Test Chapter 2 Sherlock

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Here are 40 multiple-choice questions based on the given story, each with four answer
options. The correct answer for each question is indicated with [Correct Answer].

1. Who approached McFarlane and asked for help?

a) Mr. Holmes

b) Inspector Lestrade

c) Mr. Jonas Oldacre

d) McFarlane himself

[Correct Answer: Mr. Jonas Oldacre]

2. Why did McFarlane find it surprising to see Mr. Jonas Oldacre?

a) Oldacre was his long-lost relative.

b) Oldacre was a famous lawyer.

c) Oldacre had moved to Norwood.

d) McFarlane's parents were friends with Oldacre.

[Correct Answer: McFarlane's parents were friends with Oldacre.]

3. What did Mr. Jonas Oldacre ask McFarlane to do?

a) Copy his will

b) Solve a mystery

c) Investigate a crime

d) Write a novel

[Correct Answer: Copy his will]

4. What was McFarlane's occupation?

a) Doctor

b) Lawyer

c) Detective

d) Writer

[Correct Answer: Lawyer]

5. Where did Mr. Jonas Oldacre live?

a) Blackheath
b) Norwood

c) London Bridge

d) Baker Street

[Correct Answer: Norwood]

6. What did Mr. Oldacre want to show McFarlane at his house?

a) Paintings

b) Money

c) Papers

d) Jewels

[Correct Answer: Papers]

7. How did McFarlane leave Mr. Oldacre's house?

a) Through the front door

b) Through a window

c) Through the basement

d) Through the garage

[Correct Answer: Through the French windows in the bedroom]

8. Where did McFarlane spend the night after visiting Mr. Oldacre's house?

a) Anerley Arms hotel

b) Baker Street

c) Deep Dene House

d) Blackheath

[Correct Answer: Anerley Arms hotel]

9. How did McFarlane learn about Mr. Oldacre's death?

a) From the housekeeper

b) From the newspaper

c) From Mr. Holmes

d) From the police

[Correct Answer: From the newspaper]

10. What did McFarlane promise Mr. Oldacre when leaving his house?

a) To visit him again

b) To write a book about him

c) To tell his parents about the will

d) To keep everything a secret

[Correct Answer: To keep everything a secret]

11. Where did Holmes say he needed to go?

a) Blackheath

b) Norwood

c) London Bridge

d) Baker Street

[Correct Answer: Blackheath]

12. Why was Mr. Oldacre's writing difficult to read in some places?

a) He had poor handwriting.

b) The ink was smudged.

c) The paper was torn.

d) The train was moving.

[Correct Answer: The train was moving]

13. How many stops did the train make between Norwood and London Bridge?

a) None

b) One

c) Two

d) Three

[Correct Answer: One]

14. Who stayed in the room with Holmes and Watson?

a) McFarlane

b) Inspector Lestrade
c) Mr. Jonas Oldacre

d) A police officer

[Correct Answer: Inspector Lestrade]

15. What did Holmes and Watson find difficult to read in Mr. Oldacre's papers?

a) The address

b) The will

c) The date

d) The signature

[Correct Answer: The will]

16. Where did McFarlane go with the two policemen?

a) Baker Street

b) Blackheath

c) Norwood

d) Anerley Arms hotel

[Correct Answer: Baker Street]

17. Why did Mr. Oldacre want to keep his visit a surprise?

a) He wanted to play a prank on McFarlane's parents.

b) He didn't want McFarlane's parents to know about the will.

c) He wanted to impress McFarlane with his wealth.

d) He wanted McFarlane to solve a mystery.

[Correct Answer: He didn't want McFarlane's parents to know about the will]

18. What did Mr. Oldacre keep in the safe in his bedroom?

a) Money

b) Jewelry

c) Papers

d) PaintI apologize for the incomplete answer. Here are the remaining questions:

18. What did Mr. Oldacre keep in the safe in his bedroom?
a) Money

b) Jewelry

c) Papers

d) Paintings

[Correct Answer: Papers]

19. How did Mr. Oldacre die?

a) Natural causes

b) Suicide

c) Murder

d) Accidental fall

[Correct Answer: Murder]

20. How did the police initially believe Mr. Oldacre died?

a) Natural causes

b) Suicide

c) Murder

d) Accidental fall

[Correct Answer: Accidental fall]

21. Who did the police suspect of murdering Mr. Oldacre?

a) McFarlane

b) Holmes

c) Watson

d) Inspector Lestrade

[Correct Answer: McFarlane]

22. What was the motive for Mr. Oldacre's murder?

a) Robbery

b) Revenge

c) Jealousy

d) Blackmail
[Correct Answer: Revenge]

23. How did Holmes initially identify the murderer?

a) By analyzing the handwriting

b) By examining footprints

c) By studying the crime scene

d) By interviewing witnesses

[Correct Answer: By analyzing the handwriting]

24. Whose handwriting did Holmes compare Mr. Oldacre's writing to?

a) McFarlane's

b) Watson's

c) Inspector Lestrade's

d) The housekeeper's

[Correct Answer: McFarlane's]

25. What did Holmes conclude about the handwriting?

a) It was a forgery.

b) It was written under duress.

c) It was written by Mr. Oldacre.

d) It was written by McFarlane.

[Correct Answer: It was a forgery]

26. What did Holmes deduce about the body found in the house?

a) It was Mr. Oldacre's body.

b) It was a decoy body.

c) It was McFarlane's body.

d) It was a mannequin.

[Correct Answer: It was a decoy body]

27. How did Holmes explain the murder?

a) McFarlane killed Mr. Oldacre.

b) Mr. Oldacre faked his death.

c) Mr. Oldacre killed himself.

d) A third party killed Mr. Oldacre.

[Correct Answer: A third party killed Mr. Oldacre]

28. How did Holmes prove McFarlane's innocence?

a) By finding the murder weapon

b) By identifying the real killer

c) By producing an alibi

d) By discovering a motive

[Correct Answer: By identifying the real killer]

29. Who was the real killer?

a) Inspector Lestrade

b) Mr. Holmes

c) Mr. Jonas Oldacre

d) McFarlane's fiancée

[Correct Answer: McFarlane's fiancée]

30. What was the motive for the murder?

a) Revenge

b) Robbery

c) Jealousy

d) Self-defense

[Correct Answer: Jealousy]

31. How did Holmes catch the real killer?

a) By setting a trap

b) By following them

c) By finding a confession

d) By analyzing the evidence

[Correct Answer: By setting a trap]

32. Where did Holmes set the trap?

a) Blackheath

b) Norwood

c) Anerley Arms hotel

d) Baker Street

[Correct Answer: Norwood]

33. What was the trap that Holmes set?

a) A fake will

b) A fake murder

c) A fake letter

d) A fake robbery

[Correct Answer: A fake murder]

34. How did Holmes prove McFarlane's innocence with the trap?

a) By catching the real killer

b) By finding the murder weapon

c) By producing an alibi

d) By discovering a motive

[Correct Answer: By catching the real killer]

35. How did Holmes catch the real killer in the trap?

a) By revealing the decoy body

b) By intercepting a letter

c) By solving a riddle

d) By following footprints

[Correct Answer: By revealing the decoy body]

36. How did the real killer react to being caught?

a) They confessed immediately.

b) They tried to escape.

c) They attacked Holmes.

d) They fainted.

[Correct Answer: They tried to escape]

Certainly! Here are the revised questions for 38-40:

38. How did Holmes prevent the real killer from escaping?

a) He locked the doors.

b) He called for backup.

c) He subdued the killer.

d) He blocked the exit.

[Correct Answer: He blocked the exit]

39. What was the fate of the real killer?

a) They were arrested by the police.

b) They were killed during the escape attempt.

c) They managed to escape.

d) Their fate was not mentioned.

[Correct Answer: They were arrested by the police]

40. How did Holmes explain the motive of the real killer?

a) Jealousy over McFarlane's engagement

b) Revenge for a past wrongdoing

c) Financial gain from the will

d) Mental illness

[Correct Answer: Jealousy over McFarlane's engagement]

I hope you find these questions satisfactory!

Конечно! Вот тест на основе 40 слов из текста, каждый с 4 вариантами ответов, где нужно выбрать
правильный ответ:

1. What was McFarlane's profession?

a) Doctor

b) Lawyer

c) Detective

d) Teacher

2. Who asked for Mr. Holmes' help?

a) Lestrade

b) McFarlane

c) Watson

d) Oldacre

3. What did Mr. Oldacre want McFarlane to copy?

a) His diary

b) His will

c) His bank statement

d) His letter

4. What did Mr. Oldacre want to leave to McFarlane?

a) His house

b) His car

c) His money

d) His jewelry

5. Where did McFarlane have to go to see Mr. Oldacre's papers?

a) Blackheath

b) Norwood

c) Baker Street

d) Anerley Arms

6. Who opened the door for McFarlane at Mr. Oldacre's house?

a) Holmes

b) Lestrade
c) Housekeeper

d) Watson

7. Where did McFarlane spend the night after visiting Mr. Oldacre's house?

a) Anerley Arms

b) Blackheath

c) Norwood

d) Baker Street

8. What did Holmes and Watson find difficult to read in Mr. Oldacre's writing?

a) His name

b) His address

c) His will

d) His diary

9. How many times did the train stop between Norwood and London Bridge?

a) Once

b) Twice

c) Three times

d) It didn't stop

10. Who took McFarlane away at the end of the story?

a) Holmes

b) Lestrade

c) Watson

d) Housekeeper

11. What was McFarlane's reaction when he read Mr. Oldacre's will?

a) Astonished

b) Angry

c) Disappointed

d) Indifferent
12. Who was described as a strange little man with white hair and grey eyes?

a) Holmes

b) Lestrade

c) McFarlane

d) Oldacre

13. Where did Mr. Oldacre keep his papers?

a) In the safe

b) In the bedroom

c) In the dining room

d) In the office

14. How did McFarlane leave Mr. Oldacre's house?

a) Through the front door

b) Through the back door

c) Through the French windows

d) Through the basement

15. Where did McFarlane stay the night after visiting Mr. Oldacre's house?

a) Blackheath

b) Norwood

c) Anerley Arms

d) Baker Street

16. What did McFarlane promise Mr. Oldacre?

a) To tell his parents about the will

b) To keep the visit a secret

c) To take care of the housekeeper

d) To return the papers immediately

17. How did Holmes describe Mr. Oldacre's handwriting?

a) Easy to read

b) Difficult to read

c) Impossible to read

d) Illegible

18. Where did Mr. Oldacre write his will?

a) In the office

b) On the train

c) In the hotel

d) At the Anerley Arms

19. Who was waiting for McFarlane at Deep Dene House?

a) Holmes

b) Lestrade

c) Oldacre

d) Housekeeper

20. What did Lestrade think of McFarlane's story?

a) It was true

b) It was false

c) It was interesting

d) It was confusing

21. What did McFarlane want Holmes to do?

a) Solve the murder

b) Clear his name

c) Find the missing papers

d) Arrest Mr. Oldacre

22. What was the name of the hotel where McFarlane stayed?

a) Blackheath Arms

b) Norwood Inn
c) Anerley Hotel

d) Baker Street Lodge

23. Who did McFarlane's parents know?

a) Holmes

b) Watson

c) Oldacre

d) Lestrade

Where did McFarlane work?

a) City of London

b) Baker Street

c) Norwood

d) Anerley Arms

25. What did McFarlane copy from Mr. Oldacre's papers?

a) His signature

b) His address

c) His confession

d) His bank account details

26. How did Mr. Oldacre die?

a) Stabbed

b) Poisoned

c) Shot

d) Strangled

27. Who was the first person to discover Mr. Oldacre's body?

a) Holmes

b) Lestrade

c) McFarlane

d) Housekeeper

28. Where did McFarlane meet Holmes and Watson for the first time?
a) Baker Street

b) Norwood

c) Anerley Arms

d) Blackheath

29. What was the occupation of the person who rented the office next to Mr. Oldacre?

a) Lawyer

b) Doctor

c) Journalist

d) Accountant

30. What did Holmes find in Mr. Oldacre's safe?

a) Money

b) Jewelry

c) Papers

d) A walking stick

31. What did Holmes notice about the stairs in Mr. Oldacre's house?

a) They were dusty

b) They were broken

c) They were carpeted

d) They were wet

32. How did Mr. Oldacre plan to make it look like McFarlane committed the murder?

a) By planting his fingerprints

b) By dressing him in Oldacre's clothes

c) By leaving a note with his name

d) By hiding the murder weapon in his bag

33. What did Holmes find when he examined the safe deposit at the hotel?

a) Mr. Oldacre's will

b) McFarlane's confession
c) A newspaper article about the murder

d) A hidden compartment

34. How did Holmes know that McFarlane was innocent?

a) He found the real murderer

b) McFarlane had an alibi

c) He discovered a hidden motive

d) McFarlane passed a lie detector test

35. What did Holmes find inside the train compartment?

a) Blood stains

b) A murder weapon

c) McFarlane's bag

d) A torn will

36. What was the occupation of the person who shared the train compartment with McFarlane?

a) Lawyer

b) Doctor

c) Journalist

d) Inspector

37. How did Holmes and Watson travel to Deep Dene House?

a) By car

b) By train

c) By horse carriage

d) By foot

38. What did Holmes and Watson find at Deep Dene House?

a) Mr. Oldacre's body

b) McFarlane's parents

c) A hidden room

d) The missing papers

39. Who did Holmes suspect of being the real murderer?

a) McFarlane's parents

b) The housekeeper

c) Lestrade

d) Mr. Oldacre's business partner

40. How did Holmes prove McFarlane's innocence?

a) He found the murder weapon

b) He discovered the real motive

c) He identified the true culprit

d) McFarlane confessed to the crime

Это все 40 вопросов. Надеюсь, что этот тест поможет вам проверить знания и понимание текста.

Конечно! Вот правильные ответы к тесту:

1. b) Lawyer

2. b) McFarlane

3. b) His will

4. a) His house

5. a) Blackheath

6. c) Housekeeper

7. a) Anerley Arms

8. b) His address

9. c) Three times

10. b) Lestrade

11. a) Astonished

12. d) Oldacre

13. a) In the safe

14. c) Through the French windows

15. c) Anerley Arms

16. b) To keep the visit a secret

17. b) Difficult to read

18. c) In the hotel

19. c) Oldacre

20. b) It was false

21. b) Clear his name

22. c) Anerley Hotel

23. d) Lestrade

24. b) City of London

25. a) His signature

26. c) Shot

27. c) McFarlane

28. d) Blackheath

29. d) Accountant

30. c) Papers

31. d) They were wet

32. a) By planting his fingerprints

33. d) A hidden compartment

34. b) McFarlane had an alibi

35. d) A torn will

36. a) Lawyer

37. b) By train

38. c) A hidden room

39. b) The housekeeper

40. c) He identified the true culprit

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