CCS 2112 Introduction To Computer Programming OUTLINE BCS

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Introduction to Programming Course Outline

Unit Code & Name CCS 2112: Introduction to computer Programming

Prerequisite None
Cohort BCS Y1S1 Sept - Dec 2023
Lecturer Oyuuh (Mr.)
Contact Phone:0733805617

The course objective is to develop programming skills through the use of C as the core language.
The purpose is to prepare students for subsequent courses in both computer science and other
science areas. Students will learn program design, control structures, data types, arrays,
algorithms, documentation, testing, debugging;

Learning outcomes
By the end of the course, the students should be able to:
i. Describe the generations of programming languages;
ii. analyze problems and implement basic algorithms and write a program solution;
iii. utilize the control structures in computer programming; and
iv. Develop, debug and test application programs

Course Description
An overview of programming languages: classification, Characteristics. Program
development cycle. Introduction to modules and modularity. Algorithmic problem solving:
flow charts, pseudo code. Problem solving strategies: top-down and bottom-up
decomposition. Programming concepts: variables, functions, data types, expressions, operators,
control structures, functions, arrays, pointers, unions and structures. Good programming
practices: style and conventions. Libraries, testing and debugging programs. Use languages
such as C, Pascal e.t.c .

Delivery Methodology
Lectures, laboratory exercises, assignments and projects
Learning Resources
Books, Computers, Internet, Journals Software required Whiteboard and Markers

Course Content
WK1 Introduction to  Definition of programming terminologies
Programming  Generation of programming languages
 Steps in developing computer program
WK2 C Programming  C program structure
concepts  Library/ header files
 Input/ output functions
 Operators (arithmetic, relational and logical)
WK3 Variables and  Definition
constants  Declaration
 Data types
 Initialization
 Writing programs using variables and constants

WK4 Decision Control  Defining if statement
structures  Using switch case statement
 Working with relational operators
WK5 CAT 1  Designing a for loops
Loop structures  Using while loops
 Creating do…while loops
WK6 Arrays  Defining array
 Declaring array
 Initializing arrays
 Manipulating data in array
WK7 Functions  Definition
 Declaration
 Calling a function
 Call by value vs call by reference
WK8 Data Structures  Declaration
 Manipulating data using structures
WK9 Pointers  Initializing pointers
 Using pointer operators
 Manipulating data using pointers
WK10 CAT 2  Built in functions
Built in functions  Library files and their functions
 Math functions
 String functions
WK11 File handling  Creating file in C
 Working with file modes
 Reading from a file
WK12 Errors in C  Types of errors
 Syntax errors
 Run time errors
 Logical errors
WK13 Programming  Programming Project presentations
WK14 Programming  Programming Project presentations
Project  Revision

Course Assessment
Continuous Assessment Tests 30%
End of Semester Examination 70%

List of Practicals:

Laboratory 1: IDE

Laboratory 2: Variables

Laboratory 3: Constants

Laboratory 4: If statement

Laboratory 5: Loops

Laboratory 6: Arrays

Laboratory 7: Structures

Laboratory 8: Pointers

Laboratory 9: File handling

Course Textbooks

Deitel, H &Deitel, P. (2012). C How to Program (7thed.). Prentice Hall. ISBN: 01322990448.

Kochan, S. G (1994) Programming in ANSI C. SAMS Publishing. ISBN: 0672303396

Course Journals

Science of Computer Programming - Elsevier

Reference Textbooks

Kernighan, B. & Ritchie, D. M. (1989) The C Programming Language (2nd ed.) Prentice Hall,
274 pp. ISBN 0-13-110362-8.

Reference Journals

Journal of Functional Programming

Referencing style

American Psychological Association (APA)

Approved by: _______________________ Signature: ________________ Date: ____________

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