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In collaboration with
The American Physiological Society, Thomas E. Andreoli, MD, Editor

Liddle’s Syndrome
Biff F. Palmer, MD, Robert J. Alpern, MD

iddle’s syndrome is characterized by hypertension pound with mineralocorticoid activity was excluded by
in the setting of hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis. the finding of a high salivary Na1/K1 ratio and by the
Clinically these patients resemble those with pri- failure to modify urine electrolyte excretion after admin-
mary hyperaldosteronism. However, the hallmark of this istration of a mineralocorticoid receptor blocker. Fur-
disorder is the finding of markedly suppressed serum al- thermore, measurements of mineralocorticoid metabo-
dosterone levels and the lack of response to administra- lites in the urine were all within normal limits.
tion of the mineralocorticoid receptor blocker spirono- To further characterize renal Na1 handling in this pa-
lactone. In the original classic report of this disorder in tient, the urinary response to a low NaCl diet and admin-
1963, Liddle et al (1) concluded that the pathogenesis of istration of exogenous aldosterone was examined. After
this disorder was due to a tendency of the kidney to con- placing the patient on a 9 mEq/day Na1 diet, urinary Na1
serve Na1 and excrete K1 despite the virtual absence of excretion fell, but not to the extent that would be ob-
mineralocorticoids. In the last several years the specific served in an otherwise normal subject. To differentiate
mechanism underlying this tendency has been eluci- whether this residual renal Na1 wasting was secondary to
dated. The disorder has been localized to a specific muta- inadequate mineralocorticoid activity or an end organ
tion in the epithelial Na1 channel located in the collect- resistance to mineralocorticoids, the patient was treated
ing duct of the kidney. This mutation results in constitu- with exogenous aldosterone while on the low NaCl diet.
tive overactivity of the channel, resulting in a clinical Following administration of aldosterone, urinary Na1
picture virtually identical to that of hyperaldosteronism. excretion fell maximally, suggesting the inability to max-
The sequence of events that started with the original re- imally conserve Na1 was the result of inadequate circu-
port of this disorder and continued to the present day lating levels of aldosterone and not due to an intrinsic
understanding of the precise molecular defect is illustra- renal defect in Na1 reabsorption. Urinary Na1 excretion
tive of how keen clinical deductive reasoning and tech- was then examined and compared with that of a group of
niques of molecular biology can complement each other patients with known Addison’s disease who were treated
in enhancing our understanding of a clinical disorder. with glucocorticoids and an amount of aldosterone that
would produce serum levels comparable with that found
in the patient with Liddle’s syndrome. In patients with
CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Addison’s disease urinary Na1 excretion remained much
INDEX CASE higher than in the patient with Liddle’s syndrome, and
The original report of a patient with Liddle’s syndrome ultimately the Addison’s patients developed volume de-
involved a 16-year-old girl who was being evaluated for pletion and hypotension. By comparison, urinary Na1
persistent hypertension in the setting of hypokalemic excretion was much lower in the Liddle’s patient, suggest-
metabolic alkalosis (1). Despite the similarity to primary ing that the kidney was reabsorbing a greater amount of
hyperaldosteronism, a number of observations suggested Na1 by a mechanism independent of mineralocorticoid
an alternative diagnosis. First, basal aldosterone secretory activity.
rates were suppressed and failed to increase in response to Maneuvers designed to decrease aldosterone synthesis
a low NaCl diet or correction of the serum K1 concentra- or block its peripheral activity also suggested a mecha-
tion. In addition, excess secretion of an alternative com- nism intrinsic to the kidney. Administration of an inhib-
itor of aldosterone secretion caused the low basal levels of
aldosterone to fall even further. Despite these lower lev-
els, urinary electrolyte excretion was unaffected. Simi-
Am J Med. 1998;104:301–309.
From the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas South- larly, administration of the aldosterone receptor blocker
western Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. spironolactone did not affect urinary electrolyte excre-
Requests for reprints should be addressed to Biff F. Palmer, MD, tion or correct the hypokalemia.
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Department of Internal Med-
icine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry The patient, however, did respond to triamterene, an
Hines Blvd., Dallas, Texas 75235. agent that directly inhibits the apical membrane Na1

q1998 by Excerpta Medica, Inc. 0002-9343/98/$19.00 301

All rights reserved. PII S0002-9343(98)00018-7
Liddle’s Syndrome/Palmer and Alpern

channel in the collecting duct. Following the administra- patients were found to be normotensive and normokale-
tion of this drug there was a marked increase in urinary mic but have low aldosterone excretion rates and low
Na1 excretion and decrease in urinary K1 excretion. ratios of aldosterone to K1.
When triamterene was combined with a low NaCl diet, A similar variability is seen with regard to the plasma
the patient’s hypertension was successfully corrected. HCO2 3 concentration. In some patients there is no evi-
These initial observations suggested that Liddle’s syn- dence of metabolic alkalosis whereas in others the serum
drome was the result of persistent renal salt retention HCO2 3 concentration is clearly elevated. In general, the
secondary to a mechanism that was intrinsic to the kid- serum HCO2 3 concentration is highest in those patients
ney. The resultant volume expansion could account for with the greatest degree of hypokalemia. The severity and
the development of hypertension and the finding of sup- age of onset of hypertension also varies among affected
pressed aldosterone secretory rates. The presence of hy- family members. In general, hypertension is present in
pokalemia and metabolic alkalosis as well as the beneficial the teenage years but occasionally occurs at an even ear-
response to triamterene suggested that the site of renal lier age.
Na1 retention was in the distal nephron. Another prominent feature noted in the original ped-
The next advance in the understanding of Liddle’s syn- igree was an increased risk of premature death due to
drome came from studies performed in the same patient, stroke or heart failure. Several of the affected family
but more than 30 years later (2). During this time, the members had poorly controlled hypertension and died at
patient had developed renal failure from unknown causes an early age. As described earlier, the index patient devel-
and subsequently underwent a successful cadaveric renal oped renal failure and required hemodialysis. Many years
transplant. At the time of repeat evaluation, the patient prior to the need for dialysis, this patient had undergone
was noted to have only mild hypertension and no evi- a renal biopsy that only showed a nonspecific increase in
dence of hypokalemia or metabolic alkalosis. Urinary the cellularity of several glomeruli with occasional adhe-
electrolytes showed no evidence of K1 wasting. When the sions. In a more recently described pedigree, another pa-
patient was placed on a low NaCl diet, plasma renin ac- tient and possibly a second developed renal failure that
tivity and the plasma aldosterone concentration in- required dialysis treatment (5). The cause of the renal
creased normally and to a magnitude similar to control failure in these patients was said to be secondary to neph-
transplant recipients. The fact that the clinical manifesta- rosclerosis. Whether these examples of end organ damage
tions and abnormal physiologic studies had normalized are simply the result of long-standing poorly controlled
in this patient after a successful renal transplant con- hypertension or represent an intrinsic feature of the ge-
firmed that the defect in Liddle’s syndrome was intrinsic netic disorder is not known.
to the kidney.


Based on observations that the clinical manifestations of
Investigation of the patient’s family showed other Liddle’s syndrome are reversed by treatment with the
members to have similar clinical abnormalities. The Na1 channel inhibitor triamterene, but not with miner-
pattern of expression of these abnormalities were alocorticoid receptor blockers, it was concluded that the
found to best fit an autosomal dominant pattern of defect is secondary to a primary increase in electrogenic
inheritance. Subsequent description of other kindreds Na1 absorption in the distal nephron. Subsequent stud-
have confirmed that Liddle’s syndrome is an autoso- ies, described below, have shown that Liddle’s syndrome
mal dominant disorder (3–5). is due to an activating mutation in the distal nephron
The classical phenotype of hypertension, hypokalemia, apical membrane Na1 channel. The observation that
and metabolic alkalosis is only variably expressed in fam- such a primary increase in Na1 transport can lead to hy-
ily members with Liddle’s syndrome, suggesting variable pokalemia and alkalosis has taught us much about the
penetrance of the gene involved with the disorder. This interrelationships between the processes of Na1, K1, and
variability is particularly evident with regard to the serum H1 transport in the distal nephron.
K1 concentration (1,2). Although hypertensive members
of the original family had lower serum K1 concentrations Hypokalemia
as a group when compared with unaffected family mem- Hypokalemia is variably present in patients with Liddle’s
bers, there were affected individuals defined by the pres- syndrome. To address the mechanisms responsible, we
ence of hypertension who were normokalemic. In addi- first briefly review the determinants of renal K1 excre-
tion, 1 or 2 patients in the original report were noted to be tion. Potassium is freely filtered by the glomerulus. The
hypokalemic but have no evidence of hypertension. Some bulk of filtered K1 is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule


Liddle’s Syndrome/Palmer and Alpern

Figure 1. Cell model for Na1, K1, and H1 transport in the principal cell and the intercalated cell under normal conditions and in
Liddle’s syndrome. Constitutive activation of the Na1 channel in Liddle’s syndrome increases the luminal electronegativity. The
increase in cell Na1 causes an increase in the activity of the Na1/K1 ATPase, which in turn results in an increase in cell K1 in principal
cells. K1 secretion is enhanced secondary to the favorable diffusion and electrical gradient across the apical membrane. The increase
in the transepithelial electrical gradient enhances H1 secretion by the intercalated cell. See text for detailed discussion.

and loop of Henle so that under most physiologic and cussed above. First, mineralocorticoids stimulate Na1
pathologic conditions, K1 delivery to the distal nephron reabsorption across the apical membrane, which depo-
remains small and is fairly constant. Secretion of K1 oc- larizes the cell relative to the lumen, thereby increasing
curs in the distal nephron primarily in the initial collect- the electrical gradient favoring K1 secretion. In addition,
ing tubule and the cortical collecting duct. Here, the rate increases in apical Na1 entry increase cell Na1 concen-
of K1 secretion is regulated and varies according to phys- tration, causing the Na1/K1 ATPase to run more rapidly,
iologic needs. Potassium secretion in the distal nephron is and secondarily increasing cell K1 concentration. Sec-
generally responsible for most of urinary K1 excretion. ond, mineralocorticoids increase intracellular K1 con-
The cell that is responsible for K1 secretion in the ini- centration by directly stimulating the activity of the baso-
tial collecting tubule and the cortical collecting duct is the lateral membrane Na1/K1 ATPase. Third, mineralocor-
principal cell. This cell, shown in Figure 1, possesses a ticoids directly increase the permeability of the apical
basolateral membrane Na1/K1 adenosine triphos- membrane to K1.
phatase (ATPase), which is responsible for the active
A second important factor that affects K1 secretion is
transport of Na1 out of and K1 into the cell. The result-
the distal delivery of Na1 and water. In general, distal
ant low cell Na1 concentration and high cell K1 concen-
delivery of Na1 and water change in parallel under most
tration provide favorable diffusion gradients for the
physiologic and pathologic conditions. Increased distal
movements of Na1 from lumen to cell and K1 from cell
to lumen across the apical membrane. Both the move- delivery of Na1 stimulates distal Na1 absorption, which
ments of Na1 and K1 across the apical membrane occur again depolarizes the cell and drives the Na1/K1 ATPase
via well-defined Na1 and K1 channels. to run faster. Increased flow rates also increase K1 secre-
The rate of K1 movement across the apical membrane tion by diluting and thus lowering luminal K1 concen-
K channel is determined by the cell K1 concentration,
1 tration. Although increased distal delivery of Na1 and
luminal K1 concentration, the potential (voltage) differ- water and increased mineralocorticoid activity can each
ence across the apical membrane, and the permeability of stimulate renal K1 secretion, under normal physiologic
the apical membrane to K1. Two of the most important conditions these two determinants are inversely regu-
physiologic regulators of K1 excretion are mineralocor- lated by effective arterial volume. Decreases in effective
ticoid activity and distal delivery of Na1 and water. Min- arterial volume increase aldosterone secretion, but lower
eralocorticoids stimulate K1 secretion by affecting sev- distal delivery of Na1 and water secondary to enhance-
eral of the determinants of K1 channel permeation dis- ment of reabsorption in the proximal nephron. It is for


Liddle’s Syndrome/Palmer and Alpern

this reason that renal K1 excretion is relatively indepen- ATPase located on the apical membrane of a intercalated
dent of volume status. cells. The HCO2 3 generated intracellularly exits the baso-
Primary increases in mineralocorticoid levels are well lateral membrane by way of a Cl2/HCO2 3 exchanger; the
known to cause hypokalemia by stimulating the apical Cl2 that enters the cell on the exchanger exits on a baso-
membrane Na1 channel as well as by directly stimulating lateral membrane Cl2 channel. The H1 ATPase is not
pathways of K1 secretion. The finding of hypokalemia in coupled to Na1 directly, but its rate is secondarily af-
Liddle’s syndrome where there is not direct involvement fected by Na1 transport owing to changes in transepithe-
of K1 secretory pathways provides the best evidence that lial voltage. Increases in the rate of Na1 reabsorption in
isolated increases in apical membrane Na1 entry can the principal cell lead to the generation of a lumen nega-
stimulate K1 secretion and result in hypokalemia (Figure tive transepithelial potential. Because of the nature of the
1). Increased apical membrane Na1 permeability leads to membrane resistances in the a intercalated cell, a lumen
increased Na1 flux into the cell, which depolarizes the negative transepithelial potential change leads to voltage
apical membrane and increases the rate of the Na1/K1 changes in which the cell is slightly more negative with
ATPase. The resulting increase in cell K1 concentration respect to the interstitium, and the lumen is significantly
along with the voltage changes enhance K1 secretion. In- more negative relative to the cell (Figure 1). This leads to
creased Na1 reabsorption leads to volume expansion, parallel increases in the rate of the apical membrane H1
which decreases proximal Na1 and water reabsorption, ATPase and the basolateral membrane Cl2 channel. In-
and as a result ensures adequate distal delivery of Na1 creases in Cl2/HCO2 3 exchange are likely driven by a sec-
and water. Increased distal delivery of Na1 coupled to ondary increase in cell pH.
persistent overactivity of the Na1 channel provides for As with K1 secretion, mineralocorticoids stimulate
sustained renal K1 wasting. H secretion by increasing Na1 reabsorption in the prin-

Although hypokalemia is common in patients with cipal cell, and by direct effects on H1 secretion in the a
Liddle’s syndrome, it is not invariably present. In fact, intercalated cell. Once again, the finding that metabolic
approximately 50% of the patients described in one kin- alkalosis is associated with Liddle’s syndrome, where the
dred were found to be hypertensive but normokalemic. only direct effect is on Na1 absorption in the principal
One factor limiting the development of hypokalemia in cell, provides the best evidence that increases in Na1
affected family members is suppressed circulating aldo- transport alone can stimulate distal H1 secretion and re-
sterone levels. Decreased mineralocorticoid activity re- sult in alkalosis.
moves two driving forces that tend to augment K1 secre- In Liddle’s syndrome aldosterone levels are suppressed
tion in the collecting tubule, namely, direct activation of but the activity of the Na1 channel is constitutively in-
the basolateral membrane Na1/K1 ATPase and increased creased. In addition, distal Na1 delivery is plentiful as a
permeability of the apical K1 channel. The lack of these result of the volume-expanded state. As with the develop-
mineralocorticoid-mediated effects may be one reason ment of hypokalemia, this combination of increased dis-
why some patients have only minimal or no hypokalemia tal Na1 delivery and increased activity of the Na1 chan-
at all. Another factor that may limit the development of nel leads to increased luminal electronegativity, thus aug-
hypokalemia in some patients is variability in dietary salt menting H1 secretion (Figure 1). As long as dietary NaCl
intake. If dietary salt is restricted, distal delivery of Na1 is adequate, distal H1 secretion will remain stimulated.
will decrease. As a result, the magnitudes of cell depolar- However, restriction of dietary NaCl would decrease dis-
ization and increased Na1/K1 ATPase flux will decline tal Na1 delivery and cause the lumen potential to become
and result in a decreased driving force for K1 secretion. less negative. As a result, H1 secretion would decrease,
The absence of hypokalemia in patients with Liddle’s thereby limiting the development of metabolic alkalosis.
syndrome is not without precedence, since a normal se- Along these lines, variations in dietary salt intake may be
rum K1 concentration has been described in patients one factor explaining the variable presence of metabolic
with primary mineralocorticoid excess of varying etiolo- alkalosis in this patient population.
gies (6,7). An additional factor that can contribute to the variable
presence of metabolic alkalosis in Liddle’s syndrome is the
Metabolic Alkalosis varying degree of hypokalemia. Potassium depletion has
Metabolic alkalosis was a prominent clinical feature in several effects on renal acidification mechanisms that con-
the index case. However, like hypokalemia, there is a great tribute to the maintenance and generation of metabolic al-
deal of variability in the degree to which this abnormality kalosis. Potassium depletion can lead to a decrease in glo-
is expressed. The generation and maintenance of meta- merular filtration rate, which would lower the filtered load
bolic alkalosis in Liddle’s syndrome is secondary to an of HCO2 3 and secondarily help to maintain metabolic alka-
increase in H1 secretion in the initial cortical collecting losis. In addition, K1 depletion has been demonstrated to
tubule and cortical collecting duct. Acidification in this stimulate rates of proximal and distal tubular H1 secretion.
nephron segment is mediated by a H1 translocating The latter may be related to activation of an H1/K1 ATPase


Liddle’s Syndrome/Palmer and Alpern

in the collecting duct. Lastly, K1 depletion leads to an adap- sults in constitutive overactivity of the channel. Based on
tive increase in the enzymes that synthesize ammonia, caus- the responsiveness of patients to triamterene and the un-
ing increased rates of ammoniagenesis in the proximal tu- responsiveness to spironolactone, the precise location of
bule. While all of these effects contribute to the generation this abnormality was predicted to lie somewhere in the
and maintenance of metabolic alkalosis, K1 deficiency also pathway between the mineralocorticoid receptor and the
inhibits aldosterone secretion, an effect that inhibits Na1 channel. Subsequent studies localized the defect to the
absorption and acidification. The net result is that K1 defi- epithelial Na1 channel.
ciency alone does not cause significant metabolic alkalosis The basis for understanding the defect in Liddle’s syn-
unless severe. drome came from studies that defined the molecular
By contrast, if K1 depletion occurs in a setting where structure of the epithelial Na1 channel utilizing expres-
mineralocorticoid secretion is nonsuppressible, then the sion cloning. With this technique, a cDNA library is gen-
stimulatory effects on renal acidification dominate and erated from tissue known to express the protein of inter-
metabolic alkalosis will develop. Indeed, in patients with est, in this case, the colon. mRNA synthesized from
primary hyperaldosteronism, patients with the most se- clones is injected into Xenopus oocytes and screened for
vere K1 depletion have the most marked metabolic alka- its ability to induce an amiloride sensitive Na1 current.
losis (8). While aldosterone levels are suppressed in Lid- Utilizing this technique Canessa et al (12) and Lingueglia
dle’s syndrome, persistent overactivity of the Na1 chan- et al (13) independently cloned a cDNA derived from rat
nel mimics a nonsuppressible mineralocorticoid state. As colon that induced amiloride-sensitive Na1 conductance
a result, one would expect metabolic alkalosis to be more when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. This first Na1 chan-
prominent in patients who were also hypokalemic. nel clone, termed arENaC (a subunit of rat epithelial Na
Hypertension with Suppressed Plasma Renin channel), encoded a protein that was qualitatively similar
to that found in epithelia in that it was highly sensitive to
Activity and Serum Aldosterone Levels amiloride and was highly selective for Na1. Quantita-
Overactivity of the Na1 channel is also responsible for the
tively, however, the conductance was relatively small,
development of hypertension in these patients. The hy-
suggesting that there were other subunits required for full
pertension is accompanied by absolute suppression of al-
channel conductance. This prediction was later proved
dosterone and renin secretion secondary to the chroni-
when Canessa et al (14) identified two additional sub-
cally volume expanded state. The chronicity of this sup-
units, termed b and g rENaC. Expression of the b and g
pression is reflected in renal biopsy material
subunits alone in oocytes failed to elicit a significant
demonstrating atrophy of the juxtaglomerular apparatus
amiloride-sensitive channel current. By contrast, when
(9). The failure of a low salt diet to increase plasma renin
all three of the subunits were expressed, maximal channel
activity and serum aldosterone levels in the index case
conductance was obtained. It was concluded that
prior to her renal transplant was most likely a reflection of
arENaC was sufficient to induce channel activity but that
this atrophy.
b and g rENaC were required for maximal expression of
Despite unrelenting Na1 reabsorption in the collecting
channel activity.
duct, patients with Liddle’s syndrome have not been
The three subunits of the channel share significant se-
noted to develop edema. This lack of edema formation is
quence homologies and appear to have the same mem-
presumably based on a similar physiologic mechanism as
brane topology. Each subunit consists of two transmem-
explains the absence of edema formation in patients with
brane domains, a large extracellular domain, and two
primary hyperaldosteronism. If aldosterone is given to a
short cytoplasmic tails. The extracellular domain con-
normal subject on an adequate salt intake, NaCl and wa-
tains four potential N-glycosylation sites. The roles that
ter retention and K1 loss are seen initially, leading to a
each subunit plays in channel formation and the exact
rise in blood pressure, weight gain, and K1 depletion.
stoichiometry of a, b, and g in the intact channel are
After a weight gain of approximately 3 kg, however, a
unknown. Studies examining the kinetic behavior of the
spontaneous natriuresis ensues, returning the urinary
Na1 channel in lipid bilayers suggest that the functional
Na1 excretion to normal. This phenomenon is referred
channel is comprised of a minimum of three conductive
to as aldosterone escape and is likely due to suppressed
elements arranged in what has been described as a triple-
Na1 reabsorption in other nephron segments (10,11).
barrel configuration (15,16).
Once the subunits of the Na1 channel were cloned, the
CHARACTERIZATION OF THE stage was set to define the exact molecular defect in Lid-
MOLECULAR DEFECT IN LIDDLE’S dle’s syndrome. Shimkets et al (3) examined the original
kindred described by Liddle and found complete linkage
SYNDROME of the gene encoding the b subunit with affected family
The clinical data in patients with Liddle’s syndrome point members. Direct sequence analysis of the gene revealed a
to an abnormality in the epithelial Na1 channel that re- single base substitution involving a C for G at the first


Liddle’s Syndrome/Palmer and Alpern

nucleotide of codon Arg-564. This substitution intro- To date, all mutations described in kindreds with Lid-
duced a premature stop codon that left the second trans- dle’s syndrome have been confined to the cytoplasmic tail
membrane domain intact but removed virtually the en- of the carboxyl terminus of either the b or g subunit. The
tire cytoplasmic carboxyl tail of the protein. No unaf- clustering of mutations to this specific region of the re-
fected members of the kindred demonstrated this spective subunits indicates that the cytoplasmic carboxyl
mutation. Analysis of four other kindreds by the same terminus of both the b and g subunits is required for
group revealed either premature termination or frame normal negative regulation of channel activity. The pre-
shift mutations in this same carboxyl-terminal domain. cise mechanism by which these mutations result in con-
The clustering of these mutations within a small region of stitutive activation of the Na1 channel is not entirely
the carboxyl terminus of the b subunit in all five kindreds clear. One possible mechanism is that the cytoplasmic
suggested that this region of the protein was an important tails of the b and g subunits normally act as blocking
structural determinant regulating channel activity. moieties, accounting for the gated behavior of the Na1
With knowledge of the specific mutation in the origi- channel. In this regard, the mutations in the kindreds
nal kindred, Schild et al (17) reported on the functional described by Shimkets et al (3) resulted in the loss of 45 to
consequences of this mutation in the rat epithelial Na 70 amino acids of the terminal portion of the b subunit,
channel (rENaC). The rat and human homologues of whereas the mutation in the kindred described by Hans-
ENaC share a high degree of sequence homology, includ- son et al (4) caused the loss of the last 76 amino acids of
ing 81% identity in the carboxyl-terminal segment of the the g subunit. Since these truncating mutations lead to
b subunit. After introducing a premature stop codon at the removal of large portions of the cytoplasmic tail of the
the Arg-564 codon in the b chain, channel activity was respective subunits, any potential blocking activity would
studied in the Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system. likely be lost resulting in a non-gated channel free to con-
This mutation resulted in a significant increase in channel duct Na in an unrestricted manner.
activity but preserved other features of the channel, in- Evidence to support this possibility has come from
cluding Na1 selectivity and affinity for amiloride. As in
studies examining the Na1 channel in lymphocytes taken
the original Liddle’s kindred, this mutation deleted the
from members of the original Liddle’s kindred. Human
major portion of the cytoplasmic tail of the b subunit.
lymphocytes are known to express amiloride-sensitive
The fact that the biophysical and pharmacologic proper-
Na1 channels that are functionally similar to those ex-
ties of the channel remained intact suggested that this
pressed in principal cells of the renal cortical collecting
region was not critically involved in the pore-forming
duct (18). Utilizing the technique of whole cell patch
region of the channel, but rather played a role in the reg-
clamp, Bubien et al (19) found that the amiloride sensi-
ulation of channel activity. This conclusion was strength-
tive Na1 channel in lymphocytes from affected family
ened when it was found that the corresponding deletion
introduced into the a subunit, the subunit that primarily members was constitutively activated. Addition of a pep-
constitutes the pore, only caused a slight increase in chan- tide identical to the terminal 10 amino acids of the trun-
nel activity. By contrast, deletion of the carboxyl-terminal cated b subunit to the cytoplasm of the cell resulted in a
portion of the g subunit increased channel activity quan- reversal of the constitutive basal activation in lympho-
titatively to an equivalent degree as was observed with the cytes from affected patients, while it had no effect on
mutant b subunit. This observation implied that the g channel activity in lymphocytes from unaffected family
subunit was also important in regulating channel activity members. In a subsequent paper, this same group exam-
and that mutations in this subunit might also give rise to ined the lymphocyte amiloride-sensitive Na1 channel
Liddle’s syndrome. from patients affected with Liddle’s syndrome after first
As was predicted form studies in Xenopus oocytes, a reconstituting the channel in planar lipid bilayers (20).
kindred with Liddle’s syndrome was subsequently de- These channels demonstrated constitutive activation fol-
scribed in which a mutation was localized to the g subunit lowing reconstitution. Exposing the cytoplasmic face of
(4). In this kindred a single base substitution was found to the bilayer to increasing concentrations of this same 10
generate a premature stop codon at codon Trp-574. The amino acid peptide resulted in a dose-dependent reversal
protein encoded by the mutant gene was characterized by of basal constitutive activation of the Na1 channel. This
a deletion of the last 76 amino acids in the cytoplasmic inhibitory affect of the peptide on channel activity was
carboxyl terminus. Introduction of this termination dependent on the presence of GTP. Similarly, application
codon into the corresponding region of the rat gENaC of the carboxyl-terminal 10 amino acid peptide from the
resulted in a significant increase in amiloride-sensitive g subunit also inhibited channel activity, but to a lesser
Na1 current as measured in Xenopus oocytes. This in- extent. By contrast, the carboxyl-terminal 10 amino acid
crease in channel activity was indistinguishable from the peptide from the a subunit was without effect. These re-
increase in channel activity seen in activated oocytes ex- sults are consistent with the possibility that the terminal
pressing the truncated b subunit. portions of the b and g subunit act as blocking peptides,


Liddle’s Syndrome/Palmer and Alpern

thereby providing a gating mechanism for the regulation that the WW domain of YAP65 binds to a consensus se-
of Na1 movement through the channel. quence of XPPXY called the PY motif. This PY motif
Although the removal of a gating function is an attrac- matches the PY motif located in the proline rich P2 region
tive explanation as to how these truncating mutations of the b and g subunits. These observations suggest that a
give rise to constitutive Na1 channel activity, it does not WW domain-containing protein may exist whose func-
readily explain increased channel activity in nontruncat- tion is to bind to the PY motif of the b and g subunits of
ing mutations. Hannson et al (21) has described a kin- the epithelial Na1 channel, inhibiting the channel.
dred with all the features typical of Liddle’s syndrome in Recent evidence suggests that Nedd4 is such a protein.
which a single nucleotide substitution changes proline Nedd4 was originally isolated from a mouse brain library
616 to leucine in the carboxyl terminus of the b subunit. but is known to be expressed in Xenopus oocytes as well as
Introduction of this mutation into the corresponding po- the kidney (26,27). Of particular interest, preliminary ev-
sition of the rat bENaC results in a marked increase in idence indicates that the protein is primarily expressed in
Na1 channel activity when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. the cortical collecting duct, the same location as the Na1
Tamura et al (5) has also identified a missense mutation channel (27). The rat homologue of Nedd4 contains three
in the b subunit only two base pairs downstream from the WW domains. Staub et al (27) have recently shown that
mutation described by Hannson et al in a kindred with rNedd4 can bind to the b and g subunits of the Na1
classic Liddle’s syndrome. As in the previous report, the channel and that this binding is mediated by the WW
introduction of this mutation into the corresponding po- domain. The WW domain binding was specific for the
sition of the rat bENaC caused increased Na1 channel proline rich P2 region of the 2 subunits. In addition, two
activity measured in Xenopus oocytes. single-point mutations in the PY motif of the b subunit
The localization of these two nontruncating missense corresponding to the missense mutations in kindreds de-
mutations identified a specific region in the b subunit scribed by Hansson (21) and Tamarka (5) abolished
that plays a key role in inhibition of the Na1 channel. The rNedd4-WW binding. Staub (27) also showed that the
amino acid sequence of the a, b, and g subunits share rNedd4 WW domain could bind to the P2 region of the a
approximately 35% total homology. In examining the cy- subunit, although this interaction was weaker when com-
toplasmic tail of these subunits, there is only a low level of pared with that with the b and g subunits. Together these
identity among them. However, within the cytoplasmic observations suggest that Nedd4 binds to the proline rich
tail is a proline-rich region (termed P2) that is highly P2 region of each of the subunits of the Na1 channel via a
conserved (22). This region contains a PPPXY sequence WW domain-PY motif interaction. Interference in this
that is called the PY motif. Thus far all reported kindreds binding by either mutations that delete the P2 regions of
have mutations that either delete (truncating mutations) the b and g subunits or alter residues in the PY motifs of
or directly alter (missense mutations) this motif. The im- these subunits results in activation of the channel.
portance of this motif in channel regulation is supported The mechanism by which Nedd4 regulates the Na1
by studies that have examined channel activity in Xenopus channel is currently unknown. In addition to the three
oocytes after inducing sequential mutations or amino WW domains, Nedd4 contains a CaLB/C2 domain and a
acid substitutions along the length of the carboxyl termi- ubiquitin ligase homology (Hect) domain. The CaLB/C2
nus in the a, b, and g subunits (22). In these studies a domain has been shown to bind to lipid in a Ca21-depen-
stimulatory effect on channel activity is only seen when dent manner (28). Such binding may allow this domain
the mutation affects the PY motif. Of interest, this stim- to associate with the plasma membrane and participate in
ulatory effect on channel activity is observed not only endocytosis and/or exocytosis of membrane compo-
when the mutation is targeted to the PY motif on the b or nents. The precise function of the CaLB/C2 domain in
g subunits but also when the mutation is restricted to the Nedd4 is unknown.
PY motif on the a subunit. The ubiquitin ligase homology (Hect) domain shares
Proline-rich regions are known to be often involved in sequence homology with several proteins including
protein-protein interactions. This fact led investigators to E6-AP (29,30). ‘‘Hect’’ refers to homology to the E6-AP
consider the possibility that a protein may exist whose carboxyl terminus. Ubiquination regulates protein
function is to regulate channel activity via interaction breakdown by tagging proteins destined for degradation
with the PY motif on each of the three subunits. Bork and (31). The ubiquitin group is ligated by ubiquitin ligase,
Sudol (23) and Andre and Springael (24) have recently and the tagged protein is broken down in proteosomes.
identified a novel domain called the WW domain in the Given this makeup of Nedd4, the following model has
yes-associated protein YAP65, as well as several other un- been proposed for the Nedd4-Na1 channel interaction
related proteins, including Nedd4. The WW domain is a (27). The WW domain of Nedd4 would bind to the PY
38 amino acid module that contains two highly conserved motif contained within the P2 region of all three subunits
tryptophans and two conserved prolines. Based on mu- of the Na channel. This binding would bring the CaLB/C2
tational analysis, Chen and Sudol (25) recently proposed domain and the ubiquitin ligase domain in close proxim-


Liddle’s Syndrome/Palmer and Alpern

Figure 2. Under normal conditions the removal and degradation of Na1 channels from the apical membrane of the collecting duct
is initiated by Nedd4 binding to a specific PY motif located on the carboxyl terminal cytoplasmic tails of the a, b, and g subunits. A
mutation in which the PY motif of one of the subunits is either deleted or altered leads to a failure of Nedd4 binding and results in an
increase in channel density. Increased channel density can account for constitutive Na1 reabsorption. To date, all mutations in
Liddle’s syndrome have been localized to either the b or g subunits of the Na1 channel. Based on experimental studies a mutation in
the PY motif of the a subunit may also give rise to Liddle’s syndrome. See text for detailed discussion.

ity to the channel. The CaLB/C2 domain could then as- to be localized to the apical membrane of the epithelia,
sociate with the cell membrane and initiate endocytosis of indicating that the Liddle’s mutation did not disrupt
the Na1 channel. The ubiquitin ligase homology (Hect) normal membrane targeting. However, using tech-
domain would act to tag the channel for eventual degra- niques of immunostaining revealed a significant in-
dation. The end result would be a decrease in the number crease in the cell-surface expression of the channel
of channels. Interference in the binding of Nedd4 to the containing the Liddle’s mutation when compared with
subunits would prevent channel degradation and in- the normal channel. A similar increase in surface ex-
crease total channel density resulting in excess channel pression was found in studies using a channel in which
activity (Figure 2). The model assumes that Nedd4 has to the b subunit contained a missense mutation within
bind to all three subunits in order to initiate the degrada- the proline rich P2 region.
tive process, since deletion or mutation of the PY motif in In summary, the available data suggest that Liddle’s
a single subunit can give rise to increased channel activity. syndrome is the result of specific mutations that pre-
Although mutations in aENaC causing Liddle’s syn- vent the binding of a regulatory protein to a specific
drome have not yet been reported, the model suggests proline-rich region located in the carboxyl terminal of
that the a subunit may be a potential target gene. the three subunits that comprise the Na1 channel. The
According to this model, Liddle’s syndrome would failure of this binding prevents the normal degradation
be associated with an increase in channel density. In of the Na1 channel so that the total number of chan-
support of this possibility, patch clamp studies have nels is increased in the cell membrane. This increase in
shown that deletions of the b subunit causing Liddle’s channel density gives rise to constitutive activation of
syndrome result in an increase in overall channel ac- the channel, ultimately accounting for the develop-
tivity without altering the single channel conductance, ment of hypertension, hypokalemia, and metabolic al-
open state probability, selectivity, or pharmacologic kalosis. Although Liddle’s syndrome is a rare disease,
properties (17,32). Studies by Snyder et al (32) have insights gained from the study of this disorder may
provided additional evidence indicating that increased eventually prove useful in elucidating the pathogenesis
Na1 channel activity is the result of increased channel of other, more common forms of hypertension. It is
density in Liddle’s syndrome. These investigators ex- possible that some forms of salt-sensitive hypertension
pressed both the wild type Na1 channel and a Na1 may prove to be the result of more subtle mutations in
channel containing the Liddle’s associated truncated b the subunits of the Na1 channel or in the proteins that
subunit in MDCK epithelia. Both channels were found regulate channel activity and number.


Liddle’s Syndrome/Palmer and Alpern

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