1 Introduction-Communication

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Introduction- Communication System

Analog wire/wireless Analog

amplitude, phase, or frequency

reduce noise and interference
channel assignment

The Block Diagram of a Communication System.

Introduction- noise
• Noise sources:
 internal noise: components within a communication system, such as resistors and solid-
state active devices
1. thermal noise: v  v (t )  4kTRB, T : temperature, B:bandwidth, k = Boltzmann's constant = 1.38 10 J/K

  v 2 
Power/Hz =Pa ,R / B    rms  / R  / B  (1.38 10 -23 )  (290) = 4.002 10 -21 W/Hz
 2  
 
Power/Hz in dBW = 10log10 (4.002 10-21/1) -204 dBW
Power/Hz in dBm = 10log10 (4.002 10 -21/10 -3 ) -174 dBm
2. shot noise ~ discrete nature of current flow in electronic devices
 external noise:
1. Atmospheric:impulsive→ affects AM broadcast radio (540 kHz ~ 1.6 MHz)
2. man-made:high-voltage power-line corona discharge, commutator-generated noise
in electrical motors, automobile and aircraft ignition noise, and switching-gear noise.
radio-frequency interference (RFI)
3. extraterrestrial sources:sun and other hot heavenly bodies, such as stars. Owing to
its high temperature (6000◦C) and relatively close proximity to the earth
Introduction- noise figure
• Cascade of subsystems making up a system:

RF amplifier mixer detector

IF amplifier

• Noise Figure (NF) of a System:𝐹𝑙

S 1S
     , an ideal, noiseless subsystem Fl =1, for physical devices, Fl >1, FdB =10log10 Fratio , If all resistances are matched
 N l Fl  N l 1
FdB:2-4.5 dB for a traveling wave tube amplifier (power gain of 20-30 dB) , FdB:5-8 dB for mixers ,
  e 2  es2,l 1   e 2 
 S 
Psa ,l 1    s ,l 1
 / Rl 1  , Pna ,l 1  kTs B     , Psa ,l    s ,l
 / Rl  , Psa ,l  Ga Psa ,l 1 , Ga (>>1) available power gain
  2    N l 1 4kTs Rl 1 B   2  
   
 S  Psa ,l 1 Psa ,l 1 Psa ,l 1 Pna ,l Psa ,l 1 Pna ,l Pna ,l
     F l   
 N l Pna ,l Fl Pna ,l 1 Psa ,l Pna ,l 1 Ga Psa ,l 1 Pna ,l 1 Ga Pna ,l 1
Pint,l Pint,l
Pna ,l  Ga Pna ,l 1  Pint,l (internally generated noise power of subsystem), Fl  1   1
Ga Pna ,l 1 Ga kTs B
Ga >>1  Fl  1  system with low gain enhances the importance of internal noise
F2  1 F3  1
Friis ' s formula :F  F1    ...
Ga1 Ga1 Ga2
Introduction- transmission channel
• Electromagnetic-Wave Propagation Channels:
 Maxwell (1831--1879), Faraday, Hertz (1857--1894)
 Radiation element referred to as an antenna →
1. line-of-sight
2. multipath fading transmissions
3. ground-wave
4. ionospheric skip-wave propagation
At lower frequencies is reflection (or refraction) of
radio waves by the ionosphere (a series of layers of
charged particles at altitudes (30~250 miles above the
earth’s surface). Thus, for frequencies below about
100 MHz, it is possible to have skip-wave propagation.
At night, when lower ionospheric layers disappear
due to less ionization from the sun (the 𝐸 , 𝐹1, and 𝐹2
layers coalesce into one layer-the 𝐹 layer), longer
skip-wave propagation occurs as a result of reflection
from the higher, single reflecting layer of the
Introduction- relay-satellite-to-user link
 2 PT GT GR
PR   10 log10 PR = 20log10 ( / 4 d ) +10 log10 PT  10 log10GT  10 log10GR  10log10 L0
 4 d  L0

(4 d /  )2:free-space loss, GT,GR:antenna gains above isotropic,L:

0 loss factor in dB

10 log10 PT  10 log10GT:effective radiated power (ERP or EIRP) in dBW referenced to isotropic

Ex:Relay satellite effective radiated power (GT = 30dB ; PT = 100W):50 dBW
Transmit frequency: 2 GHz ( = 0.15 m),Bandwidth: 50kHz
Receiver noise temperature of user (includes NF of receiver and background temperature of antenna): 700 K
User satellite antenna gain: 0 dB,Total system losses: 3 dB,Relay-user separation: 41,000 Km
Free-space loss : -20 log10 (0.15/4  41 10 6 ): 190.7 dB (-),Effective radiated power : 50 dBW (+)
Receiver antenna gain : 0 dB (+), System losses : 3 dB (-)  Received signal power : -143.7 dBW
Receiver output noise power due to internal sources Pint  Ga kTe B
 T  T
 Pint,dBW  10log10  kT0 e B   10log10 kT0  10log10 e  10log10 B  204  10log10 (700 / 290)  10log10 (50000)  153.2
 T0  T0
SNRo  R  SNRo  143.7  ( 153.2)  9.5dB, SNRo  R b   b  SNRo ( dB )  10log10 BTb
kTe B kTe BTb N 0 BTb N 0 ( dB )

BPSK:B  2 / Tb 
N 0 ( dB )
 2 Eb
 9.5  3  12.5dB,PE  Q 
 N
 0

  Q

 
2 101.25  1.29 10 9
Introduction- Frequency Bands
Introduction- Frequency Bands V.S. attenuation
• At lower frequencies(long wavelengths), propagating radio waves tend to follow the earth’s
• At higher frequencies(short wavelengths), radio waves propagate in straight lines

attenuation for atmospheric gases attenuation due to rainfall at rates of 10, 50, and
100 mm/h.
Summary of systems analysis techniques
• Time and Frequency-Domain Analyses:
 Fourier series & Fourier transforms
• Modulation and Communication Theories
 𝑥𝑐(𝑡) = 𝐴𝑐𝑚(𝑡) cos 𝜔𝑐𝑡,𝜔𝑐 :carrier frequency ,𝐴𝑐: carrier amplitude
• Probabilistic approaches to system optimization
 Statistical Signal Detection and Estimation Theory
1. Wiener filter:minimizing average squared error between desired and actual output.
2. Matched filter (MF):maximize peak-signal-to-rms-noise ratio at its output
3. Adaptive filters:adaptations of Wiener and MF for time-varying backgrounds
→equalization of digital data signals
4. Maximum a posteriori (MAP):The ideal receiver makes the decision that the
transmitted message was the one corresponding to the largest a posteriori probability
 Information Theory and Coding
1. Shannon’s theory:we can transmit information through a channel at any rate less
than the channel capacity with arbitrarily small error,
2. Coding:Block code,Convolutional code,Turbo code,LDPC,Polar code
Summary of systems analysis techniques
• Time and Frequency-Domain Analyses:
 Fourier series & Fourier transforms
• Modulation and Communication Theories
 𝑥𝑐(𝑡) = 𝐴𝑐𝑚(𝑡) cos 𝜔𝑐𝑡,𝜔𝑐 :carrier frequency ,𝐴𝑐: carrier amplitude
• Probabilistic approaches to system optimization
 Statistical Signal Detection and Estimation Theory
1. Wiener filter:minimizing average squared error between desired and actual output.
2. Matched filter (MF):maximize peak-signal-to-rms-noise ratio at its output
3. Adaptive filters:adaptations of Wiener and MF for time-varying backgrounds
→equalization of digital data signals
4. Maximum a posteriori (MAP):The ideal receiver makes the decision that the
transmitted message was the one corresponding to the largest a posteriori probability
 Information Theory and Coding
1. Shannon’s theory:we can transmit information through a channel at any rate less
than the channel capacity with arbitrarily small error,
2. Coding:Block code,Convolutional code,Turbo code,LDPC,Polar code

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