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Vocabulary Grammar Pronunciation

Starter unit page 4 • Personal information • Clothes • Family

• Survival skills • Present simple and \s\
Unit Adventure • Feelings present continuous

1 page 6
• Present continuous for
future arrangements

• Verbs of • Past simple: be

Unit discovery and • Past simple: regular
\d\ \t\ \Id\
They made history
2 page 16
• Natural disasters
• Past simple: irregular

Revision 1 page 26 • Vocabulary • Reading • Grammar • Listening

• Character • there was/there were \wÅz\ or \w´z\
Unit Tales from the past adjectives • Past simple revision:

3 page 30 • Verbs of be, regular and

movement irregular verbs,
there was/there were

• Prepositions • Past continuous Sentence stress

Unit Strange but true! • -ed/-ing • Past simple and past

4 page 40
adjectives continuous with when
and while

Revision 2 page 50 • Vocabulary • Reading • Grammar • Listening

CLIL and Projects page 52 Extra Reading page 56

Unit Unit Unit
Starter unit 1 Adventure 2 They made history 3 Tales from the past
page 67 page 69 page 79 page 89

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Reading Listening Speaking Writing Culture

• be: affirmative and negative • have got/has got • Possessive adjectives • Classroom language

• Wild camping • Holidays abroad • A school trip • A blog • Summer camps

• Life with the Tribe Making plans Conjunctions

• Food discoveries • A TV • At the library • A biography • The great fire of

• An awful experience programme Asking for information Time prepositions London

• Writing • Collaborative Task – Salling the seas • Upgrade for Exams

• Fact or fiction? • The Dick Turpin • At the weekend • A narrative • Vancouver
• April Fool! legend Talking about past Time linkers –
events sequence

• A surprising • Tree couple get • An anecdote • A description of • Famous writers

discovery/Crocodiles home safely Telling anecdotes an accident and books
in the pool Time expressions
• Sailing and linkers

• Collaborative Task – Legends of your country • Upgrade for Exams

Communication Activities – Students A & B page 60 Language Database page 61

4 Strange but true! Worksheets Irregular Verbs
page 99 page 109 page 111

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