Valedictorian Speech Edited Final

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Greeting to you all in the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

At first, I give
reverence our Almighty God in our midst through the indwelling of the Holy Spiirt.
Secondly, to Dear Respected director, vice principal, faculties, esteem members from
TCA Singapore, family, friends, well-wisher, invitees, my fellow graduates and
members of the class of 2023.

I am Khartu Preety Monsang from Manipur, a graduate with a degree of Master of

Divinity. I am honoured and humbled to address you all on behalf of the Graduates.

Graduation is a major step in the journey of our lives, one that should be recognized
for its immense significance. It is an act not only of personal commitment, but also
one of delight, dignity and gratification. We all have laboured hard to get to this day
and our labours had not been in vain.

Studying Theology and Music at Golden Crown Theological College is a magnificent

experience, for it opens many doors of opportunities for servants of God who strives
to toil hard, be it in theology and music. Golden Crown theological College has never
seperated theology and music for it itself is grounded on the motto, “Preach the
Word, Sing His Praises.” GCTC is a great learning platform for the called servants of
God who desires the living word of God and take delight in singing His praises.

To my fellow graduates, God has brought us all this far. Yet let us remind ourselves
that graduation is not an end goal in itself, it rather is a part of the larger journey of
life. May we all strive forward wherever God called calls and directs us as an old
hymn says “To the region beyond, I must go.” Life is a journey, and all
accomplishments we achieved during its course should be taken as a launching point,
which projects us to wherever our future are meant to take us, for the expansion and
extension of the kingdom of God.

To all our respected parents, churches, friends, well-wishers, sponsors and love and
dear ones, I on behalf of my fellow graduates express our sincere gratitude. Our
theological and music studies here in GCTC would have been impossible without
Your prayer and financial support, your encouragement, your sacrifices and your love.
The graduates and I, am very confident of this; both they and I, applaud you all.

It is not possible to pen down all our experiences, thoughts and our feelings in this
short piece of paper. Therefore let me conclude with two Bible passages, first from
Philippians 1:6 which says ‘being confident of this, that He who began a good work in
you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus’ and 1 Tim. 4: 12 says
Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for
the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and purity.

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