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Semester : May 2022

Programme : BBA (MIS)

Course Code & Name : IS252 - Business Information Systems Analysis and
Lecturer : Nur Erlida Ruslan (Mdm)
Date Delivered : Wednesday, July 13, 2022 (Week 10)
Deadline : Wednesday, Aug 3, 2022 (Week 13)
Assignment No : 1 (Grouping – 3 persons)
Assignment Title : Determining Business System Requirements
Total Marks : 60

1. Answer ALL questions.
2. Students need to submit the following:
a. A PDF copy.
b. The requirement for the report is as follows:
i. Must use the cover page as provided. (Student needs to print it out.
Write the name and ID and sign before submitting).
ii. The maximum number of pages for the report is 10 (including the
cover), and the minimum is 20 (including the cover).
iii. The font style is Arial, Size 11, Line Spacing 1.5, and Paragraph is
3. Any plagiarism detected will affect ZERO MARKS.
4. Assignment needs to be submitted before the deadline, if not, penalized 10% of
marks will be deducted.
Interviews are one of the easiest yet most powerful techniques for gathering requirements.
As a business analyst, you are about to conduct a session with your interviewee, a
developer from the IT department of ABC University (ABC-U).

ABC-U Clubs Attendance System is a web-based application. It requires a client device such
as a smartphone, tablet, PC or other smart devices with a browser application. The system
is connected to the server with a domain name. Thus, it is not required to be linked with the
same LAN to access the system on the server. The system is a web-based application, so it
would not have a heavy load on a basic and straightforward PC or smartphone. It only
requires the club staff to access the attendance through the webpage using their
smartphone or laptop to check their data of attendances or create a new attendance based
on their needs for the club events and activities.


Based on the scenario given above,

i. Identify THREE (5) different stakeholders or stakeholder groups whose requirements

must be explored.
ii. Identify who is your interviewee(s).
iii. Describe the arrangement of your interview session. It must include your type of
interview and TEN (10) questions used during the session.
iv. Describe FIVE (5) guidelines to conduct an appropriate interview.

End of Question.

Please refer to the next page for the Assignment’s Cover.

Student Name & ID
Course Code & IS252 - Business Information Systems Analysis and
Name Design
Assignment No 1 (Grouping – 3 persons)
Assignment Title Determining Business System Requirements
Prepared For Nur Erlida Ruslan (Mdm)
Due Date Wednesday, Aug 3, 2022 (Week 13)


This assignment is our group’s original work.

No part of this work has been copied from any other source or person except where
due acknowledgement is made. No part of the work has been previously submitted for
assessment at this or any other institution. I have read the Student Academic Integrity
Policy and understand its implications. For evaluation and standards, I give the
University permission to retain this assignment; provide a copy to other assessors, and
evaluate its academic integrity through a plagiarism checking service (which may store
a copy of the assignment on its database for future plagiarism checks).

Student’s Signature


To be filled by Lecturer.



Date Received

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