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Contrast Contrast is used when different elements like

shape, form or colours are put next to each

other to make something easier to see, or to
create artistic effects like texture. For example,
you create contrast when you put a light
colour next to a dark colour.
Balance Balance is created in an artwork by using line,
shape and colour. A formal artwork can be
symmetrical, where both sides are the same.
An informal or asymmetrical artwork is where
each side is different. An artwork can also be
radial, where it extends from a central point.
Emphasis Emphasis is used to make certain parts of the
artwork stand out so that they become the focal
point, where your eye goes first. You can create
the focal point in different ways:

• by using contrasting shapes and forms

• using colours

• by using directional lines to lead the eye

• with pattern or details to highlight areas

• with contrast of size to focus attention

• by emphasising certain areas in a picture

The artist can make something less important

than something else. This is known as
subordination. In most artworks the
background is subordinated.
Proportion Proportion is about the size or position of an
object compared to another. There are three
areas in the picture. The foreground is the
area in the front, the middle ground is in the
centre and the background is at the back.

The artist needs to think about this as an

object in the foreground of a picture needs
to be much larger than an object in the
Repetition/Pattern Repetition/pattern is made up of lines, colours
or shapes that are repeated in a planned way.
Movement Movement refers to the path the eye moves
over a design. Usually, the most important
part of the artwork should be the first thing
the eye sees and then the eye moves to the
other aspects. This can be created through
positioning, emphasis and other design
Variety Variety is created by making something in
the artwork look different to the rest. Variety,
contrast and harmony work together to give
unity. This often makes it more interesting, but
an artist needs to be careful when considering
variety, too much variety leads to confusion
and too little leads to boredom.
Unity Unity refers to how the design comes together
using the elements. It is about whether or not it
provides a single idea through harmonious use
of the elements.

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