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Exercise 1.

Put the correct pronoun into each gap.

1. Do you know that man? Do you know _him______________?

2. My friend and I have money. _______________ can go shopping.
3. Robert and Mark are late. _______________ should hurry.
4. She gave _______________ a birthday gift. I really like it.
5. Elephants are very big, so _______________ eat a lot of food.
6. My brother is studying because _______________ has a test tomorrow.
7. Do you feel okay? Can I help _______________?
8. My new neighbors are very friendly. I really like _______________.
9. I need to find my book. Where did you put _______________?
10. Spiders have eight legs, and _______________ also have many eyes.
11. I’m busy right now. Could you please call _______________ after an hour?
12. He gave me the box, but _______________ lost it.
13. We gave him the money, and he gave _______________ the candy.
14. I almost never eat junk food because _______________ isn’t healthy.
15. Who is she? Do you know _______________ name?
16. My sister isn’t here. _______________ is at work.
17. Dinosaurs were very large, but _______________ all died millions of years ago.
18. Could you please help _______________? I have a problem.

Exercise 2
Use a object pronoun as the object in each sentence based on the word(s) in parentheses.

1. Please give ____ the book. (Peter)

2. I bought ____ last week. (the car)
3. Angela visited ____ two months ago. (Mary)
4. I enjoyed listening to ____ last week. (the song)
5. Alexander asked ____ to give the book to him. ( I)
6. She ate ____ quickly and left for work. (breakfast)
7. I picked ____ up at seven o'clock. (Peter and Jane)
8. I like reading ____ before I go to sleep. (magazines)
9. It's very difficult to memorize ____. (the new vocabulary words)
10. Tom gave ____ some advice. (my wife and I)

Exercise 3.
Choose the correct words.

1. There’s / There are a TV.

2. There’s / There are four chairs in the living room.
3. Is there a / Are there any windows in the kitchen?
4. Is there a / Are there any teacher in the classroom?
5. There isn’t / There aren’t any pencils on the table.
6. There isn’t a / There aren´t any milk in the fridge.
7. Is there / Are there a bookcase?

Exercise 4.
Complete the questions and short answers using the correct form of there is or there are.

1. ____________________a tree in this park? No, ________________

2. ____________________an internet café in your city? Yes, _______________
3. ____________________any hospitals near hear? No, ________________
4. ____________________any buildings next to your school? Yes, _________________
5. ____________________a shop in this street? No, ___________________
6. ____________________any cinema in your town? Yes, _______________
7. ____________________any students in the school? No, _______________

Exercise 5.

Put in the correct preposition: 'in', 'on' or 'at'.

1. The wine is ______ the bottle.
2. Pass me the dictionary, it's ______ the bookshelf.
3. Jennifer is ______ work.
4. Berlin is ______ Germany.
5. You have something ______ your face.
6. Turn left ______ the traffic lights.
7. She was listening to classical music ______ the radio.
8. He has a house ______ the river.
9. The answer is ______ the bottom of the page.
10. Julie will be ______ the plane now.
11. There are a lot of magnets ______ the fridge.
12. She lives ______ London.
13. John is ______ a taxi. He's coming.
14. I'll meet you ______ the airport.
15. She stood ______ the window and looked out.
16. The cat is ______ the house somewhere.
17. Why are you calling so late? I'm already ______ bed.
18. I waited for Lucy ______ the station.
19. There was a picture of flowers ______ her T-shirt.
20. She has a house ______ Japan

Exercise 6.

Directions: Fill the blanks with at, in, on or to.

1. I drive _______ my office every morning.
2. I arrive _______ 8 a.m.
3. She arrived _______ Los Angeles at 9:30 p.m.
4. Jeff likes to stay _______ bed all morning.
5. Jane is a doctor. She works _______ the hospital.
6. Max had an operation. He’s still _______ the hospital.
7. The glass of milk is _______ the table.
8. The children are playing _______ the beach.
9. I can’t talk to you now. I’m _______ work.
10. The students go _______ school by bus.
11. I eat lunch _______ home every day.
12. Did you take your homework _______ school?
13. I have to be _______ work by 8 a.m.
14. I have to go _______ the airport to pick up my brother.
15. Her daughter is away _______ college.
16. The milk is _______ the refrigerator to keep it cold.
17. The kids are swimming _______ the pool.
18. Oh no! I left my wallet _______ the taxi!
19. Did you go _______ the store, yet?
20. He parked his car _______ the parking lot.
1. Mozart was born _______ Salzburg _______ 1756.
2. It starts _______ Tuesday.
3. Halloween is _______ October.
4. The course begins _______ February 18th
5. There are usually a lot of parties _______ New Year’s Eve.
6. _______ Saturday night I went to bed _______ 11:00
7. We travelled overnight and arrived _______ Paris _______ 5:00 _______ the morning.
8. I like the picture hanging _______ the wall _______ the kitchen.
9. I wasn’t sure this was the right office. There is no name _______ the door.
10. You’ll find the sports results _______ the back page.
11. I wouldn’t like an office job. I couldn’t spend the whole day sitting _______ a desk.
12. My brother lives _______ a small town _______ the southeast of England.
13. The headquarters are _______ Milan.
14. My office is _______ the 2nd
15. I keep my keys _______ my pocket.

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