Gr. 8 Term 1, Week 8 Term 1, MEMO Learning Styles

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8 Term 1: Week 8 Date: _______________

WORKSHEET 4 Sub-Topic: Different learning styles.
Informal activities MEMORANDUM

1. Describe, in your own words, what a learning style is.

A learning style refers to the way a person prefers to take
in, organise, store and use information.

2. Name four different learning styles and briefly outline

each one. Complete the table below.


1. Visual learning style 1. Learn/study best by reading things that are written.
down or information that is presented in the forms of
diagrams, tables, graphs
2. Aural learning style 2. Learn/study best by listening or speaking. Include
Discussions, debates, speaking, reading aloud,
Verbal repetition, listening.
3. Kinaestic learning style. 3. Learn best from hands-on activities or other methods
that involve them physically while they learn, e.g. role-
plays, discussion groups. Need to involve action.
e.g. writing while studying
4. Reading and writing 4. Learn/study best by reading the relevant sections of
learning style their textbooks and re-read their notes as well.
Also by writing to learn: they copy out notes from their
Textbooks, underline important facts, use flashcards.

3. Read what the following learners are saying and identify their predominant
learning style. 5. I make a
3. I make mind movie in my
4. I record 6. I knead a
maps and graphs head of what it
myself reading stress ball in my
2. I like to make in colour and must have
my notes and hand while I
notes and prefer with my own been like.
then listen to learn.
studying on my symbols.
7. I use rap to
1. I clap my
hands while I

LO Gr.8 Term 1: Week 8, Sub-Topic: Diff. Learning styles.WORKSHEET 4

3.1. Kinaesthetic.
3.2. Reading and writing.
3.3. Visual
3.4. Aural.
3.5. Visual.
3.6. Kinaesthetic.
3.7. Aural.

Term 2: Week 1-2 Date: _________________

Sub-Topic: What type of learning style do you have?
We all tend to have a predominant learning style. That means we are not
necessarily only a visual or only an aural learner. A suitable learning style can
help you study better and improve your marks.

4. Complete the following learning style to discover your preferred learning

Section A Tick
1. If I need to spell a word correctly, I write it down to see if it “looks” right.
2. I prefer a teacher who likes to use summaries, charts, labelled diagrams, maps.
3. To remember what the teacher says in class, I take notes.
4. If I had to plan a surprise party for a friend, I would imagine what should be done
and I would also imagine the party happening.
5. I enjoy reading books, especially those with pictures.
6. I solve Mathematics problems by drawing diagrams and /or pictures or imagining
7. I can sit still to watch TV or work on the computer for a long time.
8. I can remember colours, shapes and patterns easily.
9. When reading during class, I can remember a story best if the reading material
has pictures and/or a summary in the form of a diagram, mind map, etc.
10. I like my desk and school bag to be neatly organised.
Section B
1. If I need to spell a word correctly, I hear it in my mind or say it out loud to “hear” if
it sounds right.
2. I prefer a teacher who likes to use class discussions, group work and guest
3. I can pay attention and remember easily when my teacher reads aloud to us.
4. If I want to plan a surprise party for a friend, I would talk to or phone others.
5. I prefer to listen to a book on audiotape/CD/download rather than to read it.
6. I solve Mathematics problems by talking through them aloud.
7. I like to talk and listen.
8. I remember songs after only hearing hem a couple of times.
9. When reading during class, I can remember a story best if we have a class
discussion about it.
10. I am distracted by background noise (like pencil tapping) when I am taking a test.
LO Gr.8 Term 1: Week 8, Sub-Topic: Diff. Learning styles.WORKSHEET 4
Section C
1. If I need to spell a word correctly, I write it on a piece of paper or in the air.
2. I prefer a teacher who likes to use field trips, case studies, videos and hands-on
practical lessons.
3. My favourite classes are those where I can move around a lot.
4. If I want to plan a surprise party for a friend, I would invite friends and just let it
5. I would almost always choose to play rather than sit inside and read a book or
listen to something.
6. I solve Mathematics problems by making use of real objects like blocks.
7. I enjoy sports and being active.
8. I can learn new athletics skills or dance steps after only trying them a few times.
9. After reading during class, I can remember a story best if it was acted out rather
than if we talk about it or listen to it.
10. It is difficult for me to be neat and organised.
Section D
1. If I need to spell a word correctly, I look it up in the dictionary or online.
2. I prefer a teacher who likes to use a textbook and plenty of hand outs.
3. My favourite classes are those where we do a lot of reading and writing.
4. If I had to plan a surprise party for a friend, I would make lists of what to do and
what to buy for the party.
5. I would almost always rather choose to sit inside and read a book or write
something than play.
6. I solve Mathematics problems by reading over the problem a number of times and
then writing to find a solution.
7. I can sit still and read and write for long periods of time.
8. I enjoy doing research projects from books and/or the Internet.
9. When reading during class, I can remember a story best if I have the story in front
of me, and I can follow as the teacher or other learners read.
10. I have/would like to have, my own small library at home.


1. Write the total of each section in the boxes below and copy it into your
exercise book:
√ Section A= √ Section B= √ Section C= √ Section D=

A. If your highest total is in Section A, you are almost likely a visual learner.
You remember best by using your eyes.
B. If your highest total is in Section B, you are almost likely an aural learner.
You remember best by using your ears.
C. If your highest total is in Section C, you are almost likely a kinaesthetic
learner. You need movement or activity while you study to remember best.
D. If your highest total is in Section D, you are almost likely a reading and
writing learner. You remember best by reading and writing.
LO Gr.8 Term 1: Week 8, Sub-Topic: Diff. Learning styles.WORKSHEET 4

Read the following scenario/case study:

Cindy loves nothing as much as going to the movies with her
friends, hanging out in cosy coffee shops afterwards and chatting
about everything and nothing. She’s the one in the way-out red,
purple and orange skirts and tops, and gives expression to her
artistic nature by redecorating her room every so often and designing interesting
wardrobes for her friends. She never tires of touching and rearranging her
favourite objects, and it gives her a thrill afterwards to sit back and look at her
handiwork. Cindy is forever doodling (drawing little pictures all over) and
daydreaming, seeing pictures of herself as a successful artist one day with clients
flocking to buy her paintings.
Decide what type of learner Cindy is: visual, aural, kinaesthetic, or reader/writer.
Or is she perhaps a combination of more than one?

Complete the following table to decide. List each of Cindy’s characteristics under
the appropriate heading, then see where most of her characteristics fall.
(Life Orientation for the real world, LB. p.80)
Likes going to movies;
Likes hanging out in cosy coffee shops;
Colourful clothes (way-out red, purple and orange skirts)
Redecorating her room;
Designing wardrobes;
Watching her own decorating efforts;

Doodling, seeing pictures.

Likes to chat about everything and nothing.

Touching and rearranging her favourite objects.



CONCLUSION: Cindy is mostly __visual______________________________

LO Gr.8 Term 1: Week 8, Sub-Topic: Diff. Learning styles.WORKSHEET 4


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