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Practical No.

7: Survey industries of your stream, grade them according to the level of scale
of production, investment, turnover, pollution to prepare report on it.
Name: Sanket Bharat Bhoir
Enrollment No: 2101160253 Roll No.: 17
 Aim: Survey industries of your stream, grade them according to the level of scale of
production, investment, turnover, pollution to prepare report on it(min:3).

 Theory:

 Make a survey report of (min.) any 3 industries of your stream.

1) Accenture:
Fiscal 2020 the global pandemic was declared, triggering a global health and financial crisis. Our ability to
rapidly pivot in the second half of fiscal 2020 demonstrates the unique value we bring to our clients, our
strong client and ecosystem partner relationships, the resilience of our diversified business across
industries, geographies and services, our strength in digital, cloud and security, and the importance of
scale. We are proud that during fiscal 2020, Accenture’s team of approximately 506,000 people continued
to deliver on our commitments to our shareholders, with strong financial results, and to deliver on our
commitments to create value for our clients, our people, our partners and our communities. And at one of
the most challenging times in world history, we have emerged stronger. We enter fiscal 2021 with an even
more durable foundation and an exciting future.
a) Delivering on Our Commitments
Starting with our commitment to our shareholders, Accenture shares provided a 23 percent total
return for the year ended August 31—again outperforming the S&P 500 Index—and also provided a
23 percent compound annual total return to shareholders over the last five years, compared with 14
percent for the S&P 500 Index. We did so as a leader in responsible business, making a positive
difference for all our stakeholders.
b) Emerging Stronger from the Crisis
Our formula for market leadership is enduring: We continually transform our business and embrace
change to create more value for our clients with incredibly talented people. We view fiscal 2021 as
turning a page—we are no longer navigating a crisis—we are facing a new reality, and we are
c) Looking Ahead
We serve our clients through our close proximity to their businesses and ability to anticipate their
needs, and then invest with speed and scale to help them succeed. As COVID-19 and the related
changes in business and society have accelerated the need for digital transformation, it became
clear that companies would need to move to the cloud much faster. We announced the creation of
Accenture Cloud First in September and a $3 billion investment over three years, building on our
approximately $12 billion in cloud revenue for fiscal 2020. We are helping clients across all industries
accelerate their transformation in what we believe is a once-in-a-digital-era, massive re-platforming
of global business over the next five years.
2) Tech Mahindra:

This is Tech Mahindra’s Integrated Annual Report published for financial year ending March 31, 2021. This report
is produced and published annually and provides material information relating to our strategy and business
model, operating context, material risks and opportunities, stakeholder interests, performance, prospects, and
governance. Financial and Non- Financial Reporting The report is prepared mainly to provide relevant information
to the shareholders. The report extends beyond financial reporting and includes non-financial performance,
opportunities, risks and outcomes that may impact our ability to create value and may have an influence on the
decisions of our stakeholders. The financial information is balanced with a commentary on the most material
sustainability matters, opportunities and risks
Reporting Frameworks
The report is prepared based on the IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Council)
Framework. The KPIs used for reporting on the Capitals are based on GRI (Global Reporting
Initiative) Standards and SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) Standards and the report
follows the principles laid down by TCFD (Task Force on Climate- related Financial Disclosures),
CDSB (Climate Disclosure Standards Board), and SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) and
UNGC (United Nations Global Compact). The detailed statutory statements and Financial Reports
are also a part of this document and are in line with the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013
(including the rules made under), Indian Accounting Standards, the Securities and Exchange
Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and the
applicable secretarial standards.
a) Board Responsibility Statement
The Board of Directors takes responsibility for the integrity of this report. The Board
of Directors review the material issues and the Company’s strategic orientations and oversees its
implementation. The report addresses all material issues and presents the integrated performance of
the Company and its impact in a fair, accurate and transparent manner.
Reporting Principles and Approach The report considers the guiding principles of strategic focus and
future orientation, consistency and comparability, reliability and completeness; and connectivity of
information. Stakeholder relationships and materiality form the foundation of our reporting process.
The Board of Directors review the material issues and the Company’s strategic orientations and
oversees its implementation. The report addresses all material issues and presents the integrated
performance of the Company and its impact in a fair, accurate and transparent manner.
b) Reporting Principles and Approach
The report considers the guiding principles of strategic focus and future orientation,
consistency and comparability, reliability and completeness; and connectivity of information.
Stakeholder relationships and materiality form the foundation of our reporting process. The KPIs
measured against each capital are in alignment with the GRI and SASB Standards.

3) IBM:
IBM has a focused approach to closing the STEM skills gap and preparing the workforce for new collar
careers. In addition to collaborating with universities that offer specific computer coursework, IBM is
taking a multi-pronged approach to skilling the next generation of tech workers. We work with
constituents from the school level to undergraduate level through appropriate education and skilling
programs that equip our youth with the requisite skills to access careers of their choice. We approach this
through public / private partnerships and aligned NGO’s which connect classroom, college and career skills
and training. IBM also runs an apprenticeship program, which provides intensive on-the-job training for
those breaking into the world of and who come from socio economically deserving backgrounds.
a) Education
Artificial Intelligence (AI for all) - In collaboration with Central Board of Secondary
Education, Ministry of HRD, India “AI for All” is an initiative by IBM in collaboration with the
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to introduce AI as a subject for Senior Secondary
students in India (Grade XI & XII). IBM developed a comprehensive AI curriculum (framework,
outcomes, and assessments methods) in partnership with Macquarie University, New South Wales
and Indian implementation partners –Learning Links
Foundation and 1M1B. The “AI for All” curriculum aims to build foundational skills of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) in students in order to make them not just be consumers of AI, but creators as well. It
gives students the opportunity to learn and understand AI concepts and technologies that they already
experience in their everyday lives, this will help them build a better world for themselves and be
connected with the careers of tomorrow.

b) Skill development
IBM in collaboration with Directorate General of Training (DGT), Ministry of Skills Development
and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Government of India, launched the 2 Year
Advance Diploma on IT, Networking and Cloud Computing The advanced diploma program is NSQF
Level 6 certified and is focused at creating industry pathways for students. The two-year diploma
program comprises of 18 months of classroom training followed by 5 months of On-the-Job training of
the students. The students are supported through monthly scholarship during classroom training and a
stipend during the OJT sessions. The program is open to students who have completed diploma from
ITIs across the country. Program is implemented in 16 NSTI across 12 states; Uttar Pradesh,
Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Kolkata, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana, Tamil Nadu,
Kerala, Gujarat, Odisha. 486 students are currently enrolled in the program. Students also leverage
IBM Skills Build platform for learning which includes built-in assessment in course to test the
knowledge of the student to earn badges and certification.

c) Community grant
IBM Community Grants program provides cash grants to eligible community organizations and
schools where IBM employees and retirees are actively volunteering and in support of eligible
projects. It features individual and team opportunities. IBM India provided 23 Cash grants to Not for
Profit Organizations/Government schools from across Indian where IBM volunteers contribute their
time and skills for program enhancement. They addressed local community issues in Education, local
environment protection, Social Service, Healthcare, Disability and digital skill development of youth.

d) Disaster resilience
IBM India has been at the fore front, working with local agencies to mitigate the impact of
unprecedented flood situation that affected states of Assam West Bengal and Bihar.
Hundreds of IBM employees voluntarily ran material collection drives across our northern and
eastern locations and collected relief materials such dry ration and other essential food supplies and
daily use items to support the families who have lost all their belongings in the floods. IBM
employees were on ground working with NGO’s distributing relief items and providing immediate
relief in some of the worst affected regions.

 Explain level of scale of production, investment, turnover, pollution for these industries.

Accenture Tech Mahindra IBM

Scale of Production $50.5 billion $5.4 billion $73.6 billion
Investment $7.6 billion $6.7 billion $75.4 billion
Turnover $6.6 billion $5.1 billion $35.6 billion
 Make a grading chart in tabular format for these industries out of 10 points

Accenture Tech Mahindra IBM

Scale of Production 6/10 7/10 8/10
Investment 8/10 8/10 9/10
Turnover 7/10 6/10 6/10

 Conclusion:
In this way, I have prepared survey of IT based company i.e Krafton.

 Assessment Scheme:

Marks Obtained Dated signature of

Process Related (35) Product Related (15) Total (50)

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