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Title: “How sleep deprivation affects the mood and energy of students in AANS”

Galve, Luke Brylle E.

Apao, Francis Anthony B.


I. Review of Related Literature

-According to Rostam Jalali (2020), the results indicated no significant difference

between sleep quality in achieved and unachieved academic performance. Nevertheless,

longitudinal studies should be performed to control confounding factors to conclude with

more certainty.

-According to Julie Grèzes (2021), the results indicated a significant change in the

person's movement times, their proportion of choice, and their results from the PANAS

positive and negative scores which were all affected by sleep deprivation.

-Kosha J. Mehta (2022) say that sleep and mood influence cognitive functions and

thereby affect academic performance. In turn, these are influenced by a network of regulatory

factors that directly or indirectly affect learning. The compilation of observations clearly

demonstrates the complexity and multifactorial dependence of academic achievement on

students’ lifestyle and physiology, as discussed in the form of factors like age, gender, diet,

hydration level, obesity, sex hormones, circadian rhythm, and genetics.

-Shelley D Hershner and Ronald D Chervin (2014) states that inadequate sleep hygiene is

common, as students often use technology and substances that compromise sleep quality and

quantity. This chronic sleep deprivation may impair academic performance, mood regulation,

and driving safety. Students who attain sufficient sleep may still struggle with sleepiness due

to sleep disorders.

-Jonathon P.R. Scott (2006) states that sleep deprivation can really affect a human being.

Sleep deprivation was also associated with significantly greater negative disturbances to

subjective vigour, fatigue and depression assessed by the Profile of Mood States

questionnaire. Compared to those who have been deprived of sleep alone, individuals that

performed 5 h of intermittent moderate exercise during 30 h of sleep deprivation appeared to

be more vulnerable to negative mood disturbances and impairment in reaction times. This

could result in greater risk of accident due to a reduced capacity to respond quickly.

-According to Natalie Guadiana (2021), she states that lack of sleep or sleep deprivation

can negatively affect academic and clinical performance, as well as generate problems, such

as an increase in medication and procedural errors. Sleep deprivation can have a profound

impact on brain function, mental health, and psychomotor performances.

II. Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Sleep Deprivation Mood and Energy of Student’s

III. Research Hypothesis

Using the variables in the study to determine if sleep deprivation really affects the

students' mood and energy in daily life activities, the researchers will develop the following


H01: Sleep deprivation has no effect on the mood and energy of students during daily life


H02: Sleep deprivation or the quality of sleep has a significant effect on a student's mood and

energy throughout the day and takes a toll on the students’ academic performance.

IV. Definition of Terms

Sleep Deprivation - the situation or condition of suffering from a lack of sleep.

Psychomotor - relating to the origination of movement in conscious mental activity.

Cognition - the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through

thought, experience, and the senses.

Sleep Hygiene - habits and practices that are conducive to sleeping well on a regular basis.

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