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Indispensable- absolutely necessary

Contemplate- think thoughtfully, think about, deep thinking

Pre-eminence- superior, the fact of surpassing all other

Apprehend- understood, perceive or arrest

Transcendental- relating to spirituality or spiritual real

Intrinsic- belonging to nature, inborn, innate

Vouchsafed- granting

Condescending- giving superiority, patronizing

Courteous – polite

Exalted- high

Admonish- warn firmly

Beckon – make a gesture

Injunction- an authoritative warning

Mundane- earthly, lacking interest


Chastisement- severe punishment

Covenant- agreement

Perdition- hell

Treacherous- disloyal, traitorous , betrayal

Averse- dislike. Agaisnts

Omnipotent- having unlimited power

Manifest- clear,obvious

Herald- official employed to oversee state ceremonial, precedence, and the use of armorial bearings,
and (historically) to make proclamations, carry official messages, and oversee tournaments.
Enunciator- express in a clear and definite term.

Bid- offer

Infallibility- wrong

Injunction- an authoritative warning or order

Incumbent- necessary for someone as a duty

Ordained – order officially

Quintessence – a perfect example of quality, a refined essence of a substance.

Envisaged- a mental picture

Piety- the quality of being religious

Endeavour – try

Prelude- opening

Volition- power of using one own will

Asceticism- avoiding indulgence or severe self discipline on religious basis

Abode- residence , home

Vehement – strong

Alms _ zakat

Supererogation – nawafil

Manisfestation - display, show

Reverence – deep respect for someone

Fidelity – faithfulness , obedience,

Tithe pronounced as thaife means 1/10 of the annual income to clergy and church as a text or other

Ravine – a narrow steep, ghatii

Lewdness - indecency

Enjoined - instruct

Absolve – discharge,

Congregation – a group of people gathered for religious purpose, “ijtimaye”

Prostration – sajjda,
Extol – praise

Exalted – happiness, extreme level of happiness

Supplication – the state of asking or begging for something humbly

Zenith – the time at which something is more powerful or high

Usury – unreasonable high interest

Tether – rope used to tie an animal

Scrutiny - -deep observation and examination

Benediction – the utterance of blessing at the end of religious act

Doom - destruction or terrible fate

Abounding – plentiful, abundant

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