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October 4, 2011


Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at 6:04 PM. Eighteen members were in attendance, including all board members.


Executive Committee Reports

a. President Angela Henthorn welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for coming. She thanked all that attended the Primary Family Weenie Roast and encouraged all to attend next year if theyre able. It was a very fun event. b. Vice-President Mike Sudia had nothing to report. c. Secretary Laurel Croft asked that Septembers meeting minutes be read and approved. Bethany Abrams motioned to accept, Mrs. Hadley seconded. Laurel thanked Beth Metheney for taking notes at Septembers meeting, since she was unable to attend. d. Treasurer Beth Metheney submitted a copy of the current Treasurers Report for approval. Mrs. Hadley motioned to accept, Mrs. Kozak seconded.


Principals Report

Mr. Morris thanked everyone for coming. Norton Primarys secretary, Laura Danko, has taken a position with Administration and is no longer working in the building. He wishes her well. Mrs. Harris is currently working in the office.


Committee Reports

a. Acme Community Cash Back Chair David Frantz explained the program; the school receives 5% of the purchase price of certain brands only. The program runs Sept 24 Feb 11. He would like to offer an incentive to the students if we surpass last years profits. The board agreed. He will let the board know what hed like to offer as a prize after further consideration. b. Book Fair & Craft Fair @ Cider Fest Angela explained that the event turned out to be a disappointment. Unfortunately we will not be able to provide funding for field trips with our profit as previously discussed, due to low sales. c. Fall Festival Chair Amy Green was not present. It was explained what activities will be offered. Fall Festival & Basket Raffle profits are what fund the Family Fun events throughout the rest of the school year. Basket donations and RSVPs are due by Fri, Oct 7. Pre-sale tickets for the raffle will go home with students on Mon, Oct 10. Teachers have not received many basket donations so far. Future Family Fun Events may have to be cut if the Basket Raffle doesnt do well. Dana Krizo suggested including suggestions on flyers as to where parents can shop for low cost items to donate. Mrs. Dowling suggested a note on flyers that parents can send cash if theyd prefer, the teachers can shop for basket items for them.

d. Fall Fundraiser Chair Emily Betancourt was unable to attend. Sale ends tomorrow, Oct 5. Profits will go in our General Fund, which funds things such as field trips, teachers conference dinners, technology, etc. Concerns were raised about the timing of the Fundraiser along with asking for Basket Raffle donations. The Basket Raffle funds future Family Fun events, while the Fundraiser profit goes toward the General Fund. It was suggested that we might inform parents that they can opt-out of future fundraisers, and/or that they can send in cash instead of purchasing product. Mr. Morris informed all present that he and the staff are aware of parents hardships and are looking into several grants. e. Market Day Chair Teresa Kozak said that we profited $150 from last months sales. She has received $1,100 in sales this month so far, orders are due on Thurs, Oct 6. There is a $5 coupon available to new customers who shop online. f. School Store Chair Jennifer Matheney was not present. School store grand opening was Sept 30, will be open every Fri at lunch. Volunteers are still needed; we would like to put together a rotating schedule of volunteers. g. Teachers Conference Dinner Chair Dana Krizo said shes still asking for donations of sides and desserts. P.A.C. will provide the main course. Conference Dinner will take place on Oct 13.


Old Business

a. Fall Room Parties - Parties will be on Oct 28 at 2:00. P.A.C. will provide cups, plates and treat bags. Room parents will send home flyers and should check with teachers for any special instructions or classroom allergy information. Treats must be purchased, pre-packaged and sealed not homemade. b. GMC Terrain SUV Raffle Angela attended the meeting concerning the raffle. Per the district, only Angela can sell the tickets. Sale price is $20 a ticket, with $5 going to Norton Primary and the remainder going to a district general fund that has yet to be allocated. P.A.C. will not be pursuing raffle sales. c. November Book Fair & Grand Event The Book Fair will be the week of Nov 14 18, with the Grand Event dinner occurring over three evenings during the Book Fair. Tickets for the dinner will be $2 per person and will be all pre-sale. P.A.C. will provide chicken, jojos and a dessert.


New Business

a. Bylaws Revision Committee P.A.C. Bylaws need revisionthey were last revised in 2003. Wed like to form a revision committee consisting of the P.A.C. board, Mr. Morris, a few staff and a few parents. b. Family Fun @ the YMCA November event has been booked and paid for. Swimming from 6 9 PM, will not be open to the public. Children must be accompanied by a parent; all attending must bring their own towel and wear appropriate swimwear. This is an RSVP only event, so the Y will know how many lifeguards to have on staff. P.A.C. will provide pizza and pop.


Open Discussion

Mr. Dowling questioned our non-profit status. Angela will be looking into that. David Frantz questioned the Teachers Wish List. The teachers present didnt know about the program. Angela explained. We will distribute flyers to all teachers again.

VIII. Upcoming Dates / Close of Business

Meeting adjourned at 7:09 PM.

A motion to adjourn was made by David Frantz, and seconded by Stacie Figley.

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