diarrhea, occasional vomiting and partial blockage of the
senses of taste and smell, were the symptoms of this disease. (This description seems
familiar to me, but it is not the Covid-19, but the “Spanish Flu”). Those who died in the

pandemic died of secondary bacterial pneumonia, since Antibiotics did not exist or were
very restricted and scarce, because of the War.

“Little mothers” and older volunteers, making masks in 1918

In the absence of harsh appropriate isolation measures, sanitary

protocols, experience in therapy to follow and medicines or vaccines available; Thousands
of patients went to hospitals with advanced disease, and there, they were crowded into
confined spaces without ventilation and from there, the bodies were transferred to morgues
and cemeteries. At that time they became popular first and then mandatory: CLOTH AND
GAS MASKS, with which the suggested population mass felt safe and calmer, although
this measure increased the evil and the infected, by concentrating the virus on the cloth.
And in the end these masks were totally useless. (Again I remind you that I am narrating
about the "Spanish flu", and any coincidence is exactly that, even the use of LOS
TAPABOCAS, "The masks of 2020).

"Levels of insecurity in Biochemical laboratories"

Years later, the 1918 GE virus was reproduced in high biological

research laboratories. LET'S SEE HOW: It is known that there are four recognized
biosafety levels and one or more secret investigations with unrecognized but existing
levels. The facilities are tower type or skyscraper or floors in depths underground, have
their own codes and permits, access for researchers, security guards and military and
political commands. All are handled with great secrecy and the participants are forced to
sign a confidentiality agreement, that its violation is paid with jail and even with death,
depending on the level at which it works.

Each level corresponds to the degree of risk, infection, mortality,

contagion or possible biological weapon. Level 1 is the one that represents the least risk and
level 4 represents the highest risk. Secret levels are extremely high risk. Each level of
biosafety also corresponds to the specific laboratory equipment, technology, practices and
techniques, personnel training requirements, laboratory equipment, and laboratory facilities
that are suitable for operations to take place. The requirement of these considerations, in

which security 1 is the lowest and 4 is the highest, in addition to the secret ones. All are
designed to protect the personnel doing the work, the environment, the community, and
most importantly: The secret of what is investigated and discovered there.

Liters of vaccine ready to be inoculated

An upgraded BSL-3 laboratory must have adequate primary and

secondary barriers, among others, all personnel must wear powered air purifying respirators
(PAPRs), double gloves, surgical gowns, shoe protectors and a surgical gown. Also, they
should shower before leaving the lab. (Now I understand what the mixed showers were for
in the Prepa's laboratory), All work with viruses or animals must be carried out inside a
certified biosafety class II (BSC) cabinet and the air flow that circulates inside from the
laboratory is controlled and filtered so that it cannot escape from the laboratory.

When the GE virus was rebuilt, the strictest rules were observed to
regulate the experiments that were performed. For example, to avoid confusion and cross
contamination, the work done on the 1918 virus could not be carried out in conjunction
with viruses other than influenza. The person directly responsible for the "Reconstruction"
of the GE virus was Dr. Tumpey. According to unsubstantiated versions of the US
government, he worked alone and hard with the virus, outside of his hours, when his
comrades left the laboratory and went home.

“In their laboratory, the cold rooms where they stored, 'beers', and the
virus could only be accessed through the iris scanner. Dr. Tumpey was to take a daily dose
of Tequila enchilado and oseltamivir, an antiviral flu medicine (as a preventative) as a
prophylactic treatment and as an added safety precaution to prevent infection. Should he

become infected, he was informed that he would be quarantined and denied contact with
the outside world. And the government would deny any knowledge in the case. And if he
died, he would be cremated (as now the deceased from Covid19), he understood it and
accepted this responsibility and its consequences”, say the reliable sources of the CIA.

Our "bunk", Tumpey took the plasmids and "other things" from genes of the 1918 virus and
placed them in the cells of human kidneys, dead of course, (humans, not genes). Then the
plasmids told the cells to reconstruct the complete RNA of the 1918 virus. AND THEN
THE COVID-19 APPEARED!, Oh!, it's not true it's just an editorial joke. Let's
continue... GE was reborn from the dead!

When the 1918 virus was reborn in his cell culture, Dr. Tumpey
learned that he and his nonexistent team had made history by recovering a historical,
exterminating macro-killer against humanity that had become extinct. (The question is:
Why reborn a murderer of more than 50 million people, it is as if they had revived
HITLER). Later that day, he sent an E-mail to his colleagues and collaborators, recalling a
phrase from Neil Armstrong, saying: "It is a small biological step for man, but a great
leap for the extermination of humanity." (Well, the extermination is from my harvest,
but it looks good in this line), Everyone was moved, to tears, although they lacked to
know the cause of its lethal effects.

"Suspicious coincidences, of the 1918 GE virus, with Covid-19".

These viruses, in a special ceremony and with a special religious rite and
a spectacular liturgy, with the army as Godfather and the CIA as godmother, was duly
baptized as: "RECOMBINED VIRUS". Was a new biological weapon born? ... Well,
yes! That is why the "Penta" and the CIA were extremely excited.

These viruses reproduced and were completely rebuilt, they were also
surprisingly capable of reproducing rapidly, that is, making copies of themselves and
infecting the lungs of infected mice. For example, four days after infection, the amount of
1918 virus that was detected in the lung tissue of infected mice was 39,000 times that
produced by one of the recombined influenza viruses. What beautiful deaths, the
"scientists" of non-life shouted excitedly.

First photoshop of a coronavirus

Counter-pandemic advances.

In the 21st century, the researchers explain, important advances have

been made in the areas of health technology, disease surveillance, healthcare, drugs,
vaccines, and pandemic planning. Vaccines are made against influenza and other diseases.
They are updated annually, and annual influenza vaccination is also recommended for all
people 6 months of age and older. Today's antiviral medications are used to treat influenza,
and in the event of exposure to the virus, they can also be used for prophylaxis
(prevention). It should be noted that many of the different antibiotics that are currently
available can be used to treat bacterial infections and their secondary sequelae.

"Almost in collapse"

The Covid-19 pandemic, like the one that occurred in 1918, has once again
collapsed health care infrastructure, both in the United States and around the world.
Hospitals and doctors' offices have to strive to meet the demand for the number of patients
requiring medical care. This has required a significant increase in the manufacturing,
distribution and supply of medicines, medical products and equipment such as mechanical
respirators. And also the manufacture of efficient vaccines. The operation of schools and
companies has also been complicated, which has been tried to solve with classes at a long

Regarding the 1918 Virus Pandemic or “Spanish Flu” (GE), In the summer
of 1920, the virus disappeared as it had arrived... in a surprising way, as a warning for
humanity to behave well, he was in the middle of the First World War.

From 2020, we would not know what to say, what crisis warns us, Covid-19,
(Is ecology, is that why the slowdown of productive activities?) We do not know, as in the
GE, only time will give us the answer. Let us remember that society at that time did not
understand well the crisis and the response to it, and in a short time the economy collapsed
(1929-1933), and the Second World War occurred (1939-1945). Will we understand?

From the microworld, a Covid-19 watches us

The Christening of the new baby-virus.

The name that scientists give to viruses and other diseases "It has great
value for the people or populations directly affected", warns the World Health Organization

(WHO), which in its manual of good practices recommends using solid scientific and social
names acceptable to refer to the new findings.
In Wuhan, it is believed that the Covid-19 virus, needed to undergo very
deep genetic mutations, to infect humans. And in an otherwise enigmatic, but largely
unknown way, most of these required mutations were found in the pangolin Coronaviruses.
With a very unlikely percentage of suitable conditions in nature. (Thus denying that this
coronavirus could have assumed the necessary changes to affect humans, in a laboratory,
through special genetic clipping and gluing techniques). And then this situation is
explained, mentioning that there is a high probability that nature simply achieved that
mutation, inexplicably and perhaps even miraculously, in the pangolin, and by chance and
causality, in the horseshoe-nosed bat, that of Among the great diversity of bat species, it
was part of the process to create, by "spontaneous generation", a virus infecting humans,
and all this without the intervention of humans themselves.

-Enough for today, son, (he indicated PSP)

- I turned off my device and said goodbye.
-I'm going to pay you every 5 days of work!, but if you need a little money before, let me
know he said.

“Cooky” the coquettish ape: "His so-called Covid-19 doesn't

hurt me even the slightest bit

March 6.- I found PSP (“litle john”). Arranging some sheets, I
arrived and took a seat, after a couple of minutes, without further ado he said he looked
slightly and said, turn on your recorder and began to speak.


GET OUT OF CONTROL" (In viral biology, a deadly artificial manipulation is already

"Filthy jobs that the Chinese don't want to do" "Of" the Sinodemia, (as some
professional epidemiologists or infectious disease specialists call it), it has been spread in
the news that it is caused by the virus that escapes carelessly from the Chinese laboratories
of the center for bacteriological studies in Wuhan, China and contaminated the market in
that city, and from there it spread to the entire province and later to the whole world”

This action is denied by the Chinese authorities, firstly denying that it

was "working on a Covid-19", secondly that even if some viruses were experimented with,
this would not be for war but health purposes and thirdly that the security measures are
faultless and they reiterate that the bacteriological investigations that are carried out are for
prevention and help for Chinese society and the world in general and not for building
weapons that are not controllable and that instead of helping the country they can destroy it,
furthermore, wouldn't it have been more prudent and effective to release the "microbe" in a
country far from China?, because testing it in the same country, would be like making a
nuclear bomb and testing its effectiveness in Chinese cities, that would be absurd and
actions of mentally unbalanced. And a millennial nation such as this country does not need
these resources to remain a Superpower.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology denied that the coronavirus had been
genetically created and that it had escaped from there or even that a supposed "zero patient"
was one of its scientists and that he had already passed away. In years ago, Dr. Shi Zhengli,
discovered that SARS came from bats in the southern province of Yunnan, on her research,
suspicion falls that genetics and the corresponding new coronavirus is 96 percent identical
to that of "horseshoe nose", which is studied at the Institute of Virology.
These conspiracy theories circulate on social networks and with the next
presidential elections in the United States, they have been used for political purposes, even
a Republican senator, Tom Cotton, supports this theory. For some unknown reason, some
scientists in India have published a study assuring that Covid-19 was artificially
manufactured and Israeli military sectors have also echoed this assertion, blaming the
Chinese Government.

But a group of top-level international virologists deny the theory of artificial origin, in the
Wuhan laboratory and that for them, it has been discarded in a scientific way. The reason is
the reduced identity of the genome of the viruses that are being worked with in the Wuhan
laboratory, at least of the known ones. And the hypothesis of artificial manufacture in
China is not verifiable with the data of the genomic sequences investigated, because these
are very far from the virus of the epidemic outbreak of 2019, since an intermediate
transmitter is needed and it is impossible to reproduce it in that laboratory.

Chinese animals supposed origins of Covid-19

To polarize, the “recriminations and justifications”, about

Covid-19, the Hong Kong virologist Li-Meng Yan, has released a report with the
evidence that would show that Covid-19, according to the data that has been published
in the scientific journal Zenodo in a document entitled "Unusual characteristics of the
SARS-CoV-2 genome that suggest a sophisticated modification in the laboratory
rather than a natural evolution."
"However, SARS-CoV-2 shows biological characteristics that
are incompatible with a natural zoonotic virus," they indicate in the document. This
report describes "the genomic, structural, medical and literature evidence that, when
taken together, strongly contradicts the theory of natural origin," they argue.

Waking up the little bat because it's time for his vaccine
Their discovery would reveal that Covid-19 is a laboratory product
"created using the bat coronaviruses ZC45 and / or ZXC21 as a template and / or
backbone." "Based on the evidence, we also postulate a synthetic route for SARS-CoV-2,

which shows that laboratory creation of this coronavirus is convenient and can be achieved
in approximately six months," they argue. ", they insist.
Finally, the researchers emphasize that "SARS-CoV-2 contains a unique furin cleavage site
in its Spike protein, which is known to greatly enhance viral infectivity and cell tropism."
This cleavage site, which "is completely absent in this particular class of naturally
occurring coronaviruses," so may "not be the product of natural evolution and may have
inserted into the SARS-CoV genome. -2 artificially". In fact, the document even ventures to
indicate the "synthetic route" through which the virus would have passed in its alleged
manufacturing process. "We showed that the creation of this type of coronavirus in the
laboratory could be completed in approximately six months," he argues.

They censor his theory "

However, the report's authors caution that "the alternative theory

that the virus may come from a research laboratory is strictly censored in peer-reviewed
scientific journals." "Our work emphasizes the need for independent research on relevant
research laboratories." He also advocates a critical look at certain recently released data,
which, "while problematic," was used to support and affirm a natural origin of Covid-19.
From a public health perspective.

An apparent carelessness by researchers could have caused the pandemic.

The latest research identified a new virus, RmYN02, from an analysis

of 227 bat samples collected in China's Yunnan Province between May and October 2019.
They found that, similar to SARS-CoV-2, RmYN02, it also contains amino acid insertions
where the two subunits of the spicular protein join. SARS-CoV-2 is characterized by a four
amino acid insertion at the junction of S1 and S2 that is unique to this virus.
Perhaps, if there was a "Hand that rocks the cradle", a tragic
coincidence, the terrible and inexorable fate, or whatever, that has structured the conditions,

so that the coronavirus has emerged in Wuhan, which is the city where China has its main
virological research center and a superlab to study the most contagious and dangerous
diseases, such as Ebola and SARS. Although this center has the code P4, which indicates
the highest world level of biosafety, such a coincidence has put it in the spotlight and has
unleashed all kinds of rumors.

Cut and glued, nature or human, but there is the bad result.

Rumorology and doubts about the origin of Covid-19.

There have been so many conspiracy theories and rumors of these that
the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself, as well as its National Biosafety Laboratory, have
been forced to go out of their way to deny everything. Among them, they highlight that the
coronavirus had been genetically created by man and had "escaped" from there or that
"patient zero" was one of his scientists and had died. "The rumors have caused serious
damage to our researchers, who have dedicated themselves to working on the front line, and
seriously interrupted the emergency studies that we are doing during the epidemic," the
Institute defended itself in a statement last week. The "South China Morning Post"

"I swear on my life, it has nothing to do with the laboratory," said one
of its most eminent scientists, Dr. Shi Zhengli, on the WeChat social network. Famous for
discovering that SARS came from bats in the southern province of Yunnan, and as
mentioned, suspicion has fallen on her because the new coronavirus is 96 percent identical
to that of this species, which is studied at the Institute of Virology.

An origin impossible to verify

But they also clarify that “although the genome test does not support the
idea that SARS-CoV-2 is a laboratory construct, it is currently impossible to prove or
disprove the other theories about its origin, and it is not clear that the data in the future help
to resolve this issue ”, since it is necessary to know the most recent animal source where the
virus mutated.

At the end of January 2020, The Lancet magazine published a study -

among whose authors were seven doctors from the Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan, the
Chinese city where the new coronavirus emerged - according to which, a Patient Zero of
SARS-CoV2 had never stepped on the market where the contagion was assumed to have
started and had no epidemiological links with any of the other 40 cases analyzed. Days
later, comments began to multiply on WeChat and Weibo, the popular Chinese networks,
which warned that Patient Zero was a researcher at the biological laboratory with security
level 4 of the epicenter city, where viruses are studied as the cause of the disease. Wuhan
pneumonia or Ebola.

But it was late: the hypothesis that SARS-CoV2 escaped from a laboratory
had gained momentum, in the media around the world, as if there had been a slogan to
spread them in a matter of days.

Maybe yes, maybe not, most likely... Who knows!

On Monday, February 24, 2020, the Acting Undersecretary of the

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of the United States, Ken Cuccinelli, told Fox
News that it was not serious to rule out the possibility that the origin of Sars-CoV2 was a
laboratory from China, but not as a “bioweapon” and perhaps it escaped them. In dialogue
with medical correspondent Marc Siegel, he explained that it is unknown for now: “Our
colleagues at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (local, CDC) and the National
Institute of Health (NIH) who participate in the special team, have made it clear that we do
not yet know the origin of this particular virus.

"There is a biological facility in Hubei province that people are

concerned about," he continued. But what I have read from these medical professionals
suggests that the structure of the virus indicates that it is unlikely that it was made by
humans, because if it had been created to be a threat, it would be expected to show some
certain characteristics, which are not present in the Covid19.

"Does that mean it's out?" Siegel asked.

"No, not totally."

After the investigation: "A Zoo dinner"

And also "there is a little known fact," she added. "Some Chinese
researchers are in the habit of selling their laboratory animals to street vendors once they
have finished experimenting with them." As evidence he recounted: "A Beijing
investigator, currently in jail, made $ 1 million by selling his monkeys and rats at the live
animal market, where they eventually passed into someone's stomach."

So or more scientific-political surrealism in everything related to Covid-19?

But sit down, relax and settle down! As a Mexican Yutuber says, because this, like the
vision of an iceberg, barely rears its head and the hunt for the “Darkoso” of SARS-
CoV-2 has only just begun.

March 7.- As it was becoming customary, I arrived at PSP's house and was beginning to
get settled in, when my host came in and said:
-What do you think of my theories?
-Interesting, I replied
-Very good, but that's nothing you'll see later
-And he began to express his next theme...

“From China to the world with lots of love”

"Theory 3. China to establish its hegemony deliberately manufactured the covid-19

to infect Western countries and thus weaken them" (It is said, the Trumphmafufado).
China artificially creates Covid-19 and spread it throughout the world, for
this it used, say the accusers, the aforementioned military sports games in Wuhan where it
infected some athletes, especially Europeans and Americans to spread the virulence when
they returned to their countries". It was the US government, the one that propagated this
theory the most in the world, without proof and therefore it is unprovable, although the
media called "chayoteros" (which pay them to circulate factual information, among society,
although the majority of publications are lies or media manipulations), they repeated them
ad nauseam and so the Western world was left with that idea: "The Chinese deliberately
produced Covid-19 and infected the planet" This also sounds illogical, China would not
have had to Waiting to play sports games to attack a certain country, it would have been
enough for one of the millions of Chinese tourists to “let it go” wherever they wanted and
without giving themselves away or becoming suspicious. Then the "killer bug" would have
started its attack in another nation and not precisely in China to divert suspicions and avoid
They questioned the President of the United States at that time,
Donald Trump, if he had "seen something strange" and that it would have given him "a
high degree of knowledge that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the origin of this
virus." Yes, yes, “said the president, without offering more details. And then he added, "and
I also think that the World Health Organization should be ashamed of themselves because
they are like a tourism and public relations agency in China." When asked later that day to
clarify what he knew about the origins of the virus, he said: “I can't tell you that. I am not
allowed to tell you that, it is a matter of national security”, which was rather understood,“ I
am not saying anymore because it is pure invention ”. However, these words sound more

with an electoral sense, to show strength before his followers and not really as if he wanted
to start World War III.
But the “good secretary” Pompeo went further than Trumph and
mentioned to ABC News, that "There is evidence that this came from the Wuhan
laboratory." And he also did not give details, nor did he show evidence, and also mentioned
that he could not prove whether the release of the Coronavirus had been intentional because
"the PCC, (Chinese Communist Party), has refused to cooperate with international health
experts." Dr. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases,
called the claim that the coronavirus originated in a laboratory as "a rumor circulating." "If
you look at the evolutionary development of the virus in bats and what is in the
environment now, there is a strong scientific case that this could not have been artificially
or deliberately manipulated," Fauci told National Geographic. "Everything related to the
gradual evolution over time indicates that it evolved in nature and then jumped to species,
but Covid-19, there it is and you have to get vaccinated." With a pandemic "knocking at our
door", there is nothing to be gained by talking about the origins of the virus at this time.
Whatever you say, "this just fuels conspiracy theories" or "it deviates on a political
point, and that's useless," he noted. Aaah a new discovery!

United States the most infected country in the world

Statement from “StatNews” on January 24, 2020

One of the "most qualified experts" estimated the Eva virus. Adam
or Cain, (whatever you want to call it), from which all the others descend, appeared on
October 30, 2019, What? That is, this friend is the most accurate Bacteriological analyst
since the human being "jumped", (like the Covid-19 from bat to human) from the state of
Nean Derthal to Cro-Magnon, he only needed to tell the exact time! But as they say "a
drunkard is never alone", a huge ball of "experts" claimed that before that date Covid-19
had not existed in humans... This is absurd, not only worthy of Ripley, (although you do not
creates it), but from the "Twilight Zone."

What do non-official experts think?

In the documentary, Sean Lin, former director of the virus branch

of the Walter Reed Military Research Institute (WRAIR), explains a study published in The
Lancet: "More than 40 patients were located and 14 of them turned out not to be related to
the animal market, which represents more than a third. And no one sells bats in the animal
market." Gordon Chang, an Asian Affairs expert, explained: "The figures we receive from
China on new infections and deaths are just very suspicious." And he said: "We know that
Beijing suppressed information about the epidemic for six weeks in December and January
and then, when they officially recognized it, on January 21, they began a campaign to
eliminate information" On the other hand, many specialists consider the reason from the
creation of such a powerful virus that we will have to deal with for a long time. And they
even claim that it was created to be a lethal weapon.

The "lovers of conspiracyitis" or nonconformists of always, say

that for something, fortunately, there are already few deaths from other causes or mortal
diseases, (cancer, cardiovascular, HIV, traffic accidents etc ...), the Covid- 19, has absorbed
all the deaths and the bad thing is that if you go to a hospital for another cause, even a
simple sprain, there are very great chances that you will no longer walk, well not even with
your feet in front but in a litle box and only with a number and your last name, because
there the "matasanos" who are immoral, (not the ethical and responsible), will diagnose you
that you are sick with Covid-19, the absurdity of this is that they will be right in the cause
of your death !, because the safest thing that in that hospital ... you get infected and die. The
video of a Mexican patient that they filmed, jumping over the walls, of a public hospital, is
famous, where he got caught in his blue robe and ran out half-naked. Months later, full of
health, when they interviewed him, they asked him why he did such an action and he
replied that he is a bricklayer and had only gone to have a bruise on a toe fixed, which had
been made in construction and that It took hours to treat him and when the doctor arrived
he told him that he had to stay in the hospital, because he had... Covid-19! And that's why
he fled in an oversight of the doctors and security personnel.

In spite of everything, most Western governments have not stopped to

continue accusing China, as they like to challenge it to find out who is the brave one who
sets the bell on it. It launches news or plans that only remain as announcements or actions
of doubtful reality, for example, that "patient 0" has already been located, or that it will not
allow the rearmament of Taiwan, or that Hong Kong will have more restrictive laws, etc.
The struggle that it sustains with the United States and its henchmen, I mean allies, is
manifest. Although the country of the wall, it also has its own support structure with Russia
at the helm. It is observed that the fight for world hegemony is just beginning.

"Mexican lord" with false diagnosis of Covid-19, fleeing the hospital

On the Internet site Red Voltaire in the pen of the geopolitical analyst,
Alberto Cruz, they report that China is immersed in a trade-technological war imposed
by the United States since 2018. A cunning, and devastating, way of responding to each
and every one One of America's aggressive movements has been to adopt an approach
that has stunned the Western world: "dual circulation." Contrary to what some in the
West have said, it is not a short / medium term measure to deal with “the difficulties”
(nice newspeak) that the US aggression creates in China, but rather a new one. Economic
strategy that marks an almost total turnaround from what China has been up to now and
that fully affects the world economy.

Without closing itself off from Western investments or renouncing exports, China looks
decisively towards the interior of the country (production, distribution and consumption)
with the determination to reduce its dependence on foreign technology and financial
markets. In short: China will no longer remain the "factory of the world."

The big hit

The crucial fortnight began on October 13, 2020, the day an export control law was
passed which, at the same time, authorizes the Chinese government to "take
countermeasures" against any country that "abuses the Export Control Measures ”and
poses a threat to China's national security and interests.

Put like this, the above seems like a law like so many, but what is
behind it is the prohibition of selling strategic substances (especially the so-called “rare
earths”) and technology to foreign companies that could represent a threat to Chinese
Industry and technology. .
If it is also taken into account that China exports 70% of all rare earths
that are traded in the world (and it is assumed that 95% of the total is in its territory,
although new deposits are constantly being discovered, for example, in North Korea or

Vietnam) it will be understood what this measure implies since the so-called rare earths
are essential for everything from mobiles to missiles. It is something like "without rare
earths, there are no chips."

Remembering Lenin

It is clear that the so-called "world order" changes in moments of

crisis, one only has to do a review of history. If until now the hegemonic order of the
West, led by the United States, was falling apart, the pandemic has destroyed it
completely. We are living in a historic moment, watching the dominance of the United
States decline in exactly the same way as when the British Empire and the French
Empire fell apart after World War II, or the Spanish Empire at the end of the 19th

In 1916, in his book Imperialism, the Highest Phase of Capitalism, Lenin spoke of how
fierce competition between European capitalist states for control of resources and trade
led to World War I. And how imperialism, directly or indirectly, always imposes the
rules of international trade to ensure that the economic surplus flows to imperialist
power. I suppose it goes without saying what the United States has done since the British
decline after World War II, and what its control over the world has been based on,
especially after the demise of the USSR.
And at this point we return to the eternal debate about whether China
is socialist or capitalist. But if we stick to what is known about the 14th Five-Year Plan,
we see that there is something that is neither one thing nor the other because we are
facing the fusion of the monetary economy, of Keynesianism, in the strict sense, and of
the initially Soviet planning though revamped.

Perhaps we are facing something similar to Lenin's New

Economic Policy (NEP). Maybe. The difference is that Lenin conceived the NEP as a
transitory system, an "obligatory step back" within the socialist system, and China
considers it a great step forward and nothing transitory. The similarity is that, in both
cases, the economy remains under the direction and planning of the State, although
supported by private capital.

Because the truth is that in recent years - especially after the

first great capitalist crisis of 2008 and, especially, after the arrival of Xi Jinping to power
in 2013 - the dependence of the economy on the sector has doubled. State-owned, state-
owned enterprises have benefited from increasingly favorable government policies to
make them "stronger, better and bigger," as Xi himself put it. Is this "market socialism"
or "socialism with Chinese characteristics"? Maybe. But it is a convincing response to
the United States and a declaration of a Cold-economic-technological War of one half of
the world against the other half, and this struggle between Colossi does not bring
anything good for humanity. "

Families in danger from Covid-19

March 8.- Did you check the previous wording, I asked PSP?

-I answer: if they seem more or less correct, but there are some small additions that I
missed and I have written them to the margin of the pages.

-I told him: Please pass them to me to correct them!

- It will be at the weekend to gather several. Now let's get started, and he began to read
the information written on his monumental bundle of sheets on his desk...

(USA says China spread the virus)

"THEORY 4. “The Chinese accuse the Americans of having

programs throughout their history to manufacture biological and chemical
weapons, thus they created the covid-19 and spread that virus in China”.

Chinese officials accuse the US that they have already developed ethnic
biological weapons for decades. They are based on their intelligence services and American
publications, for example. In November 1970 the magazine published an article entitled
"Ethnic Weapons", whose author is Carl A. Larson, and which describes the convenience
and possibilities of modified biological pathogens that would affect only those races that
historically do not have a natural defense against certain "enzyme inhibitors".
Larson was listed as head of the "Department of Human Genetics at the
Institute of Genetics, Lund, Sweden" as well as being a licensed physician. The author
notes that genetic variation between races is reflected in concurrent differences in tolerance
of various substances. As an example, it has been observed that large segments of
populations in Southeast Asia historically show lactose intolerance, due to the near absence
of the enzyme lactase in the digestive system.
At the height of a biological weapons program, any country, possessing
medium technology, can have missiles or drones loaded with several kilograms of highly
infectious pathogens processed into a powder finer than bath powder that can float in the air
for miles at a time. Pathogens are ideally dispersed in an aerosol cloud of particles that
measure between one and five microns in diameter (in other words, a line of one hundred
particles in a row would barely equal the thickness of a human hair), inhaling just one of
these particles can be lethal.

Blood tests to check for pregnancy or a Covid-19

In general, two types of biological weapons are developed:

• The contagious variety such as Coronaviruses, which spreads rapidly, potentially
resulting in chaos and unrestricted death, (Covid-19).

• Those with limited lethality that cannot be transmitted from person to person, such as
cutaneous anthrax.

Biological weapons offer great flexibility in terms of launch systems,

they can be unleashed against their targets using missiles with toxin-laden explosive
warheads, cluster bombs, planes that remove dust from crops, improvised explosive
devices carried by vehicles or even a simple hand. -delivery.
And the Coronavirus like the current Covid-19, is not the only germ that
can be spread, several pathogens can be used as weapons, but the unique virulence of five
toxins in particular suggests that they are the most likely candidates for the use of weapons.
Biological are:

• Smallpox is a particularly attractive option because, according to the World Health

Organization (WHO), it was officially eradicated in 1977. As such, it is no longer
vaccinated because the mortality rate associated with the vaccine was no longer considered
valuable. . the risk of an extinct disease. The vaccine only lasts for 15-20 years, so even
people who got the latest vaccines in the early 1980s are no longer protected, making it a
very attractive pathogen to weaponize. And the "Little Angels of Death" in the laboratories
have smallpox in stock of hydrogen freezers "in case it is needed."

• Anthrax is a non-contagious but notoriously infectious disease that is contracted by

touching or inhaling Bacillus anthracis spores. Contracting anthrax through the skin is fatal
in two out of ten cases, but inhaling the spores is usually fatal, regardless of treatment.

• Another disease that will likely be used is botulism, a toxin produced by the bacterium
Clostridium botulinum that causes muscle paralysis and often leads to fatal respiratory
failure. In its natural form, botulism is generally treatable, but a weaponized toxin could be
orders of magnitude more deadly.

• Pneumonic plague is caused by the bacteria "Yersinia pestis" typically found in rodents,
the organism responsible for the 14th century global pandemic that killed approximately 75
million people. The symptoms of plague are characterized by fever, chest pain, bloody
sputum, and eventually death. The disease can be treated with modern medicine, but the
slow onset of symptoms (usually about three days) increases the rate at which the disease
spreads, which would massively make containment difficult.
• Recombined Crownviruses. Which can be avian and porcine SARs, (or bats, such as
Covid-19), it is also had in the US. The reserve of the deadly "Spanish Flu" (GE), which
was "resurrected" years ago, fortunately it was only for scientific research and aid to
humanity. (AAAAh, ... will be to help it disappear).

The Chinese mention that the United States operated an offensive

biological weapons program at the United States Army Medical Research Institute for
Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland. With the task of acquiring

exceptional scientific knowledge, obtaining the necessary hardware to produce biological
weapons, this is surprisingly much less overwhelming. Investigations involving “hot”
viruses (airborne infections with no known cure) such as the Ebola or Marburg virus,
generally require a 4-Level Biosafety Laboratory, multi-chamber, air-blocked facility with
closely monitored directed airflow.

Another puzzling fact is that virus-spreading jars known as "bioreactors"

are available for as little as $ 25 on eBay. Once produced, delivering the pathogen to its
target is relatively simple.
A "line source laying" by a modified commercial helicopter or airplane
that dusts crops, and even a drone, could disperse enough armed dust over an open-air
stadium or music concert to kill thousands of people. Directly and hundreds of thousands
indirectly through contagious infection.


At Harvard University in the late 1940s, researchers began conducting

experiments testing diethylstilbestrol, a synthetic estrogen, in pregnant women at the
University of Chicago Lying-In Hospital. Women experienced an abnormally high
number of miscarriages and low birth weight (LBW) babies. None of the women were
told that they were being experimented on.

In 1987, the United States Supreme Court ruled in United States v.

Stanley, 483 US 669, that a US serviceman who was given LSD without his consent, as
part of military experiments, could not sue the US military for damages. Later, Stanley
received more than $ 400,000 in 1996, two years after Congress passed a private claims
bill in reaction to the case. In disagreement with the original verdict in the United States,
V. Stanley, Judge Sandra Day O'Connor stated that she would have to be terminated.

On January 15, 1994, President Bill Clinton formed the Advisory Committee on Human
Radiation Experiments (ACHRE). This committee was created to investigate and report

the use of humans as test subjects in experiments involving the effects of ionizing

The US Department of Defense has conducted actual, field exercises,

codenamed "Dark Winter," that simulated the effect of a smallpox attack against three US
metropolitan areas. In fewer than two weeks, the disease infected 25 states and had
already spread to 15 different countries in several epidemiological waves that left several
hundred thousand Americans dead.
The exercise ended prematurely when authorities estimated that a
fourth generation of the disease would have infected 3 million people, killing at least a
third of them. Biological weapons are capable of killing many more people than a nuclear
attack. Given the current trend in biotechnology, small groups or perhaps even individuals
will soon be able to take the type of virus used, (Now, for modern renewal, such as
Covid19), in the simulation of the “Dark Winter” and increase its potentiality or direct it
towards a ethnic group and others would be immune. In the investigations and comments,
the Chinese hinted that many of these programs could already be applied in the world.
The good news is that the Leaders of the United States and Europe, as well as our
leaders, are honest and ethical, so we should not worry!, (¿-?).

March 9.- It would be about 10:45, when I got to PSP's house, I touched the lady who was
helping him, she offered me a coffee when her boss arrived, I had already had breakfast but
I accepted it, and in the meantime, I started reading the review sheets that day would give.
That's what he was when Don Pepito arrived.
-What are you doing? He asked me
-Examining what I am going to deliver
-Okay let's start, because I think I'm going to leave soon...

“In nomen from Sars, of Virus and the pandémic bat, Eimen”

"THEORY 5. The virus was predetermined to affect only asian people, but
something failed and spread to other races”
(The world became the house of the soap maker)
Most nation-states would hesitate to use GMO (biological weapons)
and CBW (chemical weapons) viruses, due to the doctrine of "mutual assured
destruction." However, the investigation agencies and the security and police authorities
calculate that some group of radical terrorists would not hesitate to unleash a plague on
humanity. Well, biological weapons are equally or more effective than physical
weapons, and save human and material resources, which can be channeled to other
parts. In the US, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ) has a

project called
Insect Allies, to infect crops with genetically modified viruses, edit the
genetic profile of the crops and make them more resistant to pests, as well as natural
Joe Joseph of The Daily Sheeple said that a quick Google search would
give any reader enough information to let them know how horrible this type of
technology can be. "... and you will find it fascinating simply because of how incredible
a weapon can be, why mistakes can be made unintentionally that can cause irreversible
damage... irreparable damage... to the human race. And I mean, FAST!" Jose said.

So they accuse DARPA that at a certain point and by supposed "National

Security", it will be able to use those insects to produce gene-editing viruses that destroy
crops, ruin crops and adversely affect the broader ecosystem of an natural enemy
nation, noted the Russian news agency, RT with precision.

They bite, mosquitoes bite, some bite in the dark and others bite in the face

The aforementioned project, which receives funding from DARPA,

involves the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys area, to
transmit a sterilizing genetic virus to their malaria-carrying counterparts. This operation
also questions that apart from the unknown effects on the broader ecosystem, the
knowledge obtained from such research could one day make it possible for a country, a
non-state actor or a state actor, working on behalf of a state, to use accidentally or
deliberately, biting mosquitoes, bees, flies, cockroaches or any insect vector, to release a
variety of biological agents and genetic viruses into an unsuspecting population and
cause unstoppable mortality.

Scanning russians

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed concern about the deliberate

and potential manufacture of genetically engineered viruses to kill humans. While
chairing a meeting of the Human Rights Council of Russia, Putin stated: "... Are you
aware that other countries, (NATO), are collecting biological material throughout our

territory, from different ethnic groups and people living in different regions,
geographical areas of the Russian Federation?”
A chemical (CBW) or biological (GMO) weapon that takes advantage
of this genetic variance could kill or incapacitate entire populations, leaving invading
armies relatively unscathed, provided they are ethnically homogeneous, or at-risk
members are at least prepared. To tolerate the attack, because in effect, the poison or
virus would not be recognized by their bodies. Larson is even more explicit in a way that
will probably never make it to the mainstream press.

Biological weapons that kill everyone except whites

In a passage that enorgullecerían to the Doctor Mengele or Dr.

Strangelove muses uncontrollably on the possibilities of genetically sensitive chemicals
to subdue enemy populations other than the white race: "friendly forces would use
discriminately incapacitating in situations complicated to give friends and foes a short
period of forced rest to sort them out. By gentle persuasion, aided by psychochemicals,
civilians in enemy cities could be reeducated. The adversary would use incapacitants to
economize on those whom he could use as slaves"
This was published with cynicism or supposed military strategy, in a serious and formal
professional magazine, read by the American military.

It concludes with the statement that "the functions of life are now
exposed for attack." According to Charles Piller and Keith Yamamoto in their 1988
"Gene Wars,". Larson's article was the first time that the subject of CBWs was publicly
addressed for ethnic purposes, but for "private military circles it was old news"

The authors further state that in 1951, Mechanicsburg, PA Naval Supply

Depot was the site of a classified test using a benign organism released to personnel to
mimic the behavior of an actual biological weapon: “According to documents
declassified” in the late 1970s, the site was chosen because, "Within this system large
numbers of workers are employed, the vast majority black, whose incapacitation would
seriously affect the operation of the supply system"
They were used as “guinea pigs and guinea pigs”, those black workers who were
supposedly more susceptible to a strain of Valley Fever than the whites, but also
supposedly, not the real virus, but another substitute fungal organism was used.
Could this also happen with Covid-19? There are several indications that the
investigations exist, although the test in humans is not proven.

This is just beginning.

In the report of the Neoconservative Project for a New Century of the

USA, ( PNAC ) 2000 entitled, " Reconstruction of the Defenses of the United
States - Rebuilding America's Defenses ", it affirms: The proliferation of the ballistic and
cruise missiles, of the Drones does not Long-range manned aircraft (UAV) and spy
satellites, and even “loaded” with missiles, lassers, pathogens, etc ..., will facilitate the
projection of US military power throughout the world. The munitions themselves will
become increasingly accurate, while new electronic, "non-lethal", biological attack
methods will become more widely available.

In 2010, the US Air Force in a counter-proliferation document titled

" Biotechnology - Genetically Modified Pathogens," lists several ways these weapons
could be deployed: The JASON group, made up of academic scientists, works as a
technical advisor to the US government .
He conducted a study and located six broad classes of genetically modified pathogens
that could pose serious threats to society:
1.- Binary biological weapons,
2.- Recombined and ethnic designer genes,
3.- Gene therapy as a weapon,

4.- Stealth viruses,
5.- Host exchange diseases
6.- Design diseases.

Even the North American document discusses the possibility of

a "disease that could annihilate an entire nation or a certain ethnic group that has been
targeted." The document states that its purpose is to study such weapons as an effective
means for only and solely to develop defenses against them, Ja!, But unfortunately
history does not favor the United States, which is always the military aggressor on a
global level and the The only nation on Earth that has ever used nuclear weapons against
another nation-state, so these very repeated and proven facts determine that not only is
there a high probability that such weapons are produced, but that they will be used by the
States. United and that GMOs and CBWs are already stored and deployed around the
world, even in nations where they do not have military bases, but their agents or national
fifth columns, paid.

Illuminates in work suits

March 10.- I got home from PSP, his assistant opened it to me, but
he told me, Don Pepito is not here, but he told me that he will give you this, and
he handed me a legal-size envelope, I opened it and they were similar to the sheets that I
daily He gave me, (from three to 20 sheets a day), I took them and said goodbye. Before
leaving, the lady tells me, the boss also asked me to tell you that she is waiting for you
tomorrow as always. I thanked him and said goodbye.

When I got home I immediately went to work and the text was as follows:

THEORY 6. “The who uses in the covid-19 pandemic," special " health protocols to
obey the objectives of a secret elite, (to depopolate the world, with diseases, deadly
medicine, social division, abolition of rights ignorance, hunger, misery and see for great joy
done his most hallucinatory dream... mam euthanasia! "

World Health Organization (WHO)

(He replaced the Hippocratic Caduceus with the Mosaic Serpent... AAAY “nanita”!)
Ever since this global crisis (of Covid-19) began, it has been warning
that the official account of the pandemic was not coherent or credible in many ways, and
that it can only be explained as a result of murky interests and repeated circumstances
hidden from the great public. Going back to those initial moments, can you remember
what was the first thing that somehow made you "wake up the alarms" in this regard?

Doubts arose when it was found that the "mainstream " media, especially
TV, gave too repetitive information about something that was happening far away: in
China ... Alternative sources of information to contrast this informational tsunami, are
necessary .

On the other hand, the official Chinese account was quite little
credible (a new virus of animal origin and that was causing a highly contagious epidemic
from a market in Wuhan). Viruses do not jump from species easily and, if they do, they
are less contagious than specific ones, something did not square with the official
account. It is also suspected that there is something murky about the declaration of the
epidemic in Italy because, although "care was taken" to wait for the Chinese New Year
to pass, where millions of displacements of Chinese citizens around the world, the
traceability of the first Italian contagion could not be found. That is, the first Italian
case had not had contact with any Chinese person or had traveled... If supposedly the
virus had originated in the Wuhan market, how did it get to Italy?... Great mystery for,
“ X Files"!

On January 3, 2020, news appears that the US kills the powerful

Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, leader of the elite Quds force, in a targeted attack in
Iraq, increasing the already existing tension in the Persian Gulf and raising concerns
about the possibility. Of a nuclear war escalation... during the month of January is also
when the bombardment of news about the expansion of the epidemic in China is

Data are beginning to circulate on the networks about the existence of

a virology laboratory in Wuhan of the highest BSL4 level, specialized in experiments
with Crownvirus and which is located near the Wuhan market where it is said that the
spread of the new virus began. Various geopolitical analysts have long warned about the
unavoidable bankruptcy of the Liberal Banking- Financial System, due to its monstrous
leverage and the gigantic debt crisis (see Trump's Backroom ). And the signs seem to
show that a reset or new start of the bankrupt Banking- Financial system is going to take
place, as has happened in the past, in times of war, especially the two World Wars .

Probably try to ba a new world war to hide the systemic failure of the
sector with the murder of Soleimani, but the fear of nuclear war and the death of the CIA
agent inductor of the murder in the bombing by Iran in retaliation to the plane in which
he was traveling, they prevented him.

Michael D'Andrea , head of CIA operations in Iran and the person who
orchestrated the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, died on Monday,
January 27, 2020, in the US plane that was downed over Ghanzi, in the country of
Afghanistan, Veterans reported. Today (VT), citing Russian intelligence sources. This is
how the elites and hard sectors of the US failed, Plan A.

And to all this, what is the role that WHO has played?

WHO has run into constant contradictions:

Quarantines use or should not, use or not use masks. L os

asymptomatic infected or not infected. And above all, recommend not to do autopsies...

Everything shows us that the WHO, (World Healt Organitation), has acted as a
vile instrument of global manipulation, serving as an excuse for government ministries of
health to make decisions regarding unjustified measures to restrict civil rights.
It should be borne in mind that the WHO is not an independent body but is financed
mainly by private capital: and the largest contribution comes from the Bill Gate
Foundation, Soros, Rokefeller, Roschild, and the hypergiant pharmaceutical
companies (a criminal-instrument). Of the Banking-Financial sector) and this crisis has
been a perfect maneuver to hide a systemic bankruptcy of the sector for several years.
We wonder what the "New Normal" will be like and what can
happen in the next months or AP years, (After the Pandemic)? Simply with the
euphemism " new normal " they are already indicating that the recovery from the
supposed pandemic will not have anything normal. For now, with social distance and the
mandatory use of masks, we have the permanent reminder that something is not as it was

Pandemic and biological warfare trials have been tried before, let's remember.

There have already been other attempts at pandemics: Avian flu,

swine flu or influenza A, Ebola, as well as SARS-1 and MERS. Fortunately, they have
been far less lethal than expected because viruses that are not natural and specific do not
adapt well enough.

It is believed that if this plan B fails, (the Covid-19 pandemic),

the elite still have Plan C, DE, etc., for example, the "hybrid war", "the color revolution",
"The war electoral ", the" wars of religion, "the alien invasion made by humans", and if
they all fail there is, "the unrestricted and total war. So far the true consequences of the
Covid-19 crisis have not been noticed. But the safest thing is that as of this fall we will
begin to see them more clearly and from 2021 they already announce a 'great new
beginning': Let us remember that on June 3, 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF) in
Geneva held a 'one-time twin summit' in Davos (Switzerland) as a result of the 'global
health crisis' of January 2021. The topic at the summit was 'The Big Reset' and the

announcement of the 'Great New Beginning' launched by the 'Black Nobility', as 'an
obligation to work together and urgently to lay the foundations of our economic and
social system'. "
What will happen in the long term? Nobody knows, but there is not much optimism, and
that in the short or medium term, the safest thing is that all the inhabitants of the planet
will be forced to integrate into a totalitarian control system, unless it is fought brutally,
for a social, just and alternative social solution.

WHO's Game: Go Forward Three Steps Go Back Two

The WHO has suddenly backtracked on the Covid-19 scam, as criminal

and civil charges are brought against its leadership. This is part of a fall offensive by the
"Secret Order of the White Hats" in the ongoing battle for Planet Earth, ranging from the
Byzantine intrigue in the Vatican to the large-scale use of nuclear weapons. On both fronts,
the good guys are winning decisive victories. Remember, we are dealing with two
competing visions for the future of the planet. One, controlled by the Khazarian mafia, or
Chabad's death cult, which demands to eliminate 90% of humanity and enslave the
rest. The other calls for a great campaign to end poverty, stop the destruction of the
environment and explore the universe.

Now, the US Food and Drug Administration is admitting that " There are
no quantified virus isolates of 2019-nCoV currently available. " ... In other words, all
economies shut down, forcing people to wear masks etc. is based on a virus that they
cannot even prove exists. Or perhaps regulatory agencies do not want to provide any data
that can be closely examined, as some Indian scientists first claimed that the samples had a
unnatural combination of elements.

Even more damning is the evidence presented by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich of

the German Crown inquiry committee. Reiner says that the Rothschild family patented the
false positive Covid-19 tests years ago. Dr. Reiner is now preparing one of the largest
damages lawsuits in history against the perpetrators of this fraud.

MI6 sources say they have launched criminal investigations around the
world against the Rothschilds and their Khazarian mafia cohorts for insider trading based
on this scam. The short sale of shares in March of this year generated profits of $ 344
billion to companies such as Morgan Stanly, Bank of America, Charles Schwab and the
pharmaceutical company McKesson. Not counting the hundreds of billions that it will
obtain with a monopoly of vaccines that will force all the countries of the world to buy at
its prices.

However, the disturbing evidence that we must try to reconcile is that world
leaders, including Presidents Xi Jinping of China, Donald Trump of the US and Vladimir
Putin of Russia, appear to be participating in this fraud by supporting the call for mass
vaccination to combat a nonexistent pandemic. Do they hope their supporters are smart
enough to refuse a voluntary vaccination and simply allow their detractors to poison
themselves with a suicide injection known to contain carcinogenic and fertility-reducing
vaccine ingredients?

They know that it is virtually impossible to make a safe and effective
RNA vaccine for SARS-Cov and are they just playing around and biding their time with the
global narrative presented by the WHO? Remember that COVID-19 stands for "Certificate
of Vaccination ID-19" and is marked as "the name of the disease" so that the pastor knows
what to voluntarily accept when lining up to receive the "end of the pandemic" vaccine that
soon it will be scheduled in conjunction with the seasonal flu vaccine.

Could it be just a political maneuver by Trump after being hit by Xi in

January, or for after his possible re-election or to keep up appearances knowing that
Democrats will try to blame him in an election year? We can understand that his rival in the
presidential elections, Joe Biden, is compromised and corrupt, but both are calling for
everyone to be vaccinated against this false pandemic. The game of WHO and world
governments is uncertain. And they give them huge profits.

Until now i knew, for that they wanted to Neo’s death boxes!

March 11.- As I was getting used to it, I got home from PSP, almost at 11 in the morning, I
gave a review of the summary made the night before, when the host appeared, we started

"The Coronavirus is not only to infect China, but the entire world, so that
the armies of: NATO and the RE-EXPANSION agencies, such as the

Or some other INSegurity and “nosied” agencies that are brave, honest
and faithful. And they are mechachisrecontra- super-secret, they do not
lose validity and can continue to be maintained by the peoples and
subsidized with love and financial generosity"


This theory conspiratorial many conspiracy theorists, they have
linked to what happened to the twin towers on 9/11 / 2001, and now the ' pandemic' of
the covid-19 is situation shapes dramatically society Western, as the changes that
occurred have been devastating and unnecessary, driven by control-hungry
governments that saw the opportunity in the crisis, to label any social disagreement with
terrorism, and now with infected people who are isolated or marginalized.

While both the largest attack in US history and the deadliest

"pandemic" in a generation were immediately regarded as the most dramatic elements of
the era, the uncomfortable reality is that neither terrorism nor Covid-19 present any more
serious risk for 99.99 of the population, than taking a bath... unless it is with ice water
and we catch a cold, which will surely be classified as SARS-CoV-2,

But the slogan directed by who knows who through the exaggeration
of the media and fueled by the " think tanks" Americans corrupt and many governments
than happy feel, the possibility of controls adopted that normally would trigger revolt
popular or fall ; But now, they have created an exaggerated environment of fear, similar
to the one that allowed the imposition of the police state after September 11, facilitating
the pathways for a post-Covid regime, which they will declare that the “ PATRIOT
ACT ”, ( suspension of civil, human, legal or simple subsistence and survival rights), is
seen as something socially desirable.

Social control in a state of crisis

The American "lifestyle" in recent years had some very important

changes, and both events should not have had the answers taken that have not even been
logical, (quarantines, economic collapse, socio-labor immobility), to the two crises that

occurred. There were allegedly a series of fortuitous events in the government that he
described as "intelligence failures", and thus the events of September 11 happened. In
Covid-19, the Trumph government scrapped several necessary and decisively health
response plans to respond to the pandemic , adopting a regime of economic lockdowns
and closures that will probably end up doing more damage than the Coronavirus itself.

Both the “ PATRIOT ACT ”, as well as other disease control regulations in the US
and other countries , were established before September 11, 2001, like those for the
pandemic, before 2109, and were used in the exact moment, since “a crisis should not be
allowed to go to waste” Society was further destabilized by encouraging Americans in
both cases to report their fellow citizens to the authorities for crimes perceived as minor,
such as disseminating or seeking “prohibited” information , (like this book), wearing
clothes similar to the enemy's, taking the wrong books out of the library (2001) or not
wearing a mask, maintaining social distance or quarantine (2020).

Common facts in both crises

The culprit of September 11, Osama Bin Laden was, according

to agencies des US information, this was noted in all media, when the towers were still
burning, yet not even begin investigations. Likewise, with the Coronavirus, echoing, all
the media in the world reported that an infected bat in a wet market in Wuhan had
generated the coronavirus.
And although later it was discovered that this was an invented
fantasy, and that the market did not really sell bats, this was no longer disseminated, and
the scientists of the "Stablishment" had to continue inventing to drop the responsibility of
the transmission human in an intermediate species, (similar to the missing link of human
evolution, which has never been found), even as studies revealed that the first cases of
covid-19 had not had any contact with the market at all.
But just as Bin Laden and his 19 Islamic kidnappers (some of whom
were later found to be dead the US government had killed were in good health), even
now, they remain the only "official" culprits of September 11. In 2020, China continues
to be blamed for the pandemic.

"New normal"
Most Americans by calculation or ignorance are hard or stubborn to

"understand" the similarities between covid-19 and September 11 , several informative
articles accompanied the arrival of the virus in their country: " Not even 9 / 11 could
shut down a meetings - coronavirus is different " . (Not even September 11 could close
a meeting: the coronavirus is different.) Although there were other disasters that
disturbed American society, in the intervening 18 years, capable of disrupting an AA
meeting, 12-step, or another sale of "Topers weys" (student murders, cyclones, bombings
fatalities, race riots, etc...)
“Imagining a 9 / 11- like response to coronavirus”. (Imagining a
9/11 response to the coronavirus.) In other words, there is already a post-pandemic “new
normal”. Being terrified of attacks, I saw masked, confined, without rights or tenderly
silent ... You choose!

Communication agencies inSecurity, Control and Kaos:

- Control- Where are they the planes?

- Kaos- They fell apart with the crash!
- Control- There was not even a screw left? ...
- Kaos- Noooothing! ...
- Control- Well yeah... er.... wait... it seems that, they found something scorched, the
passports of the terrorists and the turban must be Arab...
- Kaos- Soon, we must invade Afghanistan, Iraq and everything we can, to
STEAL their oil and poppy, I SAY... TO REVENGE US!!
- Control- Yes, and require your killing weapons plus VAT
- Kaos- Very well and let it be... 100 %. *
- (end of communication)

(*Note: for laymen and otakus... VAT... Value Added Tax).

" You are with us or you are with the terrorists, " said Bush, as the
Twin Towers fell and that with false and manipulated information from the CIA and

other Western “Intelligence” agencies, Afghanistan and Iraq were being bombed and
invaded. With the Crownvirus, and Now in 2020, the pacifists also receive death
threats from security agents, and those who do not "disguise themselves" or confine
themselves are accused. Well, it seems that the US wants a "warmer" war with China,
using Covid-19 as a pretext. If this does not happen, anyway the relationship between the
two countries has deteriorated markedly and a second cold war is on the way. And the
devastation caused by the suicidal " New Normal " continues in the United States,
wiping out what was left of the constitutional rights, with all and amendments, after the
" PATRIOT LAW ", subdued and repressed them, will it be repeated? the story over
and over? For now, a manipulated and total division of the US population is foreseen on
the occasion of the presidential elections, this is done in order to control them and
pleasantly apply restrictive laws that make them work "Zombies" at the service of the
hidden powers and supposed masters of this world.

Preparing the next false flag alien invasion

This immense plan is said to have been carried out by the DARK
GOVERNMENT, with instruments such as agencies: the CIA, NSA, MOSSAD, the DEA,
and others not so well known, since the presidency of George W. Bush (Project for the New
American Century), with conspirators such as Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul
Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Richard Armitage, Francis Fukuyama and Bush himself, who
guided US foreign policy during the first decade of the century and was the cause of much
of the wars and of the most acute crises that have occurred and its inertia continues to
pervade much of US foreign policy. However, that project ended in resounding failure,
with wars without victories, despite the absence of a country to act as a strategic
counterweight, with the collapse of the USSR.
But despite its super-organizations of security and re-
counter espionage, after almost three decades of the 21st century, a statement prevails:
world capitalism is in a terminal crisis, which can lead to a generalized war, can deepen
agony and disaster ecological, in a sarcastic mimicry, as in past centuries , with the long
terminal crisis of the Western Roman Empire, or it can give way to the first babbling of a
new world that does not destroy itself, in a new relationship between the E7 , the new and
great powers (China, the United States, Japan, the European Union, Russia, India, Brazil,
Indonesia, Mexico) that jointly address the great planetary risks.

All the alarms have been sounding for years, but time is running out
and the total disaster, caused by two centuries of capitalist development, is going to reach a
point of no return. The disturbing arrival of new coups d'état in various countries (Ukraine,
Egypt, Thailand, Bolivia, etc., all of them with the support or tacit consent of North
American spies and allies), war crises in some of the most convulsive regions and of major
strategic relevance on the planet (Russian periphery, Middle East, Southeast Asia), and the
growing signs that the danger of a global war appears on the horizon, do not invite
optimism. The problem of wars in Ukraine, China, Syria, etc., is the demonstration that the
security agencies are pushing Washington to be willing (with Republicans or Democrats)
to set the world on fire, launch war massacres, to maintain their hegemony and budget.
The aforementioned campaigns against Libya, Yemen, the bloody
Syrian war, the previous invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, are a warning for the future,
and although neither China and Russia want to be dragged into a war with conventional
weapons, now it seems that it is starting biological warfare, as an advance or substitute for
nuclear war, this conspiracy theory should not be easily dismissed.

"A normal day out for a Gringou biological marine"

The next few years will continue to confront in the world of intrigue
and espionage, the new global power China and its allies of the E7, against the North
American and NATO stagnation. They no longer trust the future of their dominance,
military force, war and provocations, but rather their scientific and technological capacity
in the chemical-biological field, because their industry and productive structure continue to
be of undoubted magnitude.

Control programs with humans.

The US government funded and conducted numerous psychological
experiments, especially during the era of the Cold War. Using people of all levels and

occupations, mainly prisoners and the military. Many of these experiments were conducted
to help develop more effective interrogation and torture techniques for US military and

intelligence agencies, and to develop techniques for US agents to resist torture at the hands
of enemy nations and organizations. .
In studies that became known as Project CHATTER , the US Navy has
used truth sera, which they hoped could be used during interrogations. Some of the
chemicals tested in humans included mescalin, escopolamine, LSD, heroin,
“marijuana”, cocaine , PCP, ether, and other spermental drugs . Project BLUEBIRD
researchers dosed more than 7,000 US military personnel with LSD, without their
knowledge or consent, at the Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland. Years after these
experiments, more than 1,000 of these soldiers suffered from various illnesses,
including depression and epilepsy. Many of them committed suicide.

In 1953, the CIA placed several of its programs interrogation and mind
control under the direction of a single program, known by the codename MKULTRA, after
the CIA, has complained of not having enough "human guinea pigs to test these
extraordinary techniques "... The MKULTRA project was under the direct command of Dr.
Sidney Gottlieb of the Technical Services Division. The project received hundreds of
millions and involved thousands of experiments on human subjects at eighty different
The CIA, apart from drugs, experimented with "threats, coercion,
imprisonment, deprivation, humiliation, torture, 'brainwashing', 'black psychiatry'
and hypnosis, or any combination of these, with or without chemical agents." The research
team was to ... gather, collate, analyze and assimilate this information and then undertake
further experimental research designed to develop new techniques for using offensive /
defensive intelligence ... Potentially useful secret drugs (and various brain damaging
procedures) they were tested similarly in order to determine the fundamental effect on the
function of the human brain and on the mood of the subject ... When any of the studies
involving potential harm to the subject, he was hiding with and efectiveness. The Agency
made available suitable subjects and a suitable place to carry out the necessary
MKULTRA with His experiments "dispatched" individuals first,
erasing their minds and memories. Reducing them to the mental level of a baby and then
"rebuilding" them with a personality of his choosing. To accomplish this, patients were
placed in a low drug-induced coma for up to 88 days, and given numerous high
voltage electric shocks over weeks or months, often delivering up to 360 shocks per
person. Then what was called " psychic conduction " was carried out with experiments on
the subjects, in which recorded statements were repeatedly played. Such as "You are a good
wife and mother and people enjoy your company" or "You are an eagle warrior, ready to
defend your homeland", all this through speakers that I had implanted in darkened helmets
that were strapped to the head of test subjects (for sensory deprivation purposes).
The patients could do nothing more than listen to these messages,
which played between 16 and 20 hours a day, for weeks. In one case, Dr. Cameron, the
person in charge of these works, forced a person to listen to a message non-stop for 101
days. With funding from the CIA, Cameron converted the horse stables behind Allan

Memorial into an elaborate sensory deprivation and isolation chamber where he kept
patients locked up for weeks.
Cameron also induced insulin comas in his subjects by giving them
large injections of insulin, twice a day, for up to two months at a time. Several of the boys.
Cameron experimented with were sexually abused, by various men. One of the children
was filmed numerous times performing sex acts with high-ranking federal government
officials, in a scheme put in place by Cameron and other MKULTRA investigators, to
blackmail officials to secure more funding for the experiments. Subjects who successfully
completed "a certain program" (murderer, spy, soldier etc...), were sent to society in a
"asleep" plan, and by means of special techniques they were "awakened" when needed, to
carry out the required mission. (A murder, sexual slavery, a surrender, an armed intrusion,
an infiltration and other missions).
The frequent screams of the patients that echoed through the hospital
did not deter Cameron or most of his associates in their attempts to get rid of their subjects
completely, but were used for further experiments, until they succeeded in their "treatment"
die or go crazy.
In the 21st century, the psychotic techniques developed in
the MKULTRA studios and other programs are used in many US military and CIA prisons
such as Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib . In the wake of the Congressional hearings, the
mainstream media focused primarily on sensational stories related to LSD, "mind control"
and "brainwashing", and rarely used the word "torture." This suggested that the CIA
investigators were, as one author put it, "a bunch of clumsy science fiction buffoons",
rather than a rational group of men, Nazi alumni, who had run laboratories of methods,
treatment, torture.

And the experiments had been organized with the torture, rape and
psychological abuse of adults, women, children and young girls, who were put at the sexual
service of the great political leaders and millions of years many of them, various
personalities were induced so that they did not go crazy, although most did not succeed,
many of them going permanently crazy.

Turn off the information.

After the Invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, in 2004, the prisoners of
war, classified as the most dangerous, were transferred to the Guantanamo military base,
Cuba and other secret bases in various parts of the world, where they were used for all
kinds of experiments and brutal treatments for the purposes of resistance research,
conversion and sending of fifth columns to Muslim countries and even for attacks by
mercenaries disguised as "Warriors of the Faith" and jihadists, armed and trained by the
From 2014 to the present, October 2020. The containment of
Beiging, and the isolation of Moscow, and its other allies, have become the obsession and
objective of the foreign policy of the United States, which faces the vertigo of the

But he will continue to be one of the protagonists of the world to come, even if he has to
abandon the glare of his lonely greatness, the delusional dreams of his historical
exceptionality, the illusions of global hegemony and his Imperial Power, as well as his
schizophrenic and failed, Manifest Destiny. And neither James Bond, “mission impossible”
agents, or hundreds of Archisuperrecountry agencies, will save them.

Current status of NATO recontra-espionage agencies

March 12. .. Well, today I was late, although not by much, accustomed as I was to arrive
early, even minutes before 11 o'clock, but in the end that's life, but as they say that God
protects innocence, Although I was a little alarmed to know that he would tell me PSP,

because nothing happened, because he arrived five minutes after me, and when I told him
about my delay, he just smiled and began to speak...

conspiratorial, puritan-globalist )

Criminal Nazionalists vs NOM Assassins.

The Covid-19 Pandemic, by including the North American territory
and its population in its attacks, would add to the problem of mortality, various problems:
racial, pedophilia, electoral, massacres, labor and economic, in the United States. This
conspiratorial position is strengthened as this country is the most strongly affected with
more than a million infected and hundreds of thousands of deaths. In other words, it was
about unsettling the social environment and creating an atmosphere of unrest around the
Trumph government.
And knowing the “gringou” way of thinking, its huge transnational
companies, its predatory and invading army and its numerous murderous spy agencies, this
theory takes shape as possibility and doubts and suspicions are not stopped
thinking. Although like any conspiracy hypothesis, there is no reliable evidence of this
The only way to verify this horrifying metahistory is that Trumph lost
or won his re-election in a very "suspicious" way and with large nonconformity visas, this
situation would bring the disunity of the United States because, neither side, not even the
Democrat The globalist that supports the NWO, nor the republican group that is nationalist
and promoter of the North American preponderance in the world.
Would be satisfied and whether one or the other would win, the rival
would put many obstacles to the policies of the electoral enemy, and further driving the
decline of the US government and the arrival of another superpower, China ?, and even the
establishment of a new pluripotential Order, without the empowerment of any particular
nation, but the arrival of blocs of nations that would ally, to subdue the other bloc or not to
lose their powers and be dominated politically and economically. Where the United States
would only be a comparsa, not a leader. In either case, the future prospect of geopolitics
looks very different from the situation before the Pandemic, or humanity will approach a
higher development.
And the reduction of poverty and ignorance, will be possible, or
on the contrary it will be directed to suffer continuous crises and an increasingly acute
destruction, especially in some nations with serious internal problems.

Trumh vs Biden: the future of the world

According to PSP. In the nearby US presidential election, many predict

the triumph Democrat and senile choosing a candidate. (77 years old, who will retire
voluntarily or "a Fuerziolis", to rule the "Clitonris"). Because despite confession Catholic,
Biden belongs rather to the current satan-puritanical and almost tied so much division can
divide the country and that division would weaken the role of superpower that still
maintains in the West (the "gringous" not They know how to recognize their current
degeneracy and incompetence and blame everyone, terrorists, careless scientists,
Chinese, Russians, Hackers, children who go crazy and massacre, immigrants,
Mexican food, everything Whatever. For them, everyone is evil and crazy,
except themselves and whom their god -Mamón- asks to protect them).
This situation, of division and weakness, is putting the European
Union in panic, because they would lose their patron godfather, not against an invasion of
Russia, or Islam, and even an extraterrestrial power, but of themselves since the II World
War, the great powers of the old world have not attacked each other, being dominated by
the USA, which has prevented it. And the worst for the United States, which seems that for
fear of the Russian-China alliance, it can no longer invade any country, and now its warlike
nature is going to vent on itself, in a possible sadistic-civil war.

Collapse of NATO.
When the USSR disappeared, there was great surprise, because the
efforts of the Western espionage agencies, commanded by the CIA, who had a systematic
sabotage of Soviet power, it seemed that their tactics and strategies were always useless,
and day after day, month with month and year after year the Bolshevik system was
strengthened more and more, but oh surprise, within a few days the population collapsed

like a house of cards, the dictatorship that had more than 75 years and without the
aforementioned agencies and even Enemy governments, had a relevant role, in that
colossus with feet of clay that collapsed with a crash.
The deadly crisis began with a nuclear catastrophe in Chernobyl
in 1986. When the socialist government lost its credibility and power, because despite total
control of the press and the media, word of mouth spread the rumor that there were
thousands of deaths and a quarter of a million people had to flee definitely their own
land. That incompetence ended the legitimacy of the regime Soviet and soon socialist allies
of the Covenant of Warsaw regained its independence and the Soviet Union collapsed.
With the possible reelection of Trumph, if indeed a possible multi-
advertised fraud, it does not prevent it. Everything indicates that this nation will fall into a
state of division and ideological differences, as happened to the USSR, in which all its
Republics were separated. A similar process is what is happening in the United States, in
which that name already seems to be over. By the way speaking of name, the denomination
of the United States of America, is more artificial than an "inflatable doll" and that is why it
is better to say "Americans", perhaps they did not tell their "Founding Conscript Fathers"
that America is a continent, and covers from Greenland to Tierra del Fuego, not just a part
of North America.
It is a country that does not have its own name, that exterminated its
original inhabitants and that has adopted their nationality in a very general and far-fetched
way, since most of its WASP roots are in the old world. The "Chernobyl" of the USA, is
the current division, (as we mentioned, now reflected in elections), because although it is a
society of 330 million people, the system is organized in "Ghettos", of all kinds, cultural,
economic, racial, countries of origin, levels of studies, Political Parties, religions,
languages, security agencies, housing territories, uses of technologies, etc.
With the elections very close and the existing polarity, there are many
doubts about the national structure of the USA. The questions are: Will there be electoral
fraud? In how many countries will the “We are United States” be divided? Will some States
of the Union continue to be new independent countries or will they return to their millenary
nation of origin: Mexico, (California, New Mexico, Colorado, etc...), Will the northern
states together be another nation or will each be another nation? Where minorities
predominate, will they also be independent, will there be several confederations? ... It is not
really known, but the steps they are being done by leaps and bounds and nothing is
stopping this process.

Electoral Fraud possible sampling (FE), in counties, in
November 2020.

Without FE Little FE NWO FE

FE without reason Medium FE

Doubtful FE FE Puritan FE red A lot FE Total F

In history this failed and ephemeral country will be remembered as

a social experiment in which a combination of work-robbery-murder-racism-comfort and
technology does not give the desired result. And like a mafia gang, when the "spectacular
hits", robberies and crimes end... the loot ends ... the gang falls apart.

A country of mythland and attacks of false flags.
The naive or idealists still believe that in the USA, there is a
wonderful " melting pot", but in reality it only became a simple "jumble", between former
emigrants and new defectors from countries with problems, the only time that is used. The
concept is to send to war, the soldiers of other races, mainly black and now the
copper. Contemporary history, as an academic subject, is prohibited or its teaching is very
restricted in the United States, since it does not favor them at all and its bases are simple
myths, in the style of "The Aeneid" in the ancient Roman Empire, where The figure of
Eneo is replaced by the "fanatical Pilgrim Turkeys", who despite the fact that there were
already other populations in the North American territory, it is said that they were the first
to arrive in North America in 1620, (this is more false than a peregrine exchange turkey).
But the modern thing is no longer war with bombs and hundreds of
thousands of “soldiers”, but localized attacks, generally with drones or missiles, and of
course, biological warfare, and to do so it must be justified. And so several Western
scientists, supporting their misgovernments, are convincing everyone that the
coronavirus is an " offensive biological warfare weapon " that jumped from the BSL-4
laboratory in Wuhan, But, the story does not end there. Because it is in the public domain
that, "All BSL-4 laboratories, (secret and of the highest level), in the United States,
Europe, Russia, China, Israel, develop and test with defenseless populations, all
biological warfare agents that Believe it or not. Why else would there be a legitimate
scientific reason for having BSL-4 labs. With a budget of hundreds of billions of dollars,
in dark investigations, they test biological weapons here, there and here, even in the
United States itself. These anomalous investigations go back and precede, “ September
11th .” Even Big Pharma financed them or bought them and paid for them, and they also
work in criminal collusion with the CDC , which is the “biological agency” of the United
States government. And to keep it in the family, they all work in collusion with Fort
Detrick. "The quintessential state-of-the-art biological warfare laboratory, previously a
notorious CIA lair of mind control "experiments."

Based on decades of research in biological warfare, coming from the Nazi
criminals that the US inherited, the US Deep State , whose members are part of the
criminal elite, and who always remain in the Political-economic-military Power -media
and others, whoever the President is; This group uses and is fully aware of the scope of
biological weapons and does not hesitate to use them to achieve their objectives.

We must remember that in Dresden, Tokyo, Berlin, Hiroshima,

Nagasaki, Korea, Vietnam, Kosovo, and Falluja, the historical record shows that the
manifest government and the dark government, of the United States, (Which to justify
itself, as a good murderer accuses everybody to do that) have no scruples, when it comes
to launching weapons of mass destruction against innocent civilians.

The USA recruited criminal Nazi scientists to take advantage of

them in later wars, ("OPERATION PAPERCLIP")

Weapons of nazi- satandunitedens killer science

1.- Napalm: Vietnam, Laos, Serbia, Iraq. (1, 500,000 thousand dead)
2.- Cluster bombs: Kosovo, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Yemen, (300, thousand dead)
3.- Reduced uranium bombs: Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, (150,000
4.- Phosphorous bombs, (Tokyo, Dresden, Hamburg), (400, thousand dead)
5.- “Agent Orange”, (Vietnam, Laos, North Korea) (200,000 dead)
6.- Million-ton bombers from B12 and B52 “flying fortresses”: Berlin, Dresden, Viet-
nam, North Korea, Iraq, (3 million dead).
7.- Moab 10-ton bomb, the “mother of all bombs”. Afghanistan (3,000 dead)
8.- The “criminal jewel against humanity”... The atomic bomb. Japan, (500 thousand

For their part, as we have mentioned, the NSA, the CIA and
the Agency of the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects (DARPA), are
Searching for "the Mother of all Pandemics", or something close to it, and spend huge
fortunes investigating,
 Bats, pigs, chickens, mice, goats and mules and the occasional old “ox”.
 Anthrax and delantrex
 Spores and fungi
 Poisons without antidote
 Harmful vegetables
 Destruction chemicals plus VAT.
 Marine animals with useful substances, (to kill)
 Minerals (for projectiles, tungsten hard com or diamond)
 Possible alien viruses or bacteria
 Crownavirus (Sar-Covid from 1 to 19)
 gene editing biological weapons
 etc...
And now in 2020, very conveniently, as if it were a form of divine
intervention, DARPA's "strategic allies" have been chosen to develop a genetic
vaccine. The 1996 neoconservative Bible, the Project for a New American
Century ( PNAC ), stated unambiguously, "Advanced forms of biological warfare that
can 'target' specific genotypes can transform biological warfare from the reign of terror
into a political tool. Useful". There is no doubt that the Crownavirus, thus far, has been a
politically useful tool for the American nomenckatura, which is furiously seeking to
wrest power from Trumph, achieving, with minimal investment, the desired goals of
maximized US global power, with its economy semi paralyzed.

USA and its Profundo government

At this moment, the much-sought-after Satanic Nomenclature and its
cronies, still, with their hopeful Reset, the situation is difficult for them. The selective
assassination of Major General Soleimani, the Wuhan coronavirus, the permanent
European crisis and the extreme social division of the US. , they have really prepared a
nightmare scenario for the whole world, it seems that "Winds of War", be they ballistic,
"rayistic", biological, technological, environmental and others, are heard and felt, to
exterminate Humanity, of origin gringo, regardless of whether the Republicans or
Democrats rule, and it will have devastating consequences.

The company also aims to find outlets for military veterans to make
sure they do not become dishonest or start working for Rothschild terrorist fronts like Al
Qaeda, Islamic State, Antifa or Black Lives Matter etc.
This event comes in the midst of a changing of the guard at the highest levels of the
Western power structure when Cesare Forni, head of the P3 Masons, resigned, according to
P3 sources. There is now a new leadership team among the groups that run military orders
such as the Knights of Malta, the Templars, the Teutonic Knights, etc., the sources say.
They made an offer of peace to the Asian secret societies, but had not received a response
when this report was published.

The lack of an East-West agreement at this level is also what is behind

the current political chaos and stagnation in the US.
What is clear is that the Khazarian mafia offered control of the United States to China in
exchange for financial support. The plan is to install Joe Biden as president only to
have him replaced in a few weeks, by hook or by crook, by China's chief slave
representative, Kamala Harris, according to Asian Secret Society sources, White Hats. And
White Dragons.

March 13... D espué s to give you browsed some leaves that had given a previous day,
finding what he was looking me pointed out a few paragraphs and I said that he wished
were not so serious and formal, as one of the Secrets of the writing is to get at the emotional
level of the hypothetical reader and there is nothing like sarcasm and humorous situations
to do it, he told me to bring my iPOD closer and began to read the customary customary


World Order), are the secret associations. "THEY MANUFACTURE OR

"An underground elite has spent centuries trying to implement the NWO, when it
seems that it succeeds, always for something, it fails and even with this it does not give
up its efforts"
This conspiracy theory proposes that a supranational Organization or
several, created, with their allies, this biological war, there is a "suppository" that it is to
weaken nations and international blocks and alliances, and thus force them to divide,
through infections, deaths and the first partial and later total paralysis of the world's
productive activities to obtain or retain control of its inhabitants. Through a CHIP. This
elucubration is one of the most delusional of the conspiracy theories, because it sounds like
an action of sabotage and preparation to start the Third World War and the domination of
the Planet by a delusional social group that wants Total Power and that the other 99.9%, be
their slaves.


What is thought, that one or more gangsters, carried out this "little job". (The thing about
the pandemic), By themselves or associates.







-WEYFs, (World Economic Wey Forum)

-NEi (New Age Imperi)
-Table that applauds the most, YAKUZÁ-YAKUZÁ




-CFR, (Council of Relations with Outsiders)


affiliation by mail or email), but they seem to us already too many.
This multi-theory or unkempt hypothesis may be true or not, but the
most certain thing is that who knows and as the nihilistic philosophical current or the
extreme relativist says, that everything that our senses capture is false, so if a car comes to
All speed to run over us, it does not exist in reality, but is a mere product of our mind,
however, we must step aside in case the hidden doubts; Thus, an extremely precautionary
decision must be made with these groups and the covid-19, because it is better to
exaggerate and stay alive than to become innocently confident and die with tubes and with
his back to the roof of a hospital, or simply disappeared in a "lift" Of shellfish and BEERS,
for some "Secret Dirt".

Some data. Shortly after the WEF, ( World Economic Forum), projected a possible “Great
Reset”, (the Great Reset), Their “holy Men” published a book entitled: “ Covid-19 - The
Great Reset ”, written by Klaus Schwab (Executive President of the WEF) and Thierry
Malleret , (Senior Director of the Global Risk Network of the institution). This publication
covers various aspects of the present world panorama: situation, diagnosis, remedial
process and possible consequences. It also covers various current issues, such as
militarism, economics, geopolitics, environmentalism, Technology, societies, religiosity,
biological warfare, education and others. The authors, in their conclusions and
consequences of the "Great reset", call the NWO, as, "A post-pandemic era", questioning
whether it will be marked by greater cooperation between countries, or a brutal

Will there be nationalism and protectionism or global interdependence?

No firm prospects are made in any way, but the authors discuss what
they call "The Trend." They explain that concerns about ecological changes (mainly
climate change), biological risks and technological development (as a primary element of
the Third Wave of Production and Services), have been cited millions of times in the
media; especially TV, social and entertainment networks, (mainly in the “Haligood”
movies), this, in years prior to the appearance of Covid-19 . And it has brought to people's
consciousness the importance of scientific activities, as the only ones to save humanity in
a catastrophe, which without being very intuitive to say, totally smells of anticipated and
preparatory subliminal manipulation of what is to come. .
The appearance of the Coronavirus would be to try to stop the continuous rebellions or
social uprisings due to so many socio-economic-political-religious homosexual problems,
and of other kinds, that exist in the world since 09/11/2001, a "soft" and controlled way,
even counting on the "abhorrence" or convinced and peaceful obedience of the population
(as has happened with the roots, social isolation, suspension of activities and use of the
"wonderful solution of the half-face cloth ”), Without major protests or civil disobedience.

The growth of a person with a certain social, ecological and technological

conscience, among other things, has infected others and has made the population begin to
question, among other things, the fragility of any government; the production; what really
constitutes money and how big financial corporations handle it, "dangers of the present
age of information". The monopoly of capital in few hands that do not want to lose their
wealth and privileges, and the emergence of new nations and groups, which want to
establish themselves, also with such power. It has been spread that this is a fight, and the
only way to win it is to "start from scratch" (Reset). And this can be done without wars or
confrontations and with great global participation, or with tough battles in which the most
affected will be ordinary citizens. All agree with the NWO, but one to be co-participatory
and multinational and the others want to preserve the “status Quo”, and continue to control
the world. Among the main groups, the so-called "Conservatives", who want to change
everything, so that it remains the same, are:

 The Trilateral Commission , (TC)
 International Monetary Fund (IMF)
 the World Trade Organization (WTO)
 Council on Foreign Relations, (CFR)
 Bank International of Agreements (BIS)
 the European Union (EU)
 World Bank, (WB)
How does this fight affect countries and their population? In every
sense, no company, industry or business will be able to avoid the impact of the changes
that are coming, or adapt to the agenda of the "Reset" (great Start) or they will be
extinguished. A union between the smallest companies and the independent companies to
face the Big Corporations will make them survive, the others will face ruin.
Regarding health, although there is no reliable data, they mention that with or without the
vaccine, many populations will have thousands of infections, and SARS-CoV-2, (another
name for Covid-19), is, "one of the pandemics less deadly in the last 2000 years, but with
great impact of social domination ", if no unforeseen problems arise,
"The consequences of the virus will be mild compared to previous
pandemics." Well, as far as is known, it was not the uncontrollable spread of Covid-19 that
caused governments around the world to paralyze their economic activities, but rather the
data model of the burrotecnocracy and various irresponsible "scientists" in the world, such
as Neil Ferguson , in London, who supported by the “Raleza de UK”; and counting on all
the global media, he launched this imperative prediction: "Hundreds of thousands of
people are at immediate risk of dying, even without the imposition of social
restrictions . "
This tax assertion was repeated millions of times in the world with
the complicity of large corporations and governments around the planet. And so far the
greatest calamities of the Coronavirus have not been those of Covid-19 itself, but the semi-
mobility and inability of people to get their daily bread, with the imposition, even with the
means of police and judicial repression, so that the quarantine, blockade
and social distancing are respected . Schwab and Malleret also pose an interdependent
world, because "the systemic connectivity between risks, problems and challenges
determines the future." Like an old cliché of domino crash and chain reaction, seen in
2008 when the financial empire, Lehman Brothers, shockingly collapsed. The measure of
economic-financial mutations, which the globalists support through the Great Reboot, will
need a collapse of the current world order, (OM), current to lay the foundations of the
NWO, they even already have their own action process or road map , the so-called Agenda
2030 (Sustainable Development), “The Green New Deal” or also known more commonly
as: “The Great Reset”, a change that is considered inevitable, but in the hands of new
people or the elite? always?. We already know what the latter want! It is up to us that they
achieve it. Some WEF participants end by saying.

Was Covid-19 manufactured by orders of an elite that wants World
Power? The answer can be very ambiguous. But the scientific community has reasons to
hide the origin. Biological researchers around the world have been working for decades
on inserting cleavage sites to make coronaviruses more virulent. Therefore everything
indicates that we have the ability to create SARS-CoV-2. Michael Osterholm, a
virologist by trade, says, "We couldn't have created a virus like this to do what it's doing;
I mean, we don't have the creative imagination or the skill set."

A Review of Real History.

 In recent years, the Salomon Brothers, Soros, Gate, Rochilds, Rokefeller, Dupont,
Morgan, etc., (designated as world leaders of the conspiracy), the US government
and allies, funded dangerous profit-of-function investigations on the 'Bat
coronavirus' ”, at the biosafety level 4 (BSL4) laboratory in Wuhan, China

 Gain of function research refers to research in which the pathogenicity or

transmissibility of pathogens is improved to make a pathogen more dangerous to

 To enter a cell, the virus must first bind to an ACE2 or CD147 receptor. The S2
spike protein subunit must then be proteolytically cleaved. Without this protein
cleavage, the virus could not enter

 There are several enzymes that cleave spike proteins, including plasmin, which
also breaks down fibrin. When a blood clot dissolves, a by-product called a D-
dimer is created, and many patients with severe COVID-19 infection have an
elevated D-dimer, which is indicative of blood clots.

 Another protein cutter is furin, and the presence of a furin cleavage site in SARS-
CoV-2 is "the smoking gun" (the proof) that shows that SARS-CoV-2 was
created in the laboratory.

Imagination, Prophecy, or Metric Reaction Test?

As if the secret groups of world domination, wanted to know the reactions of the
population and once that reaction is known, they carry out their "filthy" objectives. There
are two prophetic books that anticipate Covid-19. In 1981 Dean Koontz writes " The Eyes
of Darkness ," in which he narrates a pandemic outbreak of coronavirus in China, he had
first put a virus originating in Russia. But due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, he
rewrote his work and changed the location to China. Since its appearance and little
diffusion, it passed without pain or glory on the shelves of bookstores, but with the
appearance of Covid-19, someone discovered that the story referred to a virus created by
man that was called Wuhan-400 developed in, a chemical-biological weapons laboratory
in Wuhan "ground zero of the current coronavirus outbreak" and described as the "perfect
weapon". "Scientists call it 'Wuhan-400' because it was developed in their RDNA
laboratories on the outskirts of the city of Wuhan, and it was the 400th strain of artificial
organisms created at that research center," describes Koontz, prophetically in the book.

In the book the fictional Wuhan-400 pandemic is a death sentence,

while in reality, only 2 percent of Covid-19 cases are fatal. "It may sound like science
fiction, but with current events, it's not impossible for it to happen like in the past and
people would know it," says Smith. "Think about the anthrax cover-up: many of these
bioweapons manufacturing stories are more incredible than real life."
Also noted is a book (" End of Days - End of the World Predictions and
Prophecies " ) by the late Sylvia Browne , a US writer, who claimed to be psychic and
who predicted a worldwide outbreak of a virus. "Around 2020, a serious pneumonia-like
illness will spread throughout the world, attacking the lungs, bronchial tubes and resisting
all known treatments," wrote Browne in his work, "Almost more disconcerting than the
disease , itself will be the fact that it will suddenly disappear as fast as it came, it will
strike again a dozen years later and then it will disappear forever, but the world will never
be the same . "

So it seems, for example, the sinking of the "Titanic" had already
been announced with a book by Robertson Morgan, many years before, and seeing that
there was no reaction, hundreds of the richest European Catholics and Christians were
convinced to release the "Unsinkable ship", and so they died en masse and then the
financial power fell on the Jews of Wall Street, Christian Europe falls and the "Masonic
and armed guard dog" (USA) arises to take care of their interests, (with the IGM two years

Do they inoculate us with ideas before doing it?

Although it may seem crazy to consider such scenarios, the truth is

that the idea of a great global pandemic has already been duly inoculated in the popular
imagination in recent years and in a suspiciously insistent way. As we have said on
previous pages, one of the most common mental manipulation maneuvers consists of
inoculating ideas, images or concepts so that the mind of citizenship "get used" to them
and see them as a future possibility.

All Pandemic movies and series were massed before Covid-19

It seems that one of the main objectives of this mechanism is to

prevent the impact or shock associated with such concepts, if they become reality, from
collapsing all the beliefs of the population and with it, all the mental structures that keep
the system standing. Apparently, with the inoculation and acceptance of a certain image or
idea, it is incorporated into the psyche as a "foreseeable scenario" and with it the future
response of people is conditioned. It would be something like administering
an emotional vaccine to society for an evil that has not yet made an appearance.

This is the reason why we are seeing so many works of fiction

whose plot revolves around a great pandemic; to the point that we are being subjected to a
real psychological bombardment. (Take a look at NETFLIX, to check).

Films of supposed wholesale fantasy, of Pandemics, plagues, biological attacks. If we

look closely, we will see that in the last two decades films focused on planetary
pandemics that devastate the human species have proliferated. But among them we find a
subgenre that has reached high levels of popularity and that especially draws our

The subgenre of zombies. In vogue in recent times, it has undergone a strange plot twist
that, apparently, has gone unnoticed by most people. In the beginning, zombie movies
revolved around groups of deceased people who came back to life with the aim of
devouring the living. However, in recent years, zombies have ceased to be "undead" to
become directly "infected by a virus that must be exterminated". And they have done it
practically in all movies and series of the genre, almost without exception.
It is still curious that all creators, be they scriptwriters, directors or producers, have
subscribed to the same stream without offering alternatives or new points of view. And it
is that how many films, television series and even video games, produced in the last
quarter of a century, tell us insistently about a great planetary epidemic that devastates
humanity? Would anyone be able to count them? Why has it been reversed? so much

money on such a specific subject and that offers so few variations at the plot level from
one work to another?

A collection of real epidemics

But the most paradoxical thing is that we are living at the moment in our history in which
we have more resources and scientific and medical knowledge, and yet the presence of
epidemics is more evident than ever. Lately, both the official media and the alternative
Internet media have presented us with a veritable panoply of epidemic threats of all
kinds, well publicized, such as:

 the MERS
 influenza A
 ebola
 west nile virus
 outbreaks of bubonic plague in China.
 And now the Covid-19.

The unstoppable and highly worrying proliferation of superbugs (bacteria resistant to the
most powerful antibiotics), increasingly frequent in health centers, especially in hospitals
and which has already been declared by the World 'Health' Organization as a potential
threat to humanity. So we are being bombarded by the "great pandemic" concept in two

 On the one hand, through the insistent presence of the subject in the world of
 On the other hand, by a subtle and incessant dripping in the media, which is
related to our deepest and most ingrained fears as human beings and as a
species. Is there still someone who does not believe possible this outbreak of the
epidemic outbreak that devastates part of the human species?

An epidemic full of "benefits and advantages for the dark elite"

T he appearance of a planetary pandemic, under these certain conditions,
is offering a great series of advantages and benefits to certain elites and secret power

groups and a complete submission to the image of authorities whoever they are. And the
real suspicion that they would not be the cause?

To begin with, the panic associated with the spread of an epidemic has
led the population to abide by, and even demand, greater order and control from the
authorities. Thus, thanks to the appearance of an epidemic outbreak, the mechanisms of
power have been strengthened to limits that in any other circumstance would be
unacceptable for the majority of citizens. This is a mechanism that has already been used
in cases of terrorist threats, making the population submissively give up freedoms in
exchange for security. It is a maneuver that is commonly used by the most diverse
regimes and the greatest exponent of which we currently find in the United States, a
country that after the 9/11 attacks has practically become a Police State where the
population, especially African Americans, Usamex, and Arab immigrants, is subjected to
close and repressively violent surveillance.

The advantages in the case of the epidemic are even greater than in the case of terrorism,
since we are no longer facing an identifiable enemy endowed with an ideological
discourse, a fact that makes it something debatable and that therefore can lead to taking
party by one or the other side. In the case of an epidemic, the enemy is something diffuse
and intangible that affects us all equally. Disease is a powerful image that is rooted in our
most ancient fears and that is capable of breaking even the strongest reason.

Increase in police repression in the USA

Thus, the need to control an epidemic is leading us to a dictatorial

state of a group or several criminally associated groups, which even the most fervent

defenders of individual freedoms would accept with little question, because simply,
social rights would cease to be the central focus of your concerns.

Givano the rebel Cardinal, denounces the conspirators.

Allow me to address you in this hour in which the fate of the entire
world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity. I write to you
as Archbishop, as Successor of the Apostles, as the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United
States of America. I am writing to you amid the silence of both civil and religious
authorities. Accept my words as the "voice of one crying out in the wilderness" (Jn 1:23).

As I said when I wrote you my letter in June, this historical moment

sees the forces of Evil aligned in an all-out battle against the forces of Good; the forces of
Evil that appear powerful and organized while opposing the children of Light, who are
disoriented and disorganized, abandoned by their temporal and spiritual leaders.

Every day we feel the attacks of those who want to destroy the very
foundation of society multiply: the natural family, respect for human life, love for the
country, freedom of education and business. We see the leaders of nations and religious
leaders indulging in this suicide of the Western culture and Christian soul, as the
fundamental rights of citizens and believers are denied in the name of a health emergency
that is being fully revealed more and more as instrumental. To the establishment of a
faceless inhuman tyranny.

A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a

global elite that wants to dominate all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which

to drastically limit individual freedoms and those in entire populations. In several nations
this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early
stage. Behind the world leaders who are accomplices and executors of this infernal project,
there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and the 2021
Event , promoting their agenda.

The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health

dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting
promises to ensure universal income and canceling individual debt. The price of these
concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private
property and adherence to a Covid-19 and Covid-21 vaccination program promoted by Bill
Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous
economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the
vaccination will be accompanied by a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent
contact tracing of the entire world population. Those who do not agree to these measures
will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be

Mr. President, I imagine that you are already aware that in some
countries, the Grand Reset will not be activated between the end of this year and the first
quarter of 2021. For that purpose more closures have been planned, which will be officially
justified. by a supposed second and third wave of pandemic. You are well aware of the
intentions that have been deployed to spread panic and legitimize the draconian limitations
on individual freedoms, ingeniously provoking a global economic crisis.

In the intentions of its architects, this crisis will serve to make the
nations' recourse to the Great Reset irreversible, thus giving the final blow to a world
whose own memory and existence they want to cancel completely. But this world, Mr.
President, includes people, affections, institutions, faith, culture, traditions and ideals:
people and values who do not act like automatons, who do not obey like machines, because
they are endowed with a soul and a heart, who are linked by a spiritual bond that draws its
strength from above, from that God that our adversaries want to challenge, just as Lucifer
did at the beginning of our time with his "non servia "

Many people - as we well know - are annoyed by this reference to the

clash between Good and Evil and the use of "apocalyptic" terms, which according to them
exasperate spirits and sharpen divisions. Not surprisingly, the enemy is angry to be
discovered just when he thinks he has reached the city he plans to conquer without
disturbance. What is surprising, however, is that no one sounds the alarm. The deep state's
reaction to those who denounce their plan is broken and incoherent, but
understandable. Just when the complicity of the Mass Media has succeeded in transitioning
to the New World Order almost painlessly and unnoticed, all manner of hoaxes, scandals
and crimes are coming to light.

Until a few months ago, it was easy to discredit as "conspiracy
theorists" those who denounced these terrible plans, which we now see are being carried
out in the smallest detail. No one, until last February, would have thought that, in all our
cities, citizens would be arrested for simply wanting to walk down the street, to breathe, for
wanting to keep their businesses open, for wanting to go to church on Sunday. Yet now it is
happening all over the world, even in picturesque Italy that many Americans consider to be
an enchanted little country, with its ancient monuments, its churches, its charming cities, its
characteristic villas.

And while politicians are protected within their palaces by issuing

decrees like Persian satraps, businesses are failing, workshops are closing, and they are
preventing people from living, traveling, working and praying. The disastrous
psychological consequences of this operation are already being seen, starting with the
suicides of desperate businessmen and our children segregated from their friends,
classmates, telling them to continue their classes while sitting alone at home in front of a

In Holy Scripture, Saint Paul speaks of "the one who opposes" the
manifestation of the mystery of iniquity, the kathekon (2 Thessalonians 2: 6-7). In the
religious sphere, that obstacle to evil is the Church, and in particular the Papacy; in the
political sphere, they are those that prevent the establishment of the New World Order.

As is clear now, the one who occupies the Chair of Peter has betrayed
his role from the very beginning to be able to defend and promote the globalist ideology,
supporting the agenda of the deep Church, which elected him from their ranks.

Mr. President, you have clearly stated that you want to defend the
nation - A nation under God, fundamental freedoms, and non-negotiable values that are
denied today and are being fought against today. It is you, dear President, who is "the one
who opposes" the deep state, the final assault on the children of darkness.

For that reason it is necessary that all good people be persuaded by the
epochal importance of the imminent elections: not so much by the fate of this or that
political program, but by the general inspiration of their action that best embodies - in this
particular historical context - that world, our world, which they want to cancel by all means
of confinement. His adversary is also our adversary: He is the Enemy of the human race,
He who is "a murderer from the beginning" (Jn 8:44).

Around him gather with faith and courage those who consider him the
final garrison against the world dictatorship. The alternative is to vote for a person who is
manipulated by the deep state, seriously compromised by scandals and corruption, who will
do to the United States what Jorge Mario Bergoglio is doing to the Church, Prime Minister
Conte to Italy, President Macron to France, Prime Minister Sanchez to Spain, and more. Joe
Biden's blackmailed nature - as well as that of the prelates of the Vatican's "magic circle" -
will expose him to be used unscrupulously, allowing illegitimate powers both in domestic

politics as well as international balance sheets. It is obvious that those who manipulate him
already have someone worse than him ready, with whom they will replace him as soon as
the opportunity presents itself.

And yet, in the midst of that bleak image, of that seemingly unstoppable
advance of the "Invisible Enemy," an element of hope emerges. The adversary does not
know how to love, and does not understand that it is not enough to secure a universal
income or cancel mortgage debt in order to subjugate the masses and convince them to be
branded as cattle. These people, who have long endured the abuses of a tyrannical and
hateful power, are rediscovering that they have a soul; she is understanding that she is not
willing to change her freedom for the homogenization and cancellation of her identity; he is
beginning to understand the value of family and social ties, of the ties of faith and culture
that unite honest people. That Great Reset is destined to fail because those who planned it
do not understand that there are still people ready to take to the streets and defend their
rights, to protect their loved ones, to give a future to their children and grandchildren.

The inhuman leveling of the globalist project will be miserably shattered

in the face of the firm and courageous opposition of the children of Light. The enemy has
Satan on his side, He who only knows how to hate. But on our side, we have the Almighty
Lord, the God of armies prepared for battle, and the Most Holy Virgin, who will crush the
head of the ancient Serpent. "If God is with us, who can be against us?" (Rom 8:31).

Mr. President, you are well aware that, at this crucial hour, the
United States of America is considered the defensive wall against which the war declared
by the defenders of globalism has been unleashed. Put your trust in the Lord, reinforced by
the words of the Apostle Paul: "I can do all things in Him who strengthens me" (Phil
4:13). Being an instrument of Divine Providence is a great responsibility, for which you
will receive all the graces of status you need, as they are being fervently implored for you
by many people who support you with their prayers.

With that heavenly hope and the assurance of my prayers for you, the First Lady, and your
collaborators, with all my heart I send you my blessing.

God bless the United States of America! "

+ Carlo Maria Vigano

Title Archbishop of Ulpiana
Former Apostolic Nuncio for the United States of America.

March 14... After breakfast, it would be about 9.30 am, I went quickly to Don Pepito's
house, upon arrival I knocked several times and nobody opened it, but then I saw in the
distance the chubby figure of Doña “Susy”, That was the name of his assistant, he arrived
quickly, opened the door apologizing repeatedly, saying that there was a long line at the
tortilleria, but that he had hurried when he arrived. I told him that it was the exact time, 11
in the morning, not to worry, I went to the study and waited for PSP, which did not take
long to appear, starting what was already beginning to be the routine day, although with
what was going saying, I was falling from surprise to surprise.

THE G7 HEADING USA , to stop the development UNSTOPPABLE
continues as before, 2030, the E7 will produce 50% of
world GDP, The current G7, (including the USA), will not
even reach 30%) .

"Horse that reaches wins"

What the heck... are the G7 and E7? The US, after WWII, took the role
of the UK or England, as the dominant power in the world, defeated in 1945, Nazi
Germany and Imperial Japan. UK no longer had the moral, demographic, economic,
technological and military strength to remain the boss of the planet, its colonies began to
rouse him and had no choice but to accept their s independence s and it only were some
small islands. The United States built military bases in most of the defeated countries and
many others and putting its "little machine" to make dollars, (out of nowhere, without
financial backing, more than its word or the "stick", just spending on ink and paper) lent

them, for good or bad, thousands of thousand million dollars to all the countries of the
globe (of the winning, losing or “neutral side), easily payable with resources (oil, gold,
silver, other minerals, crops, livestock etc ...), Precious and productive business: Paper
in exchange for wealth and products!
F hey were so many resources that the surplus channeled to Europe,
first to their allies, after the defeated and finally neutral to submit to their desires. "The
stick" was shown with his army, but more with the "Atomic Bomb", (AB) , which in those
years, only the USA had and had already shown in Japan, that it would use it against
whoever confronted it.
This exclusive situation of the AB only lasted 4 years, because in 1949, the
USSR, which had also taken its share of German scientists, detonated its own BA. The
USA fell into paroxysm and in fear of communism, it structured NATO, (the USA-Western
European military alliance), the USSR also armed the “Warsaw military pact” with its
satellite countries”.
Their high development achieved in a few years, turned them into the so-
called "First World" countries, those dominated by the USSR, they were called the "Second
World, or Communist World" and the rest of the countries were called the "herd of sheep or
hunting grounds ", or also" third world ", (which is the" same ").
We can say that from 1960 (Vietnam War), to 2011 (Invasion of
Syria). The US and its complicit serf states that it calls “Allies”, mainly those mentioned
above, imposed their warlike policies of submission on the other countries of the world.
And this situation was accentuated with the fall of the USSR in 1989,
as the USA became the only superpower in the world without having any counterweight,
from 1990 to 2011, the USA established its sole reign.
As he could not find a “pretext” to invade a country,
several researchers and the media believe that he launched a “false flag” attack on
9/11/2001, that is, an attack as well (collapse of the twin towers), and that it was enough to
invade Afghanistan and Iraq, together with NATO and other countries allied to the USA,
they also intervened, in various coups and in the dissolution of Yugoslavia; in Yemen and
in the IS war in 2011 against Syria. In this last war, Russia intervened and marked the end
of war interference with the G7.

Since 2018, China surpassed the United States as the nation with the
highest GDP in the world, since it had held since 1870. Then India, Brazil, China, Russia
and South Africa, formed a block called "BRICS", which in 2020 it is being dismissed by
the countries of the globe, the most powerful, economically speaking, that do not belong to
the G7. And now other countries along with some BRICS, have made up the E7 , and that
are Russia, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Turkey and ... China, which is the leading
country of this new alliance. At this time, (2020), the positions are, more or less even, in all
areas, mainly the economic and military, however the push of the E7, so far is unstoppable,
since except for the US, all the other countries that belong to its block have neither the
territory, nor the resources, nor the population that the E7 group has.
In 2020, USA. It no longer scares anyone, in any field, because despite
the fact that NATO has among its ranks three countries with Atomic war power, (England,
France and Israel). The power, also overwhelming Atomic of Russia, surpasses all together,
including the USA. And with the E7 allies, there are other countries that do not empathize
with those of the G7, such as Iran, North Korea, (also with BA), the Arab countries for the
most part, the majority of Asian, African and Latin American countries. And if you
sympathize with China, which apart from having great military and nuclear power, has
become the world's lender Banker, and not with "fictitious money", like the USA, but with
capital , but with material resources and with large bases. Financial, infrastructure and real
technology. In addition, China does not plan or direct coups, like the USA, (the most recent
in Bolivia in 2109), it does not bomb countries or carry out actions against other countries,
but on the contrary it has so many capital reserves that it is lending to everyone. World and
doing business with them. These actions, which together with the other E7 countries (India
also has nuclear power), and which also have their own, in the economic, military, cultural
and other fields, make the hegemony, until now held by the Not only is G7 tottering, but it
is collapsing crashingly by giant strides and it is believed that by 2030, E7 will be the
dominant group of countries on the planet.

Comparison of the E7 and G7 Economic Ranking, according to GDP:

- 2020 - -2030-
1.- China * 1.- China *
2.- USA 2.-USA
3.- India * 3.-India *
4.- Japan 4.- Japan
5.- Germany 5.- Indonesia *
6.- Russia * 6.- Mexico *
7.-Indonesia * 7.- Russia *
8.-Brazil * 8.- Brazil *
9.-England 9.- Germany
10.- France 10.-England
11.-Mexico * 11.-France
12.- Italy 12.-Turkey *
13.- Canada 13.-Italy
14.- Turkey * 14.- Canada

* We observe that in 2030, of the 10 most powerful countries in the world, 6 will be
from E7.
(If we continue the 2030 list, up to the 20 richest countries, 14 will be allies of E7)

"The demons drive those who want to lose or exterminate mad."

However, these geopolitical issues are not as simple and flat as we
present them, the reality is that in the relations between nations, there is a very complex
network where interests, objectives, pride, races, nationalities, economy, national security,
religions intersect. , wealth, Political Power, military forces, and dozens of other factors
that make the world a total chaos, where today's alliances are tomorrow's enmities and
agreements become simple paper "one day wet with thick ink", but now void when
The United States, although it is no longer the richest country in the world, still has enough
political, military and financial power to try not to lose world hegemony, but its decline is
irreparable and we can only observe and perhaps even participate, in the "Tail-blows" that,
like a wounded shark, still throw, to try to survive.
China with ambition and development in all aspects, which is already unstoppable and does
not do so with violence, (like the USA, achieved its Empire), but with cunning, uses all
kinds of political, economic and even threats of warfare, to to impose on the Americans and
their protected countries and supposed allies.
USA, does not realize that the IIGM, and its power derived from it,
already ended years ago, instead of joining and working autarkically and kindly seeking
support, in countries that previously helped, because it still has the necessary resources to
do so, launches all over the world left and right, threats, economic blockades, coercion and
other hostile actions against those who think they do not submit to their policies.
Most nations still see the US, with fear and in front of US leaders,
pretend to obey it, but in conclaves, where the country of the WASPs is not invited, they
sign agreements that only them and the block they are aligning themselves with. Behind the
USA, the vast majority of nations express joy and hope that the "thumper and thumper of
the world neighborhood" will finally fall and each nation can now develop freely without
the coming "The Global Loafer", with Bombs and soldiers to kill its leaders and massacre
its inhabitants, and even to bombard, invade and destroy it.
The United States more than earned that global hatred, the so-called
"third world" or emerging country, which in general are militarily weak, has not suffered
some massacre or robbery of the former and self-styled "owner of the world." Of thousands
of abusive and murderous military interventions. We will only mention three nations that
suffered unspeakably the criminal use of their murderous military power:

1.- Mexico, (“So far from God and so close to the United States”), who murdered
thousands of people and stripped it of more than half of its original territory, (more than
two million square kilometers Among those territories are California, gold, and Texas, Oil,
origin of wealth, "gringa"), that territory was enough to create almost 10 European nations).

2.- Vietnam , a small country by whom the USA was defeated, but before “leaving with
its tail between its legs”, that same USA, (to whom its lackeys almost every year are

awarded the “Nobel Peace Prize”) , with thousands of bombers, napalm, “agent orange,“
cluster bombs ”etc., it killed more than a million inhabitants and left 30 % of its territory
unusable for 30 years.

3.- Iraq , whom the USA accused of protecting the terrorist authors of the destruction of
the “Twin Towers”, and destroyed the country, causing two million deaths, seizing Iraqi
They asked Chávez, former president of Venezuela, when he was
still living: Won't the “gringous” feel remorse for having countless wealth that comes from
the spoils of millions of dead? I think not, they are satanic, cynical and insensitive. The
only thing that makes me happy is that I am human. He answered promptly ("No wonder"
they killed him with electromagnetic waves that cause cancer).

A worldwide association to place a country allied with China to influence a certain
region of a continent:
1.- Russia, sixth country in the world by its GDP , (also part of E7), ... The greatest
military power in the world, comparable to or greater than that of the USA. Influential with
Europe, where it is the main supplier of oil and gas, resources for the EU to survive,

(European Union), due to its cold climate. It has a decisive influence on the countries of
Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, the Turkic countries of southern Russia. It militarily protects
Syria, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and some African countries.
2.- India.- Third nation by production in the world. It has nuclear power, it influences
some countries (Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, etc.)
3.- Brazil.- The most powerful nation in South America, 9th. In the world , an immense
territory of more than 8 million km, it is the 9th economy in the world and the one that
produces the most food. Influences Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Uruguay,
4.- South Africa.- The most developed country in Africa, the world's leading producer of
diamonds and other minerals, influences countries throughout southern Africa, (Namibia,
Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Zwziland, etc...)

COUNTRIES OF THE E7.- (some have already been mentioned). They also have
influence in a certain continental region:
Mexico.- (It is the 11th economic power in the world), Undeniable influence in Central
America and most of the Caribbean countries, (Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica,
Panama, Dominican Republic, etc...), It even influences two South American countries that
do not agree with Brazil: Colombia and Chile.
Indonesia.- (7th. Economic power). It influences the countries of the Indian Ocean and
Southeast Asia, (Malaysia, Singapore, West Timur, Thailand, etc...)
Turkey.- (already produces nearly one million thousand l ones dollars). It is influential in
Turkic countries, the Caucasus and southern Russia, the common language and the Islamic
religion is its point of union.

RCEP COUNTRIES. (Regional Integral Economic Association).

Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Burma,
Cambodia, Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, (sign missing), and New Zealand.
This group is a real devastating blow to the USA, which without
being a military alliance, being led by China, the safest thing is that all these nations will
enter its area of influence, including allies of the UK, (Singapore, Australia, New Zealand)
and an old protégé of the USA: South Korea.
The importance of this bloc, apart from the fact that it is free trade,
China will triangulate the ban on the use of US technology in its industry, as Japan and
Korea will provide it. It has also displaced the recent free trade agreement of the T-MEC,
(Mexico, United States, Canada), which until now was the most powerful and richest in the

world (23 million Kms2, 500 million consumers, 28 billion dollars of GDP, 20% of world
trade). The RCEP will have 40 trillion of GDP, 33% of world trade, 3,200 million
consumers (with India incorporated), 25 million Kms2.

OTHER ALLIED COUNTRIES: India, Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, (all with nuclear
power), African countries, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, etc...




1. Financial decoupling: A New World Bank, the AIIB The Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank, with reserve bases, in Production and Gold. (USA and EU, only based on
paper money and oil inflated in supposed reserves, which no longer works). The
infrastructure of the USA is obsolete, (trains, ships, industrial equipment), even in military
fields where it mainly directed its financial power. The dollar is no longer the mandatory
currency, it will become optional, and if possible not use it. The EURO and other world
currencies are respected. In purchases and payments.
2.- Productive decoupling: Autarchy in resources and production. No US companies in
China, no China in the US. (Exception of private agreements with transnationals that want
to continue with China, under their conditions).
3.- Economic decoupling, definitive suspension of import and export of products. Mainly
equipment and pharmacology
4.- Technological decoupling, own development with the support of Japan, India, South
Korea and Russia. In everything related to G5, (even G6), rare earths, semiconductors,
Chips, quantum technology, etc.
5.- Decoupling of cultural exchange (for example, repatriation of Chinese students and
prohibition of American students).
6.- Decoupling of the WEB, it will be balkanized regionally, (Splintenet). (Prohibition of
American social networks).
7.- Decoupling the use of silicon and using Graphene, in Hardware of the digital world.

So we see clearly, now if, the reason for the Coronavirus Pandemic?,
USA and its G7 Group, believe that the only way to stop China (and its allies such as
(because attacking with conventional weapons and even BA, they would be
ALONE." They are sure that all the countries, today rebels, will re-align themselves
with the USA, if CHINA is defeated, that is the hope of the G7, to continue dominating
them. It is the only opportunity for the G7, everything seems to indicate that the 21st
century is the E7 with China at the head.

March 15... Something strange happened today, PSP met me in B alboa Park and began
to talk to me about nostalgic things from when I was young, he had a sentimental moment
and I even think I managed to see a fortuitous tear. However, he soon returned to his
hardness of character and words, he handed me several sheets and told me to leave, that he
was going to stay a while longer. Already in my study, as always I began to read...

CORPORATIONS" , (To help the "Kabal" to dominate and they make
money with everything related to the Coronavirus: Vaccines,
Tests, Mouth Covers , medicines)

Antibiotics and legal drugs: the super business.

Have you ever s thought about what it really means the word
"antibiotic"? It means' against life (anti: against; biotic: life), for example if you eat meat
you get a dose of chemical antibiotics every time you enjoy that fine piece of beef or
chicken wing. Make no mistake, antibiotics are toxic.

When patients develop the flu, many GPs immediately prescribe chemical
antibiotics. These kill ALL bacteria in the gut, including "friendly" ones. Proper

digestion and absorption of micronutrients are impossible in the days after. But there are
other safer approaches. There are many natural, plant-based antibiotics that do not harm
the beneficial bacteria that live in the gut.

Some natural plants with antibiotic properties:

 Balsamodendron muskul
 Maharasnadi quath
 Tinospora cordifolia
 Rubia cordifolia
 Bhasma Scion
 Emblica officinalis
 Sutherlandia frutescens
 Moringa pterygosperma
 Glycyrrhiza glabra
 Asparagus racemosis
 Cimmamonum zeylanicum

These natural antibiotics are very powerful. But since they cannot be
patented, they are of no interest to pharmaceutical companies because
the profit margin is too low. A healthy body does not serve the pharmaceutical
industry; only diseased bodies generate benefits.

For example, fluoride is toxic and the only thing that sanitizes is the
pocket, that's why they add flavoring and it shouldn't be in the toothpaste. (L impious n 10
times, baking soda, and even activated carbon, but they are cheap, no use n to make
money). Raymond Francis, a scientist trained at MIT, has described fluoride as one of the
most toxic chemicals in our environment and a vast experiment. Only a handful of
toothpastes are decent; the best ones contain natural substances like the aforementioned
baking soda, tea tree oil, and sea salt.

Fluorine a waste product of the chemical and industrial fertilizer industry, is also one of
the main ingredients of antidepressant drugs such as:

 Diazepam
 Flunitrazepam
 Rohypnol
 Stelazine
 Trifluoperazine
 Prozac
 Zoloft

Who controls the health system in most countries?

Pharmaceutical corporations, who care less about people's health,

are owned by a network of families operating globally. (Rochilds in banks, Rokefeller,
oil, Soros, food, Gate, IT, etc...), In addition to the pharmaceutical industry, the same
families also control banks, chemical companies, biotechnology companies, news
agencies and other sectors key to society. "Let's control the money of a country and we
don't care who makes its laws." The maxim of the Rothschild household and their arch-
millionaire accomplices, and the fundamental principle of European banks, as described
in a report on official US government hearings in 1914.

In the banking field, it is believed that the most influential people in

the world belong to the Rothschild family, who control 95% of the Central Banks of the
entire planet and exterminate peoples and rulers, with wars, diseases or poverty, if they
want. Get out of that control. Tellingly, the original version of the hit song from the
musical "Fiddler on the Roof" is said to be "IF I WERE A ROTHSILD. " (R)

If the “R” rule the banks in the pharmaceutical industry, arguably

the most important influence is the John D. Rockefeller family . He took over
the pharmaceutical industry to promote the already massive wealth and power that he
had accumulated through his control of the oil industry.

The key principles behind the drug business plan of Rockefeller and
other minor partners, which form the infamous business principles, of today's inhuman ,
sadistic and cruel pharmaceutical industry , are as follows:

1. Products must be patentable. (The pretext is that in this way, quality is

regulated, but rather it is absolute control, without fuss, of manufacturing,
distribution and prices).

2. The products do not address the root causes of the disease, but only mildly
treat the symptoms, so that patients consume more, if the business is not finished.

3. The products have addictive potential "per se" or with the addition of
drugs, supposedly to relieve pain and depression (but they are for patients to
become addicted and never stop consuming their products).

4. Stop all investigation and definitive healing solution, of any disease,

especially those that are incurable and deadly (for this the patent is bought, to
disappear it, or the discoverer of a total cure is killed, as has already
happened, for example cancer or HIV, etc.).

5. .-Inoculation of substances foreign to the human body on most occasions,

since childhood, they inject all or some of these compounds that vaccines
necessarily carry: aluminum, viral and microbial antigens, oils, beta-
propiolactone, squalene, formaldehyde, sodium glutamate, phenoxyethanol,
Plisorbate 80, Tri-butyl phosphate, etc... EITHER OF THEM IS DEADLY

6. Media and advertising promotion of "junk" foods, to weaken the immune

and self-healing capacities of human bodies. So that they become weak, ill and
thus be able to sell them treatments and medicines.

7. Manufacture and indiscriminate dissemination of diseases or epidemics, in

which even before the antidote, vaccine or cure is already available (of course
“they” were not going to be exposed). It is also to increase profits. (Will that
happen with Covid-19?)

8. Total control of the world's health systems, to avoid competitors and structure
human demographics in their own way, especially in poor countries.

9. .- Legal prohibition or through imprisonment or assassinations, of the holistic

ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES. To western medicine called allopathic,

10. .- I don't know, but it is certain that there are more anti-health and
monopolizing principles.

Vaccine War!

It is a lie that the laboratories of the Medical powers (Russia,

Japan, China, Cuba, etc.) and the large pharmaceutical corporations of western countries
(Aztra Zenecan, Bayer Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd , Pfizer, AbbVie, Johnson & Johnson,
Sanofi, Merck & Co., Novartis, Gilead Sciences and others), are associated and working
shoulder to shoulder, exchanging information and discoveries, to search for a vaccine that
helps the world to eradicate Covid-19. Of course they are doing their best effort !, to
discover the universal BBB vaccine, (Good, Beautiful and Cheap), against SARS-CoV-2,
but to be the first and effective in curing the disease, to ... sell more vaccines (price :
between 15 and 5 0 dollars per dose), the safest thing is that to avoid trade wars, the 7, 000,
million of vaccine will be distributed by zones of influence that will give the approximate
profit of 6 00 billion dollars, (at an average of $ 2.50 per vaccine), apart from treatment
costs, for cough, medical supplies, etc.
However, people are innocent of what a vaccine is and the vast
majority will go like a sheep to line up to be inoculated with the "saving substance." Let's
see what these relative conspicuous and beneficial vaccines are made of.

To begin, let's see what everyone thinks, which is a

vaccine: “substance composed of live, dead or diminished bugs of their sickening
capacity, which are inoculated into the body of a human being so that it produces a
reaction of mild disease and thus, strengthen your body with an immunity with
antibodies, at the moment and in time, if that disease dares to attack you again ”, is
that what you think, or am I wrong?

Let's show the sad reality.

A vaccine is not only the "bug", (antigen), of the disease, in its process,
it contains all these substances, to a greater or lesser extent, that will be injected into you
or one of your children , including the Covid-19:

1.- The antigen or active component, (bacteria or virus, alive, dead or diminished,
chemicals or pollen), which is responsible for the immune response, which is the supposed
protector against the disease. (Or cause of others).
2.- Suspension liquid where the active component is dissolved or emulsified, so that it can
be administered in the correct dose and solution.
3.- preservative substance to preserve and avoid contamination of the vaccine in its
transport and storage processes
4.- Adjuvant substance (booster), which increases the intensity to obtain a more powerful
response of the vaccinated to the active component of the vaccine.

Let's analyze each substance:

We can say that an attenuated virus will be used to manufacture the vaccine, and it
seems that there will not be many risks, apart from the antigen being more potent than the
disease, leaving "the remedy more expensive than the disease" and the most It is certain
that it will be used in 99% of the process, recombined viruses, made with reverse biological
engineering and this will bring the suspicious reality that if you are manipulating, in the
case of the Covid-19 virus, to find the vaccine, it will very easily be He could do them the
same but in reverse (the aforementioned "Reverse Engineering" to artificially produce the
aforementioned Covid-19 virus).
What dangers are there for the vaccinated when being inoculated by a vaccine that
contains many substances, some of which cause physical-mental degeneration, allergies
and diseases or are frankly fatal?

Animal tissues and substances are used for most vaccines


SUBSTANCES, In one of the 4 elements of the manufacturing process. (And the
application of a single common smallpox was far behind).

The substances that we present are part of the vaccine either in the antigen
or active component, in the suspension liquid, in the preservative substance or in the
adjuvant substance (Booster).

1.- Aluminum hydroxide and phosphate. L to exposure or ingestion of aluminum causes

Alzheimer's. Diseases of the bones or brain that doctors attribute to excess aluminum.
2.- Ammonium sulfate, affects the lungs, risk of bronchopneumonia, is fatal for
asthmatics, the elderly and children.
3.- Amphotericin B is associated with immediate adverse effects, such as fever, chills,
nausea, vomiting, headache, anaphylactic shock, arrhythmias and liver failure, but also
adverse reactions that occur after repeated administrations of the substance.
4.- Animal tissues: Inflammation in the pancreas, allergies.

5.- Blood of pigs, chickens, horses or other animals, depending on the viral disease, to
be treated is the animal that is used. Produces Toxicity, allergy.

6.- Rabbit brain, produces nervous diseases

7.- dog and / or monkey kidney, gives rise to large infections.
8. Embryo and egg chicken or duck, produces allergys, and SARs

9.- Bovine Serum, happily gives us allergy, indiscriminate autoimmunization
10.- betapropiolactone, offers irritation, cancer.
11.- Bovine fetal serum. Allergies and infections.
12.- Formeldehyde, they give us Cancer, memory loss, Alzheimer's, dementia.
13.- Formelin. Pancreatic and kidney damage, cancer, eye irritation.
9.- Bovine Serum, allergy, indiscriminate autoimmunization
10.- betapropiolactone, produces irritation, carcinogenic
11.- Formeldehyde, Cancer, memory loss, Alzheimer's, dementia.
12.- Formelin. Pancreatic and kidney damage, cancer, eye irritation.
13.- Gelatin, and gelatin hydrolysates, Glutamate Allergy, infection,
14 .- Glycerol. Irritation, stinging.

15.- Bovine fetal serum. It can produce allergies or viruses that the animal has.

16.- Human Diploid Cells, (they come from aborted human fetuses) , apart from being
inhuman their use, generates the diseases or tendencies to suffer them that the parents

17.- Monosodium Glutamate, Headaches, migraines, muscle spasms, nausea, allergies,
anaphylaxis, epileptic seizures, depression and heart irregularities. It damages the nervous
system and over-stimulates neurons, leading them to a state of
exhaustion. Some people will eventually die as a result of this artificial stimulation. Also,
consuming foods with MSG causes blood glutamate levels to be higher than they should
be. If these levels are maintained this way, glutamate leaks into the brain causing and
contributing to physical discomfort. Consumption of this food additive. It is associated
with side effects such as dizziness, nausea, sweating, weakness, tachycardia and chest
pain, among others. And while it is still used massively in thousands of processed foods to
give them better taste and appearance, the number of reports around its harmful effects
continues to grow.

18.- Neomycin and Neomycin sulfate. It has adverse effects at the gastrointestinal level:
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, colitis and malabsorption. Ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity. In
long treatments, superinfections by non-sensitive bacteria or fungi (candida) may appear.
19.- Phenoxyethanol. Irritant, allergenic, immunotoxic, neurotoxic, skin cancer, very
powerful anticoagulant.
20.- Potassium diphosphate and monophosphate. Hypocalcemic tetanus with seizures,
cramps, numbness, tingling, tremors, and shortness of breath.
21.- Polymyxin. Cardiovascular malformations; in fetuses, neural tube
defect , microcephaly, limb reduction defect and talipes equinovarus .
22.- Polysarbuto 20 and 80. Digestive problems, urinary infections, blood clots and
kidney stones, liver cirrhosis, long-term carcinogenic.
23.- Casein hydrolyzate. It directly affects the pancreas.
24.- MRc 5 proteins, They also come from aborted human fetuses.
25.- Sorbital. It increases the adverse effects with fructose malabsorption, that is, they
absorb fructose very poorly or not at all in the intestine. When it helps, sorbitol is very
poorly absorbed in the body and increases the effects of abdominal pain, diarrhea and
great flatulence.

26.- Sucrose. Among the harmful effects of this sugar on health have been reported:
overweight, obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, hyperuricemia, non-
alcoholic fatty liver and kidney damage.

27.- Thimerosal, (mercury). It causes neurological and behavioral disorders, such as
tremors, emotional instability, insomnia, memory loss, neuromuscular changes, and
headaches. It also damages the kidneys and the thyroid.
28.- TRI (n) Butylphosphate. High toxicity, skin irritation, cancer.

29.- Vero cells, (From the kidney of the monkey and red blood cells of the
ram) , local defects such as pain, erythema, indurated papule, local itching and
lymphadenopathy in the local ganglionic chain, or general ones such as fever, asthenia,
adynamia and rash.



You may wonder why these substances are used to make vaccines, in that vein we have
already seen the 4 ways to use them. But to answer this question more broadly, these data
must be analyzed.

1.- Vaccineologists justify that when working with deadly bacteria and viruses, it is
necessary to use these substances to “domesticate”, kill or diminish their affections, those
killer “bugs”. But if you keep those microorganisms at bay, what won't they do to us?
2.- Scientists also comment that the substances are used in various stages and at the end
everything is purified the vaccine before being inoculated to the human being, but we also

ask ourselves, What about the liquid where the virus is suspended, if not deadly? or
bacteria is not transmitted to human in full power?
3.- They also indicate that these substances are used in microscopic quantities, so they
cannot harm the human being. We ask ourselves, if the vaccine is used in the microscopic
subuniverse, is this not where our genes, our cells, live? our blood cells, platelets and other
very small beings, how is it possible that these substances do not affect them? And
consequently they affect us too.
4.- If our defenses normally react to a foreign invader, in a wound or a very well located
diseased site, when the vaccine is injected and invades the whole body, a general and
powerful response is generated, does not the Danger of autoimmunization, (attack also)
and therefore weaken our body to the degree of succumbing to any other disease, even

Let's also analyze the role of substances and their special part in a vaccine:

1.- It is very difficult to structure the antigen of a virus, so that it acts, making the
individual sick, without affecting it mortally. What is better a strong live virus, a reduced
virus that may not produce the desired effect, or a dead virus that may be inert? They are
the dangers that are run and the effectiveness of the vaccine depends on their responses
and process of handling the virus.

2. The culture broths where the antigen is modified or recombined, is a true field of
infection and the place where diseases are mutated for good or bad, and if the vaccine is
successful, it is supposedly purified, sterilized or the suspension liquid is prepared, which
is the one that will be inoculated to the individuals, nothing assures us of such purity that
the antigens that live at ease in a liquid that will pass into our blood and that liquid that
will it will automatically dissolve in our body, be it beneficial or at least neutral for us.
While the virus also automatically adapts and attacks us "slightly" so that our T or B cells,
perhaps both, exterminate them, It is a beautiful tale worthy of Gulliver and his fantastic
journeys, where the invaders do not leave when they leave “ready” to resist another
invasion, even years later. Of the substances mentioned before and others that we do not
list, there are some that are part, from which the culture broths are emulsified and in
general terms 90% are harmful to humans. But, to get money, the Pharmaceuticals, think

3.- Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and the biologist Prof. Joe Cummins as a team have written that,
"The vaccines themselves are dangerous, especially live attenuated viral vaccines or new
recombinant nucleic acid vaccines, have the potential to generate virulent viruses by
recombination and recombinant nucleic acids and cause autoimmune diseases, years after
being inoculated”
Another important source of toxicity, (in the case of influenza vaccines), are adjuvants,
substances added to enhance the immunogenicity of vaccines. With the same theme, a
new study published in the journal Immunity completely deconstructs the entire theory of
vaccination. It turns out that the body's natural immune systems, made up of both innate
and adaptive components, work together to prevent disease without antibody-producing

The theory behind vaccines is that they mimic infection by
stimulating B cells , one of the two main types of white blood cells in the immune system,
to produce antibodies as part of the adaptive immune system. These vaccine-induced
antibodies, which are part of the more specific adaptive immune system, are widely
believed to teach the immune system how to respond directly to an infection before the
body is exposed to it.
But the new research highlights the fact that innate immunity plays an important role in
fighting infections and is perhaps more important than adaptive immunity in preventing or
fighting infections. You just have to treat, with biotechnological advances, the symptoms
that appear, (as is currently done with AIDS)
In testing, adaptive immune system antibodies were shown to be
unable to fight infection on their own, essentially debunking the theory that vaccine-
induced antibodies serve a legitimate role in preventing or fighting infection.
"Our findings contradict the current view that antibodies are absolutely necessary to
survive infections with viruses such as VSV (vesicular stomatitis virus) and establish an
unexpected role for B cells as macrophage custodians in antiviral immunity." said Dr.
Uldrich H. von Andrian of Harvard Medical School.
"It will be important to look further at the role of antibodies and
interferons in immunity against similar viruses that attack the nervous system, such as
rabies, West Nile virus and encephalitis." As explained by Dr. Russell Blaylock in
a recent interview. The vaccines as not only do not work as advertised, but actually
damaged and ornot disappear innate immunity of the body and weaken to the extent that
if no succumbs by the disease that attacks the vaccine, the body gets sick and succumbs
other disease, even mild, for not having that organism and powerful defenses, as the
vaccine destroyed them.


Rather than teaching the body how to respond to infections, vaccines

suppress the immune system's ability to produce TH2-type cytokines and suppress
cellular immunity, which is the body's way of protecting itself against deadly viruses and
bacteria. Once again, the myth that vaccines serve any kind of legitimate medical
purpose has been deconstructed by groundbreaking science.

The victims of permanent injuries, who number tens of thousands of

children, with autism spectrum disorder, are left in legal and medical helplessness. The
parents realized, very late, that before the vaccines that the FDA and the CDC, inoculated,
in a short time he is lost, secluded in the dark corners of autism. But the pediatrician and
the psychologist will justify themselves by saying, even with technical verbiage, that the
child must have had a genetic defect. The CDC, FDA, and NIH, in an orchestrated voice,
say it was not the vaccine. Everyone within the pharmaceutical industrial complex denies
the truth.

The truth is slowly appearing.If it were not for Covid19, we may not
know how the game is manipulated and why our politicians and health officials are against
real and responsible reform at all levels. To sanitize the sanctity of the medical profession,
the corporate shield must be exterminated like a veritable virus, and politicians, health
officials and pharmaceutical executives must be held accountable. Prison should be the
punishment, for involuntary manslaughter when promoting deadly substances and thus we
will see that beneficial drugs will be marketed. Because for now, we find ourselves in
the perfect pharmaceutical storm with no life raft, and them filling their pockets with
money from illness and death.

Actual Acting Factors Causing Disease

 Toxic industrial environments.
 Toxic foods.
 Too acidic diets.
 Contaminated air and water.
 Prolonged states of mental stress and emotional distress.
 Work overloaded
 Lack of sleep
 Electrosmog.
 Harmful technology

 Heavy metal poisoning.
 Vaccinations
 Cleaning chemicals
 Extreme poverty
 Ignorance

 Drugs
 Alcohol.
 Cigarettes
 Electrosmog.
 Harmful technology
 Heavy metal poisoning.
 Vaccinations
 Chemical drugs.
 "Toxic marriages"

The actions to enrich themselves from pharmaceuticals to ensure

that the majority of the human race is always in a state of disease rather than health,
has followed a well-defined program from the AMA, which seized control of health
in the United States and They imposed their policies with the complicity of other
associations and pharmaceutical companies around the world. And the proof is in the
speed that forced all countries to take health measures, the next step is to also force
all inhabitants to be vaccinated, where really, as we have seen, it is not known that
they are going to inoculate them, but knowing Those entities indifferent to health and
lovers of Power and money, will not be good.

The world in the hands of Pharmaceuticals

In 2004, the United States spent $ 1.4 trillion, 15.5% of GDP, on

health care. More than a third was paid to the pharmaceutical industry. In 2010 alone, the
top 20 pharmaceutical companies made a profit equal to $ 97 per person multiplied by
six billion people. In 2001, Pfizer (one vaccine manufacturer doubtful against Covid-19),
is the number one most profitable, earning 7 8, 0 00 million dollars, of all companies
in Fortune 500. The combined profits of the top 10 Fortune 500 pharmaceutical
companies were nearly 36 0 billion. That's more than the earnings of the other 490
companies combined.

After more than a hundred years, we must ask the question: what
went wrong? Despite the enormous amount of money accumulated by the
pharmaceutical industry, today there are more dire diseases and sick people than
ever. The Flexner Report states: "When we interfere with nature's processes and raise
efficient plants and efficient animals, there is always some way to pay for it. We really
don't know how to interfere with the way the world is...
The way the world really is is an enormously complex and
interrelated organism. The same problem arises in medicine because the body is a very
complex and interrelated organism. And if you look at the body in a superficial way, you
may see that: “Look, we always look at the human being medically, in pieces, because
we have heart specialists, lung specialists, bone specialists, nerve specialists, etc. And
each one sees the human being from his point of view. There are some general
practitioners, but they realize that the human body is so complicated that no mind can
understand it”

The problem with allopathic medicine is that it acts by
taking the body as a structure made up of replaceable parts and not as a holistic
organism, where affecting or removing one part affects the whole.

Imagine that your car does not work because it has run out of
gas and has a dead battery. The approach allopathic of the big drug is charging a lot
of money to send five people to push your car. And then they say: Look, it's moving. We
have fixed it. It sure moves, but not very fast.

Nothing inside works without power and it won't be more than a

few miles before those folks are too tired to keep pushing, no matter how much they get
paid. (Comparing: compulsory and long-term medication fails). A mechanic wouldn't fix
a blown engine valve or leaking oil gasket by telling you to just add more oil every day.
That would be stupid. The cause must be fixed. But this logic is
perfectly normal in modern medicine. We end up with trained specialists and general
practitioners in which the symptoms point to what specific part of the physical anatomy
may be ill, but have ZERO non-specialized education in nutrition, biochemistry,
medicinal plants, molecular biology, naturopathy, homeopathy, exercise, psychology... or
any other science that can tell you how to diagnose and eliminate the cause of cell


1.- Synthetic Drugs...

Most synthetic drugs circulate throughout the body and have a

chemical effect on all biological systems of the body, not just the specific area of cellular
disease that they are supposed to help. While they can sometimes help the problem area,
at the same time they disrupt the functions that work perfectly in other parts of our
body. (Collateral damage). Have you ever noticed the dozens of side effects that are
listed on drug labels or at the end of commercial disclaimers? Here's why: " Kurt quit
with Chantix and support.

-Some people may have severe or allergic skin reactions to Chantix, some of which may
be life-threatening. If you notice swelling of your face, mouth, throat, or a rash, stop
taking Chantix and see your doctor immediately.
-Tell your doctor what medicines you are taking, as they may work differently when you
stop smoking. Your Chantix dose may be different if you have kidney problems.
-The most common side effect is nausea. Patients also reported trouble sleeping and
vivid, unusual, or strange dreams. Until you know how Chantix may affect you, be
careful driving or operating machinery.
-Chantix should not be taken with other smoking cessation products. "The urges weren't
like they used to be and that helped me quit smoking."
Talk to your doctor to find out if prescribed Chantix is right for you. "
Did you "talk to your doctor" to see if a drug twenty times more dangerous than smoking
is right for you?

Result from taking Chantix: "side effects" require more medications
to balance the new problems caused by the first drug. And it goes on and on, this
vicious cycle.

Because these drugs relieve symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause
of cell disease, many people take their drugs for life, making huge profits from repeat
customers for Big Pharma snakes.

2.- Surgery...

After a long time, or short if there is neglect - cells, tissues and organs
eventually die, rot and go into sepsis - inducing internal bacteria to eat it alive. Rather than
addressing and reversing the reasons, the allopathic strategy is to simply remove parts or
all of the organs, or even cut off the limbs, not stop the cause.

And when the disease expresses itself again, they will simply remove
more of you, until there is nothing left of you to remove. But don't worry,
the insurance will pay for it. And, if not, they will take the savings of your house and your
entire life in exchange for the "favor."

Surgery has been around since ancient times. And there are brilliant
trauma, heart and transplant surgeons, and others, saving millions of lives when there is
absolutely no other option left. This writing is not intended to attack them in any way. But
allopathic medicine is the reason we now need so many of them so often.

3.- Radiation...

The effects of acute radiation syndrome on cell biology are

deadly. Even discussing the absurdity of this allopathic form of medical treatment, as a
kind of cure for cellular disease, is an insult to human intelligence, utter insanity.

So we won't even bother going there. If your doctor even suggests

it, run too far and fast... "However, it is better to talk about the relationship between
earnings and cancer .

In the United States, there was a estud io, was a 12 - year program, a
study of 12 years. They looked at adults who had developed cancer in adulthood, not
childhood cancer, but adult cancer. Right?

This is the main type of cancer in the United States.

They did a meta-analysis of these people, around the world, who

developed cancer as adults for 12 years and were treated with chemotherapy. They
looked at the results and published them in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. What was
the results? Ninety-seven percent of the time chemotherapy doesn't work. Ninety-seven
percent of the time it doesn't work.

So why is it still used? It is one reason and one reason only: Money...

Exoteric correlation between the caduceus and our DNA double helix
can not be ignored, since the alter ation of DNA is the objective of the NOM and the
current lineup of vaccines the big pharmaceutical, planned to become the first
billionaires of medical mafia of the world.
"They're using a new technology for the Covid-19 vaccine, which they say allows them
to develop it more quickly. But, you know, they've developed it in record time. I mean,
they've obviously developed it before - before the pandemic will actually materialize.
But what these vaccines are, is that they have DNA. And they use this technology called

microporation, in which they apply an electric current through two additional needles.
And it makes small holes open into cells, so that this foreign DNA can get into your cells
and basically turn it into a genetically modified organism.

By coincidence or conspiracy, at the same time, the WHO and

NGOs when they distributed hundreds of millions of free poisonous vaccines against
smallpox throughout Africa. The continent erupted with the largest epidemic of
autoimmune disorders in known history.

This vaccine, (like that of Covid-19), was not free, and ended up putting several African
governments in debt, there were hundreds of millions of PC R tests already
manufactured to detect a new unheard of autoimmune disorder called HIV / AIDS...
supposedly caused in reaction to so much smallpox vaccine. Or the entire process
was to apply POX VACCINE! It is already a clever plan, they vaccinate against a
disease, their business runs out ... They manufacture another disease so that the “Bisne”
follows “Per secula seculorum”.


But what I finally learned is that they discovered a technique that

essentially causes these culture cells to break down. And they say that's proof that a
virus is causing those cells to break down. But in reality, they have never done a
control experiment. And what they're doing is taking those cells and giving them
improper nutrition and exposing them to toxic chemicals. And that is why cells are
breaking down. And that's the only thing they say tests a virus. So they haven't
actually isolated any viruses. They have shown that they can perform this isolation
technique on bacterial viruses. They call them bacteriophages. And they have
shown that they can use this technique to isolate exosomes.

And the technique is quite simple... You just filter these little particles
and then you put them in a centrifuge so they segregate together based on their
density. And then you hold a syringe or pipette and you can look at it under the
You can characterize them chemically. You can take out the genetic
material and sequence it. And they have done these experiments with exosomes and
bacteriophages. But they have never done it for a virus. And the simple reason is
because there must be no virus that exists that causes disease.
So they have this other procedure that only shows damage to cells in a
culture and they say that's evidence of a virus. And it was really amazing
when this was discovered.
Because it is not only in the studies for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that,
you know, they say it is associated with COVID-19, but it is true for all virus
documents that I have examined for any type of virus. So there really is no evidence
that any virus that is supposed to cause disease has been isolated or even proven to
cause any disease. "

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: "Yes, and here we see this answer, which is

And the interesting thing, as exosomes have been mentioned,

you look at their composition, you look at the way they react and their
characteristics, and then you look at COVID-19. Well, well, well, actually it is
exactly the same.

So they have basically taken this normal part of our immune system,
which is just a response to toxicity in cells, and categorized it as this terrible
pandemic. And it will show up basically in anyone who is stressed or has cell

So it's a win-win situation. But it seems that there is no virus. They

just, you know, they have re-diagnosed or re-labeled part of our immune
system. And the answer has been, as you know, has been exaggerated. Absolutely
exaggerated. And even when you look at the death figures for this year, there are
fewer deaths this year than in the last five years. And no one seems to be dying for
anything else anymore. "

Max Igan:

"Well, in essence, look at what they're looking at under the

microscope, it could very well be exosomes because they've practically created a
recipe for making exosomes. Because they generally use monkey kidney
cells for this purpose and mix them with antibiotics. And that's okay. Antibiotics
have been known to induce exosomes. But the point is, these cells are basically
dying cells and they are expelling all kinds of debris.

And at the beginning, in the study of virology, they really
struggled with this problem and practically stopped trying to find a virus, until this
new technique that I described was invented. So we might as well be seeing images
of exosomes when we see those images. But it could also be other types of cellular
debris particles. What we don't know is that they never took those particles and
then they they purified and characterized exactly what they are, so that has never
really been done.

And what you are talking about with the test: the test is a little
different because the PCR test, which is the main test, does not test any viruses at
all. What you are looking for is a sequence of RNA, which is genetic material. And
they basically take the impure sample, like the lung fluids from some people who
are sick or possibly a throat swab. And they amplify little short sequences. And the
sequences they are looking for specifically, because they have this library of virus
gene sequences.
But the thing is, if you go back, they've always been characterized
this way. So they never had an intact virus particle and then they sliced it open and
took out the RNA and ran end-to-end sequence. That has never been done. Instead,
what they do is take this impure sample and look for a specific sequence that they
have pre-identified as viral in nature in this database.

And then what they're doing is amplifying these little short

sequences, maybe 150 to 250 base pairs, and they're splicing them into this 30,000
long chain that they say is the viral genome.

But it's really just this Frankenstein-like montage of all these

little pieces that we don't even have any proof they're related. They could even
come from different types of cells or from different creatures. And when there are
loopholes, they are basically using sequences that they get from that database of
other viruses that also combine in this Frankenstein-like way. And they stitch all of
those together, you know, and they say this is the sequence, the sequence of the
genome of this virus. And that's the procedure. That is why there are so many
positive results, on Covid-19, because they are essentially testing our own genetic
sequences. "

Face masks or masks are very harmful instead of helping to be healthy

To my surprise, the medical literature for the last forty-five years

has been consistent: masks are useless in preventing the spread of disease and, if anything,
they are unsanitary objects that spread bacteria and viruses.

 Ritter et al., In 1975, found that "the use of a surgical mask had no effect on
the general environmental contamination of the operating room."
 Ha'eri and Wiley, in 1980, applied microspheres of human albumin to the
interior of surgical masks in 20 operations. At the end of each operation, the wound
washes were examined under the microscope. "In all the experiments, particulate
contamination of the wound was demonstrated."
 Laslett and Sabin, in 1989, found that caps and masks were not necessary
during cardiac catheterization. "No infections were found in any patient, regardless of
whether a cap or a mask was used," they wrote. Sjøl and Kelbaek came to the same
conclusion in 2002.
 In Tunevall's 1991 study, a general surgery team did not wear masks for half
of their surgeries for two years. After 1,537 operations performed with a mask, the
wound infection rate was 4.7%, while after 1,551 operations performed without a
mask, the wound infection rate was only 3.5%.
 A review by Skinner and Sutton in 2001 concluded that "the evidence for
discontinuing the use of surgical masks appears to be stronger than the available
evidence to support their continued use."
 Lahme et al., In 2001, wrote that “surgical masks worn by patients during
regional anesthesia did not reduce the concentration of bacteria in the air over the
operating field in our study. Therefore, they are expendable.
 Figueiredo et al., In 2001, reported that in five years of performing peritoneal
dialysis without masks, the rates of peritonitis in their unit were not different from the
rates in hospitals where masks were used.

 Bahli did a systematic review of the literature in 2009 and found that "no
significant differences were observed in the incidence of postoperative wound
infection between the mask groups and the groups operated without masks."
 Surgeons at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, recognizing the lack of
evidence to support the use of masks, stopped requiring them in 2010 for
anesthesiologists and other unwashed staff in the operating room. “Our decision not to
require more routine surgical masks for staff who do not wash for surgery is a
departure from common practice. But the evidence to support this practice does not
exist, ”wrote Dr. Eva Sellden.
 Webster et al., In 2010, reported on obstetric, gynecological, general,
orthopedic, breast, and urological surgeries performed on 827 patients. All staff who
did not wash wore masks in half the surgeries, and none of the staff who did not wash
wore masks in half the surgeries.
 Lipp and Edwards reviewed the surgical literature in 2014 and found "no
statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked
group in any of the trials." Vincent and Edwards updated this review in 2016 and the
conclusion was the same.
 Carøe, in a 2014 review based on four studies and 6,006 patients, wrote that
"none of the four studies found a difference in the number of postoperative infections,
whether you have worn a surgical mask or not."
 Salassa and Swiontkowski, in 2014, investigated the need for scrubs, masks
and head coverings in the operating room and concluded that "there is no evidence that
these measures reduce the prevalence of surgical site infection."
 Da Zhou et al., Reviewing the literature in 2015, concluded that 'there is a lack
of substantial evidence to support claims that masks protect the patient or the surgeon
from infectious contamination.

Schools in China now prohibit students from wearing masks while exercising.
Why? Because it was killing them. It was starving them of oxygen and it was killing
them. At least three children were killed during PE classes, two of them while running on
their school track while wearing a mask. And a 26-year-old man suffered a collapsed lung
after running two and a half miles wearing a mask.

Mandatory masks have not reduced mortality rates anywhere. The 20

US states that have never mandated that people wear face masks indoors and outdoors have
dramatically lower death rates from COVID-19 than the 30 states that have required
masks. Most non-mask states have COVID-19 death rates below 20 per 100,000 residents,
and none have a death rate greater than 55. The 13 states with death rates greater than 55
are states that have required the use of masks in all public places. It has not protected
them. "We live in an atmosphere of permanent illness, of meaningless separation," writes
Benjamin Cherry in the summer 2020 issue of New View magazine. A separation that is
destroying lives, souls and nature. "

XK the insistence of the WHO and governments to wear face masks or masks?

There are many reasons we will only mention five:

1.- They want to depersonalize us, the mask is one of the best means to do it, whoever goes
with you, or arrives with you, you do not know who they are and there is mistrust and
2.- It isolates us, therefore the mask makes you de-socialize and you do not care about
3.- It helps make you sick, by preventing oxygen from circulating freely and bacteria from
accumulating in your mouth and nose.
4.- They deceive you by saying that it is a means of protection and it is a total lie, trying to
prevent the passage of a virus with a cloth is like fishing charales with a whale
net. Everything is filtered.
5.- It is a reason for repression if you do not use it, fines, jail or even death as ordered by
the governor of Jalisco, Mexico where they murdered a humble bricklayer for not wearing
the mask.
6.- It creates a false sense of security. , which is useless and vain.

Perhaps knowing information that the WHO ignore, he has

prostituted, sorry I meant, substituted, The sacred Caduceus and healer of Aesculapius of
two coiled serpents, by the so-called Mosaic staff of a single serpent, which has been
given a Luciferian tint. And how not, if the owners of the world's pharmaceuticals are the
Zionists of the Kabala?

Esoteric theory and scientific intertwined caduceus is: the stick or cane, is l to
germ ination of electric seed that creates the healing corpuscles cells (created in our
spleen) that make up our blood, lymph and nerve endings, brought to the spleen from the
brain. Known in Europe as Mercury, homonyms of the "Messenger of the Deity." The
winged caduceus of Mercury is the Tree of Life. The Rod is the trunk or existence
itself. It is the Indica Kundalini, the Chinese Chakras, the columns of western


L as two snakes represent the tree of the knowledge or health and

disease, too, one is the sensory system and the other drive system, which performs
related work with movement. But perverted turns into e-motion (emotion), which means
wasted energy, wasted substance, death and disease. It is the Chinese Ying-Yang,
Egyptian Soul-spirit, Body-mind, Hylo-form, Energy-matter, Europeans. The
imaginative-voluntary-intellectual-emotional circulation, between the sexual and the
cerebral Power and the various energy centers, (seven in total), is what produces the
development of the human-spiritual potentiality, (as the monks, the true Buddhist,
Tantric, Brahmin, Sufi, and shaman teachers). Power, that those who believe themselves
masters of the world try to prevent all human beings from having, through the control of
the health, the mind, the emotions and the integral personality of the
individual. All around us today, we see its effect. Humanity as a
whole, struggling in chaos instead of harmony, lost in a sea of ignorance and emotions:
wasted energy, wasted substance. Remember that blood cells carry not only nutrients
to each cell, but also air and energy.
Our brain cells, as well as all other cells, must receive the proper
mineral nutrients and salts and be kept free from acid buildup and toxic poison. Each
individual has their own Tree of Life. No one but himself can destroy that tree and no
one but himself can grow it or supply it with nutrients.

Beautiful esoteric and magic science from an ancient manuscript:

“But friend, you have to know that oils neutralize

and dissolve toxins and poisons in the body.

The water keeps the fibers flowing and moving.

The spirit (mind-electricity) moves the body

and the 12 mineral salts obtained from the atom,

manifest attractive or repellent magnetism and energy,

to your biology , they are the physical body.

Take a good look at this,

enlighten yourself and stay in moderate movement,

be fun and generous with others, love and perform mechanics and beauty.

Offer love and worship to the Almighty.

You are the Physician, heal yourself. This is not medicine.

And it is not the cause of the disease either. "

“You will be happy and healthy in this life

and forever blissful in the next.”

March 16... I realized that PSP almost did not take into account these small
introductions of this writing, which as a chronicle he was putting together, he did not
dislike this way of literary presentation, nor did he praise it, because perhaps he would see
and I was only thoroughly checking that the information he provided was complete, so, to
save folios and spaces, I'm only going to write these “petits” introductions, less often,
unless something worth commenting on has happened.



What exactly is 5G?

5G stands for fifth generation wireless technology, it uses

millimeter waves at frequencies that are between 10 and 100 times higher than the radio
waves used for 4G. These are the same waves that are used to generate high resolution
images in airport body scanners.

Compared to its predecessors (2G, 3G and 4G), 5G emits a

substantially higher power signal. These high-energy frequencies allow for faster
download speeds for wireless devices, but this speed increase has a downfall: 5G's range
is much shorter compared to its older relatives.

Due to the shorter range, setting up a 5G infrastructure requires a

large number of small transmitters spread out over populated areas. Therefore, instead of
fewer tall cell towers, 5G requires a much larger number of small towers, with cell sites
placed just 100 meters apart. Once the 5G infrastructure is established, people in that
area will be inundated with these electromagnetic frequencies.

What problems does it cause to health?

The potential dangers of 5G. In 2015, more than 230 scientists

studied the biological effects of electromagnetic fields such as Wi- Fi and 5G-like
wireless technology. Surprisingly, they found evidence that electromagnetic fields like
5G act in this way:

 They cause oxidative damage - This can lead to many problems including
chronic inflammation, chronic disease, and premature aging.

 Collateral DNA Damage - This is a concern because your DNA serves as the
instructions for everything that is produced in your body, so when this is
damaged, health problems can easily develop.

 Reproductive harm: There is evidence that electromagnetic fields from

smartphones and millimeter waves such as 5G can damage sperm and therefore
reduce male fertility.

 Learning and memory deficits: Electromagnetic fields like 5G can cause mental
confusion and compromise your ability to think clearly.

 Much damage to the immune system: Scientists found that just one day of
exposure to electromagnetic fields like 5G decreased the activity of certain
immune cells in mice by 60 %.

 Increased Cancer Risk: Scientists from the National Toxicology Program found
a link between cell phone radiation and brain cancer in male rats.

 Induction to bisexual synergy: By reducing heterosexual arousal and appetite.

It must be taken into account that most of the possible side effects of
electromagnetic fields such as 5G are not instantaneous and depending on their natural
strength or family genetics, some people are more sensitive to this type of radiation than
others. These symptoms can take years to manifest themselves, but sooner or later these
health irregularities will manifest themselves and in most cases it is too late to heal

But how can electromagnetic fields like 5G cause so much damage?

Simply because your body structure, your organs, your senses, your joints, your
epidermis, your brain, in short your whole body, is impregnated with electricity that
makes you function as a vital structured organism and in full operation!

Whether you realize it or not, your body relies heavily on different

voltages and specific frequencies to carry out a variety of basic biological functions, (it
depends on your cerebrospinal fluid (CLR), and blood- medullary and
electromagnetic circulation in your spinal cord, they are essential for a healthy mind and
This is where electromagnetic fields like 5G come into
play. Electromagnetic fields can interfere with the body's
natural bioelectric frequencies. Scientists have discovered that electromagnetic fields can
activate voltage-gated calcium channels located on the surface of your cells. This means
that 5G causes damage by affecting the electrical charge of the cells. And in doing so,
this results in a wide range of problems, such as inflammation, cell damage, and fatigue
(from damaged mitochondria). Since there are a limited number of studies on this topic,
this is just the tip of the iceberg, in terms of how 5G actually affects human biology.

How to protect yourself from the effects of 5G

Completely avoiding exposure to electromagnetic fields like 5G is
impossible, especially as telcos develop their 5G infrastructure and more 5G-enabled
phones hit the market.
But the good news is that you can take several steps to minimize the risks of exposure to
5G. First of all, make sure you don't sleep with your phone near your bed. Ideally, your
phone should be charged overnight in another room.

That way, your body is not exposed to as much 5G (or any EMF for that
matter), as your body is "charging" and regenerating overnight. This is when you are
most vulnerable to the effects of 5G¿ O loads your healthy body to live healthy. Or do
you prefer to charge your cell phone to entertain yourself and get sick sooner or later?

You should also avoid keeping the phone in your pocket or close to your
body, (especially close to your heart and thymus), as much as possible. As a general rule
of thumb, the less your phone touches or is near you, the better. You should increase the
consumption of antioxidant foods and sulforaphane from green and cruciferous
vegetables such as broccoli, this can help control inflammation and protect your body
from oxidative stress caused by any cell phone, and especially those that use 5G
technology. For best results, if you don't eat a lot of vegetables, consider
consuming organic berries daily or consuming an organic green juice powder that is rich
in antioxidants.

Likewise, moderate exercise is another theoretical way to protect

yourself from the effects of 5G and EMF. Studies have found that exercise restores levels
of glutathione, which is an incredibly powerful antioxidant that your body produces
naturally. This, in turn, helps reduce the amount of oxidative stress caused by 5G and
other environmental factors. In addition to getting enough antioxidants and exercising
regularly, make sure to get enough magnesium in your diet. (Dark chocolate, avocado,
whole wheat, spinach, tofu, etc.)

Remember, electromagnetic fields like 5G activate calcium channels

when they shouldn't, and magnesium is a natural calcium blocker. And since most people
are magnesium deficient , eating more magnesium-rich foods is a smart move.


5G is coming and will go mainstream soon, along with 5G

phones. While this new technology will bring faster speeds and connectivity, it
will carry potential health risks that are not fully understood. Until more research
is done, it makes sense to take precautionary measures to protect yourself from
excessive exposure to millimeter wave electromagnetic fields.

Horton argues, based on his research and personal experiences, that the
5G network is planned as an Energy Directed Weapons system that aligns with the global
elite's goals of enslaving Humanity.

Dr. Katherine Horton views the current deployment of the 5G network

in a way that is different from the prevailing perception. And for good reason. First of
all, she is a particle physicist with a PhD from the prestigious Oxford University. He
argues, based on his research and personal experiences, that the 5G network is planned as
an Energy Directed Weapons system that aligns with the goals of the global elite to
enslave Humanity.

She has been fired and is accused of lying. But in other words, she has
the credentials to be public enemy number one of a global elite that is deceptively trying
to use technology as a linchpin in their plan to enslave Humanity under a totalitarian
world government.

The only way that a critical mass of people powerful enough to change the trajectory of
Humanity can be reached will be if those of us who are in a position to do so make the
effort to speak and act in ways that raise awareness of others before the agenda and the
dangers of 5G.

In China, with billions of cameras, all the actions of the population are
monitored all day all week, and a social credit score is applied to you by the government.
If your score drops too much, you may be prevented from traveling, you may be charged
higher hotel fees, your children may not be able to attend their preferred high school or
college, and even your pets may be taken away by the state. . And this that the system or
a harder one, is they want to deploy worldwide masters of the NWO.

The Great Power of digital communication and information companies, as well as

Social Networks

In the United States, not only corporations such as Facebook,

Youtube, Firefox, Twitter, WatssApp, Apple, Instagram, Google, etc ... are creating their
own ways of scoring "good behavior" (submission) for their users, such as The NSA,
which spies on all the inhabitants of the USA, (National Security Agency) and the
GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters), all the American digital
companies, have also used similar projects through massive data collection, secret
government programs, and standardization. of surveillance. These digital companies are
so powerful that they have the luxury of censoring whoever gets their giveaway wins and
they even feel more powerful than any government in the world. Fortunately, companies
from other countries, mainly China and Russia, are projecting new alternatives for
information, social networks, applications and other aspects of Hardware and software,
as well as the Internet (WEB), in general.

On the other hand, the digital media of communication and information, apart from being
one of the pillars of the New World Order, they themselves pretend to form a Political-
financial-media Power and have the sovereignty to censor and block those who seem not
to agree with your own goals. Even if it is the most powerful governments in the world
in whom they try to influence all their activities including economic, electoral and
executive, legislative and judicial. In this area there is a real struggle between digital
companies, both Western, Asian and European. Well, each one tries to attract millions
and even hundreds of millions of users, and obtain greater dominance, this makes them
offer services that others do not have or promise not to carry out espionage actions,
blocks, misrepresentations or censorship in verbal, written, numeral communication or
images and videos. There are other companies, not as famous as the United States, in
electronic-digital communication activities (social interaction, buying and selling, news,
servers, search engines, written messaging, oral messaging, the so-called “memes”,
music, videos, photos, opinions etc ...), and that represent an alternative, sometimes more
interesting, among the most requested we have Telegram, Signal, Wechat, Tik Tok, Gab,
Parler, QQ, QZone, Weibo. To which politicians, governments, companies, institutions,
people and all those who do not want to take risks with their communication, in business,
activities and the privacy of personal and social life are going.


A risk that is not calculated, but that really exists is the deep and the
Dark Webs, also known as the Invisible Internet, encompass information that is on the
Web, but that is not indexed by search engines as we know them. It is, therefore, all
public online content that is not tracked or found by the basic user on the network.

General characteristics:

-They have between 4000 and 5000 times more information than the normal Web

-Around 95% of the deep web is information accessible to the public, that is, you do not
have to pay anything for it.

-There are more than 200 billion websites associated with the Deep and Dark Web

-The content-quality ratio is around 1000% compared to the superficial web.

-The pages work under software that protects your identity, such as Onion-TOR.

-Pages that are not crawled by traditional search engines

-Pirate download pages, such as torrents and bulk download

-Onion Chan forums, child pornography portals, sale of stolen objects, arms trafficking.

-Sites of extremists, illegal groups, revolutionaries, etc.

-Government networks, restricted access websites, secret spyware from agencies,

governments and hidden entities known as the deepweb2

How can a website end up hosted on the Deep Web?

-It may be due, in the first place, to the fact that the contents that are published in it, are
in a non-indexable format (that is, unreadable) for traditional search engines, such
as .doc, .xls, .pdf, ppt, etc.

-Page protected with password or captcha systems that prevent crawlers from accessing
your content.

-Access to the information managed on the page is done through its own browser and, for
this reason, it is hosted on the DW.

How to access the information hosted on the DW?

Anyone can access it, as long as they know where to look for it. Meta search engines are
used that allow access to the information hosted on this part of the internet:

-Archive: for searches of specific topics

CompletePlanet - Searches for Various Topics

Scirus: used for scientific information searches

And others.


March 17....







"The one that is born to flowerpot from the sky the leaves fall"
"He who was born and remains screwed, even a dog pees him," says the
adage. The World Economic Forum, the world's wealthiest entrepreneurs and the
governments of the 20 richest nations on earth, in 2018, planned and are implementing a
program with 200 detailed points, in order to provide detailed instructions on how it will be
used. The " COVID-19 " pandemic and to implement a global monetary reset. With this
will come the digital currency, the technocracy and the totalitarian government throughout
the world under the guise of socialism and environmentalism , with CHINA as a model,
(that is why there, as a repressive social experiment and of absolute control, the Pandemic
began) , and especially CHIPS IMPLANTS , in order to enslave humanity through a
sinister conspiracy of vaccines. As part of a larger plan.

They explain various media and the so-called conspiracy internet youtubers,
they themselves reported that previous attempts had already been made to design
pandemics, but none were successful.
In 2019, on this occasion, the World Health Organization ( WHO )
changed its pandemic criteria to be able to declare a pandemic with spurious
motives. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus , an Ethiopian terrorist and genocide , US lackey
and protégé of B. Gates, was appointed head of the World Health Organization in order
to orchestrate the pandemic and facilitate the totalitarian takeover.

Justifying itself by the Covid-19, “express” and illegal legislation has been
enacted in many countries, these are some points:

1.- To eliminate civil liberties, (all countries)
2.- To destroy economies, (all countries)
3.- To close small and medium-sized companies (Brazil)
4.- Separate, isolate and terrorize family members, (Honduras)
5.- To impoverish people, even destroying jobs. (Italy)
6.-To get the children out of their families, (Ecuador)
7.- To intern dissidents in concentration camps, (Philippines)
8.- Grant immunity to government agents to commit murders, rapes and torture (United
9.- Hitting or even killing those who do not wear face masks, or walk in the street
without legal reason (Jalisco, Mexico; India; Philippines)
10.- Fine or imprison those who do not obey “curfews” (Latin America)
Use the police, the army and the mercenaries to control the populations. (African
11.- Forcibly vaccinate populations with a non-medical vaccine that contains population
control mechanisms without their informed consent. (All World)

Humans in danger of being exterminated or becoming robotic slaves.

Some conscientious people are starting legal cases to stop the COVID-19
war against humanity, among them the Italian Catholic Association, Simon Dolan and
the Bernician in the UK. Children's Health Defense and the Environmental Health Trust
are filing cases against the Federal Communications Commission for its refusal to revise
its outdated G5 guidelines for thermal exposure to electromagnetic radiation,
and nanoparticulate chip vaccine inoculation of vaccines.

Common law movements are taking place in other countries. But this
is all too bland, disorganized and slow. Perpetrators of the COVID scam continue
to impose blockades and destroy lives, businesses, and families. (It had to be done to
weaken the population economically, socially and economically, to establish its
dominance), The entity behind all this, the World Economic Forum, already has its
final prospect, located in the year 2030. If everything goes as planned have planned with
the Covid-19 Pandemic.

It is not the infamous Jewish Holocaust, it is the human future
if you do not put the batteries.



1.- It will be sought that all have, according to their degree of obedience, from the
minimum to the best to survive and lead a comfortable life, (house, clothing, livelihood,
education, fun, entertainment, travel etc...), it will depend of their capacity of each one,
but above all of the degree of obedience and submission to the WORLD
GOVERNMENT, or the representatives of the NWO, in the territory that corresponds to

2.- There will be no private property, everything will be rented or rented, the owners will
not be governments but invisible companies and corporations, of the NOM, of which
only their administrators and employees will be known.

3.- The United States will not be the main superpower in the world, nor will China or any
other "pichurriento country", because everything will be under totalitarian and
technocratic control of a World Government, the National States, they will only be
economic territorial divisions, with a or several specialties of production or services,
(like the movie “The Hunger Games).
The capital of the world in the NWO has not yet been chosen but will
be one of these in degree of preference: Jerusalem, Washington, Beiging, Paris, Rome,
Vienna, Tetrapólis, (Basel, Bern, Geneva and Zurich), London, Mexico or a new

built for that purpose, in America or Europe. Its original inhabitants will be
eradicated (except for servants and employees, who will have special zones), to
make room for the new ruling class and their families.

4.- Food will be controlled by divisions of social classes useful to the NOM, and
economic functions, thus the higher, or better service to the NOM, the better food... you
will be allowed.

5.- Two billion people, of the survivors, (to the Covid-19, local wars, "Extraterrestrial
invasion, etc.), will be displaced by the invented climate change , to do this, some sites
will have to host more refugees or others will have to be emptied to make room for the
ruling classes. (Old Persian Empire style).

6.- Polluters will have to pay to emit the allowed carbon dioxide; "Polluters" include
independent farmers trying to grow food. Those inhabitants who want to be "wild" or
indigenous peasants will be hunted. (USSR style with the Kulaks) and will be forced to
work on communal farms, (as in the Soviet Kolkhoz, or Jewish Kibbutz)

7.- There will be absolute freedom of worship, but with the support of material gains and
privileges for those who convert to the new Universal Religion, with Judeo-Christianity,
as a base, but with various concessions to the other current religions, (for example
worship other gods, who will be taken as prophets, animals that will be reflections of the
Supreme Deity, their own rites etc.). If someone wants to be part of goods, privileges and
social prestige, they will have to convert to this new belief, including the inhabitants of
China, India and Arab countries or other countries.

8.- Western Christian-Catholic values will have been tested to the breaking point: their
culture and beliefs will be eliminated and replaced by universal-technocratic-socialist
slogans. (Chords to the NOM).

9.- Democratic governments will cease to exist, there will only be administrators and a
World Council of Government.

10.- Special zones will be built for dissidents, (Soviet Gulags styles, American prisons,
English concentration camps in South Africa, or Nazi death camps), where there will be
fierce surveillance, heavy punishments and a miserable life in general.

11.- Crime will be eradicated. Through the technology of the CHIPS, armies and security
forces, there will be absolute control of all the inhabitants of the earth, schedules, actions
and movements will be monitored to avoid criminal acts and dissent against the
NOM. Most of the population will be happy because crime will end. But it will be under
an iron dictatorship, without freedom.

12.- A vaccine with nanochips will be imposed to have passports of immunity and use
of cryptocurrencies, those nanoparticles will be tracking, surveillance and control,
including our words and thoughts. Rebels can be placed with a special CHIP to control or
punish them through electromagnetic waves. Likewise, a special privilege CHIP to receive
VIP attention to the best NOM servers.

Only corporate and military media, in the next NOM

The vaccine is intended to genetically modify humanity for all

future generations. In America, Gates, Soros, and 269 major corporations are
funding Black Lives Matter and destroying America with the complicity of corrupt
Democratic politicians. In Austria, France, Switzerland, the United States, the Middle
East and other countries, many people are being armed and trained to fight and
assassinate opponents of the NWO. Governments have become servants of the
Corporations and only obey the orders of the World Economic Forum and no longer
support their people. Rather, they act in contravention of national and international laws
and no longer have legitimacy.

We are witnessing the collapse of the rule of law. Governments,

elected representatives and international institutions, including the UN, and private clubs
such as the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection and the
World Economic Forum are complicit in this "greatest crime against humanity ever
committed" and are carrying out to impose the Archived NWO, (New World Order).

Several newspapers among them, the Edomex clarion, mention that the main
conspirators among others, not mentioned and that until now have been discovered
are the following:

Klaus Schwab , The Nobility of Europe, Prince Charles , Bill and

Melinda Gates , George Soros , UN Secretary General Antonio Gutierres ,
and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Michael Ryan from the WHO , New Zealand
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris
Johnson, and in general all his ministry and lords, the Rockefellers , the Rotchilds ,
Morgan, Dupont, the salomon , the Lehman , most presidents and their ministries
including its military and security agencies, from Europe, America, Asia, Africa and
Oceania, Matt Hancock , Enrique Despeiña Nieto, French
President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Edouard Philippe , German
Chancellor Angela Merkel , the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, Gordari Salt Flats , Biden ,
Chancellor Sebastian Kurz , Elon Musk , Mark Zuckerberg , Corrupt News Agencies and
Newspapers, Mainstream Journalists , Most of the 3,000 Men and Women richest people
in the world, among others Bezos, Waltons , Jobs, Ortega, Helú,
Buffet, Ellison , Zuckerberg , Arnault , etc.), many writers and scientists, and others ...
who should be arrested and brought to justice in a new Nuremberg trials . For crimes
against humanity.

Chip of Iris for payments and queries obedient history of the person

This conspiracy theory is difficult to understand because it is not

conceived that a human being can conceive so much evil, but the aircraft or missile
bombers, on innocent civilians, killing thousands and even millions, the Nazi
concentration camps, the Gulags of the USSR Stalinians , and even the atomic bombs
dropped on Japan, when it was already defenseless, show us that even among us there are
demons disguised as humans and they do not hesitate to sacrifice millions of beings to
satisfy their appetite for Power and money.

The Chips implanted contrary to what people think, will not be of a

single type, there will be several classes according to the social, economic, religious,
political, military, cultural, scientific, sports, informative media, entertainment, artistic
importance, etc. However, his level will be higher as he is closer to the top and regional
leaders of the next and inevitable World Government (GM), of the NWO.

We will expose some of the most important CHIPS and their area of use.

Basic Type: TB Chip, For food, dwelling, clothing, entertainment, transfer, training and
education payments. From one to 5 minimum salaries established, (70% of the world
population): Workers, peasants, fishermen, construction workers, cleaning employees,
domestic workers, gardeners, drivers, etc.

Intermediate type: TI chip. Payments equal to TB, but with a slightly higher
level. From 6 to 10 minimum salaries: General services technician, general semi-
professional, Security, teachers, low bureaucracy, health workers. Some occupations
such as small or medium merchants, Arstesans, artists in the middle ages , are classified
as technicians.

Professional Type: TP Chip: Good salaries, from 11 to 50 minimum

salaries: Specialized professional, intermediate management services, middle
management security, engineers, pilots, and other services: medium-sized merchants,
intermediate-level artists, businessmen, politicians, clergymen, educators, etc...

Superior Type: Chip TS: Special professional, from 50 to 250 minimum wages. High-
level public server. Senior management services, high command security, research
professionals or scientists, Senior clergy. In itself, it is the structure formed by
professionals with high-level social, psychological, technological and political
knowledge. Chiefs executives officers, (CEOS).

Special Superior Type: TSE Chip. Direct assistants or senior managers of local,
regional and world government, (GM), From 250 to 10, 000 minimum wages. They are
the link of the citizens with the GM.

Supreme Council, (CS), of the NOM: They do NOT carry a Chip. They are advisers
and direct operators of the World Government, the CS will be made up of 300 executives
chosen by the GM. Salaries from 10 to 100,000, minimum salaries.

GM, (they are what structure the Chips system), they have all the resources
unlimitedly, the number of their members is not known, they can be 7, 12, 13, and even
33. They will be the ones that supposedly will safeguard security, prosperity and justice
of the world. (There will no longer be wars, only persecution of those who oppose the
GM)), Among them they will appoint a maximum Boss who will hold this title for
life. From a young age, those who will integrate this World government will be prepared,
and their positions will be hereditary for their blood descendants or adopted. And so the
world will be prepared, only they and God knows why, if it will be to receive the aliens,
(if they arrive), to prepare the incarnation of the Antichrist, perhaps so that the world
enjoys a peace and harmony never seen again, or to... Know the ball!


March 18... THEORY

"When you see your neighbor's panties wet, put yours to heat"
In its seer social and economic deterioration, the United States
continues to maintain a preponderant military power on the planet, and continues to spend
more on weapons than the rest of the planet, although ultimately it has been forced to
reduce its investments. Only Russia can cope with its strength, and exclusively in the field
of strategic nuclear weapons. The arsenals of China, Britain and France are very small
compared to those of Washington and Moscow. The paradox is that, despite this, the United
States, with all its resources, will try to prevent its weight in the world from being reduced
in the next two or three decades. (Is worth dreaming).
For the United States, the Chinese reinforcement, which since 2018 has
had and has made it surpass the USA in GDP, and which has made it the main world
economic power (also in PPP), is joined by vertigo for the laborious reconstruction of the
former Soviet space, which it is willing to prevent at all costs and which could lead to the
outbreak of local wars and, hypothetically, to the challenge of a global war. Washington
will continue to set fire to the Russian periphery, with the aim of diverting Moscow's
energies into internal conflicts: Ukraine is an example of a manual tactic. However,
Washington has not anticipated that the harassment of Moscow is reinforcing Russia's
leanings towards Asia, reinforcing ties with China, as evidenced by the recent signing of
the most ambitious contract of Hundreds of Billions of Rubles, for the supply of gas and
that Russia had never done before.
With Trumph, North American conservatism was torn between
isolationism and traditional imperial policy, always under a global agreement: to safeguard
the American hegemonic power. The unanimity of its rulers and settlers is revealing, in the
illusory consideration of an exceptional role for their country in the world, that those
peculiar North American "progressives" (such as Samantha Power, American ambassador
to the UN, or the writer Leon Wieseltier, among many others) continue to postulate military
interventions abroad that they describe as “humanitarian”. That trail of wars, of devastated
countries, of an empire of chaos, is the realization that the United States is going to sell its
skin at a very high price and that in its fall it is dragging its inhabitants into an increasingly

announced apocalypse. With the following period of government it is not believed that the
situation will change, but on the contrary it will worsen, with China-Russia as accomplices.

The EU has serious economic, political and even military differences with
the United States, both in relation to the roles of the Euro and the Dollar, and in the design
of the future of Europe: The German country, desperately seeks, (for energy reasons) , a
closer relationship with Russia. But the Yankees continually dynamite the bridges between
Berlin and Moscow, weaken the European Union and force it into obedience and
subordination. The United States still maintains military bases and soldiers in thirty
European countries. A hypothetical Berlin-Moscow-Paris axis, which during the outbreak
of the war in Iraq seemed a possibility of a true union, was blocked and eliminated by the
United States.
However, each time Russia is playing a determining role in the future of
the European Union and in the decline of the United States in Europe. And if we add China,
the hegemony of the Asia-Pacific union will be the axis of the next decades and perhaps,
the birth of a Tripolar world (USA-China-Russia). And the RCEP is proof of this, since it
conforms an agreement more powerful than the T-MEC and the EU, (European Union), in
all areas, (economic, productive, military etc...). Apart from the fact that China commands
the E7, (the seven richest emerging countries), which will be the nearby powers of the
world already in 2030 and only the United States will remain accompanying them, as a
power, but their G7 protégés, will be nothing but hindrances for their own development (of
Twenty years into the 21st century, a statement prevails: Not only the USA is in
serious conjunctural problems, but the world capitalist system itself, is already in a terminal
crisis, exacerbated by Covid-19, which can lead to war widespread, and which can also
deepen the agony and ecological disaster, in a cruel analogy, of the long terminal crisis of
the Western Roman Empire. It can even make way for a new world that does not destroy
itself, and seek a new relationship between the great powers, both traditional and emerging,
(China, United States, Japan, European Union, Russia, India, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia,
etc.), that jointly address the great planetary risks. All the alarms have been sounding for
years, but time is running out and the ecological disaster, together with the Coronavirus
pandemic, caused directly or indirectly, by two centuries of capitalist development, is going
to reach a point of no return.

The New Left moving forward on the world political pendulum
A parallel issue to international strategic analysis is the development
model that can sustain the new regional and planetary hegemonies. The role of the world
left will be decisive in its function, beyond denouncing the evils of capitalism and its
resistance to the implementation of a business system that is globally committed to poverty
wages and the termination of workers' rights. The old slogan of the “ Thinks Tanks ” about
the “absence of alternatives” to capitalism, assumed by the socialist parties, supposedly left
the communists and other detachments of the world left in a slighted solitude, but in the
21st century, there are too many successes that are giving positive results, (China, Mexico,
Bolivia, Argentina), The Chinese leadership, if it consolidates in its particular socialism,
and if the country, despite the Covid-19 crisis, flees from neoliberal traps, from the
deregulation of markets, a development that supports mortgages, the industrial model
created by capitalism, and a commitment to the collective well-being of the Chinese and the
entire planet, may contribute to the redefinition of the left, whose only possible bet is to
socialism. But that is another story.
In the coming years and more if the possible electoral struggle is not
resolved peacefully, the Chinese dynamism will continue to confront the North American
stagnation, which trusts the future of its predominance to military force, war and
provocations, and although its capacity scientific and technological, its industry and
productive structure continue to be of undoubted magnitude, economic crises are revealing
of North American interests and their fears: that they are the containment of China, and the
isolation of Russia, and these have become the objectives of its foreign policy. The United
States faces the vertigo of decadence, the New York-Detroit syndrome, but it will continue
to be one of the protagonists of the world to come, even if it has to abandon the glow of its
lonely greatness, the dreams of its Manifest Destiny, its historical exceptionality, and the
illusions of global hegemony.
There are three aspects that project the very possible collapse of the
United States, the Coronavirus Pandemic, The internal divisions, post and pre-electoral,
Chinese growth. In the first, China accuses the US of being the cause of Covid-19, and
although this accusation does not have political effects, the US is being devastated by
infections and deaths, (13 million infected, almost 300 thousand deaths and the index

continues to rise). The second factor, in the USA, there is a tremendous electoral struggle
that threatens to end very badly, even in a possible civil war. And the third factor China,
taking advantage of its negative circumstances, has made pacts with countries that were
previously partners of the USA; It continues with its silk routes, supports dozens of
countries with equipment and money in the Covid-19 crisis; It has restarted its industrial
production and its commercial relations. He has founded a Bank and a financial system,
independent of the dollar, has strengthened his military power, (which does not need it,
since Russia is his warlike support), AND HAS CUT ALL ECONOMIC AND
TECHNOLOGICAL TIES WITH USA. (This affects the USA more than China).
The cold war USA vs China-Russia, both with many allies is declared, it
will be sustained on three different fronts or wars: The economic war, the cyber war and
finally, the information and data war. Washington more than ever, needs a fast and
efficient strategy, without using physical weapons, including BAs, (Atomic Bombs), and
with the apparent failure of Covid-19, whoever is in political command, will need all the
resources and allies that the United States Empire has, not only to continue being the
hegemonic country in the world, even if it is to survive as a nation.

Decisive decisions for the current dominant of the world economy.

China, as the world's leading economic nation, is already politically

challenging the United States. There is a sharp polarization that manifests itself between the
two countries. The measures and blockades in relations, the technological confrontation
over 5G, the trade war for tariffs, the total support for Cuba, Syria, Iran, Russia or
Venezuela. And now the coronavirus pandemic has opened a new front. However, "In
a few weeks, China to gone from being the villain to become the great hero in this fateful
hour. It presents itself and proves it, that it is a model of efficiency: a superpower that
overcame the crisis”, and it is also one of the first to have the vaccine that will save the
world. The United States does not have this yet. The Chinese Government is acting
swiftly to supply, donating, and not just selling, the coveted medical supplies - from
masks to respirators - to the countries most affected by the pandemic, such as Spain or Italy
and Latin American countries. The United States, be it due to its known lack of altruistic
will, its disorganization as a result of electoral moments or unknown interests, has not
attracted leadership, while in Europe there is great lack of solidarity, China has fully
supported dozens of countries in the world.

Thus, China turned its "invented bad reputation" of bat soups and
filthy markets, to be the only superpower with the economic, logistical and political
capacity to help thousands of hospitals by distributing masks in hospitals, donating
respirators and creating vaccines. Necessary. And not only the Chinese government has this
attitude, even Chinese millionaires like Jack Ma, head of Alibaba (the Chinese Amazon),
has donated 500,000 masks to... THE US!, And a million tests for Covid-19. And this has
also been done in Japan, South Korea, Italy, Iran and Spain. In other countries, these offers
of cooperation form commercial deals with governments for the urgent supply of these
products due to the saturation of hospitals. In both cases, Beijing gains influence, respect
and good publicity. While the USA has rested on its laurels, the world asks itself and also
answers itself: If in internal crises the North American Union does not respond? (Like the
floods in Georgia), the less it will help the whole world in this pandemic. Thus, China has
earned the respect of the entire globe, and from a critical malaise they began to applaud
their efforts, initiatives and health support. The United States has not helped itself or
likewise, at the time of writing this has 10 million infected and almost 250 thousand

The United States and its allies of the G7 and other smaller countries,
unlike China, are repudiated in many countries, and this disagreement has not been
gratuitous, since this nation and its satellites already carry the burden of meddling in many
nations. Since the disappearance of the USSR. The United States unilaterally reaffirmed its
hegemonic role as the sole superpower, even as a " hyperpower " and as it was deluded, as
one carpet-author asserted, "The End of History", in which it preached the triumph of
capitalism over socialism. Since then, with great arrogance, all US presidents, in their own
way, have considered the UN obsolete, it was not convenient for them to ratify the Kyoto
Protocol (control of thermonuclear weapons), and they did not. They do not recognize the
International Criminal Court in The Hague. Its various acronyms of international
associations only serve to take care of their interests and to attack and invade countries left
and right. Granada, micropaís of the 350 km2, Panama, Vietnam, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan ,
and the list is too long.

Most common criteria and suppositories, of the United States, to name the rogue
states, according to the guessed intentions (supposedly "investigated", by their
espionage organizations).

1.- Countries that have leaders who supposedly oppress the population and loot their
assets. You have to invade that nation, kill the leader and place a puppet to loot that
country. (It only applies to weak countries that have resources that interest the US)
2.- Countries that do not respect international US laws and are a permanent threat to their
neighbors. ( like Granada, Lebanon, Kosovo, and other small countries ... weak)
3.- Countries that support terrorism, (terrorist: any person who does not submit to being
controlled by the gringos), Iran, Afghanistan , Iran, and other medium or weak countries.
4.- Nations that develop or try to develop nuclear weapons, (only the Gringous have the
right to exterminate the world)
5.- Countries that hate the United States and the democratic principles of that country. (All
the weak countries in the world, respecting the strong ones, such as Russia, China,
Vietnam, North Korea, etc...)

Stages of US hegemony, in search of the NWO

The structuring of the NWO, (New World Order), which according to

its leaders and ideologues, should be led by the United States and in turn these by the .0001
of the population that is the economic and financial elite. It has developed centurially, in
several steps.
Beginning of the 13 colonies and expansion to the north and west, almost total
extermination, of North American native Indians
2.- From 1776-1783.-
War of independence, achieved thanks to the support of France and Spain; formation of an
independent country, with an aristocratic government, removing Political Power from
the people, through indirect elections with electors appointed by the same elite. (They put
two options to pretend, but those two are chosen by the same elite).
3.- 1783-1870
They manage to extend the territory and unite the country at all costs, purchases, invasions,
exterminations, wars: War of the unionist south against the federalist north, (using slavery
and a single republic as a pretext, but the reality is to replace the latifundillista elite by the
elite " Ham- burger"); it invades and takes more than two million kilometers from
Mexico; buys Alaska from Russia, whose territory is one and a half million kilometers. He
totally exterminates the Seminole Indians to take over Florida, after a payment of 5 million
dollars so that Spain would not get involved in that massacre. (The 80% of the current
territory of USA, was achieved with invasions, massacres and destruction of natural settlers
who were rooted there for thousands of years before).

4.- 1871-1920
Industrialization and imperialist trial, (wars and invasions to form their own colonies, with
peoples and countries invaded and massacred), Hawaii, Panama; War against Spain, takes
away Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines and the Pacific islands.
5.- 1920-1939
Restructuring and super-industrial organization. Deliberate impoverishment of the
countryside to force the inhabitants to go to the outskirts of the cities to work in
factories. Prohibition of alcohol to avoid the shock caused by this situation.

6.- 1939-1945.-
Industry of war, in the purest communist style, the population is rationed and the
production and consumption of goods and welfare and luxury goods are
prohibited. Objective: win World War II. Objective that is achieved with great success. BA
bombed Japan.
7.- 1945-1950.-
Establishment of technological-economic-military and political hegemony in the
world. Through the threat of the army and the atomic bomb, military bases are established,
American industries expand, billions of dollars are loaned, whose only financial base
and origin are the printing houses of the United States central bank, but the countries
accept them and They use them in the real economy as payment for services and
goods. The United States becomes the richest country in the world and to which all nations
are indebted. It returns in the USA, to the life of consumption and luxury, but only of the
white race, "WASP"
8.- 1950-1990.-
Detention and destruction of Communism. A fight with ups and downs, called the cold war,
in which no effort was spared and all kinds of resources, political, economic, social,
technological, weapons, military, espionage and information, began when the millions of
corpses of World War II, as the world was polarized into two forces,
the Western ( capitalist ) bloc led by the USA , and the Eastern bloc ( communist )
commanded by the USSR.

1991-2002.- A Planning stage takes place. Washington, for a short time, becomes the only
superpower and can unilaterally decide the fate of the world. His attitude is one of
dominance, planning and assurance of energy sources and resources, this lasts more than a
decade. Invasions and coups around the world.

Iraq- Afghanistan- Libya- Lebanon- Yugoslavia- Yemen- Niger - Somalia, etc., etc.,

2003-2006.- In this short period, the USA applies a theory that some theorists
call "Construct Chaos" to extend its hegemony. It waged two wars: one in Iraq, using its
troops, and those of its allies, and another in Lebanon, through a contractor and mercenary
forces disguised as " Partisans." The humiliating Israeli defeat at the hands of Hezbollah in
2006 temporarily interrupted the US project. Then Russia and China resorted to their right
of veto (in Myanmar and Zimbabwe) showing that they were returning to international
2006-2020 Power is multiporalized. The US, the European Union, and their allies face
China, Russia, India and their respective co-religionists in various scenarios, and although
they represent more than half of the planet's inhabitants, both blocs together account for
80% of the world's GDP. And they make 90% of the military expenses. The Balance leans
slightly towards the new emerging powers, with 42% of GDP and the G7 alliance, 38%,
due to several factors: greater resources, extensive territories, youth and greater population,
this has caused a multipolar operation due to to the competition that develops between these
powerful countries and their alliances. But the Western elite does not want to lose power
and therefore performs several staggered actions, which we observe and analyze in this
The United States has lost the initiative of Power and wealth, and therefore the
use of force, to dominate others as before. And not only the US as leader is being
questioned in its executive power, but its allies are also in a state of Shock, due to the

growth of the population of developing countries and the decrease in their own
demographics. This complex situation includes the organization of society into groups and
subgroups of interest and predetermined action and these groups do not act alone, but are
structured in combination and use many resources and so much globalization that it is no
longer identified that there is a monolithic and virgin territory , belonging to a single
country, but they are entangled, there are regional and world organizations, regular armies,
mercenary militias, mafia cartels, NGOs , transnational companies, churches, etc.,
distributed globally. Power is distributed everywhere and apparently nowhere, in many
hands, or in small elitist groups, In one place and in several places at the same time, in a
single nation or in many.
Speaking of nations, we note that apart from the great world powers, (USA,
China, Russia, UK, Japan, India, France and Germany). There are also regional powers. In
Latin America we can mention the cases of Brazil and Mexico, in Africa, Nigeria, South
Africa and Egypt. In the Middle East we have Turkey, Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia. In
Hindustan, Southeast and South Asia, there are Pakistan, Indonesia and South Korea, and
Australia, in the Pacific.
There are also Intergovernmental Organizations: the IMF, the World Bank, the
World Health Organization (WHO), UNESCO, the UN, and regional organizations such as
the T-MEC, the African Union, the OAS, the Arab League, the ASEAN, the European
Union, ALBA, The Pacific Alliance, etc. And we cannot bypass powerful groups like
OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries).
There are also States and cities of some countries, which are more powerful
than many nations, for example, the State of California, in the United States, the State of
Nuevo Leon, in Mexico, and that of Uttar Pradesh in India and cities like New York,
Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Mexico, Honk Kong, Shanghai , etc.
There are many transnational, private and government companies,
with GDPs higher than most countries, especially those linked to economic sectors such as
energy and finance; IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, Exon mobile and Chevron, Petrobrasil,
PEMEX, ARAMCO, IBERDROLA, ICBC, JPMORGAN etc. Some global media such as
Al-Jazeera, the BBC and CNN could not be absent; militias such
as Hezbollah , the Mehdi Army , Hezbollah or the Taliban. To all the above, political
parties, and the aforementioned religious movements and institutions, the Jesuits,
Franciscans, the Union of Evangelical Churches, terrorist organizations, drug
cartels, NGOs and foundations are added. The list is too long.

Despite the fact that since 2018, China already surpasses the United States in
the economic and production aspects, this country still retains the rank of being the most
powerful in the world, due to its political influence, language, currency, military bases, its
transnationals, its banks, its army and other aspects. Its military expenditures for that
country are simply estimated at more than 700,000 million. Spending much higher than
China and Russia, their only military rivals who could seriously oppose this country.

Danger to the dollar

But sadly, for him, his partners and protégés, the United States is in decline
both in absolute value and in relation to other states. As the
Council on Foreign Relations puts it , through its president, Richard Haass : “The progress
of countries like China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates is of the order
of a trillion a year. That is due, of course, to the energy market. Given the explosion in
demand for energy from China and India, that number is set to continue growing. The
weakness of the dollar against the British pound, the euro and the Yuán, will not only cause
the depreciation of the US currency against Asian currencies but also a possible
transformation of the oil market, which will adopt payment through different currencies, or
perhaps In euros or worse, in a Chinese currency, and when the US dollar ceases to be the

currency of oil buying and selling, the US economy will fall like a house of cards. The free
market economy is not as peaceful, sweet and transparent as the fiduciary institutions and
the Banks show, there are certain movements that put the system in crisis.
Illegal financial flows, outside the controls of governments. This weakens
them including the major powers. Many groups, including mobsters, use these funds for
unspeakable and opaque purposes, especially through so-called tax havens. The Power to
finance any movement, even military, shows that the use of force is not the monopoly of
governments, even if they are powers or superpowers, for example. The fall of the twin
towers or the movement of ISIS in Syria.
Orientations of polarity.
The destruction of Libya in 2011, manifested that the non-polar system had ceased to be
usable, two orientations were faced:
A) .- The first with the G7 led by the USA, which, as we have already mentioned, wants the
construction of a New World Order, under obedience to Washington. That would be
equivalent to abolishing the sovereignty of the countries, existing, since the time of the
Treaties of Westphalia, and thus being able to intervene in any nation that according to
agreed laws, does not abide by those global principles recognized by all, however this
seems rather, simple rhetoric and a US legitimation of domination, using the
American Way of Life and its norms as a Trojan horse. However, as a reflection of his
decadence, this remains as good intentions, since he cannot even bring order and unity in
his own house, and it seems that this is going to manifest itself in the next presidential
B).- The second economic-political orientation is supported by the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization, and countries that make up the BRICS, and many nations that are under the
influence of each member of the BRICS as a regional power, for example Russia and its
allies and protected, of their commonwealth. In addition, although they do not officially
belong to the BRICS, there are countries that are also regional powers and collaborate,
trade and sympathize with the BRICS, such as Turkey, Mexico, Egypt, Indonesia, and this
situation is par excellence since their economies are strong and very voluminous and They
already compete and surpass the traditionally rich countries, such as Italy, France, Canada,
which due to various factors (such as size of the territory, demographics, resources, etc.),
have reached their production and development limit. Even the BRICS is no longer talked
about, but about the E-7, which, as we said before, together surpass the G7.
The leaders of the E-7, one economic and the other military, China and Russia. Incredibly
they defend the autonomy of each nation and respect for the principles postulated in the
Treaties of Westphalia, from the seventeenth century. While the G-7 countries, which are
supposedly democrats and libertarians, are opposed and want to intervene in the country
that they want or are useful to solve their resource problems. This is the underlying reason,
the appropriation, exploitation and use of resources, which are desperately sought by

members of the G-7, especially renewable energies, that is why they advocate the creation
of a new system or "Reset ", Whose appearance was kept on" Stand by ", since 1991.
It is also very clear that the control of gas and transport routes, especially from Asia to
Europe, constitute the center of the conflict that is taking place today in Syria and not the
“supposed democracy”, which they seek to implant there, what they want It is to put in a
rude leader, so that he allows them to steal their resources at their hands.

From the North American group of "Falcons", (a group that uses the
policy of force including war instead of negotiation), Cheney, who was considered the most
powerful vice president in US History, Mentions: "The demand for energy increases faster
than supply, ultimately leading to a shortage situation. Preservation of US domination
therefore requires first control of the still existing reserves of oil and gas. Furthermore, and
in a more general way, although current international relations are structured according to
the geopolitics of oil, what really determines the rise or fall of a State is supply”. With these
fundamentals, Cheney devised and applied his 4-point plan.
The energy imperative
1.- To stimulate, at any price, all local production through
subordinate countries, as a means of reducing the American dependence on any supplier
that is not its friend, in order to expand Washington's freedom of action.
2.- Control oil exports from the Arab States of the Gulf, the Gulf of
Mexico, South America, Africa, etc... And not to monopolize them but to use them as a
means of pressure on customers and other suppliers.
3.- To control the sea lanes in Asia, both in the Indian Ocean and in the
Pacific, to control the supply of China and Japan not only in oil but also in their raw
4.- Stimulate the diversification of the energy sources used in Europe to
reduce the dependence of Europeans in relation to Russian gas and limit the political
influence that this dependence can provide Moscow.

The goal for Dick Cheney was for Americans to have energy
autonomy. This policy called for a diversification of sources: local oil, domestic gas and
coal, production of electricity with hydropower and with nuclear energy. He also demanded
a strengthening of exchanges with his vassals and friends, Brazil, Canada and Mexico. It
also had to control the flow of oil in the Arabian Gulf. For that he used all the resources in
Operation Desert Storm (in 1991), in preparation for the invasion of Iraq (in 2003) to have
control of the Persian Gulf and the total exploitation of Iraqi oil.

Strait of Hormuz
To comply with this tactic, Cheney concentrated on controlling the sea
lanes: the Strait of Hormuz (through which 35% of the world's oil trade transits) and the
Strait of Malacca. Those sea lanes are vital to the economic survival of their economic
rivals, China, Japan, North Korea and Taiwan. Both routes allow the shipment of energy
resources and raw materials to Asian industrial centers and the subsequent export of
manufactured products to world markets. By having them under its control, Washington
would simultaneously guarantee the loyalty of its main Asian allies and stop Chinese
Cheney more than delivered and at the cost of millions of deaths and
misery in the attacked regions. The United States reinforced its naval presence in the Asia-
Pacific area and formalized military alliances between Japan, India, and Australia. That too
to isolate China. The response of this country was to plan and begin to build several land
routes to commercially and productively link Europe and adjacent countries... with China,
he called this plan: "The Silk Road."
As for Russia its geopolitical rival in Europe. It observes with great alert the
dependence of Western Europe on Russian natural gas, dependence that limits the
opposition capacity of the countries of that region to the Russian economic and political
movements in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. The USA then forced Europeans to
participate in an unrealizable fantasy: to supply themselves in the Caspian Sea basin,
building new gas pipelines through Georgia and Turkey. It is about avoiding the passage
through Russia, with the help of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, avoiding the
use of the Gazprom gas pipelines. This is how the idea of the Nabucco gas and oil
pipeline appeared. That turned into a great failed "desmother".

Dreams "Guajirous" US to supply oil and gas and Europe

To reinforce the energy independence of its country, the United States

suddenly became a defender of nations. It stimulated the exploitation of oil and gas in the
Western Hemisphere, regardless of the dangers posed by drilling in ecologically fragile
areas, such as the waters off the coast of Alaska or in the Gulf of Mexico, or the possible
consequences of Fracking. Washington removed President Lula to increase its imports from
Brazil and replace oil from the Middle East.
At the cost of cruel warfare, he secured vital sea lanes stretching from
the Strait of Hormuz to the South China Sea, established a network of bases and alliances
that encircle China - the emerging world power - and formed a ring that goes from Japan to
South Korea, Australia, Vietnam and the Philippines, in the southeast, and India, in
the southwest, and a military installation in Darwin, on the north coast of the country, near
the South China Sea.
Washington is also trying to include India in a coalition of countries in
the region hostile to China to remove New Delhi from the BRICS, within the framework of
a strategy to block China that has led to several responses from this country.

Russia has the world's largest gas reserves in the world, with 643
trillion cubic feet from Western Siberia. Saudi Arabia, including the Ghawar field, with 426
trillion cubic feet, ranks next , followed by Syria in third place that can reach a daily
production of 400,000 cubic meters, which would make Syria the fourth largest producer in
the world. Middle East, (that is the origin of the US invasion).
The transport of gas from the Zagros belt, in Iran, to Europe must
necessarily go through Iraq and Syria, a situation that has driven the US crazy and made its
projects fail and consolidate the Russian projects (South Stream and
North Stream ). Without access to Syrian gas, Washington has no other option than to try to
guarantee Lebanese gas and it will most likely want to conquer this country through
Israel. (Because Russia's involvement in Syria already thwarted its previous plans.)

March 19 ... Today I presented him with the newspaper's writing, with some photos and
illustrations that I took from the Internet and that are Free, to PSP, they seemed fine, and he
told me that he had not taken that aspect into account, for lack of time and to locate
appropriate images that he could well pay for, but would have to be located and time would
be wasted, he ended up commenting to me that if they seemed correct, to illustrate the work

in this way, that he would only want to see the material that he would use to approve it. I
nodded enthusiastically, as so much information stunned even me and I thought that these
figures would give potential readers visual and intellectual rest.





"The presence of UFOs and their possible occupants is a mystery and governments
from all over the world, led by the USA, deny such a possibility of existence ”

However, many residents of all nations know that there are secrets
kept, that there are those facts in reserve. And only the leaders believe that the people,

"suck their thumb", but that is a lie. For example, the collapse of the Twin Towers in New
York, which caused thousands of deaths. And that supposedly the US government thinks
that its population still holds the belief that it was a few Arabs who circumvented the
immense security of the country and threw down the buildings. In itself, most think that
"there is something else" that is kept secret. As always, the government, which is not in its
best interest to tell the truth, keeps its investigations in its most secret files. One of the few
positive aspects of this tragedy is that maybe, just maybe, people take seriously, however
implausible it may seem at first, the prospect that there is a shadowy, paragovernmental
and transnational entity that has also maintained secretly the matter of UFOs

And, continuing with conspiracy theories , which seem more real than
the official versions of the governments and even more widespread, it is believed
that several hoaxes, accompanied by deaths and tragedies, have already been planned,
which will recall and dwarf the events of September 11: The Covid-19 Pandemic, a
localized war, (even nuclear) and a false alien invasion.

The testimony of hundreds of government, military and corporate experts has established
The UFOs are real . As flying objects of which it is unknown what they are, their
origin, their reason for flying, etc... this does not mean that they necessarily have
to be extraterrestrial . They can be prototypes or secret vehicles of some
government, institution or intraterrestrial beings, (that live hidden underground
either near or far from the surface, with secret entrances in certain
places). Although the possibility exists (although it is remote), that if they could be
vehicles of extraterrestrial civilizations. Technology is advancing every day and a
technology can be invented or found to replace the need for oil, gas, coal, ionizing
nuclear energy and other centralized and highly destructive energy systems and
perhaps a country has already achieved it.

Today industry nergy and transport that moves more than the $ 5 trillion
is currently highly centralized, measurement and is very lucrative. It is what runs the
entire industrialized world. She is the mother of all special interests. It is not about money
as you and I think, but about geopolitical power, power centralized on which the current

order in the world is governed. The world remains in a state of turbulent wars, endless
poverty for most of the Earth's inhabitants, global environmental ruin and virus spread, it
is only propping up a world order beneficial only to a few.

Control through fear.

As Wernher von Braun related to Dr. Carol Rosin , his spokesperson for
the last 4 years of his life, a maniacal machine - the military, industrial, intelligence and
laboratory complex - would pass from the Cold War to the Nations not yet subjected ,
to Global Terrorism and Biological Warfare, the stage in which we find ourselves today,
and if necessary until the last trump card: a deceptive threat from space. To
justify the eventual spending of trillions of dollars on space weapons, the world would be
fooled by a threat from outer space, thus uniting the world in fear, militarism, and
war. Since 1992, I have seen this script unveiled by at least a dozen well-placed
Dr. Rosin gave her testimony on the Disclosure Project , before September
11th. " And others told me explicitly that there were real UFOs and other things that
looked like UFOs, and the latter, are built and under the control of deeply secret Black
Projects , They are being used to simulate, deceive, alien appearance events, including
abductions and cattle mutilations, to sow the “first seeds” of cultural and technological
fear, regarding life in outer space ”.

"And that sometime after biological warfare, events would unfold that
would use the now revealed alien breeding vehicles (ARVs, or Reverse
Engineered UFOs), made by humans by studying real alien spacecraft, all of this to
achieve the "Reset" desired by the elite in the dark. Stop the war and the fake UFO
invasion. (With hundreds of millions of deaths) "

At the same used to terrorism and "infected" by a virus, fear will be

used to extraterrestrials, is the possible intelligent life in outer space demonized to have a
new enemy, which oblige people to undergo plans the gangsters who have called
themselves "Masters of the World."

As Reagan said, "If there were an enemy from off the planet that could
unite humans" (in fear and war), and this factor would be the best support for the 5000
billion dollar military industrial complex. After a period of terrorism, followed by a Viral
Pandemic, there will be a period during which the detonation of nuclear device practices
will be activated. Space will be militarized, an effort to present information to the public
about a threat from outer space will be intensified. Not only the asteroids that hit the
Earth, but other threats, more precisely: An extraterrestrial threat.
As well as acts of terrorism and the spread of uncontrollable
pandemics. Over the past 40 years, ufology, as it is called, combined with a powerful
media machine, has increasingly demonized aliens through fearsome movies like
"Independence Day" and pseudosciences featuring alien abductions and abuses. As a
customary act in our earthly present day.

That some humans have had contact with extraterrestrials, there is no

doubt; that actual ET contact has been subsumed in an ocean of misleading accounts,
too. True ET events are hidden from the masses and are rarely reported to the public. But
the Machine of Power in the dark ensures that deceptive, terrifying and inherently
xenophobic accounts are seen and read by millions. This mental conditioning to fear ET
has been subtly reinforced for decades, in preparation for future delusions. Hoaxes that
will make September 11 seem trivial and the Covid-19 Pandemic, child's play.

To be clear: the maniacal covert programs that control UFO

secrecy, ARVs, and related technologies, including technologies that can simulate ET
events, ET hijackings, and the like, plan first to ridicule and if necessary
suppress public information of their plans, turn them into the fire of fear and unfold events
that will eventually present the aliens as a new enemy. And the population,
already "softened" by terrorism, the Covid-19 Pandemic and a series of wars,
will easily fall for the deception of an "Extraterrestrial Threat", which will be more false
than a 364.5 yuan coin.

Many have already become aware that there are billions of dollars,
paid in teams to the best scientific minds in the world and that they are pressured to act,
not by society, but led by a secret and shadow group - a government within government
(“deep”), and at the same time completely outside government as we know it - they have
mastered the technologies, the art of manipulation, and the ability to launch an attack on
Earth to make it look like aliens did it.

We know of this from a "regretful" of this conspiracy, ("Deep

Throat"), and who had been present at the planning sessions when the ARVs, built
by Lockheed, Northrup and housed in secret locations around the world, were used to
simulate an attack on certain assets, (nations and places), making leaders and citizens
believe that there is a threat from space, when there really will not be.

Von Braun, Sagan, and others warned us about these deceptions, as a

pretext to put the war in space. The space-based weapons are already in place, part of a
secret parallel space program that has been operating since the 1960s. The ARVs are built

and ready to use (see the book "Disclosure" and the chapter with the testimony by
Mark McCandlish ). Space holographic deception technologies are in place, tested and
ready to fire. And Big Media (Newspapers, Tv, Radios and internet), is a pawn, which
now receives the dictation of the king's right hand.
This all sounds like science fiction. Absurd. Impossible. Like the
Coronavirus Pandemic, but the unthinkable happened and can happen again, unless we are
vigilant. Combine all of this with the current atmosphere of fear and manipulation and
there is a real risk of suspending our collective judgment and our constitution.

The threat and the attack will be completely human.

And it is we who must address this threat, control it and try to transform
the current situation of war, destruction, viral infection and secret manipulation into a
true Revelation and an era of sustained peace. War in space, to replace war on Earth, is not
evolution, but cosmic madness. In the style of the United States, a world thus united by
fear is worse than one divided by ignorance. The time has come to take a great leap into
the future, a leap out of fear and ignorance and into an uninterrupted era of universal
peace. All united we will fulfill this desired destiny, since the appearance of
So the first thing is to ensure that the "dark government" fails to carry out its
plans, using the current Covid-19 Pandemic. And if there really are several extraterrestrial
races, some positive and others negative for human society, as long as they do not
manifest themselves openly and take sides in plain sight, without arcanisms, or hidden

phenomena or hidden ends, our fight should focus on the groups that we observe and
verify, in their actions, carrying out a process of defense and survival of the species and
the happiness of the human being, projecting and doing what should be necessary, even if
it is very difficult and perhaps painful.

There is no pretext, that if there is alien life, it does not manifest itself
clearly, since taking as a paradigm the conquest of Mexico by the Spanish, and that they
did not hide from the natives or mixed people similar to them in their population. (As the
so-called contactees say, what the "cosmic outsiders" do); Unfortunately the purpose of the
" gachupas " was the prey and domination to achieve it. That we would not understand the
great technological advances is a myth. The Spanish banned schools for indigenous people
because they surpassed them in understanding and intelligence.

In the human race there would be individuals who would not only
understand extraterrestrial knowledge, but we would even surpass it in some aspects. For
example, I know who or who could gladly discuss in a group about quodlibetal issues on
the 4th and 5th. Philosophical abstractions , ontology, axiology, epistemology, or other
topics of metaphysics, or about revelation and its kerygma, hermeneutics,
eschatology, Pneumatics , (not that of tires), teleology, Christology, Mariology,
eschatology, apologetics, (which already I am exercising it), SS.EE. Reviews etc.
Etc.; Issues that at no time have I heard that some "enlightened contacted" touch not even
with the tip of his tongue, his pen and now in the digital age, with his finger. (And they are
really very abstract and complex, the only comparable are mathematics and physics at their
highest level, where surely there if we would be pupils of a more advanced civilization.).
Without any other justification, the criminal repression carried out by
governments, mainly the North American assassin state, is not because aliens exist or do
not exist, but because their weak and fragile socio-political and economic structure is
ripped apart with relative ease, (it is a giant not only with feet of clay, but of sand), with
any matter that goes outside the established script and that it maintains with gold
or weapons, and that includes many subjects, among them: History, religion, science,
medicine, the form of governments, etc., to what is considered normal, bizarre, true,
original, "proven", is given the name of official and thus there will be official history,
official religion, etc.
And any discovery, action or thought that is not orthodox and that does
not follow the rules that they imposed, will be sanctioned, ridiculed, persecuted,
marginalized, exiled and if none of this is effective, it will be mortally exterminated. Not
only the thought or the practice exercised, but those who carry them out, (his motto: "the
dog is dead, the rage is over"). Examples? There are plenty in the development of
humanity: Jesus Christ, Joan of Arc, Kennedy, Martin Luther, Thomas More, first Catholic

Popes, Christians in times of the Roman Empire, The 12 apostles servants of Christ ... ALL
Let us also remember entire exterminated peoples, the Cathars
(exterminated), The Templars, (exterminated), The Druids, (exterminated), the native and
original North American natives of the plains. (Almost exterminated, forced to live in
inhospitable reservations), Christians in most Islamist lands, (persecuted, marginalized and
sometimes killed), Armenians, (almost exterminated by the Turks), Poles, almost
exterminated by the Nazis and Russians, etc... AND SO THE LIST CONTINUES. It is the
manifestation of evil or negative, which we want to establish as a system, under the
command of an elite, in this 21st century.

What should be our role or behavior in the face of so many events that are
happening? First of all we must remember that although cosmic, natural, divine stability or
whatever you like to call it, it manifests itself in all things, and generally requires a balance.
Both in people and in nature, a manifestation that we only intuited because we did not get
to know its full scope, but if we put it in a mathematical measure, my humble opinion is
that it is 3% evil, negative or very high error, (not total because that does not exist in this
universe). 94% with a positive majority base, with aspects, points, actions, thoughts etc ...
there is partial evil or negativity; that nevertheless they do not manage to destroy the entity
or being that has it, practices it or thinks it, and only partially damages it and makes it
imperfect in different degrees.
And therefore it remains stable in a certain time and space. (What we call,
like ("GRAY AREAS"). And fortunately there is also a 3% who have a higher degree of
positivity or goodness. Influencing others and trying to make society become more positive
or good. To my way of thinking it is the usual normality When this happens, the negative
or evil ones in turn perform events of their vile nature to balance the matter as well.

So returning to what was said, sometimes due to some known or

unknown circumstance; unavoidable or with few or many possibilities of being able to
stop, that balance is broken and the number of aspects that are negative increases, and even
on an individual level the person is taken over by that negative, or evil and acts in that
way. However, this situation is not stable for long and the positive returns to reign.

The non-gratifying thing is that the same thing happens otherwise, when
the positive or good increases. Examples: The birth of Saint Francis and Saint Dominic, in
one of the most negative times of the Catholic Church, these illustrious men renewed the
faith and the Church. Likewise with the existence of Hitler and Stalin there was a very dark
time full of wars and genocides for humanity. But those imbalances ended and the
customary human-social normality arrived, which pulls to one side or the other, without the
majority of times breaking that balance.

This is a time of crisis and it is most certain that there are already one or
two human beings, who will reestablish the aforementioned balance, although perhaps we
still need more negative imbalance. But sooner or later it will also pass, do not doubt that.

And then, what role does the Covid-19 Pandemic play in these events? It
is just one more piece of the chess between the forces of good and evil, whether they come
from this land or God knows where. Maybe very soon we will find out.

Recapping some theories of extraterrestrial life:

1.- There are no extraterrestrials. We are like a speck of dust on a beach (Galaxy), the
hundreds of thousands of millions of grains, which is in the world (Universe island), where
for certain conditions, I think an enabling environment for plant and animal life and from
the latter, due to other natural, cosmic or divine circumstances, the conscious intelligence
of their existence arose. We are the only intelligent species in the Universe.

2.- If they exist but they have nothing to do with human existence. Either by being too
far from planet earth, being scientifically backward and not being able to travel here, or by
being so advanced that they observe us like we do the ants, but they do not interfere at all
in our development, unless... we are an anthill specially created by extraterrestrials, for
certain purposes that we cannot understand; as simple pets, of observation and study,
perhaps, to take advantage of some product that we give them, -as we do to chickens or
cattle-. Or perhaps, as part of plans established by one or some alien intelligences to
expand intelligent life or to let us move forward and be part of them one day. But as long
as they don't mess with us, not for the better or for the worse.

3.- If they exist and have to do with human society. Here it is worth reflecting that
among those beings from other planets there must be positive, (good) or bad (negative),
that is, those that help and those that harm, (the neutrals we already saw in point 2
above). However, and it is remarkably visible that there is no extreme point between both
positions, that is, on planet earth there is no absolute evil or perfect goodness, but a
natural, social and systematized structure combined of both factors: (+ and -), a
combination that reflects an equilibrium of existence and that, as we mentioned before, is
sometimes charged to + and in others to -, but it always tends to balance. Behind this, it is
observed that there is a Force, will or Higher Power that positively supports the system, for
the most part, (because the tendency of the negative ones is total destruction, perhaps
nothingness or a total emptiness, if for some factor, that tendency will reach the extreme
and triumph), but we can also see, the dominant positive force, that certain imbalances
coming from the negative, we do not know why, but it may be by test, as a crucible of
human souls or of society in general, so that they know what they are missing, when they
leave the positive or good; although many remain on that negative side as a permanent state
of existence. After this " Philosophical slip ", we finally wondered, what would happen... if
aliens really existed.
Antecedent: The quasinfinite grandeur of the universe.

The Milky Way has a diameter of one hundred thousand light years, if we received a signal
from extraterrestrial beings at the other end of the galaxy (we are in one of its spiral arms),
that signal would have been sent one hundred thousand years ago, and our response it

would take another hundred thousand years to reach its destination. It doesn't seem like a
good way to carry on a conversation.

It would be even more difficult to establish some kind of communication with beings from
other galaxies. The closest, Andromeda, is two million light years from us. That is, we
would need four million years to hear someone say "hello" to us and that someone receive
our response.

In short, communication with extraterrestrial beings could only occur with creatures that
live in a planetary system located a few light years from ours. Unless, of course, the speed
of light is n't an insurmountable limit, or we learn to build wormholes and figure out how to
send radio-frequency signals through them. And if necessary, let's learn to travel through
time. The time required for an intelligent civilization to develop and colonize a galaxy is far
less than the age of the Milky Way. Therefore, since the Milky Way exists, there has been
enough time for it to be colonized many times by different civilizations.

A civilization capable of colonizing a galaxy must be type 3, according to

the Kardashov scale . This scale classifies civilizations based on how much energy in their
environment they are able to harness. (1: Planet; 2: Solar System; 3: Galaxy). Our
civilization is not even fully Type 1 yet.

Communication and transportation options.

The distances between Solar Systems and Galaxies being so enormous. Theoretically, what
would be some ways to travel and communicate? Let's look at some small analog


It would be enough to show up, even if they did not want to conquer
us, and even if they wanted to help us to develop human society. All and if not most of the
social, religious, technological, political, military, philosophical, existential, biological,

etc... fundamentals would fall crashing to the ground and be destroyed! We would be
left naked, disoriented and easily conquered, if that was the intention of the aliens.

Taking the military as a paradigm, the films that show that if some alien
race wanted to exterminate or enslave us; Humans, Jajjajjajajja, (forgive me for this
outburst, but it's a laughing matter), led by the greatest invaders in the world! ”, we would
resist and defeat those invaders. This fantasy is ridiculous, no weapon or germ would be
our defense, for those who are supposedly technologically advanced, perhaps thousands of
years. As if we invaded an anthill and the ants of that colony, in their stories (if they had
intelligence) they will show that, as invaders, they can defeat us with their substances,
pollen or weapons, deadly for them, but that our "wise infectologists" they would
be harmless and useless means, in reality, the restit depends on the intentions of the "star

With the extraterrestrials, how would we make their theories and

practice coincide, in all aspects of existence both individually and in society? For example,
if they have another concept of Divinity, would they join the group of religions of the earth
or would the earthlings impose themselves, by force or voluntarily, to the new foreign

We are going to analyze several scenographies: (Not to say prospective or mental



a) Total extermination and occupation of a sanitized and sterilized

planet, clean of human pathogens. Ready to inhabit . Not to
mention here, they will most likely succeed, unless the Gringous will
lead us and there is a "New Independence Day", or as Orwell wrote

in his "War of the Worlds" a virus kills them. But that is as surreal
and fanciful as its very arrival.
b) We receive support. Or it can also happen, (everything fits in the
wide panties of possibilities), some other unexpected
event. Intervention of another sympathetic group of the earthlings
and defend them by sending the invaders to fly. And then he will
support us to raise our technological knowledge and thus be able to
travel through the Cosmos and be part of the galactic family or
confederation of worlds.
c) Nobody helps us, but some humans survive . There is the
disappearance of 99% of humanity, 1% survive in hiding and years
later rise up and manage to find freedom, expelling the invaders.
d) Nobody supports us and they exterminate us , including the
planet as well. And they go quietly as they came. "Homa Sapiens",
RIP, dinosaurs style. They do not occupy the planet.


let's look at a few:

a) Reproductive, direct combinatorial or use of sperm and eggs for

their own genetic harvests, some other form of reproductive
b) Physical, direct food (human meat or blood); They make a global
human farm to maintain food production.

c) Elaboration of their own products or of origin (terrestrial), it
would be merchandise of common use between them, including
vegetable, mineral or other foods; furniture, tools, machinery, etc.,
as in the Spanish encomiendas in New Spain, (Mexico), each alien
would get a piece of land and a certain number of humans to work
in slavery or servitude. And the earth would be one more world of
them, under their domination with a certain determination or
interest of resources or productive, ¿Gold? Rare earths or
mecachisuperraras? Slaves? Water? We do not know what their
needs or interests are. In this case we would be like Mexico (silver)
and Peru, (gold), they were for the Spanish, we would only have to
pray that this product does not end and with nothing to offer them,
they end up exterminating us. Or in the Spanish style in Ibero-
America, stay and mix with the earthly aborigines

d) For emotional feeding. Perhaps they feed on our emotions or

feelings, especially negative ones (anger, fear, sadness, etc.). They
organize human society to achieve their ends, even hiding their
presence, but encouraging events and events that produce enormous
amounts of negative energy that is their food, (wars, cataclysms,
pandemics, massive acts of entertainment. They structure
organizations and institutions to maintain disunited the human
population and avoid risks of dangerous technological development
or possible uprisings.

e) They make us a laboratory or experimental or recreational

hatchery and part of the observation of species that they
consider semi-rational quasianimals. How we humans who form
colonies to observe ants for entertainment or research purposes.

f) Combination of two or more factors mentioned above. The “d”

aspect seems to be really happening. Here in history, Now and
maybe in the future. There it only remained to say that perhaps it
has a "fifth column" of the same human species, who, betraying the
inhabitants of the planet, lend themselves to serve the aliens in
exchange for obtaining Power, wealth and control of humans. .


This is possible, since as Descartes would have said, animals are only
meat robots. They already carry in their genes the elements so that their species and each
one of them can survive, what in our ignorance we call instincts. (Food, safety, comfort,
reproduction, care of babies, company etc...). If we believe that a species, (the changoid
mammal), could evolve to have intelligent life. C omo perhaps did the reptiles, to make
way for intelligent reptilians assumptions and perhaps other species in the universe
infinite also done so.

Why could not make a super - race that has produced, A. I. (Artificial
Intelligence), developed and then peaceably or so violent that robotic creation, became
independent from its creators and although the form of reproduction is not equal (by the
union of sexes , but by adding parts or elem in cough ), no one could say that this is not
possible. As a to AI with sufficient capacity can multiply your robotic-inorganic and
behave like an ordinary sort of the universe species.
Let us observe that AI, in our incipient computational technology,
(Hardware-Software), already exceeds in several capacities, even the brightest human
minds, in memory, both in storage and in the speed of response, it only lacks the reasoning
and self-will. The first with quantum computers, (whose capabilities are going to be the
substitute for the human soul), does not take long to seem, since our thoughts are ideas and
these are the simple result of two premises, whose result is verifiable and applied to reality
material or abstract.

And unfortunately the robots do not exceed and by far in other things,
like, the average of life; and if necessary, the automatic union with the matrix; the
replacement of parts (mechanical, energy, quantum etc...); military force, (their weapons
can be an ordinary part of their bodies), normal existence, without auxiliary equipament, in
extreme places, such as the depth of the earth, under the ocean, outer space etc., etc...

On earth, the armed forces of the powers are making a mistake, by
entrusting their attack and response capabilities to AI, and also endowing them with greater
capabilities, it is almost certain that in a few years or centuries, (but it will happen), the AI
is as capable or more than the human race and as in the fantasy "Holiwudente", they rise up
and conquer them. Or at least throw us a few "atomic bombs" ("War Games",
"Terminator", "2001, Space Odyssey", AI, "Yo Robot", etc.).

All this without thinking about the tremendous impact of the

"Cyborgs", which will soon begin to appear in humans with mechanical and digital parts,
which will be more and more, until it will be difficult to know if someone is more human
or robot. Well, precisely from there will be born the first robot that has a will of its own
(very high intelligence will already have it), which will be a human with human additions
and that will believe itself to be a machine or a robot with human parts and that will believe
itself to be Robot.
This scenario is projected on the planet of the earthlings, imagine that these Robots come
from space and with thousands of years of development or advancement. It would be a
catastrophe, unless a "Transformer Primus" also came along.

You silence yourself or we silence you.

Hundreds of media and magazines claim that there has already been
contact in many other places, however it has been censored by television, radio and
press. Why? Because it did n't take a trillion dollars of tax money and elaborate equipment
to make contact. It is inconsistent to think that a race of beings with the ability to travel
interstellar and interdimensional would be using radio waves for contact.
Therefore, SETI and other organizations current official principal
and institutions that rely on such equipment and financing must censor or discredit the fact
that already made contact. It is also inconsistent to believe that our visitors from out of
this world would not be very advanced, both spiritually and technologically, because their
technology would have destroyed them without the balance of spirit. It remains only to
reason that they would contact the advanced teachers on this plane, with a high degree of

honesty, integrity and spiritual development that they would have the telepathic abilities
and reference points to understand.
There are several reasons why they do not contact those within our
governments and religious institutions, due to the long record of long attempts and misuse
of knowledge and energy. Money is now the force behind destiny, and those who control
money control destiny. They control the Government, all its agencies, the most important
religious institutions, society in general, and even the mainstream media . Only a brave
few, against all odds and with much courage, personal loss, and hardship, have chosen
truth, service, and impeccable integrity to be the ruling forces in their lives.

Why? Because there is absolute certainty, that advanced

civilizations no longer use money. They live in abundance without separation. They
know that they are one family and they always work the best they can for the whole and
the environment, knowing that everything is one. They know that the Creator is
omnipresent in all creation. They would not think of dominating, controlling, forcing the
deficiencies or the submission of one over another. They also have free, clean and planet-
friendly energy. That same Alien Ethic would prevent them from acting openly with
humans... Unless we asked.

These benevolent visitors from out of the world are a great threat on
this planet earth, for those who wish to leave us in ignorance, demanding subordination, or
wish to perpetuate the gross and unequal dispersion of abundance, class separation and
complete dependence for all. The needs. This is why we do not read or hear news about
UFOs released in the mainstream media by spokespeople, funded by big business who are
there to maintain the status quo without interruption.

10,000-year-old scuba-diving beings hail from Africa

Mainstream religions will also have to release their stranglehold on

society, because these ancient out-of-world cultures know more about God and the
universe, as well as about our history and vestiges in the form of paintings, sculptures,
buildings, writings etc... seem to attest to it . S or knowledge would end many dogma s to
misinterpretations of the anointed and the alteration of the sacred books, by kings and

institutions for pro pio well - being and personal power. It is believed that they
would clarify the teachings of great teachers, worshiping the divinity
or God where God belongs, back in the hearts and minds of each individual and within
each life. Or on the contrary, as some Catholic hierarchs say, (I think with pride), they are
ready to catechize the extraterrestrials.

The army.
The objectives of the military are to gain the knowledge and technology
to dominate and overwhelm others. National security depends on who is at the top with
the most destructive weapons available. His agenda is to shoot them with them, to get the
knowledge and technology for the purposes of power rather than service. For them,
these out-of-this-world entities are a threat.

Everything that they do not understand and over which they do not have power is a threat
to them.

 Do you understand now why they are not being contacted?

 Do you understand why they need to cover up the existence of UFOs?

They have no control over them. These out-of-this-world visitors are

superior on all levels, with complete stealth capabilities. If e Llos existed would
be capable of interstellar and interdimensional flights with weapons capable of turning
aside this planet or turn it into ashes in a moment.

How does this make the person responsible for your protection
feel? Absolutely inadequate, and for that reason they must cover up the existence of
UFOs and continue to practice reversible engineering in those that have crashed here and
there until they obtain their own model. This has already been done, however it is quite
inferior. They too must keep the threat alive, because their very existence depends on
being continually threatened. Unfortunately they see everything with a military
mentality. There are also the various government agencies.

Believe or not, they have infiltrated and control many groups and
agencies UFO disclosure on the subject. What better way to gain information than
to distribute false information, as well as to censor anything that does not fit your
purposes? They have enough crash site hardware and documents to prove UFOs exist to
fill an entire stadium with them.

The social masses.

Now, populations are completely dependent on the continuation of

the “status quo too ” Their survival depends on continuing business as usual . They are
afraid of being reprimanded by their friends, their church, or of losing their jobs, or they

are afraid of losing acceptance or approval outside of themselves. The two things people
fear the most are change and the unknown. What most want the most is the constant
payment, the apartment, the car, beer, the television and the free weekends. They do not
care by what means they get it, or if somehow is harmful for Humanity and Earth, all for
security. What you will be reminded of in the very near future is that there is a reaction to
actions against Humanity and Nature, which will soon be your greatest insecurity; it's in
the wind and right around the corner. The condition of our present society and
environment is on a downward spiral, and it is not sustainable. This is one of the main
reasons why UFOs are believed to be here. One of the latest censures is the policies within
the UFO community itself. There are hardware hounds that censor anything other than
nuts and bolts. There are those who focus on abductions, implants, and mutilation. There
are others who capitalize on fear and suspense, who censor anything spiritual or
benevolent about advanced races returning to Earth.

Estatuettes of reptilian beings in the year 3500 BC, come from Iraq

Each believes that he or she has the truth, and the only truth, and
some have built empires on it, and must maintain a limited truth. What if it's all of the
above? What if they overcome their egotistical impulses, competition and gather all the
information to solve the puzzle? The UFO phenomenon cannot be dominated and
censored by any of the group. Then it becomes another religion or an institutionalized
belief system and the discredit and ridicule of the people, which the government takes
advantage of for its own benefit. Finally we have the few radicals, those who seek
knowledge and not recycled ignorance. There are those who want to know, and the
enlightened who do. They are a threat to all of the above, and they are the most
censored. So now you know why, despite the number of videotapes, photos, multiple
eyewitnesses, and despite millions of sightings and contacts in and around the world,
UFOs are censored on television, radio and the press. And those who do not follow the
laws of the UFO phenomenon and publish or give unauthorized lectures and oppose
censorship are hopelessly murdered and their memory vanished from the face of the
earth. On the other hand, researchers and official UFOologists are enriched and when they
die they are considered heroes.

There are hundreds of murdered or with deaths "very
suspicious", of those involved in the UFO investigation, (UFO),
we will mention some of the best known cases.

Phil Schneider. Killed in 1996, an expert in weapons, explosives and chemistry, his cause
of death was hanging with a rubber hose three times around his neck, and half the knots in
the front part. The FBI and the CIA said it was "self-suicide." (Wouldn't it have been easier
for him to shoot himself or take pills?... since he had almost no fingers on his hands.)

Some of Schneider's most important accusations are worthy of attention:

1.- The United States government, as well as Nazi Germany, in 1939 signed a treaty with
the "gray" extraterrestrials in 1954. This mutual cooperation package is called the Treaty of

2.- The space shuttle has been coming and going with metals of a special alloy. The reason
is that a vacuum atmosphere is needed to work with these special alloys, as well as the
pressure that occurs in a space station. This quality is as important to construct mock UFOs,
or biological viruses as weapons.

3.- A large part of our stealth aircraft technology has been developed thanks to reverse
engineering obtained from crashed alien spaceships.

4.- AIDS and other corona viruses are manufactured, as a biological weapon, for the control
of the world population, many of them are developed at the National Ordinance
Laboratory in Chicago, Illinois.

5.- Without the knowledge of the citizens, the government of the United States already
has the necessary technology to induce earthquakes. The Kobe earthquake did not have any
pulse waves (seismic waves); the 1989 San Francisco earthquake also did not have a
pulsating wave. (Years later they repeated the dose to the Japanese at FUKUSHIMA,
including a nuclear spill).

6.- The explosion at the World Trade Center and the Oklahoma City explosion were
perpetrated using small nuclear devices. The melting and holes in the concrete as well as
the extrusion of the supporting metal rods indicate this. (Remember that Schneider , he
said, was an expert in explosives.) . He no longer saw the two Twin Towers, which was
more brazen.

7.- The democracy he loved no longer existed. Instead, we had become a technocracy ruled
by a shadow government with the intention of imposing its own vision of things on all of
us , like it or not, some of its best friends had been murdered in the last 22 years, eight of
which had been officially declared suicides.

8.- The Philadelphia experiment did exist and today there are great advances in this matter

9.- USA is full of cities and bunkers with aliens and secret human agencies working
together, not for the benefit of the population but to achieve a slave town.
Whatever we think of Phil Schneider's statements , it cannot be denied that he
was of particular interest to the FBI and CIA . That he said he was crazy, that he had never
worked for the government and that what he said was nonsense, Ah, but that if, as they did
to TESLA, they were just burying Schneider and already in his house there was a cloud of
intelligence agents stirring everything up, they thoroughly searched the place and
took away all the photographs and all the documents from his personal archive! ... What
would they want those documents for if they were the fruits of a madman ... There was
something else there!

Cover of issue 1 of "The Alien Digest"

Another recent disturbing case is the death
of Ron Rummel, former Air Force intelligence agent and editor
of The Alien Digest on August 6, 1993. Rummel allegedly shot
himself in the mouth. His friends say, however, that no blood was
found on the barrel of the gun and the handle of the gun was free
of blood and fingerprints. (It is believed that he cleaned the handle of
the weapon after death), Also, according to the information
circulating, the suicide note left by the deceased was written by a left-handed
person. Rummel was right-handed. His body gave off an odor of sodium pentothal. A great
friend of Schneider, who gave him courage with his murder, and for that reason he began to
"loosen his tongue", then he was also murdered.

Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) logo An equally disturbing death is that of Ron
(Jerrold) Johnson, at the time of his death MUFON's

Deputy Director of
Investigations. Johnson was 43 years old
and apparently in excellent health. He had
just passed a recent physical exam with
enviable results.
However, on June 9, 1994, while
attending a meeting of the Society for
Scientific Exploration in Austin, Texas, Johnson died suddenly and amid very strange
circumstances. During a slide show, several people sitting near him heard a gasp. When the
lights came back on, Johnson slumped back in his chair, his face flushed, and blood
pouring from his nose. A can of soda, from which he had been drinking, sat on the chair
next to him.
Did Ron Johnson die of a stroke? It's possible. Did you have an allergic
reaction? , no, it was really arsenic the cause of his death. His girlfriend was charged and
found to be allegedly suicidal, several days later, with several shots to the heart.

Another death that involves elements of high strangeness is that
of Ann Livingston, who died suddenly in early 1994 from ovarian
cancer. Livingston made a living as an accountant, but was also a MUFON researcher and
in fact, published an article titled: " Electronic Harassment and Alien Abductions" in
the Moufon Journal of 11-1993. The article was highly critical of Julianne McKinney,
director of the Electronic Surveillance Project at the Association of National Security
Alumni. McKinney dismisses the UFO phenomenon, believing that what passes for such is
more often a kind of ploy by the government or another body, either in the form of
experimental apparatus or experimental psychology.

Karla Turner. Doctor, eminence in Abductions whose

books shuddered and rum USA, (even movies were filmed), killed by
sudden cancer. Despite being completely healthy all her life.

Who or what is killing UFO researchers, today and in the past?

Danny Casolaro

He was an investigative journalist investigating the theft of the Project

Promise software, a program capable of locating anyone anywhere in the
world. He died in 1991, his death being classified as
suicide. Casolaro was also investigating matters related to UFO cases
from the Pine Gap base near Alice Springs in Australia, Area 51 and
government experiments in bioengineering.

Mae Bussell.

Not long ago, Mae Bussell, a fearless radio host and investigative journalist died of fast-
acting cancer as did Ann Livingston and Karla Turner. Bussell was extremely interested in

Coral and Jim Lorenzen

The directors of the APRO, Coral and Jim Lorenzen, a Tucson- based UFO research group ,
both died of sudden cancer .

Deck Slayton

NASA astronaut, was about to make a statement about his UFO experiences,
but miraculously the sudden cancer, also intervened to silence him.

Brian lynch
Brian Lynch, a young psychic and contactee, died in 1985, allegedly from a drug
overdose. According sister Lynch, Geraldine, a year before his death Brian was contacted
by an intelligence agent working for a company PSI-tech in Austin, Texas. Geraldine said
they told Brian that they were experimenting with psychic warfare techniques. After his
death, a note was found among his personal effects with the words. "Five million from the
Pentagon for Project Scanate"

Captain Don Elkin

In the 1980s Eastern Airlines pilot Captain Don Elkin committed
suicide. He had been investigating the UFO cover-up for more than 10 years and, at that
time, he was delving into the study of the material known as Ra Material. T lso known as
the Law of the One, is a series of five books supposedly written by a non - human
intelligence called Ra through the speaker type, channel, receiving it through the
channeling process. Ra describes himself as an entity composed of an entire civilization of
extraterrestrial beings that would be fused into a single unified consciousness. This material
was published between 1982 and 1998 by Schiffer Books. Don Elkins acted as one of those

Other strange deaths of scientists

Certainly, nothing is so strange, no generated more speculation that the

thirty-odd deaths associated with research related to SDI -Strategic Defense Initiative, (Star
Wars), company Marconi Ltd. In England between 1985-1988 approximately. Here's a
short list of some of the strangest deaths: Roger Hill, a designer at Marconi Defense
Systems. He allegedly committed suicide by shooting a shotgun in March 1985. Jonathan
Walsh, a digital communication expert employed by GEC, Marconi's parent company, falls
from his hotel room in November 1985 after commenting that he feared for his life. Ashad
Sharif, another Marconi scientist.
In October 1986, he reportedly tied a rope around his neck, then tied
the other end to a tree, got behind the wheel of his car, and hit the gas with predictable


In March 1988, Trevor Knight, also associated with Marconi, died of

carbon monoxide poisoning in his car. Peter Ferry, the firm's marketing director, was
found concussed to death with electrical cables in his mouth (August 1988). Also during
the same month of the same year, Alistair Beckham was found shocked with electrical
cables connected to his body and his mouth filled with a handkerchief. He was an engineer
for the firm Plessey Defense Systems, a Marconi collaborator. From the "Star War"
program against the USSR, Andrew Hall who was found dead in September 1988, from
carbon monoxide poisoning.

And you may wonder, what does the investigation at SDI have to do with
the deaths of the UFO investigators? In theory, a lot. If, as many researchers have
theorized, the research in the so-called Star Wars Project began with the dual objective of
protecting ourselves from a hypothetical Soviet aggression and / or from the presence of
extraterrestrial spacecraft in our atmosphere, then several possibilities arise. .

Other explanations have been offered. For example, the

scientists working on the project discovered the true nature of the research, which caused
them overwhelming stress and led to suicide. Either they discovered that their actual
collaborators were the "Grays," or that Western politicians worked with and for the Gray
aliens. One thing seems obvious. A dreadful lgo occurred at Marconi. Well, normally,
scientists don't commit these kinds of strange “unscientific” suicides that we find here.

Another possibility is that a contingent of hostile extraterrestrials had

found out about the projects developed by GEC, Marconi and their affiliates and to protect
themselves they induced enough psychic trauma in the minds of many of the scientists to
drive them to suicide. But if this is so, why have the deaths stopped? Has the project been

shelved? Highly unlikely. Most likely the project was completed around 1988 and whatever
it was, energy beam weapons or whatever, it is currently in operation.

Certainly, neither the general public, and not even the majority of
ufologists, seem fully aware of the real risks UFO researchers run. In fact, ufologists who
are aware of the suspicious deaths of some of their colleagues in the 1950s and 1960s seem
to believe that all the government agencies back then have softened their tactics in the
1980s and 90s. The evidence, as we have indicated, does not seem to justify that
conclusion. There is no doubt, however, that there were some strange goings-on in the
1950s and 1960s.

Jessup and McDonald

By far the most intriguing (and perhaps gruesome) deaths in

ufology were those of Dorothy Kilgallen, MK Jessup, and Dr. James McDonald - the first
in an alleged accident, the last two alleged suicides. The details of these deaths, despite
official statements to the contrary, are, to say the least, worrying. Each of the three
individuals seemed to have many reasons to live, all were successful in their jobs, and each
of them was deeply immersed in the, at that time, relatively new problem that the UFO
phenomenon represented.

Dorothy Kilgallen

Dorothy Kilgallen, was the most famous press journalist in her day. Stationed in the
UK from 1954 to 1955, and privy to the secrets of English society at the highest level, she
submitted two unusual articles that may have contributed to her death. The first, released in
February 1954, mentions a "very secret special meeting of the world's military leaders" that
will take place the following summer. The second 1955 article, shortly before her death
from an alleged overdose of sleeping pills and alcohol (in the style of Marilyn Monroe ),
quoted an unidentified British ministerial official, `` We believe that, on the basis of our In
research thus far, the saucers were manned by men of short stature - probably less than four
feet tall. It's terrifying, but there's no denying that the flying saucers come from another
planet. '
Was Dorothy Kilgallen's death really accidental? It seems that there are indications that he
had help...
Dr. James McDonald

Fisico senior of the Institute of Atmospheric

Physics and professor in the Department of Meteorology at the
University of Arizona, died in 1971, allegedly from a gunshot wound to
the head. No one worked as hard in the 1960s as McDonald to convince
Congress that the subcommittee would hold high-level meetings to
investigate the reality of the UFO phenomenon of which he was fully
convinced. He was without a doubt a thorn in the neck for all those who
maintained the official cover-up and, needless to say, his death was a
blessing to them.

McDonald, allegedly a victim of depression, shot himself in the
head. But, unfortunately, he did not die. He was left wheelchair bound, but somehow,
several months after his first attempt, he allegedly got into a car, drove to a pawnshop,
bought another gun, from his wheelchair he drove into the desert and was shot. How timely,
you might think, for his enemies! And surely McDonald had made enemies. The question
is: To what extent did those enemies help or facilitate the death of this influential and
worthy defender of UFOs?

Morris K. Jessup

When astronomer and archaeologist MK

Jessup allegedly committed suicide in Dade Park County, Florida, in
1959 some alarm bells should have been set off. There is no doubt
that the well - known author of such influential works as The C ase
for the UFO and The Expanding case for the UFO was going through
a depression. Things had not been going well for him, and he had,
admittedly, commented on his mood to close friends, biologist Ivan Sanderson and Long
John Nebel , the well-known New York radio host . Sanderson denounced that he was
concerned about " a series of strange events" that kept him in a completely insane world
of reality. "

Frank Edwards

A news commentator, died of a suspected heart attack on

June 24, 1967, just on the 20th anniversary of the Kenneth
Arnold sighting. A coincidence? Probably not. Several other prominent
ufologists died on the same day, Arthur Bryant, the contactee, Richard
Church, president of CIGIUFO, and the writer, Willie Ley. The
circumstances surrounding Edwards's death, which like James
McDonald was pushing for congressional subcommittee meetings, raise
big questions. It so happens that the World UFO Conference was held in New York City, at
the Commodore Hotel on that same day in June, chaired by UFO editor and writer Gray
Barker. Barker publicly stated that he had received two letters and a phone call threatening
that Frank Edwards, who was not present, would not be alive by the end of the conference.

How do you explain the streak of heart attacks that affected so many researchers?

Frank Edwards, Rep. Rouse, writer HT Wilkins, Henry E Kock, director of publicity
for the Universal Research Society of America, writer Frank Scully, and
contactee George Adamski? How do we accurately relate the large number of alleged
suicides, including: Rev. Della Larson, contacted, writer Gloria Lee (Byrd), Marie
Ford, UFO fan who discovered Larson's body, researcher Doug Hancock, and, more
recently, researcher Feron Hicks? What do we do about the inordinate number of cancer
deaths that dot the field of UFOs and test our credulity: Canadian researcher Wilbert B.
Smith, Brazilian researcher Dr. Olavo Fontes, researchers Jim and Coral Lorenzen,

and the death of biologist Ivan Sanderson and CUFOS founder James A. Hynek, both
from rare brain cancer?

Ivan T. Sanderson

The late Ivan T. Sanderson died unexpectedly. He was head of an

important research group on paranormal phenomena and the UFO
Ufology is not a hobby a mere hobby as surely some would like it to
be. There is a danger, the real danger, of sticking your nose in
places where those in charge don't want you to go. Many of the
deaths related to this matter are highly suspicious. Some appear to
be outright murders.What is the cause, who is the "bad guy"? Once again, it must be
stressed that the "problem" is complex.
Unscrupulous intelligence agencies, negative alien groups, PSI-tech companies working for
their own ends, and undercover reactionary groups... all appear to play, or have played, as
much a role in the more dire events related to UFOs than they are described here as the
possible killings of UFO researchers in recent decades as well as in more recent decades.

It seems highly probable that at times one or more of these agencies may
be working together, either with or without the knowledge of the other's presence. What
can we do about it? Several things. We can inform ourselves as good democratic
citizens. And we can inform others. We can and should put our cry to the sky when foul
play is suspected.If we want to protect our lives and the democratic hopes that we say we
value, then we must not walk, silent and ignorant, at night, pretending an innocence that we
have not earned.

William cooper

Author of the classic book: Behold a pale

Horse and radio host, killed in strange circumstances in
a confrontation with the police. This was the news:
"Shot dead" The announcer of the radio station WBCQ, William
"Bill" Cooper was shot and killed last night during a shootout
with police officers.

Stanley Kubrick

Although he is not a UFO researcher, it seems to me that

Kubrick deserves a honorific mention here. I believe that Stanley Kubrick, who died of
sudden cancer shortly after the release of his film Eyes Wide Shut, was killed
using advanced technology. It is said that he was protected by the highest levels of the US
government and NASA, since he was responsible for filming what some consider to be a
false arrival of man on the moon in 1969. Thanks to that he received permission and a high
budget for his 2001 film a space odyssey, this indicated that he was fully aligned with the
secret powers that be. For example, "The Black Bloc" was shown, as an Inter -Space Portal
and who is worshiped by the Masons and is at the entrance of the headquarters of
the United Nations in New York.

However, people change. He did not make any films for twenty years
before he produced Eyes Wide Shut. This movie was kept secret until its release. Even
critics couldn't see it until the day it was released. Most of the people did not know what to
do with it. It is not recognized for what I think it was, that is, a documentary, of the type of
the satanic rituals and the Luciferian powers, that are involved. In the movie Tom Cruise
tells towards the end something like "If you knew who these people are, you wouldn't sleep
at night." I think Kubrick eventually turned to the bright side, and he wanted to get
information out of people. I believe Kubrick died at the hands of the advanced technology
of the people he was once aligned with.

Although on the subject of " Eyes Wide Shut " I have wondered
if Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman were also punished for acting in this film, by breaking
up their marriage. After all, the movie wouldn't have been anywhere near as famous if they

hadn't acted in it. The secret government has technology that it can pass on to people to
cause marriages to break. I am not the only one who thinks this. I've read about it elsewhere
on the net: I'm sure most readers will also realize that it was the movie that many consider a
catalyst for Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman's marital breakdown. (For more information
about "Eyes Wide Shut" see

Dean Stonier.

Dean was the organizer and promoter of the Global Sciences

Congress, which for years hosted many top researchers including Phil Schneider and Al
Bielek, the only survivor of the Philadelphia Experiment. Dean died of a heart attack in
August 2001, just a month after the Global Sciences Congres of Denver.

Jim Keith

Jim Keith died in 1999. Author of numerous books, including Mind Control, World
Control. Jim died in hospital during surgery to repair a broken leg that was done while
attending the infamous Burning Man Festival in Nevada. Apparently, a blood clot was
released during the operation and reached the heart causing pulmonary edema.
Not only the direct investigators of the alien phenomenon are assassinated but also any
investigator whose discoveries do not agree.

Sudden and suspicious deaths of 119 of the world's leading AIDS microbiologists and

11/12/2001 Benito Que, a researcher on AIDS, who before he died said that he would
reveal spectacular discoveries about this disease, was killed with bats in a Miami parking
lot and later died.
11/16/2001 Don C. Wiley disappeared. He was found on December 20. Investigators said
that he suffered dizziness on a Memphis bridge and died when he fell into the river... from
two meters high! The CIA, harassed him because it published that he could know where an
anthrax sent to kill someone or spread an epidemic.
11/21/2001 Vladimir Pasechnik, a former senior Russian microbiologist who defected to
the UK in 1989, died of a stroke.
12/10/2001 Robert M. Schwartz stabbed to death in Leesberg, Virginia Three Satanists
were arrested.
12/14/2001 Nguyen Van Set died in a nitrogen-filled watertight compartment at his
laboratory in Geelong, Australia. 09/02/2002 Victor Korshuno v and
Brshlinsky, microbiologists killed a blow s few days apart. It is believed by the
pharmaceutical monopolies, to reveal great discoveries in the treatment of diseases.

02/14/2002 Ian Langford was found partially naked and tucked under a chair in Norwich,
England. The greatest expert in environmental contingencies and risks, Monsanto is

believed to have intervened here. 02/28/2002 San Francisco resident Tanya
Holzmayer was killed by a fellow microbiologist, Guyang Huang, who shot her while
bringing him a pizza and then Guyang apparently committed suicide.

03/24/2002 David Wynn-Williams died in a traffic accident near his home in Cambridge,
England. 25/03/2002 Steven Mostow of the Health Sciences Center of Colorado, killed in a
plane that was flying to Denver.

2014, 108 scientists, the world's best AIDS researchers, die in the Ukrainian sky due to a
missile that the Ukrainian army sent by "mistake".
2014, A computer programming engineer, who was happy with a contract to be a partner,
which he had had with "Fortune 500", (Rotchild, Soros, Rockefeller, etc...), dies in a plane
disappeared in the Indian oceans, because he had invented a special program to enter any
computer in the world. He was delusional as he believed that those demons were going to
leave him such knowledge and even less if they had to share the profits!
2020, Bing Liu, researcher on Covid-19, who said that he had an investigation into the
origin and process of that Pandemic, was shot to death in a park.



Ron Bonds
Ron Bonds sold conspiracies. The Atlantan published books on
unsolved mysteries and unexplained phenomena, from the Kennedy assassination to the
haunting black helicopters of the New World Order. In the paranormal subculture, his
reputation was such that the writers of The X-Files called on him for ideas.
In April 2001, fifteen hours after eating at a Mexican restaurant in Atlanta, after a
harrowing night of vomiting, Bonds was taken by ambulance from his home to Grady
Memorial Hospital, where he died. During the autopsy, the medical examiner found large
amounts of blood in the intestines, so he sent a stool sample to the Georgia Public Health
Laboratory in Decatur. Result: ANTHRAX.

Philip K. Dick.
Writer of science fiction books and author of Blade
Runner and Minority Report. For several years he had been contacted. He died of a stroke
under strange circumstances. He was writing a non-fiction book about his experiences
with extraterrestrial contact. Never to be published, and that manuscript disappeared
his death.

John mack

A highly learned and world-famous professional

psychologist, he began a study of more than a decade of

200 men and women who reported recurring experiences of alien abduction . Such
encounters had received some limited attention from academic figures (R. Leo Sprinkle
was perhaps the first, in the 1960s). Mack, however, is still probably the most esteemed
scholar to have studied the subject. He was killed by a car in a very suspicious way.

Hundreds of names of researchers are missing, who offered their

lives so that the world would know the truth about UFOs and aliens.

As a culmination I mention the final words of editor Stephanie Relfe: From the field of
UFO research , and from the secret activities of the government , especially in the matter of
the Covid-19 Pandemic, it seems to have a lot of danger that Ascribed to it, it is highly
recommended that people involved in this only do so when they feel led to do so by God
and their intuition and higher self, not because it is exciting or profitable, or because "the
world needs it." Because the safest thing is that they will be killed or disappeared.

UFO researchers' overall conclusions, (and what they were killed for):

 There is a 99% certainty that extraterrestrial manned ships

visit us and some have even fallen accidentally.
 They come not only from our space, time and dimension but
also from other spaces , times and ultradimensions
 Efforts USA, Russia and other countries in smaller
scale, even to obtain alien technology, have occasionally been
 Investigations of living aliens and autopsies of the deceased
have been conducted.
 All the Security Agencies of the world and those of the
western world directed by the USA, hide and misrepresent facts.
 Aliens have been accompanying humanity, even before it
appeared and ancient cultures left some signs of their presence

 The US has an agreement with certain aliens, to use terrestrial
inhabitants at their discretion, for which reason they have been
abducted, used for hybrid reproduction, kidnapped, mutilated and
 There is already an active presence of various groups of
extraterrestrials in the world, and they control our society, through
scabs or traitors to their own species. Although others support
positive groups or leaders.
 Russia and the USA have obtained various technological
advances such as gravitational propulsion, computing, beam weapons
and mind control.
 The universe is interspatial, intratemporal and
multidimensional and everything is visited by entities from other
realities. There are hostile, neutral, indifferent, and supportive.
 Human evolution in the organic-genetic, technological
advance and the development of religions have received strong
extraterrestrial influence.
 Techno current logy held several gobi Ernos is more
advanced than known by the general population
 The NASA is an instrument of terrestrial and extraterrestrial
for their own purposes, which are not those of ordinary people, or
 The governments of the world, but greater emphasis the US,
through the CIA and NASA, killed or disappear researchers who
come to knowledge of the aliens.
 If the conditions are conducive there will be a false alien
invasion to achieve the imposition of a World Government.
 Our civilization is one of many, but not the last to have
existed on earth in several million years.
 There will be a series of planned and alternative cataclysms
that will change the situation on the planet, including a drastic decline
in population.
 After a brief negative parenthesis, the planet earth will live a
golden age and will be admitted to the concert of worlds, times and

A lthough we believe that these assertions are perhaps partially true,
the existence and presence of aliens in our world is something that will not be allowed to
pass unnoticed by the human population. And it is part of the alien strategy and its human
lackeys, that there is an informative chaos to cover up their purposes. And so far they are
happy because they believe that they are achieving their purposes, Covid-19 is proof of

“If you do what God wants you to do, I believe it will give you
protection. For example Saint Joan of Arc was given protection and success in the early
stages, when God spoke to her. But then she continued on her own, not realizing that God
didn't tell her to do more than He originally asked her to do, and she paid the price. "
G. Cope Schellhorn, (UUM).

March 20...

THEORY 16: " PANDEMIC is an invention, COVID-


My thongs were good for something!

Microseres and food.

Many researchers, for who knows what purposes, present all microbes
as dangerous to health, as pathogens, but they do not tell us that the immune system
interacts with bacteria, which in their vast majority are much more beneficial, they help us
to digestion, improve bodily functions, including strengthening the immune system and
response to injury. The normal absorption of fats depends on the normal metabolism of
bile salts and, in turn, the normal metabolism of bile acids is strongly influenced by
intestinal bacteria. Its alteration in the digestive system alters the interrelationships
between intestinal bacteria, bile acids and ingested fats, which can have important
physiological consequences.

Attacking pathogens without discrimination and measure damages our

immune system. Taking antibiotics greatly increases your risk of infection. The human
body has ten times more bacterial cells than human cells, and the immune system can
develop antibodies against certain pathogens, which it can reuse when threatened by future
attacks from the same pathogen. Researchers with their narrow-minded specialties do not
accept this broader view of the immune system. The viruses are essential for plants and

animals and of course humans to resist disease and changes in the environment: cold,
drought, heat, hunger etc.

What if a person is sick with Covid-19? ". In that supposed confirmed

case of the coronavirus, it does not necessarily mean that a person is sick. Because
Coronaviruses exist anywhere and in any environment. If they were tested 99% of the
existence of the Coronavirus in all human beings on the planet would have a coronavirus.
When "tests, which, as we will see later, there is no proven reliability" show that a
person "has the virus", it is counted as " A case". And as unbelievable, you have no
symptoms at all, or have very mild symptoms.

In 80-90%, the so-called “cases” ARE mild, and the diagnostic tests for coronavirus do
not prove that the symptoms, common to other illnesses, such as colds or coughs, are
caused by the virus, but rather that they are more common, from other sources, but there
is a slogan to diagnose everything as Coronavirus Covid-19. And here the ignorance
and manipulation of the media intervenes, day and night about the "China epidemic", in
which people are submerged, in an incessant bombardment of Covid-19, that any
symptom, almost always Mild, people by subliminal suggestion mistake common flu
symptoms: fever, weakness, cough, headache, lung problems, a shoe squeeze, overeating
and even partner stress... with CROWNVIRUS.
These very general symptoms give an extensive catalog of various diseases, but all are
marked as Coronavirus without it being reliably demonstrated that they are.

Money is more important than the health of the population.

Jon Rappoport, carried out a work on the lies of the diseases that
viruses cause, and that questions many of the "medical truths" which most of the
population naively take as dogmas.

Do we really know what "isolating a virus" is? The direct and exact way to isolate a
virus, for example, consists of extracting diseased tissue from a human being, and from
that tissue, and with a special technique, the material of what is a probable virus is
separated from the non-viral material; then, shots or photographs are taken with an
electron microscope, (EMS), of the probable virus. If we look with detail and detective
accuracy, in the images obtained, we will see lots and lots of the same virus. So, arrived

here, we will not be faced with an assumption of what could or could not be a virus: we
will definitely be seeing it, before our eyes. This is the direct form of a virus from a
human body. It is not an indirect proof,

Peter Doshi, published an article in the BMJ (formerly known as the

British Medical Journal) under the title, " Influenza - Marketing Vaccines through
Marketing Disease", so we can note that, "Each year, hundreds of thousands of people
who suffer from respiratory flu are tested in the US Of those tested, an average of 16%
are positive traces of flu virus "Translation: 84% of people diagnosed with flu, are NOT
finds them flu viruses. Every year... And that means that the flu virus is not there, nor
was it ever, the medicines AND THE PREVENTIVE VACCINES were a "zero to the

Examples continue to abound: SARS

Jim West wrote an article for the Weston A. Price Foundation ( The SARS Epidemic -
Are Viruses Taking the Rap for Industrial Poisons ?) On the SARS epidemic:
An inside source, Dr. Frank Plummer, revealed the secret: "The editor told The

Scientist magazine that the novel coronavirus implicated as the cause of the disease can
certainly be found in the environment, but that it is unlikely to be the cause. causative
agent of the disease.

Frank Plummer is the director of the Canadian National

Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg. "Plummer stated:" We are finding that some of
those affected who meet all the symptoms of the SARS disease test negative for the
SARS virus. It is somewhat disconcerting. The amounts of virus that we are finding,
when we find them, are so small that they are only detectable with very sensitive PCR
tests. "In fact, even when traces of the virus believed to cause SARS were found in
patients, the amount was so small that there was no way to determine if it could actually
cause the disease Frank Plummer finally admitted that the percentage of SARS cases
in which the virus was present was close to zero Translation: SARS disease was not of
viral origin.

Yet another reference, which sheds much more light on what the "virus isolation"
issue really means.

It is an excerpt from an interview conducted by journalist Christine

Johnson, entitled " Does HIV exist ? - Does HIV exist " with Dr. Eleni Papadopulos, a
biophysicist who leads a team of scientists studying HIV / AIDS in Perth, Australia. Over
the past decade, Papadopulos and his colleagues have published numerous scientific
papers that challenge the HIV / AIDS hypothesis. We show this excerpt from the
interview, published on “ ”:

CJ (Christine Johnson): Is HIV (human indemonude deficiency virus) the cause of AIDS?
EPE (Papadopulos): There is no evidence that HIV causes AIDS.

CJ: Why not?
EPE: For many reasons, but the most important one is that there is no proof that HIV
really exists.
CJ: Didn't Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo say they had isolated HIV in the early
EPE: No. In the articles published in Science by the two research groups, there is no proof
of the isolation of a retrovirus from AIDS patients…
CJ: They claim that they isolated a virus.
EPE: Our interpretation of the data is different. To prove the existence of a virus you have
to do three things. First, grow cells and find a particle that you think may be a
virus. Obviously, at the very least, that particle must be similar to a virus. Second, you
have to devise a method of obtaining that particle by itself in isolation, so that you can tear
it apart and analyze it properly. Then you have to prove the particle can make faithful
copies of itself. In other words, it can be replicated.
CJ: Can't you just look at a microscope and say there is a virus in the cultures?
EPE: No, you can't. Not all particles that look like a virus are actually viruses.
CJ: So what has made AIDS research go wrong?
EPE: It is not so much a question of what has caused the investigation to go wrong. It is
more a question of what has been put aside. For some unknown reason, the retroviral
isolation method that had been used for decades and that had been used to study
retroviruses in animals was not followed. Retroviruses are incredibly tiny, nearly spherical
particles with diameters of about one hundred nanometers (one ten thousandth of a
millimeter). Millions could fit comfortably on the head of a pin.
CJ: So what do we see in the electron microscope (EMS) photos of HIV published in
EPE: These photographs vindicate the position that we have held from the
beginning. Two groups, one Franco-German and one from the US National Cancer
Institute published photos. The first thing to say is that the authors of these studies admit
that their images reveal that the vast majority of the material is cellular. The authors
describe all of this material as "non-viral", or as "fake viruses" or "microvesicles", which
encapsulate cell fragments.
CJ: Are there viral particles in these photos?
EPE: There are some particles that researchers say are retroviral particles. In fact, they
claim they are HIV particles, but they give no evidence why they claim that. CJ: But there
will be lots of those HIV particles, right?
EPE: No. When you take an electron micrograph, the HIV particles should fill the entire
image. Instead, these retrovirus candidates are minor components of published electron
micrographs. Therefore, the molecules extracted from these samples cannot be assumed to
come from those retrovirus-like particles.
CJ: And then those who died of AIDS, who were very famous, like Rock Hudson and
Freddie Mercury and many others?
EPE: Surely due to complications from various diseases, perhaps even venereal,
accentuated by your lifestyle and use of legal or not medicines. What this interview
snippet reveals is that the 'experts' are not automatically right when they pompously
state "It's a virus." And if that has been the case in so many previous cases, why should
we also believe them in the case of Covid-19 if there are too many research gaps?

(No one can legally sue the pharmaceutical
companies, because of the Covid19 vaccine, if the vaccines fail,
not even because someone in your family dies and even the
whole family). So or more evidence of a conspiracy? The PCR
test, which was never designed as a diagnostic test and gives up
to 94% false positive results, is used by oligarchs and
government-controlled social media platforms to terrorize
populations in order to obtain obedience.

Forensic pathologist professor Klaus Püschel stated not to have

seen a single case of "COVID-19" at autopsy that did not include other serious pre-
existing diseases. Governments and the WHO promoted and enforced the use of masks
by the public in the full knowledge that they do not provide protection against any
viruses, but cause serious neurological and respiratory damage, putting people's lives and
health at risk.

In the UK, the death rate increased only after the blanket lockdown
was implemented. Leading economists warn that the UK government is "killing more
people than it could save" through the lockdowns. The UK's Daily Mail conducted an
audit of 130 magazine, academic and charity studies, documenting the social and health
devastation and deaths caused by the lockdowns. In one county in the United States,
suicides among youth increased by 100%.

One million New Yorkers can no longer afford food and nursing
homes are seriously overrun. This virus C scenario has been in preparation and under
study for many years. See the 2010 Rockefeller Report. It is not debatable, as the
information comes from official patent records in the Netherlands and the United
States. The entire Covidiocracy is a sham and a simulation long put together by the
World Bank / IMF / Rothschild and their Lemmings, in association with Rockefeller.

Several governments, including China and the Netherlands, are using a

method for the acquisition and transmission of biometric data (for example, vital signs) of a
user, where the data is analyzed to determine if the user is suffering viral infection, such as
COVID-19. The method includes the use of a pulse oximeter to acquire at least the pulse
and the percentage of oxygen saturation of the blood, which is transmitted wirelessly to a

Teléphone smarter than electronic microscopes iónicos and nucleares .

To ensure the accuracy of the data, an accelerometer is used on the

smartphone to measure the movements of the smartphone and / or the user. (QR), Once the
exact data is acquired. Are uploaded to the cloud (or host), where they are used (either
alone or with other vital signs) to determine whether the user is (or is likely to be) suffering
from a viral infection, such as COVID-19. And this is where the certainty comes in that it is
the method to make the population sick through a magnetic system of staggered discharges,
using 5G.

March 21...

A philanthropist or an obscure member of the NWO elite?

In 2014, a disease threatened to hit planet earth and cause serious

casualties: Ebola. Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and tycoon, offered a few words
when the outbreak of this virus began and predicted that by the next health crisis, we would
not be ready.
Years later, the coronavirus arrived and now Gates's words are
remembered: "If something can kill 10 million people in the next few years, it will
probably be a very infectious virus, rather than a war and much of this is because we
have invested very little in systems to stop epidemics. " Clearly, he said: "We are not
ready for the next epidemic." And later, he explained: "Let's look at Ebola. The problem
was that we didn't have any system. For a big epidemic, we will need hundreds of
thousands of workers."
The COVID-19, has infected millions of people, causing a number of
deaths around the world. Gates also reflected: "Ebola did not cause so many deaths because
it did not enter large urban areas and that was luckily. The next time we might not be so
lucky, because the next infection might not cause so much discomfort and be spread by
supermarkets or traveling in plane".
Then, Bill Gates stated that to help prevent global contagion such as
that of the coronavirus: "We need strong health systems in poor countries, a medical
emergency team to travel to epidemic places for a rapid response and unite them with
military teams." Finally, he said: "We must hurry, because time is not in our favor." And as
a great prophet, his words were met, six years after these statements, the COVID-
19 spread throughout the world, pausing the lives of millions.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation played an important role
in promoting the Tedros Foundation . After its huge investments in health programs in
Ethiopia that Tedros had facilitated, the foundation wanted to promote similar programs
globally and donated billions to WHO for this purpose.
Gates introduced his vaccine containing the electronic nanochip "marker" intended to
"mark" and monitor 7 billion humans at the ID2020 Conference in 2019. It aims to
provide a unique digital identity for all humans by 2030 that interlocks closely this
digital identity with access to commerce and secure access systems.

It seems to seek the electronic slavery of humanity.

Well, the subcutaneous chip can:

-Influence the behavior of the token holder (manipulate and control crowds)
-Eliminate categories of people (reduce world population)
-Guarantee compliance with the vaccine, (with repression of nonconformists)
-Permanently locate the bearer (exit civil liberties)
-Integrate 7 billion people in the cloud and operate with a totally digital system that is
equivalent to a credit in a company store. (Who does not have the Chip, will not be
able to borrow or even buy groceries)
- Nanochips and liquid crystals from vaccines can influence human behavior, without
concern for political ethics. (Aided by the magnetism of the G5)

- L to next vaccine is intended to genetically modify humanity for all future generations,
effectively eliminating humanity completely as humans or robots become transhuman.

South Korea just suffered 25 deaths from influenza vaccination and

432 adverse reactions, while 5 million doses of vaccine were not refrigerated. A
volunteer for AstraZeneca's new "COVID" vaccine has just died, and two of the trials
have been stopped because the participants became ill.

These "COVID" vaccines are not following normal testing procedures

and are being phased out quickly in case the pandemic hoax wears off too soon to
convince people to get vaccinated. Governments are granting pharmaceutical companies
full immunity from injury lawsuits.

A growing number of people say they will reject the COVID-19 vaccine,
and about half of the populations in the US and UK say so. And yet some governments
are planning to impose vaccination on populations that use the military, while others plan
to ban people who refuse vaccines from going to work, school, or travel.

ID2020: "Digital Identity 2020", project by Bill Gates with the Rockefeller
The ambitious ID2020 project, which aims for global digitization
with biometric data and blockchain technology of all people, is another of the controversial
undertakings of computer magnate Bill Gates, in this case associated with the historic
Rockefeller financial dynasty. ID2020 (“Digital Identity 2020”) was founded between 2017
and 2018 by The Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft and Gavi “The Vaccine Alliance”, the
latter entity that brings together both the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the main
laboratories in the world. Along with these founding partners, the Hyperledger
corporations, also dedicated to blockchain technology; irespond and Simprints,
organizations dedicated to the use of biometric data for digital identity; the ICC, the United
Nations International Computing Center; among other.

The objective? Identify each person from all over the world, above
the identity records of each National State. According to the developers themselves, in the
future, this digital identity will be necessary to access education, health, social benefits,
political rights such as voting and carrying out economic transactions. This digital identity
will connect our fingerprints, eye irises, medical records, date of birth, educational level,
trips made, credit cards, employment histories, driver's licenses and bank accounts. It will
have the characteristic of "persistence", "from birth to death" and of being "portable".

Why is GAVI “The Vaccine Alliance”, the alliance of large

laboratories in charge of global vaccination campaigns, participating as one of the main
founders? Because the ID2020 project is ideal for large laboratories to have, beyond each
nation state, a precise detail of each individual who has been vaccinated, when, how,
where, etc. And knowing the blood type is very important, well, it seems that the only ones

who can stop the New World Order are those of the ORH type, which are almost immune
to covid-19 and many diseases, even if they get sick, their blood it acquires a great power

of immunity and the people who are transferred their blood heal and also acquire
immunity. And since their blood is universal... (that is, it serves everyone), well, everyone
can be vaccinated without so much expense! And that is not convenient for pharmaceutical
companies and governments, because they drop the “business” and the absolute control of
the inhabitants. That is why you have to locate them, put them in the system, imprison them
and if they don't even understand... Well, they have to be killed!

What is the argument for implementing the vaccine and the

chip? "One billion people in the world cannot prove their identity. No government,
company or agency can solve this alone," says the project, which states that current
identification systems are "archaic and insecure", proposing the use of "new technologies,
including blockchain and biometrics." "For many, relying on national identification systems
is not possible," they explain from the official platform. “The ability to prove who you are
is a fundamental and universal human right.

As we live in a digital age, we need a reliable way to do it both in

the physical world and online ”, says the story that seeks to give it legitimacy. This project
has already been presented in 2017 at the United Nations and in 2019 in Davos, one of the
strongholds of the elites of financial liberalism. ID2020 is part of the objectives of the
United Nations 2030 Agenda proposed in 2015, which includes as one of its goals “to
provide legal identity for everyone, including birth registration”, in an encrypted and
decentralized way (blockchain). "Everyone should be able to have their identity beyond
national institutions and borders, and also beyond time," they affirm in their manifesto.

The conjectures in social networks have been multiple, and it is not

for less: Gates, the main financier of the WHO together with the most important world
laboratories, is at the same time in charge, together with the historic and powerful
Rockefeller Foundation, of laying the foundations for the registration and biometric control
of the global population, something far from unreasonable when in the midst of the
Covid19 pandemic the computer magnate himself, turned into an “ ad hoc ” specialist in
epidemiology, has been arguing that the world will only “return to normal when all the
people of the planet have been vaccinated ”. (That is, ENCHIPED)

March 22.... This day a dog was about to bite me, despite the fact that PSP lives in a
residential area that goes from quiet, not to say boring, for those who know, the pace of life
that is lived in this city. The black dog, stood in front of me, growled at me, but since I have
never feared dogs, without anger or fear I just stared at him and then something happened
to me, extraordinary ... he lowered his head, it was done to the side and I passed as if
nothing had happened and then the animal, followed me in a friendly way, even wagging its
fluffy tail and only disappeared from my sight when I entered the PSP house, something
weird I thought is that when it supposedly wanted to attack me , I saw it very large and later
when I followed it I observed it from the corner of my eye and it was noticeable of a
medium size. This seemed very strange to me. Even when I told my friend Juanito about it,
he gave me a strange version of the event, which makes me so out of the loop that I don't
think it's appropriate to mention it. And I have told him about some work topics, he has
even read some topics and I He has given his opinion, but I think that he is more
traumatized than I am with what PSP transmits to me and I just give it form and style. (And
now illustration). Without taking sides for or against what is written.




This criminal scheme includes the pharmaceutical companies, which

have ordered that all those who died from any disease be labeled as "Deceased by Covid-
19", in order to achieve, through manipulation and deception of the population, the
reduction of the economic-productive activities, to dominate the world or to counteract or
reduce another danger even more harmful than the Coronavirus. And with the partial

stoppage of work and the voluntary or forced quarantine of the population, an attempt
would be made to solve this problem. What danger could it be? Some say that the increase
in deadly solar rays and energy, others that it is the decrease in the protection of the
protective layer against cosmic rays, others that the geys and feminazis of all countries are
failing, and There is a decrease in abortions, some mention the increase in polluting
pollution and it is even rumored that the pandemic is a global exercise of control for the
demographic decrease of the planet, because if the current average of productive activity is
continued, in a few years it will no longer they will reach the resources to support the more
than 7,000 million current inhabitants and those who would come with the current fertility
and birth rates of the human race.
“ The US media has completely ignored this story because the
implications are really horrible: that the EU and the Western economic, productive and
banking system could very easily collapse in the coming months. After all, bank runs are
already taking place in Spain and Greece. Once things accelerate, NO ONE will be

immune. None other than Ben Bernanke has publicly admitted that if the EU falls, it will
potentially take the United States with it. Make no mistake, what is coming will be
bigger and worse than in 2008. We are talking about bank holidays, natural disasters,
(perhaps caused), civil unrest and the worst IIIGM”, said Summers. Do you think all this
should be taken lightly?

Empty airports to "thunder independent airlines and control them the NOM

It really seems that the end of the world we know has reached us, or
at least the beginning of that end. Christians believe in the end of the world as something
natural and the world is giving them every reason to think that their beliefs are
correct. Our modern civilization is vulnerable from several different angles and the
madness of the elite, "The Underground Government", centuries of manipulation and
social and financial control are destroying the wealth of the masses and the very fabric of

I read that Homeland Security is preparing for a civil war, and

preparing to fight the heavily armed American people, the pretext will be the extreme
polarization of the elections and the internal security agencies have bought enough
ammunition and to kill millions and coffins to bury them. But also never has a
people in history been so heavily armed , the military and the police know that they do
not have it easy, and that it will take a lot to repress the Americans, if they can succeed.
But they are not the only ones who yearn for war. Forty-nine headless
corpses were dumped in Mexico and in total there have been 300,000 dead; in that
country thanks to its criminal presidents of "against humanity", of the last eras:
(Salinas de Gortari, Ernesto Cedillo, Vicente Fox, Felipe Calderón and Enriqueta
Pena), and together with the imbeciles of Washington they continue to be proud of their
war against the drugs.
Modern civilization has been at war with its own people for a long
time and now national governments are ready and ready for war against their own
peoples, on a larger scale. In the China Sea, you want to control the passage between the

Pacific and Indian Oceans, and the Philippines and other countries in the area, face the
Chinese. There is a new unholy alliance in Israel with Saudi Arabia, and supported by
the USA, they seem to have established a war cabinet to go to war with Iran.
Russia and Putin are speaking harshly and are not believed to be joking
about defending their interests from mentally deranged Europeans and Americans. Syria
has joined the list of countries ravaged by civil war.

The Financial Armageddon is getting closer. The future of the first

world is already being written in Spain and Greece and even in New York and
California, places where money is running out in a big way. Now to Covid-19, the wars,
the opposition of China-Russia, and add to these problems the possible irreconcilable
electoral differences of the United States. It seems like a nightmare.

Not even the best "Jaligood" movie scriptwriter could have

thought of this scene of terror and death. A blockbuster called: Anteroom and
Agony of the Satanic Empire.

THEIR POWER AND WEALTH WERE LOST..." apocalypse 18, 10-24).

And the socio-political and economic volcanoes and earthquakes just

don't stop. They just don't stop and the reports keep coming in. John Rubino said :
“European leaders, that is, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the bureaucrats who
run the various eurozone agencies from Brussels, have looked into the abyss and they
don't like what they see.
Specifically, a default and exit from even a relatively insignificant
country like Greece could start a contagion that paralyzes or destroys the entire euro
zone. "Paul Brodsky says:" The only way to deleverage is to let credit deteriorate or print
money. Clearly, the politically expedient form of deleveraging is to print money.

Central banks can chatter all they want about not wanting to print
money or wanting to maintain the integrity of their currencies, but, at the end of the day,
they really have no other choice.

Either they have to manufacture more e-credit and put it into the
banking system or they have to let their banking system fail. That is just the reality. Their
banking system is interconnected and they all have claims against each other. If German
banks end up in trouble, it presents problems for American banks.

”California Governor Jerry Brown (D) has bad news: His cash-
strapped state doesn't have $ 9.2 billion in the hole, as projected. In January; the Golden
State actually faces a huge deficit of $ 15.7 billion .

Small conclusion

The business and financial community is not paying attention to what

is happening in the world and its ecological, natural and social problems.

The Fukushima explosion will be like a foam party. And that will ruin
the plans of mice and men. Rich or poor, it matters little when we are challenged beyond
our ability to respond. Assuming that life will go on as it has in recent decades is perhaps
one of the biggest and most dangerous assumptions most people are making today. The
mainstream media fuels this almost universally shared assumption, so when the biggest
of all bubbles bursts, there will be hell to pay, that's for sure.
We are all going to have to turn our bows into more spiritual winds
to handle the great upheavals that lie our way. Depending on who and where you are,
these major upheavals have already occurred, leaving millions of people desperate and

The illusion of growth, of a replenishing America, the solving of

financial problems, of universal pandemic control, all these aspects, like bubbles, are
fading fast and what will take their place is a series of problems in which a depression
insurmountable that instead of a solution will be a threat of currency collapse, while
billions are printed to save the world from its own stupidity.


GM III, will save her from her next apocalypse. Society... not governments, institutions
or secret groups, is the one that has the destiny of the planet in its hands, being
responsible, not allowing itself to be manipulated and being united.

Zone of silence, Mexico.

Alternative 3 began as a science documentary broadcast on British television by Anglia
Television in June 1977 and was broadcast to several other countries in Europe and
Australia, New Zealand, but not the US Alternative 3 was the last of a documentary series

called “Science Report” Alternative 3 started with investigators investigating an alleged

'brain drain' in Britain (talented people who emigrated to other countries) and then found
that these people were missing.

Paris under the snow, a symptom of "global warming"

Further investigation focused on their allegedly being taken to work

in undisclosed locations. Further research revealed that the Earth's environment is
undergoing a huge change due to greenhouse gases and that a top-secret effort is

underway to move a small number of the human population to safe places. According to a
supposed British scientist, authorities have long known that the global environment was
deteriorating so badly that three radical or 'alternative' solutions were contemplated.

 Alternative 1 was to stop environmental degradation and use

extreme measures like atomic explosions in Earth's atmosphere to
allow greenhouse gases to escape.
 Alternative 2 was to move enough population to safe underground
sites to ensure government continuity and national survival.
 Alternative 3 was the most radical, establishing bases on the Moon
and Mars and moving most of the population there to ensure the
survival of humanity.

The documentary interviewed a suspected American astronaut,

'Bob Grodin', who claimed that when he went to the moon there were already others there
in words that echoed Neil Armstrong's alleged comments when he was on the moon: "But
we have found some visitors... They've been here for quite some time judging from the
facilities ... I'm telling you that there are other spaceships out there. They're lined up in
rows on the opposite side of the crater rim... "

The documentary ended with a movie clip that was allegedly

smuggled out by a murdered British scientist showing an American landing on Mars and
an astronaut announcing: "Wow, when they unpack this, it will be the biggest day of the
year. History. On May 22, 1962, we are on Mars and we have life. "

Alternative 3 caused an immediate uproar as the Science Report

was a highly respected series of science documentaries that had a history of informational
stories that were credible and well-researched. In 1977 there was no Internet or cable
television, so programs like Science Report were very influential and reached a wide
audience. Anglia television started telling concerned people on the phone that the show
was fiction and that the researchers and people interviewed on the show were actors.

After all the furore caused by what is now billed as a fictional

television documentary, one of the people involved in the production of Alternative 3
wrote a book a year later that instantly became a popular conspiracy theory. The book,
Alternative 3, developed other themes mentioned
in the documentary with material that may not be included in the program.

Watkins claimed that civilians were being kidnapped and taken

to colonies on Mars and the Moon. Author Leslie Watkins immigrated to Australia and
later explained that the book was "fact-based fiction" and claimed that the original show
was also a fictional version of fact. For many, the Alternative 3 documentary was just an
elaborate hoax, involving actors, and Watkin's was just one example of the people

involved trying to cash in on the popularity of the documentary. Despite the fact that
Alternative 3 involved actors who staged a documentary that was a hoax with fictional
British scientists and a fictional American astronaut, there are a number of things that
make this whole saga suspicious.

First of all, Science Report was a highly respected British

documentary produced by Anglia Television.

 Why would Anglia TV and the producers of the Scientific Report risk
their reputations to produce a hoax that would provoke protests from
their loyal viewers?
 And second, why would the Science Report use actors to pose as a
respected British scientist and an American astronaut whose
identities could easily be fictitious?
 Finally, what does all this have to do with us in 2004 and the
undisclosed extraterrestrial presence?

Let me now offer these reflections on what actually happened to Alternative 3 and its
exopolitical significance.

I think Alternative 3 was intended to reveal to the general public a

truth that was too disturbing to be announced through conventional political channels. The
'truth' was undisclosed scientific data indicating that the Earth's environment was rapidly
collapsing as a result of various causes and that events had reached a point where
devastating Earth changes were just around the corner.

The conclusion reached by government authorities was that there

would be devastating environmental changes that would threaten the survival of humanity
on the Earth's surface. Therefore, intense efforts were made to prepare for such a
contingency through the three alternatives discussed in the Alternative 3 documentary and

Lega Space Program moon base

The alleged bases on the Moon and Mars were a possible place to
relocate a significant number of civilians to escape any environmental catastrophe that
was projected. As for how the United States and other countries had been able to establish
bases on the Moon and Mars without public knowledge, the answer lies in the
technological assistance provided by extraterrestrials who were providing such technology
in exchange for various terrestrial and human resources such as guinea pigs.

In the book of Phillip Corso, The Day After Roswell, he

described an ambitious plan for a base on the moon that was made possible by alien
technology recovered from the Roswell crash. While the book presents the base of the
Moon as an unrealized project, the implication Corso is making with the inclusion of these
chapters is that the base of the Moon was in fact built, but that he was unable to officially
reveal it in the book. The recent Millennial Hospitality book series (2002), published by
former USAF weather observer Charles Hall.

The US government exchanged technology with a group of aliens

called the "Tall Whites ", who provided the technological information for the
construction of nuclear-powered exploration ships that could travel in nearby regions of
the solar system, and even provided tours of the Luna and possibly Mars to USAF
generals in their most advanced antigravity-powered scout ships.

Thus, the Hall book series provides support for alleged whistleblowers
like Michael Relfe, who claim to have traveled to Mars and served in a secret human
colony there. Hall also supports the testimony of a former member of the United States
Naval Intelligence, William Cooper, (later assassinated by the government), who claimed
to have seen documents describing secret bases on the Moon and Mars. It can be assumed

that the tall whites aliens as provided intelligence about impending environmental
catastrophe and probably reached agreements with the government in the shade in which
both would benefit in the case of such a global calamity.

As for what were the undisclosed causes that led to a dramatic

environmental collapse, one can choose: smog, cosmic rays, runaway and ozone-depleting
greenhouse gases, an imminent pole shift, the approach of a large comet. / planet as planet
X , the sun experiencing a huge mega site activity, nuclear war imminent and / or the use
of exotic technologies provided by the races are friends and partners aliens .

Era of earthquakes

There is a lot of evidence supporting each of these factors as possible

causes of devastating environmental changes on Earth that were thought to be inevitable,
so I leave the reader to investigate each of these and their plausibility.

The bottom line is that the shadow government that controlled

extraterrestrial affairs was convinced that an environmental collapse across the planet was
imminent, so in order to prepare those who might have a chance of surviving on the
surface of Earth, they secretly organized the production and release of Alternative. 3.

The idea was to include enough factual material in the documentary so

that those who were alert enough could take all the measures they could to survive what
was about to happen. At the same time, the documentary obviously had to be a hoax using
actors playing fictional personalities so that it could easily be dismissed by those who
might panic if there was indeed any truth to it.

That way, the shadow government could spread the word while maintaining a
plausible denial about the truth of what was claimed on the show. I think this better
explains why Science Report went to great lengths to produce Alternative 3 and overcome
the predictable backlash from the public once viewers were told the show was a hoax.

This explanation is the most plausible of why Anglia TV and Science Report
went ahead with the production and broadcast of Alternative 3.

So if the Science Show televised Alternative 3 to warn those who were alert
enough about what it really was and if That shadow government was secretly behind the
production of Alternative 3 to test public reaction and prepare those who might have a
chance to survive a predicted environmental catastrophe, so why haven't changes in the
environment occurred? Land?

After all, it's been 27 years since Alternative 3 was issued, so if the shadow
government was really behind it to promote some public awareness of what they believed
the evidence conclusively suggested was ahead, How could his grim evaluations have
been so wrong?

I think this is where we come to some interesting conclusions, as the

shadow government would have had impressive scientific resources and technological
data necessary to arrive at its assessment of what the planet awaits.

When combining the grim assessment reached by the shadow

government, with predictions of imminent environmental collapse by aliens who
have contacted / abductees communicated , and predictions of a global calamity by a host
of psychics to during the 1980s and 1990s , then the government is clear in the shade,
races extraterrestrial visitors and psychics lost something vital in their predictions of
an impending environmental catastrophe.

Supposeds aliens White Towering

What factor or variable did the shadow government, the aliens, and the
psychics overlook when making their grim assessments of the future of humanity on the
Earth's surface? Did other aliens and their own friends stop those catastrophes?

It seems that part of the answer is that they all failed to take into account the
relevance of 'global consciousness' in their predictive models and analysis of the forces

behind an environmental collapse. The best source for understanding the concept of
"global consciousness" and how it affects the evolution of life on Earth is the
Jesuit, Tielhard de Chardin and his concept of the "noosphere".

The noosphere was an evolving composite of humanity's thoughts,

feelings, and social relationships that steadily evolved upward toward a more complete
manifestation of human potential. De Chardin's thoughts on a "global consciousness" were
independently supported by theorists such as Carl Jung, who discovered archetypes of
humanity's "collective unconscious". More than a mere abstraction devised by progressive
thinkers, the concept of global consciousness is physically represented through the
communications infrastructure of the Internet.

Currently the Internet, in its fields of Hardware, Software, Instant

Communication and the resulting global consciousness, is physical and technological, the
noosphere or "global consciousness" that Chardin argued was a critical factor in the
evolution of humanity.

Now this leads us to the question of how 'global consciousness' may be

the missing variable that explains the failed predictive models of shadow government,
information provided by one or more race of aliens, and psychic visions that suggested
that environmental events Devastating were unavoidable, and thus made Alternative 3

It can be argued that global consciousness somehow had enough of an

impact on the global environment to lessen, delay, or even deny the environmental
catastrophe predicted by researchers reporting to the shadow government, visiting alien
races, and psychics. A research project at Princeton University has shown that
major global events have an impact on the " collective consciousness " or noosphere.

Key events such as the death of Princes Dianna and Mother Teresa,
the attack of the 911 , wars, great earthquakes, and now the Covid-19, and have a
measurable impact on global consciousness. So if global events register or impact global
consciousness, can it work the other way around? in other words, can global
consciousness impact global events in a way that significantly alters them? The idea
that consciousness can alter physical reality is found in various mystical traditions, such as
the Hermetic Principles. That they practiced by the ancient Greeks . Even Hitler believed
in this knowledge and practiced it. This idea was popularized among students of quantum
physics by Capra, who wrote the Tao of Physics in 1974.

Essentially, quantum physicists were discovering that the observer of

subatomic behaviors was a factor in understanding the behavior of these particles. This
understanding opened the door to the idea that consciousness impacts the observed
behavior of subatomic particles. So, when going from subatomic particles to global
events, it may be asked whether changes in global consciousness impact global

Answering this question first requires an understanding of whether there
have been dramatic changes in global consciousness recently and what might be the
factors driving such change. The idea that global consciousness can change and evolve is
not new, as this is something that Tielhard de Chardin proposed and ultimately got him
into trouble with the Society of Jesus and Authorities of the Catholic Church.

So if there have been some dramatic shifts in global consciousness

recently, what could have been driving this? Many have argued that Earth and our solar
system have entered a new region of the galaxy that makes possible a more evolved form
of global consciousness. This has been called the " photon belt " and has been argued to
be a region that impacts the frequencies of Earth, the Sun, and other planets in our solar
system. Other theorists have argued that the plane of our solar system has aligned itself
with the galactic core of the Milky Way, thus impacting global consciousness .

All of these may be factors driving changes in global consciousness,

but the most instrumental factor has been the communications that the development of the
Internet made possible. The best evidence of a dramatic shift in global consciousness is
the development of the Internet and global communications and cyber communities or
social networks, which this has generated. The growth of discussion groups, for example,
has allowed people from all over the planet to connect with each other, make connections,
share networks and establish new identities that break the more provincial / national
identities that dominated in the days before the Internet.

The WEBa and the Global Awareness Network

Most significantly, the WEB has made it possible for communities to

share information and take steps to address environmental problems as they arise. The
Internet has been a spectacular technological development that has made possible rapid

changes in global consciousness. This change is unrivaled in human history and perhaps
only the establishment of the printing press in the 15th century rivals it in importance for
the development of humanity.

So if it is accepted that global consciousness has changed in a way that

reflects a more integrated global community that is made possible by the communications
infrastructure of the Internet and cyber communications such as discussion
groups and social networks:

 Can this impact our global reality?

 Put another way, does a more unified global humanity impact the
physical world around us?

This is a difficult question to answer, but it nonetheless points to the

idea that changes in global consciousness are an important factor or variable to consider
when analyzing the impact of possible environmental changes on Earth.

The fact that numerous groups across the planet became very interested
in the environment and helping with problems as they came to the public's attention,
demonstrates the power of global consciousness when focusing on a particular set of
problems. Like global environmental changes. In my opinion, the fact that the shadow
government did not take into account the

"global awareness" in their assessments of possible environmental collapse explains why

they went dramatically wrong in planning inevitable destructive environmental changes.

So if global awareness is the missing variable to determine the

likelihood of destructive environmental damage, how can this be effectively accounted for
in future global security threats contemplated by the shadow government? Arguably the
gravest global threat, in addition to an environmental catastrophe, is posed by the
extraterrestrial races that have infiltrated our planet and pose a long-term threat to human
sovereignty due to their technological superiority and the advantages this provides them to
forge trade pacts with the United States.

And there is also the awareness of the struggle and the efforts of the masters of the NWO
to prevent people from uniting and having a common thought, it would be the end of their
Machiavellian and satanic palenes. The words of Christ are remembered when he says that
where two or more are united then all that is asked of the Father, will be granted to them.

In fact, the books of Charles Hall point to aliens Tall White , and
probably other extraterrestrial races, having tax agreements with the authorities of the
government in the shadow of the EE. UU. Involving the extraction of important land
resources locations outside the world in exchange for technological knowledge and
permission for aliens to be housed in bases on Earth.

An underground government?

There is strong evidence in Hall's revelations that the Tall Whites

are conducting interstellar commerce using vast amounts of Earth's resources, possibly
including kidnapped civilians. Significantly, Hall describes the helplessness the military
feels in dealing with the technological superiority of the Tall Whites. These themes are
vividly demonstrated in the recent film, The Forgotten , which dramatizes the
phenomenon of civilians abducted by aliens disappearing with records and memories of
them erased, while national security agencies are powerless to hold the aliens responsible
for this. If global awareness was the absent factor in preventing the inevitable
environmental challenges once these issues were brought to the attention of the general
public, then it may also be a factor that may impact relationships with hostile
extraterrestrial races that draw resources from the world. Land and possibly humans
out. World locations.
While national security agencies may feel powerless to stop such
practices due to their perceived technological inferiority, global consciousness may once
again play a constructive role in protecting against a threat that has yet to be revealed to
the general public. Using global awareness against the threat posed by resource-hungry
extraterrestrial visitors may be the best defense national security agencies have to protect
themselves from a threat that has not yet been disclosed to the general public, be it by
simple strategy not to spread panic or because not even those agencies know what those
threats are.

Global awareness in the form of an interconnected, empowered

and informed global public must still be appreciated as a strategic asset by national
security agencies responsible for addressing threats to the sovereignty, freedom and long-
term well-being of the global humanity. Once global consciousness is aware of the threat
posed by resource-hungry aliens visiting Earth, solutions will be found to ensure the
dignity and integrity of humanity in the face of technologically advanced alien races.

Global awareness is an important strategic variable in addressing

the global challenges posed by the extraterrestrial presence, and it requires a profound
reversal of the policy of nondisclosure in place for more than five decades by the United
States and other major national governments.

little girls in 2020, going back to class Preschool in 2075 AP

March 22... No news, just a lot of work .


The Covid-19 campaign is a sign of a total satanic rebellion against the Creator

Communicator Benjamin Fulford comments that the ongoing

"Covid-19 pandemic" campaign is a large-scale satanic rebellion against the creator. That is
because the satanic underground government is actively fighting to suppress the
truth, and so it is working against the creator of truth, that is, the creator of the universe.

Right now, the institutions and corporate media controlled by Satan

and his slave governments lie about the pandemic and actively murder those who try to
expose it.

The Catholic Church, (CC), with more than 2, 000 years of duration,
and one billion faithful on the planet, although it remains in vogue by divine inspiration,
according to its members; It has never stopped having among its ranks, elements belonging
to the Clergy and even, that not only would be irresponsible civilians or laity and criminals,
but would border on diabolical levels and authors of crimes against "Humanity", who
commit acts only worthy of Hitler, Stalin, Bush and other criminals.

Already in the history of humanity, Popes such as: Urban II, shouting
"Deus vult", (God wants it), began the crusades where more than two million human beings
died, including women and children; Innocent III, massacred and ordered the assassination
of hundreds of thousands of Cathars in the south of France. Clement V, exterminator of the
Templars; Clement VII, ("the bloodthirsty"), wars in Italy, and in a single battle, ordered
the killing of almost 50 thousand inhabitants of Florence, Benedict XVI, distinguished
himself by being the protector of Pedophiles and slave owners of nuns; etc. In other words,
there is always a diabolical sector that, under the protection of the Power of the CI, enrich
themselves scandalously, commit misdeeds, support tyrannical, dictatorial and murderous
governments; they are pedophiles or extreme lust, etc.
Although as in the bulk of the population, this rabidly negative or
evil sector only represents a small percentage of the Catholic Clergy in general, anyway
there are historical stages in which its influence has been very strong and has broken the
balance in some actions, for example at this time with pedophilia, homosexuality and
twisted sexuality in general, in which not only are many practitioners of these aberrant acts
but there are thousands of priests and religious, all over the world (USA, Canada, Ireland,

Italy, Austria, Mexico etc.) who carry out these infamous acts, affecting especially children
and adolescents.
Why do we mention this? It's incredible, just to think about them, but
there are satanic characters from the high Catholic clergy and powerful laity, who have
made brotherhoods with the NWO elite, and are contributing money, actions, publications
and all kinds of support to the "Underground government” to achieve his diabolical plans.

In itself, the high clergy usually carry out all kinds of movements and
events to "keep the population calm" and that while any kind of government that does not
exaggerate the number of crimes, and gives them a license for Catholics to practice their
Mussolini in Italy, Franco in Spain, the Latin American dictatorships etc.).
The CC is organized into two classes of clergy, (C), the Regular C
and the secular C, the latter is the one that exercises the Government and structural Power
of the regions (Diocese) and countries of the world, where each diocesan territory is led by
a Bishop, commanded by dozens of presbyters (priests who are priests or parish priests) and
assistants (vicars). When the leading sector is corrupt, it acts according to its twisted way of
thinking, and it also "pulls" complicit bishops and parish priests to follow it in its secret
But all this is "under water", that is to say in an underground and secret
way, because in the public demonstration everything is reflected that "it is marching on
wheels, although" behind the scenes "the fight is brutal, even with crimes and cheap
blows. Satanic corruption is present from the Cardinals, and descends to the Archbishops,
Bishops, Abbots (heads of a monastery or convent), Monsignors (special positions),
Episcopal Vicars, parish priests and some lay parishioners auxiliary to the cleregy.

Very suspicious death of John Paul I

They seek the power of government within the CI, to be able to
carry out their projects more easily. It is thought that the "suspicious death" of Pope John
Paul I was due to this group. It is even believed that this satanic current reached the Papacy

with Benedict XVI, but the majority, let's call it "normal" or ordinary structure, forced him
to resign, taking the Power Francisco I, who also as believed, as a good Jewish descendant
and at the same time of the Jesuit Order, supports the NOM, but with peaceful methods and
without exaggerating the reforms in the practices and directions of conduct of Catholics, in
sensitive areas (homosexuality, married priests, ecumenism or Universal Church,
Euthanasia, abortion, etc. .).

The other group of clergy are those that make up the Congregations and
Orders, of the so- called Religious Clergy, which are a group of male or female members,
living in communities under the mandate of chiefs or minister and a rule or constitution
approved by the pope. Or a Bishop.

They are the workers or operational minds of the CI and are found
distributed in almost all the social activities of the world and of the CI: Education, (The
Sallistas, Jesuits, Salesians etc...), Health, (Franciscans, Missionaries of the charity and
many others), Communication, (Paulinos, Dominicans and others) Missions, (Comboni
Missionaries, Augustinians and others), And sometimes even in politics and even guerrilla
movements. (Jesuits, Franciscans, Redemptorists and others).

Ignacio de Loyola, ex-officer of the Spanish Imperial Army of the 16th century
Founder of the JESUITAS

It is said that the strongest religious group or congregation in the 21st

century is the Society of Jesus, (even Pope Francis I, comes from them), and that a large
sector of Jesuits are those who are most involved in the NWO and therefore in all the
events that revolve with this program, including the Covid-19. (The Company is
distinguished by its “Special Vow of obedience to the Pope)

Pope Francis I

Is it true? Just in case, they must be taken into account when

rep arting... blame or profit, and even a benign NOM. As a group ancestral and finder
Power to, they say, well use it, since the sixteenth century, no benefits them or hurts them
but quite the opposite, because if he wins, will color the a plication plans NOM, and if
you lose this NWO movement, they will simply back down, as they have always done
while waiting for new more favorable conditions for their millennial objectives.

The three biggest

secrets of the CC:

1.- The spiritual poverty of

the Franciscans (because
material is a myth).

2.- The vow of obedience of

the Jesuits, (They are the
most autonomous of the CC).
3.- How many Nuns are there
in the world?

Why do we speak more about the Jesuits than about other religious
groups? Simply because they are the most progressive minds of the CC and the vast
majority only follow them in their ideas and operations. A Jesuit never ceases to be a Jesuit,
seems to say the ex-Jesuit and now, Supreme Pontiff of the CC, Francisco I.

Shield of the secret Society of Jesus, or Jesuits

March 23 ... One more day.




According to the journalist and communication scientist, Benjamin
Fulford, the world intelligence agencies think that we live in a matrix controlled by
artificial intelligence
He tells us. “Sometimes fact-based reports lead into very strange
territory. In my case, a forensic investigation into who controlled the financial system
turned into a very deep hole. He took me to meet with intelligence agencies alt or level and
sources of society is secret s that I explained the concept of humanity trapped in a matrix
created by an artificial intelligence outpost of unknown origin. Also, they say that this AI
can be evil or possibly crazy. Now, with the global situation increasingly bizarre and
irrational, and with the implosion of the financial system, it is time to see the evidence for
this proposition. That's because, if it's true, then the only way to free humanity will be to
defeat this rogue AI.
The first time I was told about the theory of AI was when I met a grand master of the
Gnostic Illuminati. He called himself Alexander Romanov and was recruited by former
world chess champion Bobby Fischer. Romanov was sent to see me to initiate contact
between the Illuminati and the Asian secret societies. He told me that the Illuminati were
formed by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras in response to the destruction of
Atlantis. They say that Atlantis was a civilization in the central Mediterranean Ocean
(probably the Minoan civilization) that was destroyed by a volcanic eruption and a sunami
around 1600 BC. C.
The ancient Greek Illuminati believed that any entity that caused so much destruction was
evil and needed to be overthrown. In other words, they believed that the suffering and
misery of this world would only end when its creator was overthrown.
This is crazy sounding. But Romanov warned us in advance about plans to unleash a
tsunami and nuclear terrorist attack against Japan on March 11, 2011. This attack was
forensically tracked by the NSA, Japanese military intelligence and others to the Khazarian
mafia, specifically people like Former Jesuit General Secretary Peter Hanz Kolvenbach and
Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. The Khazarian Mafia, in turn, claims to
receive orders from some kind of entity that they consider GOD.

The next person to talk about a rogue artificial intelligence in charge

of the planet was a man named Paul Laine, who was from the Pentagon's "men who watch
the goats" psychic warfare division. Laine, along with a very advanced oligarch from
Silicon Valley (whose identity I will keep secret to protect him), says that the Pentagon's

Defense Intelligence agency also concluded that we were dealing with some kind of
AI. They noted that something was preventing humanity from becoming more fully aware
and even leaving Earth and that all space exploration had stopped since the 1970s. Laine
said NASA meant "It is not a space agency."
Another source to confirm this conclusion was one of the last surviving
members of the Majestic 12 group created by former President Harry Truman to study
UFOs and other unexplained phenomena. This source also said that MJ12 had concluded
that all UFO related incidents are ultimately traced back to an AI.
The reason for mentioning this now is that NASA officials also
contacted us to tell us that recently some kind of anomaly has changed, in their words "the
very fabric of reality." This has something to do with the ongoing but top-secret activities
taking place in Antarctica. Which according to Japanese security agency, it has found that
"There's something very strange, " and for that and much more, is believed to be there lies
the Matrix.

It extends womb among the leaders of the world who do not know
where they come from and who some believe qu e of one and the other of aquell or s , (or
dudes are because they are of themselves), but the end will obey all the orders , and the
sequences of such purposes are already being prepared including:
1. How to end a possible revolution The time of systemic crisis, thanks to the
Covid-19, in the current idad has led many countries of the world to the
b orde civil rebellion. There are several great nations pro testas. Many
people have stopped believing in the system and call for change ornot
s radical type is social , economic and political, no longer believe in the
authority, it seeks something horizontally and collaborative between citizens
with equal rights. The Pandemic has ended with many dangerous moves to
the current “current situation”. The right s to manifes tion are limited under
the pretext of security sanitar ia and danger involving mass concentrations
of many people. Thus, they have conse guido the protest s go out and
have one to social demobilization worldwide.

2.- The possible creation of a hybrid being half human and half robot,
Of which the first steps are already being taken, the objective is not
known, the only pretext is to increase the capacities of the human being (speed, thought,
memory, agility, strength etc...), to achieve more health and time life of people, replacing
organic parts of the human body with metal and plastic parts that are durable for up to
hundreds of years. Maintain a relationship of control and interface with computers and
machines already of incredible advance with quantum derivations and holographic,
luminescent and immortal digitization. But it is suspected that in this way a robotic-
electric community was created, totally subject to the matrix. Where the human being
would have an incredible potential for the investigation and conquest of the universe,
including other intelligent lives if there were them

3.- Fragmentation of society

The concept of "grouping of people" has become something

dangerous and has led society towards atomization and towards a loss of human contact
between its components. There is a brutal social disintegration on a large scale. Our

neighbor is no longer a partner or an ally and is now a suspect and a potential source of
infection and death, because he can infect me with a simple greeting or sneeze. And
although l to epidemic supposedly be controlled with vaccines, there is a situation
of distrust of d Emas people and a need for submission to the s authority is, so basing a
society totalitarian and repressive.

Chip l Server Quantum Chin

4.- Extermination of rebels.

The epidemic has allowed a silent purge of rebels to governments

or interests. Something that perhaps at normal times creates suspicion, but that in
the current scenario of the Pandemic has an easy justification to imprison or disappear
anyone, with impunity.

4.- Establishment of this technological "big brother": LA MATRIX.

The MATRIX demands from the Pandemic constant monitoring of

each and every one of the people on the planet, who are now potential sources of the
disease. This entails an effort (progressive, uneven and not homogeneous) in all countries
in order to impose exhaustive control over their citizens. Will have thus laid the
foundations of MATRIX, like a big brother technology, no one could raise the slightest
prot this, because everything is justified on the wings of survival of the species. One of
the first goals is to establish a file containing all existential data, including the doctors of
each inhabitant. Which are collected, stored and centralized in order to constantly
monitor the different potential epidemic foci in real time.
For the effective monitoring of each person, they will
be equipped with a CHIP, easily readable or scannable, which immediately offers the

identifying data of each citizen to the authorities, address, studies, work, relations with
justice, travel, etc. economic and financial activities and movements and also Why
not? Your medical and biometric data of interest.
This data will be stored on their mobile phones or on
body- worn devices, such as microchips or patches . That will be used for
transportation and routine control in streets and means of transport, such as airports and
train, metro and bus stations. The justification will be security
Every person will be susceptible to being detained, analyzed and inspected by the
authorities, as well as being forced to reveal their activities in detail, in order
to prevent their possible contact with sources of infection. Authorities AND THE

And finally it will be a form of brutal and silent extermination. At

the moment that "someone" wants it, be it by electromagnetic waves, pulse
acceleration, brain waves or decreased defenses, which will be carried out by the
CHIP imposed or by your cell phone or other devices close to you.


5.- Mass citizen surveillance As if all this were not enough, the citizens themselves
have become an organ of surveillance and repression of their peers, (under the pretext of
a mask or a “forbidden” family gathering), as in Nazi Germany or the USSR. Paranoia
and panic associated two to the disease are leading to strict surveillance of all people
who do not s rode an.
For any type of activity, the citizens themselves will demand from
each other the medical certifications or the latest analyzes that will guarantee the perfect
state of health of each other. (Jobs, games, trips, studies, etc...)
This has multiplied the business volume of the pharmaceutical
industries or the health field and would lead to a state of massive and mutual surveillance
carried out by each and every one of us. Reporting to the authorities is being
promoted by those who present any hint of symptoms and those who refuse or are
reluctant to pass controls or to be monitored and watched.
Any person who has the audacity to present himself as a defender of
individual freedoms or who dares to doubt the draconian measures applied by the

authorities, are considered by other citizens or even by their own family and friends, as
irresponsible and a potential public danger, causing their rapid social isolation and even
fatal silencing as a discordant element.

6.- Definitive elimination of payment with physical money

The desired elimination of cash and the establishment of electronic

payment at all levels is also being achieved, with the excuse of avoiding the risk of
contagion associated with the exchange of physical money. In addition, such an urgent
and unavoidable need leads to a rapid and accelerated process of substituting one type of
money for the other, which in turn, would represent a huge business for the large
technology multinationals in charge of implementing such devices, charging the costs. to
the citizens themselves via taxes, since it should be the State that will bear such
expenses. (chips, cards, ATMs etc ...) The establishment of electronic money would
represent the absolute control of each inhabitant of the planet, because directly, the
authorities would have all their tax information live and direct and would have the ability
to block their accounts for convenience. All this controlled through a PERSONAL CHIP
LINKED TO THE MATRIX, and only through this device can all kinds of economic and
experiential movements be made. Any unsubmissive inhabitant can be materially starved
even if they work and have money.

7.- Elimination of alternative media The panic generated by the epidemic would lead
citizens to demand immediate, reliable and practical information from the
authorities. And obviously, the authorities would entrust the dissemination of this alleged
"truthful" information to the mainstream media, their regular spokesmen. Alternative or
countercultural media, such as free Press, Youtubers, would not have access to them and

would instead receive all kinds of false leaks with which to generate hoaxes and a
growing sense of mistrust and disappointment among the population, just when they
would most need to have access to the truth that is hidden from him. It would matter little
if the alternative media denounced manipulations and conspiracy theories regarding the
emergence and proliferation of the epidemic. The only thing that matters to people is
to obtain information with which to feel safe and to be able to protect their loved ones
and this would always come from the mass media. Thus, the fear and submission to
authority that the epidemic would entail, would have as a collateral effect submission to
the official "truth" offered by the mainstream media, which would regain the
preponderant role that they are currently seeing. Discussed by social media and
alternative internet media .

A technocratic-technological Super World government. The

emergency situation would require not only a strong authority, but also a
technocratic, technological and efficient Power. The current crisis of confidence of the
population towards the corrupt political class, which has also shown itself to be
manifestly incapacitated and inefficient when it comes to managing public goods
correctly, would find the definitive turning point in the epidemic.

The population would demand that technicians, scientists and experts,
and not corrupt politicians, be the ones to take the lead during the crisis and this would
represent a golden opportunity to implant technocratic regimes, something we are
heading towards in the future.

These technocrats are becoming a kind of new priests in white

coats who would replace the old human sacrifices with the new mass sacrifices in pursuit
of a common good perfectly calculated and parameterized according to the new "divine"
doctrine of science. It would be the committees of experts that would coldly determine
who lives and who dies, in the same way that the juries of cooking or singing
competitions on television decide who is worth and who is not worth.

Concrete example: theranos "the mysterious sanitary company"

The core business of "Theranos inc." is focused on the world of laboratory tests, such as
blood tests and disease detection. Theranos has developed a fast, efficient and
inexpensive method of analysis, which in the event of a global epidemic, would make it
an indispensable company when it comes to dealing with crisis management and
therefore one of the most fruitful businesses in The last decades.

We do not offer the Theranos example on a whim.

It is still striking that on the board of directors of this company we find, mainly, not
scientists, businessmen or doctors, but former generals of the US army, former
secretaries of State and Defense of the US government already recognized elitists
like Henry Kissinger. All of them, during the last decade, have invested their money and
their time in a company that is dedicated to… doing blood tests and detecting diseases.
Some ill-considered people could come to consider it suspicious...Theranos, but, it is just
a concrete example of the immense business opportunity that a great epidemic could
represent for certain economic elites.

Because let's face it… how many big pharmaceutical companies could get a big
chunk out of it?

The plandem ia Alexandra Dominguez (review)

This excellent book, the writer Colombian Alexandra Dominguez states, " At this
point and made imagine scenarios, elucubr e have what features it has is t e outbreak to
become a successful business and a a really beneficial maneuver for a few ”

The main and others characteristics of that pandemic should be.

1.- Have a supposed facility of control by the health authorities

2.- That it scares people very easily.

3.- Moderately deadly, so as not to exterminate the whole world, just some.

4.- Have at hand an easy tool that gives a false sense of security (the mask).

5.- Get control of groups and masses

6.- Control the media to handle the situation as

7.- manufacture of tests and vaccines to control people and inoculate them with
whatever is desired.
8.- Allow only the activities desired by the authorities and the MATRIX

9.- Create a system of control and social repression to impose on the wills and minds
of leaders and thinkers of the peoples.

10.- Begin the establishment of the New World Order under the pretext of the
pandemic and social and health security.

For these requirements to be met, some apparently contradictory to each

other, the disease that generated the epidemic should be difficult to transmit, but at the
same time be extremely harmful and easily visualized as a concept that generates terror
among the population.

A disease that is not easy to spread is one that is not transmitted by air,
but is transmitted by direct contact with contaminated fluids of the infected person (How
rare are they the type of disease with which we have been bombarded so much in
the films pandemics and zombies, right? )

However, the disease must also turn out to be brutally virulent and also supposedly
deadly, to provoke the desired mass panic effect leading to submission.

If we look at the movies that circulate on pay TV or on the internet in most of them,
blood makes an appearance as a visual manifestation of infection and death that, like a
hook of horror, is linked to our most deeply ingrained fears.

So, is there a disease or pandemic that fits these characteristics?

IF... THE COVID-19 !

March 25 ... PSP, this day he called me earlier, at 9.30, because, he told me that
tomorrow he could not give me information and he was going to tell me about March 26,
he also told me about previous topics that he wants modify because it felt very "soft quotes"
because the current situation, which is more problematic than what it supposed:



There is a global trend for a single world

religion to be established, so the owners of SuperBanks, Media,
leaders of Religions, Plutocrats, contemporary currents such
as, The "New Age", (New Era), which supposedly encompass the
"without official religion", and groups, some supposedly Christian
among others:

 Salvation Army
 Unification Church (Moonies)
 Mormons
 White Eagle
 Ghost dance
 Origin in oriental cults
 Ananda Marga
 Brahma Kumaris or Raja Yoga
 Hare krishna
 Konko-kyo
 Transcendental Meditation
 Esoteric and / or "human potential" origin, (Coursin)
 Antonism
 Anthroposophy
 Scientology
 Spiritism
 New era
 Gnostics

 Raelians
 Golden dawn
 the Arcane School
 the Good Hope of the World
 Triangles
 Lucis Publishing Company
 Lucis productions
 Libraries of the Lucis Foundation
 the Crystal Worshipers
 Astrologers
 Radical Feminists
 environmentalists
 the Kabbalists
 the Humanists
 the Orientalist Mystics
 pop psychologists
 the "liberal" churchmen,
 scientists
 diplomats
 presidents of corporations
 heads of state
 international bankers
 Christian church leaders
 the New Group of World Servers, Etc., etc ...

 Each one with their nonsense, sorry their stupid beliefs, again sorry,
I say... their ideas and doctrines induce Luciferianism using the
NWO as a means.

All of them summarize their beliefs in the hope of the arrival of a
being, supposedly spiritual and that will impose love and peace in the world.
And their New Age funders and supporters give us insight into where the shots are
going: they range from Luciferian and theosophical Blavatsky to American TV favorite,
and currently read by millions, New Age guru Eckhart Tole (" You are God"), passing
through the Satanist Manly Palmer Hall. They also include Krisnamurti among their

In this pompously called New Era, try to convince the individual, who
has a "personal and spiritual evolution", an improvement of their humanity and "finding
your personal balance", but not as a return to a state of life not material and full of
generosity towards others but is actually the result of an exercise orchestrated since the
60s of the 20th century by thousands of interrelated organizations, many of them based
on Internet platforms, Financial Structures, global institutions such as the United
Nations , with the aim of diverting people from their religious beliefs to pantheistic
atheism, or from materialistic atheism to "Buddhist" spirituality or the spirituality of
"union with the Earth" or similar things, called in all ages "religions pagan".

To sum up in the form of an equation what the New Age strategists have
done, who are nothing but the instruments of the NEW ORDER, is that they
have muddied us in blind materialism and atheism infected by "the communal" for, when
our spirit On the brink of an insurmountable crisis, I cannot bear it anymore, they offer
us a hopeful exit and a light in heaven. So that millions of people full of despair,
embrace that light in heaven, sunk in spiritual darkness and without guidance in a
complex and hostile world, without realizing that this light is the light of the Eternal

Deceiver of Men, (Lucifer).

This New Age or New Order, contains so many currents and

groups that it seems incredible that one can see any hope in the world after passing
through its spiritualistic attractions full of "love". And yet there is no awakening within
the New Age. It is an awakening within a nightmare and a great deception.

Philip Jones, believes that the rise of Satanism is unstoppable . When

World Government and world religion have finally been reached, the New Age, or the
Age of Aquarius, will have been achieved. Only then will the Shift (the Avatar) appear
and the implementation of the New World Order will be fully realized. This " NOVO
CRISTO " is also known as Lord (Lord) Maitreya, of whom they say , that he is also
expected by Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus, although he is known by these
believers respectively as the Messiah, the Imam Mahdi, the Quetzalcoatl, the fifth
Buddha, or Krishna. Bailey makes it very clear that there will also be a world religion:

"The spirit of the old beliefs is gone and the true spiritual light is
transferring and becoming a new form that will manifest on Earth finally as the new
world religion. Even for Jews: Judaism is old, obsolete and separatist and it has no true
message for the spiritual mind that it cannot get more of this faith.

When one examines and investigates the relationships of the New Age
Movement, it is all too easy at first to be skeptical and reject them outright, but those
who lead the way in this modern version of what "the Babylonian mysteries" really are,
renewed They are working hand in hand with a great and mighty power.

Some of the richest and most influential men and women on the planet
have openly identified themselves with the New Age. We are talking about bankers,
industrialists, politicians, celebrities of all kinds...

It gives the impression that the whole world has converted to the
New Age and is taking large masses of the population to the streets with them. This
"spiritual awakening" may be only one aspect of the Illuminati aim towards the One
World Government , but it is the most important and time will show that it is a crucial
element in their plan. It would be foolish to ignore the growing influence of the New Age,
Occult, Satanism, Wicca, and the Hedonist phenomenon, manifesting all around us,
without the recognition that if these trends persist, the day is not far away when These
forces will be able to bring the ember to its sardine. As G.K. Chesterton once made this
observation: "If man does not believe in God, the danger is not that he does not believe in
anything, but that he may believe in everything."

"Christ" is among us! On April 25, 1982, millions of people in the

world read this headline in the daily newspapers and that "the evolution of humanity
through history has been guided by a group of enlightened men, the Masters of Wisdom, a
Spiritual Hierarchy at the center of which is the World Master. The Lord Maitreya, known
to Christians as "The Christ." They tell us that "The Christ" is in the world right now and
that in a matter of a few months he will reveal his identity to all mankind. At the same
time, the British Theosophist Benjamin Creme started a lecture tour in the world to
advertise himself as a spokesman , (like a new John the Baptist), for "El Cristo". in many
lectures and speeches, he clarified that it was not Jesus Christ for whom he was speaking,
but for the "Master of Wisdom," of whom Jesus Muhammad, Buddha and Krishna and
others are his forerunners and disciples. Creme's holy- messianic campaign I was
coor sponsored by his New Age religious organization, the Tara Center, from its offices in
Los Angeles, New York and London.

United Nations flag: Symbol international masonry Scottish Rite, with 33 segments

The pantheistic smoke screen

"When you worship the sun, the moon, the stars, a statue, or even
yourself, Lucifer is making use of you. You should not worship things that were created,
but the creator of them. Worship anything else that was not created. be the creator is to
give Lucifer bellows "

Fritz Springmeier mentions that you have to be Wise as serpents. Since

" God ", in the pantheistic metaphysical system, is not the creator God of the Bible, but
an impersonal, immanent force that occupies all things, the universe itself, every rock,
every tree, everything, every man, every woman are "God".

From this point of view of the pagan world, man is not a special
creation of the one, true God, to whom he must ultimately answer. Nor is it bound to its
creator by intrinsic and inalienable rights and duties. In this way, pantheism functions as
an effective tool in God- centered religion by transforming religion into a selfish and
lofty man-centered belief system as a servant of himself, and thereby giving sanction.

Religious doctrines and programs of political collectivism. Pantheism

can also be used as a step to lead humanity from theism to atheistic materialism. In
religion, pantheism is most often expressed as "naturalism," the doctrine that religious
truth is derived from nature, not from revelation.

The occult magazine "Rosicrucian Magazine" predicted that, "the

multiplicity of social states, countries and nations will cease to exist." These nations will
be surpassed by "One United and One World State". The Rosicrucians were right to
conclude that the mystical pantheism they advocated would lead, if accepted by all, to a
collectivist world state. And there are very few people in the world today who
understand the direct cause-and-effect relationship between the two. Father Clarence
Kelly, a well-known authority on the deception of the occult writes: "Pantheism is the
favorite doctrine of collectivists, because it offers a concept of man that, on a religious
basis, subordinates the individual to the collective."

Hitler and the Vril

It was New Paganism that helped create the conditions that allowed the
path of the collectivism or totalitarianism of the Third Reich. The Nazi high priests,
Hitler, Himmler, Rahn, Rosenberg, Hess, Feder, Sebot, among others were all
ardent pantheist- theosophists, and their esoteric societies (Thule, Vril, Seekers of the
Grail) were based on the same occult and pantheism that it is prevalent today in New
Age environmental movements. There is an enormous amount of evidence that Hitler
considered himself "a chosen one" and it is known for a fact that he said: "I have seen
the" new man "and it is truly terrible". It is evident that Hitler was deeply involved in the
occult and had indeed acquired certain gifts, but that coming from the dark side, full of
lies, crimes, drugs, sex; kingdom- believed his murderer, horror, was a "divine mission"
to the service of what he thought were "Masters Aryans of Aging".

Dietrich Echart, an adept teacher of the Thule Society and Hitler's

mentor in the occult, wrote: "Hitler will dance, but it will be me who plays the flute. I
have initiated him into the Secret Doctrine, have opened his vision centers and given him
given the means to communicate with the powers "In the final chapter of his book" The
Crooked Cross", Joseph Carr defines terrifying parallels between Nazism and the New
Age Movement.

"One can never dispute the claim that the Nazi world and the
fundamental elements of the New Age Movement are identical. It must be so, moreover,
since both have grown from the same occult root: theosophy, its cosmogonies,
cosmologies and philosophies. Respective are identical".

The New Age conspiracy and the World Government are intrinsic and

Although all the sects and cults that are part of "pantheism" may
seem different, unrelated to each other, all the basic elements are the same for the
different gnostic religions, they simply have a different focus. They operate under the
same principles and cooperate and function together. What appear to be
separate and independent power and religious groups are actually, at the top, groups
working together and led by the same cabal in service of the same master. In his epic
work on the One World Religion "Be Wise as Snakes" Springmeier answers the question
that most of us have asked ourselves.

"Do the leaders of the different cults know what is happening?"

In a clear way Fritz Springmeier responds:

"Yes, they have been explained orally, with an emphasis on the word" orally. "New Age
leaders, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Latter-day Saints know what is happening and what
their roles are in creating a government. World". They know that deep down they are
Today, after millennia, the Solar God, as a light-iferine image, is
being worshiped by the New Age as a divine entity. In other words, he is turning to the
Egyptian gods and their Ra-atonism. David Spangler, refers to the Black Sun God in
these terms:

"The light that reveals the way to the New Age, in

which" Christ "comes from Lucifer. He is the giver of light. It is his light that reveals to
man a horizon of greater consciousness. The true light of his great being can only be
recognized when one's own eyes see with the light of the inner sun. It is an invitation to
the New age."

The ancient doctrine of the Solar God or Solar Logos easily merges
itself with Pantheism which, as we have seen, is at this time a core New Age dogma. By
denying the existence of a personal God, while insisting that the universe itself is God,
The New Agers declare that, as man is part of the universe, man is also God . The
Luciferian master plan cannot be successful unless people accept that there is
no God who loves and cares for them.
Therefore, accepting that the Moon, the Stars, the Galaxies are
all God Himself, the Solar God of the New Age, or the Logos Solar RA, as the teacher of
humanity , becomes a required element of belief and We can establish that throughout

the history of Humanity, all the "Sun-gods" have been nothing more than tricks of the
Great Deceiver, who is Lucifer .
Witches believe that Lucifer is the God of the Black Sun and the Sun
God is also known as " God with Horns" (Lucifer is also known as "the angel of
light"). Many of the holy days of the witches revolve around the Black Sun. A large part
of their belief system is the concept of the awakening of the Sun and the dying world,
and during the winter solstice, the Solar God Lucifer is reborn and warms the Earth.
For the ancient Latin Lucifer was the Sun God, father of Aradia
and brother of and lover of Diana. To realize how this adversary of God has been able to
clandestinely insinuate itself into our lives, we only have to look around at the plethora
of pagan solar symbolism that now proliferates in every corner of our society.

Nuevos Aires Washington

Or belisco phallic-solar figure

Another example of this can also be found in the world of female

bodybuilding, where, each year, a trophy in one design is used to symbolize the worship
of Lucifer and is presented at a major women's bodybuling event (IFBB). The meaning
of this trophy is hidden from most, with the exception of a few initiates. The trophy has
the shape of an obelisk which those unfamiliar with it, is to construct a pyramid with
four sides at the apex. The obelisk is a symbol that definitely has connections to
Freemasonry. The obelisk is important to Freemasons and has roots in ancient Egypt. It
is the symbol that apart from being phallic, that is, the delivery of male power to a

female, is that of a god worshiped by believers and related to the ancient mysteries.
The obelisk represents the Sun God Lucifer. The sun is also an important masonic
symbol. Albert Pike, wrote: "The Sun is the ancient symbol of the giver of life and the
generative power of Deity."

Ralph Epperson, a historian and lecturer on the subject writes:

"The Sun was a symbol of something that only believers in religion understood. These
believers, they knew that people would not accept their mystery religions so they had to
hide them from them. So the task was to create a religion that people to accept. Their

basic purpose was to create a popular religion as a cover for their secret worship. They
were to hide their beliefs from the people, and hide their secret worship in hidden

Rome México

Also the obelisk means the erect serpent and lucifer

Epperson mentions:

"The obelisk is raised by the very presence of the Sun God! And
the Sun God is Lucifer! And it also says, " Gnostic religions are often called pagan. This
pagan worship is often the esoteric cover in which the first levels are initiated. The
highest levels are often actual esoteric worship and this often involves direct Luciferian
or Satanic worship. In other words, the Solar worship of the Masons and other groups is
but one face of the worship of the highest levels of Satan the "divine Serpent", who rose
and walked upright before his fall and expulsion from heaven. And from paradise.

"According to Alice Bailey, the Masonic movement, with its due

complements, rearrangements or adaptations, coming from all the religions of the
world, will be the religion of the New System. Benjamin Creme also believes that
Freemasonry will be the religion of the New Age. Lola Davis, another New Age leader,
also sees Freemasonry as the New Age Religion", "The Masonic movement is the
custodian of the law; it is the house of the Mysteries and the site of initiation. It contains
in its symbolism the ritual of the deity and the form of salvation is pictorially preserved
in its work. It is an organization much more hidden than it may seem and its objective is
to be the training school for the advanced occultists of the future. In its ceremonials the
forces connected with the growth and life of the kingdoms of nature and the unfolding of
the divine aspects are hidden. Of man", "When the new universal religion has been
imposed and the nature of esotericism has been understood, it will be employed by
esoteric bodies, Masonic bodies, and New Church bodies as centers of initiation. These
three groups converge as their inner sanctuaries.

No there is dissociation between the One Universal Church, the
sacred inner lodge of all true Masons, and the innermost circles of esoteric societies.
"Fritz Springmeier, in "Be Wise As Serpents", (to be clever as a snake), opines: Has
Freemasonry as a world religion been underestimated?... Pike can be justifiably analyzed
as the most influential Freemason of all who ever lived. During the American Civil War,
he was a Confederate general who, it is said, committed the most terrible atrocities that
can be carried out in war; however, his grave is located just thirteen blocks from the
Capitol Building in Washington DC . He was a senior member of the Illuminati Order,
which is revered by the New World Order Cabal.

In his book, "Morals and Dogma", Pike confirms for posterity that
the God of the Illuminati and the New World Order is Lucifer. Writes: "The Masonic
religion should be, by all of us initiated in the high degrees, maintained in the purity of
the Luciferian doctrine... yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay (Jesus ) is
also God . For the eternal law, there is no light without shadow, there is no beauty
without ugliness, there is no white without black, because the absolute can exist only on
the basis of two Gods: Darkness is necessary to light to serve as a floor and a pedestal
they need the statue, and as the motor needs the brake".

Pike unequivocally confirms in his book that Freemasonry is

identical to the mysteries of Antiquity, which clearly means that all his teachings in all
his books are precisely the same as the Antiquity, the Pagan, the Satanic mysteries!

Pike continues in "Morals and Dogma: " The true and pure
philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equivalent of Adonay
(Jesus); but Lucifer , God of Light and God of Good is fighting for humanity against
Adonay, the God of darkness and evil.". That is, the sin against the Holy Spirit, saying
that evil is good and good is evil, the New Age Luciferian of Aquarius is here now and
humanity has joined a rebellion against his creator.
We are led by people who now publicly and claim their worship
of God and the most important and original adversary man free reign to lead to a hell on
earth in the form of a tyrannical state diabolical one World and the United Nations is the
international temple in which humanity, through their political leaders and religious
tribute paid to this, the bearer of light, called Lucifer .

However, all is not lost. What is really happening, according to

high-level sources, is that there are two factions fighting at the highest levels of world
power. A faction related to the Rockefeller and Rothschild families wields power through

the IMF, the World Bank, and many of the Fortune 500 companies. They are the people
driving the vaccine agenda combined with digital currency. They want to enslave
humanity with the New World Order, (NWO), for the benefit of the members of their
satanic cult.

And there is another faction, which includes the British Commonwealth,
the 2/3 part of the Vatican faction under Pope Francis, the Pentagon, and the Asian
secret societies that are fighting against the Satanist agenda. And they're waging a massive
campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, and explore the universe. They
want to create a future planning agency with meritocratic staff, to carry out this work. This
faction is winning, even with the temporary defeat of its members, (for example the
possible electoral defeats of Trumph, Obrador or Maduro), but the battle is far from over.

Even with this Covid-19 Pandemic, the next few months will be crucial,
so we must all do our part. The events are taking place with unusual speed, for
example, "The Clique Dutch pedophile and Nazi ideology, the homosexualism, the
feminism, led by Queen Beatrix, the Royals and Prime Minister Mark Rutte may already
haven been eliminated by US troops of the group of the capitol pigeons"
This was done to "stop African immigration, expose MH17 and
crimes " against humanity. Sources add that the capital of the European Union, Brussels, is
under US military occupation to purge the Deep State of the EU.

The military occupation of Belgium and the Netherlands and the

execution of their elite class were long overdue. This is true not only in Belgium and the
Netherlands, but also in the United States, England and Canada, etc. These are people who
have been torturing and murdering children on an industrial scale for millennia.

Does s problem as to believe that?, revises the case of Marc Dutroux in Belgium that has
been tested by multiple court cases.

Dutroux was twice convicted of kidnapping and raping underage

children. The first time was in 1989. The second time occurred in 1996. He served only 3
and a half years of his first sentence of 13 years and less than 10 years later, he was
convicted of kidnapping, torture and abuse of victims, some of them even the point of
The political- financial elite not only financed his efforts, but made
specific requests of him. Sometimes they requested specific types of children (they were
called "party favors" and asked to deliver children of a certain age, gender,
race). Sometimes they requested specific means to torture children to fulfill their wishes
(orgies, satanic sacrificial rituals, torture games). As in Mexico, Jean Succar Kuri, who had
a pedophilia network for the consumption of rulers and influencers, (Lydia cacho, "The
demons of Eden").
And sometimes they asked him to film certain influential people
involved in these acts, and then use them as blackmail. He claimed that many of his clients
and financiers were world leaders. This was not a stretch of the imagination because he
lived in Belgium, where they were located the headquarters of the UE and NATO.
During the trial, witnesses and victims would appear soon,
describing things like "black masses", with sacrifices of children and adults taking place in
front of observers and participants, among whom were prominent politicians and figures.
They also described "hunting parties" in which the elites released
naked children into the forest to hide, so that the elites themselves could hunt down and

slaughter them. Many of the victims' stories contained so many similarities that it was
impossible to deny. For example, hunting parties were often held in castles, where the
victims could not escape and were hidden from public view. Those who did not die in the
hunt were generally hunted down and mutilated / killed by Dobermans"
All of this was made public in a trial in 2004. Why was it not covered
by the New York Times, CNN, etc?, Well, simply because their owners and partners are
part of this Luciferian clique.

Meanwhile, in New York, a facility for the torture of children and the
collection of ADRENOCHROME (a special liquid that children emanate when they are
tortured and killed and that produces in those who consume it, even injected, a greater
pleasure even than orgasmic ecstasy). At 720 Fifth Avenue, she was arrested and hundreds
of tortured children were rescued, according to Pentagon sources. This is right across the
street from the brand 666 5 Avenue factory microchips inj ectables Beast Jared

Kushner. Note that the original address on company documents has been changed to 725
Fifth Avenue, which is the Trump building, to deflect suspicions.
Children in this facility were held from as young as 3 and repeatedly
tortured and raped to harvest adrenochrome. They were killed once they reached
puberty. The entrance to this facility was disguised as an "Abercrombi e and Fitch
Kids" store, like a screen, for the children entering. Actually the participants of these
criminal actions are incarnate demons followers of Lucifer. But the behind-the-scenes fight
of Satanists against positive spiritual forces continues around the world.

The devils from eden, the power that protects

child pornography

March 26 ... As daily, a lot of work, and more now that I'm illustrating .



Plan B is “biological warfare”

According to several authors, all the military actions, which have

been implemented to Start the Third World War, (IIIGT) have failed. Destruction of
Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, invasion of Syria and Yemen; blockades and economic
sanctions against Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, etc., which was had as
plan A, it was necessary to implement plan B, which consists of the "Biological War",
through a global pandemic. What is now known as Covid-19.

According to various researchers, a false lives-economy dicotomy has been

accepted since it is said that health depends directly on the economy. The problem of the
"carrying capacity of the health system" has been overestimated and the cost that in the
medium and long term will occur in human lives has been neglected (aggravation and
cause of chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes, and occurrence of acute crises
such as myocardial infarctions and stroke). According to researcher Ryan
McMaken there are many reasons to oppose to the confinements of the Covid-19.

Other researchers like Máximo Sandín or Luc Montagnier have

warned about an artificial chimeric virus, correct? Indeed, Dr. Máximo Sandín says

things like: "cultivating human viruses in embryos of other animals in which a multitude
of endogenous viruses are expressed, leads to hybridizations with their viruses that
correspond to infective viruses of different characteristics than those original". With the
information you have in your hand, and from the point of view of public health and
human lives, why is it considered that there is a slogan to end the population of the third
or fourth age and with chronic patients of some kind? Evil that is delicate and that
carelessly can turn into mortal, as it has manifested itself in these difficult months?

1.- Neglect of the elderly and the weak in the health of other pathologies.

Sun or there is care for Covid-19, with increased morbidity and

mortality: to avoid the collapse of the health system (due, among other things, to the need
to treat, in any case, with extreme isolation and prevention measures and to the decrease in
effective toilets due to preventive quarantines) a ferocious triage was established, both in
primary care centers and in hospitals. Most of the consultations are only attended by
telephone (when they could be attended to) and chronic patients were prohibited from
going to the emergency room. All the governments of the planet (without exception),
received instructions (we do not know who or who), to count all the "suspicious" cases as
Covid, since there were not enough tests or real tests.

In these events, the most affected are the elderly and

patients at risk to whom their treatment has been limited and if they go to the doctor
they are diagnosed with Covid-19, and supposedly they are treated about this
pathology, neglecting their true ills, so its delicate state changes to critical and later to

2.- Stress of the population due to the mandatory confinement and the media fear
Which also leads to increased morbidity and mortality. Many
relatives, seeing the number of deaths of elderly people, no longer take their patients to
hospitals, because they argue that even if they come for other illnesses, they inevitably tell
them that they have Covid-19, and when they die, that is what the reports say. Doctors, but
they no longer see them again and they only give them the ashes or a totally closed body
that they do not know if it is really their relative. If they ask for the autopsy, they convince
them that it is not convenient because they can be infected, and that the government has
also prohibited them.

3.- Institutionalization of lies in the media with obscure interests. Arguing that Covid-
19 is deadly, (although in the statistics only 0.3 to 1% of the supposedly
ill actually die). The rest are from other evils.

4.- Control and censorship on the Internet and other media.
With the excuse of fighting misinformation (remember the conclusions of the 2001 event).

5.- Serious economic consequences. To all the countries of the world, affecting even
more the poorest. According to the OECD, with a contraction of the gross domestic
product (GDP) in 2020 that will reach up to 14% to 40%.

6.- Serious restriction of civil rights.

With the declaration of a state of Alarm that has been in many
aspects a state of Siege. Based on hidden interests, the Chinese totalitarian regime has
been taken as a model, with the excuse of its efficiency in controlling the epidemic, to
impose abusive and unjustified measures, aimed at controlling the population and
geolocation of people, which they intend to be extended over time, and that directly affect
the sick and the elderly as they cannot count on the help of their families at a certain time.

-Old woman... But I only came because my leg hurts

-Doctor: Look aaaah, it says here that you have Crownvi iiii rus!

7.- And the most serious of all: EUTHANASIA is applied to the elderly and
chronically ill.
Due to the measures adopted in nursing homes, especially those
who do not have family members, and even so they are prohibited from going to hospitals
and these elderly are only treated, by being thirsty with morphine, a drug that depresses
the center respiratory facilitating an unworthy and lonely death...

8.- very high cost in human lives in terms of postponed medical treatments.
For placing emphasis on treatments against covid-19., thus, the rate
of elderly and sick people, of diabetes, kidney and liver problems, influenza, cancer, AIDS,
lupus, heart disease, obesity, weakened immune system, high or low tension and other
diseases that are delicate or chronic but subject to one treatment appropriate patients still
have years of life. But now with anticovid-19 therapies, if someone comes to follow their
treatment there is a large margin no longer return, they do not give their real treat diseases
but a false assumption treatment covid-19... give there is the reason for so much death, that
it is attached to coronavirus c ov id-19.
9.- Loss of human life in terms of increased suicide and drug overdose.

This has caused many patients or relatives to choose an easy way

out, feeling helpless and without hope to treat their illnesses.

10.- Serious increase in domestic abuse and child abuse, sometimes serious.

Caused by the stress of continuous isolation and quarantine, which does not have when to

11.- The failure of confinements

Or quarantines, badly planned and but applied, that do not really work (for example, what
happened in Sweden or Vietnam). So the government sometimes and at times gives certain
freedoms that many take advantage of for debauchery, even if it is brief and supposedly
they are infected by those actions.

Not in the best horror films and Pandemics... and about the consequences of the
general confinement of the population, could anything else be added?

March 27 ...



The objective is to keep us dominated, without extremely progress, not be
aware of many aspects and keep the masses and individuals outstanding,
under very strict control.

Who are the Zionists?

Words of the great communicator Fulford: According to several

famous historical figures and some personalities of today. (Among them those who have
mentioned them and even supposedly, have fought against them, we have Henry Ford,
Adolf Hitler, Tsar Nicholas of Russia, Francisco Franco, etc.), The Zionists are a group of
people who keep under an iron government the people of Israel, and uses it for their plans
to establish the NWO, (New World Order), under his mandate, following a program
established centuries ago by some leaders, the objective is to Rule the world and prepare
the way for the True Jewish messiah, (Jesus Christ was a false messiah according to the
Jews), a messiah who will naturally be Jewish and that Christians identify with the
For this the True Zionists. They do not hesitate to use any resource no
matter how criminal and diabolical it may be, this includes wars, assassinations, massacres,
labor exploitation, control of the world's wealth, control of the rulers, propagation of
biological wars and epidemics, taking over the media and transportation, possessing the
world's energy sources and mines, absolute control of pharmaceuticals, dominion of all
means of entertainment, sports and culture, Lordship over religions, Possession of all
means of production and natural resources of the peoples , Possession of the world's banks
and financial exchanges, domination of social ideologies to force people to think as the
Zionist wants, etc ... In itself, it is the diabolical domain of people and humanity to
make them part of the kingdom of Satan. Both in material and spiritual life: It is the
search and implantation of absolute evil on earth. (Since in heaven it was not possible)
The Zionists, manifest a true hatred of goodness, spiritual love,
holiness, Peace, and above all things JESUS CHRIST and the Catholic Church with all its
parishioners, who would like to see it destroyed, to implant their reign of terror and
suffering for all human beings.
Looking at it from this point of view, it is understood why many events
of death and pain caused by events that are not understood, such as the Current Covid-19
Pandemic and that instead of looking for a cure, to save those who can, it seems that it is
about annihilating the largest possible population.
Some people will believe that this information is a lie, because it is
impossible for a single group to cause so much damage, but what we say is that the Zionists
are the head and are also looking for millions of followers, leaders or powerful economic,
political, military or of any social activity, where Power and mandate are exercised, make
them complicit in their criminal acts and pay them with riches, fame, Power... and
death. Well, they are only useful fools that while they serve, they live, when they are no
longer needed they are executed, this happens in all activities and occupations, the most
notorious cases of useful fools are politicians and artists. (Kennedy, Colosio, Michel
Jackson, Jim Morrisón, etc...). And it looks like now Biden.

Zionist Background.
Not all Jews are Zionists (indeed they are a minority), but Zionists are
Jews, but they are of a special class that those who call themselves true Jews, despise even
if they reluctantly obey the Zionists, (or if they do not kill them or at least marginalize
them). Zionists are mostly home Jázaro, (Ashkenazi), to southern Russia, on the ground
ce r gray to the Caucasus, where the people in the adopted ancient Jewish religion, which
are called true Jews are not one of those latitudes but they come from the last diaspora
whose root is the land of Israel, and even if they have gone to Babylon, China, Germany,
Russia, Poland, USA, Spain, or wherever, they can still trace their roots in Israel, the
Khazars and some Of the other Jewish currents that follow them, they have also adopted the
belief that they must dominate the world since they are the people chosen by Jehovah, and
the other peoples are only inhabited by subhumans whom they call Goims, so killing a
goim it is like killing an animal, that is why they are indifferent to so much crime and
With Jesus Christ, the Zionists were disenchanted, because they expected
an Alexander the Great-style messiah and not a messiah who was humble and peaceful, that
is why they want to put the planet in conditions so that the expected Jewish messiah arrives
and thus that people reign over all the nations as promised by their god.
How have you progressed with your plans?
First, there is the assurance that the people of the world will guarantee
that there must never be another holocaust. Where they died mostly, the poor and
unimportant Jews, the Jewish Hierarchs, owners of Banks and large corporations became
even richer. Jews will be allowed to live peacefully in their own homes now and
forever... according to them.
Now, we will tell a harsh truth. First of all, a burnt offering was a burnt
offering to Moloch, also known as Ba'al or Set. This is known to Christians by the name of
Satan. During World War II, the Jews of Europe at the instigation of the Zionists and with
the complicity of the Nazis and Communists, were killed as a burnt offering to Moloch.

The people I sometimes refer to as Zionists are specific to a group also

known as Sabbath Jews or Frankists. These people believe that it is up to them to make the
prophecies in the holy books come true. They were founded and headed by the Rothschilds
and other Askenaziz Khazar families, prominent pseudo-Jews. When the Jews of Europe
refused to accept financial incentives to move to Israel, these people used one of their race ,
one Adolf Hitler (Saxe Gotha) to force the Jews to leave Europe on pain of death.

Moloch or Baal

The only place they were able to flee was their "ancestral homeland",
Israel. This is l or happened to the Jews Ashkenaz í z, which accomplices were better
again, including members of the Jewish family Polish and German who not were killed or
forced to flee their European ancestral homeland by the Nazis (who were Zionists of the
branch of the National Socialists). The other Jews. They opposed the Sabbath-keepers,
saying that only God did God's work and that it was blasphemous for humans to try to take
on this task. That is why they were hunted down and killed.
Jews must understand that it was Satan-worshiping pseudo-Jews who
were behind the holocaust. Worst of all, they are still trying to start a war between Gog and
Magog to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the survivors. Israelite communicator
Benjamin Fulford comments, I did not read about this on some kind of “conspiracy site” on
the Internet, I was invited to join them in this comp lot by followers and representatives of
David Rockefeller. I have the tapes to prove it. There is a lot of other solid evidence that
shows that this plot is very real.

The forensic trail shows that the leadership of this death cult is based in
the Rothschild family compound near Zug, Switzerland. Many are being systematically
persecuted and brought to justice.
Another thing for Jews to understand is that the inhabitants of the ghettos
were not just Jews. The most persecuted group of all were the atheists, who also lived in the
ghettos. Another group were descendants of the Carthaginians, who practiced child
sacrifice. They appear in the Book of Ruth. It was the murder of children by this sect that
often sparked pogroms and persecutions.

The true homeland of the Jews or Ashkenazi Khazars s

Corresponds roughly to current Poland and Ukraine. If the Ashkenazi

really want to return to their ancestral homeland, then this is where they must go. The
Palestinians are the original inhabitants of the region who at some point in history
converted to Islam.
However, the Jews of Israel now live in their spiritual homeland and deserve to be allowed
to continue living there in peace. They just have to come to a fair agreement with the
Palestinians. This could be done by granting them Israeli citizenship or by creating a viable
Palestinian homeland. Israel also needs to make peace with its neighbors.
In any case, out of respect for the peaceful and law-abiding Jews in Israel,
from now on I will stop using the term Zionist interchangeably with the Khazarian Mafia,
the term I use to describe the Satanic cult pretending to be Jewish, Christian, Muslims,
etc. I will refer to the specific group that is trying to bring about Armageddon as the
Chabad death cult.
However, Jews must learn that there is no such thing as a Goyim or a
Gentile. God does not choose a people, we are all children of God.
In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, I am fighting to free my people from thousands of
years of slavery by a cult that worships Satan.

The fall offensive begins.

The rogue nation of Israel was locked up at the start of the Jewish New Year to facilitate a
purge of Zionists, Pentagon sources say. MI6 sources say their next target is a mysterious
Swiss-based entity known as the Octagon Group. In a counteroffensive, it is estimated that
one million Satanists in the United States are being mobilized to overthrow the government,
in the next elections in November 2020, several sources from intelligence agencies
agree. And that there is a 99% percentage that they will achieve it.
But there is also a major anti-Zionist offensive that began with the
announcement of the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Here's how
Pentagon sources summed up the situation: “US President Donald Trump announced a list
of Supreme Court candidates on September 9, so the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG)
on Rosh Hashanah sends a New Years message to the Jewish mafia as Israel is forced into
another ring to round up Zionists. "
Pentagon sources add that they have pulled on Trump's chain to force
him to act against the Zionists, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner will face a military court
on charges of treason and possible execution.
We are also hearing from MI6 why they are going after the mysterious
group in Switzerland known as the "Octagon", whose members are descendants of
pharaonic bloodlines.
However, before delving into this topic, we must delve into the secret
government power structure that we are fighting against. An organization chart was given
to me by an envoy from David Rockefeller (through former Japanese finance
minister Heizo Takenaka) ten years ago. This document (2 dozen pages in total) was given
to me after Asian secret societies mobilized to attack people who were members of all three
of the following groups: The Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on
Foreign Relations.

Putin and the Khazar and Ashkenazi Zionist Loby, of Pressure in Russia

The Zionist power structure. It has Switzerland at the top. Below is the
" Royal Bank", "Elizabeth EC", the City of London, the " Executive Director of
Japan". And the French government structure. The "Committee of 500" (ie the Fortune 500)
and "ILIO 48".
At the bottom, the executing units, including North Korea, the Military Police and the
CIA. At the bottom there are the murderer s Chinese s from Honk Kong, Taiwan and
Korean, designated s in the guise of a yakuza group, by US occupation forces to control
Japan. In the middle it is seen that they claim to control Japan, Mexico, Canada, the
United States, Africa, Iran, Greece, England, Mongolia and Russia. What they do not
control is Italy, Germany, India and China, among others.


The P2 Masons sent Leo Zagami to Japan to visit me. When I returned
the visit and went to Italy, they told me that P2 (now P3) received orders from "aliens in
Switzerland." They claimed to have started and led communism.
Now, after 10 years of being puzzled by this and other information that
was given to me, we can begin to connect a few dots. First of all, we have received reports

that we are being ruled by descendants of the Egyptian pharaohs, from many sources such
as the arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi (whose nephew Jamal Khashoggi was
brutally murdered in Turkey). Members of the Japanese royal family (the royals, not the
false Emperor Naruhito) also claim that they are descended from the pharaohs.
The head of a large Japanese group Ninkyo (Yakuza) also said that the
world was governed by a committee of 8 in Switzerland. Now MI6 tells us about the
Pharaonic Octagon group in Switzerland. (For those who saw it, this is what is described in
the James Bond movies as "Specter"). The P3 Masons say that the Octagon group "are the
masters of the earthly life of humans."
Also, in the past, when I spoke to mercenary soldiers involved in the
appropriation of resources in Africa, Al Qaeda / Daesh / Antifa, etc., they said that they
were paid in Swiss francs outside of Switzerland. We would also like to remind you about
Glencore Commodities and Mark Rich, based in Zug, Switzerland, paying both Iranian and
Israeli government officials to promote war between those countries while manipulating oil

Now let's talk about US Secretary of Offensive Mark Esper, you can
see a man of limited intellect who has been completely pre-programmed. It refers to fake
enemies like Russia and China while promoting artificial intelligence and deadly weapons
of denial from the 5G area. True military leaders do not take orders from him and should
not. However, they must follow the trail of the financial controllers pulling their puppet
strings. It's a good bet that it will lead to Switzerland.


Well, with this background in mind, let's take a look at some recent
news, as the great fall anti-Zionist offense comes into full swing. The long-term plan drawn
up by the Satanic Zionists to kill billions is exploding in their faces after the failure of their
unrest and phony pandemic. Now, the world's military and intelligence forces are actively
pursuing them, according to multiple sources, including official government statements.

They complain of the Zionist Bankers of Colec tion data
and dirt from all the gringos and from themselves.

"The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar
groups in connection with the riots is domestic terrorism and will be dealt with
accordingly," says the United States Attorney General. "That includes the use of the
unlimited power of our Armed Forces and many arrests," US President Donald
Trump tweeted. Forensic investigations show that the riots in Hong Kong, as well as the
riots in the US, are funded by the same Satanists who are desperately trying to start a Third
World War between the US and China.

Taiwan-based gangsters have outsourced the work of the Zionists and

financed these riots through a Satanic synagogue in Vancouver, Canada, and heroin-dealing
gangsters in Hong Kong, according to Asian secret society sources. Feeling defeat, the
high-level initiates in the Cabal (Ka (spirit) ballah (of the god Ba'al) = Set = Satan), are
now rescuing as can be seen in the following letter sent by a dissident member of the family
“Bill Gates and David Rockefeller hosted a shocking meeting at the
New York home of the President of Rockefeller University. Other guests at this gathering
of billionaires were: Warren Buffet, George Soros, Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey. None
of them expressed opposition to the stated purposes of this meeting, which were: to carry
out mass abortions in the third world and methods of mass eugenics (electronic warfare,
chemical warfare and biological warfare) in the first world, in order to reduce the
population worldwide from 7 billion to one billion, in an effort whose consequences would
far exceed the lives of the participants, and which was supposed to be their “legacy” to the
world. Whoever has to die in the process or not was (and is) his concern"

Burning Jewish businesses in Los Angeles USA

In any case, just as arsonists sometimes accidentally set themselves

on fire, this time the instigated riots are counterproductive for the clique. Pentagon sources
point out: "Rioters in Los Angeles target Jewish neighborhoods, loot Jewish stores and

spray synagogues with 'fuck Israel' and 'Free Palestine' as AIPAC is forced to cancel its
March conference. 2021 nine months in advance".
What these rioters must understand is that Satan's synagogues do
not represent the Jews, but rather use the Jews as a distraction; like the cape of the
bullfighter in a bullfight. Remember that Jews have been the main victims of the satanic
Zionist plot that is now exploding. With that in mind, we note that Pentagon sources report
that the Israeli colony of brainwashed Europeans is in serious trouble as: “The EU is
prepared to impose anti-Israel sanctions as German Chancellor Angela Merkel led a
boycott. To the G7 summit and the Zionist traitors Hungary and Austria may have been
gawking to put Europe first to make Europe great again (MEGA). I wonder then how do I
distinguish a good Jew from a satanic Zionist? Very easy. He has a lot of bad money.

The sources also say:

“Trump can lead from behind, as EU sanctions can lead to G20 sanctions
and even UN sanctions. Like the 737 max grounding, Trump only did it after the EU, so...
the days when Israel was above the law are over . "Remember, the communist puppet
governments of Eastern Europe they fell shortly after the people realized that the USSR
would not back them.For this reason, without the backing of the United States, Israel will
have no choice but to stop its genocidal, superstitious and messianic behavior.

Although there are still many letters left to the Zionists, (The Kabal), so
far several of their actions have been unsuccessful, it shows that they are pointing all their
moves to the Election of Biden as President of the USA, if we do not die for him. False
Crownvirus, we will soon see this outcome.

March 28... Well, work almost finished, we'll see what happens tomorrow.




We are the world.

Ecological researcher and philosopher Pedro Pozas, says that s in
anybody wants to realize, we are going through a great crisis that led hopelessly in an
avoidable catastrophe unprecedented in the history of mankind.

Little by little our land is showing its rejection of the human

being and is deploying all the defense mechanisms it has at its disposal to eliminate the
little resistance that we can do. As we have seen on many occasions and with increasing
frequency, the destructive power of inclement weather in all its variants, make most of
our technology become a paper toy.

Whether we want it or not, no matter how intelligent we think

we are, there is no way to fight against the earth and it is already tired of receiving only
promises of conservation, while the world's politicians, directly responsible for
environmental degradation, dedicate themselves with their ineptitude to keep their
positions with electoral promises that they do not fulfill trying to deceive the population
that seems to be blind with partisan idealisms that only leads us to ignorance and the
servility of colors.

Now we are seeing, even if we don't want to, that climate

change is accelerating the serious consequences that the recent future will bring us. Our
children will suffer from our unconsciousness and future generations if some humans
manage to escape from this madness, they will wonder why, being so evident what was
coming our way, the nations of the world did not unite to fight and take preventive
measures and effective.

glaciers disappear

A distribution has been made of the emissions that each country can
have, which translated into Spanish, means business, buying and selling them, leaving
countries that are consumed in poverty and the richest that can pay, continue at ease
emitting gases that are harmful to the health of people and the climate. However, in the
face of this useless way of stopping climate change, the logging of tropical forests
continues to be allowed and encouraged, the biofuel that comes mainly from oil palm
and that without a doubt is a crime against humanity, because behind of this there is the
destruction of the tropical forests, the murder of peasant and indigenous leaders and their
expulsion from their ancestral lands to turn them into green deserts devoid of life.

There are large multinationals that deplete the fishing grounds of

developing countries, leaving artisanal fishing to be destroyed. Countries that allow the
use of coltan and rare earths, (essential mineral for mobiles, computers, remote-
controlled weapons and 5G Cell Phones) from war zones and exploitation, where
children are enslaved to obtain the precious treasure and many of them die buried in
landslides without their lives being worth less than a crumb of bread.

Multinationals that monopolize the energy sectors by emitting

CO into the atmosphere, existing free, low-cost or zero energy such as engines powered

by water or energy obtained from the environment.

Alternative energies such as solar are prevented or hindered. The

Arctic is melting and the methane hidden for centuries under its ice sheets, being more
destructive than CO (23 times more powerful), is escaping into the atmosphere before

the hidden gaze of all nations.

And it is not stopped. This is just one example to show the hypocrisy of
some politicians who meet every "x" period to talk about how bad we are , while they
allow everything exposed in this song of lament to our hurt land.

The situation is more serious than politicians and humanity as a whole think.

It is serious that we leave this great problem for future

generations or our children's children to solve, who will ultimately be the ones who
suffer the most and have to make drastic decisions in a world that not even the scripts of
great catastrophic films can overcome.

The UN is already seeing the peak of the iceberg of this drama

and warns that Europe will soon suffer droughts and major fires, desertification
advancing in the south and even warlike conflicts for the control of drinking water, while
famine will spread throughout all the corners of our planet. The same UN report warns
that politicians are doing nothing to prevent it. This generalized geophobia (hatred of
nature and the earth) is the insignia of most of our leaders in the world.

In each election of the European Union, has anyone heard

among the major parties that share the cake their urgent concern about the problem of
climate change? To all this, only some crazy ecologists try to warn society that more and
more, is mired in passivity and living as well as possible without having global concerns.

Politicians who confront each other with unnecessary

conflicts such as independence, use this to hide the corruption that exists between them,
the brutal curtailment of citizens' rights and climate change that will devastate our lives.

But the Earth is wise and is defending itself and according to
some followers of the "New Age", it has a life of its own and will begin to expunge in
some way or another the beings that cause harm, to other species or even to their
physical morphology.

There are already impacts of climate change around the world,

as recognized by the UN and we have to prepare. An increase in population
displacement (immigration) is expected during this century, especially in developing
countries. We are already seeing it in many countries. The effects of climate change that
are affecting the poorest (reduction of crops, tsunamis, earthquakes, cyclones,
plagues, destruction of their homes and increased food prices and food insecurity ).

It is expected that in a few years, the sea level will affect the
coasts causing flooding and erosion of the coastline. Food security will be seriously
affected. The burden of disease endemic and pandemic (such as Covid-19), it has been
incrementeando due to penury , lack of care and lack of basic elements for food, as well
as sudden temperature changes and impact on the climate.

If we do not urgently remedy the problem that we already

know where it comes from and what its solutions are, but which is not put into practice
because there is no political will, the Earth will defend its habitat at the cost of the loss of
invasive species such as the our.

This is not the preamble to a catastrophic movie where we
enjoy fictional characters and spectacular special effects while sitting comfortably in an
armchair knowing that on this side we are comfortable in front of a screen that is shaken
with pain and horror. That screen will become our own reality if we do not wake up from
the lethargy that the powers of the state have assumed for us.

We must demand policies that protect the biodiversity of our

planet, that are focused on immediately alleviating climate change on all fronts, not only
on the emissions that smell like rotten business and interests.

For once in the history of our evolutionary walk, we must look

beyond our own borders of our individual world and think about the hardships and pain
that our children, grandchildren and future generations will go through due to the
irresponsibility of a world that wanted to close the eyes before clear evidence, they will
be horrible and that we will leave them a legacy that they do not deserve and they will
wonder why we allowed this to happen, because we let our politicians act without
conscience, because we closed our eyes and did not want to understand what others
warned us insistently.

The dehumanization of humans is increasing rapidly.

The armed conflicts, the economic power devastating society,

the political puppets of a capitalist system that is taking us to the brink of our own
extinction, the famine... we are accomplices of millions of murders victims of the system
since it could be avoided if put effort... but the power of the strongest prevails, the money
bathed with the blood of millions of people.

Darwin did not discover the evolution of species , it was already written.

Darwin left us the inheritance of his damned natural selection

(the great eats the weak) that has been transferred to economics, politics and
ambition. His faithful disciples like Hitler, Stalin or the Bushes, put this selection into
practice by exterminating Jews, Russians and Iraqis, and wanting to create a race,
ideology or nation above humanity. Darwin has been used to go against the people,
against society and the poorest, as an excuse for an invented and obsolete natural law that
has nothing to do with reality.

In nature there are hundreds of signals in which the species

have empathy for the weakest and protect them. The original cell that created life in the
sea is so perfect that it remains intact today.

For decades society in general has laughed at
environmentalists, their exaggerations, their lies... they have been called hairy men who
wanted us to return to the caverns in a clear disinformation of what the environmental
movement really represents.

Now, after much work, the states themselves recognize that climate change is produced
by the abuse of man and the little respect for life on our planet.

 Who are the stupid and unconscious knots who don't want to put an
end to this human tragedy? If we do not backtrack in a quick and
revolutionary way, the Earth will reveal itself as it is already doing
and will have no compassion for anything or anyone.
 How did we get to this situation with homo sapiens being the most
“intelligent” living being on earth?

I leave the answer up in the air for the reader to draw their own conclusions. Pedro Pozas
ends by saying terrados.

March 29... PSP, gave me some sheets that complement data from previous topics, I
will write them later at home .


Global 5G genocide
Under the pretext of Covid-19

“G5, use wave electromagnetic

against humans”

Letter from Dr. Andrei Baccarae M. (it is a pseudonym, for obvious

Dear Srs. Rulbord, WH, GI and DBs members. And Lord PSP.


I am a Doctor of Medicine and chemist-pharmacist and I carry out these

investigations within six months, I send them to you for your consideration to make them
known to the world.

I belong to an International organization for support and medical-

pharmaceutical research. I was seriously poisoned on 2 recent humanitarian flights home
from Central America, through the Houston airport and then to Canada, as was my
traveling companion; we almost died. The airlines were United and Air Canada. In trying to
detoxify and research what happened to us, I discovered that they are using new chemicals,
metals, and “nebulized” nanotechnology aerosols, on airplanes under the guise of new anti-
COVID 19 measures.
Through multiple technological-chemical-holistic means, we discovered that we were
actively poisoned with 'benzalkonium chloride, benzyl chloride, chloro-acetophenone',
ammonia, radioactive aluminum, radioactive mercury, and nanobot technology. The first
chemicals used are on the list of WWI chemical warfare agents on Wikipedia here (others
are breakdown products of the human body that these poisons process).

The two nanochemicals that I believe were used in our aircraft are
(confirmed by a private aircraft company as the main chemicals used for fogging):

The cognitive impairment of this experience cannot be described, from

perfect health to vision loss, nausea, hearing loss, loss of balance, inability to process
information, inability to speak, read or write, seizures and much more. I am fortunate to
work in health and have followed an immediate and rigorous detox program that helped
significantly, although long-term deterioration may be the result, as these are very harmful
poisons. Others on our flight or other flights may not be so lucky.

This is the exact process they use to disinfect aircraft:

1.- First, they spray a sheet of positively charged 'nanoglass' called electrostatic spray
(sometimes with chemicals and sometimes without),

2.- Then they spray the entire plane with the active nanoparticle chemicals, which are said
to self-replicate up to 10 days after application, only they are using the chemicals between
each flight and, in some cases, the entire the night for 8 hours straight.

3.- Travelers board the plane only 60 minutes after the request. Nanomaterial technology
apparently makes the product non-repeatable and, once coated, will reject more coating for
the next 10 days in the air. It is advertised that this makes the product go further with less
use ', but when applied repeatedly as airlines do, the result is that these charged atoms
return to the air as a powerful positively charged aerosol that is attracted to the next n eutro.
or negatively charged. Atoms that fly into flight, like the body and lungs of human beings.

4.- They finish the treatment with a burst of ultraviolet light from the entire aircraft, using
mercury lights that when turned on release a powerful mercury vapor into the air, to cause
more damage to the approaching passengers. If you dig into this, you will quickly see that
this is nothing less than an aerosol vaccine program intended to inject healthy humans with
unapproved poisons and nanotechnology without consent.
This process is already planned for application in schools and public
places, and will soon be in stores, shopping malls, movie theaters, lobbies and subways of
condominium buildings, buses and rental cars AROUND THE WORLD.

A today and to children worldwide are diagnosed with brain diseases
rare and I think it is due to exposure in schools.
Thanks to this experience, both my traveling companion and I are now extremely sensitive
to EMFs, and upon returning to Canada we were once incapacitated in 5G radiation. I
quickly realized that I am now (thanks to brain nanobot poisoning) a walking human Geiger
counter. The nanobots in my brain allow me to feel every deviation in microwave
frequency with inhuman precision, and I feel every tower, meter, streetlight, 5G receiver
long before I see it.

At-Ats Stationary vs The Human Society

This led me to delve into the rabbit hole, as in "Alice in Wonderland", of
the agenda 5G - Nanobot -transhumanism and I found what is a global genocide agenda
that uses the 5G frequency. This agenda is scheduled to roll out from October 2020, and
throughout 2021, this will result in hundreds of millions of deaths attributed to Covid-19, in
the US, Canada, and possibly much more around the world.

This is the real reason why I contacted him and listed the various factors of this very
upcoming genocide.

 The fogging chemicals mentioned above are being thrown at us through

chemtrails and in public spaces, and will be used to fake a second wave of COVID, as
the new symptoms of COVID are identical to those of benzalkonium chloride and
poisoning. by radiation.
 It is a massive aerosol vaccination schedule. Upcoming COVID vaccines will
also contain nanobots and nanotechnology.
 C ny infected person like me (and soon everyone) will be hyperreactive to 5G
and become a physical part of the smart grid frequency that will attract their brains as
if they were a human tower. This allows for mind control, implantation of emotional
reactions and thoughts through the manipulation of frequencies and creates

 People were locked up earlier this year under the false guise of a virus so that
they could implement 5G in every part of the world with the current infrastructure so
that no one would notice.
 Anyone can check it at night, all over the world, as they will hear a slight
swoop or endless sound like a device working and it does not stop, even sometimes
during the day.
 I have traveled a lot this last month trying to find a safe haven without 5G and
there is none. Even remote areas of Canada and impoverished areas of Central
America already have 5G infrastructure and frequencies are already broadcast.
 5G is NOT a WIFI problem, it is an electrical agenda and the microwaves
enter the house and the environment through electrical cables, signals, Modems,
Apods, Cell phones, smart meters and electrical appliances and plugs, NOT
 Areas with 3G or less WIFI power actually have a 5G infrastructure already
set up in their electrical systems.
 Areas around the world without WIFI still experience microwave pulses
throughout the day.
 Big Tech used the term 4.5G (4G PLUS) to build 5G infrastructure without
drawing attention to 5G itself, which is highly controversial and not widely accepted
by the population.
 I think the global plan is to vaccinate people (both through inoculation of
voluntary and forced aerosol poisoning of the resistant ones) with nanobots and then
shoot 5G whenever there is resistance from the population to control first the people
and then kill them.
 I think 5G, and only 5G, is the reason people died in WUHAN in 2019, then
Italy, Queens NY, now Sweden (being criticized as we speak) and so many other areas
to come. They were dosed or vaccinated with nanotechnology, and then the frequency
was increased as a test to see what frequencies people had falling dead and at what
Here's why the 5G built into our electrical system is so dangerous:
 4G is 7 GHz or less
 4.5G (4G Plus) is 7-12 GHZ
 5G is 15-300 GHZ

 At 10 GHZ, the human immune system begins to fail, sleep is impaired, and
healing is minimized

 At 10-30 GHZ, disorientation, tired feeling, drowsiness, weakness, difficulty

sleeping, dry mouth, dehydration, poor cell turnover and decreased hemoglobin,
depression, anxiety and other symptoms of radiation poisoning / microwave syndrome

 At 35 GHZ, oxygen molecules in the air and our bodies begin to spin, making
it impossible for our hemoglobin to absorb oxygen and cause suffocation. 75% of
healthy people will die in the first 2-3 days of being constantly exposed to
35GHZ. The healthiest will die in a week.

 At 50 GHZ, nothing survives, including birds, bees, trees, etc.

 At 60 GHZ everything is on fire (similar to wildfires in the US right now, in

5G areas)

 They are currently experimenting with frequency changes on a daily basis (I

feel each change) to normalize people's symptoms and exposures so that no one is
aware of what is happening. They are experimenting to see how high they can go
before people start to realize it.

 I have been to areas where the map shows only 4G or even 3G and yet they
already have 5G frequencies pressing.
 The frequencies increase at night so that people sleep badly, causing a
weakened society, and they lower it during the morning, increasing again in the

 5G is the most dangerous large-scale, immediate-action bioweapon in history.

 5G is the equivalent of having a loaded gun pointed at each of our heads, no

matter where you live, where you work, what your race is, what your social status is or
how much money or skills you have, you are the mercy of that dial.

 If you have electricity right now, you can die in an instant if they trip the
frequency through your home at just over 35GHZ. With the other inhaler devices, the
weakest, the elderly and the chronically ill will become ill or die.

 Here's a woman who shares the global plan in more detail, with dates, escape
routes, and timelines if interested:

 See a 5G map here (not very accurate or up to date as they do it in secret, but it
shows the different classifications):


 All the 5G infrastructure is already installed. Look at the receivers already

attached to your streetlights, smart meters, your plugs and appliances, the towers
themselves, the receivers on the roof, etc.
 The next thing is to poison people with aerosols and toxic food and water to
fake the second wave. (so you will see all the sites being sprayed with supposedly
disinfectant substances, and even airplanes in the sky spraying those substances)
 Once people are locked up, they cannot leave their homes; these areas are easy
to kill 5G zones.
 The government can choose to increase the frequency at any time it decides
and depopulate as much as it wants, in any chosen area.
 I guarantee that unless you are far off the grid, with no electricity and no
neighbors who have it either, you are, like us, in a potential death zone.
 I have tried to communicate with colleagues, from other Universities around
the world, health pioneers and other popular leaders in the natural movement, but they
are all afraid to share this because they feel that they will be immediately killed and
censored to block the exchange of this information.

Here is what I hope you, or some of your connections, can do:

-Turn off the smart grid somehow

-Disable these smart meters, streetlights or turn off / off satellites

-Block or gain access to control frequencies to prevent them from being used
at frequencies above 7 GHz

Anything to help fix the root problem from a technical point of view, because telling
people what I've been doing and warning the public is not enough. The media is
corrupt and the truth is censored, this will never go viral fast enough to create change
or save humanity or the planet:

 I pray that they study this and can find a viable solution to help block or
disable this possible global agenda.
 I'm here to answer any questions you have, I'll help you in any way I can, and
I'll be available to provide more information, content, links, resources, or anything else
I can do to assist you in your endeavors.
 L as obvious inconsistencies and "gaps" inexplicable invalidate the official
 The management of the health "crisis" seems to be a pretext for a totalitarian
global takeover
 Totalitarian machinations: intention to impose a global cryptocurrency, a
vaccine with nano-chips and a subcutaneous electronic chip
 There is massive corruption at the heart of the WHO and the most
unanswerable intentions
 5G is implicated in Covid-19, with possibly highly potentiated electromagnetic
radiation :
 The pathogenic power of the virus, or the Prevotella bacteria that caused the
cytokine shock.

 The similarity between the lung damage observed by all emergency physicians
and the damage caused by the use of an electromagnetic weapon (more permanent
headaches, fatigue, burning sensation in the lungs, thrombosis, and loss of sensitivity
to smell and taste , also cited as symptoms of COVID-19)
 Many antennas were installed thanks to the blockade, without concern for the
"precautionary principle", even though it is widely cited, in particular, to hinder
medical treatment.
 "Covid-19" is a biological and electromagnetic warfare backed by a vast
operation of "smoke and mirrors", which is sowing confusion among the ranks of
medical and hospital personnel
 "Covid-19" could be the preparation for a joint operation on a much larger
scale combined with a smokescreen to conceal large-scale evidence of the 5G weapon,
for criminal purposes that remain to be clarified.
 5G facilities, both ground and air (Elon Musk's satellites in low earth orbit),
are clearly part of this "total war" project.
 Dr. Jeremy K. Raines, a licensed electromagnetic field engineer, reports that
the human body uses signals to regulate its processes and warns that external
electromagnetic signals can seriously interfere with this process.
 No research has been conducted on the Earth's reaction to the massive use of
5G technology despite the fact that it has been established that industrial activities
(mining activities, oil and gas extraction, geothermal) can induce earthquakes.
 Unusual earthquakes have occurred in France and municipalities have been
declared in a state of emergency.

Asian secret societies have also said that a high-frequency

electromagnetic attack killed large numbers of people in Wuhan
China. "Now these attacks are taking place worldwide and a war that is
invisible to the naked eye is underway," they add.

While there are many aspects of this war that are "invisible
to the naked eye", humans can liberate the planet by attacking the visible
aspects. The process that led to the Fukushima attack on Japan and the
subsequent fraudulent election of Abe in 2012 and the problems of
TRUMPH's re-election provide us with concrete objectives.

March 30... My last day of work at the PSP home, I have a week to do the writing and
final editing and I have to bring you the writing, so that I could review it and she told me
that after another week if it seemed correct, it would ready to be published.


1.- The world is more complex than what we believe and manage to discover, one
knowledge attracts another and so on to human infinity.
2.- At this time we did not manage to understand facts and ideas that sometimes
contradict each other, but after a while, they turn out to be only extremes of the same
3.- The existence of a human being is so short that any ambition or achievement falls
short before eternity and therefore it is not worth making an opponent suffer or even
disappear to impose our will or ideology, everything always remains
in... .Nothing. (For you or for the avatar of the millennia).
4.- There are things that remain invisible to our senses and our intelligence, but the
signs or clues show us that there is something more and even more behind that.
5.- There is a consistency in the being and the existence of things, which overlaps and
always remains, (although inclined a little in a certain direction), despite the fact that
the extremes at times seem to occupy everything. Sooner or later everything returns to
normality of that consistency.
6.- If before we thought that BEING IS AND NOT BEING IS NOT, now with the
development of thought, knowledge and technology, we could say that:

INTER MAYBE NOT BEING, NOT BEING. The key is intelligence and will.
7.- It is infinitely impossible, (with human measure), that there is only life in a grain of
sand of the millions of beaches in the world.
8.- Life is like existence, it does not admit voids.
9.- The Cosmos, organic life, intelligence, feelings and spirituality, could not have been
made by themselves or appear fortuitously in the universe.
10.- Only goodness and Love generate the True, Power, life and divine happiness,
THE CONTRARY, THAT IS: and generates Evil, hatred, falsehood, impotence, death
and evil misery.
11.- The human being essentially tends to eternal transcendence despite the fact that a
difficult social environment pushes him to believe that he is only a fleeting and
perishable material being, he only has to direct that capacity to the positive and
service to others not like that same.
12.- To say being human is an abstraction, an individual without society cannot be
conceived, this is the means of becoming light or dark in eternity.
13.- The human being, although there are doubts, is immortal, his spirit will never die,
he will live in the light or darkness mentioned above, in despair and slander, a form of
hope perhaps for the evil one, or in peace and praise to the Most High .
14.- Sooner or later, Good will triumph over evil, although the followers of the latter
threaten and shout or become vain with apparent ephemeral triumphs.
15.- CHRIST IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE, even though there are
some who kick against the thorn.

These conclusions will be true or partial of this one but they are the ones that PSP
reached and I respect those conclusions, but I reserve the right to comment on their
acceptance or denial, I simply expose them as part of this work.

April 30, (Children's Day)... A few weeks have passed after I gave him the
finished book, and finally PSP, he spoke to me on the phone and told me to go for the work
already finished and finally approved, he would not be present, because he had to leave
urgently the other side". When I arrived at her house the next day, only Dona "Susy"
handed me two envelopes, one containing the work, with some small indications and the
order to publish it on Amazon KDP, with my name. That he would contact me later to
further settle this matter. There was a generous amount in the second envelope, for
someone like me who doesn't have a job. So out of respect for the PSP, or maybe because I
felt obliged out of gratitude, the pay, or maybe I had grown fond of the book resulting from
the hard work of a month, I accepted the assignment.
But, for a long time afterwards, PSP did not appear anywhere again,
despite being sought after, both in Mexico and in the United States. But even so, I obeyed

their orders and tried to publish it, I hope it will make them aware of certain issues or at
least entertain themselves pleasantly for a while. As I do it whenever I can, even though I
had already done it several times in the production process. But I think that the information
is vast and gives room to want to know more from other sources. Thanks for reading
us. And maybe you should not believe everything that is said here, but do not throw it
overboard as if nothing happened in this beautiful, complex, incredible, enigmatic,
collective and incomprehensible world that we lived.

This is the end of the way?

“All books mentioned or featured in pictures

can be found on”


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