Asian Elephants

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The effect of humans on the environment is significantly notable, especially on animals in wildlife.

One of the most endangered species that needs to be concerned at a higher level is the Asian elephant –
the symbol of Asia’s powerful bravery. They are at risk of becoming extinct day by day.

With stalwart bodies, Asian elephants seem to be one of the biggest animals that play an
important role in the natural world. Firstly, elephants, especially Asian elephants, are known to spread
tree seedlings far and widely. They consume fruits, deposit the seeds, and provide a perfect
environment for the seeds to germinate and flourish. Besides, Asian elephants have also been known as
effective focal species for conservation planning. They maintain savanna ecosystems, excavate
waterholes, and fertilize the land, which help other animals thrive.

Unfortunately, this kind of species is imperiled because of being hunted and climate change.
Hunting Asian elephants for touristy services has put their habitats as well as other species at risk, which
causes an imbalanced ecosystem. Even more, poaching their body parts for illegal trade reduces the
amount of this species. Additionally, climate change is an alarming reason that brings about danger for
Asian elephants. It can exacerbate the environmental condition by virtue of causing droughts
throughout the region. The resultant loss of freshwater sources heavily threatens Asian elephant

In conclusion, the Asian elephants are our continent’s pride; however, they will be extinct one day
if each of us does not take action right now. The government ought to issue a ban on the illegal hunting,
trafficking of Asian elephants in all its forms, and limit the number of elephants exclusively for tourism
with special care. Each person also has a duty on propagating and participating in campaigns for the
benefit of the environment, especially ones that call for help to Asian elephants.

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