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Intuit Pitch

C12 Exam 2 - October


Ideal time to spend on this: 30 minutes.

​At Intuit (a software company aimed at improving financial outcomes for their clients)
the Bangalore team is exploring how they can leverage tech and improve the outcomes
for agriculture in India. The primary research shows that agriculture is a promising
market for new information services. The team has narrowed down on an idea that
seemed promising: collecting relevant data like fair market prices, what nearby farmers
are sowing, corporate bidding for the crops etc for farmers and sharing it via an SMS.

Here are the findings from the primary research the team did.

Intuit is launching a product for farmers in India. Analyse the dataset to answer the
following questions:

1. Describe the ideal customer demographics for Intuit (write only one answer- no
marks will be awarded for multiple answers):

What gender do Male

they belong to?

(1 mark)

Which of the 32-39

following is an ideal
group for ICP?
(Choose any one )
(1 mark)


Which village does Marsur

the ICP belong to?
(1 mark)

Which Service are Schemes to avail

they most likely to
(1 mark)

Which crop are Rice

they growing?
(1 mark)
2. Now, Write a pitch letter to Block Development Officer (responsible for planning
and monitoring and evaluation of all the developmental activities of the village)
to collaborate with Intuit.

Since the main point of concern for the Block Development Officer is the welfare
of the farmers, mention the wins for the farmers, impact Inuit will have on
farmers income and the exact ask from him.

(10 marks)

Type your pitch here.

The Block Development Officer

Subject: Marsur Agriculture and Intuit Collaboration


Greetings from Intuit. We have devised an SMS service tailored for Marsur’s
rice farmers, offering:

-Real-time pricing data for optimized sales.

-Corporate crop bidding for ensured market and fairness.
-What nearby farmers have sown to optimum strategizing.
-Schemes available from the government.

This initiative will notably elevate farmers’ income, simultaneously

benefitting Marsur’s economic landscape.

To make this a reality, we seek your collaboration in implementing and

adopting this system. Mainly:

-Introduction to initial pilots and feedback sessions.

-Assistance in communicating the benefits to the farmers.
-Guidance in aligning our services with broader goals for Marsur.

Your assistance will be the cornerstone of transformative growth for

Marsur’s agrarian community.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards
You may add additional context (if any) here. This can be about how you
imagine the pitch to be delivered.

Some hygiene tips:

1. Keep the pitch short (Max. 200 words)

2. Be as detail-oriented as possible. Don’t be ChatGPT-generic. You will lose
marks for copying from AI-tools.
3. Consider how you will pitch - is it going to be an elevator-pitch to be
delivered under 30 seconds? Is it going to be an email or a phone
conversation? What is the shortest amount of time you will need to deliver
all the important information?
4. To sharpen your pitch, please use data points from the dataset provided, or
you may also innovate relevant details about the product.
Intuit OKRs
C12 Exam 2 - October
Goal Setting and Alignment

Ideal time to spend on this: 20 minutes

Total marks- 10 Marks.

Intuit is launching a product for farmers in India. Through this initiative Inuit wants to
get early adopters and power users before they start mass operations.

Write 2 Objectives and 2 Key Results under each objective for the launch. Make sure that
your OKRs are measurable and aligned. Use the dataset provided.

Objective 1: Ensure Consistent and Quality Information

Key Results 1: Achieve 95% accuracy for information provided

Key Results 2: Launch feature by Q3 that allows farmers to request specific


Objective 2: Increase Farmer Engagement

Key Results 1: Achieve 60% registration rate within Q1

Key Results 2: Achieve 70% active engagement within Q2

Some hygiene tips:

1. Keep the Objectives Aligned with the Key Results.

2. Be specific.
3. Keep your OKRs outcome oriented

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