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Dr. GAIT Answers Questions from Web Event


1. Should middleware be included as a back- The top-down approach starts with setting materiality levels,
end application, or should it only rely on assessing company-level controls (such as those within the
apps that support the front-end business control environment), identifying significant accounts and
processes? locations, and then understanding the related business
process and major classes of transactions. That last step
includes understanding the applications involved in the
processing of the major classes of transactions, including
upstream and back-end applications. For example, if there is
reliance on key reports from a data warehouse or data mart,
there may be potential points of failure in ETL interfaces and
reliance on their functionality. If so, they become significant

2. Are IT Governance Controls equivalent to There is no agreed-upon definition of IT Governance Controls,

Company/Entity Level Controls? If yes, then which we believe are part of and should be assessed with the
is it possible to scope out application organization's Control Environment, and other company-level
controls if company/entity level controls are controls.
effective? Is it possible to do the same for IT
General controls? Automated application controls are included in the scope of
work for s404 if they are required to prevent or detect a
material misstatement of the financial statements. That
assessment is derived from the top-down and risk-based

3. Is GAIT implemented at small companies There is no difference in how the GAIT methodology would be
the same way it is at large companies? Are used between large and small companies, or non-
implementation processes consistent for profit/religious organizations. It is principles-based.
non-profits or religious organizations, or are
they unique for each type of entity?

4. Does the GAIT methodology differ for GAIT is principles-based, so it can be used to scope ITGC
Canadian IT auditors? process risks for the assessment of internal control over
financial reporting in any country.

5. When applied to critical technologies such We recommend defining the scope for the s404 assessment
as network and business continuity based on a top-down and risk-based approach.
programs, would the audits be considered
continuous reviews? Other critical areas to the business can be separately identified
and audited based on risk.

6. How does GAIT interface with COSO's ERM COSO Internal Controls Framework can be used as the overall
integrated framework? internal control framework for assessing the system of internal
control over financial reporting. COSO ERM is not designed
as an internal control and should not be used for that purpose.

GAIT is used to apply the principles of the COSO framework,

identifying the risk within ITGC processes to the integrity of the
financial statements.

7. How are GCC linked to or separated from ITGC provide assurance that the automated application
application controls when using GAIT? controls perform consistently and appropriately. GAIT
identifies the ITGC process risks to the key automated
application controls relied upon to prevent or detect material
misstatement of the financials. Key ITGC control objectives
and then specific key controls in ITGC can then be identified.

8. How are network controls assessed through The network is part of the infrastructure of an application.
this methodology? Please discuss Networks Once GAIT has identified an application as financially
in regards to LAN and WAN. significant, risks at all layers of the infrastructure of the
application (which include the network) are assessed. If a
failure in LAN or WAN processes and controls is at least
reasonably likely to lead to a failure in critical functionality, or
an inappropriate change to data that affects the financial
statements, then control objectives and key controls in ITGC
are identified.

9. If I have already gone through a process to If you are comfortable that you have an efficient and effective
identify ITGC, should I start over and use ITGC scope, then you may choose to stay with it. GAIT is a
the GAIT methodology? recommended but not required methodology. We suggest you
consider using it when there has been a change in the
business, such that reassessing the scope would be valuable.

10. When looking at application controls, are we We assume you are referring to the systems development life
actually looking at the SDLC methodology? cycle, which we have included in the change management
process when we discuss ITGC processes.

Automated application controls (as distinct from manual

application controls) exist in business processes such as
payables, inventory management, etc. ITGC provide
assurance over the continued proper operation of automated
application controls. When financially significant applications
are assessed using GAIT, change management at the
application layer is often in scope, with specific risks such as
insufficient testing or unauthorized changes. The systems
development life cycle typically includes a number of controls
that are key to addressing those risks: development, review
and approval of test plans, and the approval of changes to

11. How does one perform a significant account The assessment of scope for the audit of internal control over
assessment if the financial statements are financial reporting should be performed by a team with both
prepared by the parent company? Should I business and IT understanding. It sounds from your question
rely on management sharing that as if you don't have insight into the business process, including
information? the preparation of the financial statements. We would have to
question why the assessment of ITGC scope apparently was
being performed separately.

12. Sometimes IT auditors do not understand The top-down approach that integrates the financial reporting
overall business objectives and are only risks and the establishment of ITGC scope avoids this
familiar with their own IT audit agenda. What problem.
discussions should take place between
management and IT auditors/SOX 404
testers regarding significant risks relevant to
Financial Reporting?

13. If an organization is making major revisions Changes to infrastructure of ITGC processes should be
to its change control technology and included in scope as the result of a top-down approach. If
infrastructure, should those areas be there are changes in an area that is not linked to the reliability
included in the audit scope due to the risk of critical IT functionality, there would not be a material risk to
presented to the applications? the financial statements if those changes were not effective.

If an ITGC area was included in scope, then plans to make

changes would affect not only the timing of testing, but may
also affect the nature of the key ITGC controls. We
recommend including that as a factor in planning the testing of
the key ITGC controls. Consideration should be given to a
pre-implementation review of the changes.

14. Would disaster recovery be considered key PCAOB and SEC guidance is that Disaster Recovery is not
ITGC controls in the GAIT methodology? part of the scope for the s404 assessment of controls over
financial reporting. The reasoning is that while a disaster
might delay the filing of the financial statements, it is not a
likely cause of a material misstatement.

15. For companies that feel they are already Companies can test their GAIT compliance by completing the
GAIT compliant, is there a recommended GAIT matrix, referencing the risk for each financially significant
pilot model that can be used to perform a application and its critical functionality to the key ITGC
proof of value? controls. There should be a clear cause and effect
relationship, where the key ITGC controls are required to
provide assurance that the identified critical functionality
performs consistently and appropriately.

16. Would you suggest periodically re- We reassess our GAIT analysis every year, as significant
evaluating an organization's IT SOX controls accounts, business processes, key controls, and ITGC
based on GAIT? processes tend to change.

17. How should pervasive controls impacting There is no need to evaluate controls that affect non-financially
non-financially significant applications be significant applications. Only risks to financially significant
scoped? applications need to be assessed.

The point we are making in GAIT is that a single ITGC risk

(e.g., the security of a service account) may not be a likely
source of a material error when looking at any one financially
significant application. However, if a failure to properly secure
that service account could result in a failure in several
applications, such that the overall risk of a material error is
likely, then the risk becomes in scope.

18. How should I assess the monitoring of GAIT includes the process monitoring of computer operations
controls of computer operations from the in the Operations process. Risks in the process at the various
perspective of ITGC SOX controls? layers are assessed to determine whether they represent a
risk to the critical IT functionality in each financially significant

19. How should service organizations under The top-down assessment process results in the identification
SAS-70 or AU324 utilize GAIT? of critical IT functionality in financially significant applications.
GAIT identifies risks at the ITGC level relative to that critical

If ITGC risks are addressed by controls performed by service

organizations, then assurance needs to be obtained of their
consistent operation. That assurance may be obtained from a
SAS 70 Type II report from the service organization.

20. How does GAIT address the scoping of The top-down approach starts with setting materiality levels,
supporting infrastructure not likely to be assessing company-level controls (such as those within the
identified during the assessment of financial control environment), identifying significant accounts and
applications and application controls, such locations, and then understanding the related business
as interfaces, intermediate servers, or process and major classes of transactions. That last step
databases? includes understanding the applications involved in the
processing of the major classes of transactions and potential
points of failure.

If there is reliance on interfaces, they are included either as

key controls or as additional critical IT functionality.

When GAIT is used to assess ITGC process risk at the various

layers of each financially significant application's infrastructure,
risks at the server or database level would be identified.

21. How should GAIT be used when outsourced The top-down assessment process results in the identification
vendors are involved with ITGC? of critical IT functionality in financially significant applications.
GAIT identifies risks at the ITGC level relative to that critical

If ITGC risks are addressed by controls performed by service

organizations, then assurance needs to be obtained of their
consistent operation. That assurance may be obtained from a
SAS 70 Type II report from the service organization.

22. Is there guidance on how many controls a There is no definitive number of controls that should be in or
company should have, reasonably based on out of scope, and there is no one size that fits all. Scoping is
its size carried out using the top-down risk-based approach, applying
(e.g. small, medium, large companies)? judgment where appropriate. GAIT is a methodology to
support the scoping process and while this may reduce the
number of controls identified as key and tested, we prefer to
seek efficiency and effectiveness rather than any specific

23. We are now in the second year of the Our experience is that the best way is to set aside the prior
certification process. Do you have any scope and objectively perform the GAIT process.
suggestions or cautions for retrofitting the
GAIT methodology to an already defined
scope that perhaps could be "right-sized" in
using GAIT (e.g. in the rationalization

24. Could you provide an example of a control Certainly. One of our core team joined a company in year 3 of
or control area that has been in scope for their s404 program. In years 1 and 2, the sales order capture
SOX audits to date, that would no longer be system was included as a significant application.
in scope using GAIT?
The top-down approach was reviewed and reperformed, with
the result that no critical functionality was identified in the sales
order capture system. The only risk from failure of the
application was that sales orders would not be processed, and
this would not affect the financial statements. Therefore the
application was taken out of scope.

The same team member also assessed the risk in the network
infrastructure to those applications that were financially
significant. In prior years, security over the router tables was
included in scope and the external auditor had identified
related deficiencies. An examination of the risk was reviewed
with the external auditor and it was agreed that it was very
unlikely that an individual would attack the tables and insert
fraudulent transactions. Therefore, the area was removed
from scope.

25. GAIT appropriately narrows scoping by GAIT focuses on financially significant applications containing
focusing on IT functionality related to critical functionality required to prevent or detect material
financial applications. For SOX 404 misstatement of the financial statements. The top-down
purposes, shouldn't scoping be narrowed approach achieves the objective in question.
even more by further limiting the focus to
applications that affect financial statements?

26. Are reductions realized through GAIT This could be a combination of both. If you reduce the number
resulting from fewer in-scope systems, or of items that are in scope, it follows that you shall have fewer
fewer key control activities? control objectives to review.

27. Are companies using GAIT likely to reduce Our experience so far is that companies have been successful
or better manage external IT audit costs? in reducing the number of key ITGC process controls they
include in scope for s404. The external auditors have been
able to review the GAIT analysis and agree with the results.
As they typically rely on the same key controls as
management, this can result in a reduction of external auditor

28. What is the most important result from GAIT is designed to enable the efficient and effective scoping
GAIT? IT control? IT reliability? of ITGC risk to the financial statements and the identification of
related key controls within ITGC processes.

GAIT is currently not intended for use in identifying key

controls to ensure IT reliability or operational effectiveness.
That is one of the core team's next projects.

29. How would an organization implement GAIT Because the business changes each year, we recommend the
in its third year of SOX implementation? top-down assessment be reviewed at least annually. That
How receptive are external audit firms to this involves reassessing materiality, significant accounts and
methodology? locations, major classes of transactions, and key controls - and
reassessing or implementing the GAIT analysis.

While the CPA firms have not formally endorsed the GAIT
methodology, a well-documented GAIT analysis is a powerful
tool in discussing with them the scope of work for ITGC. Our
experience, with our companies, is that the CPA firms have
accepted our analysis.

30. It seems we are all individually re-inventing We do not believe that there is a one-size-fits-all set of ITGC
the wheel as we determine our main risks controls that are always key. Each organization has different
and subsequent key controls in IT. Since business processes, applications, infrastructure, and risks.
every IT infrastructure has pretty much the The top-down approach is the only way to ensure an efficient
same main risks and key controls, will the and effective scope.
IIA offer a recommended list of specific IT

31. How can the GAIT approach for identifying The top-down assessment process results in the identification
scoping be applied at our outsourcing of critical IT functionality in financially significant applications.
parties, when they come into scope, GAIT identifies risks at the ITGC level relative to that critical
considering the application and functionality.
infrastructure is managed by outsourcing
(internally)? If ITGC risks are addressed by controls performed by service
organizations, then assurance needs to be obtained of their
consistent operation. That assurance may be obtained from a
SAS 70 Type II report from the service organization.

32. Like other controls that can indirectly impact Physical security risks are considered within the Operations
financial statements, physical security of IT process, and should be assessed for each financially
poses material risks. Does GAIT consider significant application. Each organization should assess
physical aspects out-of-scope? whether a failure of physical security is at least reasonably
likely to result in a failure of critical IT functionality or the
material change of data leading to a material misstatement of
the financials.

33. Please provide an example of functionality, We recommend the scenarios, which have been published on
and elaborate on it in regards to the entire the IIA Web site.

34. What guidelines are available for selecting a The 'reasonable person' test requires you to stand back and
"reasonable person?" question what a reasonable person (who may or may not be a
real person) would think. This does not require bringing in
somebody to act as that person; it is more of an allegory.

35. Should the audit committee be kept up-to- Our experience is that the Audit Committee may like to know
date with this process? How involved should that you are using this approach, but as long as they know the
the audit committee be in implementing external auditor is comfortable with the approach the members
GAIT? usually don't probe.

36. What recommendations do you have, if any, Facilitated meetings would be an excellent way to complete
for the use of Control Self-assessment (e.g., the GAIT analysis, with participation from business and IT.
facilitated meetings) in this process?

37. Which upstream applications that feed other The top-down approach starts with setting materiality levels,
applications might be significant? Where can assessing company-level controls (such as those within the
you stop testing controls over applications control environment), identifying significant accounts and
feeding the general ledger, versus going to locations, and then understanding the related business
the original source of the data? process and major classes of transactions. That last step
includes understanding the applications involved in the
processing of the major classes of transactions, including
upstream applications. If there are potential points of failure in
the upstream business processes, and key automated controls
or other critical IT functionality are identified in the upstream
applications, then they become significant applications.

38. How do you determine a key IT control, A key control is one that, as a result of a top-down assessment
versus a non-key control? Is there a process, is required to prevent or detect a material
guidance on this? misstatement of the financial statements.

39. If an organization uses an off-the-shelf We recommend a top-down approach. Key automated

accounting software package (such as controls (identified from the top-down approach) in packaged
Oracle), what approach do you take in software still need to be tested. Consideration should be given
auditing controls built into the package (i.e. to benchmarking (also known as baselining) techniques.
duplication payment)?

40. Many financial-related applications rely on The top-down approach is the way to identify whether there
restricted access or SOD. How would you are key restricted access or segregation of duties controls.
estimate the risks related to this by They are not always a high risk from the perspective of internal
privileged users? Isn't that always a high control over financial reporting.
Where a key control relies on limitations in the application over
who can perform a function (e.g., limits in the software on who
can approve journal entries or purchase orders), that restricted
access control is probably key.

If a pair of access rights represents a likely method for an

individual to divert assets, then that SOD control may be key.
When considering internal control over financial reporting,
there has to be at least a reasonable likelihood that the
scheme would not only result in a theft or fraud, but also one
that results in a material misstatement of the financial

GAIT is currently focused on the risks to the financial

statements. However, RA and SOD controls may be essential
to protect the business, and should be subject to periodic
audits for that purpose.

41. How would you suggest ensuring that We have seen that situation, which is why we included a step
automated controls are understood when in GAIT to validate the automated controls, including obtaining
the business community is not well versed in a good understanding of the related applications. We have
technology, and the IT community does not recommended that the GAIT assessment be performed by a
fully understand overall business objectives team with both business and IT representation.
and critical areas of business that have a
financial impact? Is there a gap?

42. Does GAIT provide sample control GAIT does not include sample control objectives, and we
objectives that companies can use to assess recommend COBIT as a source.
their applications, databases, operating
system and network layers?

43. What types of documentation are sufficient GAIT does not require any particular form of documentation,
(meeting minutes, white papers, flow charts, only that which is sufficient for an objective reviewer to
narratives, etc.)? understand the process and results. We have recommended
the GAIT Matrix and the GAIT template.

44. If one control fails, out of five, does that A failed control does not necessarily mean a failed control
mean the control objective failed? objective. Only a careful assessment, based on facts,
circumstances, and judgment, can determine that.

45. With respect to control exception analysis, Our experience is that we are able to work with the CPA firms
the GAIT guidance points out that it is when assessing deficiencies found during testing. If a single
possible for an individual control to fail, but control fails but does not cause the entire control objective to
when examined for its relationship to the fail and there is no increased risk to the financial statements,
Control Objective, there is no significant the CPA firms generally will agree that only a control
increased risk. Do external audit firms deficiency exists.
generally understand and accept this
concept in 404 audits?

46. Were scheduled (batch) jobs and data The GAIT core team includes these in the Operations process
transformation services (DTS) on SQL at the database layer. The GAIT analysis's processes and
servers discussed in your consideration of layers can be tailored for each organization.
either application or database layers?

47. How long would you expect this process to It would be difficult to determine how long it would take to
take for a $2 billion organization? apply GAIT as that would depend on the complexity and
number of systems that are involved in the financial reporting

48. How does end-user computing A member of our core team has used GAIT effectively to
(spreadsheets) apply to GAIT -- is it assess risk, controls objectives, and controls around
considered an application or process? spreadsheets. However, GAIT was not designed for that

49. Would Excel spreadsheets fall within the A member of our core team has used GAIT effectively to
scope of GAIT if they support key financial assess risk, controls objectives, and controls around
reporting processes such as revenue or spreadsheets. However, GAIT was not designed for that
disclosures? purpose.

50. Considering that Microsoft has already We have supplied a GAIT scenario on our Web site. The
implemented GAIT, are their SOX 404 test scenario and other guidance can be downloaded at
results, objectives, etc. available as an

51. Was there a Year-2 at Microsoft? Microsoft has assessed its control over financial reporting each

52. GAIT is focused on General Controls linked At this time, we have focused GAIT on controls related to
to financial reporting controls. How does financial reporting. We are working on the next stage:
GAIT apply to general operational adapting the Methodology for other types of risks and audits.
controls/operational audits?

53. From a governance viewpoint, what is the The GAIT assessment and implementation should be
role of an IT Steering Committee in overseen by both business and IT management, not just IT.
overseeing the GAIT implementation? We recommend an integrated s404 Steering Committee.

54. Many different methodologies can render GAIT distinguishes itself by flowing directly from the top-down
efficiencies. What specifically separates this and risk-based approach recommended by the SEC and
set guidelines from all others? What makes PCAOB. It is part of a fully integrated approach considering
it truly unique? business risk. The core GAIT team itself was an integrated
business and IT expert team. Most other approaches in this
area were developed by IT experts, not an integrated team
with a more holistic business view and experience.

55. The GAIT is similar to "IT Control GAIT is a structured reasoning process that helps you identify
Rationalization," which organizations have and then justify which are the right controls to test, rather than
been struggling with. How is GAIT different? an exercise in limiting the number of controls. It usually results
in a reduction of controls because many are included based on
a checklist, feel, judgment, or experience rather than a
structured reasoning process that ties risk to the financial
statements to the controls necessary to prevent or detect
material errors.

56. What tools and practical guidelines will be We have provided the GAIT Principles, Methodology and
provided? scenarios on our Web site at
There will be a workshop on GAIT at our General Audit
Management conference in Orlando, Florida in March, and at
our Technology conference in Scottsdale, Arizona in May.
Details of these events can be found at

57. Why shouldn't "other critical IT functionality" Users may choose to include all critical IT functionality as key
at the business process level always be controls (and some of the core team members have done so at
included in ICFR documentation as key their companies). We have asked that GAIT users look for
controls (no matter whether the functionality additional critical IT functionality because often it is not
is of pure control nature)? Wouldn't this help completely identified when reviewing the business process and
to avoid confusion? identifying key automated controls.

58. Have any organizations performed a All of us who have used GAIT have obtained significant cost
cost/benefit analysis of GAIT? reductions. Although there is a cost of implementation, the
reduction in key controls has significantly outweighed the cost.

59. Can rotation plans for TGC testing be used? The SEC has guided management to obtain "reasonable
evidence" to support its assessment of internal control over
financial reporting. This would require reasonable evidence of
the proper operation of key controls. That reasonable
evidence has to be obtained each year. Each company will
have to assess whether rotational testing meets that objective.

60. Does the ITGC assessment need to be done The assessment of ITGC process risk cannot be completed
after the application controls have already until the key business controls, including key automated
been established? controls and other critical functionality, are defined.

61. Is it necessary to test automated application The guidance from the SEC and PCAOB supports testing
controls more than once, if company level automated controls once (so-called test of 1) if related ITGC
controls over IT are tested and deemed key controls are effective.

62. How does GAIT take into account the quality GAIT is part of an integrated top-down and risk-based
of monitoring manual controls? approach that starts with company-level and business controls.
If monitoring/manual controls mean that there is no reliance on
key automated controls or other critical IT functionality, then
GAIT does not have to be used to assess related ITGC risks.

For example, if there are manual controls to ensure the

completeness and accuracy of an interface between the ERP
and a data warehouse, there is no reliance on that
functionality. The manual controls are sufficient to detect any
failure. Therefore, that would not be part of any critical IT
functionality where GAIT is used to assess related ITGC
process risks.

63. Where do the principles and methodologies The scoping process for any assessment, any audit, relies on
described here stop, and "personal judgment and experience.
judgment," "gut feeling," and experience kick

64. Can GAIT be applied more easily after all The assessment of ITGC process risk cannot be completed
key business processes and accounts have until the key business controls, including key automated
been risk assessed with a top-down controls and other critical functionality, are defined.

65. How does the ITGC risk around the general The network and OS are part of the infrastructure of an
network and operating system impact the application. Once GAIT has identified an application as
top-down risk-based approach? What level financially significant, risks at all layers of the infrastructure of
of control testing is needed? the application (which include the network) are assessed. If a
failure in OS, LAN, or WAN processes and controls is at least
reasonably likely to lead to a failure in critical functionality, or
an inappropriate change to data that affects the financial
statements, then control objectives and key controls in ITGC
are identified.

66. Who were the survey respondents? Responses to the survey conducted just prior to the webcast
were mainly IT managers and IT auditors.

67. Where can I download a copy of the The GAIT guidance materials which consist of the Principles,
guidance? Methodology and a less complex scenario can be found at, and the Web
event archive and presentation can be found at

68. Was the OCC a part of the reviewing The OCC was not involved in our Advisory Board
Advisory Board?

69. Will you provide an example or "case study" The GAIT guidance materials which consist of the Principles,
where the GAIT principles are applied? Methodology and a less complex scenario can be found at, and the Web
event archive and presentation can be found at

70. What are some differences between the One objective could be that all application changes are tested
objectives versus individual controls in prior to implementation. Individual controls could include the
Principle 4? development of test plans, the review and approval of the test
plan, and the review and approval of completed testing.

71. Should the application layer be considered We believe each layer has to be assessed and explanations of
the most critical for financial reporting risks, the results documented.
with less focus on network, operating
system and database level failures?

72. How do you determine the difference A control provides assurance of a desired outcome. COBIT
between control and function? has this definition of internal control: "The policies, procedures,
practices and organizational structures, designed to provide
reasonable assurance that business objectives will be
achieved and that undesired events will be prevented or
detected and corrected".

73. Does the methodology provide a clear The GAIT Methodology has a number of definitions, including
definition of "key control?" that of a key control:

"A control that, if it fails, means there is at least a reasonable

likelihood that a material error in the financial statements
would not be prevented or detected on a timely basis. In other
words, a key control is one that provides reasonable
assurance that material errors will be prevented or timely

74. Does the GAIT guidance clearly define GAIT includes a process for identifying financially significant
"significant applications?" applications. It is in Phase 2 of the Methodology.

75. Will samples of the matrix and other The GAIT guidance materials which consist of the Principles,
documents be available? Methodology and a less complex scenario can be found at and the Web
event archive and presentation can be found at

76. Why are objectives being designed after We refer to Control Activities as a layer in the COSO
control activities? Doesn't it make more Framework. Individual key controls are identified to meet the
sense to have a company identify the identified ITGC control objectives.
objectives they want to meet and then
identify controls?

77. What is an example of an ITGC control that ITGC control failures do not lead directly to a material
would lead to a material misstatement in the misstatement of the financial statements. However, they can
financial statements? lead to the failure of an automated application control (or to the
lack of assurance that the automated control functions
consistently and appropriately) that is required to prevent or
detect a material misstatement.

78. Could you give me an example of "Critical IT Critical IT functionality includes automated application controls,
Functionality?" key reports, and other functionality such as the updating of the
general ledger, performance of calculations, etc.

79. How do you determine the likelihood of a The assessment of likelihood is a matter of judgment, based
financial statement error, given that a ITGC on experience and a review of specific facts and
may not be effective? circumstances.

80. When discussing application code, "Tables" is a generic term that can be used for a variety
databases, networks, and operating purposes, including the contents of a database, router code,
systems, how are tables considered? etc.

81. Does the GAIT methodology take into The top-down and risk-based approach considers the risk of
consideration errors that are less than aggregation, and so does GAIT. However, there has to be a
material, and more than inconsequential, reasonable likelihood of aggregation. For example, the
that could aggregately lead to a material probability of multiple events occurring without a common
error? cause is the product of their probability. But, the failure of a
single ITGC key control could result in the failure of multiple
automated controls, as several automated controls rely on the
operation of the same control.

82. What is a 404 scope? 404 refers to Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002,
which requires management to perform an annual assessment
of its system of internal control over financial reporting.

83. In a transaction processing environment We assume that this question refers to whether all the
where multiple applications are processing applications need to be included in scope.
revenue transactions, what's a reasonable
percentage of coverage to adequately cover The top-down process includes identifying major classes of
the organization? transactions. If the transactions processed by any individual
application are not significant, then that class would generally
not be included in scope and neither, then, would the

The key is that management and the external auditor both

have to include in their scope of work testing of controls that
provide reasonable assurance that material misstatements
would be prevented or detected. There is no required
percentage coverage.

84. What is an example of when security, The selection of key controls would depend on the nature of
access controls, and operating system the critical IT functionality and the overall environment of
controls would not be key controls? controls, both manual and automated.

If an application contains automated controls that are key, but

there is no risk of unauthorized changes to the data used by
the application, then security of the data may not be a risk in
ITGC process. Only change management might be included.
For example, if the data in a data warehouse is reconciled
daily to the ERP, then the risk could be limited to the reliability
of the reports.

85. How does GAIT apply in various situations With respect to s404, the SEC has provided guidance that the
involving availability risk versus financial only risk to be assessed is that of material error in the financial
risk, such as an infrastructure process statements. Delays in filing are not considered in scope for
failing, but only impacting system s404.

86. How should this new guidance be We are pleased to hear that this process has been used
implemented by organizations, like successfully by others. The Methodology that we have
ourselves, that are already using similar or published includes guidance for others to follow your lead.
identical methodologies?

87. Would technology such as security patch The network and OS are part of the infrastructure of an
management or anti-virus be possibly application. Once GAIT has identified an application as
considered in scope for operating systems financially significant, risks at all layers of the infrastructure of
because it is reasonably likely that critical the application (which include the network) are assessed. If a
functionality (like access control on a failure in OS, LAN, or WAN processes and controls is at least
database server) may become ineffective? reasonably likely to lead to a failure in critical functionality, or
an inappropriate change to data that affects the financial
statements, then control objectives and key controls in ITGC
are identified.

88. Can you please define "reasonable GAIT relies on the guidance from the SEC and PCAOB on
likelihood?" reasonable likelihood. The IIA's "Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404:
A Guide for Management by Internal Controls Practitioners"
suggests a probability of 5% is required, but the formal
guidance from the regulators relies on the application of
judgment and not a formula. Likelihood will always be a
subjective assessment. Each situation needs to be assessed
based on its specific facts and circumstances.

89. When asking questions for each cell in the The user is encouraged to use their judgment when
GAIT matrix (suggested in Phase 3) how do determining whether a failure in an ITGC process such as
you best define the following criteria: "such change management in a layer such as application code would
that one or more (critical functionalities) affect critical functionality negatively.
becomes ineffective?"

90. What factors determine the "likelihood" a The assessment of likelihood is a matter of judgment, based
risk will impact the effectiveness of a on experience and a review of specific facts and
control? circumstances

91. If there is a mitigating control in the GAIT is part of integrated top-down and risk-based approach
business, such as reconciliations, do you that starts with company-level and business controls. If
still need to test the IT critical functionality monitoring/manual controls mean that there is no reliance on
(i.e. system interfaces), if you are going to key automated controls or other critical IT functionality, then
be testing the reconciliations in the GAIT does not have to be used to assess related ITGC risks.
For example, if there are manual controls to ensure the
completeness and accuracy of an interface between the ERP
and a data warehouse, there is no reliance on that
functionality. The manual controls are sufficient to detect any
failure. Therefore, that would not be part of any critical IT
functionality where GAIT is used to assess related ITGC
process risks.

92. How would an automated control regarding ITGC control failures do not lead directly to a material
the approval of travel expenses (if failed) misstatement of the financial statements. However, they can
result in a material misstatement? lead to the failure of an automated application control (or to the
lack of assurance that the automated control functions
consistently and appropriately) that is required to prevent or
detect a material misstatement.

93. Is there a standard set of key applications There is no standard set of key applications. The assessment
that would always be within scope of SOX IT should be top-down and risk-based, as each organization has
General Controls review? its own business processes and applications

94. Has there been a recent case where When assessing the quality of internal controls, there has to be
financial statements were materially reasonable assurance that material misstatements would be
misstated due to an IT weakness? If yes, prevented or detected.
what was the IT weakness that caused the
material? The good news is that there have not been many material
weaknesses reported as a result of ITGC control failures. That
is consistent with our experience, which is that ITGC failures
are not a common cause of misstatements.

However, they have happened and have included misstated

revenue from billing failures.

95. What practical example can be given on GAIT is the process used to do this. We refer you to the
how to connect a business process control Methodology, which can be downloaded from the IIA Web site.
or objective to a ITGC objective and key

96. What is COBIT? The Control Objectives for Information and related Technology
(COBIT) is a set of best practices (framework) for information
(IT) management created by the Information Systems Audit
and Control Association (ISACA), and the IT Governance
Institute (ITGI) in 1992.

97. Can you contrast and compare GAIT with GAIT is a process for defining the scope of ITGC for the
ISACA`s CobiT 4.0? annual audit of the financial statements. COBIT is a broader-
based standalone framework for IT controls. GAIT can be used
to identify ITGC risk, and COBIT is a solid tool for identifying
the related control objectives and key controls.

98. GAIT is consistent with SEC and PCAOB We have recommended to the SEC that they provide guidance
guidance endorsing a "risk based" to companies on the integration of the s404 and s302
approach. How can this be taken one further assessments.
step, such as using 302 reporting to
minimize scope?

99. How does the GAIT methodology integrate The announcement of GAIT was delayed so we could review
with the new AS 5 standard? both SEC and PCAOB draft proposed guidance. No changes
are anticipated to GAIT from the revision of AS/3

100. Should companies receive buy-in from their We strongly encourage companies to work closely with their
external auditor on using the GAIT external auditor at each stage of the GAIT process.

101. Have external audit firms or the PCAOB The CPA firms will not formally endorse a methodology such
endorsed GAIT? as GAIT. However, our experience is that they are receptive
to reviewing and working with companies who have
implemented GAIT.

The regulators will not formally comment nor endorse

methodologies such as GAIT. However, we have reason to
believe that GAIT is not inconsistent with their guidance

102. Was ISACA consulted as GAIT was ISACA was invited to participate in the GAIT Project but
developed? elected not to do so. There was also a public exposure draft
release of the guidance which allowed anyone to comment;
ISACA elected not to provide formal comment. However it
should be noted that GAIT was developed by a large number
of individuals that hold the CISA designation or are active
ISACA members, including several who are reviewers and
contributors to the COBIT documents.

103. External firms have been inconsistent in While the CPA firms have not formally endorsed the GAIT
defining and testing ITGC from year to year. methodology, a well-documented GAIT analysis is a powerful
Will there be any upcoming guidance for tool in discussing with them the scope of work for ITGC. Our
them on what to focus on? experience, with our companies, is that the CPA firms have
accepted our analysis.

104. Are the large accounting firms that are At this time, the larger CPA firms have not adopted the new
conducting SOX attestations applying the GAIT Methodology.
GAIT methodology globally or only in North

105. We are a U.S. public company. Will our While the CPA firms have not formally endorsed the GAIT
SOX auditors rely upon GAIT for their audits methodology, a well-documented GAIT analysis is a powerful
of our IT controls? Or is GAIT only valid for tool in discussing with them the scope of work for ITGC. Our
our own internal control testing? experience, with our companies, is that the CPA firms have
accepted our analysis.

106. How can I get more information on Please contact

implementing GAIT, ideally communicating
with someone that has completed an

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