The Key

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→ The keys to make ur presentation memorable

All presenters need nothing but their presentations come to the listeners’ mind. Many people try
to make them as long as possible to show how much useful knowledge they want to share. But
the key is just deliver the points related to the main objectives in a logical and cohenrent way.

There are a couple of examples for you to make your presentation more memorable.

 Chronological Order: looking back, looking ahead:

The first practical technique for a presenter is make your audience taken chronologically
through time with a JOURNEY. More specifically, break ur body into 3 seactions: past, present,
 Intro: walk through the histrory of the subject → head to future
At the opening, you will notify that there will be a history of the main subject to your audience,
and then let them know they are going to walk through the past to the future.
 point 1: the early days was tough, but we innovated and perserved
In the first point, giving the MAIN information to make your audience follow your chronological
order. Don’t forget to describe the ideas and ideas to amend the background in4. Also you need
to use transition appropriately. A transition is a sentence that the speaker use to summarize
what was said in one point and preview what is going to be discussed in the next point.
For example,
“Is it any wonder then that we have such a strong standing in the market today?”
=> A transition will allow you to smoothly move from the history of the company to the point that
how the speaker can gain an unexpected achievement today.

 point 2: Now we are strong and well-developed, but we need to develop some
things to respone to these days' trends.
Move to the next point, the speaker informs that the company is thriving. However, they also
need to take action in these days to keep up with the currently trends.
The transition now is:
“Recent technological developments do pose what some might call a threat, but we can easily
see this as an opportunity.”
Thanks to the transition, the audience can know more about what the speaker’s team are
concerned about. The latest trends also pose some threats to the company’s standing.
Therefore, this team need to take action in order to develop a respone to them.

 point 3: we plan to capitalise on this techonology in the future.

For the very last main point, the speaker notified that they are going to make use of their new
technology. It means they eventually figure out the methods for their own development in the
So, the speaker now can draw to the conclusion:
Closing: we hope to have you in our team for the next stage of this journey.
At the end, the presenter wanted to emphasize his gratitude for the the audience for listening
and the presence in the next stage.

At the end, the presenter wanted to emphasize his gratitude for the the audience for listening
and the presence in the next stage.

Order of Importance:
 fairy analogy: → diminish the seriousness of the situation/ help people visualize the
situation in a lively way.
To reduce the severity of the problem, but still ensure the content that the presenter wants to
convey, the fairytale analogy should be applied
Intro: start with introduce elements of ur story
Let your story begin with a situation, with two elements: good and bad. Thus, it will be easy for
us to build an attractive fairy structure.

Now, I will show you how to make your presentation more fairy-tale, and also give an easy-to-
understand example.

Point 1: the beginning of the story

In the first point, just describe the situation of the problem.

For example, you are a doctor, and your job is to explain how to treat a disease to children. Of
course, you cannot use professional or academic knowledge to do this. Because your audience
won't be able to grasp the concepts you give. So, let's describe them in the most
understandable way, like introducing the disease and why they are prone to it.
We all don't like bad things, unfortunately, there is a scary thing that has the potential to
threaten our health...

Point 2: Who’s the villain in the story?

For example, the flu is a common illness that affects everyone, but it is extremely
dangerous for children. It can cause fever, headache, or sthg else
Then, in the transition, mention a hero. We all love the good, so it's easy for listeners to be
attracted to this.

Point 3: Who’s the hero?

For example, Antivirals are medications that help your body fight off certain viruses that
can cause disease.
To continue the story, tell me what would happen if both the villain and the hero. What happens

Point 4: The battle

The speaker may say how antiviral drugs can make illness milder and shorten the time
being sick.

 closing: you can see new knowledge can help you…

Don't forget to summarize what needs to be conveyed to the audience.
EX: New knowledge will help you better understand the disease as well as its treatment.
 a variety of examples (most common).
Besides the above ways, to make your presentation more attractive, try the following
 animalizing a player: Determine who has the power and dominates the forest, who
likes to live in peace and enjoy the gentle things in the terrain. In the call to action
section, emphasize the important traits to be a good ranger

 Making a presentation like the stages of climbing a mountain:

We all know that those who participate in climbing must have common solidarity and
know their own abilities, so the climbing process will be more safely and smoothly.
Making the ideas is the same process, it also need to have a clear, coherent and
complementary connection.

Finally, I would like to summarize the main points from my presentation:

Make your presentation memorable by linking all points to the main objective, as well as
showing the links by transitions.
Being more creative in how you structure your presentation will make it easier for you to
succeed and impress your audience.

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