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::. [See rule 178]
Audit report under section 12A(b) of the Income-tax Act, 196], in the case of charitable or religious trusts or institutions

1 have examined the balance sheet of THE AMERICAN INDIA F UNDATION TRUST, AAATT9160G [name and PAN of
the trust or institution] as at 31103/2015 and the Profit and loss account for the year ended on that date which are in agreement
with the books of account maintained by the said trust or institution.
Ihave obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of~ knowledge and beliefwere necessary for the purposes
of the audit. In ~ opinion, proper books of account have been kept by the head office and the branches of the abovenamed trust
visited by ~ so far as appears from ~ examination of the books, and proper Returns adequate for the purposes of audit have
been received from branches not visited by me , subject to the comments given below:
In ~ opinion and to the best of ~ information, and according to information given to m , the said accounts give a true and
fair view-
(i) in the case of the balance sheet, of the state of affairs of the above named trust as at 3 L/03/20L5 and
(ii) in the case of the profit and loss account, of the profit or loss of its accounting year ending on 31103120]5
The prescribed particulars are annexed hereto.

Date 01109/20]5
Membership Number
FRN (Firm Registration Number)

Statement of particulars

1. Amount of income of the previous year applied to 18638211

charitable or religious purposes in India during that year (
2. Whether the trust has exercised the option under clause No
(2) of the Explanation to section 11(1)? lfso, the details
of the amount of income deemed to have been applied to
charitable or religious purposes in India during the previous
year (~)
3. Amount of income accumulated or set apart for application Yes
to charitable or religious purposes, to the extent it does not 29357652
exceed 15 per cent of the income derived from property
held under trust wholly for such purposes. ( ~)
4. Amount of income eligible for exemption under section No
II (I )(c) (Give details)
S. Amount of income, in addition to the amount referred to 0
in item 3 above, accumulated or set apart for specified
purposes under section I 1(2) ( ~)
6. Whether the amount of income mentioned in item 5 above Not Applicable
has been invested or deposited in the manner laid down in
section 11(2)(b)? Ifso, the details thereof.
7. Whether any part of the income in respect of which an No
option was exercised under clause (2) of the Explanation to
section I I (J) in any earl ier year is deemed to be income of
the previous year under section 11(IB)? Ifso, the details
thereof ( ~)
8. Whether, during the previous year, any part of income accumulated or set apart for specified purposes under section
II (2) in any earlier year-
(a) has been applied for purposes other than charitable or No
religious purposes or has ceased to be accumulated or
set apart for application thereto, or
(b) has ceased to remain invested in any security referred No
to in section II (2)(b)(i) or deposited in any account
referred to in section I I (2)(b)(i i) or section II (2)(b)
(iii), or
(c) has not been utilised for purposes for which it was No
accumulated or set apart during the period for which
it was to be accumulated or set apart, or in the year
immediately following the expiry thereof? If so, the
details thereof
I. Whether any part of the income or property of the trust was lent, or continues to be lent, No
in the previous year to any person referred to in section 13(3) (hereinafter referred to in
this Annexure as such person)? If so, give details of the amount, rate of interest charged
and the nature of security, ifany.
2. Whether any part of the income or property of the trust was made, or continued to be No
made, available for the use of any such person during the previous year? If so, give
details of the property and the amount of rent or compensation charged, ifany.
3. Whether any payment was made to any such person during the previous year by way of No
salary, allowance or otherwise? If so, give details
4. Whether the services of the trust were made available to any such person during the No
previous year? If so, give details thereof together with remuneration or compensation
received, if any
5. Whether any share, security or other property was purchased by or on behal f of the trust No
during the previous year from any such person? Ifso, give details thereof together with
the consideration paid
6. Whether any share, security or other property was sold by or on behalf of the trust No
during the previous year to any such person? Ifso, give details thereof together with the
consideration received
7. Whether any income or property of the trust was diverted during the previous year in No
favour of any such person? If so, give details thereof together with the amount of income
or value of property so diverted
8. Whether the income or property of the trust was used or applied during the previous year No
for tile benefit of any such person in any other manner? If so, give details

S. Name and address of Where the concern is a Nominal value of the Income from the Whether the amount
No the concern company, number and investmentfe) investmentt") in col. 4 exceeded 5
class of shares held per cent of the capital
of the concern during
the previous year-say,

Date 01109/2015
Name MAHE H K!/tj~'"=~::::::~~--,
Membership Number 088236
FRN (Firm Registration Number) 009668N
Address 66/2253 SAR

Form Filing Details

Revision/Original Original
The American India Foundation Trust
Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2015
(All amounts in Indian Rupees)
As at As at
Funds employed Schedule 31 March 2015 31 March 2014
Corpus fund 1 1,000.00 1,000.00
Capital Fund 2 19,118,780.00 21,886,724.00
General Fund 3 6,794,824.08 3,713,721.00
Unutilized funds 4 81,958,804.40 44,892,713.02

Total 107,871,408.48 70,494,158.02

Represented by
Fixed Assets 5
Gross Block 110,784,183.66 99,996,641.66
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 91,669,404.83 78,113,918.39
Net Block 19,114,778.83 21,882,723.27

Current assets, loans and advances

Cash and bank balance 6 84,217,213.77 46,509,281.62
Loans, advances & deposits 7 7,678,697.64 8,567,366.13
91,895,911.41 55,076,647.75
Less: Current Liabilites and provisions 8 3,139,281.76 6,465,213.00
Net current assets 88,756,629.65 48,611,434.75

Total 107,871,408.48 70,494,158.02

Significant accounting policies and notes to the accounts 13

The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the balance sheet.

for The American India Foundation Trust

Place: New Delhi

The American India Foundation Trust

Income and Expenditure account for the year ended 31 March 2015
(All amounts in Indian Rupees)

For the year ended For the year ended

Schedule 31103/2015 31/03/2014

Grants Utilized 9 175,594,575.63 149,303,270.00
Other Income 10 3,079, I03.00 1,762,050.00
178,673,678.63 151,065,320.00

Program Expenses II 159,116,003.35 131,374,580.00
Administrative & General Expenses 12 16,478,572.20 17,928,690.00
175,594,575.55 149,303,270.00

Excessl (Deficit) of income over Expenditure for the year 3,079,1 03.08 1,762,050.00
Excess of Income over Expenditure brought forward 3,508,653.98 1,746,603.98
Excess oflncome over Expenditure Carried forward 6,587,757.06 3,508,653.98

Significant accounting polocies and notes to the accounts 13

The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the income and expenditure account.

for The American India Foundation Trust

Place: New Delhi

Dated: 01.09.2015
The American India Foundation Trust
Schedules to the Balance Sheet
(All amounts in Indian Rupees)
As at As at
31103/2015 31103/2014

Schedule 1: Corpus Fund( INDIAN)

Balance at the beginning and end of the year 1,000.00 1,000.00

1,000.00 1,000.00

Schedule 2: Capital Fund

From Foreign Fund
Opening Balance 12,949,678.00 16,025,689.00
Add: Fixed Assets as per contra 3,720,513.00 6,506,443.00
Less:Fixed Assets depreciation 6,150,938.00 9,582,454.00
Less: WDV Fixed Assets Transferred
Add: Transferred from Unutilized

Total 10,519,253.00 12,949,678.00

From Indian Fund

Opening Balance 8,937,046.00 265,469.00
Add: Transferred from Unutilized Fund
Add: Purchase Of Fixed Asset 7,067,029.00 12,531,674.00
Less: Fixed Assets Depreciation 7,404,548.00 3,860,097.00
Total 8,599,527.00 8,937,046.00

Grand Total 19,118,780.00 21,886,724.00

Schedule 3: General Funds

From Indian Fund

Opening Balance 3,713,721.00 1,951,671.00

Add: excess of income over expenditure 3,079,103.08 1,762,050.00

Total 6,792,824.08 3,713,721.00

Grand Total 6,792,824.08 3,713,721.00

Schedule 4: Unutilized Funds

a) Foreign Fund
Opening Balance 11,382,214.13 I 1,275,934.00
Add: Grants received during the year 154,029,050.10 116,375,229.57
Add: Grant received In Kind
Add: Mise Income 32,960.00
Add: Sale of Fixed Assets
Add:Jnterest Income from Foreign funds 5,666,094.07 1.825.578.13
Less: Utilized during the year 139,550,830.08 I 18.I27,488.00
Less: Transferred to Capital Fund
Unutilized Balance 31,526,528.22 11,382,213.70
b) Indian Funds
Restricted Fund
Opening Balance 26,235,227.32 15,428,064.32
Add: received during the year 52,541,728.10 41,955,687.00
Add: Transferred from Unristricted
Less: Transferred to Capital Fund
Less: Utilized during the year 36,030,077.47 31,148,524.00
Unutilized balance (a) 42,746,877.95 26,235,227.32

Unrestricted Fund
Opening balance 7,275,272.00 6,599, 110.00
Add: received during the year 423,794.31 703,420.00
Less: Transferred to Unristricted
Less: Utilized during the year 13,668.08 27,258.00
Unutilized Balance (b) 7,685,398.23 7,275,272.00

unutilized balance (a) + (b) 50,432,276.18 33,510,499.32

Grand Total 81,958,804.40 44,892,713.02

Schedule 6: Cash & Bank Balance As at As at

31103/2015 31/03/2014
Cash In Hand
Foreign Funds 37,207.00 24,181.00
Indian Funds 1,887.00 30,840.00
39,094.00 55,021.00
Bank Balances
'HSBC SB Alc. No. 051499119007 (FCRA) 9,175,322.39 4,843,456.62
'PNB SB Alc No. 1988000102897186(FCRA) 841,174.90 400,233.30
'Fixed Deposits with Bank 17,680,000.00 6,680,000.00
27,696,497.29 11,923,689.92
'HSBC SB Alc. No. 051499119006 (INDIAN) 3,106,731.58 25,328,616.40
'ICICI Bank (Indian) 168,312.00
'PNB SB Alc No. 1988000102940619 (Indian) 4,599,890.90 2,858,642.30
Fixed Deposits with Banks 48,775,000.00 6,175,000.00
Total 56,481,622.48 34,530,570.70

Grand Total 84,217,213.77 46,509,281.62

FIXED ASSETS Figure in Rupees
Particulars Total Addition Addition Assets Trf. Total Upto Depricia tion During the Yr. Upto As At As At
01104/2014 before 30.09.14 after 30.09.14 During The Year 31/0312015 31/0312014 Written Off 31/03/2015 3110312015 3110312014

Computers 76,432,040.66 t,350,880 1,111,350 - 78,894,271 69,895,030.54 - 5,066,\39 74,961,170 3,933,101 6,537,010.12

Computer-Software 1,352,129 1,352,129 1,290,849.50 36,768 1,327,618 24,512 61,280.00

Furniture & Fixtures 2,279,113 110,788 6,205 2,396,106 569,391.60 182,361 751,753 1,644,353 1,709,721.40

Office Equipments 6,579,793 1,125,640 15,650 7,721,083 1,942,126.65 - 865,670 2,807,796 4,913,287 4,637,666.35
Sub Total (A) 86,643,075.66 2,587,308 1,133,205 90,363,589 73,697,398.29 6,150,938 79,848,336 10,515,252 12,945,677.87

Computers 13,171,754 6,955,977 20,127,731 4,346,021.80 7,382,232 11,728,254 8,399,477 8,825,732.20

Furniture & Fixtures 57,281 27,252 84,533 16,708.50 5,420 22,128 62,405 40,572.50

Office Equipments 124,531 83,800 208,331 53,789.80 16,8% 70,686 137,645 70,741.20

Sub Total(B) 13,353,566 - 7,067,029 - 20,420,595 4,416,520.10 - 7,404,548 11,821,069 8,599,526 8,937,045.90

I Grand Total (A)+(B) I 99,996,641.66 I 2,587,308 I 8,200,234 I - I 110, 784,184 I 78,113,918.39 I - I 13,555,486 I 91,669,405 I 19,114,779 I 21,882,723.77
I Previous Year I 80,958,524.66 I 2,193,917 16,844,200 I - I 99,996,641.66 I 64,671,367.39 I - I 13,442,551 78,113,918.39 I 21,882,723.27 I 16,287,157.3
· .
Schedule 7: Loans, Advances & Deposits

Advances Towards
Digital Equaliser Advances 73,458.00 323,458.00
Education Prog, Advances 9,725.00
Service Corps Advances(CF (10,000.00) 90,000.00
Livelihood Prog Advances 1,281,674.00 1,246,000.00
Other Advances (3,252.00) 1,500.00
Advance: Staff 474,139.00 347,458.00
Advance:Other Than Staff 24,201.00 127,316.00
CF Fellow Advance 11-12
Grant Receivables AIF
Interst Receivable HSBC 261,177.36 273,300.91
Interst Receivable PNB 130,496.00
Accrued Int. on FDR at CBI 19,161.00 294.177.23
Security Deposit Rent with TN office 60,000.00
Security Deposit Rent with Gujrat 10,000.00
Security deposits Gas Cylinder 1,000.00 1,000.00
Security deposits: Rent 638,865.00 638,865.00
TDS Receivable 1,251,805.00 870,207.00
4,222,448.81 5,182,027.14


Advances Towards
Digital Equaliser (22,936.00) 22,885.00
Education Prog,
Service Corps (CF prog) 732,734.00 1,242,734.00
Advances to Others 89,273.00 281,298.00
Advance:Staff 17,485.00
Housing Deposit 126,000.00
CF:Security Deposits:Fellow 450,000.00
Security Deposit 163,000.00
Interest Receivables 1,370,470.83 1,306,496.99
TDS receivables 530,222.00 516,925.00
3,456,248.83 3,385,338.99

Grand Total 7,678,697.64 8,567,366.13


Schedule 8: Current Liabilites & Provisions

Expenses payable Towards
Digital Equaliser Liabilites (70,560.00) 96,691.00
Education Prog. Liabilites
ervice Corps Liabilites
Public Health Prog Advances (16,970.00)
Communication Prog, Liabilities 15,169.00
Administration Expenses payable 629,759.00 66,217.00
Provident fund payable 295,317.00
Payables 844,752.00 2,721,886.00
TDS Payable for current year 712,887.00 771,449.00
Provisions Payable 108,267.00 1,954,030.00
Total 2,208,135.00 5,920,759.00

CF programme payables 48,694.00 324,636.00
CF:Security Deposits:Fellow 85,000.00 45,000.00
Digital Equaliser Payable (Dell Project) (182,243.24) 48,849.00
Duties & Taxes 147,175.00 35,889.00
Security deposit other (102,000.00)
Other Payables 723,402.00 90,080.00
Gratuity Payable 211,119.00
Total 931,146.76 544,454.00

Grand Total 3,139,281. 76 6,465,213.00

The American lndia Foundation Trust
Schedules to the Income & Expenditure Account
(All amounts in Indian Rupees)

For the year ended For the year ended

2015 2014

Schedule 9: Grants Utilized

Opening Fund
Restricted opening balance 26,235,227.32 15,428,064.00
Add: Grants Received during the year 45,585,751.10 41,955,687.00
Add: Grants received in kind 6,955,977.00
Add: Transfered from Unrestricted
Less: Transferred to Capital Fund
Less: Carried Forward/Unutilized 42,746,877.95 26,235,227.00
Utilized 36,030,077.47 31,148,524.00

Unrestricted opening balance 7,275,272.00 6,599,110.00

Add: Grants received during the year 423,794.31 703,420.00
Less: Transferred to Unristricted
Less: Carried ForwardlUnutilised 7,685,398.23 7,275,272.00
Utilized 13,668.08 27,258.00

Total 36,043,745.55 31,175,782.00

Opening Restricted Unutilized 11,382,214.13 11,275,934.00
Unrestricted Grants during the year 40,885.00
Sale of Fixed Asset
Add:Misc income 32,960.00
Add:Restricted Grants received during the year 154,029,050.10 116,334,345.00
Add: Bank Interest received 5,666,094.07 1,825,578.13
Less: Transferred to Capital Fund
Less: Carried Forward/Restricted Unutilized 31,526,528.22 11,382,214.13
Utilized 139,550,830.08 118,127,488.00

Grand Total 175,594,575.63 149,303,270.00

Schedule 10: Other Income

Bank Interest 3,079,103.00 1,747,550.00
Miscellaneous Income 14,500.00

Foreign Funds

Grand Total
- .
Schedule 11: Program Expenses
Foreign Funds
The Digital Equaliser Programme 45,680,855.00 57,363,811.00
Education Prog. Expenses 7,230,556.00 11,514,596.00
Veer Programe Expense 2,128,100.38
Adobe youth voice Prog. Expenses 10,510,535.00
03 Prog. Expenses 237,163.00
Service Corps Prog. Expenses 3,583,072.00 3,337,785.00
Communication Prog. Expenses 2,940,679.00 2,884,011.00
Leadership prog expenses 2,994,941.00 2,676,957.00
Livelihood Prog. Expenses 11,169,863.00 15,106,644.00
Public Health Programme Expenses 3,159,131.00 2,872,652.00
Grant Disbursed 33,451,030.50 4,469,600.00
123,085,925.88 100,226,056.00
Indian Funds
Digital Equaliser Programme 19,200,000.76 16,186,643.00
Education prog exp 7,631,712.00
Livelihood Prog. Expenses 2,166.00 302,856.00
Service Corps Prog. Expenses(CF pro g) 8,526,823.00 7,027,313.00
Grants paid 8,078,260.00
Veer project Expenses 222,827.71
36,030,077.4 7 31,148,524.00
Grand Total 159,116,003.35 131,374,580.00

Schedule 12: Administrative & General Expenses

Foreign Funds
Administration expenses 16,464,904.20 17,901,432.00

Indian Funds
Administrative expenses 13,668.00 27,258.00
Total 16,478,572.20 17,928,690.00
Schedules to the balance sheet and income and expenditure account
(All amounts in Indian rupees)

Schedule 13 Notes to accounts

I. Overview
The American India Foundation Trust is an autonomous public charitable trust
registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 vide Reg. number 236 in Book No.4,
Vol No. 1854, under section 12Aof income tax act vide number DIT(E)/2003-
04/T-80010311498 dated 17.02.2004, w.e.f. 09.01.2003, under section 80G(5)(vi)
vide number DIT(E)/2011-12/1018- DEL- TE 22985-18082011 dated 18.08.2011,
under Foreign Contribution Regulations act 2010 vide number 231660510 dated
17.11.2004. Trust was incorporated in the year 2002 to carry out charitable
activities in terms of the objectives for which the Trust was formed. The charitable
services in the areas of educations, livelihoods, public health, empowerment and
community development services in the various states of India

II. Significant Accounting Policies

(i) Basis of preparation of financial statements

The Financial statements have been prepared and presented under the historical
cost convention on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with the with
applicable accounting standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India(lCAI) to the extent applicable. The financial statements are prepared in
Indian rupees, rounded off to the nearest rupee.

(ii) Use of estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with the generally accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions
that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of
contingent liabilities on the date of the financial statements and reported amounts
of income and expenditure for the year. Actual results could differ from those
estimates. Any revision to accounting estimates is recognized prospectively in
current and future periods.

(iii) Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets are stated at cost of construction! acquisition. Cost is inclusive of
Freight, duties, levies and any directly attributable cost of bringing the assets to
their working condition for intended use. Assets purchased out of specific
purpose grants are charged to the respective fund and capitalized at the end of
(iii) Depreciation
Depreciation on Fixed Assets is charged on Written Down Value (WDV) method
at the rates and in the manner provided in the Income Tax Act, 1961.

(iv) Revenue Recognition

Revenue from General Purpose donations is recognized on the date on which the
donation is received by the Trust.
(v) Grants / Donations/ Designated Funds
Grants/ Donations/ Fund received for a particular project are recognized in the
Income & Expenditure Account over the period necessary to match them with
related costs, which they are intended to compensate. The unutilized Grants/
Donations/ Funds are reflected as a part of Un utilized Grants.

(vi) Foreign currency transactions

Foreign currency transactions are recorded using the exchange rates prevailing on
the dates of the respective transactions.

(vii) Provisions and contingent liabilities

The Trust creates a provision when there is a present obligation as a result of a past
event that probably requires an outflow of resources and a reliable estimate can be
made of the amount of the obligation. A disclosure for a contingent liability is
made when there is a possible obligation or a present obligation that may, but
probably will not require an outflow of resources. Where there is possible
obligation or a present obligation in respect of which the likelihood of outflow of
resources is remote, no provision or disclosure is made.
The Trust has entered into an agreement with Lending institutions for Micro
Finance of Rickshaw's under the Rickshaw Sangh program. Investments in the
form of FDR are marked as FLDG (First Loss Default Guarantee) in favor of the
lending institution as security for repayment of loan/interest/ charges on loans
advanced to the extent of 10% of loans advanced, subject to the value of FLDG

(viii) Employee Benefits

The Trust makes contribution to statutory provident fund accordance with
Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 which is
defined contribution plan and Company contribution is recognized as an expense
in the period in which services are rendered by the employee.
There is a Gratuity Trust for payment of Gratuity benefits and during the year Rs.
650000/- has been debited as expense as contribution to the approved Gratuity
Trust. The Trust accounts for encashment of accumulated leave of employee on
payment basis, as and when the employee leaves or retires.
The Trust has also invested in LIC Group Insurance Scheme Rs. 50000/-as EDLI.
III. Notes to Accounts

(i) The Trust has during the year adopted accrual basis of accounting.

(ii) The Trust has charged cost of fixed assets to respective project! expense account
at the time of purchase. At the year end total cost of Fixed Assets purchased
during the year is transferred to Fixed Assets account with corresponding increase
in Capital Fund by way of a contra entry.
(iii) The trust has not charged depreciation to profit and loss account in the current
year for the Fixed Assets acquired in Indian accounts as well Foreign funds.

(iv) No provision for taxation has been made as the Trust is registered under Section
12 A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and claims exemption under Section 11 of the
Income Tax Act, 1961.

(v) The following amounts ofFDs are under FLDG (Fist loss default guarantee) to the
lending institution for the Rickshaw Sangh program.
a) Rs. 10 Lacs with BOM
b) Rs. 26 Lacs with BMB
c) Rs. 41.75 Lacs with Central Bank of India
d) Rs. 31.80 Lacs with uca Bank

(vi) The trust maintains separate set of accounts for Foreign Contributions as required
under Rule 16 of Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2011

(vii) The previous year figures have been regrouped or rearranged wherever necessary,
the figures have been rounded off to the nearest rupee.

(viii) Schedules 1-12 form a part of the Balance Sheet & Income and Expenditure
Account of the Trust, read with notes to accounts as Schedule -13.

For Mahesh Kumar & Company for The American India Foundation Trust
I •

CA M'a1JeshKumar;
. L.r •.~.~
Propneto .. ~...".)
Place: New Delhi
Date: 01-09-2015

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