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(3jo1202 Nome-Vipul Kwmor Suglu

Conpuulatonol Techmigue Vva

To impliment anuFiauge's ht,pedaunbmula

in clud <istram>
include <stdio.h

USng amespace std

Stanct Valu

int 7

dsuble ndteshelslibn Value VE1, I»t xi , intn)

Aublepusult = 0
bint=oien ;itt)

deubls to VE]y
for(intj= ijehj++)

if(4= et)
lem term*(i -VC]) *)/ deuble (VCilx-VG].*);

AUstt +=-m

hidir Ausult;

Ant main

Value VE-i i923,t\,37, 8zil23, Ss, is3 ;

Cout&aluu o f(a) ú "ietorpeltin (V 3,5)
TetUw 05
vipulgvipul-PC MINGH64 c/Users/vipul/OneDrive/Documents/programine/caoiNG (master)
$ interpolation
Value of f() 1s : 35
ipulgvipul-PCMINGN64 /c/Users/vipul/oneDrive /Daocuments/proBraming/caDING (masten)

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